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Flesherton Advance, 24 Dec 1903, p. 8

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Dec 24 1003 THE FLESHERTOS ADVANCE X v^ Eugenia Planing Mills Get your Sash, Doors Flooring, Sheeting, New- ell Posts, Ballusters, Cor- ner Blocks, Hand Kailing, the best of Spruce Lath, No 1 and No. 2 Shingles, Veranda and Fitting,Sid- ings, etc. Turning of all kinds done to order. New run of stones for chop- ping. Satisfaction in all our lines guaranteed. S Walker Sloan PROPRIETOR 7le$l)ertdn Furniture ^ S Ularerddttis* Wo (iro currying the newest styles of seasonable goods in all litieg of Furnitture, consiatiug of: Parlor and bedroom suits, lounges, sideboards, extension and centre tables, cliairh, window shades and curtain poles, pieturos, easels, etc., Which wo offer at LOWSET PRICES Picture Framing and Rc- ]i:uriii'^. ITiidertakiu:^ in all its branches. Salisfautii^n guaranteed. W. H. Bunt, - - Prop. A Merry Christmas and .«* A HAPPY NEW YEAR. WB tdlio tliin oiiportunity of thank iiig the piililie for their liberal patiou- nt:o clurint: tlio jiiiHt v«ar, and liope for a contiiiuraioii ollliuenino chiriiig I'JOt. Vou will fiiKl (jiir Btook of (iroeijfiuK coinpletoand freHli tiH tliu umrkctt will allow. Wo iuiitortour Japan T.jii, wliicli isalwulor of all teas. Just try It I aiij bo coiiviuced. i \Vo will talio nil kinds of Farm Produce for Qoods For which wo will pay tlwi hluhcBt uiarli'ii, JToccs. KrinK your jnotlnco early in Iho day and got tliu host aLtondanoo. Tako your titnu and e.xiiniii).^ our Koods mid you will )ju con^ vincovl Mint it is \oiir intor<"<t to buy in Max- w«:!I. J^itlicr ill IJrv Goodii or (irocerics for now and iip-tn-dato. Wo cannot oiiii>nurato but jil^t Gomo and Hco for yoiirKolf. Wo havo a laryo stock of tliii famous K\NT-KUACK rub- burM, aLso otlior liiiow of rub'jor ijooda. Wo a]no h.avc a nico lino of Xmas Goods AHUEN'K BOOTH and BlfOES always ou hand and don't forgot our Hojdwaro Liuo OUR COMPLIMENTS TO THE . . PUBLIC . . R. Kijinear & Sons •« .... MAXWKLL .... '^^ '" CHILDHOOD |P»0C1A«AI10<A FREE has blighted many lives â„¢rr! because the pain caused thereby produces an aversion to study. The backward child too often becomes the unsuccessful man. ^. A. Armstrong, iiililllSS Pr.'paratif>n is neccusary if you wi'li to mee'd. If you inted to tiiiiisaci bii.sincsH «.f ai y liiiid joii would lie ii«dlv liandicap- Ai wiilioiit n bu.siiiuts t-iIiioaliMi\. Tlie mo^t Ihori'U^b haiiiin)! of thin kindjKu ba nlilaiiieil at Hui \Ayers OWKHtnl'ND, OVT. Win'or term coiume-caii J«n. 4th. nliivun free by addrestiuK C A. FLEMING Cat You can hardly find a home without Its Aycr's Cherry Pectoral. Parents know what it does for children: breaks Cherry Pectoral up a cold in a single night, wards off bronchitis, prevents pneumonia. Physicians ad- vise parents to keep it on hand. "Tho best eoiiKh mo^llclno money crh buy la Ay«r'» Oherry Sectoral. For tlio (xmeha of children notlllQi! could ncfellily >>o licttt-r." Jacob biili.l, Saratoga, Ind. l25(!.,50c..(ll.l'O. 1 All drui:a:!#ita. for J. CATER 'A.. [Throat, Lungs Ayer's Pills greatly aid the Cherry Pectoral in breaking up a cold. Thoroughbred Durham Bull for Service £ord niitito* 2^06$. Tho undersigned has a fine agod Durham linll for Borvico on lot 111, T. and S. H Tormaâ€" $1 for (jiado cows, ^i lor tliorouch- brods. Pedigree on application JACOB LEVEK FleBhortou P.O Business Cards lyT'ouLhouon & youkg *' .'