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Flesherton Advance, 23 Jul 1903, p. 7

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; i '. .. . -» ADVANTAGES OF CLOVEK. Clover MtlroTigly coiTcieumod, as it attids to 1 tbe - cheeBp-jraikw'9 â-  tT<»trt)l«>s o«*tl U>niis uo injure the quality of all the j riioese iiuitie »t the fact*>cj-. by! COUNTESS OF MIUTO DOESN'T carrying t« it gwrrue U-,«t caMsc bad ; jjEFP THEM APAET. flavors ajud p,uihole« in the fuRsflioU *•â- -â- -»â€" >i. xiâ€"^oij.. product. [, â- [. HE^ CfllLDEirS MMRAriE|!!-ol-,r.^-- ^^.J- i^^lt-ee^jViTIGiN'S 71ST WEALTH limited her mrans. she would always I make A HOKE BEAUTIFCnL. USES FOR OOAL OH. tJie diief crojp u(pcm( which tile fiU'riier ivlics foT iinprav-j ing or uiaiiitaiiiing tl.e loitility of ; , , , ., ^ hts land. Otl^i- cnns aie soi^iime j "^''f^ places aii tte fa.-m subtrtiuited. but iiover wilh sucli ' f ^^« g-i eatcst bone&t m t*c po«l- t^oal oil. wj-dch is always at bianid wlieu ni-oiiotl, is an ii^valuaftjle or- ! tide In t!i;c staJbK', gardow twA many hut it is niauiy wuj.s, howover, in naakii-g use of clovw as axi inyjToveir of tijosoil, which are atteiidod with dUroreiit de- grees of benefit, and with wluch nweh dei>eiiVfi ii|j«i>n t«he locality-, distiaince clo\cr arc the most imiwitaiit part of i)lain't, so far aa tu^ii- in.^Hwve- tiicnt of Xbo Itxjid id conteiVuMl. not Hideau Hall a Pleasant Place for the Governor-General's Youngsters. I'oojile who comjjlain of the so- calied American metho<l of dealing with the risinjj generation ir«ay bo interested to know that it is "that puj-aucd by the Coui;teas of Minto, wiie of the Governor-General of Canada, writes a correspondont of POPE'S PEIVATE FOETXJI-TE ES- TIMATED AT ?5, 000,000.- Gold Poured Into His Coffers. try houses. Whwn mixo<i with laaxl ajid afipli(?d to fowls afllicted wiili iiCiilj' log it is a si>ccifii: and will in- \ ajiably resnit in a cuj-e. Spravcd cm tho lookit.s, walls and cciliiigs" of j '-",''. ^'««' ^ot\<. Sun. the hou!«s ajxd coops, it will i!o- ! 'Hme was when it was aln;iost im rr,^,,. ,„..i„f , 'PI, " ; fetrov the lice a«:a pRiits that ma-ke ' 11°^'*''^''' '° ^^''•' t*»e children of t iroiiri luaraet, L-tc. ihoic- are cor-l ,., ' . ,, - ,., <â-  i i Gov(>iTiar-G(»nii<-il if h.. ^ â- _ . . ' ... ,., r lif<> ini.'ini ai>Ii> for the fowl and n>n- 1 '-â- "'^' ""'^-'^n'-*'^'^'. " nc tana i/rmci[)les wjuch are alike ap- plicable in all castas. Tix> ro<ras af i ru^jJ':â„¢":â„¢,.,,^"' "t.,.„:.4.,i;.:-.,' ;,„„.;„',.; i evidence. Tlicy and their are the joUicst kind of coim-ados and are constantly together. Thi 4i,«» .1. , . -, 1 1 1,1 • iiio-tilh of fo^vEs iiiiflMir'g- from a Uiat tr« tops aiv any let's \uLiuiblei ,_, - .,, . tvv, . i tu „, .. .1 _.. •' ., , , cold, a cure will bo efiVjct<xl. These I Lady Minto's public work has not _. , _ ; attracted so omch attention as thati^^*^'^ ^ H ^ His _ Jubilee-^Tons ol j of her predeceaeor, the Countess of' '^ • . â€" Aberdeen, but it is perhaps not less! intportant. She does thinca ia a t3..„i. ii ._ r^ j . jdilleicnt way. but she worS ver^' T^f. ° "^ ^^ J«J, ^"^ , ^"^ Cardinal ' neaJly as hard and to quite as nm^i {^^ "T r" <^«'^""il Moc^nni, the Mo.. ..-hi ! ,^ ,...., i^apal rreaaurer. know with any L^ ul\,^'n \-'T'^^ '^•'S^^ °' accuracy the extent of tha order of Vu^ â- â€ž'^ ,h ^ i""':"^ i Fo?^<' I-eos wealth, but it i.s said uruer oi isursx^s, and the organiza- ' .