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Flesherton Advance, 26 Nov 1903, p. 5

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-i^t'' T il E F L E S n E R T O K ADVANCE Nov. 26 1903- aifjj ' u"" Vicinity Chips «Nti Frcah oystera.kC ULimhouseV A ft'w more iMskbis fiiia penrs »t Bitrn- Ffe^h Itiiie- /»^wtys on .Ii..itt'f.! .T.' PI. . IXncketi, Eiigeiii.i. F'lr S.i'c â€" O'le r>(ll orisan, in gr""il con- ditiuu. A;)p'.y At Th« Advance offiou. The hist C. r. R. steK:uer le-ives Owen Sound <i;i Ihe 28tli, Four-yenr-old hoisu fi)r s^iIh, upnernl purpohB. sound. R.J. Stuart, KimHevloy. For all ifii'lfs iif tlift Hest H 'ur ind fend of all kinl.sâ€" :it W. Baiiih'Mixo's. Good .leo mi hand fnrn'tun^ (nr Pale v.jry cli-up at R. J. Spruule, FlcMliertou. Try Cliiyton's for trank.s, va!i«f>ii,<>love3 ts, and evorytliini< else in onr line. C';<nr> firm -22;) iicros fur imU c!ieap. A^ijily R .!. .Sproule. \Va,'!tedâ€" (Jcoy hronclio p.^iiy ; "n'st ''e Cood sii-.H :ii|d 3uu:.d. iX. P. LcJgaiu ^^Co. \VaTi!-vd â€" â- '^ Ti.-irt '''rl fo l^Hrn pant und V"St lu-ikliiL;. 11. .•Vli.'x;iiidei-,Fl(;shert<>n, On-,. 1 bii-T:l lovey cciiii'.cnics â€" only 10c. fjh, at Sin-mili^ Cru:s'ey & Co., Fleshcr- lun For .-r aibjnie.s Soauiah onions and f'tli-T tUiiiL;s in uur tiDeâ€" call at W.Barn- Scv.3n y-U02 mc'n of Mt Forest were filed SI iind cost.i enL-h for H-illo>v«'eii Mis. .]ohii '.Vii;;hl:, sr., left on Mond.iy to visil wilh litrr d.iii-^liter, iMr*.For.<yth, G'.a3g(jn'. Stool: for saleâ€" Thorons;ld)red D.urham hull and i^ond .spill of w.irk horses fur n;ile. Will. Davis, Floshevton. Died â€" .U KimherU'y, on Saturdiy. Nov. 21, E;ixt S.n.irt, relict ot the late Oordon S.iuiit, a^ed 80 years 8 months. Have you boufjWt your ruhhi-rs, over- shoes, or Itggiu.;?-, for tliB sea.son's wear? Olaytons' liave theiii, drst qualify and lowest priv-e. Take cartf of your health by calling at C!aytcii'a and have your feet well pro- twcted from cold weather. It will bo much cheaper than buying medicine. Wantedâ€" Telegraph poles, piles,, r. r. ties, taobark, cordwood ; also all kinds of saw lo^s. Hi^thest market pi ice in cash will l)e p.iid fi'r any qujiiiLiiy of above R. P. Le-ate, Ceyl n. Mr. J. Gamble, who has for some rnonths bean in the employ of R J Sproule, departed for new lields and pastures more green on Saturday last,. Frame house for sale, in Fiesherton, ttijilit rooms,! ogether with throe lots.good <t.dlars. etc. For particulars apply to Mis.s Park, Fleaherton, oi R. Park, Eu^euia. Puise lost between tbe 8th con., Arteiuesia and B^iesherton by way of Rockvale sidcroad. Finder please leave at this office. Rockvale public school will hold their annual concert on the eveiiiiig of Tuesday, Dec. 1. An excellent prourara. Aduus- tjioa 15 and 10 ceuts. Pigs strayed â€" Four 5 mos. white pifa, wriylit 70 to 80 lbs. Finder please coni- inunicai.e with John Becroft, Eugenia P.O. Pride of Kiinborley Flour, manuf.iot- ured at KiniboiU-y ndler mills, is taking the lead. Ask for it--get it ! J. W. Ford, jr, piO[rietor. Mrs. John Winters of tiatherlon vLaited v.ith .Mrs. .lohn Wriiiht, .sr., last T.