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Flesherton Advance, 11 Feb 1904, p. 1

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•'TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€"" PEINCIPLEb NOT MEN. n'uXlh, m 1133 Rlesliertoii, Ont., Xliursday. February li 1904: W. H THURSTON. F.nlTOK PEOPUIETOB Kimberlcy i W. A. Armstrong, | I JEWELLER I S rieshsrton, Strain's 3!d'c 't Porl L;iw Last week's ifeins. Those who are riccustonmd lo find fault with the weatlier secrii to have liiirl auiplf < ppoituiiiiy cliuiiig the }..isC tw . months ti) veiit I heir gruniliks. Work iitid lius- iiiess i>f all kinds, with the iXcepMni nf Khovthiny snow, has hei-u parnlvzfd hy t'le olose'.y linked chain of sturms ai.d the b'u^er-iibu;id.wice of the "bountiful." Our local weather pro[.htl.s have b<;eu so ofci-u deceived that thuy are veiy retioetit ih ventuiiiig .in opinion, and ti the quettion, "will the weather soon mixlernte." the reply proves that I hey have agreed that "it ought lo." But a dark picture may have gliiwiiig tints. There are others of Ml optiiii'Stic turn, who t«U us, and they presume to know, that a severe winter is' a certain forerunner of a fruitful season â€" that the snow the wore crops, is â- sii iufallit.le rule. So with eiicouragio^' prospect held up to view, we repress our gruMiblus and smile at tl>e Btoriii. Mr. Joseph ISadyeiow has joined the nrmy if beiiedicis by linking; his destinies for life wiih Miss M»f!;«io ShireR,dau,jhter i>f Mr. and Mrs. Francis Shires. The younj; couple will reside in this neighbor- hood. May prosperity and happiness be unstintedly meted out to thctn thniugh- out their years of wedded life. Mrs. H. VVoodiiah been laid up for 8' me lime throtmh illness. MuuipM hare )>?ei) somewhat prevalent of late. Thefauiily of Mr. W. R. Sim- mans have been undergoing a siege of I hem lately. The fauiily of Mr. and Mrs. Silas Udell has been increased by the ariival of another little Vn>y. Mr«. Cliailes Napier is setiously ill. Mr. and Mrs. R Walker of Miinitoha visited f^r some days with Mr. and Mrs. John Walker, 4th line. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McNally paid a visit to friends in Uolliiigwood lately. Mr. James Gordon s son, Milie, who recently had his lei; amputated at the Tor- onto general ho6pit»l, arrive<l home, and is piogresainit toward recovery as fast a.« might be expected. Mr. and Mis. T. B, Cariuthers, who lately returned from Mnnitolia, vi«ited with the latter's sister, Mrs. W. H. Mo- Nally. Mr. Go'>rge Young has purch.'iscd from Mr. John Winters what is known a^ the OimttH farm. Oeorga signifies his inten- tion of remaining a b.ichclor, but it is doubtful if he will be able to carry ou' this reoolutiou very long uuder the cir> cuin»tanc«!<. The toUowing is a result of the election of (itticers of Porilaw counc'l of R. T. of T. 'at la»t regular meeting : S C, T. R. McKeniio ; ^ C, J A Hutchinson ; V G, Mrs H Wood ; Chaplain. J H Wat»ou ; Hocorxling Secretary, Fred Pedlar ; Fin. Sec, Annie Sheanh'WU ; Trc«s., Miss L l.oro ; Ueral.l, S.Sheardown, jr. ;C5u.'irt*, Miss Annie Boyce ; Sentinel, S. Sliire ; OrvaniHt. Mts. McKeneio. The council is ii> a very properous Condition, nitd gradually adding menibera to iu ranks. â-  I i»l « m â€" â€" Delicate Boys and Qiris Aro alto^jethtr too numerous. Our »chools are full of ihrm. Chances are