Feb n 190* THE FLE SHE ETON ADVANCE \l \l 'rtWVWWWW I F, T. HILL & CO. | WWWWWW 25 p. c. Discount off Furs, g 1 'If The balanco of our Furs of wliich wo havu as yet a nice Rssortment, will bo sold at the ahofe discount We iV> Una r»thur than tun any posHibility of carrying them o*-er to another season. If in need of FUR G0(JDS of any deacnplion or liktly to â„¢'l"j'« "r^ *''';"J;'l,"^jf .,T*°?' "" """"'' ""y ^^ ""*â- "^""''1 ""« '" »" probability bo oflcred DEPENABLE FURS at less money than we're selling them now LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S CaPS 2.25 Caps fi.r 1 70. 3.75 Caps for 2 80 :i 25 Caps for 2.48 &.06-Cap8 for 3.75 4.50 Caps for3 35 7.00' Oips for 5.25 LADIES' COLLARS AND RUFFS 2.25 Ladies Rufl'a for 1 .70 2.60 Ladies RuffH for 1 85 3.75 I.rtdieil Ruffs for 2.80 4 50 Ladies Ruffs for 3 35 &^0 Ladies Ruffs for 3.76 8.50 Ladies Rulfe for 6.35 12.50 Ijadies Kuffs for 9 35. Fur Coats 25 percent. Discount Fur Jackets 25 percent Discount COo TWEEDS FOR 38c. 125 yards pure all wi>o4 Twoods in medium and heavy wciijlitK, good colors and patterns. This is the balance of our "MHI ciida" in VViutor Goods and are cheap at tlio ri^gulair selling price of 60c., clearing now for only 38 20c COTTONADE FOR 15o 150 yards of splendid pattern heavy cottonadi-s, that arc sure to be -vild (juickly. These we secured at less than maiiufac.ur«rs' prices, and while they last you can buy actual 20 cent to 22 cent Cottonade fur only 15 37^ antl SOe tTancy Velvets fof 25 cents. We liave about 95 yards of ver/ hand.nome Fancy Velvets that wo place on sale this week at 26c. cellent material for Ladies Blouses and will give magiiifioeHt wear Half a dozen select patterns, yard Tliese are ex- Your choice per 25 85 to 50c CAPS FOR 25e Nearly one hundred of this season's newest and best polling lin' 8 of Men's and Boy's Cloth Caps, not many (if any particular line but sufliciont of <i!l sizes to make a tj'iiod selectioa. While they last .take your pick for only 25 1.75 UNDERSKIRTS FOR 1.25 27 Ladies' Colored Satee.i underskirts that have until now sold at 1.75. These are all made of extra, tine finality sateen, lined thriiuj;hout and padded and quilt- ed. The lot is small and will not last very long, but if you come early you can have aji, excellent under- skirt for only 1.25 :ya 75 cent Go r sets for U8 cents 10 dozen Ladies' Cur.sets, made to retail at 75 cents by one of the best manufacturers in Canada. This is a par- ticular nice, short, 4 clasp coi-set, but a lino that the makers are going out of. The price we are asking is away below the cost of manufacture. All sizes 18 to 25. Your choice for only 48 mmm MARK DALE WWft^W^ House of Refuge To the Editor of The Advance Dear Siu, â€" Many years have elap.scd since this subject was introduced to the cmitity ciiuncil,but it was alwayadefeiitoJ, and ri-.iht or wrong the writer believes that if c'vei'y corporation were individual- ly repre.'<i!nted, iho saine fati! would exist still. Tlie liuildiiig, hnwever, has pro- ures.'od ami is almost completed, wilimut the rntopiyuis kiiowini; uiuoli about it. O.ir roprcnentativi' wai not at our noui'n- atlun, an I tliur.if.iro n.) nitorm;it*ou was rec'ivud. lie could not ba in two places Hi onj •. It evidently ahijvvs that a chimiio in t!i3 form:iti.)n of couiity cnuneiU is ad- visable and the option fur doing so [iroN - idoil I ly the statute is timely and should bo tali' n advantage of. I''rom the liuit report of the ccUMify council, I cull iho follnwim; : Paid for farm ^oOyO, containins; 45 acres, haid to by one of the worst pieces uf land on iho 'iioroiUo line. Then paid for the water works system, $.