-<iek. Mrs. Winters is a sister of the Ute Mr. Jolin Wright. Mr. Doua'd McMillan, Pricevillo, has purcha.scd a Cue shorlliorh lieifer from James Wallatv of Palmerston, the price paid t)C4iig about Â¥150. Mr. Hugh McPhers -:i, lot 17. con. 2, Artonu'sia, will stdl a lino span of drauglit horses at his .sale oil Thursday, Dec. 3. Any peison wanting a good loam should attend this sale. A temperance platform meeting will be held in tiio Oiango Hall, Eugenia, on Friday evening, Xov. 27, at 7 o'clock. Several prominent speakers will be pres- ent. See bills. Maxwell and Fovershani public library directors will hold a concert in the Orange Hail, Foversbam, on Friday evening Dec. 4, when a choice program will be rendered. A.lmissiou only loo. The item last week referring to a strike at tha church \>a.s misleading, ii\a.siuuch as there was no arrearage if falary, no agreoment ever having been en'.eri-d into nirh the centlenmn who supplii'S tlio wind. Things have ikii ainitabh arranged without any difliculty The Thornhnry HeraM .says "marriage occasionally .lobers a man who is iutoxi- ed with love." Ferhapii the Herald could also favor its bibulous sub.scribeis wi h a . formvla for .sobering a man who is intox- icated with the juice of the grape and kindred bcveiages. I The verdict ill the cironer's inquest on the death ol Andrew Frrcb'rn at Mnrk- . dale was as follows : â€" "That the lal« Andrew Froe'iorii's death w«.s caused by a utruggle with his son Hugh, who was eii- dcavorini;, for the old gentleman's beileiit, tv> keep him in bed ; and further that his 9w~.ifras in their npiclijn of uasoiind mini B4,4iie tiiito." Sairliit's Wantefl â€" All kind.s of timberi but e^peci.dly H)ft elm. 10 or 15 ft. long Other limber in ordinary lengths. Uood price.i paid. Ariuatrung Uroa , Markdale and Uockvalo. Messm Herb. Staples aAil Fred Nor- ris, who have been apple picking down around Oollingwood and .\l!isiMn all fall, wound up iho season las*. Thursday and, j'eturned to their- htiHies hri«. Eugenia Pltesbyfjrians will hold their annua! tea and enti-riaininent on tho e\ening of Friday, Dec. 4. .\ choi.^e ntograni ia being prepared See bills fur full paiticulars. Confr.ict to h-.t â€" For ihe cutting and skidding of aaw h<gs and cuttin.' cord wood on ten to thirty acie.'*, lot 2,i;oii.4,Osprev. ConrractorcHii have use of comfor'able drtfliiro,' and stable situated on lot. Arm- .strong Bros., Markdiila and BockvoJo. A cable .•".ays that the past 8ea.son ha* proJed most iinfavora'de to the rearers i.^ poultry in E:. gland and on the con- tinent, .«o reliance must be placed on ihe G .iiadiaii supply, espei'ialiy the supply of tui'key. Imp irters and pro.lucers are looUmg lor high prices. Are yon a member of the public librar;'? Now is the time to bccooie mie if you are not. E ery 'dd mtni'ior will be doing â- heniselves and the board of manauement a faver by liaiiiUnir in their membership fee f'r next year at the earliest possible moment. Keeping in Tench III these days of history making in the Empire, and of crear. national develop- iiient and pnlitica! -irowth in Canada, all classes "f people are realizing. Ihe necess- ity of follow i,',i; the wold's doings, day by day. more evi-r before. The puli- lic inu-.c have the neivi a'ld hav • it imme- iliately, and .so the dady newspaper sup- |)!ants the city woekly among all classes. The kaleidosc^'po of hu:nan aiiairs is rapid in all Its Miovenient". A week is too long to wait for llie woidd's news. In these days of keen business competitio'i, mer- ubants and farmers nin,st have market ipjotations fr. â- ni day to day, Moreover.'t is now possible to obtain one of Toronto's greatest dailies â€" The News â€" for the price of the city tt-iekly. §10() a year by mail. The News sets forth the news of tho day in an aitractive form. Its political reports ai-e free from pari/ bias, and its market repor's comprehensive and accurate. Every day a cliapter of-« dist