yuur own children are freaklinus. It'a a «h*me W' many cbildrei. grow up without health when they could b« made atronic by Fern i-ne, the best growing tonic lioys •nd girb can take. Ferrosone invigor- ates the whole body, help* dieestioB, loakp* the blooil puro and rich It lup- ptiek more nourithment than children on get in any other way and soon entablishos a resorve of force and energy. Give your children Frrnwone and vaicb Iheni grow â- trong. Prioe Me. per box. Miss Myrtle Tlioinp.snn of Ceylon, who h.-is been \i«itiiii her aunt, Mrs. George L-iwri>nce, for Kiune time, returned ho>ne on Tli'irsfiav hisr. M ss Rhod-i Longhead of the Tenth l:iie, vi.sitcil fncnila here recently. .Mr^. A. Burns of Cinrksburs, who ha3 I eeii vi.-fitinp friends here for some time, utiiriu-tl homo last week. The Forasters will hold their conceit licnt ou Kri<Ky evening of this week. Mr. atid Mis. James ReliiU of Jlaui- tolw are vi.-iiting wi'h their daughter, Mrs. B. Carrnrlieis of this p'a^e. T Mr ni^d Mrs. John Plewes retorned from Ki:l.vilie on Saturday last. Mr. ami Mrs. George MoCirtney of St. Vincent spent a few days at the latter's parontal home here. Miss NeUie Wickcns, who has be?n visiiin-^ friends in Michigan, returned homo recently. NO DIFFORENCE No di'-rinciion U made as to the kind of fidos that Uem-Roid cures. The nanaes internal. Extflrnal, Bleeding Rlinil. Itchii g, Suppurating, etc., arc (imp y nu nes of the different sti-jes throuj.h which every case will piss if'it continues lonf enough. Pi'fcs .ire caused by congestion or stag- nJitioM of 11 'oj in 'he lower bowel, and t.iUes an intoiail remody to remove the cause L'r. Lemh.TJt's Hem-roid is a tablat taken iuteriialy. It is a portmiiiotit cure and no easo of Piles hcis ever beeu found it failed to cure. Money back if it does. A guarantea witli every package. Artemesta Council The Municipal Council of the town- ship of Artemysia, met at the town hall, Flesherton, on Saturday, Feb. 6, l'J04. The members were all present, the reeve in the chair. The imuutos of se.saion of Jan. 11th, 1904, were read aud coutiriM-^d, also the minutes of sjjecial meeting of •Jan 14, 1904. Tha followin;; communica- tions were read : Manager Bank of Ham- ilton at Dundaik, showing amount of sinking fund on school debenture account to ha §3845. 65 ; ths reeve and Mr. Best report upon the treasurer's security ; Messrs. Lucas. Wri'^ht & McArdle, solio itorsf'^r the Eugenia Electric Light & Power Company, askiD>» the council to grant, privilege to erect poles and wires upon highways, and also to close up and convey to the company that part of Alma street in, Euaenia on which the falls are situated. The auditors' repott for 1903 was also presented. Gibson â€" Meads â€" That this council go intiO committee ou the auditors' re- port. â€" Carried. Meadsâ€" Bestâ€" That D. Madill be paid 32 for damages to cutter iu pitch holes between Ceylon and Fleshurtou, the same to be paid when account for repairs is presents to this council â€" Carried. Purvis â€" Best â€" That W. A. Armstrong be paid S4 for wood furnished T.Manders on Older of Ciuncillor Best.â€" Carried. Best â€" Purtis â€" Tliut the clerk's postajge account from March 1903, to date, $5.7tf, 1)0 paid â€" Carried. Gibsonâ€" Bestâ€" That W. B.Thurston's account for election stationitry S14.8.5,and assessment rolls and scheUulea $11.00. be paid.