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Flesherton Advance, 26 Nov 1903, p. 7

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;S WINDFALI. -OR DHAYJIAN. At Work in Brewer's Vaxd While FortTiiwi Waited. A brewer Sj ciraynian has been work- ing for upwan^s of thirty years tn London when be might have been liv- ing at that lline on a fortune o{ Doany hundreds of thousaiidB. In the meantime the money has accumulat- ed to up«-ards of $7,M0,OO0. Wood is about fifty years of ago- For the thirty yeais ho has been employed as a draj-man by Mussrs rt'atnoy. Combe, ai;d Kelt!, of Castle itreet, Longacre. Until the urex- J.a:tcd wir.dfall come Wood had ncv- •r spoken to any of his fcllow-work- t/juen of hopes of comi/.g mo: ey. Mut in taiki: g over his good for^ tur.» with Mr. Charles Eveleigh, to eman of the brewery yard, he told Sim that he retollocted his fallier laving that they had relatives in the kad emigrated to Australia in the »a: Iv years of last tenturj-. They had, howe\er, been entl'e'y lost sight pf- tVood was a strong, well-built man, and had a good character in his sit- natinn. When a solicitor, who had lound out his existence by the search tl church registers at Cambridge and Ifisbeach, tcld Wood of his good for- tune, and handed him a draft for £5.000 as a guarantee of good faith, the fca' d-workiag drayman did not lose ids head and buy up all the tasks in the yard for entertainment 0/ self and frie.ids. He calmly gave I. fortnieht's notice, and millionaire Ihat he was. worked out his time. Wood lo^t his wife about eighteen nonths ago. and hrs no children phe lucky drayman haj a half.sister living, but appaientlv she is not en- Jiiled to any of thi? weath. The etate from which the fortune IS dctived Is about 150 miles from lydney. Wood has gone out to set- ^e up matters. "Pure soap I" You've heard! the words. In Sunlight! ARTFCL JOHN ! "John," said Mrs. Origgslay, "if ^^^____ you are loo much of a coward to go Soap you have the fact, down and scare those burglars out. ' ; Ml go myself. Ill let them know j that there is at leaJit one man in the I house. " I "Jiaria," said Mr. Grlggsley, as jshe started for the stairway, "I wo. bin t go. It EouiuSs Uk« a{ jmoi..'ve." j After she had jumped back into I bed and tovcred herself with two ' Iq-.ilta and a bUnket. Mr. Griggsley | jhea.-d these words, in low, plaintive, «3» tones :â€" | t-f 'If you love me, John, plea^e'don't desert me." SONUGHT Soap K.COUCKa Axle ftr tk« OctegoB Bar. HAlLROiD MEN GET SUES EELIEf rHEY USE DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS FOK THE TROUBLES BEOUGHT ON BY THEIR WORK. They Profit by the Experience and | Advice of Mr. Lew Dake, ot the DaJie House, St. Thomas â€" Dodd's Kidney Fills Ctired Hlim. St. Thomas, Ont.,Xov. 28.â€" (Spcci- »1).â€" Mr. L. Dake, the well-known proprietor of the Dake House here gjid one of the most popular men In tliis railroad centre, is completely cured of Backache and Kidney Dis- ease of five years' standing and he has no hesitation in staling that the cure was etiected bv Dodd's Kiducv Pills. "Yes," Mr. Dake saj-s speaking of his cure, "I am perfectly satis;';ed that two or three bo.xes of Dodd's Kidney Dills cured mo. as I have not been troubled by my Kidneys since I took them. "I had been troubled with my Kid- neys and pains in my back for over five years and nothing I used gave me any relief till I took the advice of a friend