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Flesherton Advance, 29 Oct 1903, p. 8

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i »M > OcroBKS 29 1903 THE FLESHKBTOH Al>VANCE Don't von Olatit a Tly net for Vour Dorse ? Wo have just received in stock a tine selection of them, also i^jcle Xx*u.nks and Valioes Give us a call and see the wonderful display we have for you to pick from. REPAIRINQ DONE PROMPILY VSITA. IVI o o i^ £: FLESHERTON Eugenia Planing Mills Get your Sash, Doors I'looring, Sheeting, New- ell Posts, Ball asters, Cor- ner lilocks.Hand Hailing, the best of Spruce Lath, No 1 and No. 2 Shingles, Veranda and Fitting.Sid- ings, etc. Turning of all kinds done to order. New run of stones for chop- ping. Satisfaction in all our lines guaranteed. S Walker Sloan PROPRIETOR IJusiNE-ss Cards 1/fOUIA.OUaH A YOUNO *U lUDkor Markdklt Oo» goaeral banking buutneaa. Money lokDcd a reasouable rato Uall ou Dri. RJ SPaOUIiB Foitoiattor, FleabertoD i/Oiumlaaloner In H.C.J., Auctioneer Con veyancer, Appraisor and Money LeDdor ileal liatate and iDsuraoM Agont. Ueeda mortgaijea, loasoa ani wllla carottiUy drawn up aud valuations made on chortout notice, money to loan at luwent rates of iuteronft. Col eotioiiti attoudud to with promptueaa cliargea Ion. Aeont for Ocaan Daiuinion Staauisbip Company. A call aolioitcA Societies AO U \l' meets ou the last Monday in eaoM ujontb, in tbeir lodge room, Ciiristoo'B block. Sp.Di. M.W.. Kobort liest; Uecorder. Jas. i^'obtoud ; Fluan- oler, Wui. Ueliaiuy. VisitinR bretbroD Invited, PKINCR ARTHTlt LODOE, No. .133, A. A M, niciits in t)ie Masonic hall. Strain's block, Fleab>.rtan, every Friday oa or before the full inocn. 1' H W Hickliug W &I. Cbas. Muoshaw, tieL/etary. COUHT FLE8HRKTON, I. O. F. meets in Christoo's Ulock the lantFrlda; evening eacb month, VisitinR ForcsterH heartily relcome. C. R., C. W. Bellamy; R. C, W. Iluskiu ; FlD.Scc.Dr K. Murray, (Pay dues to Dr. Murray on or before la»t day of eacb month,) Medical OR CARTF.R M C P iS; Ej Ont. Physician, Sargoon, etc )lBce and rosidouceâ€" Peter at,, Flesberton T^K. h-. T. nit>toy,-Pliyalcl»D, Surgwn *"^ etc. FloKherton, Ont Ofnce oudRcaidcnco, ColliURwood street, one block east Presbyterian church. May bo found there day and uiyht. Coroner lor County of aroy. War! War! 9 Out of Every 10 Ha- this terrible disease iii the Head gout of every lo X Aro l()siQj{ their Huii 9 oat of every lo X Hits Dandruff SCOTT, AND SOFTLY Members College Physio. * Bargoono Ontario Graduate in Medicine of Toronto University, Fellowship Diploma .Post Uradu iti o ileal School and HoB|iital, Chicnijo -iiaeaseo of eye, ear, nose aud throat sptciiilly treated. H, SOPTLY, JOHN A. BCOTT, Feverahani . ax well T P OTTEWELL * Veterinary Surgeon Qraduate of Ontario Veterinary College. residence â€" second door south west on llary street. Thla street ruua soulh Presbyterian Church. a WILSON "• . iraduato of the Votcrinary Sclonoe Association, liosidenco, Durham street, op- posite lloyd, Hicklii.|{'» hardware. WE OUABANTHB TO ClIUB BOTH Fli^herton Tonsorial Parlors. «> '^izilntrldn Furniture \V,!:ii-j cirryiii'.; tho newest ityles of a jas.iUiilik' g lociH ill nil litii's of Fu.