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Flesherton Advance, 10 Sep 1903, p. 8

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gEPf. lO tm THE E L £ S H E R T N A D V A is ( is Ocrt'tVOti Olant a Tly neHor Vour l^orse ? IVc have just received in stock a line selection of them, also Axle Groas© end Valices Give us a call and sec the wonderful display we have for you to pick from. REPAIRING DONE FROMPlLY larM. i^ooRK FLBSHBHtON Business Cards M'CULLOUaH 4 YOUNG Hanker Uarkdale Oo a goueral banking buslnosa . Mouey loanen a roasooablt) rate Call ou uu. Rj arr.ovhti i'aatmaster, I'leabertOD \jOiiiuilH8louur in H.O.J., Auotlonoor royuiicur, Appraiser and ftioney Con- Ijcndor Hual Kseato ' and Insuranoe Ago'nt. Deiide tnortnajjOB, leaseB aud wllln carefully drawn u|i and valuations madu ou Pborteut untico. luoutiy to loau at icnrest rates of intorost. Col eociona attended to with promptnusa cliargoH low. Agent for Ocean Dominion StaauiHliip Company. A call solioited. Societies A O V ^V meets ou tlie last Monday in eacn month, in their loiifTO room, Cliristoe'8 block. FleHherttfn, at 8 p.m. M.W., Hobert DoBt ; Ilecorder, 'Jail. Felstead i Fiiiau- cior, Wm, iialiatajrt Visiting brethren luvited. R. KINNEAR & SONS MAXWELL y\/e do not purpose Giving you any olftbonitc or long winded reason as to why wii can and will t>iva >ou the very bent value for your fnoney.Suftice it to say, we bavethu ris;lit goods at the right prices. Come and See Our Stock of Flannek'tts, Dross Prints linil Muslins. Cotton, Cottouade.s and Blue Derry. Now For Jem Jars We have fhera at flrholesl« prices Coiiie nod secure a dozen while they last. For the Men W'e have liakeB, Forks, Spades, Shovels, Hoes and Handles of all kinds and the one twine, "PLYMOUTH" Any porson wishing; to get a MOMUMBNT can leave thoir order here and we will forward it to the manuf^icturer, â- Walker Bros, of CoUingwwid, tliereforo saving an agent's Coniiuissioii. PRINCE ABTHTB LODGE, No. :i33, A. A M, meets in tbe Masonlu ball. Strain's block, FleBU\.rton, every Friday on or before the full moon. F H W Hickling W M. Obas. Munsliaw, SCLretary. Far Away ^Vhere ia now the inorry party, I remenihor long ago. Laughing round the Chrismai fireside, Uiigtitcned l>y its ruddy ulow ; Or in summer's balmy f-venings, In Iho field u(jnn the hay 7 They have all dlAperseU, and wandered far awny. Some liavo gone to lands far di-t mt, And witli strangers made their home, Some upon the world of wateis, All their lives are forced to roam ; Soma are gone from u.=i forever, Loiigor Iiero they inijlit not ,'?t.ay, â€" They have reached a fairer region far awny. There are still some few ren:aining, Who remind us of the past, But they change as all tliin;;s change hero, Nothing in this world can hut ; Years roll on and pass forever, What h coming, who can say ; Ere this closes many may he fir away. PAINT TRUTH IN A NUT BHBLI. When you paint your building there are two kinds of paint to select from : ist â€" Good prepared paint ready for use. 2nd â€" Lead and oil mixed by hand. You should always choose the good prepared paint. It costs kss, wears longer, and looks better. We can tell you why this is particularly true of Sherwin- Williams Paint > */^l ( "ome in and let us give you more than a nutshell of truth ili':^?^' COUltT FLESnBHTON, I. 0, P. Chrifftc«'5 Block the last Friday meets in (jveninj Visitine Foresters hoartilv velcome. O.K., C. W, llellamy easb month _ . _ . , R. O., W BuBkin: Pln.8ec„Dr B. Murray, (Pay dues to Dr. Murray on or before last day of each montb.) Medical DR CABTRR M C P J. ,^ „,=,„...^ o„,B„„.., OfMce and roslaence â€" Feter «£., F'feshortou M C F it 8 Ont, Physician, Surgeon, etc Y>K. i.f. T. Blbtiy.-PliyBioian, Surgton â- *•" etc. Flesherton, Ont onicB andRosldence, Collingwood street, one block eaiit Presbyterian cburch. May be found there day and night. Coroner for County of Grey, The fall is a splendid i^-ri*S?