NEW SENSATION IN MEDICAL WORLD OoUingwood Bright's Disease Cure Brings to Light Others Equ- ally Wonderful. Mrs. Fred. Pliilip of Eglington Tells of Her Hemarkablo Exjierienco. Dischar-^id From Two Toronto Hospitalsâ€" Dodd's Kidney Pills Brought Back Iler Healtli. Toronto, Feb. 8.â€" (Speciul).â€" The eport from ColliiiKWOixl of tlio woii- lorful euro of Mrs. 'J'hoinuH Auiinis of JriLjlit's by Dodd's Kidney 'ills has uroiisod Rival intcrost hc^re iiid tlu! (liscuKsion of it luis hrougiil lut the fuel lluit Mi-s. Adams' case H not nn isolated one, that rifji't i" Toronto there arc people wlio, sulTi.-r- iig from tlio most dreaded and fatal if Kidney IJiseases, have found a lOHitivo and permanent cun; in Jodd's Kidney Pills. One of the most strikinR; that las been biouRht to lighl is tluit of llrs. Fred. Philip, now residint: on 3road%vay ave., Kglington .onv of '.lie northiTn si!lj\irl;H of the city. That Mrs. Philii) w,as siilloring from JriRJit's liispiiKe and was in n most langcrous elate, there is not the ihadow of a doubt. She was in two lily hos|iitals, tli'ace and the Goner- ll. and left both i>laces without a (Opo for thi! future. IN THE ITOSriTALS. In Crnco Hospital the doctors vialird to oiicratc; on her, but she jlj.jrctc-d, and leavinpf the hospital jailed in nnotlier doctor, lie told iior at once tlmt she had Brij^ht's Disease and had her removed to the "eneral Ilo.spital. The doctors here Jemurred to an operation on ac- :oiint of the danger. On bfing dlscharjjcd a second time HMthout benefit Jfrs. Pliilip stopped Ihe doctors and started to take Dodd'.s Kidniiy Pills. The residt is ;hat to-day all the terrible swelling K gone, slie is aide to do .ill her 5Wn work as well as look after her aright little fonr-year-old rliild. In an interview Mrs. Pliilip spoke treely of her terrible trouble and gave iinslinted jiraisi! to Podd's Kidney Pills. MRS. riTILIP'S STOUY. "I was sick for .six months, " she said, "before taking Podd's Kidney Hills. Paring that time I w.-is six Keeks in Grace Hospital and two months in the Oeneral Hospital. I ivns told in both, jdaces that nothing more could be done fur me. I Btarted taking Dodd's Kidney Pills in April and am slill using tlieiii. 'J'hey havr> (lone me a wiu'ld of good. The has all left ine and I am now doing till my own work just the same US 1 was before I was sick." The talk has caused has also served to show how general the use of Dodd's Kidney I'iUs has be- come and how numerous are the cures I'lTecled of Pain in the Hack, lihouma- listn, Pri)i)sy, and all the other re- eiilts of diseased Kidneys. In fact, rures by Podd'.s Kidiii'V Pills can bo found by the liundred, but a ca.s.- in which they have failed to euro has yet to bo rejiorted. -f his ho An the the PERSONAI. POINTEES. Gossip About the Leading Actors on the World's Stage. The Crown Prince of (iermany is the only child of tho JOmperor who Is not left-liaiided, a trait rouimon lor centuries in tho Uoyal family of Prussia. President Poubet will reaumi^ lUidy of astronomy as soon as lays down the cares of State. ibSL'rvatory is being built in rrounds of the chateau which I'ro-iident rccentl.v purcliased. Sarasate, the eminent violinist, de- :lares that hl.s extracirdinary eom- iiinncl over his favorite instrument is line to tho fact that he has practised on an average six hours a day ever since ho was twelve ye-ars of age. The Dowager-IOmpress of Ilussia is very fond of the Uanish black or rye bread, r.'ich as is baked for the sol- rticrs. Paring Her Majesty's visits lo Denniark she eats this kind of oread ovi-ry day, and when at home a loof is sent to Hu.ssia every lifth nay. Tho Queen of Holland's chitrf hob- liy is amateur acting. She takes the liveliest interert in dramal le art, nnd never fails to utleiul the first â- night at the theatres. A few years ago she had a theatre? built for >iso at the Los. where plays are perform- ixl under her