and tried Dodd's Kidney Pills. I advise all my friends to try them." Many of the railroad men have tak- en Mr. Dake's advice and are using Dodd's Kidney Pills. This work is particularly hard on the Kidneys and they find Dodd's Kidney Pills bring them sure relief. TRUE BRITISH SEA DOG. Lord Beresford Adds Another Laurel to His Name. The collision between the Prince George and th.e Hamiibal, off ihe coast cf Spain, took place at ten o'cl ck at night, whi c the fleets wetc manceuvTlng, with all lights out. un- der war conditions, eighty mi es, north of Fe. rol. The vcs els were performing the movement known as "turning in succcision'" when the Hannibal struck the Prince George on tl e port side just below the wa- ter-line, abaft the centre of the ship. It was impossible to avert the coi- lision, and the order was given in both ships, as the two great hulls touched, to take up collision sta- tions a;;d get out the collision mats. The driwljli'e was excellent. It was seen at once that the re- sults of the collition had been seri- ous to the Piinie (Jeorgc. Her stern sank m^i!kc>dly in the water, and for some minutes it was feaied that she might go altogether. At this mo- ment Admiral Lord Charles Beies- ford, who commands the tieet, left his own flagship, the Majestic, and went on board the injured battle- ship to siiare her fate. He ataumcd control cf her, and under his direction, whllo he remain- ed on board, the diiScult and danger- ous operation cf navigating hir into Kerrol was underta'>:en. W'hile the Hannibal, so far as could be seen, escaped uninjmcd. the Piinie George was dangerously dam- aged. Her thin steel plating", half an inch thick, is sheathed at the point where the Haiinibal struck her by four inches of teak, but the great prow of the Hacnibal shore through this as though it had been paper, and tore a large hole in the skin of the t^hip, admi ting floods of water to the aftcr-torpe*io flat. The gun room and f:-esh water tank were rieced, and the curve ci the heavy armour deck was forced downwards two feet before the impact of the nun. The Bide was also much dent- ed and strained. After great e.xertiors the hole in thi? ship s tide was covered with col- lision mats, and with the Hogue a'cugside, \vcrkii:g salvage pumps, the Prince Cco-ge made her way in- to Ferrol, heavily down by the stern. She arrived at throe o'clock the fllowing afternoon. "We've had to di-'mlss our coach- man." "For what reason?' "On, he got too ambitions. He wanted to be paid regulai-lj." $100 Reward, $100 There is more C>'..irrh In this iM»ct;on of the country tnan «.1I other dlseajtes j pat together, anci until the last few | jeare wa-i ?u;>[jos<ri to be incurable. For i a great many years doctors pronounced It a Ioca.1 di^ase ar.fl prencrihect local remedlas. anrt by constantly fa:I;ng to j cure with local treatrr-nt.' proncunce<l j tt incurabic. t^etcnce has proven catarrh to be a cciistitulionu.1 'iixoase anH there- for* requires constttutional treatment. Hall's L' a tarr h Cu re . m a rr u facta red h y i F. J. Cheney A. Co . Toledo. Ohio, n | the only constitutional curw on the mar- ket. It is taken internally tn dosca ' Troin 10 drops to a teiLspoonful. It act..