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Flesherton Advance, 11 Feb 1904, p. 8

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Yeu 11 1904 tflE ILEStiEkTOS AD VAJircB 1W Jlzs^itrtdn Furniture i marerooms* i Wo are carrying the nawost «tyles (if scaHuimble goods in all line* of Furiiiiture, conaioting of : Purlor Hiid boUro-uii siiitR, lounges, siilolioar'la, extmisii'n iind centre tiibleH, cliairh, wiiiJiiw sliiides and curtain poles, picturui, uiiaels, etc., Which we otter at â- Â«Â« LOWSET PRICES ff ricluro Frainiiif; and Geiioral Ke- |>-iiri{ig. I'lidurtnkin'^ in aII its P lii-.iiiclijs. Satisfaction guarantucft. ^ W. ri. Bunt, - - Prop. FaHing out lair If this is till) case, call anil nco us and wn will iiruvcij t it UuiUij so by avplylng our woudcr^ lul ibuiuily. Highly Recommend Wo litivo iiscil its worKltji*fill! P o" mauv ill lliis towu ami suriMundi (district ttiul all who havi) iiiiilur^ono truatin X irecoiu- juoud it vory liijihly. No Cure â€" No| Pay A. WILSON FLESHEUTON Barber 11 «K Preparation ia iK'ccsuary if ynu wish to Buccoetl. If you iotud to tninaaot business iif any kind you would bo na(ily handicap- eJ wit bout a business education. The uiost thoruu^li tiaininu of this kirid^an bu obtained at the OWEN SOUND, ONT. Winter term cnuimencoi Jan. 4tU. Cat- iilo^uo fiee by addressing C A. FLEMING - Principal BIG . . 5T0CK :f»Wi We bavo Just received in atook one of tber^'fiDOBt assortuiduts of BLANKETS AND ROBES jn tlio market and can favor yon wltb any roqulrementB you will need in that lino. AIno a largo coDBi^ument of Imltatlou PERSIAN LAMB COATS. Wo bave a flno collootlon of coats to to select from. All Sold at Lowet Living: Prices IV IMC. 1M[ O O R E Big Bargains AT R. Kinnear & Sons MAXWELL .... WATCH . . This Space Next Week The Markets. Oarcrnlly Corrcr cd Knrh Week OaU 20 -o 27 PeM 62 o 08 Wh«t 70 to 72 lUrlxy . 45 to 46 Autter 16 tu 15 Kf KS freah SO .o 80 r«rk 6 OU ta 8 00 Otiickeiis p«r lb 8 to 10 Durka per lb 7 io 7 Tnakey« p«r IW 13 tc 13 iltm* without liMMia. . • 'o 9 Haf • 00 to e 00 â- HMIvVVv ''^^ • • t • • • <• ^V IV 9p Take cold easily? Throai tender? Lungs weak? Any relatives have consumption? Then a cough means a great Cherry Pectoral deal to you. Follow your doctor's advice and take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It heals, strengthens, prevents. " For 40 years I liaye dependad od Arer'a Ohwrry I'ectoral for couKlis and coldt. I know it KrvatlT stronRtheas woak lunns.*' Una. P. A. ItooiNSOK, Ssliue, Mich. J. C. ArER CO., Low-U. Masg. g 3V..(S(>c., 81.00. p .VII 'IrilKKlnH. t^_ I Weak Lungs if tivataMMUnaa Ayer'9 Pills increase the activity of tn« liver, and thus aid recovery. 1 horoughbred Durham Bull for Service £ord minto, 2006$. Tho undersisned has a fino acod Durham Iliili lor Bprvioi) on lot 141, T. and S. It. Turuif-Sl for (>railo cows, §3 for thorouqh- breds. i'odiareo on aypliciation J.VCOB LKVKK Flosherton P.O BUSINE.SS Cards (t/T'OULiLiOUGH & YOUNO *"• Danker Markdale Oo a Roooral banking business. Monoy loaned a ruusouablu rate Call ou us. RJ BrKOULB Foatmastor, FlesliortOQ ijOnjujisKionor iu II. C. J., Auctioneer Con voyauciir, .Apitraisor and money Louder Iteal Kstato and Insurance Ayunt. Deeds uTortf^ayoH, leases and wills carefully drawn a\> and valuations made ou eliortest notice, money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Col oatious attended to with promptness