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Flesherton Advance, 11 Feb 1904, p. 7

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© A WOMAN'S LOVE I ♦ V V » i I OR, A BROTHER'S PROniSE j « 1 arricd them up the ftirew it a tri/!e factor than was' That aiciir.» b"i or.e thingâ€" another.^ u the house, and chivuJrous. llocto'- would not ai.swer that. Their talk haii <' avenue tbat ied tu now they stood at the door o[iening j "And no'.v," he went on laughingly into the patio, v. here a tiny foun- i to keep the !:ituation to comedy, lain lilushed amid green branches and "you ore under !;er Majosfty'a orders flaming hlosaoma. â€" of iliose of her representative." Dim lights shone from unobtrusive "Si, si, â- enor." corners, nialiiag soft and shadowy ! "Do you still desire to come the cool space. .'Vnd now, against i (-aldera ?' to the Ijackground of green and dusky red, the shadows look shape, moved, and Asunta, radiant in palest yel- low, came to meet ti:era with out- stretched hands uii<l we!comi.-.g eyes â- O ! but yes. but yes" "Must 1 order, then? And Hector smiled with a side look to Don Uigunl. to-- "Is it not so.?" He bowed his head. "Gooifâ€" mo t gi>od, Don KaISa»> .sarc." And she (lung out of the room, with never another word or anoJier look; but as she went she i laughed loud with laughter that waa not good to hear. (To be Continued.) Asunta's face fell. She saw the WORLD'S MISSIONARY WOE.K, CHAPTER VIII. Among it.s feathery palma Frigan- 1 ^way soon eta dre;uiied and gazed lazily out up- I â€" anythinn. Get away, and got ' Ahisdair lingoicd in tl.e di'-rkncs-s. She's foml of you, nian ' "Your Ornugc King," she began. 1 can see it. Anybody with half an "I tliall hate iiim soon. Every time -rather, came to meet Hector, for ; trap now. She shruggiid her ahould- and green oi them peeped the sunlit blue of the -Vtlantic. To Hector it f'«-'-tor walked back to Frigannta r "Your brother V was the Lotos Land, where day fol- ! "o*- altogether easy in his mind. But | "My fosLer-brothi-r ha.s arrivedâ€" is lowing day like strung blossoms, I '"^ '""'^ "°* ^° rnuch of .Vsunta he ; here. Come, Alasdair, come and be and like strung blossoms night fol- I thouglit, as of Maddalena on the ^ presented." lowed night i se.i. Yet Asunta's bold beauty ob- 1 Asunta bent forward and peered Vet it was not all folding o£ the | '''"''m'^ '«f' / ^â- ^'''" "'"^ ,°^T"'. """ i I'f'-*'"'''^ ""'^ '"^^ ^^>-' °"t'^'- ''^''- '^ hands, and drowse in the^iade. °^ ^'^tn"^!^^ thf k'"^'^ '''''* set Hector turned to the door and There was much with Don .â- "' *»f"^ ^o tiiw business or revolu- 1 beckoned. Iherc was a moment's Miguel, whose seventy years were I J;"""''^ **'/ ."V''^ .^"'^'^''•^ f'S^-^ not j pause, and then .\lasdair stepped nofyet all eaten of tile locust, and ; ?..°.,^':f '^^I^^^'^'^ i-^,'^^^':'^""^" ,t | forward into the l.ght, making that ,,..,,.1,1 u„ >,o^ ^[,^^ fijjj Orange ! bow of ilignifiod deference all High- List of the Principal Societies and Their Contribations. ers almoot contemptuous!;/, swept him an ovor-elaborate courtesy, and left the patio on the top of a ninth-] Following are the names, charm wave of dignity and roseutment. | ter and income last year of the prit He<tor looked query ingly at her ; cipal missionary societies of tt father, and for reply the old man i world ; blew a thin spiral that was elo- i Church Missionary Society, Ecfe. quonce sublimed. ; [^^.j^ foreign, Sl.TeS.Sirj. "I have offended Uena Asunta.." i ilethodist Societv, fnited States, ••Tut, tut! Her mother was the : iiome and foreign, ~}>l,749.;nf». sameâ€" one moment a lire to warm ; Propagation of the Faith, Romxw .vou, and the ne.x.t to consume you, ! Cathoiic, toreign. fl ,3 19,608 who belied the lulccwarm estimate of t; he. him in Uravo-s memorandum. Some- ! f-'"^ '''"' °^':^^ °- '"''^. '',°°'" *° '"'^ i 'ancicrs can flouri:.U from the cradle: forgotten tmies, too, came the Orange King ! ,7:"' ^;,";.: ;„â- ,."