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Flesherton Advance, 24 Dec 1903, p. 4

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Dec. 24 1903 THE FLESHEETON ADVAKCE ^'Hi^MtmM I F, T. HILL & CO. •stmas ana >J\eiv K^reetlnas . . . We extend to our hundreds of customers far nnd near the season'n complimcntH nnd best wishes. The remark ul)lo success which has characterized our business in past years, but more particularly durinsj the year clnsing v.ill be an incentive to go an and do better and biEger things in the future. We already have mapped our j)l;in.s for 1004. These we will untold as the yeur advances. In tlie meantime we are making hundreds of homes huppy by Bi'lling'SUlTABLE.and USEFUL Xnias. and New Year's ^ifta at prices within the reach of all. Como as sopn aa you c«n â€" as often as you can. BOYD, HICKLING & CO., â- ^ FLESHERTON, ONT.- Ladies' F'ancy Blouses for 48c. 4H T.ndics' Fancy Blouses, light, niodium and dark colors, all of which are abfioluteb and dependable. These f^uoda were never intended to be retniled at this price, but as we boucht the entire lot and bou^'lit them cheap, wo lire M-i to sell these regular seventy-five cent goods (all sizes) at only 48 2r.c. f!IDEBO.\RD COVERS AT 2 FOR 25o. 10 dozen Sideboard Covpvk, in full bloachod linen with (â- nil. rod ends, fringed. These goods nro retailed cvery-^ where lit 2,")c., but having bought thorn under price, ^ w.' are enabled to make this rnniurkuble offerine. Actual 25c. Sideboard Covers 2 for - 25 15c. CHILB'S UNBERSKIRTS FOR 9c. CO Child's Ilonvy Knitted Underskirts at this ridicul- ously low price. All are made of extra pure wool yarn are exceptionally heavyand warm and would be cheap at 15 cents. CloarinR now for only 9 One day Till $2.00 Mercerized Sateen Blouses $1.25 72 Ladies' extra fine. Black Sateen BIoukp.s' made of finest mercerized cloth, hoks like cxrra fine black silk aTid will weir much better. These cnmo in sizes ri2 to 44, have guinipe, satin and button trimmings and are parrin- uhu-lvbiUidsnnio garments. Kegulnr !?2.0(). Or. f ale now for only 1.25 Hardware! Hardware 1 Hardware I Kot much nned to siy nnich about tliin depnitnieiit, as we are getting about as much trade sis it is possible to at- tend to. The unparalled growth of tins end of our business, convinces iis that our efforts have been nppreeiiited, iiiid wo c.nn promise you even better things in the immediato future. Without attempting to enumerate the var- ious lines we have in stock that are not kept in the ordinary hardware store, we will say there is scarcely a hard- Wiire re.iuirument that we are not in a position to fill, ;ind our pricn will bo the lowest in Grey county. \Ye have saved money for others â€" we do the same for you. ??^MWl MARK DALE WW^ Township Council. 'I'hc Municipal Council of the township of Aruniesia, niet iu the town ball, l-'U-.slii'i ton, 0:1 Tuesday, the loth diiy of i/Vocniljirr, 1!)03, pursuant to sliilute. The nienibets were all pri'iunr, the rccie ill till- clidr. The niinulis of ses- si'n Nov. 'S, lilO.'l, were road and con iiiuifd. ItopiiriM fnjrn the Kcvor; i.uiiiuii.'-i.sionjis wi;ie pre-scntofi. It'.iporl .