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Flesherton Advance, 10 Dec 1903, p. 3

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~*>» r . w <ii . ^ ^ THE WOEm MiUKETS KEPOSTS FKOSa THE LEADING 'lEADE . CKNXKJ^S. Pric-js of Cattle, Grain, Cheese, and Other Dairy Produce at Home and Abroad. Toronto^^ Dec. 8.â€" Wh'uitâ€" T!u) mar- ket is <iuiet for Ontario grail.'S, and prices !irm. No. '2 whito uiul red Winter quoted at 78 to TSJc low trcigiits; No. 2 Spring is tuioted at TL'c: cast, ami .\'o. 2 goOKO at TO to 71c. llanitoha whoat is stiMuly. At upper lake porLs No. 1 Nortiierii id quoted at Si-'e, and No. 2 NorLlicrn at K!c. -Nio. 1 hurd noiniiiul at '.iO to 90} c lafce ports. For grinding in transit quotations are Cc higiior than above. Oat.sâ€" Tlio market i.s (I'liet. with price.s unehnnRcd. No. 2 wliiti' is quoted nt STJc wcKt, aiul at US to 2H^,c middle frcMKlU.s. No. 1 while. 29c east. IJarlfvâ€" Tlie market is dull, with the i>ri(CH steady. No. '2 quoted ut â- tic luidUlo freights; Ho. :5 extra at i39c, and No. 3 at :37c middle freights. ];.ve â€" Tlie niarliot is quiet. wil'-! prices steady. Cars ore (|U',iUnI at 52 to â- ")2ic "iiiitidle freiKlU.'i (!res.=ied f'hatliani hogs. In car lots, Sfi.25 to m.-JO; live hogff, 5c pi-i' 111. I'ljTffS â€" Candled .seii'cted. 24 t'l 2.')C, ami Btraiglit receijjts, 20 to 21c; Montreal limed, 18 to I'.lc; re- fripcrator, 1(3 to 19c. Cheese â€" Dn- tario, inj to lOJc; ToTVrishii)S, 10^ to lO'Jc; Quebec (Noveniher), 10c. Mutter â€" Townships creamery. 21 c, WeEtern dairy, in tub.s. 16 to li>ic; Western rolls, 17 to ITJi'. XmTTF.n -.ST.M'KS M.\nKF.TS. A HAMILTON SHOO riKG. Milwaukoo, Due. 8. â€" Wheatâ€" t'irujer; N'o. 1 Northsin, .<?:!• to HU:; No. 2 Niirlhcrii, 811 tU S2ic; ?.iay, SOJc. ftjeâ€" Kirin; No. 1 . "wiic. i'.arleyâ€" (luiet; So. 2. Qui:; .-;ai;.p|r:, .JO to .'ii'c. Cornâ€" May, 12-;;c. 'St. Louis. Deo. S. â€" V.lieat clo.sedâ€" December, 'JOJc; May. S.'Uc. llufJalo, Tec. 8. â€" I-'lour â€" Firm, Wheatâ€" Spring linn; No. 1 Nprlhern. carloads, 8'Jc; Winter stron,'?; No. 2 red. 87c, through billed. Cornâ€" fCn.sier; old No. 2 yellow, ."Sljc; No. 2 corn, Cn) to r.n^c Oatsâ€" Firm; No. 2 white. -inc; No. 2 mi.ved, ;{7Jc l!ar!eyâ€" WeJ:leni, ,->0 to G4c. Kyeâ€" No. 1. (51 Jc. Minneapolis, Dec. 8.â€" Wheatâ€" De- cember. 79 to 79Jc; T.ray. ROJc, July, fio-jc; on track. N'o. 1 hard. 853c; Ihimself in th.« No. 1 Northern, 80-^c; No. 2 North- ici'n, SOJc: No. ;! Northern, T.'. to 76c Frank Johnson Tries to Kill l'.vo I-Ien. A Haniilton d.'sjiatch sa.\s: Frank .loiinsun, a coloj.d hiirbri-, 121 .John street Koulh, wound up a spr;-i.' shortly h(}fore uii.lnight du Saturday night by a shoot jjig escapade that nai-rowly nil.ssed resulting in a trag- edy. Nathanirl Moore, another col- ored citi/.cM, Vi-ho was r;i doyed in .loh ARSENICAL POISONING, Becojumendation.T of CouusJssiou on Food and Driiiic. EIG DEMAND FOR POULTRY. Ono English Dealer Wants 3,000 Cases Per Week. 'I'lia Doniii,ii:n Dopaituient of Agri- culture has ruieivu<l coumiunication.s from l^ril^^h dealers who donire to 'iii.'fe.'S .sii ti'aC I;.; :-hi'Hci: ea. !j A London duspatth .'