}%.>♦ I purpoEt I in Canada life misoiablc for the fowl and ren-l '-â- *>^'0'^<J'-^ene<-ai. tr he had any. but i dcr thpm unat to rctwn a profit to | Lord Mmto s children are always in 1 tholr owners. By addiirit or.e part | evidence. Tlicy and their parents i of olive oil ta two jmrts kerosene j i and injecting it into the n.ose and j (as tlione are many ot'hcT plants wiiicJi for bulk and qwick grvjwtih above may be .said tvo excel it), hart, w-hich. turnii-g uii>Jer witji a view, of in»provii»g the Uuud. are far lees bemoftcial in taieir of- lacts. Uuclkwhieat. for instaance. has «i nuuoli more ramaJant growth of tcvp, but tlie (iffeots of this. when tuiriieid undjCT, are not nearly as i^cx>d as tjÂ¥>se of clo•\^^^, for tiho rea- son that buckwheat aiifd auch an- and many other iiS(« can be found for di.soatcs of the flock, ,ajvd as tjie ai'ticlc is cihea^) it oan be- used free- ly. The lower graifies. wl.ieh sell for lower price and are n.ol esuisfac- tory as illiuwinaut, will be found fully as goo<l for iwjuUry yard uses as the refined article. BEITISH I3T THE ANTAECTIC. cjiildren share in the pleasures of their ciders and. except for functions of state, are present at all social allSiirs at Government Hio-jse. Tlioy are prominent fi4;urcs in the pfrivate theatricals which are a favorite foim of eutertaiixnjent luider the present Bogiii'iie, and tlic older ones appear with their parents at the theatre, at skating carnivals and at various oiiiier places. So ivMc'a hae this been the case that thure was. for a time, some cioubt in Ottawa society as to whefhor Lady Kileen Elliot, tlie eld- I lion owes much to her untiring ex- ^eitions in its behalf. Tlirough her I efforts numerous cottage h.ospitals I have been e.stablisiied in the sjiarsely ; Eoltled districts of Canada, and she I is now engaged in getting the order 1 endowed at an expen.'-e of $12.1,000.! 1 For education, particularly manual j training and domestic science, Ladv Minto has also done m>!ch. and it is I nraiuly throughly her elloVts that the I graves of the Canadian soldiers who fell in South Africa are now being located and marked. In appearance Lady Minto is strik- ingly youthful and so like her eldest (laughter that they are often taken lor one another. She is tall and slight, dresses artistkally and the amount will ijrobably ex- ci-od $5,000,000. It ia on dupcsit in tJ-.e IJank of EnarlaniL TI-.o Pope liad tl.ree nephews, sons of his brother, and i!»anj' grand- n.^'/!i'"V.s and ami a host ol leiiser l^elali^^os. but he told them wi en he was elected roj>e that ha would not use hiii position to en- rich cr advaiica tham. The FoiMi's private fortune must not be conftised with tiie troo-sura which he regai-Ced as belonginn to: the Paj^ary. though, as alrmtter ofi fact, lie coulrl, if he wished, regard! I as his own all the vast retources at- tached to his office.- He preferred to regard as his own only such nWG-is do n^'t penetrate the Sub-soil * yu^-ther Information With Kegard aiJd bring iip theretr-om aaikl dciicsit to the Positions Eeached. nicrar itie 9iirfax;e the mineral matter ^ .. ... cooitajnud tjK«rein. whicHi is so eeewi-! ^'^'â- '^ S'"'^'-' ^^^ '"'»'^' steamer tiai to- the siuccesKful giPowth of ' ^°'""'"S '"'""S'**^ '""^^ ""^^^ "' *'"' pai».nts. their growth being c?ue only j ^'^'itisli explorers in \ ictoria Laud. to wliat the r»ots iSiko fixau the ! S^ographeis have been much perple.