>f the reeve re building vath agreement with him as to his asscas- nicnt â€" Carried. MoKerizioâ€" Best â€" That the account of W. E. Uichardaon for paper furnished this council, 62.20, bo paid. â€" Carried. McKeiizieâ€" Best â€" That tlioivccuunt of W. .J. Davis for oil and l>olis, furnished for the road grader, S;1.12, bo paid. â€" Curried. McKenzioâ€" Bestâ€" That Mr. Gibson Ije I'l road !''"''' ^â- ^â- '^â- *' '"''"'â- ^ '"''"'"^'' "^ coniniission I on iipprupriatioii, IIHCâ€" Carried. three i Ciiismi- Muirâ€" That report of Mr. Mc bridges WHS presoiiled. 'The reeve vor- i>:illy rejiorted tliul llitf Costs of law suit, i c-j B .yd vs. Arien.e.sia, amouutod to $70 20. \ ''" J";;,^ ^;J ^"• Tu , follow in- accounts were pivsei.ted / "'"'.^l-^' ', f'"'. '.'"" and re.i.l i-W.E. Richardson, stationery,'"''"'''''-^ *'*''â„¢''- •â- '2 20: 'iio l'iiteliard,riiiairing semper, '..'5c, ; \V. H. Thurston, balance juiuting i.'.'i-inint, S2j.88 ; John Pedlar, giavel, tU 55 ; Wni. Wilson, gravel, .'52.50; J.H. V/iison, gravel, !j!l..'J5 ; SV. .1. Davis, od â- â€¢n;! Lolls f(.T gnider,$l. 12; the livasiirer, jri-j'aiing .'â- tati.inent, ?1') (JO ; the cltrU, Ui'.i.k look.s friiin Uanst, 67..''0. liyliiw All. (i2!); ap|ioiiitjiig the follow 1 ii L' d.qiiily .•elnriiinu olliverj and fixing >. lliiii; plao. s for r.lOlj, vx. ; No. 1, II. U. .Mcl.mudiry ; No. 2, \V. .7. Ik'llaniy; Xo ;;, 'I'. .M. liannon ; Xo. '..D.McLeod;! No. 5. D. 0. .Mobeui; No. O.t;. VVarling; Jio. 7, Jas. Williams ; N .. 8, W. T. Mo iCej, wiu ihtro luc;d and real iho re- H di-i^l iiiiin'ior of limes and pi?s;'d. .Mdvcn'.iu^.Muirâ€" That \V. 11. Tluirs I oil 111.' I aid balaneiii.f Ida printing account, i*j;i83.â€" C'aiii.d. l\luir--Gil).son- That the neonr.nt of .;oH. Dausl, i^ 50, for cluck liouks l;x> pa'd.- ''anied. .AIcKBiiziu â€" Bestâ€" That the f :â- . • iiiitu fur u'ravel furnished ovcr.-tci-rs 1 11 I duly eeriiti.;d bo piiit, V z. ! .1. H. y..ils,n;; .7bhii IVdUr, fl 65 ; W. '>Vii.s.i:i, 8i.5'J.--L"arried. Mnii--(iib:i)n â€" Tli;it ilio liU'inber.s of I'le local lioir.^of health be j aid as fob Dr .1. r. ()iie«ell, ^.-il! ; W. .(. B.dlimy, S2 ; .M Kiley, i>;i, for services iinboird as pir report. â€" O.iniod. (Ill)'* 111- Bestâ€" Tlml .1. r.el'ainy be paid C'2 75, hi tend nice nt hall for divi-.iou court mid iepairiiij{ Inill windows. -Carried. Mu.râ€" B-8t--Thnl A!ex McOnimld be rcluM led $â- ,:<. 1!> of his taxes of HKtS, on iici'.KU'il i.f I'riiir in aHsessment roll fur I -ts 8 it !), Harv.'y and K gin ttroots, i'.iouvdie. â€" Cairi.d. Gibson -.Mu.r- That Dmiol Mc- 1^ iiia'd <io refiiudfd ii\X>% being HTMis of tax".<, ehargoil on park lot 11, I'lioeviMe, f. r IDO'i. the said lands Kenzio on expenditure of nppropiiation indiv. 4, I'JOIl, be received and that he alanco of couuni.ssion, day's dirucling the er I tJibsoii. â€" McKenzie â€" That Mr. Muir bo ' paid as follows: g4.50, coniiuiaaion ini | .siiL'L'i.d grant on town line. A. & P. â€" Carried. McKenzie â€" Gib.'ion â€" Thiit the report of iVIr. l>o.-<t, on his approprialion be re- ceived .iiid that he be jiaid .'S.'t.40, balance of coniuiissio.i. nnd 1 day direciing grailer, â€" Carried. Cdhson â€" iNluiiâ€" Thai the report of the rouva on expeiuUtnio of Sll'J!).(!4, in building o biidgi's, ln^ adopted, and that he be paul a coninii.s.sicii of live per cent. on the HiiLue, ainoiinting to 650.08. â€" Car- ried. (.lilison -Bestâ€" That the triiasnicr be paid §10, for prejiaving llii:inoial state- iiuint iif l'.)O.S,aiid that 159 eopifS be print- ed for dist!ibutiiiii.