-iiiituie, oonsisting of: t Picture Friimiiig «iid Re- iiriiriilg. IJliiliMtHkiiiif ill ,ill it» l)i-.i:n;!ie8. Satisfaction guaranteed. W r1. Bunt, - - Prop. Leg'al J. W. FROST, L L. b. Barrister, Solicitor Conveyancer, etc ofllee â€" Next to postollice, Rproule's block F'.iiborton, every Thursda ond, court days N IIâ€" Owen Sound ollloo, Frost" block Poulott street cast. r UCA8. WRIOHT * McAKDLK " Hurristors Solicitors Conyoyaiiccis, etc Odices â€" Owan Sound. Ont andMarkdaleOnt. W H Wriout, McAiidlk 1 15 Lucas N Hâ€" KleMiorton ofliue, MilcheU'B Usuk •very Saturday. tl ACKAY&SAMPEON .Harristcrs. solicitors, lH OPKUiHB :â€" Owen Sound, Merchnnt's iiank Hlock, N. M Pattursou House. Lnudalk ain Street, every Sbturday. Money to loiiii at d^pttrcont, A.O. M.iCKAY.M.A., H.H. SAMPSON, L.L.D Always in attendance at Kle^heitou and Dundalk Diyiition Courts. A Trip to Michigan III trurelliiig, incidenta ucearnioatljr to every one of an obnurvaitt iniiid,eif|>ooially if the journoy be exteiisire. In a sliurt trip like mine however, but fow occur. Lt-aving Fleshoitoii on a Monday murii- iiig, only a few days a^o, my tiiai expi-r- ieiice was a ride tn tlie station, not a rcry iii9pir>ng one. It is a inuryel tlint ii>'i){li- bor Trimble's corporation Imngstojjo liei- the new made rohd ii evert helciM. A transfer lo Mr, Cole's man»'<t-uient re- verBe<l the experience very materiully. The difference niuut have been in the easiiT rig, and tho very cautious driving of the driver, Mr. Cole. Durham was rciichcd in t;ood time. Wo relished a good dinner. After wait- ing three hours a train waH boiinlrd for Palmerston. The road was smooth, tho train fairly fast and \re arrived on tiiiu', but here patience had a severe task, there being no connection for four hours. There was only one cuiiRolation, others were in the same plight : but before arriving ar Stratford tho train with which we should have connected had left Joni; before. It WHK now going on well for midnight and train or no train wo sought a hod. Next morning, after a delayed train of two hours, we boarded her fur the tunnel at Port Huron. One generally meets with some one he knows or else is known to Rome other person known by yourself. From one of the stations several preachers came on. I thou^iht I had seen one of them before. On leaving the tram he came to speak to me as a stranger and it turned out to be Dr. Hannon, related tirihc Uaiinons of Osprey. We had no time for conversation but very pleasing memoriea were not wanting. Forty years ago at le«st ho waa the yoiiuij minister on the Newcastle circuit, and stayed at our home frequent- ly. He WHS a young Roman Catholic, illiterate, who was converted and joined the Methodist church. The late Dr. Aylesworth befriended him. He learned to read and write by constant application, and every opportunity preached to tho people and soon became a favorite. He had great natural abilities, full of fire and push. Unce he and I went to some region about Scugog on a missionary tour. I just remember that we stayed at a com- luudious place tho first ni<{hc, and put out for the country next day, but had to re- turn to the same place. It was lato and we crept quietly to the same room as we hud used before. We anticipated quiet possession. It was not h>iig however, be- (cr.: we tiiiciToredalady was the occupant In borne c iiisternalioii we beat a busty retreat. The lady of the house came to our rescue. Next morning at bieaktust the occupant of our bed was there, and though the performance of devotion was duly had, the dithculty to suppress the vi.siblesiutde prayer very furiiial mdetd. This same illiterate catholic boy bus succeeded admirably until he has tilled tho prirsident's chair of one of the cuu- lerence.", cairieslhu title of D. D., and is now ehainnau of the district in which he lives. It was exceedingly pluasinj.' lo hear his brethren greeting hiiii as " doctor." Arriving st the tunnel, <the excise olHcers were on hand, with slentoiio a Voices, ordering all Kripa to bo o])ened. As soon as it vkas entered lOU electric lights, more or less, were turned ju in the car, so that pliastntiiess i» the turn, for It. It reiiuires but a lew minutes to go through, the same cur going through to Chicago veiy siuoolhly uiiU lust, to that we soon arrived at Flint and just in