^- oAitnai-y suli-?'ace soil. Ta otiier '. <^<1 ''y the fact that though the lati- wiords, the roots of tSie clo-vcr plairtt '< tudes attained were given, no clear bring up mutttir fi-om tju; i '"'"ormation was printed wit h^ regard j ,j^^ .^^ ^[^^^ brother and .<=ieter with deeper subsoil. wiWt-h tlie roots of j to the lougUtudes leached. It v.-as, K j,^.;,. ^^ii^ren than like father and bluokwhcat atrd ianch other anmu^jl i t^^<-''"'-'^°''*'' it"Possible to mark on a.i ^^^j^^^ .j,j^^ Goveruor-Gcneral cam pUints can!no.t reaich. : map the positions attained by the ^ ^.^ jj^^ ^ school-boy in the priv- Clowr .should never be tnirnwd un- ' explorers. Figures for the lougti- , ^^ .,f ,,);, fajnilv, and Ladv Minto dcr until it has reachjsd its largest j tude of Scott "s briUiaut sledge jour- | jg ^j^g riiost .s\^nit)atS-otic "of confi- gr«wth, as well below as abOA'e';noy were printed, but no one' kiiew j ^j^^jg f^-^. chjidish troubles. eirt ineni'ber of the viceregal family was really "out." There had been no formal "coming-out" cerenuoiiy, and the fact that she was -seen a little more frequently than in the past was not considered sufficiently conelu.=ivo. The Earl and Countees seem mjore this reesom the old . ground. For X^ractlce of PLOWING IT UNDER wJic-oi in bloom is objec'tio«^, for although the growth of tiie 'stem amjd leaf is Llicoi at its miiiiumm. tlve roots haiv^ not thjcn ccwi«)leted their growtji. But by c*ttting first crop, a sitMonri gro.wtti is whether cast meant. On June or west longtitude was 10 last Sir Clements Markhain, president of the Uoyixl | Geograpliical Society, gave a lecture | in Lontiou on the work of the expe- dition. He was able to supply the tlie : missing information. His discourse (.lie ; did not contain much fresh news, but Lady Minto thinks that nothing is too good for her children, and in .•rpite of her numerous social duties and the burdens of public work, which si^e has voluntarily assumed, ."ihc f.nds time to attend personally to their DRESS .â- V^â- D EDUCATION and everj-thing pertaining to their j iiiior.ey as came to him tiirough pri- ways w^ars and has flowed about" | -^„ ,^-J-„^J'-- ^° -^^ '- her. Her maimer has a charm ("" „«,,„ which has made her one of tl-.e mo^tl i= rORluHOUSE OF TREASLRE. popular of Vice-tiueens. She 1'''« rogroiar revenues of his ofScc, is bettor known and more poiiuJar in surh as I'otsr's Fwice, revenues from j the United States than [-.erhai^ any , '"*-'=«il i*tatc and bo^uled. inve.stmentil j of her predecessors. She has \-isit-{'-e '^ept a-count of .=eparatel.v . Out I ed frequently in Washington and ' p^ it ho paid the. $l.U0O.000 that ia I NoAV York and has entertained, "<^''-'MKiry to maintain tj.e Pai)n! I many Americans in her Can'adian ; '^'Oi'^t. consisting of cardinals, dip honia, ' â-  loiaatic ipipresentatiVes, court ofii- ^-•tft''^ ' -^ -4 : â€" ' cials, and his little standing array â- ~ â-  -- Over- a- nulticdi dollars a year is â- -ff-~^3f -• . spent in charity by the I'ontiff. Otit »-•' â-  " of-^the E^uwptcs of otlicial funds Poi)e ntrTÂ¥I' nlil bit ^,^<l• ^â- "" ""-''â-  '^â- '^' ^'''•â- ^'' admlnietratlcm, Uiliiilj! Ur r ULlUIl. '^'^1'-' •-" '•â- 'i'a*c a coniuis«.-j;t fund ol 1 S3O,t)0d,fMJ0. COULD NOT STAND BEFORE' '\\'!»1<; .the Vatican . troasui-es aj« DODD-S KIDNEY PILLS. I f 'â- !