â€" Carrii d. (iilison â€";- Tlial Mr. .Vluir \io paid SI, foraelling old biidgo,at Prioeville. â€" Carried. (Jihimn â€" McKenzie â€" That the rccvo and M.-^r-ss. Best and Muir be paid %- ea;:li for iitLondiiig court at Dundalk in suit, Boyd, VI. Artcmi^sia. â€" Oirriod, Muir â€" .MeKonzieâ€" That the Baptist CO! givgftliQii at F'riciiviUe bo rufunded S'i!, iK'iii;; purl of arrears of ti'Nes of J',)UO, on lolalUaml 11, Elgin and Marviy .sirotts, Piiciville, the same appearing to bo ex- cessive for that year â€"Carried. Muir â€" Ciibsouâ€" 'I'lial the collectors fur 1!K);!, not having nturnud their idlU as rciiiiired liy law, on thellili iiist., resolved that the said collectors be iinil they lire hereby luiihori/.od to eoii- linnii ihe lovy and coUoci ioii of unp.iid taxt'i in tlio inanner and with the power.* pruxi'ied by I.iw, up lo llie ''Otli iiift., t.ut nothing in ibis nsoluiiiin kIiiII alter or elhx' llie duly of eaid coliot-tors to return their rolls or m any way invalidate the said collectors t,uruties. â€" C irried. •yhe linsincss of iho day being ended, Mr. tiilison put the following moiion to Neuralgia Headache is Usually ' Attended with binding pain, hut relief comes quickly when Nerviline is applied, for It is the (strongest pnin-reliever in the world. "I consider Nerviline a most magical remedy for neuralgia. I am sub- ject to violent attacks, writes Mrs. E. G. Ifarriss of Baltimore, but never worry if Nerviline is in the house. The prompt lelief ;lmt Nerviline btings makes it prico- lefs tome. A few applications never yet failed to kill the pain. I can almost re- coininend Nerviline for stiffness in the joints and rluuinatisni." Try Nerviline yoursjif. Price 25o. Failang; out Hair It tills 13 tlie easn, poi; and noo UB anti wo wJllprHVjtit it doing ao byaiii>lying our wonder-, liii roiaody. Highly Recommend Woliavu iiKpd ita wonflerfnl! powers on many in liiin town nnd Hun-oundint: diatrict and nil v.'lio liavo iiiidergLino truatmuut reconi- iiiuud it vorv liictiiy. No Cureâ€" No Pay A. WILSON Barber riiKSHKllTON HIGH CLASS PICTURES. . The place to get the host Photos is at BCr/MKR'S PUOTUGRAPH OALLLJRY. SPECIAL ATTENTION We pay Speeiiil Attention to Copying nnd llabies' pictures, ing a specialty. I'i.'turo tram- Try us for any kind of pictures nnd WB will proiiiisoiatisfaction. Sydenham street, Fleshorton. I BIG . . STOCK liei'ig ill tin erortii in that year ,iiid not liable --C.nried. Mtiir-B sr -That D..niild MelUo r.fuid.'d HW.M) of hi.H taxes of HHI.'I, the ro'.iiicd, which Was carried unnniiii- be! ouily. G.hson â€" McKenjiioâ€" That a hearty vote of thanks (il iho members of this a -count of , rr... in ass.,s.„neiil roll, lot 2, ' ':;'""f'!,,'"" ''^•'"'•V tenderod the Ueeve •"111 'I S L) P Cnii d ' , 1>. ^K•l.lVl«ll, IvK] , lor the atdu and ' ftii'l r- â- B.Ht-"' ThoH Sullivan be '-"l'"li«l '.'"Hnoer in whi.h be has pr.sid- re'n ded «',b oj hm taxes of lillK!, on l..t " ' """ . .'""'â- "u'"" "'V' '''«'''""«'"' '^o •{, eo .. (i, on .iceoimt of error m Ins as ; '',"'""* V' '"" "'"''" f"^'" "'" I"' '^^•"' J'*-''""-- .C.irned. He<i nieiit â€" C^-titipd. fMiiirâ€" (ii'iso'i- That Andrew Uidl-y I e rid'iinde I S'-*.li dug sla'ilte liil>i>r charg- id II 1'.