-* , directly on the blood and macous s^ir* faces of the »ystem- Ihey oiler one iiun- -; dred dollars for any case it faila to ! cur«. S«od for ctrcuiars aad tWimont-^ ala. Afldresi, | F. J CHE:N1::Y & CO.. Toledo. O. ] S«ld by Uniggi»t». Ttc. HaII's Family Ptll3 are the beat. For familx use tHere is no bett#r tea tHan Blue Ribbon Cet/Ion Te3L fiartictilarlx for tHose families ^vho iKe tKe best and tnost delicioxxa tea at a reason&ble price. Black. Mixed. Ceylon jreen. Aik for R«<i Labai. FORTY CENTSâ€" JaOTXLD Bt TITTY 12 tâ€"t Parke.- ; "Can your daughters make puddings and cakes?" Darker: I â- â€¢Oh, jes, they can make thejn, b'lt jthey can't make the family ea" ' themi. ' That woman has yot to be born (fho would mistake a plush sack for t. sealskin on the back of a neighbor. Mioafd's Liniment Ludilicfffiaii'sFilenQ Mast of the women who go shop- ping hi tie matrimorial market start in the silk department and e;:d up at the remnant counter. /: These Worryinjf Pi«e» i â€" Ob- *fpUc&tioa of Dr. Ajnsw's 0;attnant wil fiV« you comfort. Applied every night ,or throe to six Dish's and a cure ia effect«tl ia the most stubborn cissj of BUnd. Bleed- ing, or Itching Piles. Dr. Agnew's Oirt- meat cares Eczema and ail I'chiag and burning «kin diseases. It acts like miglA S5 c«at*k -13 BETTEK LEFT UNSAID. At a public dinner in the country a farmer, while relating something to the company about two Chinese women said : â- I declaie they were the ugliest women 1 have seen anywhere. " Thoie happened to be two maiden ladies pro^ient oi r.o rem;j.r'Kab!e beau- ty. The fajTiiCi', who was a little tiili^ty. began 10 think that he had made a mess cf it, and that they would Imagine he was alluding to them. 50 to put matters straight as he thought, he added : "Vre-cnt coiiyjaiiy exier>ted." Roars cf laughter en9«iec'. and in a fe.v minutes both la: me:- ard ladies had vanished. HE WOVLDX T lUSK IT. ••There is ore question I want to asii you, George, icar, " paid th« (ie.\r gi:l wl.o had promised to merge ; her futury with him. "When we j are UMuried, will yo;i e-xptct me to bake my own bread 7" "You may do as you like about it, dajliug," ie4}lied the diplomatic can- didate for matrimonial honors, "but 1 (crtainly shall inii;t upon your not baking mice." Kid n«y Outy. â€" It is the partlcalai ; fanctlon ot taa kidasys to filter cut poisons which pass tiirougb theia Into the bUod. ! Wm* Ute 'iiiaspi are diseased ihty cacscl ^ do their whole duty, ajii shoold have ti« ' Iwlp md st.-«nj;tli tilt South Acjerlcac Ki-iasy Cars will afford in asT aad a!i ' It reiievea ia i forms of kidfley disordmr. hoars. â€" 14 Flanaganâ€" 'Phw at did yez do whin McGarry hit zes wid t'rv pick?" Fi.-- negan â€" "01 done iXcGarrv. " WIVES A.\D MOTHERS KEAD TH13. Lawyer Bruce Thornton is examining into tiio affairs cf his late friend and client. A. R Winston. He tinds that his Life Insurance Policies are only "shells." They were ail niortgajed to the mon- eylenders for advances used in speculation There i£ â-  yverefore, ni>- thing left for the dead man'8 family. 'A very sad race a very sad ca«e indeed." remarked lawyer Thornton. "I wish the poor fellow had carried a policy in the ladtpeudent Order 01 For»gters. that Order would not have allowed him to mortjaje it and hia family would now be able to enjoy it." Yfur Family's Daily Bread. It is handy to iiave a life in.siirajice policy -jpon which y-ou can raise a loan with which to speculate. Remember howiever, that it is your family's daily bread that you are risking. Every man should carry a life insurance policy which is 'pure life insurance, " and such a poiicy 13 tlie policy cf the 1 . <~> F. hi for Mioafd's ao^ iah oo fc â- Vouny Lady (watching game of football) : "Oh, mercy ! my brother has been hurt I He's being carrii.