diroctiun. A mnn who reBupioa active Parlia- mentary life atliM- a break of forty years in soinelliing in the nature of ft political curiosity. Such hos been the experienie of the Hon. John IkMinistDWii Wood, whi> has just been elected a meinher of the Tasmnnion rnrlianieni in Kucci-Hsion to the Into Hpenker. lie (jiiittod Colonial poli- tics at. thirty-live and now returns to tlicni ttt Beveiily-fivn. .Sir August Manns. Ihe great con- iliirtor, Was born seventy-eight and a half years ago at Slolziinburg in l'o!!;erania, Prussia. His falhii' was a pis; B-blower enrning If't a week, on which hi! brought up n family of ten cfaUdren. The worthy old man him- self was something of a fiddler, and after working hours would take down his instrument and play a tune or two. Hut tho master at whose feet tho young August sat was nn old soldier, who hud come homo crippled from the Wars. Mr. Clyde Pitch, tho successful Am- erican dramatist, has been wonderful- ly lucky with his plays, making, it is estimated iJ2(ii),()()() a year out of them. He works very rajtidly, sel- dom more than half an hour at one tinw, and niukes a jioint of taking six months out of every year ns holi- day. Ml' is a great .ShaJ-.espearenn scholar, nnd loves all the l-:ii/.abetli- ati dran.atists. 'I'lils love he attri- butes to his having had an lOnglish goverjies;; with a cultivated literary taste, and beforr- lie- was nine years old she assisted him to publish a Wo(!kly newspni'er. Its circulation, though limited, was not (luitu so much so as its stalT, for the youth- ful jiublish^T was also reporter, edi- tor. comiHjsitor, and all. Tho Karl of l-idci'Ster holds, in tnon? thin one respect, a imiqiie posi- tion in the Hritish peerage. lie has been the father of eighteen chilu'ren, of whom fourteen survive, and he manners among his son.s-in-law four e.Trls, a viscouut, and a baron. There is a dili'erence of age of close on half a e.-ntury between his eldest daughter and his youngest son, and he is at once a great-grandfather si.-veral times overT and also the proud father of a hoy of ten. Another most astonish- ing f,act in I-ord Leicester's family history is that his second marriage (to Jliss (Jeorgina Cavendish) took place exactly 100 years after his fa- ther's wedding, the respective dates being 177.') and ].S7.">. Sir Henry Thompson was the pio- neer of the movement in I-'ngland for the .adoption of cremation, lie is oni! of the foremost surgeons in the world and, besides, a man of extraordinur- il.v varied attainments. Hi; has ex- hibited his paintings at tho Uoyal Academy and the .Salon, Paris; writ- ten i)0\'els of merit, produced stand- ard works on cremation and surgery, and at eight.y-thrco years of age drives a motor-car. A friend called upon him to cremation. The great specialist was at home in Wimjiole .Street, London, but "not at home" for the moment to patients no matter how exalted their rank. Tho privileged friend was shown in- to .Sir Henry's â€" not stirgery, but studio. There he was hard at work on a picture for an exhibition. Lord Charles HeresforJ, who would be hard to beat for popularity in the Navy, had a favorite hooby as a boy which was on a way proi>hetic of his future calling. This hobby os pastime was that of modelling boats, and be was exceedingly .skilful in this direction. 'I'heso boats he would gi\o ns birthday i>resents to those people for whom he had some special nliection. Quite a number of them are in I'xislence. "I would give any- thing to get one of them back." he remarked one day, "as a leminl.s- cence of my schoolboy days. I olTei-- ed one ohl' friend 8250 for a little model wliicli certainly was not worth .$1. Put neither he nor any of those who poss'.'.ss them will part with them. .So, after all, I must console mysdf with tho thought that my lilt'e boats aic regarded by those who have them with a certain amount of alTection." WELL POSTED. California Doctor With Years Kxi^erience. 