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Flesherton Advance, 19 Nov 1903, p. 8

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# "Nov. 19 1903 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCK â- tai «''-V r*. Cugenia Planing Mills ^jret your Sash, Doors Flooring, Sheeting, New- ell Posts, Ballusters, Cor- ner Blocks,Hand Hailing, the best of Spruce Lath, No 1 and No. 2 Shingles, Veranda and Fitting.Sid- ings, etc. Turning of all kinds done to order. New run of stones for chop- ping. Satisfaction in all our line.s guaranteed. S Walker Sloan PROPRIETOR TUsbertdti Furniture ^ marerdoms, Wj.-iro curr.tini,' tlio newest ityles of softsciniibli' f^i'oci.s in all liriei of Furnilluro, consisting of ; Parlor and bedroom suits, lounges, siili'lmariU, oxtensiim and centre tables, cliuirs), window shades and curtain iioles, jiicturoi, easels, etc., Which WD otl'er at LOWSET PRICES Picture Frainitif; and General Re- pairing. Undortakin;{ in all its branchoa. SatiHfaction guaranteed. W. H. Bunt, . - Prop. R. KINNEAR & SONS MAXWELL N O W is the time tn buy flour before it advances too hiyh, per bbl. $4.00 Hamilton's Patent Roller klways OH hand, nUn BRAN, SBOUTS and FEED. In our GROCERY DEPARTMENT â- vcivt will find hrst class Rolled Oat«, Pot Barley, T»pioca and Starches of sU IcindH. The Best U uone toogood for the Farmers. Our Mottoâ€" The best that can be got ! We claim to have the best values in teaf north of Toronto. la our nARDWARE LTNE we have â€" Nails, Putty, Glasn, Hinges, Ij0c1<b, Lntclies, Pii! rings, Hint'ers, IIooks,Staples, Files, (JaiigfiK Hdtts, Biiws, Axes, Hiirn- lnors,.\xe handles, Firks, Shovels, Spades, Fork haitdlua of all kinds, Lamps, and Lanterns. AH R ENS' BOOTS AND SHOES What ever you want and don't see ask for nod we will son that you get it. R^K I NNEAR&S ONS, MAXWEL L School CMWren's Eyes. Many lives have been ruined through neglected eyestrain in chiidhoou. The eyes of every child should be examined. We have made a special study of this branch of optics, and guarantee satisfaction. Consultation free. 44, fk. Armstrong, 4iWlli;R ANJ) 0[>T3CiA <t ' tFt-ff^HtRTON. i\^:^^^1i^ BO YEAR* â-  •<r>^i',j?^ t'APEIIIKNCH a:.t fr.:«. olilr.-it rrfrnrr for «iirtirliiff |au«nta. Par'iiit.i lak«ii iliiou/b Muiia A <'o. r«e«lr« Hfi»tnotie«^ without oharve, Ul tfa« Scietilific JImericdti t^eiml •i«l«tlnii ft anr »<il*«iiir).t I'lnrNftL. T«ri»». 11 % T*ar; four rnoliii, 91. FMd brail »*«*4 ••)•?«. MUJrt « Co »«'•'--» NbwTwIi Business Cards (UroULLOUOH & yOUNO *•• Hankuf Markdale Do a Konoral bauklng buHinuBs . Mouey loanea a ruauouablu rata Call ou us. RJ 8PR0U1JE FodtmaBtor, Fleuhertoa ^yoniralasioner in II. 0. J., Aaotioneor CoH' reyaucor, Appraiser and Mouey Leuder Heal Katate and Insurance Agent. Deeds mortfiaijes, loaBoB and villu carefully drawn up and valuations made on shortest nntioo. moooy to loan at lowest rates of iutorost. Col ootiouB atteadod to with promptness charges low. Agent fot Ooeau Dominion Staamship Coiiii)any. A call solloltod. Societies AO U W meets ou the fast Monday in eacn mouth, In their lodge room, Christoe's block. 