•.,, ",*^ u.^t^iou», o'^t of up Palm City, bringing new^ '"'% ^^'^f'f ''' ,|'"'^ •°°H.,''' ^f"" reccllections of little actions, ! Uiat bow which begins with a to leave ,tou white bones pa.^ses quickly •"There is no place fitting at Cal- dcra." ••She knows that." ••It would be mcst unwise " "llanana â€" manana â€" she will have Let us talk of other low things. Yotir friend mu:-t eat." louting and ends with a straight gaze into your eyes. ed liis head of arms upon the .sea. great ' stores : ^ ^^."^',°°P'^'',.°"*^ '''"^ ^«' themselves of ammunition, bo.xes of shrapnel : Lf ^'^T»n"'^t.'"'"-^'' ''"t ^^ '^'I • . â- , and, and medicir.e chests and '^''*'^' }'^^'^ '" .^^'^ â„¢'^!?- '^''-^Y co^'d 1 tor a arm mvoluntarily bales her helped much; for sihe had at tinguis 1 „ j , • i , ... ,, . , . 1 end what this man could do and ^ °" "P'^â„¢,'^'^'' himself or h.s cow- ^ai could not. what that man could not - ? ' ,,-'''' \ "'^ adventure | ho stopi-ed; for he felt now her and could. It was slie who made the k^ Z "ever 'lave soon, never have ; grip on his arm. He turned in a suggestion about landing the con-'^""^"' ""'"'â-  ^?:''''' o^ed Maddalena: i c^rry of .solicitude. \vhat is It That would not be amiss. I dare- of . „. his lighter spirit from â-  drink is imperative." "to â- s of surgic-l lint Asunta bore t '^^'"'â- ' ^"^ ""'^ thing. He wished for [ her clieeks went at a breath e'-ery A servant was called. ; share in, the consultations, and "^ moment that he had r.aver entered drop of blood. [was Alasdair entrustenl )ed much; for she had at fingers' j '"'^'•'"^.'''''â- ?"^"f*:^ "^f the next sec- 1 .-jiona Asunta, lay brother Alas- Jiâ„¢^- however. he whi; traband at Espoloto. on the north l^jf, '.°'*-" "''^^ all miserabiy Hopeless,' side of the i.-land, •â- â€¢â€¢ ''"'^ "^ "â- ^â- ' "°"' ^^" where was a na- mainspring of ..„i, jn -v Alasdair rais- Asunta clutched Hec- | return and and to Ere sperod He-tor's ear : "Thon's no her ?" Hector shook his head, and Alas- dair followefl the servant with a What is it ? Are j sati.sfied spring in his step. ! A little talk of horses to carrv But it j Presbyterian Ifoma lioard. United State;;, $1,:;93,321. i'rosbyterian Foreign IJoard, Unit- ed States. $1,04'J,H-IO. Lay.c'on ilissiooai-y Society. Con- g:egatit,na!, foreigx;,' SO'J.S.yil. " Protestant Episcopal Board, hom« and foreign. United States, ;gSG4,- 7e-i. Propagation of tiie Gospel, Em. say: but." he ad.-led, ^ith a little , larsd/ioreign. SSTGJ.e.W. American Lutheran Societii.'S, for |eign, §745,300. him ! American Board. Congregational he • foreign. S7-iC.777. 'ato i ..\jnericau lUiptist Missionarj" Un- I ion. fijreign. .*>722.767. Wesleyan JIis.^io!:ary So.iet.v, Eng- land, forei^'n, >-('j'.n .iX'j. .Vmcrican L'athcrau Societies, hc.'nes^Se.'J4.:;i.O. Congi-egational Home societies. paid by the Hispaniolan customs oflicer. True, Espoleto was full five and twenty miles from Caldera.. the Yet â€" aiid yet â€" success secmo-I tural harbor used onlv by half a ! ?, . ' , , *; ,^ T-^' ^^m .