charges low. Agont for Ocean Dominion StRuuiabip Gompauy. A call solicited. Societies A O U W moots oil tho last Monday " lu eacu month, in their loilgo room, Christoe's block. Flesborton. at 8 p.m. M.W., A. Harrison ; Itecorder, Jas. Felstead ; Finan- cier, W.J. Uehamy. Visitiug bretbrec luviled. PHINCE ARTHTB LODGE, No. 333, A. A M, meets in the Uasouicball. Strain's block, FleshcrtOD, every Friday on or before the full mocn. F H W Hlokliug W M. Obas Munsbaw, BuLretary. COURT FLI5RHEIIT0N, I. O. F. meets In Christoe's Ulook the last Friday evening each month. Visitini; Foresteis heartily rolcome. (3. It., (!. W, llellauiy ; B.C., \V. BuBkiu ; Fln.Kec.Dr E. Murray. (I'ay duos to Dr. Murray on or before last day of,each mouth.) Medical DB OABTBR M P & 8 Ont. Physlolan. l3nrgeon, etc OBlce aud residenceâ€" Peter at., Flesberton DR. SCOTT, M. B.. Maxwell, Ont. K. M. REID, M.D.O.M,, PhyBician,?Burseou and Aocouchrnr, late of N. Y.'l'oat«rad. Medical School. N. Y. IjyiiiR-in Hospital land bt. Luke's (ienoral Hoeuital. Ottawa J P OTTRWELL â- * Veterinary Surgeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, residence â€" second door south west on Mary street. This street raus south Presbyterian Ohuroh. n WILSON "• 'jroduato of tho Veterinary Science Association, liosiilence, Durham street, op- posite Doyd, Hickllug's hardware. Legal J. W. PnOST, L L. M. Rarristor, Solioitor CouTeyancer, eta officeâ€" Next to postofflce, Sproule's block F'.;ihoitou, every Thursds and oonrt days N Hâ€" Owen Sound oQloe, Frost* block Poalett street east. L0CA8, WRIGHT * MeABDLR Harrittors Bolioitors Conveyanoem, etc Officeaâ€" Owsa Sound, Ont and MarkdaleOnt. W H Whioht, McAbdlb 1 II Lucas N Itâ€" FleshertOD office, Mitchell's Hank •very Saturday. MACKAVaSAMPSON .Barrinten, solicitors. (iKKICISa : -Owen Hcunrt, Murchsut's Hank Hlonk, N. of I'att.irson fiouse. Cnndalk aiu Street, every Saturday. Money to loan at 4} per cent. A. G. MACKAY.U.A., B.K. SAMPSON, L.L.D Alwavs In sttendanoa at KInherton and Dandalk Division Court*. Dentistry DR. e C. MURRAY. L, D. B. dental soTgetiB honor graduate of Toronto Unlveriity and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. OMce-Oppotite Armstrong's Jewellery Store. Will Tisfl Maiwell the Ust Wedaesday sfsaeb month, asd Oaadalk 1 aa« I Tkanda la eath aaaM. G)unty Council Condensbd from O. S. papers Messrs iSinitli and Stewart of Meafoid addressed the ciuneil in reference to a j grant of 850 for tho Meafnrd and County of Grey Pouliry Association and the mat- I ter WI13 referi'ed to the Finance coiu- inittees to report upon. The draft of a memorial from the coun- lies of Storinont and Glenijary was sub- I mitted, together with a rrqurst that Grey county join in pctilioninR ihc Legislature to reduce the nuniHer of petit jurors from I 48 lo 36. Referred to Memorial coin- niitte. Messrs. Jaa. Cochrane and Jas. Allen were re-appoiiited uieinbors of the judical board of audit. Theio were five applicants for the pos- ition of county auditors, viz., Messrs. C. A. l''Ieniiiig luid A. F. Armstrong, Owen Sound ; I{ii\>t'rt Agnew, Meaford ; TIkw. Hanbury, Dundalk, iind II. H. Forluno, Ayton. The nanles of- Messrs. . Fleini'.ig and Aanew were inserted in the bylaw, and when it came up for its tliiid reading, Messrs. Allen and Schenk moved that Mr. Fortune's name be submitted for that of .Mr. Aifuew. The resolution, however, was lost on a division