-d off the field." Vour:g Man : "Oh, never mind; they ^avc a substitute who is j'jst as good I Believe iirX.A.RD'S LINIMENT sill cure everv cast^ e.' Diphtheria. Riverdalc. MRS. RKUBF-N BAKER. I Believe MINARD'S LINIMENT will produce growth of hair. MKS. CHAS ANDERSON. Starlev P. E. I. I Bel eve MIN.ARD'S LINIMEK^i IS the best household remedy on »arth. MATTHIAS FOLEY. Oil City. Out Hotel Belleclaire Broadway and 77th Street, New V ork. inrE.'orsLY Ftrmphed Kooas for penrasent mo. transwu; g-icMS. at modtfr-jte pric«s. Orcssbtha oKSoi.0 Pl.A-i'iBS. 5?. m. tir; I a. a. RisTAURiNT. Paui Ro<jm .»xp Ci?2. fetcB of aruitic periectloc. Cuisiao end semes resU-/ deiigrtn'u-. A Special Fsatcsi is oua Anta TSEAraa Sr?piR3. B2!.UA«D PAai.02 FOB L.i OII6 iiaaotfcor jjleaiantjjs^-r?. Our G»:;ery cf BpauuJ-: Faiatiass- Ta^-^ed »; $«,«o. := open eveaiags '.o Tisitors. .â- \iTabi!;:v lad courtisy suaraatet'l from eT«.'y 3SL:,.t- claias employe. .iSfiOLrrSLY F13ZFSCCF. MILTON ROBLEE. Praprietor. She â€" "'U'oineu may gojsip some- times, but they have better control of their lor-gues than men have. He â€" "'Vou are right. Men have no control whatever of woman's lon- g-jes. " Madge ' "Don't j-ou think a pi:! she id inari-j- an economical man?" Do'ly : "I suppose so. but it's jmt awful being engaged to one." r^t OTtr 5lst7 Years Snr. wt!»»l«w • Snnuao Bt%vy has Uttm gxd b) I RUUOMft ni»4.>i«n hr '.irr •h-Jdrtn nhiit tMUtM f««th«a th« shiM. i«fv«a, tit-* S<^x> ^ AX«p»fn. tmnt timi zaiii. neulato t»« ir»«i»ae M-i i«««i«. Mil !• i»<i Ksep M'oafij's Liolmgnliflttn Hrise. Bobby : "I say, Mr. Cpdyke. what do you suppose Clara said about you just before you came in?" Mr. I'pdyke : "I haven't an idea in the i woii-!. Robert.' Bobby (amazed j: I "W.?ll. vou've g-ie.ssed it '. Tiiafs â-  â- â- --r nS-if «h.» c^iii *ijiv *'* Newspapers ^A? Q\i Ceeafry and MAO.AJEKSS, PERIOETOAIJ, BOOK. e!«., dijpa'-'-":"'^ â- -' 5i:^cr-;i<r-. br ?..-!! m»i'iS by WH. DATTSOS 4 I0H3. T.JTTlWJ, i.ftnnon House. Breairi'i Buildings. London, England. The larjest Subsctipton Agency ;-nbe worid. Seed tcr our Lit. r'ttt on appiicalioi:. EiJ. 1809. I'rouipt i:id ithablc. .:": what she did say "I wonder why bees make hono.V?" ; queried the inquisitive man. "I ,..iu- pose, " replied the tnan whi krc-w uU, "they make it to ce:I ! ' Bella : "So she's engaged at last. She se>?nis likel.v to beat us nil in the matrimoninl race. " Ste'li â€" "Yes. At any rate, she told nie she was on her last 'ap this time.'" Travers : "You have actually sent SL bill with my clothes : What in- sult ! What infamy ! " Tailor: -It vas ell our new book-keeper's .'ault, ur. He got you uiixcd up with hoie people who pay !'' When you think you have cured a coujh or co'.d, but find a dry, hacking cough remains, there is danger, ti.'i.t ShiloH's Consumption I^^^j|ir6 The Lung Tonic at once. It will strengthen the lunp and >top the cough. Prices 25c., 60c. and S1.00 S. C. WELI.S & CO. Tofonto, Can. L«Roy, N.Y. s il(!li!ar(i'sLini(njoiisus?{il!yPl!^siciaiis ! f !- - ! FELL FEOM HIGH ESTATE. I To What the Horses oi Royalty Have Been Seduced. tiuccn \ ictor'..".'s I'avoriio ho:?e.s were .ifieys:. and special care was tak- en In their .select ion. On the old g-ii^vs becoming unsound in wii.d or Timb. they had to descend from their high estate to follow humbler pur- sidt."