8 p.m. M.W., Kobort Best ; Uecorder, >Jas. Felstesd ; Finan- cier, Wu. Del, amy. Visiting brethroD luvited. PRINCK AUTHTU LODGE, No. S33, A. A M, meats iu the Masonic hall. Strain's block, FleshkrtoD, every Friday on or before the full moco. F H W Uickliug WM. Chas UunsUaw, Secretary. COUKT FLESHP:KT0N, I. O. F. meets in ChriBtr>o's Hlook the last Friday evening each month. Vi-iitiuK Foresters heartily velcome. C. H.. C. W, Bellamy; U. O., W. IJUHkiu ; Fin. Soc.Dr K. Murray. (I'ay duos to Dr. Murray ou or boforo laat day of each mouth.) Medical DR CARTRR M C P * S Ont, Physician, Snrgeon, etc OtHoo and residoaceâ€" Peter St., Fleshorton •J^H. K. T. I31l3hy,-Physlclan, Surgeon •*â- â- ' etc. Floshertoi), Ont 0/Hco and Residence. Collingwood street, one block oast Presbj^teriaa church. May be found there day aud night. Coroner for Conuty of Grey. ' DR. BCOTT, M. D Member College Physic. A Rnrgeon natario Qraduata In Medicine of Toronto University, FellowshipDiploma , Post (iradu. *-.j eiical Bchonl aud Hospital, Chicago diseases of eyo, ear, nose and throat speeially treated. JOHN A. BCOTT, Maxwell T P OTTEWEIiL * Veterinary Surgeon Qraduaio of Ontario Veterinary College, residence â€" sacond door south west on Mary street. This street runs south Presbyterian Cburoh. n WILSON "• jraduato of the Veterinary Sclonoe Association. Residence, Uurhatu street, op- posite lloyd, Uickiiug's hardware. Legal llonor BoUh Report of S, B. No. 2 Artemesia for Oaober. 4â€" Ethel Hill, Delia Deattie, Fred Gilmou, Uarrj I'allie'.er. Class 3â€" Elva Hill, Delia Gibson, Ed. Gibson. Fred Teeter. CIhhsZâ€" Lolita Beattie,MinnieLIill,Eva Purvis, Harold Baker, Mable Love. Pt. 2 Br.â€" Lancin White, Reta Cargo, Herbert Carter, Emerson VVice, Frank Teeter. Pt. 2 jr.â€" Edith Hill. Gordon Gibson. Pt. 1 sr. â€" Geo. Littlejohna, Walter Camo, Laura Carter, Miliie White, Pt. 1 jr â€"Gladwin Wice, Everest Hill, Lloyd Purvis, Otto Baker, Harold Hill. Aveca^e Attendance 20. Etta L. Douglas, Teacher. J. W. FROST, L L. M. RarrlBter, Bolloitor Conveyancer, eto olHooâ€" Next to postoSlco, 6|>roule'8 block F:.:ih6iton, every Thursds and. court days N 11â€" Owen Bound olBoe, Froat * block Poulett street east. LUCAS. WRIGHT & McARDLE llarristers Solicitors Conveyancers, eto OflicoBâ€" OwMU Sound, Out and MarkdaleOnt. W H WBiuirr. McAiiulk I 11 Lucas N 11â€" F'leBliorton oltice, Mitcholl's Bank every Saturday, »f ACKAV*SAMPSON .narrlstors, Bollcitors. !»l OI''KICKH :â€" Owen Honnrt, Merclmiit's Hank Block, N, of Patt-irnon House, X.undalk aiu Snoot, every Bhturclay. Mouev to loi.n at -ij per cent, A, G. MACKAY, M.A., H.K. SAMPSON, L,L,D Always In Httendntico at F'lpHliorton aud Dundalk Division Courts, Dentistry DR. E C. MURRAY, L,D. B. don tai surgeon honor Kradiiato of Toronto University and Royal (;o11r|,'o of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Otilceâ€"Opposite Armstrong's Jewellery Store. Will visit Maxwell the last Wednesday of each mouth, and Ouudalk 1 and il Thursday fa each month. Thoroughbred Durham Service Bull for Cord niintc, 2^068. The undersigned has a fine aged Durham Ilnll for servico on lot Ul, T. and H. It. Termsâ€" »1 (or grade cows, *3 for thorough- brads. Pedigree on applicatioii JACOB LlSVHR Fleshertou P.O FARM FOR SALE. I,otHll.2ud VV, T. ,ta. U„ArtBme»ls. contain" iugtirty acres; fianio houno, small orchard' good frame barn with Htouo bnsonient arul la»-prt