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Flesherton Advance, 24 Dec 1903, p. 7

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. A WOMAN'S LOVE OR, A BROTHER'S PROHISE V «f A A * A A :^>3>»»&S>»&»&»»&»»»>»&»d»»»a>»»»g»»»»»»»^»»»»3>»^»»^,^. CHAPTER U. if huts his eyes ard To Hector Grant, sitting this rajel'''^'"^ -°' '^ I" 'i*â„¢- ays the If, tho siiule of I ch i t morning under the trees bv the foun- i'^ summer morning wlion ti.e green ' lain, whe:e lovers and lawyers' [tastes the sun. It snared HeUor clerics, tourists and estrays from ti.e 1 '"'''*, h«-'' J •'"" '" "â-  sil-en m.:Sh. throng of tie Strand and Fleet I "i^IadaDie,' said lie^ -I am a i>oo;' Street, gatlier to watch the pigeons i^f"' ^ut my heart is with you i.i strut and the sparrows bathe and i»'l ..J'"""" ''oPcs- 1 'ay fomuiaiid prinkâ€" to Heitor Grant, sitting ;°'^- ' ,^ ,. , , there, money seemed the most dcf-ni- i ,"« <^°"1'* ""'^ '-'•'"'^ °^ able thing In the univcr>c. The gold,^'^" '° ""i'- J<-'t had he thought of a of the morning sunshine was noth- | I'lousmid things el.-.e this was what ing; tl.e gi eon of tie Mi Idle Temple i^J^'* '"<5^"i' "I'Permost in his mind. lawns was irritatingly raw; the plash ^â„¢ romance of the fituation lia.i of the cool water was a burden, tho|'^'^«" ^^in'- ^e was rea<!y enough 'when Don Augu.stin Uravo had given | tjon Mm flirting of the sparrows a grave irk Nature and the children of Nature ran be intolerably unsympathetic-. Rain pours on happy wedding days; sunr^hiiie flu.shes the earth tliat will fall in a few moments on all we love; otir grief hears the lark sing, our joy is chilled by an infant's wail. And so with Hector. He was mis- I.rayocl ! Always my gc^od friend Bravo was theie. He sai:f, 'Ho pa- tient, >ou«' Majesty; 4je patient !' Kvery r.iglit he snid tl e same. He said it i ight. To night you were wiih him. Mid I show sur- l)ri.'-;e ? Was 1 discompo-sed '.' I was not flurried, was 1 '/ " â- â€¢ 'Not a sign, nut a tremor'â€" did I not say that '!" tried Uon .'Vugi.s- tiii. Maidulena i oso from her chaii-. SI o wo\ed abo :t the room and lauglicd hyste i ally. â- â€¢O my tiod ! I ll.ank Thee ! Moth- ovcijer of (iod ! 1 thunk t!;ee ! Sweet 1 thank Ti.oe ! I thank Thee ! Sania ilacidaleim. thou hast inte ceded for me 1 1 thank tl;ee I My niglit of nipl.ts has come ! The end is near ! â€" the end is near !" She he: self into a (hair and foljbc.l. "IMie two men turned their he;ids away, t! oniselves not les.s moiel. It was she who broke t:'.e. si eiire. ••F(.rgive me, genilemen," said she. "X little indulgome is surely per- mitted to one whose lesson has al- ways been or.c of iincea-sing lepres- tle Etory. Without such at- | -My dausrhter," said Bravo, "you I traction as a wronged Queen, the ! have said that this is Ivibcrtv Hall. :ca,'c of the PiUmettos appealed to | Can you not then do as vou please?" lUm, and his resolve to help in free- i The paro.xysm was soon over. She ing them was a genuit^e and warm- ,vas now calm as the Queen who had â- hearted one. But with a Queenâ€" j sat on the Silver Throneâ€" calm and jand such n Qi.een !â€" why, no man I .stately. Hector had many doubts ! could to lay down fortune; as to which of her .'Lies showed tl.e Vou may be dying, you may have toothache, you may have lost your wife, you may evou have kissed a Queen's hand overnight, tworii your- i-elf her servant, and been accepted her tho.en knight; your ofliie i luima you, and no amount of heartfelt ob- jurgation will set you free from tl.e very preseiU bo:idage. Tl <? paper must con'.e o;Jt to time; if it dce.'i not there is a publisher with whom to reckon, and if "tic tra<;e" has been reckoning with him Hades k-t loose is a Sunday-school treat com- |.>ared with the resulting scene. So F'loet Street says, and Fleet Street knows. As be wali'.ed through Devereiix Court He. tor (J rant found his for- EEOIPES WORTH FORTOflEf SOME CANNOT BE BOTJGHT *J Airy PRICE. A Valuable Liver Pillâ€" Eau a Cologne Secret Is Very Valuable. Quite retently the recipe how tf make a ie;tain bilious and liver pil .sold in a I.,on'Jou auction man for $24,500. Another pill was jmI up for auction at a reserve of 52, 500. It produced of ret profit onjj $1,705 I er annum, but t);e auction _ jfor e.xplaired that tliia could la . 