â- ays : â€" The royal conimi:,sicin on ttiseiil<al pois- oning froin f.od and diiuk ro: om- Cu.':uuian jjodirv. Une o/ men s tl.o prcldbi ii.n of tie s.-.le of jtio riealeis My. .lames IJlacl.burn, ol beer ai;d other liqidd foort or nf aiiy |ilan<li.'.-.ler,, la. at present in enie;jng i:,lu tie .•â- oni|iosi:iou , Carada r e).;otiating for tl.e .shi|;ment of fo<ul' which contaicK oix-iiumiiodlh lof |,oid:r\. ' liu : tales' lluit i',e woulii of a grain or m(.,o of ar;e;:ie ^hnl n ho le.iiM.-d the names ol ii.'-.ons shop, was ai work late , gallmi, and the prohibition ol thy jCanu. iaa poidiry when Johnson entiTed \'.\'- phice andji^ale of solid fi<!d coniaiiivg ore- ti;e (liiiJen.s . ui:M necii.sed .Moore of eheiUiu;- him out | hundredth of a g:ain [ er pound, "no i in Do; eiiiljor. of soir.e of th.' n;,;n"y tal.i'U i:i that j "latter wln'thcc liabilaally lOrSumed |.',,,. ,„,.,. y,.., .^ , ^, | ,. .,|.(i,>,.i(t o( day. Tin ihi'i-;' ij.on drew a re-.olver '" large nr ^nulli (p:aiiiities. or ! A(rii,. ,|L|i,^.'|,.|J; ^,._|.,,,,,^,,|' ji,,. , i,;,.|;,,,,^ and opened Krr on his - i,ii>loy<'.', a "'hel' er i oi .si n:ed as oi e ilikc gol.ien jfailud at tlie ill: s! raliuj, :iati.)i:H bullet taking el.cet in ll.;oro'.'j neck r'>''""l') '"" "''•'-ed wii h water or ct! er to iWr. IJlac.'djui n, T- e d.'allngs and goir.'g throi!-h into!;.; should-r. | "'•'"'•'"''•'«« ililc chicory, ct;)." Thejiuuo heeii ;..,'jfetlv .sai isl;e. torv and '•ommnsioncrs iind there a: e sei-jous 1 the prii es ohie.ii.ed ;,;r tie eidckens i'e;e ts in the prcent ma. hinery jl:a\e l,eoii i foiilalile. Mr. I'.huk- a'.ailahlo to safeguard tie i.ubli'-, | liurn saul that .• w,.idd liie to and I rge that mo <; o.'>;t<'n''ed r.owois ho .LM'.en to the ant, oi-ilics to eon- I'enin miwIiDle.s line fnod. t' o eEtah- .v„,.e+ ii, t 1 ,1 iliihment of oHicial ••.â-" and «ound b.uveen the thumi, and lirst ' ,,,i g,.. t„ „-),;, ,, ,,^,,1,, .^^ refu re:! .s: e iiic poi 'ts and who^n <'v isi<v s .sho ll he . arrieil out by the de'a't- nieni, comeiiied, the latti'r's a tion being KUb.'e>.t to the control ot Par- liament. Wm. Howard w.-is in char-e of the i sl-.op. but war, lyin.g on a sofa in ' the hall. The eiiiplo.ver rin:aeiiiateiy j boKaii to sh.oot in his ili- -.t 'on. For-: liuuitely I'or the prostraie man the I two shots wei-e lired wil :lv and tin-' linger shoot I 111' one hand, 'I'hi' crn;'e;l tlii'i wnt into the kitchen in the rear of the nlinp and attein|)t- ed to take his own liuv I'e shot, hilt this not proving fatnl he trin! ilio trick again. The second shit eriv/ed his Peas- Trade is dull, and prices uii- 1 Flourâ€" First patents,- S'l. I.") to S4.5."): islioiibier. Whm the ri\ol\|.r Was rhanged. No. 2 while quoted atOlJc j-'iccond do. .5'1.;!0 to .S4.-10; first icmpiy he threw it down. .Just its aiiddle freights, and at (jSJc east. Corn â€" The market is quiet, and prices unchanged. No. 2 yellow Aiu- H'ican quoted at .'i.'tje on tracli, To- ronto; No. :i yellow at r>2ic, «nd No. 3 mi.xed at Sljc, Toronto. Puckwheat â€" The market is (|uiet, with fair demand. â-  No. 2 quoted at 13 to l.'Ua east. Flotn'- Miftety per cent, jiafents are steady at §3.0.