straw Bhoil ; well watuiel. Half mile from Klushertnn Htatmn, For terms, etc, apply to T. A, I.owreuce. Nsntou P, O , Alboitn, or to NOBLU LAWRUNCK.VvjIou P. O Farixi For Jr^ale Splondl.l farm for sale, only •ITM; »iOO to f Hon. balance riasv termn;)!.'; acres (It for any niai-liinorv, to acres most timber off, balance well ihnborert; good (rsnia barn and dwellhig, well watered and ainae to srhool, churches, P C, stuns, etc. Apply to R, .1. MPhOL'LK Cnuvavancar, Fleshorton Farm for Sale I.ntSO, con. T, Kuphrasla. one hupdre.l aetes. So clearrd, I wn frame barns, •hod, sheep pen. bOc l>en, two frame houiss, good orchaid, never* tailing sprlnc. Convenient to ehnioh and •chnol. About sight milas from Maaford. (food Im- roved (sini anA aiaap forth* rliiht tuan, Ap- V »â-  prrnil'fs or to JoHN AKDKkBuM Blaatyi* P.O. Honor Roll for S. 8. No. 9, Artemesia for the month of October. Class IV â€" Mina Benson. Class III St.â€" Ruth Paul. Class III jrâ€" Mamie Blagen, William Milligan, Fred Trueman. . Class II sr.â€" Ethel Trueman, Jennie Carson, Ella Majjee, Ernest Hopper. Class II jr.â€" Bell Genoe.Newt Benson, Pt II »r.â€" Maggie Carson, Nettie True- man. Pt. II jr.â€" Zuidoe Lawrler, Stella Ped- lar, Lyda Trueman, May Parson, Wilfred Ma};ee, Myrtle Parson, CW. Wilkinson. Pt. I (1) Geo. Benson, Geo. Carson, (2) Lillie Lawler. (3) Linton, Snidie Pedlar. L. F. MAKSHALi,,Teacher. Report of Ceylon public school. This report is based upon conduct,application, and pnnctuality, not upon class standiDi?. Class 6â€" B, Lawrence, R. Tucker. Class 4 â€" Laura Piper, liia McMullcn, Class 3 »r,â€" Sybil Colinson.W. Sproat. Class 3 jr. â€" Cecil Leg«te,Jno. McAuley Class 2 sr. â€" VV. Mcljeod, May Adamx. Pt. 2â€" Myrtle Hemphill, Lottie SchcU. Pt. 1 brâ€" E. Whitiaker, A, McMullen. Pt. 1 jr. (d)-M. McMullen.R McAuly (c)â€" .Jim McMullen.M Schell. (B)-G.MoMullen, (t Rutle<l>{e. (b)â€" MuriayLegale, Murriallc Legate. T. CoLQUET Teacher. Report of Eugoaia Public School for November. Class 6 srâ€" Daisy Sinilh.Charlie Smith. Class 5 jr.â€" Millie McMullen.F. Smith Claas 4â€" Virgie McMullen, Ada Tur- ner, Alex. Fisher, Mabel Cnrr, Tena Williams. Class 3 sr.â€" Edna \VHIisms, Elwood Purvis, Carl Walker, Annie Napier. Class 3 jr.â€" Fred Graham, Albert Sloan, Selena Hawkins, Clara Latimer, Ettie Thomps*)n, Jennie Roy, Ruby Graham. P. H. Badoerow, Principal, JUWIOR DEPARTMBNT Chss 2 sr.â€" Jakie Sloan, Herbert Fisher, Katie Jamieson. ClaR8 2 jr.â€" Harold Wallace, Ettie Lat imor, Irene Walker., Rns-^iel Parks. Pt. 2 sr.â€" Uussel McMullen, Mary Tumor, Millie Campbell, Albert Williams. Pt. 2 jr.â€" Elsie Armstrong, Wesley Armstrong, Fieddy Plant. Pt, 1 sr. â€" Laiitie FiKher, Pt. 1 jr â€" Lillte Canipbell. 1st Classâ€" Jusie Walker, Davie Jamie- son. Rockvale Repi.rt for October. Class 5 â€" E. Gei'oe. Class 4, sr.â€" Bessie Rus.sel, Jessie Phillips, .loe Simp.son, Geo, English. Class -t, jr,â€" Veri Phillii.s, Finley Hoy, Mabel Chard. Cl.tes 3 Fr. â€" Miignit) Fi^fiiea, Jennie Park, Arthur Chard, Fred R'jsscI, Eddie Chard. Class 3 jr.â€" Elma Armstrong, Leila Clark, Dora Pedlar, Charlie Hoy, Fannie PurteouH. Class 2â€" Edcsr Belts, Edna Park, Ernie HiiHsel, Lewis Pedlar, Reta Fisher, Edna Fisher. Part 2 sr.