OcTOBEa 32 J 903 tttfi ttfeSttEHtON ADVANCE i^rfa Don't von Olant a Tly neHorVour l^orse? We have just received in stock a fine selection of them, also JLjcle Gx*e£i.se an.<l V£tlioes Give u.s a call and see the â- wonderful display we have for you to i)ick from. REPAIRING DONE PROMRlLY IRII^. RI O O R K FLESIIERTON Eugenia Planing Mills Get your Sash, Doors Flooring, Sheeting, New- ell Posts, Ball asters. Cor- ner Blocks,Hand Kailing, the best of Spruce Lath, No 1 and No. 2 Shingles, Veranda and Fitting,Sid- ings, etc. Turning of all kinds done to order. New nm of stones for chop- ping. Satisfaction in all our lines guaranteed. S Walker Sloan PROPRIETOR Business Cards M'OUUX)UQH * YOUNO liAukor Markilala Do A Koiiurul banking business. Mooey loaued a ruauouublu ruto CitU ou us. RJ SPltOULE Podtiuaator, Flcaherton .^oiiimiBsioner in II. C. J., Auctioneer Con- n'yancer. Appraiser aiiil Mouey Louder Kual HiKtato aud liiBUraiioo Agent. DtiudB u:ovt>;at;os, leases au'l willtj cavofully drawn up aud vaUiationa made ou pborteut notice, luouey to loau ut luwottt rates of interotit. Col octioiM attcudod to with prolnptnt'BB chariiOB low. A^eiit for Ocean UomiQioo BtttauiEllip Coini>auy, A call BolicitoSk Societies AO U M' ueets ou the last Monday n> oaon mouth, in their lortjio room. Christoe's block. FleKUerton. at 8 p.m. M.W., Hobort Host ; Kocord«r, Jas. FelHtaud ; Fiuau- cier, Wm. liobamy. Visiting brethren ii.vitud. pUINCE AKTHTU LODGE, No. M.I. A. ^ A M, lUGotH ill the MsHoiiic hall, .Strain's block, Fleshcrton, every Friday on or before the full uiocii. F H W Iliokll'ng W M. Cbos. Munshaw, Secretary. pouiir FLESHRRTON, I. O. P. meets in y Ohristoo'B Hlock the last Friday eveninR each month. Visitinc ForeRters heartily volcomo. C.n., (!. W, Ilellamy ; l\. C, W. Biiskiu ; Fin. Hec.Dr B. Murray. (Pay dues to Dr. Mnrray on of before last day of each month.) Medical Dn CAUTER M C P & S Ont, Physfclan. Snreoon, etc Onice and rosidonceâ€" Peter at., Plesherton Taylor vs. Township of Collingwood EHrly in tlio year Ui>bert T«y!or, who reside 1 on tbo fiice of ih-i nidun'Hin, eu- teiud u duit ai4uiiibt the tovMisliip of Col- lingwood to recover damages to the extent of 5f2,325 wliicli hi! iillu;.'e.» he mHtiiined thi'nngh his IhiuLs heiiig tlooclt:d liy fresh- etH Coining fioni the moUFitnwi, tlie flood- ing of the l;md beinfr due to no;;ligKiice cm the part of the township. The chhd was fn the docket of the Spring Arsizes at Bariie wht-n it was le'erred to .ludgo Hatton of Grey. After a further dehiy of a couple of months it was heard in Collingwood bi'fore His Honor Judjo Hatton as directed, the plaintiff being represented by \V. T. Allan and U. Mc- Kay, K.C., of Toronto, and the defendant townsliip by T, H. Uyre of Thornbury, and R. C. Clutc, K. C , Toronto. The court of in [uiry was in bcssion throe days, during which a vast nniouut of evi- dence, pro and coi. was piled up. On Wednesday of last week Uis Hon )r handed out judgment in the ca.'^e. He iinds that Tayhir is entitled to damages to the extent of 8100, but only granU him county court costs, The case, he maintained, should never have gone to High Court, but to the County Couit. In the latter the c<iKts are on a much lower scale than the former, so that faylnr i-i only entitled to about halt the acluilcosts He and his lawyers are not at all satisfied with this patt of the judgement. Taylor, hiuvever, was !;rauted an injunction re- straining the toivnship from accumulating nater on the mountain road above Tay- lor's property and distributing it over his laiids. The defendants are displeased with this injunction granted the jjlaintiff, but it is up to them to find some