class serial appeals â€" just enough, say, for a half lionr's reading. N-jiiher dues The News lack: the maga- zine features of the city weekly. The Saturday edition, containing twenty four pages, IS of special interest to women.aud, indeed, to every member of the family. Everyone should write for a sample copy of The Ni-ws, and particulars of their i;euerous clubbing offers. A friend writing from Grand Rapid.", Michig;u», says: "This (last) week's Advance contains some of the best news- paper clubbing propositions I have ever seen offered, and should be productive of 2"od results. In fact, I believe they aie '.he best ever advertised by a reputable newspaper. A leaflet entitled " A message to those who are far back in their studies" intro- duces a new departure in educational work. The Northern Business CoHetie, Owen Sound, has started a department to assist young peo[)lo who have not had a chance to get a fiiil public .school training. Mr. Tom Fawcetr of the third line Euphrasia, brought in last week a tine speciuu'ii of the arctic owl, which ke had captured. Tliis bird visits us rarely in wiuler, iiM habitat being much further iioith. They are probably the most handiiome large bird in America, pure white with dark S[ieck3. This spociiiieii is in the taxidermifli's hflads and will be added to The Advance museum. The steamer City of Windsor mn ashore at Squaw point, near Owen Sound, in a snowstorm last week. Thi.s is the ves.sei wliich cut rlirough a raft ot logs last suminsr, near Little Current, breaking her wheel and rudder post, necfSsita'.mg a tow t" Owen Sound. She has been somewhat unfortunate. Joseph Crow, a young man who drives bus tor Mr. Patterson, was aiTaitrned before Magistrate VanDii.sen-on ^ chaiged 'oy W. Tiiwible with having i;!y atniKive and insulting language at the station on Friday night last. The young inan claimed to hive been under the iniluence of liquor at the time and said ho did not remember anything about it. .^rti^r two or three witnesses had been heard the magistrate impr>si;d a line of five dollars and S6.t>(5 co.sts, a total of Sll 015, or ill default of payment thirty days in jail. Ho .ilso took occasion to read the young man a salutary lesson which should have a good eflfeet on his future ci'uducl. Municipal Matters The munieipd pot in Arteiuesia this year is not likely ti> have any excuse for refusing to effer-.tisce. Mr. Muir has aiiU' unced hi«!f as a candidate for the "OBVeship, and iliia week wr ure in- formed that tlieie i.s a likelihoo.l of Mr. McTavisli be ng again in the field and Mr. J'lhii Hovd *ill aho be a candi- date Should Mr. ThoB>p(iC» .a'.H) coiue out it would make an intcrostiiig e»)nte3i. For tlie council there will, tixj, be no lack of candidHtes. Two new men have an- nounced ihem.solves in this issue as oeing definitely in the tb-ld, Messrs. W. J. Meads and Alex. MoRae, jr. It the township does not secure a aood council next year it will not be because of want of w«At of ££qd (iuitDir to chooM {co.m„^ Tho well at the public school grounds, Chesloy, is troubled with both colon bacilli and streptooocii. The diseane is fatal and the trustees will bore a new well. Mr. W. H. Wright was at Ottawa this week in the case of Dillon vs. Mutual Re- serve Inaurauce Co.. which was tried here in 1902 and appealed. From Court of Ap- peal it went to the Supreme court, was dismis.sed and will come up here again at next assi^ses. â€" O. S. Sun. On Monday night lait at Allan Park Hotel, a strange death is reported. Mr. Nicholas Stitcher, for the