^ miildlo freights, in bu.A ers' sacks, for export. Straight rollers of special brands for dome.';- tic trade quoted at to $3.50 in bb's. Manitoba flours arc firm: No. 1 patents, S-L.-Jo to Sl-.^o; No. 2 patents, $4.2.5 to .?4.3.'j. and strong bakers'. .S4.1.J to S1.2."i on track, Toronto. Millfeeiiâ€" rSran sfady at 810.50. nnd short.s, at .$18. HO here. At out- side [loints bran is quoted at S1."..~'0 to S14, and shorts at i?17.r.(). irani- loba bran, in sacks, .?18, nnd shorts It S20 Iierc. clears, clears, bulk, ! S3. 30 to S3. 40; second .?2.30 tq §2.40. Jlran^ln 43. CATTLE MARKKT.S. he did so Constaldes !!iirett and Ifasselfi.dt riLsiii'd in on liim with ro- voIver,s in their he.nas rivviy for ac- tion, Joiiiison e.xpreKScil regret that his "gtm" contained no more curt- Toronto, Dec, 8.â€" A steady to flrin ridervs. lip would kill the police- market for good cattle, but a slow market for rough and conunon cat- !nen. He and 'Moore Wi'rc tai-en to the City hospital, whfin Moore's tie, were the prevailing conditions at icondition Vvns found to be serious, the i^ity Cattle .Market to-day. There !â- "â- ''-â- ' 'i<'-' I'lan was regoi-ileii as being, was aiiea^y run, but everything wasjf'ifnlly in.iiired. The bnlh't entered i 1'"=^^''' 1° have a corner on the mar pretty well sold out, e.\cei)t perhaps i Johnson's head high tip and did not two or three loads of very rough 4"'iiet rate the. skull. The l.iillrt CORNER IN PEARS. Chicago Has Stored the World's Supply of the Fruit. A Chi. 'ago despatch says: A mil- lion and a quarter pears, said to be praciically the world's i>resent sup- ply of the fruit, are stored in a wan- house in t luc,ui;o. .\ lirm of .Soulh â- ftater street iruit merchants are tiie owners of the pears, and are sup- ,1 •nil hai.dic Week. Ti i> li.'iartniv letter iioiii .iii, 1 hesler, Kng. '"T'liere feems if rliiid.eiiS per t Inn. also ;i- nived a 'i\ni. Uoilnvell, i\ian- .Mr, Hdthweil snjs ; to ]n- a \ei'y good Iii'onlui t f.u- all kinns <.f poultry thi,s Criri.stmas. li _\ on ran f;i\e or have any ciui: iir.'inenls !..n;t inc, nou can ixet n^seivd r.i tlientinoM \aluo be- ing obtal e 1, l.'a^h and lales .sent lmmodialel,^ goo;!s an ili-po-ed of. The pi'obalilu priies are as follows : Largo n.'Ck t;ir'.e\--, i Inci.e i, I I In 18 11),-., '.M to ii'd |.iM- lb. Pricked, 12 to !.;i II to 9d per lb, Pliici.ed t.:ri-.e\ r, ',) l.i to 8d p.-^r lb. I'liicked chicken'-', ."-^d ; Plucked diicl^^. 7d i m Tnrl.exs in Icailn"-, li lb. 1 trust that i may luU'' nici'ts from Canada." Iilr. Hari". Chief .f the I 1 ! 11 ri- 111. 111. â- d to Sid r.i per len- couNTUY rnoDucn. Applesâ€" The market is fairly active It unchanged prices. Wijtter fruit 'lUoted at §1.70 to $2 per bbl,, in :ar lot.s, and at S2 to $2,50 iu imall q' nntities. Beans â€" There is a quiet trade, with jriccs steady, I'riir.o beans are ciuo- ;ed at $1.00 to $i,7,"> bush. Pried Apples â€" The demand is fair, Mlh iirices unchanged at 1 to IJc per Iti. Hops â€" The market is fair at 29 to BOc. Honeyâ€" The mai-Ket is (lini nt i''i to 7c per lb, for bulk, and at ?l,2.'j io S2 for coinI>, Choice clover hon- ly, 7 to 7Jc per tti. Hay â€" Demand is fair, with receipts Dlil.v modrrute. No. 1 timoth.v ipio- tcd .at .?9.50 on track, Tor<;nto, and mi.xed nt S6.oO to ?7. Straw â€" The market is quiet at S5 per ton for car lots on track. Potatoes â€" The marlcet rules lirm, pith light roceiiit.s. Car lots juoted at 00 to O.