40 "In my 10 years' cxiiorienco as a teacher .and |)ractitioner along hy- gienic lines," says a Los Angeles physician, "I have never found a food to compari' with (irape-Nuts far the bi'nelit of the general health of all classes of people. I have recom- mended Grape-Nuts for a number of years to iiatients with tho greatest success and every year's <'xperionce makes mo more enthusiastic regard- ing its use. "I make it a rule to always recom- mend (i rape-Nuts anri Postum Pood ColVee in plac(! of colTee when giving my patients instructions as to <liet for I know both Grapi»-Nuts and Postum can be digested by anyone. "As for myself, when engaged in much mental work my diet twice a da.v consists of (irapi'-Nuts and rich cream. 1 find it just the thing to build up gray matter nnd keep tho brain in good woiking order. "Ill addition to its wonderful ef- fects ns a brain and nerve food (â- rape-Ntits always keeps the diges- tive organs in ]ierfect, healthy tone. I carry it with me when I travel, otherwise I am almost certain to have trouble with my stomach." Name given by Postum Co., Ilattle Creek, Mich. More than half the battle in cleaning greasy dishes is in the soap yo'u us?. If it's Sunlight Soap it's the be.sf, m FATIIKH OF THE MAN. "Fallier," aakcd Tommy, the othei- daj', "why is it the boy is said to be the father of the man '?" Mr. Tomiikins had never given this subject any thought, and was hardly propaied to answer oflhand. "Whyâ€" why," he said, stumbling, "it's so because it is. 1" "Well. pa. since I'm your father, I'm going to give you a ticket to tlic circus and fifty cents besides. J always said that if 1 was a father 1 wouldn't bo so stingy as tho rest of them. Go In, pa, nnd have a good time while you're young. J never had any chance myself." Mr. Tonnikins ga7od in blank as- tonishment at Tommy. .Slowly the sigiii.'icance of the hint dawned upou him. Producing .$2.50 he said : "Take it, Thomas. When you real- ly do become a father, 1 hope it won't be your misfortune to have a son who is smaller than yourself." The King of Siam is only sixty-five years of age, for he ascended the throne at fifteen. Mrs. Leonowen, an I'^nglish governess, whose piijiil he was for sl.x years, describe;! him as an apt scholar, handsome. alTect ion- ate, and generous, with lofty ideals. Chulalongkorii has verified that char- octcr by progr. ssivo rule. He has given .Siam an enlightened govern- n;ent and yet zealously guarded native customs and institutions. Hence, while building canals, railways, light- houses, and hosi>ilals, he still serves as a ))riest in the lUiddhist temple. He has his army on the German model; has also abolished tho .second King, who exercised one- third of the Poyal power, and has establis'aed instead a Legislative Council of nobles. "'Phat large man thinks himself a pretty important jiersonage in this place, doesn't he '.'" asked the stran- ger. "Im])ortant ?" exclaimed the native. Why, if .vou tell him we're having fine \vo;it!ier here, he swells up as if he thought he made it" jffn-tLyr JkJt ^4jAif.i?&^ k^^z^^ Gy^ ^^^^^ ^M/ LOWER CAN BE HAD IN Palls, Wash Baasns, WM\ Any Firat-Class Grocer Can Supply You. INS5ST ON GETTING EDDY'S- &G Muggirsâ€" "Is that nn upright pia- no next c:oor?" Buggins â€" "Give it up. All I know is that it's a down- right nuisance." . or Over Sixty Years Mnn. Wl.s-siowsS.itTiiivo Svrup has been mod lij millions o[ nunhfrs for llm.r ciiililrcii while Ice'.hmi luoQthfii the chiM, fort, n- th. g- \m. al.;iyiii.airi. ci.rf! wind colic. roKiilaua tliciloniuch iind IjuwuIs, mid i,i ihj DPft remedy fur Diiirrlne;i. Tneiitv-lire cents a bjtil* Siild lydruiffisti Ihroueliout Ihe world: Bo RurB an.; j "kfor"Mjia." J2-CI I "Woman," remarked tho plain per- son, "suiports pain more heroically than man." "Are you a doctor?" I asked a listener. "No; I am a man- ufacturer of shoes." Lever's Y-Z (Wise