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Flesherton Advance, 6 Aug 1903, p. 3

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Results from common soaps: eczema, coarse hands, ragged clothes, shrunken flannels. REDUCES £XP£NSS 4>k for Uie OrtaKoB Bar tâ€" f INTHECZAnDOmilMS BOME STRANGE FEATURES OF RUSSIAN HOUSEKEEPING. ^ost Sacred Place is the Bath- room, Where Bath is Always Ready for Someone. The house is of jellow brick and Is oiio-atorey»*l; it is built round a small garden that is square, says a wiiter in the London Ulobc. The tiny windows, with thi-ir dainty curtains, look out upon one of the most faniA>us roads in Rus.sia, for it is trodden every year by tltousands of pilgrims, who aie on tlieir way to the neighboring monastery. Tlie root is of sheet iron, and is paLntod groon; it sloiics somewhat, but not eo much as to prevent the oWost son of the family from dancing on it in niomonts of madness, with a noitre that can le iiiiagintd bolter than it Call Ig described. Stabling formd one side of the square; another is used as an office, where a number of clerks in uniform and one or two young lady typewrites toil, or to tc ntoie accurate, renxain from moi-N till eve, from eve to close upon uiid- fiight, sii)ping tea, smoking cigar- ettes, and no dotibt also making up accounts. Near the entraiijce an aged m'aii sits during the summer oh a bench outside against the wall. He is the porter of the bu.siness pai't of the establishment, but his seat is clcksiB to the back gate, so that he can see all wlio enter tiie yard. And a strange, picturosque uumbor of visitors there aie who find their way in by liabit or by chaaco. Poi- it is' a gypsy girl in the bright- ly colored costume of the Little Kus- sian peasants. but more frequently it is a b(^ggar, who with a thick stick braves the ferocious dogs tJiat Irtuce forth and back at him with an ei.ergy and ferocity that somelimi.'S upsets even a beggar's ncrves. But om;e in. he advances |jast the stables to the kitchen door, hat in huJid, nsWng alms of every one he meets. Oae laible, or 3s. '2d., a. week is al. lowed to tJie housekeeper for distri- bution among beggars, and it is rare that tl'.ey cull without receiving food. Lot us return to the front door and ring the electric bell, if haply we obtain permission to enter the town house of a wealthy tchino\i.'k. Admittance is given by a eliuansy looking peasant, to whom a livery in>itart« neither elegance nor dignity. To right and left oixin the i-iKvption roouB!, which are spacious, well llffhtcid, but somewhat low, and ele- jgantly fui-nished in the style of \V*.«tern Kuroj'e. Tlie dijning-room po.>«ofees a (Irtiplace and two monu- .uu>jital stoves, reacJiing aUuost to , the ceiling, and so phiced in the jwall that they warm two rooins at \the same timo. It adjoins the buf- fet, arjd as the door of it is almost always op*n the di.scussions of the ser.-.ants may be Ivoard by those who are sitting in the dining-ro-om. The , salon has no furni tare but mirrors with gilded frames, chairs uivhol.sler- od with blue silk, a grand piano in one corner and a gigantic candelab- ra, with oil laiitps that fling their light upon the iiarqucited floor. There is a card-room, too, und the boudoir of the lady of the house, 'Which is crowtlt>d. h.s such rot>ins are wo.i'.t to be, with pictures and nick- nacks and fumlt.ure. Scarcely a 'book in any of these apartmonts; soaiVely a newsjiiaper: the jiicturos ai-e Italian, or are paiiitings of Ux-al artists. und represent Rugsian LACK OT' rHIV.VCY. .WThat strikes a stranger after a «>at«rt \ isit to this liouse is the utter want of prL\aA-y. For as the build- is only one storey high, it is ob- vious tliat to go from one end to tl» day or night, he is e.xi)o.=(xl to the \lvils of a valet, who is looking for mat^-hos, or of a ntaid wlio wish- es to take away his boots or to borrow a chair for a minute. Knock- ing at the door is unknown. Ajid it he jM'otesis at an intru.