way of pre- venting the water from going onto his property. â€"Reflector. Befort and After, TFood's Pliosphodlne, Tk(OnltentH'<tRnB(ly, is an old, well estab- Usbcd and reliable preparation, lias been proBcribod and used over W years. All drug- elBta In the Dominion of Canada eoll and recommend as beinR the only modicine of i its kind that cures and gives universal satisfaction. It promptly and permanently cnres aliform* of 1^'eivout Weak- nets, KmUsioTu, Bpermulorrhira, Impotency, and alleflfoctsof abusooroicessea; tneeicessiTe use of Tubar.cOt Opium or A'(imuta7i/», Mental and Brain Worry, all of which lead to Infirmity, Insanity. Consumption and an Early Grave. Price $1 per package or six for $5. One will please, tix will cure. Mailed proinpty on ra- ooipt of price. Bond for free pamphlet. Address The Wooil Coiupuny, irindaor, Ont', Canada, Wood's Phosphcdii'f; iiihold in rhrchfcitou b Dougl^bs tS:Co. aud \V.ttl.ltich.ii-dqou, L>.v>i.Liifi.,t. u!uv\iMu ui riruvvwJMi n/lrinrwwnnn I Photos m 1 •J^R. y. X. I31bt>y,-PhyBician, Burgton ^•^ etc. FloBhorton, Ont Omce audRosideuce, Colliu)!wood street, one block east Presbyterian church. May be found there day and night. Coroner for County of Grey. War! War! 9 Oat of Every 10 SCOTT, AND SOFTLY Members CoUeeo Physio. & BnrgoonD Ontario Graduate in Medioiue of Toronto Jniverelty, Fellowship Diploma, Post (iradu â- ya Ileal School and HoHpital, Chicaeo iscasco of eye, ear, nose and throat spiciallv 'roated . H. BOI?TLY, JOHN A. BCOTT, Fevers horn. axwoll J P OTTP.WEI,!, Veterinary Surfieon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary CollcKe, .â- eBideiice - sacoiid door south Boston ^../i t "."â- "".',â- , ^''''' ""•oe' â- •""s south Hrosbyterlau Church. III. this terrible disease iu the Head pout of every lo X Are losing their Haii 9 oiit oi every lo X Has Dandruff WB OUAK ANTES TO CUltB BOTH Fleihsrton Tonsorial Parlors. \ J "^U^^ivian Furniture 5 We arj o'lrrying the newest styles <if scas.mrible g'lOiis in all lin»H of Ku-niuuro, ounsisting of: I'ulnr and bedro un suits, lounges, sl(K'l).iirda, extension niid centre liiUleii, chairh, window shades and oiirlain [lo'es, piuHiros, eaaols, etc., Which we oti'or at LOWSET PRICES rioliue Framing and Oeiier.il Ho p^iiring. Undertakin/ in all its liranchoa. Satisfaction guaraiiteod W. rl. Bunt, - - Prop. WILSON 'iradnato of the Ve'erinary Sciouco lation. liesidBnco, Durham Urcet, op- VfiHOt! loritd Doyd, Hicklings hardware. Legal J. W. FKOST, I, Tj. H. narilHtor, Solicitor Convoyancor. eto omcB-Next to postolllce, Kproulc'« block t.;ihurt.on, every Thumlo and court davR N I!â€" Owen Sound ollico, Frost " block Poulett street oa^t. r UCAS, â- WBIGHT * McAIiDLE t^ JtarriBtta-a Solicitors Conveyancers, eto DtTicoaâ€" Owon Sound. Out. and Mnrk'laloOnt. W n WiiiGHT, Mi AiniLR I 11 Lucas N 11 -Flualiurtou office, Mitchell's liauk every Saturday. If ACKAV&SAMPSON .ItnrrlBtera. follcltoiB. iVl OFFKJKS : -Owen Hcniirt, Merchant's Hank Itlock, N. of Pattioson Ilouae. Lundalk ain Street, every Sbturday. Monnv to lotn at 4) per cent. A. O. MaCKAV.M.A., n.B.8AMPH0N,L.L.D Always ill attendance at Fleslievton and Dundalk Division Courts. Dentistry DR. E C. ML'RRAV,L,D, B, rtpiital BHrRoon honor qraduate of Toronto University and {loyal Colle(;e of Dental Hamooua of Ontario. Oldceâ€" Opposito Artnstronft's Jewellery Store. 