mm YEARS OH' TERRIBLE ABOUT JODD'S .^KIDNEY PILLS CUKED N. 'feCKEK'S KraNEY DISEASE. .» Dne Doctor Treated Him for Bright's Disease, Another tor Gravel, but ne Got no Helisi ttU ho tried Dodd's Kidney Piils-' rhoy Cured Jiim Completely. St. CalhtirliicB, Out., Pec. 28.- |.Spirclal).â€" Thn cure o« Nicholaa Ec- coi". a well known nn.'. highly rcs()ect- (d farmer living iioiir St. John's, ? O., about ton milo.s from this y(.y. has causiul somewhat of a scn- liiiion in Peihnm and Thorold town- ihi[iH. For twiMily-nino years, Mr. Kcl<(T was a terrible Hullerer from Kidney Ui.seaw, and so wide-»pread has l>epn the interest in his cure that oe decided to make a .statement for ihe benefit of tlip p"l>''<'- '1" «""" denKeil forBi Mr. lOcker's statement is 111} follows: "I had been a mi(Tercr from Kidney Troulile for twent.v-ninn years. I imi thi> moKt rliKtressiM<r Hackache it would be possihlo for man to bear, Hcadadies, irritation of the spine ind at times an excruciating circular ?nin about the fewer part of the kody. What [ sutTered po jien can lf8Cril)c. •'I was treated by three doctors, »no. of them a specialist. One said ; h;id gravel, another Brif(ht's Dia- lesc. and the third dcclHred I was in I dangerous condition. None of my riends thought I had much longer to Jve. "At this stage I gave up other irentment and ntartcd taking Dodd's Ifidney Pills. I received help after jRing the soroiid box and continued till 1 had taken sixteen boxes when my t rotibles had vanished and I was ig;iin enjoying the splendid vigor of larlier manhood." % WBI m I_S so CjSTLT, ALL THE LABOR MUST BE DONE BY HAND. ItucU Work and Patience Needed to Transform the Pelts In- _^_to Garments. ^â- â- .'Hiero is a vast difTcri'iice between the crude skiti furnialied by the trap- per and the finished fur of the gar- ment supplied by tlie furrier. Wliirh* of. the many â- women who love to di"aw the soft, warm fur across tlwir rosy ch'.>ck.s would touch even with ttin t.ips of their duintv fingers the â- 'Itio alory of the liunting down of tiic ajiimal has been frciiucntly told. I^t ua take up the subject from this point. The first tiling done after the animal has been dispatched is to reiii/jvo the skin, stretch it on a -boaitl to dry after liberally rubbing It with salt to prescuve it. The salt is ruMwd on the inner .side, not on Hie fur This is left to dry, and w*ien Uio hunting season is over all the (leltn are gathered into bundles - and taken to the neare.«it market. - Hero they aro cla.s.sifn;il. All aeal- .* skins of fir.sit quality are sent to â- •T.,()n;Ion for dyeing and unhairiny, â- ^f* s*:**! is covered with a thick coat olj' gray hair.-) over the «oft ^i** The work is still done with ^(iiijl^ by hand, and is tedious, al- ^^ny^ cripiiling the fingers of the tS^ ._ ^'^ - ^ •â- t*«- . ilUdT WOUK NF,CI0S.<3ARY. liefoii- any skin can be m'ado into a gafnicnt it iiiiust go through uioiiy jircKMWKC:). The tirst thing is to scrape oil .ill the dried flesli and fat adgeri^g to the poit and work tjio ICBtlior into llexibiility. AH pelts, aft«;r having t)ccn scraped, aro tann- ed to nvake tlio skin tough. Tlio Bkiii.i iire put into vats and tanned unlil tliey are finished, and tlicii drii«l, rubbixl. scraped and dyed. The batt aro done in London, but many nutie common pelts are dyed in Brooklyn, whoi'o there is a large, c*»- tabli»!uiK!nt. All furs that are to bo iiHide up in "naturnl" fasliioii â- .ro, after tanning, worked