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Flesherton Advance, 15 Oct 1903, p. 7

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* » IMAN WiS HIS DOUBLE SENTENCED TO THREE DAYS FOB BIGAMY. Got a Light Sentence Because He Had Suffered Quite Enough. At tlio Old Bailey in London, Eng^ land, Uiorp was revuali.d one of tlic most amazing .stories of a double life that has ever been told in or out of the pages of a novelâ€" a story BO amazing, indeed, that had a nov- flist dared to make it his theme it Would have been decried as incred- ible' and impossible. The story is that of a man in Jiiimble life, a carpenter, who lived Jor twenty-seven years in perfect umity with his wife and children, and who yet barely live minutes' walk »way had lived in equally unclouded hapi>iness for the latter five years of that period with another woman, who believed him to bo her husliand. In 1897 a man who described him- self as "Walter Harvey" was married At at the Wandsworth Registry Of- fice to Mary Dentry, a good-looking Ifirl. .some twelve years his junior. Harvey desired the marriage to bo ke|it secret. He wa.9 a widower, he «aid. with a grown-up son and daughter, and if it were known that he nmrried a second time they would lose certain valuable property which had been conditionally left to them. With some reluctance the youn-g wife consented to this concealment. Kho was also persuaded to agree to her husband taking up his jiermanent residence with his son and daughter, and only visiting her at the rooms lio hud taken in Hollo strci-t, Battcr- Boa, at brief intervals in the day time. SHADOW OF DISCOVERY. Three children were born of this strange union, and Harvey proved an alTwlionato father and a kind and gentle husband, taking the mother and children about, walking with theui in Bettersea Park, and wheel- ing their bab.v boy in a mail-cart. For live years, though the perpet- ual shadow of discovery must have hung lilce a black cloud over his life, tlioiv was almost perfect happiness in tlie little home in Hollo street. Then came a terrible development. Harvey was charged on Ids own con- fession with bigamy. As William Theophilus Harvey he had been mar- ried as far back as 175. The two women never met, the double life was su.spected by neither, and not a shadow of suspicion of this extraordinary deception had ever lighted upon either household. Mary Dentry, as "Mrs. Harvey," had oven visited the house in which the real wife and her son and daughter lived, but Harvey had tak- en care that they should be out of the way. Once while walking near the park Harvey and Mary Dentry almost came face to face with the man's son and his sweetheart. Harvey observ- c-d calmly that he did not want to speak to them just then, and turning down a side street an encounter was avoided. TH'IO DYING CHILD. Ne'er but ouce, except when he ftiet with an accident and had to go to a hospital, did he spend a night away from his real wife. He went to Hollo street to tea, and left at half-past ten. This custom was only broken when their little girl Was dying. Mary Dentry insisted on his .staying by the little one's bed- side. He had always given as a reason for leaving early, says the London Kvening News, that he must give the children a good example, and in this she cheerfully acquiesced. On this occasion, however, with the sha- dow of death in the house, Mary |)rot(-sted. His dnty was by his lit- tle child, she said. Harvey went outside to sauoke a pipe and think it over. He decided to stop. The child died at midnight. »nd llarvc.v remained with the sor- rowing mother until half-past two. Then he went to his own wife, but at ten o'clock in the morning he tras back at Hollo street again. Ho wore mourning for the little one. but even this circumstance aroused no .'Jiispicion in -his family. Another time Alarv met him walk- ing- with his real wife. She spoke to him and he sniilingl.v declared she Was mistaken as to his identity. When he visited her nn<l she spoke of the meeting, he created a "double" of himself, for whom, he said, he wa.s frcpicntly ndslaken. ALMOST HKVIOALKI). Harvey, whose wages only averag- ed a little over i;i! a week, rarely allowid Mary Dentry more than I2s., and ssnuetiuies not even that. Once he met with an accident, and for K>me weeks she had nothing at all. She got behind with the rent, and told him one night that she had been on the point of appl.ving to the Charit.v Organization Society for a.