'Will visit Maxwell the laHt Wednesday of each month, aud Dundalk 1 aud U Thursday in each month. Tor over thirty years wo have treated nnd cured all formB of Blood (lIsenscB, both hereditary and acquired. Our New Method Treatment Is original with oursclven, and never falls to eradicate tho poison from the system. Deware of mercury and other mineral poisons, which bo many doctors prescribe for this terrible disease, as they will ruin the system. Other treatments drive the poison Into tho system, whereas our treat- ment destroys the virus or poison In tho blood nnd removes It from the system entirely, so tho symptoms can never return. If you have nny of the followlnu symptoms consult us before It la too late: Blotches, eruptions or pimples; falllnir out of tho hair, itchiness of tho skin. sUrfnesa or pains In the Joints, sorencso In tho muscles, soro throat, ulcers or bad taste In the mouth, soro tongue, sourness of tho stomach, enlarited glands, runnlnir sores, etc. Our New Method Treatment will purify the blood, heal up the sores, rsmove all pains; the hair will grow In aeain, all org-ins will bo restored to their normal condition, and tho patient prepared to renew the duties and pleasures of lifo. 'we guaranteo raarrlaeo possible with absolute sofetjr. OURB8 GUARANTEED OR NO PAY We treat nnd cure Tarisocsis, Herroiin SstiUlty, StrlottirB, Oleet, Blood VoUon. Vrlaaiy Snlas and boasss, Kldnay and Bladder Slasasas. j TITJ I TIIITl I Are you a rlcllm? Har* you lost hopaT Are you con- nLAIIlLKI templatlnff marrlareT Has your blood been diseased? IxaauaiX . Have you any weoKQesa? Our New Method Treatment will cure you. Oonsnltatlon naa. No matter who has treated you, write for an honest oplnl.m Froo of Charge. Charges reasonable. Books rras. â€" 'The Qolden Monitor" (lllustratod) on Diseases of men. "IMseascs of Women." "Varicocele, Strloturo and Gleet." All sent nUiB sealed. NO MEDICme SENT C. 0. D. NO NAMCS ON 6SXCS CT. ENVELOPIS. EVERYTHINa CONFIDENTIAL QUESTICH LIST «JIO COIT Of THBHTBINT. FR E E , FOR HOME CU Rt DRs.lOII£DY4ICm6AN 14a SHELBY 8T. DETROIT, MICH. Eugenia Diedâ€" On Saturday, Oct. 10, at the home of her dauehter,Mr8. D. Parliment of PiisUy, Mrs, Hoath, for many years a resident of Eui^enia. Deceased was aged eighty-eight years and four mouths. Her father fvU at the battle of Waterloo. She was born the m iiith of the great battle in county Tyrone, Ireland, and came with her mother and atep-fathar to Can tiln when fourteen years of age. She married, when very yonnij, Mr. Wni. Hoath of Adjala, bywhi.nisho had a family of of eitfht childrenâ€" six daughters and two sons One son is dead and one daughter, the late Mrs. Fenwick, with whom she resided tor many yeiirs up to tho time of Mrs. Fenwick 's death, whi;;h neces-sitated her removal to Pui.sloy. Her husband died while her family wa? all very youiii;, y t she bnively bore tho burden and did her beHt for them. She came to Eugenia s. me twenty years Ht;o. Deceased was a genial, kind disposition. She was res- pected and loved by every one. In re- ligion she Wi.s a Mtlhodi.st. Her many friends at Eugei.ia w.rH very sorry to hear of her death, but death for her was a hnppy release from p:iin and Kuflering. Her remains were taken to Adjala for in- tornieiiL besiilo her hu.sband. It can ti'uely be said of her, "l!le.s.sed are the dead which die in the Lord." After life's weary journey she rests in iioace. Mi.ss Louisa Gordon has gone to visit her ouiit, Misb Gordon of Shelburno. Mr. and Mi-s. Wni. Walker visited fi lends at Erin the past week. Mr.Tom Fenwick and Miss Parliament wont to Paisley to attend tho funeral of their grandmother, tho late Mrs. Uualh. Mrs. John Slewait, who has been on a vi.sit lo her muther, Mrs. GiUila.id, has returiiodto her home in Po<vas»au. Mrs. Joseph Pedlar, «ho has been very ill for a couple of weeks, we are pleased to hear is some belter. Miw Dora Pedlar of Rook vale has been vi-iting with her grandmother, Mrs. Jofeph Pedlar. Mrs. McKoe, sr., who went to the Soo .some ago, is now rcturnotl and is a wel- come visitor among her many friends ut Eugenia. Eugenia pooplo tenders their congrat- ulaiii.nsto Mr. D.'agle aud his bridt-. They also extend to her a very cordi.il welonine and may she lind life at Eugenia Very pleasant. Messis.Charliu Vai! and Walter Bi.nie of Mulmer were visitors at Jorry Thomp- son's the \>ntt week. BO YEARft EXPERIENCK %. K K .