^/ '"k ''^ V"' •^'"''"''^ pe:6*>nal pro- IJai-ty by inherttamce fi-oni Ids pre llr. Charles Gilchrist had Diabetes TROUBLES OF EI- sckoner imdiuced. which aJtHuuiigh ! some supplementary papers from tb^' j ^x^'liaie. Three of the best and nutich less in anio<.iint. s«~u.nes an en- oa"ii-40us incrH?ase in Uie grrowth of fhc roots, tjlujreby placiji^ 't in the host coitddtioat of turning under. Tire better way. t'l.ein. to scoure the full benefit of clovor in t.'io iii'ipcove- nieiit of tilie soil, is to allow it two full soasoiifi of growth befoix' turti- live it under, as the plaint ia bi- ennial. iiLOix; or Ieir« of the roots diTj iug out at end of the sec- OJVd .year, thus causing the weeds to s.iu-ii-ig np and tjvke tl-eir- i)lavx-, learv- ir.g the aftes- co'ndition of the field as a ilainiaging ofJs«t to a«iy gcwd cfBeetcid by the (frowing of the clov- er, but wtnon the tiii"st of t?ie .sec- ond year's crcvp is taken oiT tire scc- oi^d atitrts as Siooai an».l makes so sitixing a growth as to coeiitrletely snnotlTier tjie weeidis. It has beeai UBOd for two sea,9o*i6^s h»-y, as dhe roots will tdicm attain tiheir full dovoUrjiment and be richos't in fcr- tilizinig olen:c!Sts. W^hat the I'armor vrtio wishes to avail hinxeclf of ihe full a.dvantag'e of this civijp s^to'uld do i.«! to tiunn the sod iwMler when fuill of roots, preparato»-y to put- ting tho land in coi^n and v.-hcat. ostts and wheat, as tlie ca5>» uta.v be, and then seed down to clover agiain. Ctit the clover two velars fo<r hay. or x^nsture it, whicdi is naarly the same thing, thear plow uridiT tlie sod as before, and .sjo on. tter^iing under pood clovo>r !-'»>d ovei^- bKrt-e or (our yoare until the land is ooniplctely reno\-atod. apt'lying at the same lime whateve«- lianiyarti mnjiiUi*e can be &i)aied to husteor tl;c process. COOLING MILK. expedition aud also a number of private letters enabled him to sup- ply the missing longitudes aud give a few more interesting facts, Conmiander Scott, on his sledge journey, which occupied ninety-four days, reached latitude 82 deg. 17 min. S., and longtitude 163 deg. E. This information shows that tho eastern coast lino of Victoria Land, which he followed, stretches almost due south of Mount Erebus, his starting point, with only a vety slight deflection to the east. Ueyoiid his furthest point he saw a range ot mountains extending as far as he could see in a south by- east direction. This seems to show that beyond the point he attained tho coast line trends a little more to tho cast than along his line of march. Scott umst have traveled over 980 statute miles on this very successful journey. His most southern point was only ono mile further from the South Pole than the record with re- lation to the North Pole, which Parry uuide in the Arctic, which for many years stood as tho marest ap- proach that explorers HAP MADE TO Tino POLE. The position where Scott's ship, tho Discovery, made its winter quar- ters and where at last accounts it was frozen in the ice is latitude 77 deg. 50 min. S.. or more than live hundred miles further south than any Ship ever wintered liel'ore. Before the Discovery put into her winter (juartv>rs Scott skirted the groat ice barrier to the east. The furthest easterly point he reached was 1.'511 dog. 53 min. W.. where he found an extensive laud mass, to which he gave the name of King KdWard VII. Land. The land w-as surmounted by heights rising to "i,- 00<) aud ;!,Oo6 feet above tho .sea. The swond jjreal