* â-  llaiikor Markdalo Jo a Koueral baulcing biisinoas. Money loaned a ruasouablo rate Call ou us. p J SPUOULE " l'o6tmastor, FleBliorton woniinissionor in H. C. J., Auctionoor Con- voyiinuor, Appralsor and Mouov Louder Koal lOstato unil Insurance Ago'lit. Uoeda iviortiiaKO.H, leases aii'l willa carofully drawu up aiiil valuations made on sliortosi. niitioo. luonoy to loan at lowest rates of iutuioHt. Col ootiona attended to with proiiiptui.i.a oliarse.s low. Asjont for Dcean Dominion Htfcttuiship Company. A call solicited. Societies A O U W moots ou tho last Monday ^ in oaon month, in tlioir loiii;o room. CliriKtoo'H block. FloBnorton. at 8 p.m. M.W., I'oliort Host ; Hoconior, JaN. t'olstoad ; Khiaii- uior, \Vm. lloi.amy. ViuitiuK brethren iLvited. pnrNCK AUTHTK LODGE, No. -.m.K. t A M, moQtn in tlio Masonic ball. Strain's lilook, KJosliLrlon, every Friday on or before llio full iDocu. KH W Hieklliig Wll. Cbas .Munsbav/, aocrotary. pOUhT FLESHERTON. I. O. F. raootB in " Clivistoe'B lllock tlio last Kridav cvonlr.i; each month. VisitinR KorcBtois lioartiiy Toloomo. C.Ji., O. W. liollaiiiy ; IH'., \V. Huskin ; Fin. Sien.,Dr V,. Mnrrav. ( Pay duos to Ur. Murray on or before last day of oaoh mouth.) Medical ,V.. *',*^ '* * ^ O"'' fliyBiclan. Bur''onn, etc OUlce aud reaidoncoâ€" i'otor Bt., FlesUortou Dli. SCOTT, M. I)., Maxwell, Out. K. M. ItKID, M.D.C.M,, I'hyRiclan. Surcoon niul Accoucheur, late of N. ^. I'OhtKrad. Modiciil School, N. V. liyi.iK-iii (.^i^^j^j Hospital, Hospital and Kt. Ijiiko Ottawa T P OTTRWELL ' Veterinary Surgeon araduate of Ontario Veterinary Collego. rcsidoiico â€" Bjcond door south west on Mary street. This street runs ioutU I'rosbytoriau Church. n WILSON . * . .. iraduato of tho Votorinary Soionco Association. Jtosidenco. Durham jtroot, on- poslta Uo>d.Hicklii,B'8 hardware. Legal J. W. FUOST, L r,. It. HarriBter, Solicitor ConvfyancBr, eto omoaâ€" Next to postonice, Spioulo's block !••; iihorton. overy 'I'liursda aud oomt dayH N Hâ€" Owen Hound olllce, Frost'" block L'oulBtn street eaet. r UCAS, WKIOIIT * MpARDT.R ^ XarristorB SnIicitorB l!niivoyatt(i«rs, oto omensâ€" Owuii Sound. Out and Miirkdalo Out. W 11 WttKillT, .MllAni.l.H I H I.IKAH N II -I'leshorton oflloo, Mltchelt'e bank every Saturday. MACkAV&SAMI'SON .Hnrrfstors, snllcHors. Oh'l''ltII''.H :â€" iiwon Scunrt. MBi-chanf.s lUiik Wock, N. of l"atl..rsoM Houku. Lnndttlk uiii Street. every SKturitay. Money tn loan at 4) nor cent. A. f). MaCKAY.M A.. II. B SAMPSON, L.L.n Always In attendanra at Kleshertou and Duudalk DivibIod Courts. Dentistry HR. E C. MURRAY. L, D, B. rtental snroeon " honor grndiiate of Toronto I'lilTBriitv slid Koval Coll^^'o of Dental Sirvenns of OirisrIn OWoeâ€" Oiiposite .^riiistronii'i Jewellery Store Will vl«U Manwell the Inst Wrdnosrtay Principal t ":.1h mo,aL""* ''"'"'"• ' ""* " ""•^•' Uonor RoIlK Uepurt of Xinas eXaminatian, Fleih- ertcm public achuuL CUk8 5â€" Fred Karstedt 72, Mary Wil- son 71, Arno Tliurotou 07, Willa Wright (iO, CliuR. liellamy Ul, Chan. Mo- Taviali 58. Class 4 sr.â€" Mabel Boyd 09, Ellii Kar- â- tedt G6, Laura Davis C5, Ruby Trimble 69, lieatrice Hales 56, UhIiwuII Whitteii 54, Lily Boyd 53, Katie Leuard 51, Geo. McTttvish 47, Ila Lever 42. CbsH 4 jr. â€" Hazel Bo);;;8 45, Willie Crossley, Luly Mitchell 42, M. BLtkely 40, Fred Sulliran 38, Elmo Blakely 34, Ettie Lever 38. INTERMEDIATE KOOM Class 3 sr.