and the bylaw was finally passed. Mr. Gordon presented the first repi.rt of tho Cdunly Property coiumittee, which recouiiiiendcd payment of tho following accounts ; Owen Sound Electric Light departinent, SilO ; M. Scully, use of lawn roller in 1902-3, S2 ; Wm Armstrom.', bookcase for law library, S(i7 ; Parker & Co., supplies, ?8.!)5. Report adopted and oruers issued on treasurer. The House of Refuse committe report- ed recommending that fenders be asked for all the neci'.s.''ary supplies, . such as utensils, provisions, etc, and tint'. Mr. Harness, the superintendeiil, and ona of the committee be empowered to purcbaao a span of horses and a couple of cows. The first report of the Education com- mittee was presented by the chairman, Mr. McArthur. It reconinunded ihat the inB[)ectors' repoita be received una in- scribed in the minutes ; also the pHymeni of extra maintet;ance iiccounts from Mea- ford High tdioo! and the 0. S. 0. I , the former beii'g §1,088.85, and the latter S?l,r)47.50 ; alto recommending grunts to continuation classes in the v.irious schools equivalent lo the government piaut in that behalf, viz: South Greyâ€" Durham, «200 ; Hanover, ^100 ; Markdale, fJO ; Dundalk, $50 ; Arteinesia, No. 5, $50 ; No.3, $15 ; lSo.12, $15 ; Glenelg, No. 3, 815 ; Osprey, No. 9, §15; East Grey, Thornburv, J25 ; Collius!»yood, No. 13, 825 ; Euphrasia, No. 1,815 ; North Grey, ilolland aud Sullivan, §25 ; Sarawak, No. 2, 815. Total, $C15, or ii grand total, in- cluding govenimunt i4riiut< of ^1,230. Re- port adopted. Tho Finance committee, J. M. Thom- son, chairman, made these recommenda lions : That an accounb.for 50c. from R. McKnight, searchiua re((i»tiy office, be paid ; that bylaw 448 respecting auction- eers' licenses be annuled so as to conform with bylaw No."639 re hawkers and ped- lars ; that $25 i>e placed in hands of governor of jnil for aid of indigent prisoners, and that the request of Mea- ford Poultry Association for a grant of 850 be laid over to next session for further consideration. Mr. McArthur, chairman of the Educ- ation conmiitteo, presented his second rtport,rocommi'nding that the account of Thus. Gordon for §91, entrance examina- tions at Chatsworth several years ago, be paid. This report was also adopted. A by-law to amend a former by-law in reference to auctioneers' licenses was introduced and passed. Tho change was to eliminate tho necessity of the license being signed by both warden and treasur- er, the sitinat'jro of the latter being deemed sufficient. By-law No. G46 pledging the guarant«e of the county to certain local iinprore- mont debentures issued by various inun- ieipalitie;, which had received its second reading at the November lueetinc; was then taken up and a lengthy discussion ensued, a majority of tho inembera argu- ing that tho step was dangerous in view of the poRstbility of tho debentures of an undesirable nature being issued. All the iiicinbeis participatca, some of whom, including Mesirs. Gordon and McCole- m»u, got a little warm the former threatened that if the by-law did not carry ho would oppose the countyguaran teeing any and every debenture presented for that purpose. Mr. Brown also waxed eloquent in his support of the by-law, expressed regret that his cidlcague, Mr. Patersim, was on the wrong side of the quesi ion, and declared he was prepared tu apend the whole night over the matter if necessary. The ycaa and nays b«ing