^400. Wliat do yon think about that? Account of Ch.i.s. Gordon for ins|iM(;tion of lrjildin.;for four inonllus, S34 ; Ch:is (Jirdou, visiting hoimos of refuge in Oxford and Perth, 325.75; tilaus for waterworks, ?22.25. Then is found liobirt Malctdin, lifty days at $3 per day as nveiveor on ma.son.coinent and Sewer work, ^l.iO For such a charge wo must sup|)iiao ilnre were i.o plans or spec- iticalion", nor ni'ialer masons contracting for the work ? Then is found the sum of Si")7 50 for committvo to receive tenders for building a barn and waterworks, seven members. The cbainnan is allowed ?30 for p'ans cf bain, etc. The main con- tract, I believo, is over ^10,000. But the expenses are not. completed. Provision for furniihiiii; the hou.so throughout, Bori>- fcriable and coinplot't, is a necessary i|U'.;nttty, no that committees and coni- iiiitlies and charges and charges arc yet to oimio Till! inspector and ma'tager is to roeoivo 83'.lO per am.uni and himrd ; the matron, the inspector's wife at present, f200. The phy^icnm is to receive ^loO per amium, wliether thcr.o l»o mmaics or n 4, or whoihor any ho sick or not. For every i. invito sent by any corpoiation the sum of ?1 5') per week.iii charges specially to it. Any, and every ntlier e.xponse is paid )iy the comity, and of course distributed Hirongciirpoia'ic)i;a com priiiii a the county. t)ut nf the expendiluie for buildins;, tho gDv»-rom- lit of Onttrio p.iys 34000. It i.s to be hoped Kince the honso is ah'nit coni- pletoil. It wiU aiiKwer the piir;'o.«u for wircli biiiii, and it is further hoped that township oouiKiU, liy stilHcont resoUiiious tiinoly made, will revert lo U<e sindinyof their reeves to form county cQunoils., iii futonr. It is but fair ti) add ihit U . McFarliind, E-tj.. KavB $600 towiiils tho I.iikV pur- cha.so and the villaue of Markdnle fiiroish -5 elechio lijht fieeot eharae, for &liinit«d period. Thos- weie the iirong luitgnuis for the Alarkdalo situ. â€" W. S,C. minded With Headache Vo ., le pfton ge b in bng hoidaohes th»' sud.sr fr.m cons'ipitio'i. Si nnlost li'iifdy is Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Man- drake and Butternu*. Thoy are mild, r-»ri'i n and satn For hnsdaehe and bil- I'l uan ^:K nig oi|l]r Dr. Uaiuiltou'« PilU. A Knock-Out Blow For weeks the railways have been la- boring hard to keep their lines open, but stoim upon stoini banked op the trs^ks until nuvny had succumbed. The C. P. U. had been .successful until last week, not a dny parsing but that we got at least one mail from Toronto. On Wednesday night of last week, however, * storm cau'.o on which has probably not been outiloiio this winter, and iu it's al- ready hampered condition tho company was so unfortunate as to get a couple of engines off the track in the midst of the storm, which piled up tho drifts and utterly put a stop lo tratlic for three days. Wednesday niyht's train was the last to arrive here until Saturday night. A morning train was sent out from Toronto Saturday morning and this ar- rived here about ten o'clock Saturday cvenin;,'. The accuniulatid nnul of three days were dumped off and Postmaster Sproule and two assistants got to work and labored for a couple o: hours sortini; tho mails in order that a news-hungry community might have their craviiig ap peased. The pos':oftico was open until after midnight. It was the worst block ade this line has seen since the days of the old narrow gauge. That onc-ho^ae concern was, during the winter of 1874-6 blocked for about six weuk.s, but that dojs not provo that the winter of that Reason was as severe as the present • not by any means. On Friday tho longed for thaw put in an appearance and lasted until Sunday when arctic weather again prevailed. The thaw was a naild one but relieved us of nine or ten inches of snow, filled our cisterns and started tho water in tho Btrennis. These favors were duly apjireciatcd. TraiiM are running with r. gularity this week. Lot us hope the most serious conditions are past. tho present prices fir wood, coal ;g economy pcrsonilied, let alone its good points as a material easier handled than wood. The Shelbuine people aie begin niog to make a liig effort to get away from "the thraldom iif wood" is^ shown by the fact that over sixty new coal stoves have been installed in town this season, and town dealers have sold over three hundred ton* of coal. Tho Wood King will have to fi>;ht hatd if he wishes to retain his hold on the thtone of the Kingdom of Fuel. â€" Econ omist. At the Colhngwood Police Court this week a sad case was told ai-ainst Wm. Cook, colored, residing on Sixth street. It was reported a deal h had occurred in his family about a week ago, and that the body was buried in the yard, which is in direct violatim of the Actresardii.g births, deaths, and marriages. He admitted the childs death, but the remains had not been bulled, ns slated, the body being in the loft of his stable, ha had not the means lo bury it, which he intended to do as soon as bo could rai.se the money. Tho case was lemanded for an investigation. I3 Your Breath Bad ? Bad breath is one of tho early symp- tonis of catarri; which should bo checked at onci) and not allowed to run into c>n- smnptioii. Tlio surest euro is fragrant lioaliiig Catarrhozimn which cures calairb liy removing its caiiso. >lo case is loo chronie, â€" even iho most stiibborn yield in a short time to the balsHmic vapor of Oitarrhozone. It makss cures that last, Itir once cuiod by Catarrhozone you stay cured. 