â€" Harold Karatodt 78, Tena McKiniion 73, Ettio Legard 72, Fred Bellamy 04, Lizzie Wilson 59, Bella Loucks5C, Kendall Mitcbell 55, Cora Millii^an 4!), Pearl Hupps 44 Class 3 jr.â€" Glenn DhvIs 72, Robert Bellamy OO.Joe Legard 54,Alonzo Ward- robe 49, June Radley 3fi, Class 2 sr. â€" Jennie Teeter 85, Eva Lever 72, Hardy I'atton 03, Tena Mc- Leod 69, Lillian Riit.led);e 56, A. Hastie 55, Adda Wright 47, Harold Karstedt 39, Elsie Baruhuuse 30,L<tiira Armstrong 30. Cla83 2jr.â€" Florrie McMullon 81, W. vVilson 08, Herbio McLeod 66, Lillian Armstrong 02, Kathleen Milligaii 61, May Gillespie 52, Mary Burnett 48, Becky Richardson 40, Maud McDonald 40. PROMOTIONS Sr. 3 to jr. 4â€" Harold Karstedt, Tena McKinncm. Jr. 3 to sr 3â€" Glenn Davis, Robert Bellamy, Joe Legard. Jr. 2 to sr. 2â€" Florie McMullen, W. Wilson, Herbie McLtod, Lillian Arm- strong. Form 1 â€" Class 4 to jr. 3 â€" Horbie Sul- livan, Eddie Loucks, Charlie Crossley, B. Pelch. Cla.s.s 5 to clas.s 4 â€" Vol ma Talbot, Geo. Stewart, Ethol Richardson, Lloyd Talbot, Edith Teeter, Julni Sheppard, Percy Uastio. Class 4 to class 5 â€" Tren(3 Wilson, Hazel Thompson, ftliiriel, Gordon Slieppard, Genrgona Hopp.s. Cl;iss 3 to claa.s 4â€" Ilfi Alexander, Fred McMullon, Netta Teoter,Vcra Luueks. Class 2 to class 3â€" Bertha Munoiv, D. Tluirslon, Herbie Logard, Willie D.'ivis, Mrtud Hiiyd, Olivo McCidnuiii, Alice Mc- Lcod, Viim Haslio, Jim Stewart. 1 to class 2 â€" Evelyn Wilson, L. Thunipsiin, Alniuii I'etcli, Harold Lover, Flo. Lever. Report of S. S^. No. 7, Artemesia. Class 5--Kd!th Dingwall. Class 3 â€" Jos. Oliver, liolibio Patlon, Louita Dingwall, Kiiiily Heiuler.snu, .Mary Patiiii, Klhi Meads, Jennie Whyte, Mary Muir, WiUio Whyte. Cla.s.s ;} â€" Fred Valise, Jennie l\Iuir, W. Meads, Robert OHv.t, Hugh McPhail. Clat-s 1 â€" John Wliyle, Majjgie Heu- derson. Senior secniolâ€" Emma Mend?, Annie Muir, Wiiliii OUvi-r, Pearl'IIundersou, J. Gillies, Hannah Watson. Junior fie(|iiul â€" Boblie, JLiry Muir. Paitl B,â€" Garfield Whyte, Jimniio Oliver, Ira Whyte. Part 1 A.â€" Flla (iilchiist, Clarence Muir, Eddie Dingwall, Sterling Whyte, Elmer Watson, WihieJ Watson. Inspector CainpheU ha.s granted this school a diidoma for general efficiency and caru of projiertics. M. BATrs, Teacher -»>f4«»«<« Pneumonia Is Fillingthe Hospitals Every day tve hear of Fonicono being taken with pneiinionia. The only pre- veiKive is to get .strong and keep your body healthy. Take Ferrozono which makes the ridi red kind of blood that muirishes and stimulates tho eiitiro sys- tem. "1 was all run down and nn apt subject for pneumonia writes A. B. Char- tois of ISnilington, wliou I tried Ferro- znne. I did't believe it; was possible fur Ferrozono to build me nji so (piickly. In a few days my appetite improved, color came into my cheeks and I felt stronger. I uaiiied eight |iounds and regained my old vigor through u.-iiLg Fcrmzone." Try Ferrozone, it assures health. Price 60o. Our Clubbing List "Advance, ^Herald and ♦Toronto World, daily §3 25 Toronto Daily News 1 85 Weekly Globe 1 80 Mail-Empire 1.80 Family Herald it Star 1.80 Toronto Star 1.80 Farmers Sun 1 .80 All above prices include The Advance and Montreal Herald, if p.iid in i.dv.inco only. Farly subscribers get bust value for their money. AT LIFE'S eve:ning. To thote well along In years there comes, aceord' Ing to tbe condition u( ttio syetum, tbelr measure of Ills and tu.Terfng. Borne are young .at 70, while others are old at 40. Elderly i)cople who once u.'