-*- Biatance. For the lirst time in their union ho was angrv and uneas.v. Dis- tovery at that time was perilousl.v near. Tleve was another occasion when (iwovery must have been very Kn accident coni])olled Harvey to go Into a hospital. Mat.v Dentrv want- Kl to visit him there, hut he told )iei" visitor.s wei-e not allowed. She hi-ard however that u woman â€" doubt- loss his real wifeâ€" had been to sec kiui there, and was angrv. This strange drama of duplicity SDNLK^iT Soap R.COUCE9 SZPENSS (5,000 Reward re,le.Vr^o^he'rJ i.imited, Toronto, to any person who tan prove that this soap contains Iny form of adulteration whatsoever, tr contains any injurious chemicals. Aik far tko Oetacoa Bar. â- II t-f came to an end last July. He had stayed away from Mary for .^.-veral weeks, ard she wrote imploring him to come to her. One of her letters, which was signed, "Your loving wife," fell into his real wife's hands. Then Harvey confessed, and was glad, he said, that his duplicity had been discovered. "This has been a great weight on m.v mind," he added. "It has nearly driven me mad." He went straightway to the police station and gave himself up. "M.y conscience is ill at ease," he told the police inspector. He was given the opportunit.v of bail, but decJined to accept it. He pre- ferred to remain in prison. At the Old Baile.v the Recorder said Harvey had repentetl of the wrong he had done, and as he had already been in jail since .lul.v 2.3, he would only si-n fence him to three da.vs" im- prisonment. As a result Harve.v was discharged at the rising of the court. CHINA WATER PIPES. Advantages They Possess Over Stone and Iron. A china factory in Saxony is mak- ing water pipes for water works which, on account of the various ad- vantages they have over iron and stone lupcs, seem to be a promising article, although they are more ex- pensive than the latter. These pipes are ivcry thin and glazed, and are imbedded in iron pipes, the space be- tween the two substances being tilled up with cement. China being the lest resisting pipe material that we know of, every guaranty is given for an unlimited life of the liipes; more- over, the absorbing of iron in the water, which is verv frequent when iron pipes are used, is made alto- g'tler impossible. Furthermore, the iron pipes. by ha\ing iiarticles of iron absorbed by the water, will corrode in the course of time, forming hydrated oxides of iron, which will stop up the tubes and (inish b.v eating holes in the pipes. So far this drawback to iron water pipes has not been very fre- quontl.v noticed, but it is very like- ly that we will hear more frequent complaints about them when time draws on and the pipes now in become oldei-. China pipes, with the average diameter of ordinary water pipes, will cost about 3,000 marks (S714) per mile: if produced in large quantities their price could probabl.v be leduccd a good deal. STRUCK THE ROOT ' OF HIS TROUBLE JAMES ATWELL CURED HIS KIDNEYS BY USING DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. And His Lumbago and Urinary- Troubles 'Vanished once and for allâ€" He Tells His Story. Campbcllford, Ont., Oct. li!.-- (Special).â€" That Urinary Troubles and Lumbago are the result of dis- ordered Kidneys has been pro\ed by James Atwell of this place. Ho had Lumbago and pains in the blaftder. and in passing his urine would hurt him so as to almost cause tears to come to his e.Ves. He cured his ICfilnei's by using l>odds Kidne.v I'ills and his pains of all kinds vanished. Sjeaking of his case, Mr. Atwell says: "1 think Dodd's Kidney Tills made a permanent cure in my case, but I will never be without them in the I had Lumbago and Bladder Trouble for years. I tried other medicines and a bandage prescribed bv the doctor, hut 1 could get no le- Uef till 1 used Dodtl's Kidney I'ills and they cured me." If the is of the Kidne.vs or from the Kidneys, Dodd's Kidney Fills will cvn-e it. INQUIRED THE PRIGE. He ; "Then everything is fixed, and we can be married in October, can't wo ?" She : "There is only one thing I have not spoken of, aird manuna in- sisted that I must." "Certainly, my angel. Wliat is it? Bid nie go through anj' trial for your dear sake, and I'll do it. for the 'Golden Fleece,' and if such a thing is in existence I'll get it â€" aye, evoji though 1 nrust swim the .seas, clind) the loftiest puaka, or .search in the hrniing craters of raiiglity volcan- oes! â€" I'll do it." "If it isn't nuich, my dear, mam- ma said I nxust asic jou how much you intend to allow me a week for pin-money." "Um â€" er â€" how much are jjiiis a packet now ?" "What '^voman is not a tea epicure ? The most satisfying, delicious tasting xiex^e soothing tea in all the Mrorld is ue Cet/Jon Women -who delight in the best of every- thing vb^ill not permit any other tea on: their tables. '^'^v^ Block, Mixed. Ceylon Green. Ask for Red LaboL' FORTY CENTSâ€" SHOULD B£ FIFTY , ^ How's This! We otter One Hundrod Dollars R«war4 for 'any cane o( Catarrh that cannot IM surcd by Hall's t;atarrti i;ure F.