called, the bylaw was defeated on its third re.tding by 8 to 7, members dividing! as foHows : Yeaâ€" Gortlon, Brown, MoKinnon, McLean, Allen, Bell aud McArthurâ€" 7. Nayâ€" Garvie, Pateraon, Thompson, Shute, Schenk, McColman, Pmtoii and the warden- 8. The bouse of refuge oommltteereeommended that the tender of A. P. Wyvil forth* election of the baru at tha refuge farm bo accepted aud that the proper sefoguaids be provident in an agresmout to be prepared by the solicitor . That cooking ranges )>e added to tbe lUt of equipment to tjadTertised tor and that iu tbe said advertisement or tender msnufaotnrors be required to send marked catalogue with their tenders for several sises, the ten- ders to Inclad* the making of all connection and the supplying of all niatertal necessary to oonueot with hot water boilers with proper sliut off valves, and that the committee having visited the house of refage also reeommsnd that upon the contractor and his sureties stgu- Ing properly exeout»<t agreemeDts that will prwerve iutaot the seoority of thesounty, the inspector may eentiaae •• Issue profreM •etlaiate aertl&oatee, bat ia tke event a( fhe •ontractor aad his sueiiM IkUlac t« slfo apeh FOR ENERGY AND ^STRENGTH-. ANTI-PILI^ Prevalent conditions that go to make people look old and fasten age marks before then- time are descritjed iu tbe fol- Inwins letter from a woman who received im- mediate relief from a sample of AsTl-Pll.l.. " I would wake it the morning feeling tlroi'.. My foct and ankles wouM swell. I had a horrible drapcrtd sensation. My heal achcil as thoufrh it would Imist. My bow- els were iiover I had a disagreeable fccl- loj; of overfulnees after eating. Food would not diti^est, aad caused {(rest distress. Was nervous. I was treated for dyspcp- f ia and coustipatiun witli Jittlc or no relief. A sam- ple of Dr. Leonhardt'S AsTi-I'iLL did nic bo much good I followed up its use. and two boxes has entirely cured ciu." AsTi-l'in. is sold by dni!ri;i';ts, 50 cents, or mailed by addressing \Vii.fOS-i"Ti.B Co., Niaf;- ara Fall.s, Oiit. Free sai.i- ple mailed to any address. I I , â- ,-.,..,. on agrccmuut tho inspector will ba iustr.ioted to euforco the cou(lItlou.s of ihu ori^'inal spec- ittoatiou aud o^reum^ut will retain 25 per cont- uulil the contract ij tinisUy ^.alicu over by tho. representatives of tlia eojnty. Tho memuiial cnrnniittoo rucomrnaadoJ'tbe adoption of a memorial to bs prd^onts I to ihj Legislature asking the repeal of tho recent ameudmenta as placing tno mui;b i)ow.iriii the hands of the lo^:al' maui.'i;iahicis aud recom- mending tho substitntion of a plebi3ci;o to be taken at the annual cle'.ti'.>u3. Tlio uienuriul aUo supgcstoil th;vt tho term of o;ii?.d t>f muni- cipal couuciis be exton-te t to tn'> yuar=i an-t also recoiumeudcj cummulativ'j voting bo a;)- pliedto all votes iu ftuai:c'al roatters. Ou motion of .Mesar..*. OjrJoa an.i Garvie b7" law C-ii was introduced to gtiaraMtoe tho de benturos of the towu cf Owjn Souui t.5 the ex- tent ot ^25,000 for the Rxt^ustou and improvc- meiitof tho gaa and electric li,'Ut platit. The bylaw was liually passe.t on the f illcving vo!;e. Motions were then iutroiluced authorizing the payment of $1 per c'ay to Djngj,!d Mc- Arthur tbe caretaker of tho council tiia-nbnr ; SI per day to V. Oordon, mc^anngjr. and S18 to J, H. Rutherford for tho i>ub!iuMtioa iu Tha Times of a full report of ilio co^'.nuils diacus- sioris and proco*»<iin-:5, fin i that a copy of tlJj puprjr be sent to ail the x>'il)>n'S i:; the ount,'. On motion tlie ex;>easys of thd mjr:;l?6r^' tap to \IarUJale to iriMpeet i-ho bjuso of reiii;;e was ordered to ba p .il ct tho rate cf -?2 oiich Tliu council Ibou adj.inrned until 3 p. m. on Juno Gtb and t'.ijcounoil <li;pOi"S9d ou siuj^iu^; of the .Sa.ionai AirtUeoi. Our Clubblnz List *Advinca, *Ilcrald aud *roronto W.,r:j, d.ily £ Toronto D'.i;v N.