sliKlge journey of There ai-e two ways of cooling miliv that must bo kept over night befoi-e being sont to the-cJiecse fac- tory. One is to give it a good s'tiriing, and the other is to sot the can in cold wator. The be«t way. however, ia to combine the two me- tihuwls. The ot>je*t of coolitiig milk I the expedition was that of Mr. Armi is to pre\-ttivt it souring and souring J tage. who. according to Sir Clements is tjie result of the develonnienl ofiMarkham, reached longitude 157 bacti'iia. Cooling milk by -stirringl jog 2,5 min. E., and latitude 77 it and expo.sii!>K it to the air toads j dog. 21 min. S. This information to pre.\-ent stwiring. hut it also ex-;si,ows that he penetratetl Victona pos-os the milk to the dnnjyiM- of he-, i and almost duo west of the winter in« cmitamiimtoti with bacteria, al- ; (quarters of the Discoverv to a dis- w'hich I w«ys j.rwicnt in t.he air, w'nicn j j^nco of about one hundred and lor- co(iis<-s bad fl-avxrt-s in the cheese. | ^^.j^^, ,„j|p3 f,.o^j t^e ship. As far This fact e.»i.hasiIo8 the ui«.ort-j ^'^ ,,p „„„rt j,pp_ ,,j„j ^.^j,, st,.et,. ,,,,<, aivc ol stirri..g the milk, wheiY i ^^^^y j„ j,,^ ^.^5,^ r».i\)l of that imx-e>^ is .,,<v.ssa.y to "â- ^'. ; p,,i„t. It has not been It. n. pure air. Ihe air a few f<v ij^j^ j„„,„ 4,,^^ j,„, â-  fix)m the bam is giviei-ally the m*«st liipia\ily liidcai with gerni.s, lund, eou- scqnently. tliie milk ^»^K«l^d not be e.\l<o>etl any nwire tlian is rw>cofr«-a.ry near the bnrn, hut .'^dvould be strain- ed and oIluM'w i.s« ha.ndlcd soliip dis- tance away, ajitl in a plaix* whei-e OurrerJts of air do not oart-j.- c<«i- twoixintttion fiom Hie bam bo Uio niilk. (k>olin({ the iiijlk witli icts or wa- ter would be the Ix-tter way. where j Th^ additional information herei ice or cold water could be htbd. as Riven, thougrh fragmentary, enable.'* tins eX4io.-i>s l;ho milk less t«» con-|t»s to fell thp npproxirante pxtent of tnniiiiation. In siach cns-KO sft»flV.'lent 1 np^ '""d reached. No further in- stil rinj; could he given to cixil all j formation will ho forthcoming until pmrts of. the ni*»k as quickly as ivip- th(» expedition r«tum,<! home with nible. .'VwutiiiR- migih't al«o he i»i'ac-| material for its detailed report, ticnl whore rlj>e turnips or other «tJ^M)g^slnl^'llinK fooiris are gfven the co>w».'. but the use of sjich fc»oid is rj(»l to be co.niinKKivlifii!. Stin-hig the this turning I proved by journey that the east and west extension of Victoria Land is any wider than it has been found to bo on the northern roast of the land, but the land, at any rate. S(>ems to maintain its east and west extent for an important distance to the south. Armitage fonnd the ice cap thousands of fet»t in thickness in the interior ot the land and he reached an altitude of 9,000 fe<>t. lAmny how quickly the man who prefers a pipe to a cigar will lay iniilk for an lw>»«r or more juist over jdoTvn the pipe to clutch the uratni- Ibe ba>ny«r»l fciice. or any wjinre 1 1 oua Cigar whenever one is otTered tho barnyvrd, c&nnot be too him. ploa.santest rooms at Government l-iouso have been set apart for tlieir use. and all sorts of plea.sant enter- tairoiients, of which the other child- ren of the Canadian caiiital often get the benefit, are constantly being X>lanned for them. Chi istmas, though celebrated quiet ly with only the household and house party, is a great occasion and much trouble is taken to