*J. CHfciNKY & Co.. Tolaao. O. Wa. the uiirieraigned. hav» l£nowa F. J. Ch«nay (or the last IS years, and balievo hini perfectly honorable in all buBinesa transactions and Unancially able to carry out any obligations mada by tbeir arm. WE.-si & TKIIA-'C. Wholesale Uruggtata, Toledo, O. WALDINO. KINNAN & MAKVIN, Wholesale Druggists, 'I'elado. U. Hall'a Catarrh Cure la takan Intar- Dally, acting directly upon tha blood aad raucous aurfacea of the ayatem. Testimonials sent free. Frjce 73c. bottle. Mold by all druggiats. Mall'a Family filla are Uia bast. "Uain water," said the teacher, "is alwa.vs soft, is it not?" "Not al- wa.vs." replied the briglit scholar; "sometimes it's soft, but very often it comes down hard." Lever's Y-Z (Wise Head) Dislnfect- int Soap Powder ij a boon to any homo. It disinfects and clears at the same time. CANE'S TUBS, PAiLS, WASH80ARDS and CLOTHESPINS make easier the labor of wash-day. The name "Cane, Newmarket" is branded on this reliable woodenware â€"absolutely the best woodenware money can buy. 'Vour dealer sells theux. Young Bride (looking over the new house! â€" "Why, Herbert, do you call this little pigeonhole a shoe cup- board'.'" Young Husband â€" "My love, that will hold a hundred pairs of shoes of the size you wear." Young IJridc â€" "Well, perhaps you are right. Its neat and cosy, an.vway." credit to merit success if he doesn't obtain it. IVIinarii's Linimgni Cuies Oisiempef. Husband â€" "5I.v dear, I thought we were going to practise econom.y for a time?" Wifeâ€" "So we are, dear. I have just countermanded the order you gave your tailor for a suit, and bought a bonnet that cost only half the amount." POULTRY, EGGS, BUTTER, HONEY. Wa buy f .o.b. or sell oo comtniaaion. We so- licit j-'iur conril«nnient) and correspondency RTJTHEKFORD.MAESHALX & CO TORONTO. 42â€"45 IN ALL COUNTRIES. PATENTS RJDOUT&I?!: MAYBEE ' 103 Bay St.TORONTO AL NTION TO PATtNT LITIQATION. Sand tor Hai)ilbaoli on patawy^ *«. Wo are paying very high prices for clean, dry Hoot. .Ship at once. Prices will decline. 3S-50 39. ^ 3B,A.SrX7S3a30 ate CO., 77 King St , East, Tcronto, Fur Manufacturcra. Send for Catalog WALKIWa OR OUTINQ SUITS L'Mi b« dou« porf9c:!y by our Frouch Proceaa. Trj it BBITISH At4EHI0AN PYEIHO CO . MONTBEAJ., TOEONTO. OTT.VWA H QUEBEO 1â€"44 CLEANING LADIES' . . . LIFE-SAVING COSTUIIE. il. Probst has invented a life-sav- ing costume in whiclv he has remain- ed fifteen days at .sea. The dress is so buoyant that nearly half of th<? body remains above water. The cos- tumo consists of a kind of diving suit, nuxde of indiarubber. Dominion Line Steamships Montraul to Liverpool â- oston to Livorpool »tef of pMswe »nd all p»rMcu.»r5, apply lo »ny '<*'|* >f the Company, or to p»9»enc«r »Beiit. »al DOMINION L12<E OFFICES: T WataSt., Baatoa. IT iit. Sa..'rament St.. Uuatiul Dear Sirs,â€" This is to certify that; I have been trouided with a lamo back for fifteen years. 1 have used three bottles of your, MIN'AUD'S LINIMENT and am completely cured. It gives me great pleasure to re- commend it and you are at liberty to use this in any way to further tho use of vour valuable medicine. Two Rivci-s. ROBERT ROSS. Hu.sband (impatiently) : "Where's .vour mistress '? She said she'd be ready in a niitnito. and I've viniled holt an hour." Maid : "She'll be down in a second, sir. She's diaJig- ing her comjilexion to match her new gown." .Vunt : "Wluxt ! sitting up writing at this hour ?" Niece : "Xca, aunt- ie: it's onl.v a little note to llajr.\ ." "Why. H'arry only loft five minutes ago." "Vos, hut tliore ts something I forgot to afik him, and it's very important.. " "Wliat is it ?'" "I aflkcd him if he loved me. and he said 'Yes/ but I forgot lo ask him if he would love mo always." Mioaiii's Liniment Cures CbIiIs, etc. IT.VVlSt: A 1IAU1> TIME. "Here I've been running for yeare" said the hall clock, "and I haven't nvoved an inch. I woiddn't mind that so nuich, but every evening about S.30 the young lady of the fauiil.v turns me bade because s(he M.vs I'm too fast,^ and then in the morning the old luon conies along and grumbles becauix^ I'm too slow." "I'rofcssor, don't you think many of the so-cailiHl inanimate things can feel J>aiii '.'" "There is