-^ion on his i;ri. ar.y, when he is eugagod in dre.«*.; iiig. jMM-haps, his rmunrks will be ro- ccived with astonishmtMit . and the poa.iant girl w+.o does duty - fi> hoiisoniaid will toss hpr head and! refuse to argue with one wlio is eo unn^asonablo. I'erhaps the most sacred plucu in the is the bat.liroom. It is a su:all apartment formed in the corri- dor by moans of a wotxien partition and certainly containing nothing in tie waj' of ai contniodation or furni- turn to ju^Ttil'y the almost religious awe in which it is regarded by the family. Xo oi:e but inonibers'of tl-.o fanrily and guests are allowed to spli'ish about in the stonming waters of f'e bath, which is continually b**- ing got ready by a servant with the aid cf thormomeler. At the hotels in the town the sanu- e.^caggeratod ros;>ect is paid to the bath, if prices go for anything, for the charge for the use of on." of tliom is 49. 4d. En.gli.<»hm.n confrotod with dlfficnl- tios .4uch as this, and unable to do \rithout a morning "tub," some- times travel in Uussia with an In- dia-riibbor bath. GAHDEIN .V PLEAS.\NT SPOT. The which forms the square around wliich the house is built, is of laoivrse useless in winter but in auujmer it is j>leasaiit to sit under its high toweling acacias, white with bloom. and to listen to the dound of water as it f..lla into the pool ul tie foiiittain, where gold liah are at play. l-lere; too, on the v/oadeu verandah, the family dino through the summer heat. The ehixnge is not neccFsarily an agree- able ore, for the gnats are so niuii- orous Uiat it is only possible to get lelief froiu them l5y burning I'eaClieBs on a tray rjomovlierc near the table, but this as often as not drives the dir.ors away as well. .\ lamp over- hai-igs the table, and sometimes on suntmer evenings, it is black with in- seot.s that cling to the globe in .=iuch ninibers ns to ob.icure the light. Hero, to, the wondeiing sti anger will he t/hle to note how little the idea of caste soenis in some way to have taken root in Russia. A beg- gar will aj)pear at the table during luncheon and pour out his piteous j tale, or the little son of one of the | innumerable male servants will ap- , proach and play, and tJie members of the family, instead of sending him away, will call out to l:im. As for tie valels, they take part in the conversation at times, laugh at the joke', aud oven make jokis them- selves, (iovomosses and tutors are welcome, an.d in some Russian h.oui*- es tli'.-rc are three or four of them, far the Russians like strangoi-s, re- spect CTttication in them, and pay for it on a scale that would excite aalonislMueiit in England. Utit the honse-keeixr is not allowed to dine witlt the family. The \^llcts hate her beca.use she has stopped them lighting for the food as soon as it has been taken from the table, and, of co'.ust'. she does not dine with the servants, and loud ai'e the la- nwtntations that nhe sonuetiufes ut- ters, as .'"he pri-^ides over the samo- var, of the lonliuoss of her lot in this well-peoj)led house. She speaks Polib-ih, Russian, German, Fi-eaich aad in thtj, true spirit of a lingMtst is an.xious to add English to the list The taste and aroma are retained abso- lutely unimpaired. The richness, delicacy and creamy taste are all there to cheer and solace every moment if you want. Forty Cents asr for the Should be Fifty ^^^ Label BlacH „..._ Mixed Cexlon Green "WTiat do you do with a man who steals a horse out here?" asked the tourist on the coach in the Far West. ".String him up," blurted -Amber Pete, in forcible tones. 