Nov. 19 190S THE F LE S H E R T N A D V A NC E m rfV^WW.WW^, I F, T. HILL & CO I 'dmm^i^)M^ You can-buy all kinds ofGraniteware hare at about • •a HALF PRICE The M-ajMvo'ri) selling gr-inilowiiro of all kinds those dayB proves very coiipliisively tlint we linnw how to tiuy. Thorn are li>!s of inorcli.iiits whuso prices firoiipptirently vury high and yot wliono profits lire much hiyiior tliun they hhouhl ho ; butlho trouble is ihoy piiy too much for ihuir ko'kIs. Thu folhiwlnij prioes ttill •{ivo you an iiloa of \\h;it right buying uu'aiJS ami please be:ir ill minil thnt every ilolluFH worth of llii.s gr.inite ware was iiiHilo by tho best inaiiufaclurerfi in America. l-2\ AND 15c. GRANITK BOWLS 8c. IKO (iianite Bowls, i;oo(l size, the kind thftt iti .sold every ttliero at 12A to lo'j. , our iirico 8 r.">3. GUAXITE DISH PANS 48c. T.S fimiiito nisli I'.iiu (14 ipiart) never harotoforo sohl at less than 7o cents, our price 48 se.r.OCnANITE SINKS 81.50 2H Granite Sinks have jnst been placed on sale at this ridiculously low price â€" the $2. DO size and qu.-vlity tor only 1.50 35;. GRANITE PUDDING PANS 19c. 240 Granite PuddinK Pans (4 qt.) not sold anywhere uImo to our knowlodye at ks.s than o5o., our price. .I'J 2yc,GllANrrE PRESERVING KETTLE 15 100 small size Granite Preserving; Kettlesâ€" one of the ninst useful little articles ill tho home and excellent value at 2oc , our price J5 4nc GRANITE CHAMBERS 2i>c. 50 Granite Chambers, the .si'zc and quality that is sold everywhere at 45o., our [,r 29 We hnve durini; the p.i^t three woclis sold more granitewate than is sold in the average Ii.irdware store in twelve months. It's cjuitean innovation on the part of our customers to be able to purchase excellent granitoware at tho price of ordinary tinware. Every known article of j^raniteware now in stock â€" siraniteware that with ordinary care will last a life tunc and every dollai's worth proportionately reduced with above prices. 5toves, Ranges, Heaters Our .'itock of these is now;hly coinjilete there bcinj; nearly forty from which to m.ike a selection and every one .niarked at tho lowest possille price. Without a doubt we can save you money on ' anything you reijuire in hardware These Prices Spea!( for Themselves 25o. TABLE OIL CLOTH FOR 17o. fi pieces best quality, ni;w pattern Oil Baize, 40 inches wide, you are asked to pay 2j cents for these f;njJs, but by close, judicious buying we aro able to reserve a small profit for ourselves and effect a bi<; per c. i.t. saviiii; to you on every yard you purchase. These 25c. goods will now be sold at 17 3fmmm 25c. PLAID DRESS GOODS FOR loo. 278 yards new pattern Plaid Dress Good.s, excellent eoinbination of colorings that are absolutely fast and durable. Those are .ill double fold goods, very suit' able for girl's and children's dresses, are not sold any- where in tho usual way at leas than 25c., but for extra quick selling we have thorn marked to clear at 15 MARK DALE WWW»}^ County Council Motes an average daily circulation of aliitloovtrr 14,000 fur the year 1002, The Star has! Teacher Wanted The C.nmly Council decided to .isk for i now an average daily circulation of over i tenders for erection of a b:un at tho house \ 21,500. It has ^ grown in favor too, i ,,nWm«-a'';e'LlVHVA°'^e''tmeZ'° m>ti!â„¢'to of refuge and to spend ^â- â- .'i.lOO on ;: :;ysti in j with the general i)ublie that it now carries couiinunco ithJan ,ym. .AppiicdtiouB rectivoa i.f waterworks. j more adtertising than any other paper,; '' ' their I evening or morning in tho city. . Btiuiiii; Kiilary wauteJ GliO. rl;ITCll.\l;l>, Hco. Treas. Vaiulolour, Unt Hawkers and ])edler3 have had 'ieenses rai.sid. The fees were fixed as I Tho reason for the success of The Star, fellows: For a two horse wagon <irU„wevor, in not far to seek. If viliiele,.?100 ; one liorse wngcm or vehicle, 'y|,„ ^ro a reader of The Star yu ?iii) ; w.