over and nnule as soft as a kkl glove, and this IS done by sheer strength and pal<ieii'~o. The natural furs aro then matched 111 biiiiclii.'s ami set aside. Pyed baby Inudi, chiiiobllla, naiolver, cruuue niirt Skibles aro tied in btinches and tnxged with papei'M showing quality mid number. It re(julre8 imiiiy of Itieni to make a garin«nt. Mink, HabU'. marten, otter and Kimjlnr am- imil» *ro simply dressod â€" thnt is, serjtixil, rubbed nnd inndo soft and pliiiiile They are never dyed Heat, •kiiiik, fox, raccoon, nutria, :uusk- rnt, rabbit, opossum and sdtne benr nr«' dfcd Hacroon has loitg hajcN ninl a heiutiful coat of inner hir closely resembling beaver. It i.i liliii'.kivl anrt the fur used uiulyod to luiitiili' beaver for colliirs, Cii|><>«. ct» IiiiteH^ tUCfdrrtcrrtiai* tufctHj^ to ilyCMig it black without iinhnir ln([ it, ,^nd o'los^wn ai» well, leaving tho long hairs. It in irsnd tri innkn I«I1h of, MuHkrat HiAAh ttx- be»t ifnfChtiOn of nealnkiti. O'lTKH MOSV KXPENWlVrV I With the .exception of sea ott«t'. HabM> U the roost ex|>en»ivo ^l^ I'lTtis flnA, <• v«ry rart», ln«VTMJ. and Ibrliupi ovor tl.fHKI for a single («*lt. Baltlfl cojtttW from Pliborla, thro«igh KusRin; but 1»« never -sec the bu^t Mid ftnfMt of tItoM skliu, as Umy »r« perqu4Mt«a ot ^e crowit. .ind the emperor has the first choice of all tho output. .Sables take tho place of diamonds in Uu.ssia, and personal wealth is meusurcMi in .Babies as otijora inwasui-Q thuirs iuV |iircciou.s sluhos. A'.sable skin is rarely ten inches luni; u^idc from the tuil, aud they cost $2.'30 ajilece, and more, accord- ing lo quality and supply. Th^' are all sttuniHjd with tlie royal seal of ItusKia. Tho sable is remarkable for ( ho richness and length of the fur and tho fact that it can be blown any way. It is dark brown, rather darker- along tho back. A set of snhle.s 6l reasonable dimensions hero would cost from $10,000 to $15,- 000. When the skins arc all prepared, ready for the maker of garments, tlioy ere <<).kcii to the sul>-collar, thirty feet below the s^irfncc, and kejit in bins. One room holds dreB.s- ed and dyed seal skin.t for making U(), velvety and ricfi. It would he dilllcult to go hunWng arouiid among L'0,DOO or .lO.OOO skins to lind exact matches if one wore in a hurry, for all Mkins used in one garnuent must be of exactly Uie same length and .sliades, so they aro carefully chosen and matched as they como from the dyers. Other bins contain ermine and sables, ALL SCKAl'S SAVED. To tho unsophisticated CiC a fur garmi'nt appears to be all of one piece, without .seam or fold, but the insi<le vvould show the patient and painstaking labor bestowed upon It. In the first ,^^placo. every piece must have tho pile run the same way, and bo exactly the same in color and thickness. One of tho good points about a fine garment is the .small nuouiber of pieces that go to raioke it up. The reason for this is that they are cut without stint. However, every scrap of fur is valuable, and sooner or later finds its place. Cheap fur garments aic made of the leavings of the good ones. One piece of Per- sian liinirb three-(iuarters of a yard square was nuide up of scraps, none over half an inch wide. Tho back was iu labyrinth of seajns, while the face looked as smooth as if of one piece. Obviou-sly, in the process of ^xjar some of scams are likely to give wa.v Wlien a garment is to be made tho first move is to .select the skin. Thl."