.c Dr. Leonhardt'e Anll- I'lll Oad that It has inarvel- ou.» power to relieve llieni o' the troubles that uothing else iviU shake ofl, »peci- ally backaahe, cocatti'S' ttuii, bladder trouble, fall' lug appetite, and indlget)* tlon. If ANTt-PiLL Is ateil upon taking cold, tbe aches aud pains that usually fol- low will be avoided. To proT* this, e«id to WiL' toN-Fvi-li Co., Niagara K.:Il.-<, Out , for a free sain- pie. Anti-Pill Is sold by druggists at 50 cents a box. ANTI-PEIvL. The Early Clostng; riovement To f/ie Editor of ths AdttiMe Dkab Sir,â€" When the T. Eatoi' Com- pany of Toronto inadd the arinuuniie- ment, that the employee^ of their giea'. steres, factories and work.shops, would after New Years, leave off ivoik at live o'clock each evening, it was of interest to all engaged in industrial pursuits whether as employers or oniployeos. The proge.s:? of the early closing idea in the years that have pissed since Air. Eaton to >k the plunge agiinst the current of custom has been steady and unchecked. The heads of competing establish nients who at first laugh-d at the idea fell into line lorn; ag.i, because they found that short hours in.ado willing employees. Many of them, indeed, became enlhus- iastic supporters of the early clnsing mo\e ment. For some time the Uobert Sim| - son Cotupany have been clnsing at 5 30 o'clock and in summer time the lialon C . have been clnsing at five ocloek. The extension of five o'clock closing to all thu year round in all ihe store.3 and f.ictorie; means that thousands of families in Tor- onto will have iiuiro leisure in tho ever.- ingi fiir self improveineat and n-crcation. Mental aleruie.';s and full liudily vimir are the accompaiiinisuts of ideal conditions of employment. â€" J. Before and After, Wood'a Phoi>;phodluo, The Orut Eojli'ih Reuiedr, is ca old, well esta!> lished and reliablo preparation. Has been prescribed aud nsed over 10 years. All drag- costa in tbe DonucioD of Canada sell and rBcommend as beinf? the only medicine of its kind tha t cures and sives nniversal satisfaction. It promptly and permanently cures all forms of I^'ervoui Weak' ness, Emitniom, Upermatorrhaa, Impolcncy, and alleifoctsofabuse or excesses; tho excessive use of Tobacxo, Qjnum or Stimulants, Mental and Brain Worry, all of which lead to Infirmity, Insanity, Consnmption and nn Early Grave. Price it porpaokaere or six for $5. One will I please, six will cure. Mailed prompty on r»- oeipt of price. Send for f roo pamplilet. Address I Tlie Wuod Coiupany, 'Windsor. Ont', Canada, I Wood's Pliosphoiliii*' is Kold iu Cio-herton by , Douglass itCo., and W ElticliarJsoii.Uruygists Notice of Transfsr Kotico is beiobv ii»eu iliat a transfer cf tin liconstj of tlio liotol ac Ma.xwi-ll id i;>t:.n'iol l) bo lu iibi f I'oui U lU'owu to Ujti. S. i Ic^hi-r, 't which all pt'r.-ojs inters. stud are btrcl; y irct.A^.l, Uatod this 7ta Ujoc-uObur. IW.). .lUrlN PICKKT'I" Licousu Inspector Ci.-;:tro Grey nmn mivmi cutoi^ig, ?