'JalanhozoUB is pkasat.w,. con- venient and safe to us», relieves almost instantly n:\ii is gaarantced to cure every tvpoif carnrrb. bronchitis and asthma. Uaa only (^itairhozone, C(>mp'ele oinfit {II .00 ; sample size 25u. When it comes to paying as hitdi «s $3 A cord for vreen woml and $11 50 for dry and 22-iiich wood at that, wood is a luxury and no iniiitake It seems an awful long wxy lutojc, to thn time when irreen was 00 Cents agd a dollar a cord, and dry wood (yr.25.. A> anything like He who has lost his sight best knows its value. Hundreds suffer loss of sight Timely attention might have prevented it. Examination free. Satisfaction guaranteed. ^V. A. Armstr'ong^ FLESHERTOW. HIGH CLASS PICTURES. . The idaee to gt't the best Phnifw is at nULMICR'S PUOTOGRAl'U GALLEUY. SPECIAL ATTENTION We psy Special Attention bi Copying and Babies' pictures. Pi.ture fram- ing a specially. Try un for any kind of picture* and we w: II promise Kxtiafnction. Sydenham atrevt, Flesherton BOYD, HICKLING & CO. -FLESHERTON, ONT.- ite Goods • t 03.I6 The present high price of cottons makes a showing of White Wear at Special Price.s an item of particular interest. We special- ly invite you to see our display at Special February prices. UNDERSKIRTS Underskirts, fine cotton, deep hem, six row tucking liegular r>5c. for Under Skirts, fine cottow, deepr'beni,five row8 tnck- iug and dust fiill. ftpgnlai- 7oc. for Underskirts, fine cambiic, deep frill, iiimined wide lace and insertion with dust frill. Reg- ular 81. 10 for Under Skirts, fine cambric, extra deep tnckc d frill, trimmed emirrDiiie'ry' and dust <KiiL Begiilar §1.60 for ^.t. Under Skirts, extra fine cambric, deep frill trimmed six rows tucking and wide embroidery with dust frill. Rpgnlar $2 for Under Skirts, extra ting cambric, deep fiill trimmed 18 io-,78 tuckin)?,two rows insprtion and fine wide embroidery. Beg. $2.25 for 43- 63 $1.25 1 NIG-HT GOWNS NigbtGowus, fineco:t;n, frilled collar and cuffs. lieguiar 55c. for Night Gowns,fine cambric, embroidery trimmed collar and cuffs, yoke with insertion. Ee"- ular SLIO for Night Gowns, fine cambric, embroidery trimmed collar and culTs.yokc and insertion and tucking, licgular $1.50 for CHEMISES Chemises, fine cotton, frilled neck and sleeves CbeiEises, fine cotton, trimmed and fine embroidery front, neck and sleeves. Reg 55a for Chemises, fine cambric, trimmed embroidery yoke, neck and sleeves, front all tucking. Reg. $+r*0 for DRAWERS Drawers, fine cotton, deep hem, four row tucking Drawers, fine cotton, deep hem anil frill. Regular â- 40c for Drawers, fine cotton, deep frill trimmed embroidery and four rows tuckinu;, Reg. 50c. for Drawers, fine cambric, extra deep frill, fine embroid- ery trimmed and five rows tucking. Regular 85c. for Drawers, fine cambric, extra deep frill trimmed fine embroidery, and insertion with six rows tiiekiag. Regular 81.00 for 40 /S'^ CORSET COVERS Corset Covers, fine cotton, assoi ted sizes. 2 for Corset Covcis, fine cotton, embroiderj frill. Reg, 25c for Corset Covers.fine cotton.enibroidery neck and sleeves Regular 80c for Corset Covers, fi-ie cambric, tiiramod embroidery and wide insertion. Regular 55o fo 13 ^ 45 White Goods Specials Fine Cambric Embroidery and Insertion. Nqw Patterns. IJogular oc. quality 3c. yd Fine Wide Cambric Embroidery and Insertion. New design.'*. .Regular 7 and 8c. lines 5c. yd evWi te^tuffe. RegiHar l>c\' V V \/ \^ Linen Damask Side Board Scarfs. Special 25 Linen Towels â€" Fringed ends. Deep red bor- ders, alllinen, size 27 x 12. Per pair ^ 10c. Linen Towels, fringed ends, plain or red borders, pure linen-a great big towelâ€" size 22^ x 45 Per pair f>0