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Flesherton Advance, 4 Feb 1904, p. 8

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Feb 4 1904 T'HE FLESHERTON ADVANCE } I Tiesbertdii Furniture z .Olarerooms* Wo Are carrying the newest ityla of seanoniible ,go(KiB in all linei of Furnitture, consisting of : Parlor and bedroom suits, lounges, sideboards, oxteiisiim and centre tnblefi, chairs, window ehades and curtain poles, pictures, easels, etc., Which we offer at LOWSET PRICES \Aj/ers Picture Framing and General Re- itiring. Undertaking^ in all its ranches. Satisfaction guaranteed. I W. H. Bunt, Prop, Falling out Hair U this is the caBe, oall and see ns and we wlllpreveut itdoiag sabyapi>l>iui|ourwouder-> lul reiuei3y. Highly Recommend We have used its wondorfull powers oo many io this towu aad eurroundiiig district and all who have undergone treatment reoom- mend it very highly. Ho Cureâ€" NojPay A.'WILSON FliESHEBTOM Barbr Preparation is necessary if you wish to SQCcet'd. If you inted to transact business of any kind you would be sadly handioap- 0i without a business education. The most thorough training of this kindsan be obtained at the ; OWKNSOtTKD, ONT. Winter term commences Jan. 4fch. Oat- alogne free by addressing <C A. FLEMING - Principal Doctors first prescribed Ayer's Cherry Pectoral over 60 years ago. They use it today more than ever. They Pectoral rely upon it for colds, coughs, bronchitis, consumption. They will tell you how it heals Inflamed lungs. •T' %^'..^iZ>'iL'«*«S '••â- â€¢''•IT^MS- Tkmltried Arer^Ohmrreetn*!. Mr son i».if. ».>. m„^ ?i«alrl siWI my nonnfc Ihuf f sfl Itiu. PsAxi Kn)« QattH* OntrM*. All |J{5HjjJ;^,|_ 9f\m ^^^w^>^f>H| County Council Old Coughs On* Avar's PHI at bedtlnw Insui !• Ayara nanml â€" â€" • inauraa Action nast mqinlqjl^ 8 â-  Thoroughbred Durham Bull lor Service Cord IDinto, 2^06$. Bu^r?or"B"e'rc'e«r.o??Jl,Vrdr^ "'"•'""" i,ZS'''"Vt'- '°' «'â- *''« "=0â„¢- *3 'or thorough- breds. Pedigree on application JACOB LEVER Floaherton P.O Business Cakds BIG . . ^TOCK We have inst reoeirod In stook ene Of the finest assortments of . BLANi€ET5 AND ROBES in the marliet and can favor yon with any requixemsuta you will need in that .line. Also a large consiRament of Imitation PERSIAN LAMB COATS. We haye a fine collection of ooati to to select from. All Sold at Lowct Living Prices TVUfl:. HiKOORC A Merry Christmas and A HAranr new yiar. WR take this oppoi-tunlty of thank ins the publiofor their liberal patron- iwo durini! the past year, and hope for a «oatimmtinu of theaame durlnR 1904. Vou will find our Htook of Grooerlo* complete and (regh as the inarkut will allow. We iinportour Japan T«a. wiilcli In a loader of all teas. Just try it Jt and be coDTlnod. We will take all kinds of Farm Produce for Goods For which we will pay the hiohest market gireeeH. Bring your produce early In the day «od get the best attendance. Take your time and exaitiiiid our Roods and you will be con- vinoad tliatit Is your intei'cat to buy in Max- well, Kithor in Dry Oonds or Urocerlos for jiew and up-to-date. We cannot enuuiorate vut JuDt come and tee for yourself. We have a Urge itock of the famous KaNT-KRAOK rub- bers, a<Ho other Hues of rub'jer Koods. We also have a nice line of:X.(cas Goods AHBBN'S BOOTS and SHUER always on hand and don't forgot cur Ilardware Lilue OUR COMPLIMENTS TO . . PUBLIC . . THE R. Kinnear & Sons MAX W,E L L The Markets. 