-jc per bag on ;r,ack. I'onlte.vâ€" The demand is fair, and jfl'erings moderate. Turkeys are (|UO- ted at 11 to 12c per tti,. and geese at 7 to Sc per lb,; ducks 9,^ to 10c per Tb,, or 8.'c to .SI per pair; chick- Eiis, 8i to 91c |x-r Ui., or 70 to S.'JC per pair; old hens, .'iOc per jiair. Till; DAIHY MAUKRTS. Uutter â€" Trade continues fairly ac- live, but the supidies of choice quyli- ;ies are limited. There is a good de- nand for line ("airy tub. but little loming forward. We quote' â€" Finest ,-lb. rolls, 10 to 20c; choice large •oils, llij to 17ic: selectetl, d dry libs. 17i to 3 9c; secondar.v gra les, .3 to loc; creamery prints, 22 to |3c: solids, 10 to 20c, Kggs â€" Market firm. Wo quote: â€" Itrictly now laid, 2r)c; frrsh store alhered, 21 to 22c; and limed, I'Jc cr dozen. cattle, for wnicli there seems to b' ncr-market jtrst at prt'ser.t. The day's run was 94 cars, with 1,.'533 head of cattle, 2,135 sheep and landjs, l.OOO iiogs, and 41 calves. - • F.xportâ€" The market continues 1irm for export cattle, with a good de- mand for cI-.o!Ce qualit.v. Bii.vers sa.y I tlicy are jiropared to i)a,v Jp to 84.- ! 9<> or $'j for e.xtra choice vxport cat- tle. There were â- â- several fair b.iads olYering to-duy, but none quite up to rcqiiirenienls. Putciier.';. â€" There were butchers' cattle .sold on the market to-da.y at .?4,7.5 and for anoi.her lot of butch- ers' the same oiVer was refused. These ^v^?ro CN'cei)tionaIl.y . fancy cattle, a i little early for the Chrisunas trade, but not heavy enough for export purposes. The ro.'.cuIar run of butch- ers' cattle was not up to sncii .a I standard of qualitj', but there 1 were some g'ood loads of butchers' j cattle in tb,e ;;;arket, and prices worg i steady tij) to $4 and Si-.2,j I'lU' choice Moore's neck has not liCen got out. f TO INDUCE OUR E.XHIBITS. Proposed Chans-en in St. Reg-nlations. A Toronto d_cspa!eii sii.> s: "dr c: - C. Creelinan, .'^r.iieriiiteinient Farmers' Institutes, and ^ilâ- . A. T Westervelt. .Secretary of Lise .Stock Associations, ret irned on h'rida.v from Chicago, v. In re- Ihev were at- tending the i-at .Slock .Siie.v. Tilr. Westervelt had an intei'x n'W llun with Col. C. F. Mills. ,'<erret:ir-. oi the live stock depe, n men; oT the .St. Loins Kxiiositioii. li'ol. .M'lis saiil that arrangements were l>ei!!e- made for giving greater i:iiporlanee to the classes of ciillle' in which I'ainidiars are most largely iiUeresteil In the classes for sheep au'l 'aemi hogs ket. New York still has a few car- Poultry IJlvi,'i.ei, st.iied that then loads of I'cars, but they will be e.x- aiipro.ximate [a i es lihouhl ii;-fer sub- hatisted within thirty duvs, and then '"^'''''ji"' "i die-enuMus to Cim iaii ex. the world must call on Chicago or I ''""â- "'â- '-' "'"â- Â« ^'> --^'"1' I" l;ry Cieiit Itritaiii. Tl-.i! |ioiiii;', slioiiid he forw aided in a Me. mi.', i:' i'i|iii|,- I ed uitli eoM :t'i'ai.e, 'i'i e ailway do without pears. Already New i York dealers are .sending to Chicago and for se\-eral da.