1 '." '"i' ilargelv augmented by iudiious ad tune. A moment ago he was in tlie UortsSi^" >-" "j j""-* '"> " «»" unplumbed depths of dcspaii-, and i 'â-  ' c^ now. pl.ickcd irom the inky waters, he is riding tlie lierv bnrb of fancy, , , ,, »„â-  ns mad a gallopa-'e as ever Don !?^:«^'." .'^."'^.y'-'.''^- When the monkt Qui.xotc rode. He had looked up Umioubtedl.v the most valuable ra jripe is that cf the liqueur Chaj' erable. and Nature chose to be irre- ! ^'""^ '^"^ '^ "^ f'^'" ^^" ^'^^'' "' I'lgliling jreal Queen Maddalona. To be fran sponsibly gay. He felt it an insult, i'^''^ wrong. jigt- calnmoss was cultivated His Highlands would not have treat- 1 _ "^'.'^ thank you, sir," she said, j other sicJe was tie real one. were cxjelled from France they car> r ie«l in a small steel casket the ra (ipe, or rather volume of lecipes, o» ihe wo 1 l-famed stimulant. At ofxsj auction it was sold for 51,G5O,0OO. Eau de Cologi e is a valuable rcc Tet. (iiovanni Farina, the inventor, of that wom.'cifjl po fume, at oni I time offered to .sell tl.e recite foi SH,?-^, but since then tlie value hai ed him so. He wanted money, a great deal I Our hope is stronger, although the jj{ I Fates have been against us money and he wa.s in the darkest !''^y, '•â- '"*'«^,' '^?^.<=y^r '""? i'-^^ of moods because he could see no leasonably respectable way of laying â-  hands on it. He wanted money BOW. That was the difliculty. Twen- ty-four hours befoic there was no need of his own whicli he was not able to satisfy; but twenty-four hours may thange a. man greatly, may turn ail his long-cherished i;o- tio.'S, may revolutionize I niake bold," said Bravo, "to ask your Majesty to honor us with a little time, so that Mr. Grant may be more filly informed of all the cir- cumstances ' ' She interrupted him by rising fi cm tile tlirone. "Pray follow me, gentlemen." They into an ante-room, hung in lilac brocade. Don Augus ] had tlu! South in her blood. lid the sunshine and the I.'Ie of Palms. him, may convert a rabil unaichist i 'i"^ i"|l <^tl^ t'lc cin^tains into a law-abiding citizen or the other way about. A revolution it seemed in Hector Grant's case; it was really the stage cf an evo- lution, yet to him it had all tl e im- poitamc of a woill-heaviig catatl- I'l's . laughter a night." I gaiety of the I.'Ie of Palms, the jbiio of its clear air and the merry dance of its blue waters. 'Vet she Leonid be earnest, and firm, and j strong. She herself for Queen, j and siie had the rare purpose to bo ! and not .'eem to be. i For an hour and more Maddalena ! .ad Don .\ugustin and Hector sat j p.nd talked like three old friends. The ] alter did not feel his position at (lose. As he j xll strange. His impulsive nature turned Queen Maddalena flew to- was at all times ready to adapt it- wards hint and embi-aced him with | cdf to nmi.'jual circumstances, aught much livelir.ess. j savoring of roman.e was grateful to "My ('car oil friend." she cried, i it; and iieie were suiroundings and "how have I comported myself ? i event.<; the most romantic. Madda- Have I come well through the o.-.lena spoke of her ysm. A white hand lad done the .feal?' mischief, a pair of dee;) black eyes, and a voice that made his heai-t- Etring's vibrate with new music. "Her Majesty Queen Maddalena, whom God preserve !" Unconsciously liis lips formed tlie thrilling words. What an experience that had been for hiui ! A Queen 7 Yes. truly, she was a Queen, lonely and forsaken â€" lor.ely but for tlie di-eam she lived in, forsaken but for one old nian â€" a Queen like Ihe im- moital Mary, "to live and die for." "ITer Majesty Queen Maddalena, whom God preserve !" The scene lived again before 1 im. She let the curtain fall behind her, 'down the road and stepped towards the throne, i Palm City. "You are my own bi-ave pupil," saii he, tcais rising to his eyes. "Vou have acquitted youisclf as only a daughter of the llibciros could, bravely, bravely. There was not a sigh, not a tiemor.'