* is laid out on a flat boaixl and wet. The fur side is down Then tliey are stretched and polled to the limit, and literally thousands of line, long pins are stuck in to hold the edges. They arc left all night to dry. Tlio next day tho patterns of stiff cartridjfo paper are fastened down over tho skin firmly, and the cutter, with a knife as sharp as a razor, cuUs along tho edge of the pattern into the leather, but never quite through, for fear of injuring the fur. When this Is dime the Parts are gently pulled ^, <-, u.»u one lur IS ready to be sewed . IHAND WOUK THE BRST. Tliere are marliines to aevr fur, but the be -.t work i.s always done by hand, Tiio â- .''ges of tho .seam are moistened so that the noodle will pass, and all 8eL.,;is are moistened and pressed flat, ge... -rally with a smooth shell. When tho garment is Howod it is stretched again, this time on a model, fur side In. and then all edges are taped, and all scauui ale stayed by having a tape .stitch- ed back and forth so, tho soam is (liinl.y hold, no matter what future pro.sBuio may come upon it. Around tho top and bottom the tajies are stitched, this last being to giv(! a hold for the lininff. Around the arm-odgc is quilted a half-moon of buckram. Anotlier piece is quilt- ed to the levers. A tailor would scarcely put so many or such care- nli>«i^^^>2_' " "'° ^'' coat. Tht^^JiBl^^^^^^^jflin the sonre careful w^'wln^^lWBdim taped. Tho ciifls aiiiiiid eaoli sc^th edges and buckram qui>fho(l \Who lining is heutimid lo the eJge ii-^lhe Jieatest iiiaiiiier. Only the best silk or bro- cade is used â€" quilled satin being "out." The putting in of the sleeves lo have them look as if they had, like Topsy. "just growed," in pure art. The liming of tlie jacket is then put in. Among all tho roaHOnably priced furs skunk iiasily takes the lead for iKiauty and goncral utilly, Tho fur of this animal is prepared by intcr- niiMit in tno ground twenty-four hours, after which it is tanned and dyed. . PjTog is necessary, ti^ausc there tire lUwnys while stripes, and the fur is in ditfvicnt shades of dark brown -in the natural state. Tli« skunk iq of the same family as th« Uii.iNiiiii' .sable, and so near does tlio likiiii''s.s come that dealers call ukiink '.Maska sublo." This fur lm« one (Hvuliarity, and that is the King hiiirf^ are pro.siiintic in sunlight. 'PhU fur, soft and fcalhcry. is l)cau- tiful for "bordorings and neck pieces. Kro!*ne«8 of youth often ftpoils tlio jimii. Thoi Blood Pump avis you hialth or dl ACCORDING TO ITS C8NDi ASE ION. If i.lin tiitorl. Ui« lilood puuip of the ttuiriMi i.y»l«ui. "Is out of ordftr IhB iittivpj) niB olftrvod (trf •r«nt or blnBit nnil indlUciitloii. »lwn'l«.'"l'>«<'». "^K li««il- aoliB. l»rk of vigor iind iii;rvoii»ne»!i «r« tlio roniiU Pr. AgnnWs nrnft. Oaro le- IICVOK * hMirl lilneajin In -ao mlnutpii. CMrfid mid str.-nnlhenM Ihn iir»«n •o t^t rich )iIo<mI .<,ursi'» tlimuKli th« ve[v» ana ^o^llth roidiiB wh^re ilt»««»« wnu »lt- prprtio ThK hetur lh« bleod p.imi.'lll* ' -- - oiu lh» hoallh. Mlnoly-fin» luiiilrril hwnrtii nm Wnak or ?ii"»'ciu,i«i *""< first (lo« i»l-.A«n|w» RCDUCBS CXPKNSS «,000 Reward r''Je."Xl^^ limited, Toronto, to any person who :ar* prove that this soap contains »ny form of adulterat|\.