> time to paiat. r<i^^A^^-^^A^ M .50UIJ&Y War! War! 9 Out of Every 10 Ha.j this terrible disease iu the Head 9 out of every lo X Are losiDg their Hair 9 out of every lo X Has Dandruff SCOTT, AND SOFTLY Members College Pbyiilc. ft Smgeonn Ontario Qraduate In Medlciao of Torotrto Uuivoraity, F8ll<rw»lrip Diploma .Post (Iradu- tf.i olioal Sohonl aud HoBiiital, Cliicnuo, diseases of eye, ear, nose and throat sueclallv treated. H. SOFTLY, JOHN A, BCOTT, Ferersbam. axwell T P OTTEWELL •' Veterinary Surgeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary ColloRe, roBidaiice â€" sscoud door soutli west ou Mary street. This street runs south Prosbyteriau Cbaroh, .WIS aiTABANTeBTO CURB BOTH Flesherton Tonsorial Parlors. Tarnvy^ortti L^oar for Service. Alvin ( No. 738 ) The undersigned has a thoroauhbred Taniworth. Boar bred by .John Bell, of Amber, Ont., for service rm hit, 170 on, 2 E. T. & 8, R. Tirms 81.00. Sep.lyr. Richard Alien, Flesherio.i Thoroughbred Durham Bull for Service Cdrd Itlinto, 29068. H WILSON 'iradnato of the Veterinary Sciouco Association. Uenlilence, Durham itrert, op- posite Uoyd, Hicklibg's hardware. Legal Tlin underslitne-t has a Huh nited Durham Dull f'lr ««r»loi. ou lot Ml, T. mid H. H. Turnipâ€" *t fi>r xrnile i:i>ws. *:) foi tlioroni'li- bi'tidb. PodiKi-in' on appllrtiiiou ' \ 'DH I.i'V " ii"io,"" 1' o .1. W. FROST, L L. U, Rarristor, Solicitor Cou»oyancor, etc oflloe â€" Next to postofBce, Bpiouie's block Fl.ihortou, every Thars<1s and court days N Bâ€" Owen Bound otBoe, Frost' block Poulett street east. LUCAS. WRIGHT ft MeARDLE Barristers Solicitors Conveyancers, etc OlDoes â€" Owen Sound, Ont andMsrkdalnOut. W H Wbioht, McAbdlr 1 I< Lccab N Bâ€" Flesherton office. Mitchell's «ani avery Saturday, Robt, Sloune, who was the guest of S, F, M, O'Flynn nt Brewster's Lakt- last week, caught a speckled trout iiiua?- uriiig 2" inches iu length and 11 inchts around the body. The woiaht was 4a lbs, Mr. Sloanes reputation for frutli- fulnesK would no d.mbt have suffered but that the fish wa?i seen by quite a number of people. â€" Siielhuroe Free Press, We regret to learn of the misfortune of Mrs. Thomas Eluttoii, who was Imtcii a a few days ajjo by a vicious sow in her own bainyurd. It seems that a lirtlt jiit; got entangled seme way and Mia, H. endeavored to release it \Vlien the viciou.s so'v came and att.ieked her, biting her badly in several places. aciount. was that erysipelas had set in and the poor sniroreng woma-i was in a serious condi- tion, â€" Chronicle, Mr. John Entwistle of WcstGsnifiaxa, has shot and killeil from April of this year till the first day of July, 145 ground hogs, 33 crowB, 4 foxes and 6 skunks, John is a crack i-hot and when wo hoar the crack of his rifle we ferl Hure that a death has taken place. This is the greatest record goronu S'aioii's shootim^ we ever hi-ard of If there are any sportsiu this country who can put up a better showing than this we shall he very much pleased to hear from them. â€" Feigus Canadian. A Bad affair happened at Collingwood Monday morning. David Campbell of the tenth line, No'.tawaaaga, had diiven his son to town to catch the morning train, he being ou his way to Chicago, Mr, Campbell then started to drive home. When njarinff Nottawa, a friend ho had in the buggy with him noticed hiiu tail forward without any warning. He drove us quickly as possible, but on reaching Nottawa it was found that Mr. Campbell was dead. The son, whom hehsdleftat the station, was stupped by telegraph at Allandale, and came buck to attend his father's funeial. ickiii & Co.i lesherton ^m^' D, lyEcTAVISH 1 amioii MR!i8[ sy For First Clasa Buggies, Carts, Pleasure and Lumber \Aagoii8, cutters, Sleighs. VVe koep a stock on hand to choose from. ALSO HORSE SHOEING AND GENERAL BLACKSMITHINQ ^ and tfu^ranteo first class work. We keep ou hand Ploughs and Plough repairs, and also Massey- Harris