*^ She turned to Hector. spoii of hope, of desiJair, of her steadfast belief that one day all her wrongs wo'-l 1 he rigiited. Bravo spoke of how he had striven to enlist British sympathy on the si 'e (f his Qi.cea and country; how he had searched for the man who, by force of will and highness of heart, would win free- as he come to the little fruiterer's shop, and there in the window he spied O ! if you coul 1 sec into the circus ling of his brain. How Pegasus plunged and caracoled, leaping all | kinds of barrieis, spurring a thou- i ' sand mi'cs in a twinkle of hoof.'i dashing along levels, and rushing , . , , , down do:livities. It is the maddest '» ^'^ enormously, and only a mi.kon. of rides, but the reins are loose, and "•';? '^O'^''' ^"y ''• , . . the long-stabled barb laughs at the | W»ice>tc.- sauce was th.e mv\;miOB leagues Ah 1 he a.Tives at the gate "^ a butler many years ago. It wa» of the enchanted castle. A word to:;'" >ndis., en.suble lequisitein th« the seneschal, the drawbri.lge falls; , ''o'-'Se whe:e he was employed, and m the Ihe clatters irto the courtvard. the|'°''^<-" °' ume,the head oi the hrm She Piince is at the great entrance, a i "^ Lea and Perr-i. s bought the recip< the Uvord te'Is his business, the Piince if^^" a tiifle. That little .'^rap of the I leads on to the treasurv, and in a ' y<^"--'w pavcv which made the fortune trice our barb is laden" with bags i I'f t' ^ hnu is caref-.illy pres^-rvod, and and bogs and bags of gol 1. Hcav- i 's valued at many thousands o( ens ! the thing is done; the Isle of i |-«''»:^f â-  '^'"^ ^ho lelic Day Palms is free, and Queen Maddalena j a"*! Martins blacKiig was given to -whome God preserve !-is set se- I "•;• ""Y I""-' 3'-'ars ago by a great- curely on her throne. If every labor I f-1 solcicr whose coach faro he had in tlie world were done»as easily as i GFNBROUSLY PAID, this, there would be no more necl I When the Pope was entiironed th< of work at all, for all work would be | brilliant led robes of the cardinali happy play. jai rested the atie ition. All tht Hector smiled at his fancy. and .rimson cloth of which the t; robot then he smiled again because he had \ ^.te made has been supplied for gen- found his fortuneâ€" or at least a way tfratiors past bv the same family o' that seemed to have fortune at the I doth merchants'. Thev have a'sec< end of it. For a moment he thought | tpt pro, ess bv wli.h the st.e, ial dv« of ninging his hat into the air and ;s distilled, and the ieci:e"i.s not "to dancing for joy; but looking back 1 c yca^s of waiting, <;n^,v one of the sedate Temple porters ! at the little gate, and he remember- | ed that he had a reputation to sns- j tain. I "Oranges !" he murmured to self. "Why didn't I think of before ?'' (To bo continued.) ilra- that Mr. Grantâ€" it is Grant, is it not? ! dom for the Palmettos an<' a tltro (this with a look at Bravo, who no': ded) â€" it is rather a hard name to say â€" Mr. Grant, you wonder, per- haps. I must explain. Here. 1 am Maddalena Ribeiro. free to do as 1 lilee-se, to sa.y what I please, to laugh, to cry, just as if I were ore of my own peasant girl.<;, singing f ! om the Mouto to There, in the Silver while Hector still clutched Senor | Hall, 1 am the Queen, so please you. Brave's arm and gazed ifi wonder. : There, my dear old master. whose She seated herself, and sat for a j tea'-hings I have so fieqreutly neg- moment or two in silent thought. jlected" (Bravo dissented .smilingly). Hector gasped in Uravos ear -"Is | "insists that I be what I am, so this your last argument?" And at I that when 1 come to my own, as I the allirmative nod he whispered : | shall, I may not be lacking In any "Good, my God, good." 