past twelve or fourteen years a resident of this place, where he worked as a shoemaker, went into the hotel and had a few drink.s, after which he sat down in a chair at the bar room. A couple of hours later an attempt was made to wake him up, when it was found that ho w,i.8 scone dead and had in all probability been dead for an hour or more. He was a man of about seventy- live years of age, and having had for some time a premonition that he would drop off suddenly, made provisions for hii burial, imd as he had no relations hnre communi- cated to one of his neiiiht-ors that the money would be found on his person which proved to be correct, â€" Chronicle. The Chesley Enterprise gets off the following facetious " whack " at the Grand 'Trunk train service; "Ac the beginning of the 19th century steam loco- uietives were drat spoken of as a lueaiis of tran.sportation. Tlio Royal College of Bavarian physicians s: usiht to interdict the new method on the ground that going at the prodigious rate of 12 miles an hour would produce delirium furiosum among the passeniora. At the beginning of the 20th century those who' travel on ohe afternoon mail and e.^presa train on this braoch which is souietiiiii's not more than six hours going the 72 milea from Che.sley to Guelph, are actually suti'eriim fxAn delirium furi"suiii because they do not travel at a greater rate than twelve miles an liour. Truly medicine is an empirical science." A izood story is being told in Montrea' says The Witness, ilkis'rativo of the higii spiri's and keen wit of the Premier. The refereuces to Mr.Tartes .solicitude for the health of Sir Wilfrid at tlie time he was in weak health a year ago will be remember- ed. At the Laval student's dinner last week, so the story goea, Sir Wilfrid met Mr. Tarte. The Prime Minister cordial'y greeted his former Minister of Public Works, and laying his hand sympathet- ically on his shoulder remarked slyly ; "My dear fellow, hov/. are you ageincr. You are getting ijuite gray and worried looking. You will have to take good care of yourself,or we shall be losing you some of these days." Consideiing that this re- mark w;i8 made by the man who waa said to bo dying a year ago, and addressed to the man who was understood to bo the most ready believer in the statement, it was repeated as one of the best political stories of the year. Election Card Ladieb' Am3 Gentl bmen,â€" I cordially thnnk you for your support iu tha papt. aud I respect- fully solicit your vote aud itilluwuceon my bo- baif for tUo reeveabip for 19(J4. Yours respGctfnllv ALt.X. MUIli Election Card L^VDiFs' AKD Gentlkmbs, -Having been re- quested by a laryo uuiiiber of ratepayers to run lur cuunciilor for tho townebip of Artcnie-'ia, I lioreDy oUer uiyself as a candidate ai:d lequest your votu aud iuiiueuco. ALEX. McRAK, jv. CeyloD. Nov. il, lOOX Election Card To ihe Ehi'lors of the Tp. of Artanisia LAiJiKd AND Gfntlkmanâ€" Your votJ atid iti- flitu'ice is I v&i*t'cifully solicite.l for oouuo lior at tho \rtoujediA council boorJ. tor thu l-usiuui; vea:-. NV. J. MEADS â-  CuvIoii.N.H'. as 1903- Teacher Wanted Woutotfor S. S- Xo. 1. A^•^"'llo.sla aii<l ^u phriisitt. » t'tiiiialo toaclor 1 oI(3"i:i! sccoari da 8 oortilicnte. LMiiivs to LO.uuiotico .Jan. 1. l'j.'4. Apply. atiitiUb â-  a'ai'v. ALEXCWr.KUTH?;!"; liuyaLiaP. Cook's Cottoa Root Compound. Indies* Favorite", l3 tho only safe, reliable! regulator on â- which woman can Uopend. "In the hour and time of neoJ." Prepared In two degrees of Streugtii. N.i. 1 and No. 3. No. 1..