'And a man that steals a motor-car?" "Oive him a purse for ridding the country of a nuisance." Deafness Cnnnot B* Cured dy local applications as they cannot^ roach tli« diseased portion of tlie ear. I'hero is only one way to cure deiifiiess, and tiiat is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by on inflamed con* ditioii of the mucous lining of the li^us- tachian Tube. When this tube is inflam- ed vou have a rumbllnR sound or im- perfect hearing, and wlion it is entirely closed. Deafness is the result, and un- l-ss the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be dostro.vod for- ever. Nino cases out of ton ar« caused by t-'atarrh, which is nothing but an Inflamed condition of tho mucous ser- \Vo wll\ give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot bo cured by Halls L'alarrb Cure. iScnd for free. F. J. CHE.N'f'.y i L'O. Toledo, Sold by Druggists. V5c. tiaU'« Family Fills ore the best. I was Cured of painful Goitre bj MIN.VUD'S LINIirnNT. DYAKD MtfilULiLIN. Ohathain, Ont. 1 was Cured of Inflanimation bj MINAHDS LINIMENT. MRS. W. W. JOtTNSON. AMalsh, Ont. I was Cured of Facial Neuralgia hy MI.MARD'S L1XI1\F1NT. J. H. BAU4ilY. Parksdale, Ont. i l-rj Visitorâ€" "So you've got a. cat and a dog? You should be glaxl to have such nice pets." Tommy â€" 'Oh, they ain't much use to me; they don't like cake or jam." Visitor â€" "Well?" Toiiuu>'^"Well, they're never blamed for any that's missing." S 1 i^^^^^B m v^vfws^nn ^P Brmhes Take the Backaoha out of Cleaning^. They arc absolutely the best brushes n-.oney cau buy â€" tho best madeâ€" Tjacks do not warp off â€" bristles do not fall out of Doeckh's Scrubbing Brushes. 'Vour gi-ocer sells them. None Genuine Without Name " Boeckh " on back of Brush. Lifebuoy Soapâ€" dlsinferrtnnt â€" Is strongly recommended by the meili- cal profession as a safcguaixl aauiast vulectioi s diseases. u. "The examination you undergo for the position of teacher is very se- vere, is it not?" "Yes. indeed!" "What arc the branches?" "'Well, to-day we were e.xamineii in p.sycho- the otJier it will bo llecc«^^alâ- y to pass' logy, integral calculus, uialhematical along a corridor or to go through I astronomy. iiolemic divinity, meta- vaiioua roonij*. |)hysical anal.vsis, and Greek versili- cation." "Indeedl What position are you competing for?" "Instruc- tor of the infant class." Whore the corn- dor exists it is fairly wide, ui»d in oi^or to accoiiuuodate all the mem- bers of this veiy uuinei'ous house- hoW certain j>oi lions ha.\e bei>n sv- paraled by UKians of curtains, and we UMSigine*! as bedrooms to the nuvid servants. Here, of â- â€¢our.'*e. tjhe-te is t'-e niiniiuuiu of privacy, es- i)Ociully lor who wish to re- tii',' at ll> o'clock in a land whore little wcoxilit is taken of the hours, and where it not unfrequently hap- |>eivi that iiigbt is turned into day by revelers antl card players. Hut, except (or tho father and luothw of liie family, no oiiq is ivally much bettor off. 'Phc bedrooms are all at one coi-ner of the building; the boys sleep In one, tho daughters in th other, und iu one oi them a thir of the room has been sKut off by a ,sore<!n for the Rovcrne-ss. There ar« pledge no k<«ys in the locks, so that any one in the family who is given to alee;i-w Hiking ma>' stroU into any irooin and leave tho door opoiv be- hind \vlh<n he goes. As for the BTngliHl m> n'» maxim that his house. or af least his bedroom, is his castia tfhe notion is one that ha.s h»veri^j\: hushan'rs iivini. aa' I been heard of. At any nronnmt of support him." ENGLISH SPAVIN UHiMEKT lleniov«s all hard, snft or calloused lunipt nnd blemishes from bn8ei>, b:o>>l spavin, cuchs, splints, ring bono, sween-y. "linos. sprains, sore and swollen ovUKh^, c'c. iavo ?J0 by use of one botta. Warron;od iha moat wonderful Ulomisli Cure over "Po you take many jieriodicals?" asked a young vicar on his lirst visit to one of his parishoners. "Oh, no, sir," replied tho woman, "I never do, but I'm sorry to say that my husband takes a periodical about once in every month. I do you could induce him to sign the Mlflifd's Liniment is used by Physiciaiis "Poor Jack! He never could spell. and it ruined him." "How?" "He wrote a verso to an heiress he was in love with, and he wi-ote t>oney for bonny." Keep inafd's Linimefil in the louse, Fortune Teller (to gaily dres.sed girl) â€" "Your husband will be a poor ma.u â€" unless " Alaiden (eagerly) â€" "Unless what?" "You di-ess more economically after marriage than you do now." ^â- - For Over 5'<xiy Years Urs. wixsioWb Soothing Sybcp has been used by iiUiiuni of moUitrs for their obi!