'of theâ€" theâ€" help me, nuxstor !" Then she lifted her eyes and let ; "Any cf the Uoyal attributes," them roam over the empty hall, as said Bravo. if searching among a throng of cour- ' Grant bowed. He was so taken tleis for some well-known face. At aback at this bouloveisement. he had last, the.v lighted on Sonor Bravo, all his precoiueived notions so They gleamed v.ith ileasuie, and a 1 knocked on the head, that words slow smile broke over her features . failed absolutely. and touched her lips with kindness. { "You smoke, Mr. Grant ?'' said But the smile died when she saw a she. Btraiige ligure by his si 'e. | "Madame, 1 do," he an-swered with She beckoned with her hand. Bravo ridiculous gravity, left Hector and knelt on one knee j "Please, Mr. Grant, do not 'mad- before her. He ki'scd reverently the anie' me. now. We have left the hand she held out to him. ,Sil\er UalJi. You a.'e now in Lib- "My faithful Bravo," she murmur- city Hall." And si e went to an old »d. j Sheraton cabinet and produced some "Your Majesty," said he, "i crave , of lino I'ulnioito cigaril o= yonv pardon. which, if you smoke once, you "'l1io stranger?" she asked. ] smoke always. "These aie leal Pal- "It Is because of him I crave your : mcttos. If you .smoke tobacco, you Majesty's paidon."' ; will like tl cse." "Well?" she asked, as slio saw i in a ciiiious state of bewilderment that he hesitateil. Crant hdj e I himself. So did "It is not cifticult to explain, ma- i Bravo. So lil dame. He is a Scottish gentleman i Maddalena. ne for their queen; how he contrived to keep the (lame of iiatriotisTii burning among the hillfclic of the Isle of Palms: hov.- th.e palace in Blooms- bury was created and then kept .'ccrct; and of all tlie interesting de- tails of a hidden life in the vei-y heait cf London. Hector spoke lit- tle, jircfcning to show his coniidence by li.-teiiing. Yet one question he ached to ask. and after hesitating a ! number of times he did ask it. [ "Tell me," le said to Bravo, "why j do .vou think 1 am the man who is ' going to win back fieedom for the 'â-  Pilmettos and her throne for Queen | Maddalo.ia ?" "My fiiend," was the an.'rvvcr, "on ' the day when my Queen is crowned i in the cathedral of Palm City, ask me th:iit question and I ivilT show you my answer." .\nd with this enigmatic reply Hec- tor had to ho content. They talked too of plans for the ri.'lng against Hispaniolun rule. Everything was in train; the island was mapi ed out into distiicts and the niiiiibcr cf faithful supporters in etx^h was known to a man; the trength of the Hispaniclan forces in Being be ptircha.scd at any i)rice. Only th.< lieao's of the fiuiiily have been en- tnisted with the .so.rot. Typefounde s ha. e f eir seret methocs. One very old firm, fam- ous the quality of its tyi e, has a recipe for mixing the no;e.-saiy in- gre iienls for tun irg out a metal hare!, durable, and yet wi.i h will not chip. The heads of the firm jealously guard t' i â- , ani the t i.s- closure to a trat'e livul woiiW bo a loss of many thoi:sands of dolUiis. n-o Oxford Prc's aie |>roud <f th« quality of the paper used in inaKing \yyj,„ltleir Bibles. It is thin mid tough, death 1'"^'^ "'^^ 'â- he outcome of exhaustivj lexperinicnts. Th.e fo ni' la is val ej jat a quarter of a ntilliou sterling. nank of Kngland n.'tes are of a I special papoc, whi. h belongs to thi I Portal: of Laverstoke, That fira i6ui>plios all tie paper to the Ban! 'of England, and the po^se^'5fiion o' I the recipe for ma'sing the paper hai j enabled the fortunate owners to ACCUMULATE A FOUTCNE. I Ba' on is a popular dish, and 8 jWilishice- lirm of bacon driers paid j55O,(.!O0 for the Braudenbur'g method of cuii.ig haiiis. Th.eio are ma^jj i trade se rots in coiii.o.lion witi ] ham-curing. Hostauratoui s have any number oi <a;:ces and ion: imoiits bi ought undoi (heir notice. F.vecy gourmand ha; a si;e'. ial way he li'.cs a dish .son.soii- the itland was also known to a I (.radios for the poor. man, to a cartiidgo; commands had \ xhe Jledical Journal sug- gests that the introduction in Eng- land of the common custom of .south- been a."s.signcd. rallying points had j been flxc:l, .secret stoics of food had â-  will been accuumlatod; ten thousand menj^,,^^^ Europe would get over the dif- were ready to ta,l.e up arms for free- | ^^j^^ ,^ ^j and space. It dom and Ma-.dalena at a nioment .. , ^ , ; ^^^^ „^.„^. j„,„ roll e ! K\e:ything was ready but; three things â€" and the most im portaiit â€" aims, ammunition and tie Her Maje.