-». I'suaily sold for what they would fetch, many a man nuido » good bargain thpieby. Some years ago a Wind.-nr cabman purchased ore of the Qiiceu's greys for .'tfi gui;-ea«. subseq-iciilly U:ing the animal out to a ladv for a pound a week diuing five \eats, tho lady providing for the horse. The giey.<i al 1 eal strongly to fidc- sirect Ro'cieoe and Juliets v. ho dv ire to enter the uiatrimoniul state driven to cluirch b.v an ex-ro\al !:oise, and one cabman has incroa>oi I is income iti satlsfyifg tl is wi>b. Some cf tie hoises. howexer. have to follow more lowly callings, such as drawing parcel vans and other humble, though ureful. conveyance. Some comments are made at this •ftthcr igiicininiotis ending of such t'lio horses, and not a few are sorry ;o 'oe the ruimals now di-awing other people's wa<!hlrg homo. Th«.« Cuti.'ns AcW that irlsea from the acd almost strangles, is caused by fsrraenla'ioa cf the food ia the «»d- .'ih. It is a foretaste of Indiyestioa and dyspep- sia. Take oao of Pr Voa Stan's Piaeappls Tablets immsdiattly after eattcg. and il will prevent this distress and aid dijestisa «o in a bon 33 cents â€" 1« An admirable Food o: the PPS'S Ficest qualitv and Savour. COCOA Nutritious and Econoinical. PATENTS Poultry, \ ALL KINB8 or Butter, / Ki<J'T8 Eggs, Honey, Appios, And Farm Pro- duce generally, consign it to us aa.i we will icet vou g^ood prica*. THE Dawson Commission Go,, •ami A •iiMtMA Cmuo* '1, tt B>ii <ili Aâ€" *â€" M leminion Line Steams^iips Msntrasil t« Llv»rpo«l â- â€¢â€¢ton t« Uv«rpoal SISTERLY AFFKCnoN. Chatting with or.e of her neigiibors not hnig Mnce. a woman ivlated her e.\perieticea ma-iy years ago as fol- lows : "1 u^^<xl to Iv very gay and fond of the woi kl and all its tas: iors till I saw my folly. I liked silks and satin.s. acd ribbons and lare-^^. and fcathei-^. hut 1 foiintl tlic.v we:c drag- girg Jii*' down to perditior-. so I gave them all to nij.' si.'.tei' '." mvSWm KILICF IN 30 MINUTES. l)r .\gnow's Cure for ih« heart n«v«r : lulls to cure the heart «n>i n«rve» and ; to ennch the blood It r«ll*vee m 30 minulv.s It 19 a beacci light to lead vou kwok to h«alth W H. Itusoeliran. v>f U .\ K . Weisapwrt Va . sa.vs Two . v»«tlle!» of Pr Aaiiew "» Hsart Curo en- i lirely cured aic of heart palpitation «nd i axltvwe r»rvouM-.«ss Its value cai; not be estimated <V Or. Ajjew^s O Blaseat relieve.* ecseaMaa^l Mtttr la a da>. 331: ^^ --»:»,>• ti-t TbirO C»M «>.%-j»iiicJ»:;i>o. rm or to yMa^sl'* *t*at. Mi lUIIOK LIMK 0»FIC2S: i(U«Cdi IN ALL COUHTRKS. PATENTS RIDOUT&H MAYBEE 103 â- â€¢Â» turommHTO • ^â- OIAL NTIOX TO â-ºATtKT UTiaayiON t*n< far Nanitka** tn »atoiiti^ «•. 77 King St. tart, Tgr»nt», , JA.CKSTS,C.iP«:UlNlCS STOLE*, RLrrs, •taius S«s I Col K -M lAW <OTt a-t* cmaillO waatad. >ric« :i»'. DytlDg 1 OlMnlng I F'^r tk* vary ^Mt MStS r*^f ^^tt W Iha ''BKITISH AMCmCAN OYtINO $•.** i Lock for ki«BV in j ja! i^«a. *r t*u4 di.'««4. J Montrtfti, Toronto, Ottawa, ^u«b«c. Daylisht Klde of 200 !A\U» aloac the b«autiful Columbia River, Two Through Trains Dally AC9omnaodati:n for ill Classes of Fa3S8.ig«rs Sttam Hea-.-PintC'i Lifht, TOVRIST «LEEP<f<C0AII8 A FttU l»fora:ati n !»<«(«!.» furaI«&Moa rippiic.tioa to H. F. CAKTEK. T V A . 14 Janes Buiidiag. Toron-.t^. Canada. F It ruo.\TF i; A . 120 Woodward -Ave.. IVtroit. "Mich.

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