-igr)n or cart drawn or pushed hy j „.ju 1,3^^ n„ticed that its news . that is praciioal, useful and up-to-lo date For an Educal ion tlie ii. dividual, ?40 ; pedlar with pack, lox, bundle, basket or valise, ©."jO. Lic- ence I'oldii's produce license on de- n.and and the license to extend year from issue theieof. For in the case of an auctioneer the reward is dlO and in tho case of a hawker and prd- lar v<25 to bo paid by the county treasurer on r'^eoiving proof of conviction. 'Ihe council guaranteed Dundalk de- bentures for the local iinprovement to the columns aro put up in a way that makes tho news easy to read. Its ilaily j woman's page. cuts, is -â€" ex'eiit ol S'li.OOlt. Thon;as ll.iiness tendered his resig- nnli'iti as nieuiber of the cMiintil and ro- ooived the appointment of caretaker to the house of n'fug" with a salary of %'Xin and his wife as mulronat a salary of S20''i, wbih' Dr. Ego was aiipointeil phy- Kiciati at a M.ilary of If 15'), ho to^_^ii[iply niedi.iiie. X byl.iw was p,i,ssi(t regarding niain- totiauce of thu house of refuge, one clause of which ^laU'H that each local mnnici- paliiy vihhiii the county of tlrey sliall pay to the cnuiily treasurer the actual cost of hour 1 and wearing appaicl suj.iplied to pert' lis couiniilted lo ami received liy the paid hoii~t of rerni;e from such loeal iniiii- iuipd ty less, however, thu ariiount that siic'i persons, by their lal'or, actually earn whili' liinialo of Mie said house of refui;e. Till' aiiiooht so to 1)0 paid by each loriil m'uiiieipalily is however not tn exceed the rati' of fl tA) per week f"r cicli person so niniinilted aiul reciuved by tliesaiil lii'lis'; of ri tu;;e from such local nitniioii'ality. ]!< tore ihe counc'.l closed on Saturday the warden was requested lo vacate tho tha r atid Mr. Priiiulo a>.kpd to piesidi, when it was move I by Air, G'lnloii, see- ondt'd by Mr. Piitierson, that the ihaiiks of I III! council he hereby c ndcred to D K. I'rest 111 E.sip, for the able, court- otnis ami impartial inaiiuur in which he fifi ';i.Ieil oviT tho deli* orations of this eiiiiii 'il, as warden for this year, ami llmt to ecviT his (lisburseinentH hIiiIu attend iiig I the duties 1 f his ollijO, the uiini of one lundri'd dollars bo paid him. The iiiihIiiii waa can led unnniiiuaibly, I he Conn II j'.inin« heartily in ginning " He's A J ily (iooj Fellow." On returning to tho oliair, Mr. l^restou exprissed his dfepist sense of aptirecia- lioh 'i!r ihu kindly feeliiif; diKphiyud by ilie ouuii :d. lie wnsindeeil indehted to them fir tile corluons aitonlton and asdintanje they affoidod him in all tho deliticr- atloiis of tho council. ' witli its fashion for one j ^,pfy y((,,.,,,(ij.Q J jt,,, uiarket repcrts are convicliun ! especially full and accurate ; its editorial ctdumns are fair, sane, and strong and free from p'lrtizan bias, while its »liovting column Co sport;. The Star's suco.'iS, therefore, is I'Ul the result of a newspaper p(d:ey which con- sults the tiifiti'S of .ill classes. Its sub- seriptiui price §1,00 a year, «iththe bal ance of this year thrown in to new scribers. i.ttend the Owen Sound, Ontario. ui..... om:,, ....... ..= ,„ ^^^''^ of study in Business „,, , ,' ,, f 'fMJbjmts, Shorthnhd an Tvpewritinu. vera w ole nokl otii.,^, <i ,.. , m, . ',' ,~ I ISevt IVletliofls. llie most thoroughly H'luipp .1 College in tho DomiiKoii. •SdideiicH may enter at any time. Full particulars sent free to any address. sub- Tho Peterborough Rjview says : -\ good inslaiU'O of veiy aviecessful sui;.