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Flesherton Advance, 29 Jan 1904, p. 4

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Jak 29^ I»0» •JHB PLISHERTOH ADVAlfG?* F, T. HILL & CO. I wwwwyyyy) 55 p. c. Discount off Furs. The balunce of our Fun of which we Hare m yet • nice auortinent, will beeold at the ahoT« dixeount. We dn thii rsther than run any possibility of oarryinR them over to another ie»«on< If in need of FUR GOODS of any deeoriplion o» lilwsiy to requite any e»en for next aeasoo, we would say buy now. You'll Derer in all probability be o&red IfEFENABLE FURS at less money than we're â- alline them now. LADTfia' AITD GENTLEMEN'S CaPS 2.25 C*pa for 1 70. 3.76 Caps for S 80 3 26CaiiwrM2.46 6.00 Caps for 3.76 4.50 C^ forS 36 7.00 Caps for 6.25' LADIES' C&CLAHS AND RDFF8 2.25 Ladies Ruft for r.TO 2.60 LadifsRoffa for 1 85 3.76 Ladles IfeA for 2.80 4 60 Ladies Ruffs for 3 36 6.00 £a«lm KufTs for 3.76 8.50 Ladies Ruffs for 6.36 12.60 Ladies Ruffs for 9 36. Fur Coats 25 par canC Zfiaeount Fur Jackets SS percent Diseovnt: «0c TWEEDS FOK;.38<s.. 126 yards pore sU' Wi>ol Twoudb- in medium and heary weights,. S<^od'colorsand patterns. This is the balance of our "Mill ends" in Winter Goods^atid are cheap at the ri<gular selling price of 60o., clearing now for only 38 , ; 20cCOTTONADE FORI60,; 160 yards of splendid pattern beary cottionad'es. thsb are sure to be sold quickly. These we secured atolcss than manufacturnrs' prices, and while they- )iUt you can buy actual 20 cent to 22 cenfc-Cottonadn fur only 16 37i and 50e ^anei/ Velt>ets foi^25 eent*. We hsve abotft tB ysrds of ver/ handsome Fancy Velvets that we place on siile this week at 26c. These are ei- cellent materia! for L^ies Blouses and will Kive magnificent wear H«U'a dozen select patteina. Tour choice per yard 25 86 to 60c CAPS FOR 26c Nearly one hundred of this season's newest and best selling lines of Men's and Boy's Cloth Caps, not many of any particular line but 8^%ient.'o£>all sizes to make a good selection. While' t'ttey taat take yoor pick fn*- only 26' 1.76 UNDERSKIRTS FOR 1.25 27 Ladies' Colored Sateeii underskirt8:that have mtil now sold nt 1,76' These are all made of extra fine quality sateen, lined throughout and padded and quilt- iA: 'The lot is small and will not lasr verr long, but if you come early you can have an excellent under- skirt for onjj. K2» 75 cent (B^ormeta fof 4f8eentM 10 dosen Ladies' CnrsetSy. made to retail. at 76 conta by one of the best manufacttirert Id Canada. This ia a par- ticular nice, short, 4 clasp cocset, b'ut a line that the makers are koimk out of. The price we are asking ia away below the cost of :lnanufacturo. All sizes 18 to 25. Your choice for only 48 'WWW MARKDALE fmmM. League Convention'. The ninth annual convention of the Owen Sound district Leagues met in the Methodist church on Tuesday last. The morninc; session opened with the Presi- dent, Rev. Ivison Wilson, in the chair, who also conducted the opening; exeicises, lifter which the Sec.-Trens, Mies Clara Holland.of Owen Sound, gave her report. The nominating committee was elected, after which the presidttiit gnre his ad- dross. As it was full of good advice it was listened to with ckseat attention. The exact number of delegates could nut tte ascertained, owing to trains and vehicles b«iog delayed by the severe storm, cau.iing many deleKStes to come in after the roll had been called. The cnnTeiitiui>aurmoD was preached by the RfVv G. R. Turk of <Jwsn Sound, who l/iok for his text, "Have ye received' the Holy Ghost tinco ye first believed ?" The speaker kept close to bis text which gives the g'.8t of the lerm.