Head) Disinfect- ant .Soap Powder dusted in the bath, softens the water and disin- fects. $100 Reward, $ioo. Tho roatiors of this paper will be pleuBed to learn that there is ut least onu (Ircatlcfl disease tluit science lias heen able to cure in nil its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh (~'uro is the only positive cure now known to the niodictil frateniit.v. Catarrh being a constitutional dLsease. requires a constitutioM.T.1 treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure IS taken iiitornally, acting direct- ly upon the blood niui mucous surfac- o'b ol tho sy.steai. thereby destroyiiiif tlio (oundatioii of the disease, ana giving the puticnt strength by building up the conslitutioii nnd assisting nature In do- ing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powcra that lliey olTer One Hundred Dollars for :*ny case that it fails to cure. Send for list of tcstinioniaLs. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O. .Sold by nil Pruggists. 75c. Tiiko Hall's I'auiily Pills for conatl- Dulioa. Mr. lluggins â€" "It is really the lit- tle things that cotint in this world." Miss Pimples â€" "I guess you arc right, Mr. Muggins. My littlo brotli- er Willie Ka.V'S you have been here just eighteen evenings this inonthl" Guest â€" "Is there any danger of fire in this hotel'?" Poy' (with his tcclh chattering)â€" "N-not unless you for it." pay Botter without a Stomach thsn with one that's got a constant " hurt" to it. Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets stimulate tho digestive organs. Let one enjoy the good things of lifa and leave no bad effectsâ€" carry them with you in your vest pocketâ€" 6o in box, 35 cents.â€" 48 Minurd's Liniinenl Cufes Burns, etc. One trouble with some men who pay as they go is they go very lit- tlo. ItchlnK. Burnins, Skin DI»- â- asea Cured for Thirty-fivo OontS.â€" Dr. Agnew's Ointment relieves in one day, and cures Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Eczema, Barber's Itch, Ulcers, Blotches end all eruptions of the skin. It is soothing and quieting and acts Uko magic In Ihe cure of all baby humors. 35câ€" 47 UEPAINTING OF L1.NKUS. The great Atlantic liners arc, ns a rule, repainted every trip. Tho sides of tho average lirst-class liner from water-line to rail represent an area of about an acre. The outworks of decks and cabins amount to almost as much more, while the outside sur- face of tho two great funnels and ma.sts totals over half an acre. Thus there is an area of about two and a half acres to be covered on the big liners at tho end of every vo.vage. The l>alnting of the funnels is t.he most important and dilHcult of the whole undertaking, and the men carry on their work from swinging seats. Wlinafd's Linimenl for sale evspliere The Foolâ€" "I know that I'm tioL Worth of you, darling." The Faii-v â€" "b'en-.embcr that, Harold, and my married life is sure to bo happ,v." In Ja.nan archers test their arrows by balancing them on the nails of the second and third fingers of the left hand and rapidly twirling them by the feathered end with the lingers of the right. If the arrow makes a whirling sound it is crooked and must bo Kti'ttightercd. Minard's Lioimeot fielieyss Heuralgli "Pa what does tlic teacher mean by saying I must have inherited my bad temper'/' inquired little Johnny. "!^he ircins, my son, that you ara your mother's owri boy." The President a Slave 'to Catarrh.â€" D. T. Sample, president of Sample's Instalment Company, Washington, Pa., writes : " For yaars 1 was afflicted with Chronic Catarrh. Remedies and treatment by specialists only pave me temporary relief andl I was inJu:i..\ to use Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Pov.'dei'. It gave almost instant tslief. 50 cents.