- Edwin Smith. Ed. White, Harloy Phillips, Mary White, AUie Mc- Dowell, Nellie Fisher. Pt. 2 jr.- Walter Fi8her,Oertio Fishgr Reta Betts. Sr, Iâ€" Elln Genoe, Ssm Fisher, Wes. Smith, Frank White, Annie Pedlar. Mabel Radley, Leila Fisher, ATuinie Atinatrong, Elwood Partridge. Ji. Iâ€" Willie MoMuUcn, Ellie Blakcy Uob Blakoy, Art. Por'eous, AveniKo Attendance 50. H. W.Stawobd, Teacher huntinz trip. He brought his alloled share of the spoil and reports a good time. (.>ur{youn;! ladies are I'ke the swal- lows, they are taking their drparture fur more genial climes for the winter. On Saturday Afternoon a fine big deer ran in amongst Mr. Beocrnft's catUu near the barn. If Mr. Beccroft had been ao forturato as to have a gun, he could h'»ve brought it duwu. It was lame, havii.g been wi^UfldeJ. Nio use of going to Mus koka,whun there are plenty so near home. Our Clubbing List. In ndditiim to our niarvellnus offer of The Advance and Montreal Beialil,a Krst clai« weekly newspaper, one year for one dollar, with balance of this year free to new 8ub.scril)«rs, we have the followine ciiinbinittioiis t.<> oft'^r. Papers with star give balance of tbli year free. 'Advance, *Herald and ♦Toronto World, d:iily 8." 25 Toronto D.iily News 1 85 W,.ekly Globe 180 Mail-Eiii[jire l.Si) Family Henild A Star 1.80 Toronto Star 1 8'1 FatmeLs Sun 1,80 All above priies include Tho Advance and Montreal Herald, if paid in t.dviiite only. Early subscribers get best value for their muney. The Markets. €arefnllv Correo cd Earh Week Oath as -o 2(> Peas, , f.8 o 58 Wheat 65 to 65 Barley 45 to 45 Butter 15 to 15 Eegs fresh 17 '.o 17 Pork 7 50 to 7 50 Chickens per lb C to C Ducks per lb 7 to 7 Tuckeys [ler lb 10 tt 10 Oeese without heads,. 6 'o 7 Hay B 00 to 6 00 Potatoes bae 35 '.u 35 Ajjers What are your friends saylag about you? That your gray hair makea you look oldr And yet, you are not forty ! Postpone this looking old. Hair Vigor Use Ayer*8 Hair Vigor and reatore to your gray hair all the deep, dark, rich color of early life. Then be satisfied. "At*i^ Hail' yicor rsstorad tha oatanl eolor to '"J f*y *^*'i *?' ^ *" C****' «!«a<*i. ItuailToaclali Mas. X. jTfAMbioAa, U 1140 a bottla. for „m for It," ^_ „ _ MaehanlcsvtQi, N. T. J. o. Am oc I.ow«ll, Maaa. Dark Hair A man t,i ropre.ieiit "Canapa's Gri{at- â-  ir NvKSEniF.a" in tlio town of FLESH BI^TOJSr and the 8urronnQiii!> country, and takd orders fur Our l?cirdv Sueciallsts In Fruit Tuees, Small Fkuii.s, Orambntals, SnRVB.s, Rosks, Vi.NEs, Seed Potatoes, & c. Stock true to name and free from San Jc^e Scale. A pcrinanijiit position for the right man "u tither sjilary or conv- Stone & Wellington FONTHILL NURSERIES owr 800 acres Toronto . Ontario hi V\ K&K&K KtvK K&K KcxK K& CURED NiTHoirr cuniNG, PAIN OR LOSS OP Time No siattar how lonr yon have sofferad or how barbaroasly 7011 have been treattd hr I nnreona, hjrcntttB?. atretchla^aud buminrivraask yoato Investigate oar MKw METHOD ofcariotrit. Ourtreatmeatla orifloat with onrselvcs, and tstheresnll of Myaara'experleaco lutheaespeclaldlseascs. Thostrlcture tissue In thecaoalla I palnlesaly absort)ed and henco removed forever. Aar dischariye, wb.lcti of tea ac» compaaleaatrlctara, disappears, the Indamed sarface fs healed up, all ncaldlag ta4 banting aenaatloua cease; the Kldneya aud Bladder