laake the advent of Santa Clatis interesting One year the great ballroom was converted into a winter garden, with trees that bore the i«-e«onts, real rocks and any quantity of frost and snow. On another occasion the good shin Santa Claus, ablaze with iig^hts from stem to stei-n, cast anchor at I'art Elliot and proved to have all sorts of wonderftd things in her hold. Whatever niiay be the effect of tihis sj-stem of education generally, it has certainly, in the case of the youirg Elliots, produced none but tho most desirable reenilts. They are abso- lutely simple and unassnimiirg young people, and a.ppear to bo quite un- con.scious that their poidtion in life is going to be miy different from that of ordinaiy mortals. Lady Eilei-n. who came out last s-^eason, is immensely i>oi.vular in Canadian so- pk-ty, and of Loi-d Melsrund, the eld- est son, who is about 12 years old, man.v pretty .'-•tciries ai-c told. One of these dates back to the great Ottawa lire, when his small loi-dship attracted some attention by giving his hoots to a little fi'rc-.'tu ffercr who had the misfortune to be WITHOUT FOOTGEAR "I did not necni them," he exxilain- od to the members of his ivtrty who had lost sight of him for a few minutes. "I am going to drive home, and tho other boy hadn't any. ' There is one other son, the Kon. Esmond Elliot, aged (i or 7, aavd two ilaughlers, who come betWLvn Lord Melgund aud Lady Kleen. Laii.v Kuby is just a little younger than her elder sister and will pro- babl.v he introduced with the latter to English .«x>cioiy ne.xt year. Lady Violet is a little girl in her earli.,-st ti-ons. who is usually regardetl as her fat^her's favorite. As a hou.sewife Lady Minto gives caa-eEul attention to the most pi-os- aic details ot housrkeiM>ing and is lUi ewellent nmnager. "The new tJovoriior-Gcnorars wife knows the price oi eveothing," com- plained an Otiawa tradesman soon after the nni\al of tlie Mintos in Caiuxda, "and she has orxlercd some of my things sent back to nic be- .she thinks they are not good. Tile othci-s let im* .''end dvwn what I likc-d and charge what I likod." -And then the nggriev-ed dealer wcait on to ri^'resent that the wife of a Oovernoi^ll'pneral should not do those things. '^Phe. countiy paid his Fjxirelloncy a good salary, ho arg'ued, arfd hod a right to get some of it back. .\ceoixlingly. it wns tlv? duty i>f the Oovernor-tk'^ieral's \rife to .stay in the drawing room nrnl leave domestic niaMers to the steward ^nd the Comptroller of the >rouselKild, wtio. being nven. wotild be moj-e aRTCeable to deal with. l.ndy Minto does not Jook at tjxings in this wn.v. and as her hu?<- band is i*oor for his [nosilion in life, her ihrift is no doubt very usefui. I decesscrs, none of them has ever as- sorted anyihiug but stewai-dship Over thorn. TI;e Va-acan Palace, j with its 7.0C0 roonvj. Is a store- I hoyse of priceless treasures of art, r literatjuiv, aiid pi-c<ious examples oi tlie jewelers' and goldsmiths' art. It i is said 10 eoi-.t/ain more gold than ; the Klondike, more jewels than tha ; diiunond mines of So.uth Afiica. j The pontilUate of Loo added an \ ir.cstiniable tivu-'-'-ure to this horde. i When ho celebrated the golden jubi- for Years â€" Dodd's Kidney Pills Cured Him. Port Hope. Ont.. July 20 (ispecial) â€" Mr. Charles Gilchrist, Chief of Police here for lifteeii years and af- terwards Dominion Fishery Overseer, is always willing to add