\s orders luixe been shir.ped to Boston, Philadelphia, j.St, Loujs, New Orleans, Han Fran- â- â€¢â-  â-  Cisco, and even Liverpool, The price of I of winter pi.'ars is sl.ady at ^'3 and S:i.r.<) a bo.c. a;id ,â- â-  ;eai.l;;hi[i coinpanij;; wil infoim idlir-Peis when .suitable • le.iinrhii .>• "ill .ar- *rt. -li.-iin or lieliiax. iO'.eii I'll Miiall e'v si(fiiinen' s of iionPry, tlie rri'ip:.t eharges wiil in t he over .jiie Cinl. per jionml. T.o rhii-!:eiis fe.l:ed ii the ill i.stra- lion .-.taiiois Ini'e. hi'cni sold in Tui- onto. y,,f I ,.;il, ,St. ,l,iiii.. Nl!.. I ...1- |ifa\-, N.S., ,-=\flney, C. I!.. ,iail I lie,:- The New V.'ork This Year is V/ortli i 'olletown, P,F,,1., uiid also to lieal- S4, 500, COO, |i'i« i" "-.I'ei- ^.lnnl!(^â-  .i!ies. Tlie riee oljl.uleii f,'l- I lie fntl.-cl rliirkeiei in 4"oi-oiito was II e:i:s | er noiijjd: ill Mi'iKieel, i;i ceir-; | r|- joiinil: aiv! in tie cii ;es in tie -d,!! i ; iiee r',i\- inies, will] the exe.-, li- ii if Cha:- BUiLOING IN MONTREAL. Cattle. A lot of rougli butchers' cat- tle were slow at easy ijrices, .Stockers. â€" There are too many rough stockers and cjinneis for re- quirements of the market just at present, and lu'ices v.ero low. Sheep and Lambs. â€" A good steady market for shee|) and lambs, and the big run was all sold. Hoes,â€" There was no chanee in the quotations to-day, Kxpoi-t, heavy l')xport. light UiiUs, cx[iort, lieavy cwt do light I'ceders, 8ilO lbs, and uinvanis Short keep. 1,100 lbs •Stockers. 400 to 800 lis do 900 lbs Putchers' cattle, choice do iiiediiiiu do picked do bulls ^do rough Light stock. bulls c-wt IVfilch cows Hogs, best <!o light Sheep, export, cwt. T.fiinbs P.ueks Ciills two fa ti m ml i-r ii Choose â€" Market To quote: â€" Finest, ittur for twins; OJc. quiet but steady. II to 1 I 3c; the seconds, lOi to y BUSINESS AT montu':al. Montreal, Dec. 8. â€" Wheat is {c low- r, being now ijtioted at 79.Jc for No Calves, each S4- .â- ')0 to S4 85 3 80 4 00 3 7^'> â- 1 25 3 0(1 3 50 3 00 3 GO 3 05 4 00 o ."lO .T l'-2V o 75 3 50 3 05 â- I 00 3 ;'.i 1 :! 50 4 (Ml â- 1 50 •J 7."'> .'! 00 o "id O GO 't 25 »> no OO .56 00 4 35 3 25 3 40 4 (K) 4 20 o 50 :! 7.5 2 25 ;i 0(."l o 00 in 01) prizes will he ollered. w -.a-h are more in proiiortion to their impor'.ance, Tlie Canadian recoi-ds also would he put in the iie.xt cla.ssiJ'e.-alior.. in full. 'I'he appoiii|!neiit oi , is a m.atler of interest to t anadiai s, and Col. Mills a.sBiir..'d }.iv. \\, st.-rv -ll that the men cho.seli v.cnild I)'' fair m i and impartial. 'Wh.e; e'liiiediai, j ic: aired exhibitors simiild lur -â-  a voire in their selection had nm iei;n disciis:-;- ed, Tliere is one tinng, howc\ei-, that still constitutes n serious im- pediment to Canadian exhibitors. This is tile fart that Canadian e.xld- bitors cannot sell their call In afier the show in the ,Si:i'.e.. To r.'iiied- this would need r-lther an (U-di-r of the Treasur.v or all si'i of A Tiioii.eal liesi-ntih says:â€" Tie |! biiil'iiig ii SI e: lor has prepaied a i e- ' ' I po. t for the ele\en months of tie I'liireit yen , 3' owfne- that no less) jthan .S l.50ii,iinii has been s: ont on j new Iril i gs. This is a u-rent !n- j |iren?e o^'er la.