^ , c^iT I ">>'oâ€" no." she whisrered, making I them up into the Monte, a little United Slates, gfJllJ.liiO do^en fishermen, andâ€" most fortunate "â- â- ^' .''•""^',5v' ^ *'^'^°'''.*^°'^ ' ="e i^^e ^i^n o,- the Cross. "It's nolhiug. questioning about by-paths and j American Bap Home Slission of allâ€" whore only a weekly visit was ; " v,.**!^â„¢,^^' ,.„* „.''l°.L!;''â„¢i"^' , . 1^ ^^^'^ ^^'"^ feeling faint all day. I 1 short cuts, a little settling of wlien Society. $640.fH.;y. "'" ' ~ ' ' am vei-y silly. It's all over now " Don Miguel and Asunta were to come United Fre<? Church of Scotland, Then to Alasdair, "You are wel- to Cal-Jera. and Hector retired to ' Presbyterian, foreign, $111, Sll. come, sir, to Frigar.cta." his room to pack a valise and see to ; Ba; tist iliscionary Society. Eng« •'I am proud to meet your Icddy- his arms. ; land, foreign. 5>l.'!n.iU'.") ship." said .Vlai;dair simply in his Asunta thrwa'^ted rallying-point aamd general liCad- ' ^^^\^,l f"^^"". ^° '-'°^"'-^'' ^°'* "'"^ what are five and ; *'^^^'°^°f' man s energy and power quarters : but ..,,ci., a^^ inu tiiiu. , ... , , . twenty miles wien the countrvside, ^ °' "j^t^' <= ^""'^ ^"^, Sreat were with its and its mules, is' afire : '""^*'"^'°'' '^'""^ ''°'"'* '''" ^^^ ^""^ Yes, ho for lihertv and Maddalena? Why, ' '''â- '' '.^ ,"" must leave Friganeta-he sunset to' sunrise will see the work P''°"'ii!?I!,.'^^_^_?L.°'Sh* Came a tap on his door. He flung Methodist Clturch. .sostli. United ••Senor Grant has spoken much of 'â- it wide open, to see Asunta, breath- States, foreign. §;5:'.9,7-J8 dorjj. The Orange King praised her nim- b!eness of wit. Yet at the back, of tliat cool brain of his. amid details of ordnance, and. steam pressures, and special soils for oranges, and A strangely familiar cry clove the stillness of the starlit dark. Hector stopped and listened. He heard the fall of running feet. Again came the cry â€" it was his name, and with no softness of Palmetto .speech. He ran back and fell into the arms of Stock Exchange prices, he stowed 1 Alasdair r^l H "e'^tlittle bundle of disHke , ..q , ^lan, Heckie, I thocht ye wad labelled Asunta. He walked through ! ppver her me " the world by instinct : to look at a •â- Aiasriair, by all that's holv I" ?*?, °'' "^ .Z"'^"'' '^t ^^^/ 1'.^°" " I "1 met a man back thonder' on a do, or \ ou won t do, was j ^Haltie, that could speak English. It """" j wass pleasant to hear aiiter the ter- cnough for him. Ho did not mince matters with Hector when he got his chance. Hector was seeing iiim a Scots mile on the road to Palm City, the Orange King stepping sturdily, brid- le over his arm. "So she is on the sea," murmur- ed Hector, sending his burning gaze to the liorizon. as if he saw there the ship that bore the Queen, as if there On the deep sky's verge a fluctuant light Gleamed, grew, shone strengthened into perfect sight. As bowed and dipped and rose again the sail's clear white. The Orange King had arranged it riblc lingo these safagcs taalk.' "That was Mr. Smith, the Orange King." "MiUi, man, wass then him ? He's a grate"" chentleman." ••Have you walked all the way from Palm City ?" "O ! it's only a bit'tock, an' wass there no you at the end o' 't ? But I wouldna mind a dram. It's fush- ionIc.