4Uarerullv 4;orrc«- (;d Eiu-li Week OhU 5;0 ', 27 Peaa..." 08 o 68 WhHSt 70 to 72 Barley 4ft to 4fi Butler 15 to 15 KiRs f r.sli 20 -.0 20 Pork 6 00 U> 11 00 <';liick(iiis per lb R 10 ji) Ourks piT Ml 7 to 7 "Tu;keyi per Jh 12 tc 13 tf.'e-.o wirhout lie.idH. . 8 "o 9 U«y. 5 00 to 6 no i*uta.,iR:' h:>K .... 36 -.o Ja aj'GUIiliOUaH & YOUNQ "~ Banker Markdale 00 a general banking business . Money loaneo a reasonable rate Call ou us. P J SPROULB •* Fodtmastor, Fiesherton oommlssionar in H. O. J., Auctioneer Con- veyancer, Appraiser and Money Ijendor Real Estate and Insurance Agent. Deeds mortgages, leases and wills carefully drawn up and valuations made on shortest notice. money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Col eotious attended to with promptnesB charges low. Agent tor Ocean Dominion Btaauiship Company. A call solicited. Societies A O tl W meets ou the last Monday " m eacn month, iu their locige room, Obristoe'B block. Fiesherton. at 8 p.m. M.W., A; Harrison ; Recorder, Jas. Felstead ; Finan- cier, W.J. Bel. amy. Visiting brethren Invited. DBINCB ABTHTE LODaB, No. MS, A. l A U, meets in the Ua»onlc ball. Strain's block, FleBbt.rton, every Friday on or before the full'mocu. F H W Hickiiug W U. Ohas Muoshaw, aet^Btari. COURT FliESHEBTON, I. O. P. meets in Ohristoo'B Block the last Friday evening each month. Visiting Forestois henrtilv reloome. C. R.. C. W. Bellamy ; E. C, W. Buxkin ; Pin. 8eo.,Dr K. Murray. (Pay dues to Dr. Murray on or before last day of each month.) Medical r|R OARTEB If M « P 4 S Ont, Physician, Burgeon, etc Unoe and residenceâ€" Peter St., Fiesherton DB.30CTT, M. B., Afaxwell, Ont. B. M. REID, M.D.C.M,, •.,'*.^''.".'''''"'' Surgeou and Accoucheur, late of N. Y. Postgrad. Medical School, N. Y. IivLiB-ln Hospital and 8t. Luke's General Hospital. Ottawa ' ' T P OTTEWELL ' Veterinary Bnrgeon Qradnate of Ontario Veterinary College, residence â€" second door south west on dK. . '.'"®i-. ''''''• «'•«' runs south Presbyterian Church. n WILSON . . , Iraduate of the Veterinary Science Association. Ueslduuce, Durham itreot. op- posite Boyd, Hickliug'a hardware. Legal J. W. FROST, L li. ». Barrister, Solicitor Oonvoyancor. etc offlOBâ€" Next to poatomco, Hprouln's block Kliihorton, every Thursds and, court dayn N Bâ€" Owen Round oUlce, Frost' block Poulett street east. LUCAS, WBIOHT A McARDT.B Barristers Kolicitors Oonvnyancers, etc Omcesâ€" 0««n Baund.Ont and MarkilaleOnt. W H Wniarrr, M<iArdlr 1 11 Lucas N nâ€" Fiesherton office, Mitchell's Dank every Saturday. MACKAVASAMPSON .Barristers, snilrltnis. OKFKjI'.H Iâ€" Owen Hrund, Mcrchsiifs Bank Block, N. ^ .fati^rson tiouse. t^uiulalk ajn Street, every Ssturday. Monnv to loan at 4)pM-«^nt. A. O. MACKAY, M.A., H.E. 8AMPHON, L.L D Alwavs In attendance at Fleihi-rton and Duudalk DIvlelouCeurta. Dentistry DR. B C. MKRRAV.L.n, B. dental surgeon honor Rratluattj of Toronto Unlvurpity and Roval CollfiQp nf IThiiIhI H.irseotis of Ontario. Offloo -OppoHite AiniBtvonn't Jevellery Store. Will vinit Maswnll the laM. We'dnptilay at ensh niniit),. and Dnndalk 1 aad S Thursday In easb uioutb. The county council was callM to meet at 2. p. on Tuesday, but th«re was not a quuruifi o( menibets present when the hour arrived, owing to delsyed trains and blockaded ruads. The warden himaelf^r. Preston, did not reach Owen Bound unt 1 6 o'clock, the C. P. R. not arriving until that hour. The clerk therefore postponed the meeting until 7 p. m. At 7.30 Clerk J. Kutlrarfurd ai;ain took the chair and called the members to order, who were all present except Mr. Doyle, who is absent in Florida. The clerk announced that Mr. Alex. Garvie, of Derby, had been elected to fill the vacancy caused by reaiunatlon of Mr. Tlios. Hamcsa, and that Mr. Garvie hsd duly made his declaration of qualification »iid of office and now took bis 8 .