^t \ea . -iViun less ihani S;!,iiO0,Im:() was Slent. For t e month of No' eml>er t e \nl e .A t u hiiilr Inns put np was •'^1 OihUtni. 'P e new structures 'o si led cf foi ty- fo r ho se , se eiit;,'-e en te eiiieius. <i e fjiore, o e â- -' v.aieh'use, .'S a.d six sled.", .\ laige ,in^;s '>ve: » ilU'ied and jloUetown, 11 .ci'ijls ;.e|- joniKl, Tl.e lelicl-e'S wee S'ld i.i CIm: l.,t ' e' o« n 'at in I en: ,s i er lonnl, 1 The f,iitcd ehiekeiis sold Io the iiierelin! ts iiine j cri'e i sa i isin, i i..n 'and it wu .li be ((â-  lie inle'T -l uf 'farmers tei r.iiien lieir i Inri e..s ln- loro t' oy a e inurlieted, 'llie I'e- I'aitmeiit unild inre iidil itimes as inai'.\ I'alt'd ihie'-.i' s if an o'l'il 111 \ e l;"ei' hone;;,; â- IS i'l 1 If ^ i' !' il -.â-  ol nl.ui. . 1^ A Cl.a- WHEHE F'EVEi< REIGN'S. e.xtra nnniljer from I he fai m llie r,-: Menil:;' lol letown ine • !i,j;it Nearly Twelve Hundr-jd Cases B-atlcr, Pa. and Col Mills scarcely ihoin^h.t such ' .a step fensihle. | iira exi en- I'-r ENDED LIFE WITH RAZOR. Frederick Eush Found Dead m Koine at Niagara A Niagara-on-the-I.akc. (^nt.. des- patch says: Frederick Busli, an un- niarried man. about 40 years of age. TH0U5A%'DS LEAVING U. S The Steerage Aee.Miimodatinn is at a Preniiuui. \. New York des; atrh .says :â€" 'i'ho .â- ^teiuner La Toni-nii.e, wiMi saile-i on Thufhda.v, took o it l.Ol'O .â- steer- age pai-seiigu s. and it was estimated that o\er 2Un s.eorayc pii.M ongers v>-ith tici els v.eie left en the dock, owiny; to tl.e ove. seliiia; of ai corn- modal ion. 'file line lias agents all oer iho to- iiiry seill" ti kels. and as ad\l cs .eganling ihe ninnlier of tickets sold for a \e.s;-el are not r(j- cei\ed trntil to day befeio she sails It is impos^ihle to lomrol the luini- ber of tickets sol I. A s cne of g'Oat excilemeiit eiisied when tie olli-e.s nf red to .'dlo^,-,' mo e i eopie im tie %e sel. .\11 I til iiig an I I liable to sail on Thui-clay will be I'e t nt tie (omj'an.v s exien.'o until tie sailing i c.\t wce'^. l-'or -several iiiontl-s the numler o s;eerngo pa.'-i enge; s on all outgcdug f' sl'.'nmship lir-es has been very heavy. 1 1''"'** 'i' The Ira-^el this fall has been hea^iei than ii.sual, and it is th.oiight <!ia I o a..: l-a--- e a i epiy from t la' pa I'l we .' hip! eii 1 he lii'-l Io! s| c:d>s uf t em us l.ei i;' and expressed sori'i'i.-e I ''a A Biillu', Pn,, <;e-p,,lch says ;-T: e ! I"'"'!',"''-' -^i^^'l' ''"'iv ^ '•â- < tvi lioid fC'-er e| i end • claimed ilsi"'-'-'- A Imo t a > '-iM-.-r liliitv-foia-th vi tini on Tl-uis.ay, in <';>-i' pro-Ha.' fa-ie,i ,,ii !,e the â- eson of Father Da lei V.asl'. ''''" 'â- o'.emneiit â- hi.l.ens pastor of St. Taal's Calliolic CiiUjch. Father Walsh had been ill two wcels. 1-iis work among tlie po-ir was untiring, and bef.ire he be- i-aiiio I n on cio s he u'lne awa\ | evei',\ thing he |ioi-se.'-sed In the world. ! I'l- to Th'irsdny 1,1-13 cases of typ- j iieid had be.