^n. Mr. Rodwell uf Markdale led th'c con- secration .service. Rev . W. A Sinclair led the devotional exercises in the afternoon sessiim. The nomination cnmmittee brnuirht in a re- port as follows :â€" Hon. Pros, Rev. N. WellwofKl ; Pres, Rev C T Cocking ; 1st Yicp Pres'dent, Rev J W Foi.B. A.; 2nd ~<Qee President, S^iss Lsura Buchan ; 3rd Vice Pri'Hidont.Mr, W O Ariustrong ; 411 Vice President, Miss Little ; 6th Vice President, Mrs W A Armstrong ; Sec, 'IV.ias, Mr A Hnrlon ; Conference dole cnte, ReT J,S I Wilson. Owen Sound was chnsi-n as the next place of meeting. Miss Holland read a paper prepared by Mrs May Rutherford, who was unable to bo present. The nubject was "The pres- ent, nee I uf mir society," which might be suiniied up in emu sentence : a lack of c<iti«ecriitiun on the part of many of its in"iiihiTM. Kev W F Urnch apoke on •'The Ep- wrirth League ami the young man pro- blon." llov C T Cicking, whfj spent tovornl year* ns a mis-sioiuiry in ilapim, spnke eni)ctiv>-ly on "Myiiivrt in the world's eVrticjoliziitiDii." i\Ii-.s Thiit.iton led an, iip-n cdiifurenoe cm the Furwaid; Movp- iiieiit ami was foil.. wed by U^v W A S111- c'liir an "HiJilo. Stiiijy," who strnniily re^Minnicdeil tliti Lunijuo ta follow iho TciHgiie Rtiuly iiftho "\/iU ot: Christ." It'v .1 S I Wilaitn, who iaaniuithority on junior Laagiie work, led n rnund tiililo coiif>-rcMcu on tlmt subjjjct. TwoKo niemb.TH of the jfnior L»iiauif cjivp a. nice ncit.'tlioii, exhibiting lulii'i'fwiiiuh spull- el Jiihifir L»iti>iiu. Rev. U U Tiuk of Dwtn H >iini| deiiU with the pUidije in a iiiiiciuo wiy, anil, we bolieve, in)pres.scd whiit li« Slid by d'ainanneriif ;,ruaeiitiiig It ll^v N WuUiMiud, Cliiiiniuiin of tho diHfrict. ppokoAii the "Ejiwoiih Loiigiio uiul III I iiidilToruut muliitudu". Wu regret very iiincli tltat h|m)c« {iirb.'<1<^ us |(ivini{ oven a slioit ayivipMs i-f this ii<Mr-H'. Mr. Iliiriilioiisc niid Mi<H Joy rao'i giv.ia .Mill), A hearty voIhi of ihaiika. wai toiKNrod ihu people of Flo«h«rton for thuir ho^piinlity. McArlhur-HaleA On th» evening of Jikn. 2 a very intui: c«tiii'4 eventitcok place at Iho reaideiusu of Mrs. Chu. HalHvOk D. R , when, in the rlieryougest daughter, Maggie B., was united in marriage to Mr. Lochiel Mc- Arthur of Priceville, by the Rev. J. S. I. Wilson. The bride was given away by her eldest brother, and was tastefully at- tired in a cream silk waist with skirt to match and was atten.]ed by her niece. Miss Maegie Caswell, while the croom was sup|»orted T>;^hii brother, Mr. Archie McArthur. After the ceremony the guests ropahed to the diningToom to a. sump- tuous supper. The presents were custly and numerous, showing the high esteem in which the young couple are held. After a few hours of quiet games were ended, thocompaixyretiredtotheir^homes wishing the bride and groom much happiness, in their married life. Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Arthur will take up their residence on thieir farm near Priceville. DUCKKTT-TAYLOR A very pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Taylor, Main street, on Wednesday, Jan. 20th, 19C4, when their daughter, Carrie, was united in wedlock to Mr. Will Duckett of Eugenia. The event took place it) the presence of but a few relatives and in- tintnte friends of the contracting^ parties. The bride entered the parlor on the arm of ber fnthnr,whilo her sisfasn Sinie played the wud(U<iE r«»rc!>.. Itev. Mr. Sinclair, paMlor^of;Eogenia circuit, was the officiat- ing clocgyinan. The biide wore a white silk waist and Jieavy. cloth skirt. Her going away dress was of blue lady's cloth trimmed with small bra.s3 buttons, with hut of black beaver trimmed with ostrich plumes and white satin. After the ceremony the guests reiMirtd to the dining room, where Ihoy partook of a sumptuous weddiug brunkfasl. The bride was the recipient uf many useful and cost- ly presents, which testify to tho esteem in which the young couple are bold. The groom's present to tho bride was a gold watch ami chain. Tho happy couple left on the noon truii^for Owen Sound and other pl'icos. Uii their return they will reside at Eugenia. T,h<iTimes Wants It All acquisition toany manufactacing. centre. Local cemeni nulls, woald oaai pGo.Sably one-fourth of this awoatiS. In liglit mat»- ufacturing lioest however, the transmis- sion of cheap power to Owen Sound woiild be a jMstive industrial advantage. The sugeeatioH IhakOwen Sound manu- facturers corobine to take entire power generated at tho falls, and hold the sur- plus as an inducement to new industries and to encourage the extension of old ones, is a matter of importance which has been grasped by at least one far seeing citizen. Four thoussnd horsepower divided among concernsat Durham, Floch- erton, and several other points does noS g?ve a.)afge amoitnt to any aDd°^traPsiBis^ sioii to so many places wonld be expeia- sive." Well, well f: Su ib WDoH be clieap«f to send the power 35 miles to Owen Souni', than it would be to supply towns from four to 6fteen miles distant from the power house, eh % If the power can bo disposed (if nearer home we fancy the com- pany will with difficulty bo convinced of the correctness of the Times' sUte- ment. tho the dis- the Tho Owen Sound Times wants people of Owoh Sound to "collir" wholu of Kugenin waterpower, and cusses the ii^atter as folluwf .