^m on loss oPTme No taattor liot7 lonjr y on liava on£f ered cr how barbarously yoa hSTe been treated by Burccoiis, by cnttln.?, etietchlr jranl burainir, woacU you to invcsilfata our NEW MIC rXlOD of cnrloif It. Our treatment is origloat with ourcclves, and IstUercsuW of 3'JyearQ'experlcnco InthcsoBiwci.ildiaeases. The stricture tissue in tho canc.l i« painl::35ly ab::orbcd and lienccs removed forcTer, Any discbarrre, which oftea ac" companies Btrict-jre, disappears, tho inllaraed surfrtco la healed tip, all Bcaldinij and burnln(jfiiinsation.<;cca£c: the Kidneys aud lUndder bccoaio ctron^ aad normal, tha (czual or(;.-ina ro;rain viffor rnd Tltality and tho patieat Icelaaa tho'j^U Ule were wottU Hviai;. All cises arc treated under a oust KE'W METHOO TREATMENT vrill cure yon, aud makoaiaan of yotl. Under ita iiillucuce tha brain bccomca active, tho blood purxtiec oothat all pimples, blotches and ulcer j heal up; the nerves become stroajf ae stc«l, bo that nervonsnoesibaslifuluessaaddespoudencydisappear-, thj eves becomo brleht, tlia faco fall aud clear, eneriry rettiruato tho body, aud tho moral, physical and ccsnal systems are invigorated; all drains cease â€" uo more vital waste from the system. The various orpano become natural and niaaly. "You feel yourself a man and know marriape cannot bo a failure. Wo invite all tho alllicted to consult us conQdeotlally and free ef charirc. Doa's let quacUs and fsUira rob you of yoar hard-earaed dollars. WE Vilhl, CURE YOTT OH NO PAY. Wo treat and euro NEKVOU3 rjEIIlLITY, r.EXUAI, 'WEAKKltSa. EMIS- SIONS, SYPHIMS. GtEET, STUICTUKE, VARICOCELE, KIDNEY asd liLADDEIt DISEASES, aud all diacapcs peculiar to men aud 'n-omeii. OOKS^tV&'nCM KICfT. BS3K3 FfiS^ (Illustrated). If naable to call, write for Cu»siloa BlaaSi ioi tJoma Tr«Atetutt, as Voars (a Detroit. ' XSO,000 Cored. BooJi SecarUy. |?^^^^^^^^'W^^^^^^^:?^iB^>^^^^^2i^m-4^i^^.^^ ^. NO DIPFERI-NCE No dirttiiiclion is niatle as to tho kind of piles that Ilem-ltoid cures. Tho nanies internal. Kxternal,Bleetliug, Itlind. Itchii.g, Siippuruting, etc., arc simply nanus of tho dil)»rent stages thrim>,h nliich every case will pats if it continues lon^ enough. I'ilea are caused by congestion or stan- naii<<n of bbxHl in the lower Imwol, and it takes an internal remedy to leiiiuve tho cause. Dr. Lconhardt'a Hom-Roid ia a tablet taken internally. It is a permanent cure and no cate of piles lias ever been found it failed to cure Money hack if it does not. A vuanintee with every packkfle. Sold by W. E. Richardson. FOR FIR5T CLASS CARRIAGES AND PLOUGHS . . ^^ â€"CIO TO â€" % Heard's Works, Flesherton 1 ^ Wo have Cutters, SloiglKs,Buggie.s,Waogons and Carts ^| g? J'leury, Dvmcnt Buttcrficld and Wilkinson Ploughs ^ »W vSharos and repairs of the best quahty. Spnng taorh .^) » aud Iron harrows. Also first chiss handmade liatncss. ^ •) 1^ Rorsc $l)oaing arud General Slackss^iitSji^^. % â- â- :TM â- U»ia---7»t« '.r* Mk'^ D. KIcTAVISH ^iSMm^m^M^-mgM] m mmm m\ m MEB Fur First Class Bu^s^ics, Carts, I'loasure and LitmVier Wajjoiw, cut tors, Sloinhs. We keep a stuck on band to chotnc from. ALSO HORSE SHOEINQ ANOQENERAL BLACKSMITMINQ and iiu:ii'anteo liist cU.s8 work. Wo keep on hand Ploughs aud Plough repair*, and also Massey- Harris and Nuxnn repairs for binders, Alowers, all kinds uf machinery, also Bindrr Twine on band. « Olbcn in town atve US a call « r

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