-at at the Board, After reading regulations governing the election of warden, the clerk intimated 'hat ho was ready to receive nominations for that office for 1944. Mr. McKinnon nominated Mr. Joseph Pi injjle, and the nomination was second- >-d by Mr. Gordon. After ample oppor- tunity had been given for other noiuina- tions and none having been made the c erk called for a standing vote which wss unanimous with excrpfion of the nominee hiinrelf. Messrs. McKinnunand Gordon then escorted the warden-elect to the chair and in a few well chosen words in- troducec hiia to the council thanking the members for the honor confered on him and soliciting the cordial support of every member assuring them that while he actt'd as presiding officer ho would endeavor to do justice to every member. He then called upon the clerk to read the minutes of la»it meeting of the November session, to which he attached his first signature as warden. After reading a large number of com- munications and accounts a special com- mittee to strike the standing committees for 1904 was appointed, consisting of Messrs. Allan, McKinnon, Shute, Brown and the mover. WEDNESttlY iroKENOOSr The council met in the council chamber at the town hall. Mr. Neil McColnian, wlio was unable to attend the November session owing to illness, was net present when the roll was called, but arrived dur- ing the readinj; of the minutes. Four communications were read by the clerk. A pctitiob £rodni Mayi.r A. S. Hunter, of Durham, and others, urging the council to ^rant a free auctioneers' license to Hut;h McKay, who had been an auctioneer for thirty years, but was now becoming infirm. The report of Mr A. Grier, public school inspector forEosr Grey, gave an account of work done in the inspectorate, and stated that the writer hiid held office of inspect or for fifty years, having been appointed by the county council in 1854, and he was not aware of fault having been found with the way he had discharged his duties. The Western Ontario Good Roads Association asked the council to donate 910 to its funds, and to appoint delegates to attend its cou- veni ion, which is to be held this year in March sn as to have the advantage of prominent public speakers who would be obtainable at that season. Mr. Gordon un chairman of the special committee to strike standing committees for 1904, presented his report. The ctmi mil tees were afterwards called off in order by the warden and retired into the town hall, where they chose their chaiiman When all was complete the committees for the year stand as follows : Finance â€" All the members of the coun- cil. Mr. Thomson, chairman. Boad and Bridse â€" Messrs. Garvie.Mc- Col man, Schenk, Bell, Brown, McKin- non, Shuto and Doyle. Mr. Shute.chair- man. County Prapcrly â€" Metvirs. Gordon.AI- Ian, Preston, McLean, Thoipson, Bell, Pntteisor. and Garvie. Mr. Gordon in the chair. Education â€" Messrs. McArthur, Shute, McColinan, McKinnon, AlUn, Gordon, Gsrvio and Brown, BIr. MeArlf)«ir,^air' man. Printingâ€" Messrs. Patterson, Sohenk, Garvie, Thomson, McArthur, Preston, Doyle and McLean. Mr.Patterson in the chuir. -J Commiiiiicalions and Memorialsâ€" Mfssra. Goidnn, Garvie, Brown, Mc- Arthur, McKinnon, Allan, Shute and Mc- Ciilinitn. Mr. McColinnn, chairman. House of Refusjo StAiidingCommittee â€" Messrs. Mo.