and Noxon repairs for binders, Mowers, ill kinds -jf madiiiieiy, also Binder Twine on hand. t» mben in town give us a call «v Barristers^ snlicltors, ' srchaut's Lnndalk MACKAV«SAMP9«r<l OFFICKS :â€" Owen Hciinrt, Merchant's Mauk Miock, N. of Pattxrson House, ain Street, every Htturday, Moiii.y to loan at 4i pir cent. A. n, MACKAY.M.A., H,K SAMPSON, L.Ii.D Always Iu attendance at Flesherton and Dundalk UiTisioii Courts. Dentistry DR, e C, MURRA'V, L, Tt. S, dentai surgeon honor i<rAduatu of Toronto l'n(Tttr«lty and IKoval Cnlloiie of Dental S'.iriii'nns of <iiitarlo. Olllce â€" Opposite ArmiitmiiRV Jewollprv Store. 1 Will visit Mftxwidl tiirt last WiKliuiBday iHlk 1 and a TliurBilay 9x - K K & K A K K cv K K & K K 'S K K&. The majority of uteri have varicocele In the first, second or third stsfc. I c.irty siaifcs it may c.iuse many symptoms which the patient may nut rei _ nize Bttarlsiaff from this disease. In f-ict, wo bava have louad on •xamination. TarlccciUs, present iu hsndrt^iUof cases where tha patient did not know I Itatall. Ill tinioit will prii>tucasachsym:iti>ms sa tha following: Nerrousncss, we;ikDC>s in tha h.irk, uuBii.idy tlmiis, tired niid sxhanatsd fselTaf, pains In the loins. Irritation of tlio bladder and kiilncvs, sediment and lots in urine, emiasioaa at oiKlit with lewd dreams, sexual wcal<nesf and decline of manly powsf-these STmulnm* fradually drTitlnp Into NI'.MVUDS DKBILITT tad IMPOTeNCT. onrMEW hBxm.n trk.atmf;nt will posititbltcdkb tou and IT IS GUARANTEBD Ti) CUKK YOU WITHOUT OPKIATIOIT. Tlirouffh Iu vltaliilnir laflueuce the wormy vi-ins reinrn to their normal caliber, l)is cir- culAlioa of Siood improves so the uriraus are properly noarltksd, and are restored to strearth and vlu'or; tlia nervos l»xome elronr, amltllloa and energy replace lassllade sad despondtncy, all drains cease, the eyes become brlifht, the braia active uid yoa <eel as m man oagbt tofssl in pertect aesMtand auatal coadition. Mfa Ouaranfee lo Cure or Ho Paym AlleaM* we accept for treatment are taken andar a poaltlea roarantse that theyarecnrablaor no pay. We refer yon to aeveral banks as to onr Anandal respoaalblllly, so yo". may koow we are good (or any conUacta wa osake. ny,^ijj^^ ArcyonaTlctIm? Bsts yon loet fespe? AieTon contemplallaf nOINfW Bi.nrTiaire? Has yonr P.lDod t>e«a diseaaadf Rave yon mit weak- ness? OurKewMelliiMl Treatment will rureyoo. What llhaadone tor ethers It wlUde for yoeu CONSULTATION rREK. Ko matter who baa treated von, write for aa honest eplninn Free of Cliarre. Charfea fcasoaabla. BOOKS rKERâ€" "The Golden Moniior" (lUaslraled), on DIssases e( Mea. Everythlar cnaadcBtUl. Queatioa list and coat •( TNatntant, VSBB. ioc â- â€¢ae Trsataeat. Dr&KENNEDY&KERGAH \ ^ K \ K K <> KV K Reports coming in from Manitoba dis- tricts where thrashing is general are to the effect that the work is being cleaned ':p rapidly. The straw is light and can be handled easily, the pioduot of one hnndred acres in soma cases being put through in a day. A report coinoa from Emerson tliat one inaohiue working in that locality thraahtd 2,800 bushels in a day, and a thrasher in the Carman dis- trict reports 3,0(X) as a day's roco:d for his machine. The yioldis heavier than cstim- aitd. A gentleman writing to a business friend in 'Toronto says that alrhimgh the wheat crops in the Indian Head district in ll>*l-2 were considered "bumpers," the yield this teasou will be fully ten per eoiii. heavier. The distressing fircunistanoes surround- ing the death of the late Martin Moore in Becton ou the 8ih August will be investi- gated by order of the Attorney General on Friday next. During the hitter part of July Mr. Moore was mnvetl from (he county jiiil to tlio Bei^ton House of P.o- fuge where it was oxpixtcd he would bo accoideU tnatineiit befitlim; his frail con- (iition. While suffering from an impair- ed mind he wandered a*'ay on the 2nd of .Vuenst and remained in a fence corner fi.r two days and twouinbts before heinir found by a resident of the neighborhood and returned to the HoU'C. The effects of the ex[iosure lo the rainy days and cold nights produced pueuiuoiiia which the old (;ttilleiiian was unable to shako off. .Some years RBo Mr. Moore was one of Itarrie's ))rospurous citizens hut during the latter p^rt of his life encauu'erud a series of mi-.foriuufS. He was buried at Beeton. The advocivtcs of tempranco can find an iiistaucu if t!