\ whatsoever, tr contains any injuJi^^ chemicals. Aik for (ke 0< "J HOlilTAllY OCKAN TllAVlOLLER. A daring advonturo is conteinplat- od by a Mr, Biickoridge, who pro- poses, single-handod, to sail from Now Zealand to England in a small craft, 32 feet in length, with a beam of feet G Inchi'S. Tho vcwjcl was launched a short time ago at Auck- land, and was christened the Kia Ora. It Is nxpocted that the trip to London will take five months. Tho only foods carried will bo con- centrated, and there will bo &.'> gal- lons of fresh water, calculated to last 180 days. Tho cockpit is lined with xinc, for sea baths, and it will also bo usod for catching rain water. UNHAPPINKSS A DISEASE. Most unhappy people have become so by gradually forming a habit of unhappincas, complafhiiig about tho weather, finding fault with their food, with crowded cars, and with disagreeable companions or work. A habit of complaining, of criticizing, of fault-finding, or grumbling over trifles, a habit of looking for sha- dows, Is a most unfortunate habit to contract, especially in oarly life, for, after a while, the victim be- cotncs a slave. All of tho impulses become perverted, until the tendency to pessimism, to cynicism, is chron- ic. How's This ! \Vc olTer Oiio- Kundrcd Dollars Kewnid for any case of Catuirh that caniiol bQ cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure K. J. C'HKNKY & Co.. 'lolcdo, O. We. tho uiKJcrsigned. tiavo Icnown I''. J . Olieney for the lust Ifi yoar.i. and tiellevo him porfectly honorable in all busiiidHB traiiKactionii and financially able to carry out any obligations inaUo by their Urm. VVI'".t<'l' & IKUAX. Wlioloaalo l>rug(rlsts, Toledo, O. WALUINO. KI^NAN * MAIIVIN. VVholtfuale DruggiKts, 'I'oledo, I). Ilairn Catarrh Cure Is tuUpii Inter- nally, acting directly ujum the blood and mucouH sui'liLce.i of the system. Tealiiiionials sent free. I'rico 75c. per liottlft. .Sold by oil druggists. Hall's Family I'ill.t aro the best. TUm SHIOBTS. Atummium can now bo rolled into sheets .so thin thnt 4,000 lain to- gather nioasiii-e only an inch in thickness. It is proposed to use thesi' for writing-paper where lasting recoi'^'s aro desired. A polished gontleman is one who con bo rubbed tho wrong way with- out getting hot. Posainilsm is incrcly a case of in- tellectuul indigestion. Deafness o^ 12 Years' Stand- Ins.â€" Proiracied Catarrh produces deaf- ness la many caao. Capt Btu. Counor,ol Toronto, Canada, waadcaf for la ysatt from Catarrh. All traatmants failed to rellavs. Dt. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder gave him relief in one dav, and in a very abort «hiU the deafocM left him entirely. It wiUdo as much for jou. 50 cents.â€" jj Mrs Kvcrby â- "But what's a'l this talk about woman'* rights ?" The Professor :' "It's an olHort to place woman and nuan on a_ii equality." Mrs. Kverby : "Uut what's woman done that she .'Jhould be brought down after that fashion '.' No, sfr, I don't want anything to do with your woman's rights." Miaarii's LlnlBicnt Cmej uiplilkia THE riMK TO THINK. Clara â€" "1 supyosc I ought to stop and think before I accept hlni." Maud â€" "Oh. no. You'll have pl»nly of time to do that after- wards." ' / Mioard's liolinent Urn Mm^V' mo NO.SKiri IN KAVOU. I- -In .fa,iaii the is the only fKtt- turo which attracts attention. The nose fleterniines 1 the beauty or iiglr- noSB of th*> facoi afyjording as it Is big or small. This is probably tfuo to the fact thmt dltterenco in noses coiiatituteij^ about ^thc tjpl.v distlnc- I Ion between one ifaptitiese face and another. The eyes are invariably black, the (;Ueek..