becotuo strong aad BormaU the Mxaatoiyans rcFaia vlcror and vitality aad the patleat feciaas thougli UItt IM ' WMtU llTinfr. AU ca«aa are treated under a posrnvs GUAnoMJce or ffso PAVm OtTB RBW MBTHOO THBAXMSIIT »Ut cnr« you, xnd tnak^ftttkn I I of you* Coder ItainflnencotliQ brain becomes active, the blood par\UeC so that alt pimples, blotchei and ulcere heal up; the cerres become strong as steel, so that narToesneaas bashfulneas and despondency disappear; the ejes become britfbt, the face fall and clcar» enerc^y rotnrna to tha body, and the moral, phjsical and a^zaal | i^etema are invigorated; all drains cease â€" no more vital 'waete from the BTstem. The various orj^anB become natural and manly. You feel yourself a man and know marrlat;^ecaiinut be a failure. We Invite all theafnicted to consult us confidcatlally I and free cf charire. Don*t let quacks and fakira rob you of your hard-earaed doUara- WES WILI* CURE YOTT OR NO PAY. We treat and euro NERVOUS DEBII^ITY, SEXUAI, WEAKNEflS, EMI8- STONg, SYPU1M3, CLEET, STRICTURE, VARICOCELE, KUDNEY aad | BLADDER DISEASES, aud all diseases peculiar to men and women. OOaSUL7A7!0£S FSiSS. DCOKS FREE* (Illustrated). It anable to call, write for QvtOQifon BtnnSa tot Kosne Ta^osissaenfm \mm^ DETOBiT, mS€}§io %t T»arB tm Detroit. ' SSO.OOO C«rcd. Banb Secartty. .JR; K :,KA,K Kti^Kr:;K a^n .K»K K^<3. K Eneenla Winter saems to come gently, but we may soon look nut for squalls. Mr. James Williams has been on the wai path collecting tuxes the past few weeks. Although there is a good bit of gnniihling alioiit increased rates, yet ho is gathuriiiK thcin in. As Jim is an all round good follow and well liked, the right man is in tho riKht place. Mr, George i'lantt of New York city has been visiting his (wireiits. Ue gave a patty to a number of his friends who wore all deliiihted to meet him, although sorry to hid him good by« for another time. His health is imprtived ^nd he enjoys life under thtt starry lianner of the free. Mr. John Fisher of Wiarlon is visitini; , his parents here, Hia sister, Misa Mary, I i;nes hack with him to spend tho winter i with friends at Wiarton. She will o» missed by the young people with whom she was a faTnrite. Mrs. Samuel Pedlar has been »ery ill the jwst week, hut is now on the way to recovery. A cordial welcome i* ei tended to Mrs Frar.cis Thom|w<m and family who have now taken up residence in Eugenia. Mr. MuDshaw hM returned from his ^ . . FOR FIRST CLASS CARRIAGES AND I'LOUOHS . . K - â€" GO TOâ€" ^ Heard's Works, Flesherton ^ We have Cutters, Sleighs,Bugj^ies, Waggons and Carts ^ FJeury, Dyment Butterfield aiul Wilkinson Ploughs %^ Shares and repairs of the best quality. Spnng tooth ^ aud Iron harrows. Also first class handmade harness. M Iforse Shoeing and General Blacksmitbind. E). McTAVISM ii[ aisHN mum buri For First Class Buggia), Carts, Ple«.sure and Lumber Wagons, cntlerB, Slei|(hs. We keep a stock <>n hand t" choose from. ALSO HORSB SHOEINQ ANDQENERAL BLACKSMITHINQ and euarantoe first class work. We keep on hand PloURhs and Plough repairs, and also Masaay- Harris and Nuxou reiisirs for binders, Mowers, ^11 kinds of maebiiicry, also Binder Twine on hand. Olben in town give us a call «

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