his testi- mony to the volume of proofs from all parts that Dodd's Kidney Pills never fail to cure any form of Kid- ney Disease. j i^^ ^f his priesthood in 1SS8. an ox- •T am a healthy man. Dodd's 1 ,,i,,iti^,i, „.as oKenod in tho Vatican Kidney Pills have done the job." is| ^i th.e gifts prek>nied him. T-vns of the way Mr. Gilchrist puts it. ; goiy poured into tlie Vatican. On "When I lirst started to take Dodd's i {he tiay of his ju^jii^w mass $;t0(iO,-. ICidney Fills I was in an awful state.; OOO .in gold coiu was ^resented to I had been a suiYeror from Diebetes 1 ivirn. and Kidney Disorder for ten .years. My urine was of a dark bricky color and I would suffer something awful while passing. '1 tried everything and tried the tney They have made me a new Pills man." Mr. Gilchrist is getting on in yearj but he feels young. That's what Dodd's Kidnev Fills do for HO'W TO TRE.VT HIRED MEN. M.ILL10NS IN Gle'TS. The crowned heads of the world vied wii'h each other in the co&tli- n-,«s of their gifts. Th« total value ,,, „j „ .„. ,, ^ , , ..,, .1 of tho jubilee gilts is estinutted at doctors but could get no help till ^ i gi .1 of^n ,j00 was advised to use Dodd's Kidnev *J, ';,,,' . i .. « Ono of the most notable !_'!(< s pre- sented to Leo was a diiunund .said to be wivrlh §4,tXXi.tKXl, which coine from that staunch diiciplo of Liith- er, â- Oom Paul' Kruger. The j Transvaal President rrceiv.'d it from Mouiela. a !iati\ie chief, who was given hi-j frctHiom aftei- capture ty tl-jp Boer tioojKs. It fed into Me>n- ela's hands fi-om a chief of llio Uasuitos, who had ; aken it irom a It is not a difficult job. T5-e gol- Zulu Ming, den rule will n>ach it. EPx-rt I3ub-: One of the gifts prcsenred 10 hiiK bard has plirasod it as follows: j lai-t March was a lopax -.v-ighing "Tliiey will do my wc'pk. Ta-*>ro-i 1.7*1 gram.s, on which M.e (cltbrat- fore 1 treat thorn as I wctujd like told,! Neapolitan artist, Andrea Car- be treated. They are 1 arti 1 am tele, had, after tw-el\-e yea; s' w.>rk. thi&y." ' ong,rave<l a pitt-ure of --The La?t When a man docs j-,o»ir wxwIj. be as Si«,Pi>er. " Tho gem aft^r its decoi-- riatier?t with him as you woiJd witih; ation was valued it $!»0.000. ' ycnu-solt if you w-cre doing it. Use no j The tiara pi-e-enlod to at tha harde*- language to him for his time, tie woi-k of .\ii.jiis'j Milaiii, takes or short conid'ngs' than yo4i a celebrated Bologna .i'lldsnuih. ts would to youi-soli when you make v-alued at $2+.006. The val\ii: of nvistakcs. '; j the laces in the Popes wardrotc i? Alwa^ys it is tlx> spiteful woi'd, o^itiimated at SVWK^.oOO. tluit breads trouble. .Vctions doj â€" ♦ not rajike half the troithle in this! Sheâ€" 'Who rocks the cradle rules world that words do. Kind, pa- ri,e worldâ€" remeiuber that." Heâ€" tjent men nvako good l>iivd men, j ••Thenâ€" ahâ€" you come in and rule tha if anybody dOi'*. j world. I'm tired." Jim Dumps on Independeate Day, Said: " Force freed as from Eng- land's sway. Now independence let's declare From indigestion's tyrant snare. Good friends, shake o£rthis despot grim. •Twas ' Force ' that frscd your ' Sunny Jim.' " always on duty, A T00& fcr PUhtvr*. "It msy interest you to IcarQ that 'Fores' is belDf served at breakfast sereral times each week to the memhcrS of the Sscoad Reg- iBcat, N*. Q, v., cow on datr at this place. "Hasbt W. Rkowh," :.W-10

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