«;s rubbidge they give you here." '•I believe they have some whiskey at Frigaiieta." "At where ?" ••Frigaueta, where 1 am stopping â€" Hon Miguel's place." "Man, 1 canna get my tongue roond their names anyway, althougli all. The Palmettos wanted the j it's some like the CJawlic at times, spark. Surely their Queen would fire ' But tell me, Heckie, what new ploy them. Ho sent two cables, and is this you're aifterâ€" it must be a Maddalena was coming. i big thing. An' will I sec tho •'Four days nowâ€" that's all. Mer- i tjueen ?" chant has full paiticulars about i â- â€¢Yes. Alasdair, you shall sec Espoleto, and if he makes the island â-  Queen. She will be here in a few by daylight ho ha§ orders to stand jdajs now. But I'll tell you all out again until nightfall." j about it to-night, when you've had "Do you come with us to meet ' some supper. Have you le.t your you: you are indeed welcome, sir. ' ••The foolish fellow has walked aU the way from Palm City," laughed Hector, ••Everybody rides here, here. .A.lasdair â€" even the beggar has his ass.'^ The sound of voices drew Don Miguel from bis study into the patio : you love me?" and again tho ceremon.y of presenta- j There was a desperate woman be- tion had to be gone through. The | hind every breath of it. Eagerness old man held out his hand to Alas- ; crus-hetl aJl softness from her face less and reckless, •â- You hate me !" •'Dona Asunta I" ••You I'.ate me \" "That is not possibl I?" 'But you do not love me ? Zenana Society England and Ca-i- ada. foreign, Sr^^.'J.Kij.'i. China Inland Mission, Engtand and Canada. 5:!,-;7.23l'. tV'hy should I Discioles of Chri.--t, United States, home. '$214,967. Southern BaptLst Convention. Uni- ted State-, foreign, $'il.S,'>l2. Baptist Publication Society, Unit- ed States, homo, S211,CKVV. Disiciples of Christ. United States, Do dair. and receivetl such a grip as I the cheek bones hardened, the chin foreign", S210.000. made him half repent of his ready ! and nose sharpened, the mouth shut. United Presbyterian Bo;ird, United courtesy. Then father and daughter j on a line. But with ail sheer desper- States. loieign" 5iy3.'i0i). conferred, and announced that Alas-iation. there was somehow â€" it was ( Presbyterian Cliurc!:. South, Unit- dair might have the room next to ; all sheer desperation, there was ' ed States, foreign. §107.900. Hector's, looking out upon the vine- i somehowâ€" it was in the eyes â€" a hint | Presbyterian Church. J^outJi. Unit- yards and the sea. [of surrender, of melting, such as one'ed Stales, home. $158,190. ••But," said Hector, with a smile ' may see in a frost-bound hillside | Universities Mission to Centra! that hid his real purpose, "I fear j half a-thrill for spring and the green ^Vfrica. England. SI.")! .'^.'iO. that Alasdair will not be able to kirtle. I Church of Scot;a:.iI. Presbyterian, partake of your hospitality, how- J •'But do you love me?" The at- foreign, SH9.815. ever willing he may be. Nor can I, ! tack was swift and dangerously Adventists, United State.-;, foreign, any longer, Don AUguel." j fierce; yet it lost sometiiing of its §l.t4.(X;0. •'How that?" cried the old man, j point and force in that it was not Prosibyteriau Church, Kugland. for- and Asunta paled. expected. When attack is coiuited •Mx. Smith and I have had a long on, reason shapes cign. S132.550. (even chuckles : Zenana Bi'olc and Medical rai.-s- talk, and he wants me â€" you know, over) a good half hundred plans of sions, England, foreign, $132,063 after all, he's the real Commander- j defence; and then the blow smas.hes i Regions^bovoud Mi.^sionary Union, in-Chief : he pays, â€" he wants me to â-  in a fashion that calls for none of ! England, foreign, $12.";,0i)0." get to Caldera to-night. It is no- i your fine scl'.emes. But let the storm : Friends Foreign Missions," associa- cessary that all things be ready for break on a sudden, iu..;tinct. not ' t,ion. En;il;u;cl. Sl22.