â€" Gairieil. Gihsoii â€" Musds â€" That the auditors' ro- jKirt for 1903, as presented and tinalljr audited by this council he ac- cepted, the clerk have 10# copies printed, Hiid that the auditors be paid $10 each for their Bervtcecâ€" Carried. Gibson â€" Meadsâ€" That the report of the Reeve and Mr. Be-nt on treasurer's securities bo received and adopted. â€" Carried. GiUonâ€" Bestâ€" That Frank Foster be place<l on the indigent lisb at 9"^ per inonih to commeuce froui this dato.^ Carried. Gibson â€" Purvis-That the cleik receive aealed tenders fur the puroh.iseof timl>er on Alma street, Eugenia, south from Z'luve street U> tho falU, the U>west or any tender not necessarily accepted. â€" Carrie<l. Bestâ€" Gibsonâ€" Thnt in roference to the applicatiuu of the Kolicilora uf the Eugenia Electric Livht >% Power Com- paoy, to have part of .Mma street in the town plot of Eugenia cl.ised and conveyed lo them ("o far as the main falls is c<in- ceriied) the Reeve and Clork ate hereby appointed a committee to iiniuire fully into the matter and lo icp -rt to this c«>uiicil, as to the conditions upon which the s.-«me may be conveyed; said com- mittee to re|Kirt lis*) sa to th^acvisabili'.y of pciiilittiiig »aid company to erect poTea and wires upon highways ot this munio- ipality. â€" Carried. Council adjourned. The plucky Jap has taken the initi- ative and J»i>au and Uansia m* iiow at war. Japan Strikes First Blow j Japan has succeeded in striking a stun- jning blow tu Russia a.s a beaiinning of tbo I war. Under cover of ni!;ht sbo succeeded in torpedoini; thrco of Russia's beat I war ships in Port Arthur harbor, right under the gons of the enemy. This will [ put the three vessels out of business at least temporarily and probably for good. The daring, who are i Called little Englishmen of the East, escaped without a scratch. At least one ! of the Russian vessels was sunk. It is conceded that Japan reaps a great advan- I tage by this remarkable and successfi 1 act uf dariug. McFadand, Stafford & Co.'s Big Store MARKO-iLE, ox'rj\i.iro Grey County's BIGGEST and CHEAPEST STORE. Honor Rolls COMTINUED FOR FEBRUARY WEFIE BUSY STOCK-TAKING. AH winter goods, odd ends and brokua lota must be sold, prices away down. Cost price in many cases uo!, considefoJ. Furs aud winter goods 25 to 50 p. o. off Report of Ruckvale Public School for January. Class IV sr. â€" Jessie Phillip.i, Besaie Russel, George English, Violet McLean. ly jr.â€" Vera Phillips, Fmley Hoy, Mahel Chard, E-erctt McLean. III sr.â€" Arthur Ch.ird, Freddie Ru.sseli, Eddie Chard, Maggie b'islier. Class III jr. â€" Sam Simpson, Ehna Arnistroii^, Dor* Pedlar, Walter Aikitt, Leila Clark. CI 1S8 TIâ€" EJgar Befcts, Reta Fisher, Ernie Russel, Eilie Armstrong, Lewis Pedlar, Carl Achin.son. Pt. II sr.â€" Eidie White.NoUie Fisher, Edwin Smith, Hai ley Phillips, Mary White, Jiminie Armstrong Pt. II jr. â€" Reta Belts, Gertie Fisher, Walter Fi.><her, Myrtle Parliament. Pt. I sr â€" Sanimie Fisher, Wes.sie Smith, Minnie .\rmsrroug, Mabel Radly. Pt. I jr.