time to catch a iraiii, going north to Clio, 18 iiiilos distant, at which placo we are now. â-  â€" W. S. C. Dentistuy DR. R C. MUPRAY,L,D, 8. dental snrceon lionor (tradimtuof Toronto University and Ruval Colluri<^ ol lientnl Hurceons of Ontario. Ulllcti â€" Oiiposittt Annstroiin'p .Towellery Store. Will visit Maxwell the last WitilneKday 9f each month, and Uuudalk 1 and U Thursday /ri uHi-it uionth. For over thirty years we have treated and cured all forms of Blood dlsr-nsos, both hereditary and acquired. Our New Method Treatment is orlRlnal with oiireelvea, and never fails to eradlcnte tho poison from the nyetein. Ili-ware rf mercury and other mineral poisons, which so many rtootors prescril)o for this terrible disease, as they will ruin the system. Other trentmenta drive the pnlson into the aystem, whereas our treat- ment destroys the virus or poison In tho blood and removes It from tho syntem entirely, so the symptoms can never return. It you have any of the followlnir symptoms consult us before It Is too late: Blotches, eruptions or pimples; fallinK out of tho hair, itchiness of tho skin, Ktiffneia or pains In the Joints, snrfinees in tho musclfis, sore throat, ulcers or bad taste In the mouth, sore tongue, sourness of tho stomach, enlarged griands. runnlni; sores, etc. Onr New Method Treatment will purify tho blood, heal up tho sores, rsmove all pains: the hair wlH frrow fn aicaln. all organs will bo restored to their normal condition, and the patient prepared to renew tho duties and plaaaures of life. We Kuaraotee marriaffo possible with absolute aafctr. OURB8 CUARANTBBD OR NO PAY V7e treat and cure Tarl«ae«l«, Knro'aa DabUlty, Strlctnra, Oleat, Blood Poison. UrUuury Srmlaa and liessas. Kidacy and Bladder Slsaaaaa. Ars you a victim? Have you lost hnpcT Are you con- tenplatisK marriaraT Has your blood been disenaed? Have yiiii any wuaknsas? Our New Method Tre:itmcnt will cure yox eoBsnltoiloa rreo. No matter who has treatrd you. writs for an honest opinion Free of Charge. Charees reaaonabla. •eoka TrMiâ€" "Th« Golden Monitor" ftllustrated) on Diseases of men, "Diseases of Women," "VarioooeU, flirioture and Qloet" All sent nuss â- eaJed. HO MCMCtn (BNT 0. 0. •. M â- â€¢Â«Â» til MXtt OH tRVtlOPEt. tVERYTHIIIO CORFIDEHTML QOEHMR UIT MD COST (F TIUTMINT. F R I E, rOII HOMI CU M BEADEB! Dr&KENNEDT&KERGAN 148 tNKLBY ST. V OBTROIT, MION. K '„ K Mr. Win. Croft, a succenful farmer of our western suburbs, owiiig to poor health lecently sold his fuini with the view of letirio^'. He dispo'-ed of his chattels and on Moiidny ^vhilu on the way to Markdnic, aiiout sixty rods from the farm house they were leavinu, his daughter, Lnuva A., age-l 1!) years, died suddenly while sitt- ing in tho vehicle. Tho physician pio- iiounced it a (»se of htwrt fai;ure.â€" StanJnrd. CongrcKSnmn Chas. N. Fowler, of New .lorsey, tells the story of a kmall boy who wa.s over supplied with i^reen apples. '1 had gone to see one of my coiiitiliieiilH diiwii in Union Ci.uniy," said the con- greh.s nan, "anil found him trying to give sotno medicine to a young son who had eaten too ni.ii.y gre.ii npplts, while a Chr.stian yiiencu iieii;hl>or was assuring the boy thaltheie «as irolhinu' at all ihi' inatter wiih hiiii." •' I think I i.iiL;ht lo know," gro:ii:td tho boy. '•! guess I've yot ir.side iiiforiiiatinii." Karmtrs will bo glad to know Ihatlnmp jaw on cattle cm bo cured eauily. A drachm of im'.ide of potash is ti'\\v.t\ twice a day for two weeks to twelve dtys. For 0. trie weighing l,2t)0 lbs, or more the dose is soino»liat incrtaaed, but lessened fur cnlves. If pMH be piesent in the Iniiip it aliould bo let out by incision. About 80% of recoveries may be expected, â€" Exchange 60 YEARA EXPERIENCE Trade Marks DzaiaNS COPVRIOHTa