<'<iO. the arrival of the Queen." [reason, is the saviom-. and the in-: siJraviTui Hissiolis. Knglumi and ••There .arc vet four davs," said i ^â- o'"'^»-='"'j>' lettered word, the in- American, foieign. Sli--<,"20. Don Miguel." •Why go' to-night ?, "olmitarily clenched hand, preserves Southern IJupti.-it Convention, Uni- Manana-manana." I P^"^^ ""'" without honor if. alas ! | ^g^, gtj^tes, home. i;i0i.>.45.i. "It will be manana before I getl^f^o"'- happiness. So was it here, i rj,,,^,.^ ^,.^. j^^^j. j.,,,^^,, ^j^ ^^ there, and there is so mucli to do â- Do vou love me ?' â- â€¢wkit until to-morrow, and I shall ' ';^That is not possible." ^,^ _ ,u„ come and help vou; two heads are ' ^he words came of themselves: and ^he lai-ge uiissioiuirv fiinds of her ?" "No, I shall remain at Palm City. Not that I'm afraid, but I believe the authorities are be- ginning to wonder what takes mu out here so often." '•Hang the authorities ! ' "With all my heart. Only last night, Stanipa chaffed me. Said he didn't think much of 'Asunta Smith' as a name " "He's a beast." "Or of 'Asunta Grant,' either." '•What !" "Well, you know, people will talk. Sometimes they manage to get a lit- tle truth into what they say." And hr looked sideways at Hector, with a quizzical sort of air, as if inviting confidence. "Thai's the worst shot you evei' utadc in your life, Mr. Smith." "I hope so. But I'll tc!I you one thing, my young friend. 1 stake my reputation for acuteness on it: Dona Asunta wouldn't need to be nsk»d twice, if you were the man that put the question." luggage at Palm City ?" •'Luggage I That's a good choke! Luggage ! Man. Heckie. when I got yo'ar letter 1 iist came away ass I wass. I jist stopped to put on hainin' kill. The people here ! no sooner werB th»-y uttered thtai he [shrank from his own brutality. ! drew back a j^ace or two, and i moved over the threshold. He she large mis.siouary scci'tiix. Protes- tant, on lie continent of Europe. th< th« Catholic church are handleil by Propagiinda Fide, which is a com- mittee of the Curia at Home, and b» better than one." "Truly, but I have my orders." ••Orders from the Orange King. , ., .u t 1.1 n- , -. - sueereil Asunta. | moved over the threshold. His heart : j^suit. Dominical.. Franciscan anu ••He pavs-and he knows tetter ''as lull of pity yet he uare show , ^,^1,^^ g,„.i^.^i^.g .^,,^ ^..^j^.,,^ The: e is, than I wh'at is best." j none: that would only bo added ag- ; .„o^^,^.,,,._ ^^^ foreign mis.vio.,arv soc- gravalion j j^^^^. imvliig hondtiuarteis in Paris the But you arc the representative of !. •.j.-Qt possible ">'' Queen, and take orders from | You order !" It is not possible, senorila." my I none. lou orcer : > ..3,^^ ^^^ ^ ,^,^p youâ€" Hector. I ^e| ••Again true. But what would the have even taught my tongue to sav never seen a kilt pefore, I'll! be ] Queen bo without her chanccUor. her , vour hard Norti:eru^mme-Hcctor. 'll/, "^ j^'"'?, ";'*?' â„¢^ socu-ues Ihlnkin-. There was a crood that { ^an of e.'.perience. to keep a steady fove vou." p.'•''^'t "^"""' 'fl'^^T? 1 " followed me two or three mile oot j hand on the helm of State? BesiJes. "What do you expect me to sav. r''^^ aggrugaterl .?>-"•"'•""".• -'nU , . , â€" you expect me to sav o tho toon.' [although I am sorry that my stay I senorita •.'