\rthur, Gordon and the Warden. Warden's Com â€" Messrs Allan, Mc- Kinnon and Gordon. Judical Audit Corn. â€" Messrs. Doyle, .McArthur. and the Judical Auditor. House of Refuge Building Oommittee- Mensrs. Got don, Garvie, MvKlnnon, Al- lan. Shute. Brown, McColcninn and Mc- Aitluir. Mr. Gordnn, chairman. There being no further reports of com- mitiees or any busiticsa before the council it was stated by Mr. Gordon that th'.- whole council sIxHild triake a visit of m- spi'ction to the, house of Hefuee at Mark- dsle. There was a great deal of business to bo lotiked after in connection with the building, and before the council ci u!d lr;n.iBct their business intellii;ently the members shi'uld have a persimal inspec- tion. He did not bolicvB the o«>nncil could c iniplete its duties this week, which was now so far tdvancod. As chairman of the conimitleB he desired that the council should have full knowledge how the contract wiw advanced and there wan much t«i he Rcen to with reference to the water supply. Making provision for the msna'.'er's instructions as the management if Hie iiiatitutinn, the purchase of a team and iiiber necesaary equipment,and many other de'ails. He moved that the council adjourn until Friday mnniing, and in the WHAT HAPPENS AFTER FIVE HOURS. Dr. Benehard, the eminent French phTsfcian, has fnmlahed facU which show that it axMl Is retalued In the stomach more than flvo houm It becames f«riu«ntative yotrefaoUve,â€" not digestive, â€" and tluit tUe is the starUug-pulnt of disease. This food mui be- comes putrid. Generates gas. The stomsch dilates. There i» a seeming lomp-wefght, buralog, or belching. Blood, fibre, tlatue, and cells begin to absorb poison from the stomach and alimentary canal In- stead of Dutrlmeot, and right here Is the produc- ing cause ot Constipa- tion, Diabetes, Bright's Disease, Uterine and Ovarian troubles, Rbeu- mstism. Gout, Nervous and Mental Distress, Bronchitis, Heart Affec- tion, Pulmonary Con- sumption, Jaundice, Liver and Skin Diseases. Inability of the stomr acb to properly ban^e food Is mainly caused Ijy oycrsating, djlnklng too much liquid, gases gea> erated from slow diges- tion, preventing the mix* iDg of food with gastric juice to properly prepare It for use In the tody. Dr. J. 8. Leonliardt worked for years In per- fecting Antf-Pill, 60 that It would guarantee regiK lar stomach action, and its astonishing cures are proof of Its mission be>- iog fulfilled; of its being; the greatest System Treatment in the world. 50 cents of druggists, or mailed to any address hf Wilsom-Ftle Co., Niag- ara Falls, Ont Sample free. interval visit the "house of refuge on Thursday. Mr. Shute ajiproveS. of G;iving the ful- lest attention to the house of refuge bus- iness, which promised to bo amom; the most important to come before the eosn- cil at this session. After some discassion the matter was satisfactorily arranged at length that the members should visit Markdale as a com mittee of the cotmcil on Thursday and meet ngi»iu on FmSayJuioining. Why Do Women Suffer Such pain and endure the torture of nervous headache when a quarter buys a bottle of Nerviline which never fails to relieve. Just a few drops of Norvihne in sweetened water cures nervous or sick headache, relieves heart palpitation and makes you feel better immediately. Ner- viline can't be beaten for quickly