- KIlie Blakely, Hobbie Blakely, Florence Parliament. Average attendance 4.5, H, W. St.'LFFokd, Teacher. Report for S. S. No. 6, Artemcsia for Janui*ry. Vâ€" Sadie Fletcher, Ed. Wliiltaker, K. Fletcher. IV â€" Willie Fletcher, Janet Fletx:her, John Cairns. Ill sr. â€" John McArthur, Spurgcon iVhittaker. IIKrâ€" Ruby Stone, Bert Whittaker, Willie McArthur. II sr. â€" Tommy McAithur, P. Cairns, Tommy Spicer. Pt. IIâ€" Willie Spicer, Rita Boyce. Pt. Iâ€" I. B. Whittaker. E. M. Small, Teacher 35c. BOY'S AND GIRL'S CLOVES 19o 49 pairs Boy's and Girls Ringwood knit Gloves in fancy colors, h-avy weight and splendid wearers, our selling price for tliese Gloves were per pr. 2!) and 35c. To â-  clear while they last, per pair 19 I §1.75 LADIES' WTIAPPERS FOR 99c. I 38 Women's Wrappers in fancy colors â-  ot Wr-.pperette, .some have fiill, (jthers â-  with tiiiunce, all of which are nicely triru- I nied and has been selling in reiiular way at each 1.25, 1.50, and 1."."), ffll so out [ on bargain counter, at your choice for 99 j ' 60c. BOY'S TOP SHIRTS FOR 39c. I i 58 only Boy's Heavy Knit Wool fop | j Shirts in modiuin and dark fancy colors, j I not many of any one kind, which we are | ! anxious to ifeil before completing stock j takinz. The regu'ar prices are 50'3 and 60c each. All marked at each 39 fl.25 MEN'S NIGHT SfilRTS.only 89o I i 6 tmly Men's Fleece Lined Night Shirts; ' Extra heavy make aud fleeced throughout. Regular value 1.25, on sale at 89 FOUR GREEN TAG PRICES IN FUR CAPS 14 only Western Beaver Wedgeshape Caps, regular 3.25, sale price 2.38 7 only Beaver Wombat Wedgeshaped Caps, regular 2.50, sale price 1.90 11 only Astrnchan wetlgeshaped Caps, regular 3.50, sale price 2.68 With Crick ia the Back You are up against a lot of trouble un- less you have a strong remedy like Ner- viliuo to settle pain aud dislodge stiffness from the muecles and joints. Just rub Nerviline on the r)ainful spotâ€" not much rubbing because Nerviline has more power ihait ordinary remedies. You won' suffer lonsr after Nerviline ia applied or it relieves almost instapUy. Mr. Phillip Adams Oakland says : "If I hadn't u&ed Nerviline I guei>s my back wimld be stiff yec. A few spplications of Nerviline took out all the soreness and stiSuess. I can recommend Nerviline for any kind of muscular paiu,aliso for rheumatism. Price 25c. ft only Ameiican Seal Wedgeshaped Cap.s, 3 of which are with bind, regular 1.50,aale price 1.00 WHITE AND COLORED SHIRTS FOR 33c About six dozen Men's Shirts, compris- ing While Lauudried and Kancy Cambiir, some of which are unlaundriod and others lauudried. Our regular prices for this lot Were from 75c to 1 00 each, largo sizes only to clear each yd 1 35 LADIES KID GLOVES 48c 48 pr_ Ladies Kid Gloves, bought at a big sacrifice, being small qnuiilities of each color, black, bin. white and green, all of which are new in style and woulil sell in regular way at from' 1.00 to 1.3.'). These goods are perfect in every respect, sale price 48 4.00 LADIES COATS FOR 68c â-  .« 8 only Ladies Mantles in the light-fitting back style, of curl ch.thand boaver,colors black and navy olue, sizes .'52 and 34, regular values 4.00 They;u-e not dam- aged iiooda, hut just a little out of style and not in the large sizesâ€" is the reison we are putting them on sale at Green Tag price (js 3.50 LADIES SKIRTS 1-48 .30 only Ladies Dress Skirls, comprising oiford grey, ureen and brown all-wool homespun cloth in medium weight, latest style, and best of workmanship. These skirts are very dressy in appearance and would be cheap as underskirts or cotron skirts. Regular value 3 00 and 3.30. ITir this month green tag price 1.48 McFAKLiLND, STAFFOI^D & CO SPECIAL INDUCEHENTS