â€" That 1 am honored? ,., Hector could not help smitin;? at I untler this so hospital roof is brok- ' 'ftuly ' -â€" *- ' "- â€" '- " '6<-e'veu the thought. -Alasdair was co.tain- j en, I agree willi Mr. Smith; t-.ero ly a sight for the gods. Tall, one- j is so much to do, so much to do." eyed, red of hair and tcard. brick- j '•W'e shall come with you, then," cried Asunta. clapping her hands; and to the servant who answered her signal â€" "Horses for tour. Juan, at one c â€" By ! red of skin, arrayed in TjU majesty of kilt, plaid and bonnet, a great dirk at liis hip, Alasdair might well have attracted a crowd of the sim- ple v.ondor-lovirg Palmettas. ".And how did you like the sea ?" ••O ! man. It wais good, but I was always longiu' to be at the chourncy's end for tlie soke cf seein" you.'" "Well, now that yo" do sec me, what have you to say ?" and in Lyons. Its income l.isl \eai wosi Sl,:liy.i>i .'^. almost ;iil of ij given by the I'atl-olics cf France. The Uible asitl Tract socieiies 01 eai th« some societies i.-i the I !!iti--d Stales and di.-bursed S7"n>.0*'U. » .--light in- crease ail around over tho prcviout year. !y. I am honored-how emptyâ€" ;; I ,^j, . ^y^^,.; ,„;„^i No, no. Say that you love me. ' "1 cannot." "But I will make you love me." "Nay. senorita " '•But I will. You do not know me jet. You have not seen into niv heart; but I will show you. When I BACK TO NEBUCHADNEZZAR. ! Of the four hundred barotis in th* I do love you, you must, you shall- B'-iV""" l^T; *"", V??t-, =^'^^"f. »','l?f O! Hector, am I not worth the ^^^ '^';^;^l'"'^Vu V' '..•'!..''•'!". 1^. loving?' '" '•â- â€¢' ' â- - The iVlasdair turned his one on liector stiffened. Tl,at sort of talk | "e^tor with as much impartiality as was irk.some to him. He knew Asun- P® '^''"W : to htm his foster-brother. t« was a lovelv woman: he was 1 *"= "â-  ^?'y P''»'«=^ "' ""en. in whom i smile "But. senorita." said Hector. , yo^ 'earn how 1 can love you, how "consider; it is a camp, a fortress; there is none there but men. There is n«> comfort there for you " "Comfort ! For me ! Am I. too, ( not going to light ? .Am 1 not to ! have my blow of vengeance ? .-Vm I : not ready to shoulder a musket ? I j will ta;<e my share of the rough, so ; please you. senor." j "Forgive mo," said Hector with a all that comes in good I ing 12«U. Tho oldest faiuily. in th« British Isles is th.; Mar Fa;nily. it Scotland. 1093. 'llie Canipbells oi Argyll began in 11V.K.>: tho l^rosvon- ors, tho Duke of Wostmin.'?tor's fam- hardncs.* was all gone now â€" as a cloud dies in the sun. "Yes. you are worth the loving." ".And you will lo\e me â€" sav you '• ....... ^.jj] .. lily, 106*.?. The Austrian o) "Senorita, vou make it verv difK- 1 ^^"I'Rburs: go. s buck to ')â- â€¢>. and th« cuit for me " " jHoirsc of Bourbon to SrVl. Tho do- •O ! but 1 could not hold my jsccndants nif ^lohiruuued . who was peace any more. You are going Iboni in ii70. ai-o all registered au- thrown much in her society; whv. she ' J^'^'* ''.o flaw i but strive as ho would j time When her Majesty lands. - u •. • 1 • , a i . • « was a •working patriot " and he'''* could not keep out of his eye sh«.' a.