^ty Q'.ieea , presence of the Queen. The two j first leqi.'isitos wore lucking becai'so i "Play sit, Mr. Grant."" said she. jmorcy was IncJNing. JIaddalona po.s- i'His name came slowly from her lips. , se.ssed enough to give her a few ! as it she was afraid cf misi'ronounc- 1 hun Ireds a year, but not enough to ing it. armaments for a rebellion. He sank on to an ottoman, and I Her presence in the inland was de- ainid all his varied emotions was as-Imandcd because the I'ulniottos had tor.ished to tind that he could think; never .seen her; they wished to see j about what he was smoKipg. He do- her, and suivly her appearance Don /Vugiistin bowed, and returning ' clarcd to I iinsolf that for, perhaps, | amo.-.g them would do much to con- to where (Irai.t stood bowil!e:ed i.i the first time in his life he was in- linn the strong and win over the the middle of the hall, tcs.sing con- | hall:g what was not flattered by I wavering. lint Hispaniola took Jectures thiough his mind as a jug- ^ being called tobacco, gler tosses the bal.s, sail, "Coiuc."| "A certain explanation is due tJrnnt fijUowod in a dream knelt in I you," said Maddalena. "You must|a:i attempt had been made once, with ; outlook. who has the desii-e to s^-rvc your Majo.sty and your Majesty's cause." She smiled. "You must have faith In him, Don Auguslin, to biing him here." â- 'I answer for him, madame, with my life." "Let him bo presented," she said. SUFFOCATED IN BED. Mortality Through Infants Overlain. â- ".Shamefully higli" is Dr Wcstcoifs description of the rate from overlaying of infants in London, in an article which he con- tributes to the British Medical Jour- nal. Last year, in London alone, the coroner for the Northeast Divis- ion says, there were 588 overl.ain in- fants. In 1900 there were 615 cas- es. England appears to oxccl all other countries in Europe in the propor- tion of deaths of infants uno'or one year from suilocation in bed with their -parents or nurses. During the recent ton years there were 15.009 overlain infants in England and Wales. In Germany and France the use of a cot, cradle, or perambulator is universal, and in the country dis- tricts oi England the use of a crao'le ,,,| ^nd the h.i.ppy[)rictors of th( is general. Dr. Westcott thinks thaton ,u j. p^ aic it! the enjoyment ol a. desirable form of Charitable in- i loi-pe ir comes, simply because thej stitution would be one to provide ^ own a bit cf pap'er an inch or two square. Usuall.v. the mos-t s:icccss- ful arti le is the simplest to make, if you 'kiiow the wa.v. .V spe. i-al chut- I oy was sold a few immtlis ago for J.'^7.5<.'0; (MijCinall,v it was the in- voition of an Indian, ami the re'-ip« was obtained f om him at the out- la.v of only, a few ruiKJOs. Absi; the was at ore tinse only known to a French chemist, and per- haps for the good of the work! it wo'. Id have been better had the .sec- lot died with liini. He snld it for a few hun.'-red f. ancs. .\ distiller dcte. ted the merits of the sieiiuctivs lique:u-. and paid §50,000 for th« rhomi' ts note-boo5<. He is said to have in putting the baoy into a rough hammock of sacking slirtoned b.* a stick at each end and slinging it out of the way from a hook in the ceiling. SEKTBNCE SERMONS. Sin sharpens soirow. .\11 things are to the ea:nost. A loader is never afraid of being alone. Burden beaiing brings b.'esa;ing sha: ing. Self-iiuJiulgence is the secret of in- M.\.DE S1,2.>0,0(M) BY IT. ft dream, nnd kissed a white hand â€" not quite in a dieam. In that biief moment ol homage his mind photo- But patoit mediiines have s:oiu:iest \al.e. Any poiuilar , . . .,,,,,,. c.r ointment or tonic re.iie ca I stringent pivcautions that she should jdigcncc. ;,,,, boighl The leipe mens to I never set foot on the Isle of Palms- | Faith's forelock blighters to-day's j ^.,,^i^ business of the (inn, und pres^'Uts an annuul profit of thou- sands of pounds. To sell the recip« the pi!) not tiio le- jraidicd tie loyal hand, every line i to himself) "1 have been ujider the of it; the shapely lingers, white and cau\ the fathoily care" (and she strong; the lilbert nails: the delicate turned an affectionate look Bravo- this I icturo wards) "of Don Augustin. When I know that for the last ten yearsâ€" | humiliating results. She would not ever .since 1 was nine years of age" I venture another landing un'.il her ("'So she is niieleen,"' said Grant sutojects were armed and leudy to blue veins. .And with there pa.