>i' horrible ett'uct of diiiik by visitii g the Parry .Sound jail. There lies an old iiaii who is under sentence of six nii-ntliH' iiiipristmiucnt in the Central Prison for vagraney. This man is named Bron n and for twelve years ho was private secretary to t''e late Sir John A. Mao- donald. Ho is a onll.go graduate and was well horn, a firat-ebas bookkeeper and mathematician, but diiiik has been his ruin. He fell from one estate to another, always lowor.souie years ago a gnntleman iu Collingwood picked him up nnd triini to jiut him on his feet. He signed the pledge and was mndu much uf by the \V. C. T. v., and actually kept sober three years, made monoy and was res- pected, but again he fell and now he i* condemned to six nionth*' impriaon- ment. Tl«s])jrtdn Furniture lUareroomSe Wu are carrying the newest styles of seasonable goods in all lines of Fui-nitlure, consisting of: Parlor and bedroom suits, lounges, sideboards, extension and centre tables, chairs, window shades and curtain poles, pictures, easels, etc.. Which wo offer at LOWSET PRICES Picture Framing and General Re- l>airing, Undertakinif io all its bittnches. Satisfaction guaranteed. W M. Bunt, - - Prop. «/%%%^%%«/«^»^^^. '%^^lk« -v^ mm BROS FOR Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Flporins:. We have placed in position a new planer and matcher and are prepwed to furnish building material in all the above lines. Get our quotations when yoti want anything. Hickling Bros. 8th con., Artemesia â€" Maxwell P. Ol July, '02 y^ . . FOR FIRST CLASS CARRIAGES AND PLOUGHS . . - â€" GO TO â€" Heard's Works, Flesherton We have Cutters, Sleighs,Buggics, Waggons ami Carts Kleuiy, Dynient Butterfield and Wilkinson plough Shares and repairs of the best quah'ty. Spring tooth and Iron harmws. Alsofiret class haudnmtle harness. Iiorse Sbocind and ecneral Blacfcsmitbing, Eugenia Mills TIlOUOIKinilKED SHOHTHOBN Planing buu foi? sex^vioe Get' your Sash, Doors Flooring, Sheeting, New- ell Posts, Ballusters, Cor- ner lilocks.lland Kjiiling, t he best of Spruce Lath, No 1 and No. 2 Shingles, Veranda and Fittlng,Sid- inga, etc. Turning of all kinds done to order. New run of atones for chop- ping. Satisfaction in all our lines guaranteed. Walker Sloan PROPRIETOR For sai-vico on lot rio, T. & S. R.. ArtoBMslb tbothoroufibbrod Duvbaiu bull ♦•GENERAL GORDON" Kcan oalvcd April 6th, 1900, brod Ijy Arthur Jolinxton, Vandelonr, O'lt, Ont l>y Kuisbt of (iiey, 94Vtil,Uain.liUS»ie S>»th,S7'37ft,by Sir Walter. 1SM7â€" Liir.tio S»:th--l(tC2S, by Vmiturer, (imp.) C41">, Ladv Violet I.iistiu (imp.)â€" eisi, by Hoya) Hope (ifttiOJ). liUHtve lOlli liv Montrose ISWI'l) â€" c>xfonI l.uatro, by 13th Duke of oxford, (!»77<t)-» Lustre .'.tb.tjy Prl.ico Arthur ilWinâ€"Lustrettrd. Uv ^!a«lnllu Uonum (i;«H7) -I-UFti-e 1st, by hlooniBbury (iK»?illâ€" T.UBtrc, bv 2ik1 Duke ol Northuuibeilaud (:i(VM'.)â€" I'lue Kcll. bv Kocbelor (laCC)--by SuUnu (Il-Sj), bv N irth Star (4.18). Termsâ€" *1 for grades, f I for thoroughbreds. lAuR. WM. DAVIS. Pmiprleter Farm for Sale Lot 2ft, con 7, Kupbraeia, one hundred acres, 80 otoarod, two frame bavua, tbiul, shsep pen, hoa pen, two frame h'->iHo«, gooti orchaid,neTsr- failingspriitf;, (Convenient to church and school* About eight miles from Muafuid. Oood !â- Â»â€¢ proved larui, ami asaap for the riithtman, Ap- piv on preinitee or to JoUN ANOERSoX blaat)-ieP.O,

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