-ir bi'et enltivation istl'.al furnished by Mr. •lohn Ilellernan, of Otmabee. llo de- voted ono aero of laod tolneis and has now harvested some 28,540 lbs , or about 14i tons, which he has drawn to the Sugar Company's lot in eight loads Tho late from the beets was 4 per cent. Mr. Ilellernan is wtll satisfied wilh lesulls. lie stales thai his beets were very wecily as thoy wore (jrown on ground from which roots viero taken the year before. His total cost was not ?20 altogether. . llo realized ?4 per ton and has a clear pndit tlii'ieof of some 837. His beets, he said, were grown nprrt, in sonio places as iniich as from three to four foot, which m ide them very laruo, some wei-.diing up wards of seven pounds. C. A. FLEMING Principal HIGH CLASS P3CTURES. . The place to (<el the best Photos is at ItULMEK'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. SPECIAL ATTHNTlOiN We pay Special Attention to Copying and Rabies' pictures. Picture fram- ing a specialty. f" Tty us f.u- any kind of pictures and wu will promise Ratisfaction. Sydenham .street, Flesheiton. BIG . . 5T0CK Secret of Success T!.8 succesn which the Toronto Star hai ftohi'Vrtl 'Jurinh the ptiiit four yeRM has beon tho Hubject of much commpnt in the iyi«e<j[>aper and busiueM world. From Wood'H W'a Imvo just rocoivo.l In stock one of tho lluest iisiiL>itmfat8 of PhoHplioillne, I The Octal Fcglhli fcniiif, _. . ^,,, is an o1.I,wb11 eatBlv BLANKET5 AND ROBES llshwl ami reliable â- KHCamf ^§1 '" "â- '• """""' '""' -" '"">â- yot. Witt, oyprjilyears. Alhirug. ' »"y reqniieiULiita you will need in tbat gists ill ilio Dominion j liuo. of Canarta sell and ' recoinmeud ns Iwlua I ~^^"~" Befor« aad After. «li» .o"lj meilicino of 1 .M-o a lareo oemlcnnient of Imitetlou Its kind that riireii and «Ivo8 nnlronal snMsfactiou. It pronnal)' and ppDCi A M â- AMn rrjAT* nlly euros all forms nf Afneii. HVaJb- • '^''"'^"^'^ U/%niU \,yjt\lS. Wo have ft fine colloction of ooals to to Rcloct fioin. pi>rinannn ttfjiJl, KminHontt Syvrm<ttorrh<r<lt /fn;»o/<'ncy, Slid allelTKOtauf abuseor oice«»p« ; the excesuiTe nun of Tnbareo, OftUim or iNdmulnnff , .Menial and lirain H'orri/, all of which lon>l to Inflrn.ity, i InranitT, Connutnptinn and «n Karljr Grave, Aiitjij . t .••.. n.. Prim tl per imoliage or six for tS. f»n« w<U Al| ^Old at LOweSt Living PriC«S pirate, liz will <-iir«. Mailed prompty on re- [ D*ipt (» prlo*. Beodtor fraepAmplilot, AdilreM I - Tha Wood CampKay, t «lad•ar.OBl,Oalla*^ ' 'Vtf' M " IVI O Ci 11 'E Wo«d'«rboiptiodli<« itiiolilin KiMlierton by * ^^ ^^ "^^^ ""^ Doojlaaa ftUo. and W.E Hlobardioo, U.'uggisti FmnBTOif BOYD. HICKLme & CO .1 -riESHE^^TOiy, om.- C^tr!5-;|| Coats For YouiivC Ladies' This wee -•^.wcaie showing ffj an assortment jiut re- ^ c jivc d froui the mamifact- y^ urerSjOf very nobby coats, ^ for young ladies' on2,]'i, W 10 and 18 year.s. ap Ono style is just as ^ shown â€" Black, Frieze, ^ Double Breasted, Box rs:; Back, velvet collar. Bishop 'J^ sleeves, Tarn Back (JuSs. i^ Front and Back trimuie'l ^ macliiue cordinu'. ^s Special $4.95 .U Uwo i^lot/ilfif^ Cypecials ^ Gur ^6.S0 c/Kajlan Overcoat ^ Men's Heavy Oxford Grey Cheviot Overcoats â€" 5f^f Eaglau style, turn back cuffs, vertical pocket.^, ?|^ deep velvet collar, twill Italian linings, beautiful- ?|? ly Ihiishcd. Sizes 3r> â€" -42. ^ ffiegutci,' p. 50 Value for ^6.50 % Oar s^pecial Kj\.eefe V en TVIen's Heavy Oxford Grey Frieze Eeeters, deep storm collars, heavy plaid linings, v/ell made ami iinished, good hard wearers. Olzes 36 to UU. .Special S3 7rS Oi'z^s 33 to 3S. K>/;ectat .^3.oO ^/loe Specialties for I^itt/e cfolk We're making a specialty of Children's and In- fants Fine Footwear â€" the arrival of a largo shipment this week gives us an elegant assort- ment to show you â€" much better than in other places. The ctdebrated "CLASSIC" Shoe in Dongola, Box Calf and Vici Kid for Children â€" all sizes, big variety in styles, tjuality and finish the best and reasonable prices. ..»/T Opecial for .yiara JVear Children's Buff Lace Boots,solid leather through- out, stout peggetl sole, just right for fall wear. Sizes S, ami 10. Kegular 80 and 85c. gootls. K>peciat SSc lii\RI>\'^i5.1iLE Stoves Eanges Heaters Drums Stovo boards Lanterns, Axes Hay Knives, Cow Chains, Stall Fixtures Machine Oil. Cylinder Oil, Separator Oil Threshing Mitts, Packing. Belting _ _ , Guns, ItiHes, Auinmnition Car Salt just unloaded Get your Supply NOW ii I "•v^