>,I3, liiice perform ;il as ceiti- lie I bv >, erteers on lo*. Bt, ijJll'n survey, i '"i- can oo eureu wiiuout pain in one -Car.i.'d. 'day liy Putnam's Corn and \Vf\tl Kx- McK'n/iie -B.St-â€" That Pivd. Bajjtb- tractor. This Htandar<l r.niedy never le rofiiii 1.) I ?H 44, Ii.uiiy did r.nno in hi-( nmin Ihe (bull, â€" it is enfiroly vc^.-talde uiweiKui-i.t '.11 county, township and gen- • ' coniiioiiioji nnd does not destroy th ) i^.ivl 8:'Jo I ritfl«, lOOli, in ai;c rd.iiii;. floah. l,V' i'"'y I'utiiRiu'ii it'ii the beat. Council niljiiurncd. Corns Qrow Between the Toes I'm. can bo cured wiiuout pain in Wii liavo Jnat TOOfllvod in stock one of llio tinnst Hssorbiii.>ntd of BLANKETS AND ROBES in tlio market and cnn favor you wltli any roi]uiroinutita you will need In tbat lino. A'fOR '.vvrco onnfelunmont of Imitation PERSIAN LAMB COATS. We have a fin«' oolloction of coats to lo select from. All Sold at Lowest Living Prices iw iv|. iiS o o li c: WHAT ABOUT PRESENTS? This List will iielpyou to make an Appropiale Selection. Xmas Furs Fin- Caps.. 81, 50 to § Fur ruiffs 1.50 to Fur Gauntlets 3.00 to Capeiines .,^,^„ 3.75 to Child's Boas 25 to Imitaliou Gaunt,let3 50 to Fur Mantles 27.50 to Fur Coats 17.50 to S..50 10.00 ^ 5.00 w 1G.50 ?« 40 ^ I .i->o •^ 43.00 S5.C0 ft? ' - Xmas Gloves . ; Ladies' Kid G!ovc3 Sl.00toSl.50 â-  Men's Kiul Glo,-es tiO to 1.50 Wool Gloves 25 to 50 Children's Mitts 15 to 25 Xmas Linens - Linen Side Board Scarf... $ 25 to $ Five O'clock Covers 50 to Tray Cloths Linen 25 to Pillow Sliams 50 to Colored Liuen Covers 50 to Bordered Damask Cloths., 1.'25 to -'".'.. Damask Table Napkins.... 85 to 50 1.00 75 73 225 2.75 0.'<5 Japanese Silk Novelties Silk Pniio or Organ Drapes §1.75 to S2.oO ; Jap Silk Cushion Tops CO to l.fiO '._ Jap Silk Table Covers ... . 1.50 to 2.50 Xmas Handkerchiefs Pictured Handkerchiefs, 2 for 5c. Lace Handkerchiefs 5c. to 25c. Hem sti'ch Silk Hand'cluef 25 to Fancy Siikriandkercliiefs... 10 to 1.00 Xinas Neckwear â-  '- -'^" ' Gent's Silk Mufflers 20e to 81.25 Gent's Silk and Satin Tics... ,26e. to 50 Ladies' Fancy Silk Collars 25o. to 75 â-  . Ladies' New Collar Tabs... .5o to 45 Ladies' Lace Collars 50o. to 1.50 Fancy Slippers (Felt, Carpet and Leather) Children's 80o to 45 Jlisses .,„ 85o to 50 Women's^ 60c. to $1.75 Men's.....". 50c. to 1.50 Fancy Knitted Goods Wool Shawls 50 S1.75 Tartan Shawls SI.OO to 4.75 Wool Toques aud Hoods... 25 to 60 Wool Mitts aud Gloves...... . 25 to 50 Oar Stock of .^ cut C'C/rias ^ancy Shina anfl SilasS' wafe fust opened out is the largest nnd 6est collection ever shotvn here, lie want you to see it / Prices Range From 5c. to $2.75 pr. Piece Berry Setts Epergncs Table Srtta Vases Dinner Helta iJose Bowls lea Betts Jardinictcs Water Setts PiacqiifS Fancy Titchers Porridge Setts Salad Bowls Bread and B. Plates Opal Novelliea Mastaclie Cups Wedijwood ware Children's Mugs Japanese China Painted China Fancy Cups & Saucers Fruit Nappies HliaviuK Mugs China Novelties Cake Plates /'rtiicy Sih-erwaro Tallin Knives F^ncyTalilo Laniis Plated Spoous.Forks & Kciivca, Carving Setts lla'll aud hang'g lamps Car of Salt Jus t in! **«**-i««t**»;*«*^rf--IB«-^**«**;*|. mmmmmmF^

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