-ik you to be there to mo^ away, you will not let me come with Ithoritativply in a Ijook ko;>t m Mec- treaU-d her frankly as a comrade. ' (^^â- ''^'^'^ seemed to hold all the ke«i. | her; she will be glad of your pres- j you; •i't is not po.ssibIc.' .vou suy- ,ca by n chief of tl-o faniilv. Little or and expressiveness of the lost ' ence. your sympathy, your sisterly I you say it is not possi in addition to its own") a j help. Nayâ€" 1 was keeping this for a j thing. O ! if 1 wei and I, as her Majesty's representa- just as he imagined she regarded i ""^^ """^ him: but O ! this was too ridicu- i "'"^ -^ - - - . . lous! H5 had no eyes for a star ; Rleam of affection haU scrrowful. surprise, but you have forced howsoever brilliant, he who was j •'^" Pl»y*"l mad with the moon; where the Queen j '^'^'s too Oark to see you prop«r, was. who looked at tho slave ? No: '>"l J'OP ^e no so stoot ns you wass. .,,.,, and he ^^as sure that Asunta had '^"' yo"-- 'a"^ *» ^°^« plea.«ianter tive, now formally declare you in- In,..., T K«« I.,.,,.. :» «„»„_„ i_- T-â„¢ ducted and Installed into your higli Office, from now until her Majeaty releasee you." The honor was not altogether un- expected, but the pleasure It gave Asunta was ke^n- For the moment riie forgot everything in it â€" every- ble' to every- no doubt cxisls of the absolute au- were a man, I thonticity of the long Usi-? of Mo- my I would make all things possible. But |ba>iim»d's di'scondant.i. In handâ€" it is her Majesty's pleasure j I'ni glad I am a woman, for I can j there are moiiy old fiiniiiios; to nniu« you her chief maid-of-honor, 'give myself to you. Hector. you no thought for him beyond thisâ€" '•â- ''»" .^ .he'" seen it pefore. An' I'm he wrs the herald of liberty, the thinkiu' he added, with a little nvaut-iourier of Maddalena. to fee 1 of satisfaction at his own acuteness. honored as such. Nothing more. "1 .shall never â€" to use your phrase â€" "put the quesiion.' " "I'm glad to hear ft. All the •nnio, take a little friendly advi(c from inc. I like you. tlrant, or I wouldn't wort-y to tnlk to you. If you're wise, you'll leave Friganeta "that you'll be in love !" "Alasdair I" "0 ! but I'm tollln' you. Did you think I couldna see that ? A man never looks ass you was lookin' Just now, e.xccpt when his hert is full of the only lassie in the world." "I've never had ai»T secret.^! from must love me. 1 love you. He took her hands, "Senorita," he said, "you are not a school-girl â€" you are a woman, and I will speak to you frankly and in good comradeship. You offer me your love. It is a great jflft. but I mu"»t put it aside â€" not with scorn, believe m»â€" I must put it aside. I you re wise, vou 11 lea^e r nganeia â-  - •" ----- â€" ,â-  â€"•â€",.. «»i v^ ..» a mvn at omo. tiet ui> into the Monteâ€" i-^'O" y«'> Alasdair \ouie right. JYet behind thn' ted «omo cxcuj^yott have to Malt» ' ^t ^'n» *f>' ofrald to v«i,hisper it to i slip her that th araoar«l<niwB «->• Uw Uwaui*% arctvaV COyt^ t â€" .- . •, He felt her lIps thing save to stoop and kiss Hec- cannot take it What more to tor's hand. There was nothing ridl- say ? I'm soiry." culous In the actionâ€" it wa* out- .And he dropped her hands. She wardlj- a mere expression of thanks, was all hot lava again : in her eyes You're right. {'Yet behind that, sh* did not let it the smoulder a word would stir into e hand was Hector's, hell, in Uer vi»ice the very hiss of it. s Jjum, ami he wtt*4 ' "So*â€" «y'« â- Â» ' Aw *' iy «u i t ai^^n » t . China alsc amorg the Jews. Otit lu i>oint o) pedigi-e<'S the Mikado of -l.ipan has a unique record. His plaoi- has been rdled by niein'yrs of his family for more than twpn'.v-;i\e hi(;id-^»d years. The pros-.'nt Mikado is th» one hun- dred and twenty-S'-cond in the lino. The Prst one wn.s eoiiteiuporttry with Neb'ich:" •'««.• v.-,>n> hefor* Christ Hewitt â€" "Cruet has an eve husiriers.'! Jewel tâ€"""Yi-p; oi:c. to hi3 own oud 4'vo to oll-i-!' to eve

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