- 49 LADY'S FROG FARM. Not tho least curious of business in which â- women are engaged is that en- tered upon by Miss iMona Sheldon, of Friendship, New .Jersey, who has started a frog farm upon a twenty- acre patch of swamp. Her frogs are, of coui-sc, of the edible variety, hind legs are beloved of the gourmet, and they find in cosinopolitaii Ameri- ca a ready sale. Mi.s.s .Slieldou is said to make a clear .'J'J.oOO a ye,ar out of her reptilian stoc!<-in-trade. An admirable Nutritious and Ecoaoroicai. 48â€" .21 Dear Sirs,â€" I was for seven years ' a sufferer from Hronchial trouble, [ and would be so hoarse ut times that 1 could scarcely speak above a whis- per. 1 got no relief from onything till I tried your MINAUU'.S lUlNF.Y HALS.\M. Two bottles gave relief and six bottles made a emnpleto j cure. I would heartily recommend it I to anyone sulTcring from throat or ; lung trouble. | d. F. VANnU.SKlUK Fredoricton. Billiard Tables Th* Baat at tha â- .•wast Price Writ* for T«rm* itEID BROS,, M'f'ir Oo.'y 7M Kins •*. W. 4 32-31 Dominion Una Steamships Knickpiâ€" ".So the Neweds don't speak to you any longer?" Hocker â€" "No; I'm tho man who introduced them to each other." MInafd's Liniment Cores Dandruff, I'ATIIKTIC Ctl.STOM. t-I Montram to LIvarpool Portland to L'verpao; Lurye anil Fast .Stoain.ship:). accoiaiiaulalioii lor nil's I si'iiger.s. Naloons oiul Sint.irooiti.s I aiiudships. iSiwcinl atlonlioii has . given to llio .Second .Saloon .aikI Ti-.ird- I l-lus.'i accomiiuiilailon. Km- rates of t I-.issages and nil i.articular.s. uiiiilv to ! niiy ugciit of 111,, i'o â- ' - I DOMINION LINK OKPICKS 17 St. SiK-raniL-iu St., Mont .Supurior pas- ar« been to 1 .as- eal. The wives of the North of Kngland colliers observe a very touching and pathetic custom when an acci;lent oe- nirs in the pit. Directly it is i;nown to the wife of a collier that an acci- Strong endor.sements like the above j dent has hnj>pened in the pit where from physicians all over the country have stamped Grnpe-Nuts the most scientific food in tho world. There's a reason. Look in each package for the fam- ous little book, "The Hoad to Woll- ville." If women had a vote the confirmed bachelor candidate wotdd be left at the post. her husband works, and that his fate is tincertaln, she throws open the house door, and, however inclement the weather may be, she keeps the door open and a candle burning in the window, night and da.v, till the man is brought home, dead or alive. In some cases tho door hos remained open nnd the candle alight during several weeks. Diiupletonâ€" "In the iiii.sence of ibe nurse, can't young Willie take care of the baby while we are oul'?' Mi's. Dimpleton â€" "I should say not. \Vb\. I would as soon think of leaving the baby with you." YOUR 0VERG9ATS •nit tiitcil ««;;â- ) w.nil.l i.i.j', â- ol OUT* lu your '.i.-vti, w: i;i- ,'. •tl».-.If'..l. r..t M.i.i.r sew >x lit BRITISH AMrnlC\N nVEINQ CO. UONXBEAX.. •15â€" 04 The Clergy bastedo's Like It Or. AgnaWe Catarrhal Povvder Cures All Creeds. It Relieves in 10 Minutes, ! lloro nro a few naine.M of clergymen ot ciincrtint creeds wlio arc fiiin iichcvers In lir. Agnow'8 Catarrhal Powdor to "live up to the iireacliing " in all it claims: llishop Swcelnian. Ucv. nr. X/Uligtry (Kplscoj'aliaiit; Itov. Pr. Witli- row and Uev. Pr. Chanittors (Methi»d- istl Riul Dr. Newman, all of Toronto. ' Canada. Copic.«t of their perKoiml let- ters for the asking. 1' Dr. Asn»w'a Slntmant rallevH pIlM In * ilay XIM3 St., east, _ TCROHTO. Ecnd for cataloif. \Vc gva pxlra value. â- law Fura and Qsnaine, Sond lor price \\A 11â€"04 ALL KINDS FRUITS PAGE FENCES Wear Best Poultry, Butter, Eggs, Honey, Apples, THK Dawson Commission Co. or And Farm Pro- duce Kenerally^ consign it to us as! we will i^et you good pricss. tt t* tke f«o«a tkkl haa AoaA tho tMt of Urn* -stands tho heaviest itrainâ€" never aaca-the stamdard tha world mar. Order thmoKh oar looal agent ur direct from is. 301 THB leAOB WIRK FBNCK OO. LIMITBD. WalkerrlUe, •«•. â- aBlreal, ««a. M. Jate. I.B. Wlamtprt. Das. XOROKT-ro. Issue No ~ â€" 04 klMITS* T. *â- . %