â€" For ordinary cases Is by far tho best dollac niedlclno known. No. 2 â€" Fop special cases â€" 10 degrees Stronger â€" three dollars per box. Ladies-^sk your druK.elst for Cook's Cotton Root Componnd. Take no other as all pills, mUturea and imitations ara dangerous. No. 1 and No. 2 are sold and recommended by all druggists in the Do- minion ot Canada. Mailed to any address on receipt of price and four 2-cent postage BtaiApa. trae fyaiolt Companr, Wludaor, Oati N o. 1 anii No. 2 are sold iu Flushortou by W E. Kiobiriaouaui Doj^Ina^ & Cc.,.,drUi^ist9. ^EPPARD (111 hi' im i« \li ili ikt \|yi \ii ^t ikf lii id/ a f\\ (^ ib \l/ ^ ii) \^ vl/ v^ iif \h iit iil ill ib >!5iN en s L^lotAing. We keep everything a man wears, the newest, the most, the best, the cheapest clothing. New Fall Top Coats in large variety. Rubber's &l Felt Soots We have th best that are made, it will cost you nothing to see them, it will cost you less to buy them from us than the best can be bought else- where. Furs ! Furs! We are hamlling a full line of furs, in ladies' ami gents'. You will find one nf the best a.^sort- mcntsof Fur 3ackct$» Caps and 6ent!s Fur ^OatS to be found any place and our prices can t be beat. l^l^ira.ter' XJ ndler "5Hrea.r». Our Stock of Winter underwear never was so full. Our Special All-wool Shirts aud Drawers. This line at 50C« i'' ^ bargain. Iua.dies Clotla 4Jacls:ets. We have a gooil stock of thcni yet, although we never sold sold so many beftjre.'^ The rea.son is that the style and prices are right. You can yet value from us you can't get every place, as we iniporteil them ourselves, IVEilliiaery Dej>'t. A,s in the past, is taking the lead. When you Avant a real nice nobbvhat, come to us. We are handling Pratt's Astral, which is the highest gratle American oil to be got. It brigh â-  tens the home, makes^jeace in the home and don't cost any more than common oil. We take all your goose, duck, hen, and turkev feathers at good prices. Now is a good time to bring them aloiij; >iit \^ yJit His 0/ \^- i6 '^: -^ \a> ili \^ i^ \^ \^ k^) iif \li \^ \^ 0/ \<> ^f i^ iit ii; ih "ft •Jt^l Ol/- •:i«* % .Mi, â- VlV .Mi. omino Lasi u^eerc' ive z'&ceiuerl 2000 laeiffAt of ^Veiv 3^resA S DfUffs. C/Als week loe a re receuunff^un^i pmeais off anci/ ffoods and penfu/nes.over' 60 gjeiff/if to hand al/'ear/i/ l^ook Out : Xhercis NIore to Koilow -SI? •sSs> •SfS" m ^;? m ^.t,4 <i«f t '4 11^* £♦ R^chcr^son New stock of Druc^^ ^ Wo havo an tMitii-ely new stock of .Dru<As ami patent remedies on hautl and are now capable'of >^'iv- g iiig' you any Patent liemedv iu dcmaml. * PERFUMES! PfcRFUMES 1 ws. We have a very select lino of perfumes for Xmas gifts. Ill the niat'er of Jeremiah Thoirp'-on of | the towushi|>of ihecounty of Grey, farmer, insolvent. j NOTICE is hort'by ;;ivrii tbat tho above I naineil haw :ij<u1o ftnfts8im»ni*it to iuf» 1 for the l^enotit of hia in-"dit,jrs .V inretitift of khecrcditorn will bti held At tiio oinuH of ibu \ uuderttiiinod solicitor on Satiirdihy, N.>vt>i«bur ! llia'i^tl). -Ml cretli'.ori* aro rwqnoated to ut» tiio.r claims with tho uiuloi^iKiiud Solicitor ; dulv provon, or or before that date, after which .| dnto f will I'rooced to wiud up the bst^te. li*te-i atShnlbunie.Oot,, Nov. lOth. 1P03 Q, M. V.\NOK. JSMH UVMILTON So.lloiVOK.. Aasign**. g Rocipes Filled According to Order rt The 5>l9asui"0 IS oars when you call, aud inspect our Q - Stock. 1^ W, J. DOUQLASS &^C0. g' Christoe's Block ' Flshcrton-Otit.- ..SS'* !*•â- â- â- "

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