FOR CHRISTMAS TRADE. A dastardly attempt was m.'uie to bum down the Mount Forest pubhc nc1k>oI on Monday night of last week. When the j.tnitor went to tho school early in the morning he found a hole had lieen broken hi the ceiling over the t>oil«r, the hole filled with paper a;id s-t on 6re. For- tunatrly tho paper had burned out | without setting lire to the lath and joist*. ' Mr J. T. -Mien, chairman, and other ' members of tho Board, were prompllv 1 notified, aid they are now uB'ering $1C0 for informatiim leadiost to th« omvictiun of the )>arty or parties implicated. One day recently, Edward, eon of Mr. , David Taylor, Pith line of Garafraxa, hvl i occasion lo enter a bo»r'« jien, whnti the brute turnwl viciously on him. Knock- ing him down, it apiwrcntly heeded not the knocks of liosrds and prods of forks, iind chewed the calf of oiia of the young oiaii's tega. l>ie of the bpsat's tusks also entered iho fltsh near the hip and lacer- ated it for six or eight inches. By a vig- orous .it tack with forka the beast wa.^ driven oft. It took a doeter some time to dross the wound*, which are not only painful, but of a aeriou* nature. A hundred million dollar fire visited BaUioior*, Maryland, on Sunday. This to ncart/ cquil '.o the ^T««k Ohioaf(o fire. 10 Men's all-wool Tweed Suits $7 and ^8 for .. 5.00 12 Ladies' Fine Coats, S7.50 »nd §9.00, for 5.00 A large assortment of carpets, srranging in price from 25c. to (.125 per yd An extra good stock of Horso Blankets on hand,aiid we are selling them at the lowest living prices known. .Also a full raiipe of Men's Heavy Footwear, such as Felt Boots, Heavy Rubbers, Moccasins, Leg- gings, etc. 20 Men's Heavy UlEters,grotI valtp at $H 12 only Men's Pea Jackets,on sale at 3 90 20 all-wool Men's Sweaters, worth $1.00 f'>r 65c. 50 yds, crash toweling, worth Si.yd. for 7 6 pr. gray wool Blankets, to clear out at gL90 pair 12 Men's Cardigan Jackets, rog. §1.50. for 1.1» Meii'.s Kid Gloves, regular pnce 90c. and ♦1.00, for COc. per piiif A Reduction in Groceries 5 lbs good Japan lea for $1.C0 5 lb< CeyloD Black tea 1.00 13 lbs. best selected raisins 1.00 25 lbs. be«t Tapoica l.OO 25 Ika. fresh Figs 1.00 50 large ban soap, rsg. IZJcfor A nice asAortment of Faucy (Jla^sware to Choose for Xmas Giftt. . . . ^^^. hock ley Highest prices p^ld for Fowl and Butter.. . , Proton station. On Wcdiienday, through the ngency i>f j Mr. Lamon, W. J. Benson purchased the rai-anl pn-perty on M»in St.,oppo,fite the { McCullouun House, belonging tu James Dean for 91500. Tliis ia one of the best business sites in the vilbiKe and we utuler- •tand Mr. Benson intends erecting during , the coming sun mer a large brick block I thereon, containing suirablo general ntorc premises for his own pnnx>a<) and other bui<inei« places for renting. Mr. B. has faith in Dundaik and hiji eniorpriae i* commendable.- Herald. Tlie scarcity of divorces in Cmo-U is remarkahle. In Ontario, Quebec, Maui toba and the territories divourci-s can Im obtained only by act of tbo Parlia-iient of Canada, and from 1308 to 1900 only sixty iiitte were so secured. In tl » other provinces they may bo ohr.iinel i<t the courts, ind during thi> »->mo iieiiml Nova Sc«)'ia Iia8gr«iite<l !hJ. New Bnins- I wick 73, British Columbia 47, »'id Prince 'E<lwardI-tUala>i« e. â€" Buslou Trar.i<crip».

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