-l>on9(i high, and the chin receding. In .Tapan a l«Mly who liaR a ,|)Ugo pi'(tbos«is is always a gient beauty and a reigning lielle^ There are a few largo no.<w«s aiaong the ui^ives, and lucky i;. h<' or Aho upon whoin Nature lavishes op«. Iu all â- Tal^anoBo picturtw reprinting the sut>posod1y boAutifiil woman the artist invariably improVes on Na- tui*!: t?v depleting tills feaUiro .as ab- ttortnajfy ^veloi>«d. . ' »rt Cure rclieveH. ,. *» Dr. *«••<»•» Ll»«» Win sure «»•» lUs, lec ,j^ Mi3i,i*rowiiâ€" "-T£o«. used,*© . r»ve alipu^ my. bMsty." Mr Jbown- '^Weil T Hfra, Browit "Wow you 1 .»i i ilmii'. a>) pun9>i((a i>>e*<'' /. DOMINQl-S.' " It is interesting to note that the game of dAKilaoea- is supposed to hn\c originated through two monks committed to a lengthy Kcclu-sion. Tliey beguiled the hours of conline- inont by showing each other small fiat stones marked with black dots. Uy a preconcerted arrangement the winner would inform tiio other plaj'er of his victory, by ropoattng in an undertone the first line of the Ves- pers hymn. In timi! the monks com- pleted the sot... and iK'rfected tho rtiles so that whem-their term had expired tho game, was so interesting that it was generally adopted byi all the in- ntatcs of tho monastery as d lawful pastime. Tho first line of the Ves- pers was roduced to the single word "Domino." -Por Ovtr Sixty Year* MtiF. Wimi.oTr-s SooTRtNO STPUr hm hva uied bj nilllioni of molherj for Iha't oliijdrsn "hilo IMtaini. IiioothM the cliilJ, joftf n» thfjiimii. sl.'njni r»in, f "''«' wind colic, rfpilatca tlis ttonncti .%nil liowola. »na 1» tB> be«t roniedj for Di»rrliw». TirSBtJ-fl" OjnU » boLlc Sol* bjdrureUtj throughont the workl. Bo jura anj »8kfor"M»a. WiKstowsSooiBiNO Svkiip. nULED BY WOMEN. A remnant of tfic Sovis tribe of j Indians inhabits the Island of Ti- I buron, in tho Gulf of California, and is rulwl entirely by tho women. For- | nierly the tribe numbered about 5,- 000, but is now shrunk to a few hundred, livirip a lifo of almost coiu- pleto isolation, and refusing to in- termarry with any of the Indians of the mainland. The women is master of the household, and a council of matrons is at tho head of public af- fairs. Mcrrit : "That dog of juino was very ungrateful," Cfobwiggcr : â€" "Wliat did he do '?" Morrttt : "Ran away' the very day I paid the tax on liiin," Soiatisa put him on Crutches. â€" Jas. Smith, dairyman, of Grimsby, Ont., writes : " My limbs were almost useless from sciatic* and rheumatism, and, not- withstanding my esteem for physicians,. I diust give the credit where it belongs. I an a cored man to-day, and .South Ameri- cas Rheumatic Cure must have all tho credit. It's a marvel.â€" 34 Tonuny : 'Tifa, can I play nrakin' believe I'm entertaining another little boy ?" Mnimna ' "Yes, dear, of course !" Toiruny : "Then you must give me some cake for him !" JM's Llniifieflt Cures Colds, etc' .â- * My wife do.csn't seem to be ' prc>- gre.sfjing, doctor," rcinorkcd the an- xious husband. "No,"-' aiLiwerod the ' physician; "nhcn she gains a little strength she uses it,. ill up try- ing' to tell hiy; friends what's the matter with her." ; An admirable Food of tho Nutritious and Economical. 48â€"21 TAKE NOTICK. During the year tlio space devoted to advertising MINARD'S LlNI- MKNT will contain cxjpressions of no uncertain sound from people who .speak from porson!\l oxportontv nn to the luorita of thi'd bout of House- hold Hcmcdics. t-t PATENTS BMITH a OAMCnO.i bolicltoraor Pttouu Can.