<:sed into his memory â- vrcet sense of graciousncss, born of the touch of it. Her hand crowned what the s.ight of her had completed; he was clay to the potter. His warm plastic nature was ready to receive impi'os.'rtons, commands. A Word, ani his life was under her feet. "We are plea.sed to see you here," •he sal I. Grant rose to his feet, and looked straight into e.ves. "1 am pleased, madame," said he, â- 'OS much as 1 om honoied." She smiled, and then he Ka.\\ what m lovel.v thing the Queen's smile was. It began at the corners of fcer mouth, and seemed to spread slowly a j was live m,v dear dead «father com- municated to me my destiny. When 1 was nine he died," She pau.sed for a moment. "Tic first thing Don Augustin did was to accustom me to think of myself as the lightlNil guardian of my people. And the r.ext thing Ha»â€" no, you must not laugh, Mr. Grant." "How could I laugh, ma,damo ?" raid Hector. "Tie second thing," she went on. "was to become used to the idea that one day, soon or late, he would biing to me, at the foot of m.v throne, the man who should be able to Iwlp me to win back my kingdom, and who would help mo to win it. From then until now I have <toiie over her f<vce, until tie upward rad- â-  each night into the Silver Hall, sat IntirtK ripi le<l i;:to «*ght in her eyes on mj- thror.e and waited. He never •nd «»c downward was lost la the j come. Ninht after i>ight, nnd he •nowv curves of her throat. It was never came, t pra.v«yl for him to tbc sAlle a man remembei's whcu hk coma. llol^ Mother '• how I have avenge insult were insult oHered, as it siiiVly Would be. Therefore the prime consideration at this juncture was money, money, money ! .4s he sat by the fountain Hector came once more to the impasse he had been facing blankly for half an hour. Wiiere to find the money ncelful to carry on the revolution. He was in no two minds about th« is to get yc»ur sympathies busv revolution; that was a certainty. Ho had only to start it, but to start it "O ! damn money !" The exclamation relieved his fe«'.- ings a little, and 1 c got up and There aie no rights without re- spo: sihilities. Honor is too big a price to pa.v for any honor. Blows from the bellows of ridicule leave no bruises. The befit cure of a bad habit is the culture of a good one. Wheio vulgarity poi^ses for wit virtue passes for folly. The man who has time to burn has to borrow a match to start it. The best way to bury your sorrows The man who needs a place ^lould look for the place that needs him. It is folly to boast of your frills before you have built your foundu- tion. No man thinjts of his life as a walked out of the cloistral quiet of 'gi<in<l who has any grist woanh Kiind- thc Temple into I'evcreux Court, in- ||n?. tending to go down Efcsox Street and | iTo bat oxpres.'^cs his own giat-itude walk on the Embankment for a . who causos another to be urateful. quarter of an hour before going to \i, do«>a not tnJic much of a seint his office. His office shared thcltn denounce the sins he cannot anathema he h«id bestowed on money |dig©iit. but unfortunately when the press j xi.» man who ba.<n't enough i«li- day of a weekly paper comes round [pjon to last till he gets home from respond ibility m*y not be shirkod, incelin« hasn t enough to take Mm even though the heavens should fall through to henvwn. would Kill the goose that laid tli« gol ten eggs. .\ sum of Sllio.OOO cash was offered for the i a- ipe of a icrtain medicinal syrup, but the bar- gain was not ejected. Lavender water is .snii>plied to the King by Spniles. and the particular method by whi h this water is dis- tillcHi is a carefi lly giiarded trade se.i-ct. Maraschino comes from I'ulinatia, and was eas'ilv encnigh ob- tainod. But t,;x»i e must be many recipes of great c<itminci cinl va'u« In existence the uso of whi'h is con- Hned to families. If known and ta'ken into favor by the iiublic a forture would resuU.â€" Ixmdon Tit- Uit». A LONG-FELT WANT. Casey â€" "Oi ace there's bin anothoi railroad wreck due to an o;)ei switch." Cassidy- "Ay, 'tis a pity some wa; don't ittvint a switch thot'll 9tm jsliut whin its open."

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