nothing more certain in the world. "Have .vou never observed how a piano wails and groans when the average per- former strikes it ?" "Oh. Mr. Jones ! which of the .song-birds are you most fond of '? " "I jirefer the hen. Miss Oorothy." "But the hen isn't a siri.ging-burd." "Well, it's the only bird lay I care lor." Lord All^.'rton, formerly the Right lion. W. L. Jackson, uught have modelled his career to a largv extent upon that of "John Hatifa.x. CJentle- muit." His father, who was a man of unblemished integrit.v, ijust bo- fore his death had to compoUml with the cseditoi-s of his little tannerv business. Yoinig William Jackson had to rise before the lark to nc- fpiire such school lore as came his way in those da.vs. and then at six o'clock in the morning go ofT to the works to han.lle noisome hides and fats all day. At s-evet\teen his fa- ther's death left hiiu to run the business alone. B.v e.xemplarv enol'-g.v and not a little genius he had in a f( w .vears paid twent.v-one shillings to the pound to all his father's credi- tors, and converted the business into a flourishing and valuabi); concern. Since those days he has ventured in- to greater Ciiterprisos. and as chair- man of the IJreat Northern Railwa.v is decidedl.v not one of the directors who are merely ortianu-ntal. Miss Kllen Jacqua. an actress of Bro'jklvn. wears on the stage a co."*- tume made entiiely of glass. It took (i\e months,. to si)in the won- derful fine threads, which pro- i^ucc Ihe most startling light-i-ITects. If 'the stag* is ftnl.v half-lighted the drc's emits a glitter similar to that of nuKiulight upou % polished idlv«r mm Mm\ cufes cofoei in mi "Are you biind by nature'.'"<.J the charitably inclined citizen. "No, sir," candidly replied tho beggar; •'I'm blind by profession." Poultry, Sutter, Eggs, Honey, Por Over 3ixty Ytars { tSVL". WINSI.OW'S SOOTUINO SYKUP flM bOSD U«Wl bj j iiilUonsof moUmr* for their cliiliircn while twthina. ' ii.Mothes the chilli. ?ofteni Ihe gums, alt^yApaiu, curet j t iud cuiic. roguiaieii tha iroinach anil liowels, and ii tha ! »ett remedy for I>iarrho»ft. Twenty-flTo cents a botU« j *oM Ij 'InjggistJ throiiehout Uio world. Bo aura and ; tsklor'Miw, WiNSLow sriortTHihO Svunp." 23-7^ j ALL KINDS 09 FRUITS And Farm Pro- duce generally, consign it to us aa.l we will f^eC you good prices. THE Jackson â€" "Heaven bless him! Ho show(Hl conlidence in me when tho | clouds were dark and threatening." j Wilson â€" "In what way,'" Jackson â€" "He lent uie an umbrella." « . Minafd's Liniment Cuies i^Iplittisfia, PEARLS FOR WARami. A certain wealthy but vulgar wo- man, who aims at .social leadership, is noted for her love of displa.v and her penchant for wearing about as many jewels as she can currv. Ono night recentl.v she gave a din- ' ner.. She was in high feather, and ; wore a diamond tiara and .several | strings of pearls rouiul her neck. Huring the evening she complained I of feeling a little chill.v. and told one of the .servants to call her maid. When tho maid appeared she is said to havo shivered a tritle, and exclaimed: "Su.sette. I am so cold: please get mo another string of i pearls," Dawson Gomm'hssion Co., 9-15 TOROJSrTO, 'I'Jl'lI"^ (VTNTOM AUTOMOBILE TOURINO ' Cat' 'IC'W springs all round, machin- ery 'not worn in tho slightest, tires new this spring, spring cushions, duplicate parts. For sale at. great aacrifice. Cost $'2,500. Boi 7^ Trtitb Offica. Toronto. FOR"SALErCHEAP FOB CASH. 1 Buffalo pressure blower. No. 4r- 9 in. outlet. 2 Globe valves â€" 4 in. flanged. 1 Globe valveâ€" 6 in. flanged. 1 F.arl steam blowerâ€" 10 in- inlet, â- 1 Ten branch cast iron headers (or 1 in. pipe. 2 Iron pulleysâ€" 30x12. s, 2 Iron pulleys- 32x12. :â-  - 1 iron pulleyâ€" 22x0. 2 Iron pulleysâ€" 18x6. Also an assortment of iron cono pulle.vs. S. FEANK WILSON. 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto, Tha oU. InTarlable Tl.-ts» el StJacobsOil irakas 11 tba kinc ctirq fot Sprains and Bruisea I>rlcc. 2^. and SOe« BOOK NOTICE. â€"Sy If. II. Shan: THE STORY eUSINESS SCHOOL A terse description of Cannda's lend- ing business coMege, a school which ia!;isier» 1000 students a year, employs IJ regular teachers, and 100 typo- wrlters. Tha school also has a thor- ough system of instrnclion by mall. Cciniilete courses arc aiven in Book- kcepuig. Shorthand, Typewriting, Telef;r»phT and Illustr.itioii . Tho book i.s descriptive ot all, aiid to enquirers Is glren fREE. Central Business College JOFTCRCNTO. UMITM^ W. H. Sl'AW, Pro»iclint SOâ€" 3»

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