-ws V.'eokly Gloii,! ... iM.iil-Einpire Kiiinily HoialJ «S: Stitr Ta-oiito Scar Farmiis Sun All above prices include The A'lv .ind :Moiitri!^l Herald, if p.iid in adv imly. E irly .subsciibtis gib best for their money. 3 25 1 8.> 1 SJ l.SJ 1.8^) l.S) 1.80 inc3 â-  .â- 1!>C«J aiue HESfeM&SIOm^SK^i CUSED WITHOUT CUTTJriG, PfiSN 03 LOSS ePTISB No matter how lonff yrn baTeonffered or how t>arbaroEaly yon iavebeea treated by •orireons, bv enttinsf, etrrlchingaad buroinjr, wo aj;!* yoato itiveatigate out NEW MEfllOD olcnringit. Onrtreatmentis ornflnat wlthoflrsel^-cj, acd Is the result of 30 years* experlcnco la thcsespecial diseases. Tbastricturo tisstio In thocanalls paialcssly absorbed and hcncsromoved forever. Any discharge, which often ac. companlca stricture, disappears, tlie Inflatasd surface ishcal.vl np.allscaldrng'aHd barnlBg Bcnsationsccace; the KIdnoya and Bladder become strong and normal, t ha •exnalorjraua retraia vlffor ?nd vitality and the paticat faelo-as though Uie were wortll living. All ca*»3 are. trsatej tmder a. PQSfTSVS GUMi^PJJSS C^ NO PJ^Vm OTJEZ RSI'W MExnon TS3C ATMEKT leilt cure you, acd makeauan of yon. Under its lalinenco tho brain becoaes active, the blood panhei: so that all pimples»blotchc3 and nlccra heal up; the nerves become strong ao steel, so that nervousnoMibasltfaluess aad despoodency disappear; tho eyea become bright, tho laco fall and clear, enertry returns to tho body,and the moral, physicaland sexaal syotema are ioTigorited; all drains ceaseâ€" no more vftal waste from the system. Tho various organs become nataral and manly. Yoa feel yourself a ciaa aud ka«w marrlagacaanotboalailure. We Invite all thostnictedtocoBsnltnacoafidentiaHy and frea rt charge. Don't let quacka and fakirs rot) you ol yonr hard-earned doUars. WE WILL CUKE YOtJ OR NO PAY. W« treat and c<in» NHUVOUS DEBILITY^, SEXUAL WEAKNESS. EMIS- SIONS, BYPaiLlS. OLEET, STRICTURE, VARICOCELE,. KIDNEY ajMl BltADDER DISEASES, aad all diseases peenliartj mea and women. OOnSULTariOa mSS. books PRSX. (illustrated). It iuiat>lc to call, write for Qstapfton C/aoA lor Homo Tf«afaMBl& f4S SSdctiiy Si., DETOOiT, miGHm JM â-¼â€¢â€¢*â-  >t> Dctrott. : BeeovM]^ YOU ARE LOSING MONEY "i-VltUout a. "MELOTTE" CREAM SEPARATOR SO.OOOiu Daily use SS The only Separator fitted with Beautiful Emiiiielled c^g Bowl Casini;. The lighest running and most durnblc Separator yet produced. Saves tiuic, labour, space. Utensils ice aud watt-r. M. J^'ElRJRjy SC SON, FLESHERTON 13. McTAVISH iiii [[[SHiitioti mimi euiiEiii For First CI ».M Buggies, Carts, Pleasure and Lumber Uagons, cutters. Sleighs. We keep a stock on hand to choose from. ALSO HORSE StlOEINQ AND GENERAL BLACKSMITHINQ and guarantee first clam work. We keep on hand Pluogha and Plough repaira, and also Masaey- Harris aud N*snn repair* for binders, llowert, %ll kinds of naohiuery, also Bindtr Twine on hand. » Olbtn in town fiivft US a call «

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