(lr«ii while te«ihind. Itaoolhea thecbiM, roftcnit UiPiT'ini.'^ aliuynpaiii. oiirui rind coiic. rci,iilal«9 the ^toni^oh and howel», hoU i> Ihu Mrst roitieil}- [or Piarrhiva. Tn«at)--flTe ocoU 5 botiln )oM bf (Iruggldll tlirmighout Iho world. Btt suro an<l imk for" Sills. Win slow Sykup." 23-74 Charitable Old Lady â€" "Poor wo- man! And nre you a widow? Beg- gar â€" "Worse than a widow, ma'am hav» to Nedâ€" "I'm dreadfully worried about my debts." .lack â€" "It must bo very annoying to I.>c continually dunned." Ned â€" "Oh, hang the dims! What worries mo is the fact that I can't get any more credit." $64. SO. Toronto To North Pacific Coast and Return 'Via Great North- ern Railway. Effective dally from July 31st to 13th. inclusive, round trip first-class tickets will be issued from Toronto to Seattle, Tacouia, WUsh.. Portland, Ore., also to Vancouver and Victoria, B. C, via Great North- ern Ry. at rate of $64.30. Proportionate ratiw from all points ia Ontario. Tickets will be valid (or relurn urtl.l October l6th, 190.1. VmW information as to stop over privileges, time of trnin.«». sleeping car ratos, etc., on application to Cbarles W. CJrave.q. District Passen- ger .\sor.t, Great Xorthcrn Uy.. 6 Thin Manâ€" "Boy. what's that hun- gry dog following me for?" Boy â€" â- "lie thinks that yoii are a bone, I expect. You had belter hurry or be'll have you." Min3fil'sLip.;{ns!ilLy[ii!iEriii3o'sFfl;!iii 103 Cay St, TORONTO I N A L L SPSCIAL ATTENTIOIM TO PATZNT LITIQATfON. Send forHaitdbocIi Oil patent I &o. If you can't .say a goo<l word for your neighbor at least you can keep vour mouth shut. k fof inard's aod take no oil love unless hc» is up ag;;inst the leal thing himsi'lf â€" and then you can't be- lieve him uudor oath. ORANGES â-  We have Mexicans, California Navels, V'alencias, an<J ! Seviiie^, LEMOKS WE HAVE (dominion Llns Steamships IVlontronl to Liverpool Boston to LivarpocI L:trge ftnJ Kwt Sw-aiiisli'p*. Siiporior nco-nimoilatioii tjr All clv>< t^ uf PI .*<*'i :t!-ii. S.lo:MM :k:iil r^Uit«r>i>..m» .1*^ ikiiiitlithiri'- St*<'"»1 *u*'iti'>iihai» b«Hn civcn lo iha 3P\^ui<t SaIo' it -tiid Tbii'd'OlAW acconimotiatUiu. Koi -Ht.r?of paa nij ' »;;it All pArticiiltu-s, :ipi»ly to nuy »ei>iil >f thoCoiupi»ny. or to pss^KiiRor I'scnt- 9.^ DOMIN'O.N l.l.N'K Ol'UCKI: 7 Stft'.«S... Bomoo. I7 4t. Sa:riuuentSt., MoutreftL If scientiflc prineip»l^< ooont for KnyUilcR tho potent inflaicil air p.Kl truss Hhatilil be a n :co«i». Itho.dn tbo p.irtn In sue i po^i'lon th'it with fntr pi»T llieymuiit hca!. It. iiilit:ht nntl conifortab;o to w«ar. and your coiillilcno: 18 ro»lorod tho momont It 1>< e.UJuj'.ed. Vou can procure It only from ihe Molt nml Triu^ Mfv. Co... Hcinin Specialists, 133 apadina Ave., Tvtont.). Wrl'.e now. 22-47 THE BE.'?T Carload every wcfk. .\il the above at marUef prices. Wo cm a'.su handle your BuUer, Eggs, Poultry, ' Maple Syi u p and et'iL-r proiluco lo advan- la^e for you. na tAWSON CCFrMISSION CO., Llmitad.^ Cer. Weat Nsarkot e;.. tosont-.' Dyeing I Cleaning I FirtbtT^.-y bMliliKtriiir worktocki " BRITISH AMEniCAH DYEINQ CO." lAhik fo: %t«ni. la r 'm tovo, or «0cd dlicoA Ictaff SVrect west, Rwm is.ToW ' N!onlreal, Toronto, Ottawa, Queb«G bat. 1â€" M 8M FAINTS' I DEUGHT Toilet Soap Best for j Best for Big Folks J Little Folks >*'♦^' •;^'";*«* JOHN VAYtQR & CO. Perfiuiiers and Soap Makers TOKONTO. ISSUE NO. 32-03 ~ ^

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