>,i» Lfa Build (, Tu.unlo, WrlUf.,,r((ea»ditoa i-4-3 UNltSUAL. Old Chum â€" "W'liat ma-de you de- cide lo uvarry her '?" Newly Married â€" "Because, dining our long acquaintance she never onco .'sent mc a sofa pillow." Dr. von »tan'8 nneappie TftbldS.â€" Medical scimoe by accident dis- covered ihe potency of the pineapple ai a panacea for stomach troubles. The immense percentaRe of vegetable pepsin contained in the fruit makes it an almost indispeaiablo remedy in cases of dyspepjia and indijcstion. One tablet after e»ch meal will cure moat chronic c-ues. 60 ia a box, 35 cenu.â€" ja "Mistakes v.ill hapjicn in tho best regulated familion," tiuote.s the apo- logetic one. " I'oihapn, " concedes the oUior sourly; "but it Isn't any sign that a family is well ivguluted just because it makes a lot of IJjis- takes." CHENILLE CURTAINS ftod &11 kintU of hoiise Uaiigings, tlio UCE CURTAINS "''"Sk*. "N-kl^,""" WrilQ Lo tu ftbo<it yours. BSITIIH AMERIOAH OYeiNfl 00., Sex Ita.Utntrsal BASTEDO'S 77 KIN] St., MST. TORCNTO. SPfCIAL SALE CP Bend for catalog, Wegive cx'.ra value. Kaw Purs and Qinelne, Send forprlcj lUt PATENTS IN ALL COUNTRIESi RIDOUT&:; MAYBEE • MOIAL ITTSNTION 'O MTSNT UTIaaTION. SanSferHandkeal loa Say >«.«TOB»lilT» 11 »«t«rt»Aa. Dominion Line Steamstiips Montraal \n Liverpool Boston <• Liverpool Large »nd Kiiak ato»in»h!p«. Siipwior noortmniodaUoi 'or all oUmu of pa .M'wnri. flilnon-f anU ScfttsroO'-liu «r« amldshira. Speutal aLtCDtlon b;k^ tj«tuslveu lo tb< a«4-on<1 Siloun an.'t Thtrd-CIana ncconimoaatlon. Pu4 raWantvisosvaud all pacliriilara, avply 10 auir °«en| of tha t'onilianf . c»r to pateoojcr agent, 9-61 DOMlNtOM LINK OKMCIH: ' - a>*utL .. B<»«<i>». ri SI.. aa.t«.u.«ultti.,. > L«v*r*a Y-Z fWlso Head) Disinfect- ant Soap Pewder Is a boon to any homo. It disinfects and clonns at the sama time. Mrs. Uamerty : "Whose little boy was it jlst fell olt the boat '?" Mrs. Uooney : "Sure, nobody known ! Whim tlicy fittbcd out ho wu7. so clean iiolujdy could identify hlan." Poultry. Butter, Eggs, Honey, Apples, ALL KINDS 01 FRUITS And Farm Pro- duce fccnersllyg consign it to us t» t we will p^et you {food prices. TMB Kinom's iMQi GtiissGQrssi in cons. IT UAN IN 'mi-; I'.VMHA'. She was a jjoy youin; butlerrty. And di'ivroeil na ntnide^is \»-lll. iter father' ran a .slaiigh'tor hoii«i\ Hw. too, was dre.^sed to 'Vill. The thousands of people who write to me lajring that Shiloh's Consumption \.^UrG.' The Lunc Tonie cured Uiem of chronic coughi cannot all be mistakes. There milst b« truth in it Try a bottle for that cough of ypurs. Prfces ^., 80c. sn<r«1.00 S, C. WtLLS k ja Xwonio, Caa. URqjr, N.Y. Dawson Commission Go. UMITiA T. F. tOB SALE AT AIL B30K8TORE8. The Daintiest UoDk of the Ye«r. "WAIFS" riiOM THZ MIBBIS ARO HiCHWAyS. PcaiiliUilly bound ilt green le.nllier, .itamped in gold. PBICI ttM The Anon PtiblishiuR Co., of Can- ada, are issuiiif; a Neries of Vohiiues compiled from the NawspatHsr.s and .Magazines of the day, "Tne Kirst VoluniB is now lOady; and will bo j sent for One 'l>t>l!ar with priviloge oJ I returning if not salistactory. ! tn order lo secure ai^lcKJs for the ' subae(|ueiit Volumes the 'pnbllshers I are ofToriDg I TEN THOU 9 AMD DOUARS DASH ' for News|)a|>cr, periodical «i>d Mag»- r.ino Clippings troni which to mak« their selections. I For ('opy of Uonk, Prospectua. awl I I'rraiiiiin List, write P. O. OrawM 3183, Montreal. Canada. - ";# ~>-.s. i Issue Ko. 9, â€" 04, \