-n lepo'ted to '!e reiu-e | sentali'.es of the State Bead of n-oalth. i -I : "Vs.! o W ll- .111 I ml le > lire, .\ e I onh ! onii- tlii-; Ml (' ina a O t lahor â- -♦ â- id fe THE WOMAN IN WHITE. Walked Ton Miles Clot:ieii Only Her Ni^rhtclress. A .Si. Thomas di'Sp-iieh say;. M-ss ffi'awford, vlio bees Willi ii---- par- eiils near Sheiid.n. and \\ no is not of sound ininil, lied a t'-rribl.' â- â€¢';i!eri- eiice Saturday n.oiiiMi'.;. The f.oiiily live ten miles from tie . and i lie woman walked tie- d'. .ite !i.-i"-' wdii r.o (lothini; on ) •i (â- .â- ^.-ei;i .lu; Ir-r ninlil rlreis and nitl'oni eil'e'i' slioi-s or stockings. Her e-^t '.ver.^ h.idiy cnt from the hard i(nd, ifid slie was half fri .en. aii.l s^i. '-ri^l i>i-eally from I he exposiir.'. â- '-•iie in oln her dl cottons will he prac-|";'>- j^''" ^'"' 'i";-"'-' l'<"^^<'' , on a hi,gher.scah>. WO h !"'"'â- â€¢" ''"*" "â- '"" 'â- "â- â- â-  â- ^'" 'â- "''•'' ""' raneing froni live to COTTON GOODS. Will Advance in Price From Fivr> to Ten Ptr Cent. A Alontrenl despatch says: (nvin;;- to the rise in the price of raw cot- ton the Canadian cot Ion mills Will make an ad\aiu-e in prices. Within b. few^ days lically pi'' the a''-.iiii ei!;!i( and ten per rent, in ei^eeral ea:-ies. As the Caniulian mil!-: are now ].raclica'. I,v bare of rev. [otton rlliought at, lower prices. the.\ liiuc lo the inarket for their snp- the existing figures. 'I'hi.- cotton mills peoi4e lin\(' bean ing all along the price of mnnu- i into N^.,.(hr>t.ii i.*,,,-f wiihotie 1 hi* fii vcr- ' . • ". » t i" t i - 'i-- 'Jnaiiv laborci s ha\e been nlih oiinein, i-oit \\iiiiani, tno oner- i,ving alone, was found dead in his i ri,ir>iiiii<iii« eootiiini.u I.' "i i ... • . I c^ , cuttji !:•. to a louipeieiu-c and ae ciuotalmns tout.mits. i„o„,c here about .1 o clock on Sun- ^ j,^,., .„^, ^^ ^i.^,,. ,^^^^^. ,^„„,, ^„ ,„ dav afternoon, Not having been - factored â- e- 'gone up in alioul 8,311 a.m.. and a pliysieian nil -1 her .irriveil a The st ra voman in v.h.ile a had Seen her. es] l.elieve in ghosts lions. The y(uinn' years -if agi-. 'Iliis i.-; tune she has ran away in nninner. n nliione,'. : â- â€¢-! tiUli e-^ NlL^ill of rme.l men cially ihosi^ â- ,nd 'othei -. Won:, I 1 ( 'a Her ifler- th,> will Willi i ,iri- s l-'i - -olli 'I' aty in 'ens. 71i to 72c alloat here; r>e, jjav afternoon. Not having ..e„,, | ,„ ,3c east, 58c alloat here; buckwheat, l^^'.,, ,,„„, Thursday lust, the neigh- j <„, boa: d the White Star { ti.ig ut ,Jc alloat; oats No 2, .^.>xc in|bor.q .lotiUc-d Chief of l->olice Keid. ; Ccdiic. which left here ,ni Thursday cotton. ,tore; No. 6. Ic less; llaxseed. SLl^..^^.^,, fo,.ce,i an entrance and found f,,,. (i..ieen..towii and Liverpool, t ere i lying on the bod dead, a goo:'.s has b.v no means p-rooorl ion to Ihe ad- 1 *~ vance in raw cotton, and as a con- ; BURNED WAY TO FREEDO.^l seiiuenc" the mills have been opera- j i , loss on newl.e-boiuihl raw A Horse Thief lilAire.'J an Ingenio-ij iilseapo. on track here; No. 3 barle.v, ."iClc, Fioiir â€" Manitoba patents, S4.()0 to 14.80; seconds. $1.30 to S4.5U. Blronp bakers', $3.90 to S-1.30; (hi- tario straight rollers, $3,'..'i) to S4; ' In baps, $1.35 to SI-US: patents, ,$4 to S4,25: e.