Ac Anyone lenillnt a iketeh and description ma/ linlckly aaeortate onr oplntnii free whvther aa liivantlon Is probably aalWtatil*. Communlc*- tloQs itrtetly cnnSdantlal. TlaatfbookoQ PatesU sant free. Oldest asanay foraacuniiit patanit. â- TmM iwMm, wHImat ahi Mann A Co. reealTS larg*. la tha Scicttmic Jlmcricatt A kandaomaly ninatratad WMkly •utatloM cf any »«l«ntia« lAumal. s,^L BcAdk; I.arnat •!». â€" Tsrat. M a krall aawssiaisia I Cook's Cdttoo Root Compoaiids IjttAlf^ F»veri«e, la tlie oaly safe, rellablfl regulator on which woman can depend "in the hour and time of need." Prepared In two degrees of atreagtb. No. 1 and Na 2. No. 1.â€" For ordinary cases is by far the best dollar nedlclno known. No. 2â€" ror special cases â€" 10 degrees Btrongu â€" three dollars per box. lAdlesâ€" ask your druggist for Cook's Cotton Root Oompound. Take no other ns all pllla, mixtures and Imitations are dangerous. No. 1 and No, 2 are sold and recommended by all druggists In the Do- minion of Canada. Mailed to any address on receipt ofprice and four 2-cent postage BttlTPIft. ke GOOU Company, Windsor, Oat< â- N o. 1 and No. 2 are sold in Fleshertoii tiy W U. Kichardsouaud Uoii;^ai9 & Co., Giuggis'iB. Photos *i â€"TAKEN â€"AT THE A man to ro;>rcs!jiit ''Cavada's tlKEAT- KKT N'JKSERIKS" in tho toi»n of F L B S W E L^ T O N nnd tho surrnnn'iiiig country, and tuki- oidors fiT ' Our Pardy SsJ!iCJa11st3 In FBriT Tki;b.s, Smaii, Kkhts, ()U.VMCNTAL.S, SnRUB.S, RonES, Vl.NBt, SeEIi I'OTATOE.", & C. Stock true to name and free from .'^an Jose Scale. A pi-rinuncnt fjo!<i.'ion fori the right man on i-ith. r salaiy or com-! Stone &. Wellington Flesherton Photograph Gallery | are done in style and at '_? lowest ratea, feiiocial attantiou K ttivoii t" copying. Babies' photos. "^ a specialty. Picfcures frameil. p 1^ MRS BUiHER 5 ttirMtShrjiJiiifiiii Qinlnj £nKmi:ar£ri3ilii5 PONTHILL NURStiRlIib ovtiBOO acres Toronto Thoroughbred Durham Bull for Service Cord nUnto, 2^06$* For an Education that ij pn»crical, u.ieful and upto-lo data alieiid ihii Owen Sound, Ontario. Bfst â- journ.-i of study in Business Siibject'. ShiirthTh'l an Typewriting. Hwt lMcthod.s. The nioRt ihonniglily oi|iiip|)::d Colleu'e in the Dotniniou. Studems may enter at any lime. Full parlicul;ir3 sent free to any Principal C. A. FLEMING The undorsianod hns a ftno asjed Durham Bnll for Bnvico on lot HI, T. and S. It. Teriuhâ€" *I for Krade cow., *1 for thoronsh- braUs. Pudiiifce on apidiratioii JACOB LKVS'.R Flosharton V.O Stray Heifer C&me to tho prp.iiiKen of tha nnflftrsignerf, 8t»pt«»ti»brtr 7, a t-.vo-yoar-oM rod aiiri W^itf'tf roati boifer with pmull tnmofi-lQ horiif- TliP owner isreqnotite'I to p-'ove proiinrty, paoT ex* iie.isds and take thj Bauio a^ray. W. J. Mbai>9, Lot 29 O. D. R., Ceylou V O. A cjir limd of tlie best Anifricnu *'PEN:N0L1NE ' Oil iust to liaivl. Wo can coin tiUeiitly ivcu'jimeuU tliiHoil to imyouo who wains llio BK^T. 25o. por-alluu. Sold at Boyd, Hickling & Co., Flesherton . FOR FIR5T CLASS CARRIAGES AND PLOUGHS . . g -GOTO- • ^ Heard's Works, Fleshenon ^ Wo have Cutters, Sleighs.Buggies.Waggons and Carts |v ]*')eury, Dyment IJutterfield iind Wilkin.son Ploughs Q^ Shares and repairs of tho best quality. tooth ^ and Iron harrows. Also first class handmade harness. 13. McTAVISH :^y> For First Cias* Uuggiea, Carts, Pleasure and LuinHer Wagoni, >'^A cutlei's, Sleijihs. \Sb keep a stock on hand tj> clioixe from. ALSO HORSE SHOEING ANO GENERAL BLACKSMITHINQ and iruaranteo Hrat class work. We keep on hand Plonxlot and Plough repAirs, and »l»o Massey- Harrifl and Noxou reiwira fur binders, Mowors, %ll kinds of miiuhiiiory, also Binder Twino on hand. » Wbeti in town give us a call «

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