* â€" "A proiiiineiil citizen, diacunsinir pi-o|K)sal of a company to harness Eugenia Kails, NiiggoHtatbat 0«en Sound niniiu fautureis coinbii.o tu like tho wIioId out put. As Hiatetl in it drlaileil report of The Times, it was vluiinvd that fourthon. •and lioriiopuwer couiil be developed. This is \tf no means a large li<iure in t>iu light of miidorii WHt«rpiiwerdevclo|iemet. Twelve thounand b'.irsep'iwer will bo har- naaNeil at wuter falls in the vicinity of Foil Milliain. Itut ths securii-g of four {franco. ot.a fci|r.fvien()f and laUiivM, J tbtnifatv,.! tturaepfiwar ia an. iig[(iottaiu A. W. Maybury, a well-to-do and high- ly respected farmer, who lived about five miles southeast of Listowel, started fori home with a load of chop. The roads wer^kso heavy that he left hi.s hursob at Had'.w's, about three miles out,snd went forward on foot in a blinding snowRtorm. He w^is found dead in a field about" six o'clOs'ic Sunday evening, a mile from home, within fifteen rods of a farm house. Ho ha;! apparently niisiied his way, and been overtomoby thecold. He was 32 years ol^i, and leaves a wife and smaU child. Our Ctjubbing List "•Advance, *Hernld and •Toronto World, dnily S3 26 Toronto Ditilv News 1 85 Weekly Globe 1 80 Mail-Empire. 1.80 Family Herald & Star 1.80 Toronto Star 1.80 Farmers Sun 1 .80 All above prices include Tho Advance and Montrohl Herald, if paid in advance only. Early subscribers get best \alue for their money. HIGH CLASS PICTURES. . Tho plaoe to yet the best Photos is at BULMERS PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. SPECIAL ATTCNTION We p«y 8|<ecial Attention t«> Copving and lUbieH pictures, l*i-.*ture fram- ing a s|>eci«lty» . Try. us /or anv kind of pictures, and we will pmniise satisfaction. ^denham street, _ Flesheiton. BOYD, HiCKLING & CO., "t^^^^^f^i^^^^^^'^^^ FLESH ERTON, ONT. is W â€"^i^ iN^iiM^^*^^^^* MID-WINTER REDUCTIONS A Cfearance in Boys* â-  ^r ^ ^ Three Piece 5uits... ^ 18 Boy's 3 Piece Suits, some single, some double breasted, in neat dark tweeds and sergesâ€" sizes from 28-33, Prices ranged from $3.50 to $4.50. IOC. and 122 Wrapperettes for 7c „ . 350 yards Wrapperettes, including twelve ; good patterns, in light, medium and dark ,' colors, 27 inches wide, all very suitable for waist goods, wrappeis or children's wear. Regular 1*;. and ]2^ values, Se/tinff at ^. a JUarY/ Flannelette Underwear Special Ladies' Flannelette Drawers, nicely made, y three shades in soft finished Flannelette, winter weight, fiinished deep frill of same s material, assorted sizes. Siegulaf USci Cihe for 2S' Children's 25c. Underwear 15c. An assortment of Children's Vests and Drawers, suitable from 3 to 10 years, nice quality, ribbed union goods, heavy weight â€" odd garments from our best selling fines, sold usually at 22c.5and 25a. Selling â- mnour for J5* A Snap in Bfack: Dress Goods III 200 yards Figured Black Dress Goods â€" including six good designs, good durable . blackâ€" 38 and 40 inches wide. These sold in the regular way from 25 to 40c. per yard. Ail Fur â-  . â-  â-  â-  â- â-  ' Garments -â- â- *•; â- ".'â- .".â- 'â-  ' â- â- ' '^''Ai-i â- â€¢ .,â-  â-  â-  â-  â- "' '•''"': Reduced HARDWARE 0EPARTMT. BARGAINS IN SECOND COOKING AND HEATING STOVES .... We have several Cooking and Heating stoves taken in exchange for new ones that we oflfcr exceptionally cheap. They are all. in good condition and much below their actual value â€" You libould see them. Car Windsor Salt Just Arrived. Get your supply of Fine Salt now â€" quality is good and the salt is IVee from discoloration â- : i: .• 'â-  : p

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