\tra, $1.65 to SI. 70; rolled oats, $1.80 per bag; $H.20 per bbl. Feedâ€" (bitario bran in bulk, $17.50 to 818. 5(»; shorts, $20 to 121; Manitob-a bran in bags, §18; Bhorls, 52t>, Ueanaâ€" Choice iir.niis, $1,50 to .?t,55 per bush; SI, 10 to 11.50 in car lots. Provisions â€" ^U•a^•y Canadian short cut pork, to $20; light short cut, $1.S io Jil8.50; American short cut clear, 517 to $17, .50: American fat bac'-s, 518 to S18„50; compound, bird, 8c; IBiisb blood.r razor on the window near by. and a po<d of blood on (he door, A small wound on the left arm show- ed -where nn artery had been cut, nnd the man slowl.v bled to death. It is supposed that brooding over fin- ancial alTairs prompted Bush to take his own life. | FASTEST WARSHIP AFLOAT i One of were l..^(.'<i steerage i^as'enj^ers. This is the large; t irinibcr of steerage pa^.sengers e\or ( airied f oui a Unit- ed States port on au.v o c steamer. .4. KILLS INSTEAD OF CURING. New -â- f- UPHEAVAL IN RUSSIA. Disaffection Prevalent on Alarming Scale. A Craiid h'orls. B. C. d^^'ipaiel,; h'dwin Kuse, known as slip. I pcry I'd." who in .je'l h -rii awaiting trial o- . chi-rge of ho.-se- jSlealin.g. escap. .1 I'rom the iock ir .A, |a most ingLir..n..i nianmr. II «f ''^ • A London despatch says: The Mo.s- ! the lower poriioi of the wo- â- * '""«"' ,cow ciu-respondent, of the Times fu.-- | nnd .so regulated the b' .»(1en dooi Consumption Cure Worse jnishes further testimony of the in-wns confiifi: l" a sir â- *'" "â- ''"',, '' Than the Disease, tornal upheaval in llussia. He .saysiwns Hccomplished -*" ''•''''" ''''-'' A Paris despatch says: Professor 'that disalTtclion on an alarming scale Most of the woo '*-^ dampening thii Georges Uieiilafoy has reported to lis prevalent among the working class- U voided sn(T' .awirk with water lln â-  jthe Academy of Mcdicinfi, of which jcs of KielT. Seditious procl' ' v.iujow • -"Pation by opening the { Britain's New I- ur chases ; ho is a member, that he has tested | have been scutlcu-oil in the raiiw.-^y'a blnr -^'^ screening bin :-h beiom.* Makes 20.3 Knit^i. | ^1,^ gc,.,,,,, for tuberculosis di.scovcrod ! shops, and agitators are cndeavoi'iii.i i^^,x^• •^'"t siisiiended over ♦ti) «*•'- A (Jlasgow despatch says: SpecHi ; by Prof. â- Marniorek. an Austrian bac- to induce the workingmen lo striktjl,,^ • j'roviii(?inl Ci.iiis(al»'-." *"' trials for the I.ibertad. which, with I terologist. who until recently was her sister ship, the Constitution, has j chief chemist of the Pasteur Institute been sold to the British tlovernment 1 here, Th(? serum was used on seven ship, the Constit to the British tl Canadian lord, 8 to 8Jc; kettle ren- jbv the Chilinn Oovernniont. has re- | pntients. Prof. Marniorek ..iperating. dered. lOJc: hams. II J to 13c; ba- suited in an average of •20.3 knots ;Jiistead of becoming better they bo- con. 140: fresh killed abattoir hogs, per hour, thus showing that she is ' came worse, nnd five oi Ihem died. ?7.25; country dressed hogs, $0.50; jtho fastest battleship alloat. Dr. Dcnlu made a similar report. '> i r I \ 1 horso-stcalin*.

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