curing stomach and bowel, troubles and should he kept in every home. It's good to rub on for external pain and excellent for in- ward use. Sold in large 25c. bottles. WTJSLNTJED A msn to represent "Cahaox's Gbk/u,- EST Nurseries" in the town of FLESH EI^ TON and the surroundini; countrr. and take surroundin!; orders ci>untry, for Our Hardy Specialists In Feuit Tkees, Shaix Fritito, Orkambnt^ls, Shriirs, RcsiiS, VisBs, Seep Potatoks, etc. Stock true to name and free from San Jose Scale. A permanent position for the riiilit man on either salary or eoia- mission. Stone & Wellington FONTHILL NURSERIES over 800 acres Tcidvnte Ontario fer T^ KvScK&K K<S<t^- K&J^' K&K^^ For over thirty years wC have treated and cured all forms of Blood diseases, both hereditary and acquired. Our New Method Treatment Is original with ourselves, and never fails to eradicate tho poison from the •ystera. Beware of mercury and other mineral poisons, which so many doctors prescribe for this terrible disease, -as they will ruin the system. Other treatments drive the poison into the system, whereas our treat- ment destroys the virus or poison In the blood and removes It from the system entirely, so the symptoms can never return. If you have any of the following symptoms consult ua before It la too late: Blotches, eruptlonw or pimples; falling out of the hair, itchiness of the skin, BtifrneSB or pains In the joints, soranesa In the muscleg, sore throat, ulcers or bad taste In the mouth, sore tongue, sourness of the stomach, enlarged glands, running sores, etc. Our New Method Treatment will purify the blood, heal up the sores, remove all pains; the hair will grow In again, all organs will bo restored to their normal condition, and the patient prepared to renew tho duties and pleasures of life. We guarantee marriage possiblo with absolute aafaty. CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY We treat and cure Vaxlcoeele, Varvoua Debility, Ctiicture, Oleet, : Mood Poiaoa. Vriaatx Dralui and ^oiaes. Kidney and Bladder P Jaaases. | Are you a victim? Have you lost hope? Are you con- templating marriage? Has your blood been diseased? : Have you any weakness? Our New Method Treatment | will cure you. Consnltation X^ee. No matter who has treated you, write for an honest opinion Free of Charge. Charges reasonable. Books Ir««.-^"Tho Oolden Monitor" (illustrated) on Diseases of men, "Diseases of Women." "Varicocele, Stricture and Gleet." All sent TSSE \ sealed. NO ME«CI» SENT C. 0. 0. NO MMES ON BOXES OR ENVELOPES. CVERYTHIHG CONFIDENTIAL. QUESnOM UST AND COST SF TRUTMENT, F R E E , FOR HOME CURE BEADEB! DRS.KENNEDY&KEIIGAN 148 SHELBY ST. DETROIT, illCH. /f Si'A K^i^K K^ K K A K^K * ^V $• Kl:^ K YOU ARE LOSING MONEY Without a "MELO TTE" CREAM SEPARATOR 60,000 in Daily uro The only Separator fitted with Beautiful Enamelled Bonl Casim;. The I ighest running and most durable Separator jret produced. Saves time, labour, space. Utensils iee and wattr. «T. He. H[E: ARD Sc SON^, FLESHERTCN D, McTAVISH m [i[Si[iiin (HiRiiGE iiiiDii Kor First Class Buggies, Carts, I'loasure and Lumber \\agons, cutters. Sleighs. We keep a stock ou hand to choose from. ALSO HORSE SHOEING ANO QENERAL BLACKSMITHINQ and iinarantec Rrst class work. We keep on hand Ploughs and Plough rc^wirs, and also Matsey- Harris and Noxon repsirs for binders. Mowers, all kinds of machinery, also Binder Twine on hand. » Olben In town giva us a call «

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