•> '^ K /^ K H -N K ' K -^ i\ Trade Marks DcsiGNa Copyrights Ac. Ai^rrnA aftnillng a sketch nnd (loncr'ntlrm ma/ nnlckir cflrortMtii our opmhiti frae wnsthnr n* l:i5on(( HI In pr«»t>(»btjr p«lentaMa. (\.ir.niiiiilt'n- lit>n»Mtrlctly i^^yitldt^uttikl. HnmitMH>lt on f'fttrnU Btfitt froA. tMi1«3l MuuiiCT fv>r M(>< nrriiit: piitcnti. Patonui tAk«n throiikh Munii A Co. rc«t.lr« tpid-il n"(lca, withoat cuarie, la tbo $^mtk Emvktx A hnnrtnomcly llloctrtitol w«*fl;!7. I irr«»i ^^ nftutioii ft anr )tr:ieiuit:a Jn.Html. lotma M « xfur; four niontiis, 9L SiJilbyall ti<«n •d*ftt«ra, ^y^N&Co "'»-*-'• New Tork IMueh ohos. Is T St. Wa<k<aaio& U. O -TAKEN -AT THE 'MZ'llMTEO A nun to ropre,SBiit 'C as a ox' a Okeat EST N7RaEniKH" in tho town of I Fiesberton I Photograph I Gallery | g are done in firsi-claaa styie and at [3 5 lowest rates. fepecial nitention |S â- S giver, to copyiiiB. liabie.s' photos. '^ a a spi cialty. Pictures framed. j^ I MRS BU'LHER | ixilhjUlruinJQQiIhjQinlnitJutnltiKhilArJ FLESHKi^TONiFor an Education and tho Burronu.iiny cnmitry, and takt- 1 oriler.s fir » Our Pardv S!?-2Cia1isfs 111 Fni;iT Thees, ^^.^i,\J,L FKirrs, Oramkntals, Shhu».s, Hoses, Vines, Seed I'oTATor.s, & «, Stock true lo name and f; ee from .'':in Jose Scale. A. pcrni.inent p,isitioii f.ir the right man ou (ith..r salary or co.n- missi.iii. Stone & Wellington PONTHILL NURSERIES over 800 acres Toronto . Ontario that !.â- < pr.icti'j;i!, useful iml u;i o-'.o dale at'oiid ilie l^/y^^SdM^m^ Owen Sound, Ortario. Thoroughbred Durham Bull for Ssrvice Cord Itlinto, 29068. I5est courses of study in Bii.sini-'KS 8u^lject^^, Shorth'ihd an Typewriti"«. Be>-t Mothods. The mo.st thoroiiglily 9'.|uipp.'d College iti the Domimoii. Studeuis may enter at any timr. Full particulars sent froo to .-.ny address. C.A.FLEMING - Principal The undersigned has a fins ace'l Durham 1 Dull for service ou lot HI, T. and 8. K. i Ternif â€" 51 for Krade cown, *3 for chorouRb- ! breda. Pedigree on application JACOB LBVEli Fleaherton r.O Stray Heifer Came to the premises of the undorKijmdd, September 7, a two-year-old red and white roau heifer with small tun-ed-ln bori*. The owudr i.i r.-qniiBtert to p'ovo property, pay «x- i>e.iB6s and take the eauie away. ' W. J. Meads, Lot 20 O. D. R., Ceylon P O. A car load of tho best American "PENNOLINE' Oil piBt to liand. We can con- fidently recommeud this oil to anyone who wants the BEST. 25c. pergalh.D. Sold at Boyd, Hickiing & Co., : Fiesherton D. McXAVISH For First Clas< Buggies, Carls, Pleasure and Lumber Wagons, cullers, Sleijjhs. We keep a stock on hand to choose from. ALSO HORSE SHOEING AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH INQ and L'uarantee hrat cla.ss work. Wo keep i>u hand Ploughs and Plough repairs, and also Masaey- Harris and NoXon repairs for binders. Mowers, nil kinds of mikohiiieiy, alao Binder Twine on hand. » Olbeti in town give us a call « â-º . . FOR FIR5T CLASS CARRIAGES AND PLOUGHS . . \ S â€" GO TO â€" Heard's Works, Fiesherton \ Wo have Cutters, Sleigbs.Buggies, Waggons and Carts \ Kleury, Dyment Butterfield and Wilkinson Ploughs > Shares and repairs of the best quality. Spr.ng tooth \ aud Iron harrows. Also first class handmade hanios.s. I^orse Shoeing and General Blacksmitbing* ' i