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Flesherton Advance, 23 Jul 1903, p. 5

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Til£ FLESH ER TON ADVANCE July 23 1903 f •I,,.- I , A. baptist ClxuiH3laL PASroR:â€" fiBO. F. HORLBORT. Kcrvice at 11 a-meach Lord's Day Noxt Sunday â€" Paotnr will preach. Vicinity Chips fStaractcristics of the Past fVeek Carefully Culled f«r the I'urioiKs « â€" â- " Fresh lime alnraya oil hand. J. Duckett, Kii^euia. H. Money Lo loan iit lowest rates. A. S. VanDustjn, Fleaheitnii. Good strofig boy wanted to learn plan- ing mill business. Apply t.) T. W. Wilson. Mr. M. K. Ricliavdann M. P. was home over Sunday. The Duiham Chronicle is taking a holi- day this Treek. If you want a good salt of clothes, go to Sheph.<rd'8. ChU and see the bij; values in shaker flannels at Shoppard's. Miss Lottie ArmRtrong, Toronto, visit- ed with friends here f^ir the past week. Philip Eat. m, brewer of Owen Sound, «Iied suddenly List week, aged 52 yciirs. IJ«r<y horse wanced, the balkier the better, "this ofSoo for further particulars. Mr. and ifrs. W. J. Bellamy were visiting Nottawasas?a friends this week. MisaMag!/;e and Muster >Villio J/nore- liouse of Toronto are visidng relatives herj. Tenders aaked for elsewhere in this issue for the building of stone hutments loabridjje over the Sausieen at Buyd's mill. ' MoConwck's pure manilla and Stand- ard binder twine for sale. Call and get |)rices W. Moore, Flesherton. Miss Maud Smith and Miss Clark of Toronto aro the cuests of the Misses MiMnhaw and other friends, Mr. David McMuIlen, of the village, tost a valuable hurse on Monday. The animal died suddenly of heart disease. Quite a large number of people,old and young, tnok in the Sunday school cxcur- 'ftion to Owen Sound on Tuesday. Mr. A. Woods and daushter of Thorn- burj'tvi.sited with Mr. and Mrs. M»rk Wilson tltis week. Miss Louise Bi'okcft of Toronto has been visitinu' during the imst week at Mr. John Chard's, Fleshtrlou. There has been registoreJ with the division registrar nf Arteuiesia for the half year, ondina Junu 30,1903,42 births, S2 dealhs.aiid 13 marriages. Mr. VVes. Kuskin of the west back line has just purchased a fine p.iir of joung Hereford animals from Mr. Hunter of Durham. The Grey Old Boys' excursion from Toronto to Owen Sound on Saturday was very successful from every point of view . The day was idt-al, and it is said 1300 took advantage of the (xcursion. Mr. C. Beag, Mr. W. G Begg and wife of Collingwood, and Mr. W. Young cf New York spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Sheppard, returning to Col- li<ii;wood Monday morning. Mr. Geo. R'chardsoa, who has been in Montana the past couple of ypsrs, re- turned home on Monday. Geo.says busi- ness is Hill in Montana, iiwing to the clos- ing down of liir^e smelters. MoxEYTO IjOan â€" .\t4i to 4J per cent. Expenses low. .Also a number of im- proved and unimproved farms for s-ale c'.ieap. .Apply to Geo. Rutherford, Shel- Durne, or Dandalic oflice Sjiturday after- npon. , Dr. T. Henderson, Toronto called on The Advance Monday. He was "doing" the Grey Old Boysctcuraion. The genial Dr. is now doin^ specialist work in the dental line and has a large and lucrative j)ractice. Rev. and Mrs. R. Keefer were suitably remembered by their fr lends before leavii.g Washington. Thefi.rnior was presented with a gold headed cane, and the latter with a silver teapot, acooni^vtiiiod by an appropriate address.â€" Guardian. Among the Grey Old B"ys excursion- ists who visited Flesheiton on Situixlay and Sunday were : Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Chad wick, Mr. and Mrs. Dr. U, Hender- son, Misses May an I Rita Damude, Mr. Mervyn A'auZuit, Messrs. VVill and K. Hemphill, Mr. A. D..Thurston,Di;. Web- ster. Mr. Archie MjArthar of Yellowgrasa Ass«., who ia at his home near Pneoville visiting for a few weeks, was a welcome caller at The Advance ofiwre. Two other brothers are also out in tl.o expansive Went and aP are interested in a threshti>K outfit. lj»at jpason was a succeseful one ami ano'her one is expected this year. Archie will return to YeUowgr«s8>nd g. Men whoatfields in » couple of weeks. Rer. Mr.Hurlburtof the Bapti«t chai>el occupied the pulpit of ihe Methodist church on Sabbath last, in the abtenon of the pastT, who wiis attending the Detroit Kuworlh Loagueconvention. Tbepre»ch«r ttK'.k for hi* text Ecclesiastefl 18â€"1 : «'R«niember fhyCr««tor ln*hoda|»of t*-' youth" etc. Th«»erB«ou wa« eJ«^B»at ut4 WM highly appreciated 'â- ^J^*'* I«» 'r*,' Bir*. Kicholson very ->c^p»bly «^ M|p ^pit, in >he moraioft-... Many people are under the impression that die weddin>> »hich tcxjk place in the Methodist church last week was the Unit cerenidiiy of the kind which had taken p'ace there, but suoh is not the cue. Mr. and Mrs. RoUb Plantt of this t'iffusfaip h>'ld honor, but it was a long time aijo â€" the first summer aft»-r the church was opened â€" in the year 1878. Rev. W. Johnston ^-rui the officiating pastor at that time. Mr. C. AUister of North Dakota, who is visiting with relaiveu in Osprey, fi^ave Tho Advance a call on Mom'ay. It is sixteen years since Mr. AllisCer left these parts. lie informs us that cropsare look- ing m.vjnifiaientall the way fmm Dxkota ti) Ontario. He came by way of Chicago and Detroit, and will remain here for two or three weeks. A heavy lx>lt of lighning wasresp'nsible for breaking up the service in the Presby- terian church on Sunday afternoon bust. When Rev. Mr. Thorn was half through with his sermon, the bolt burst a few feet frnin the western windows Women and children jumped and screamed, while others cried, and many rushed from the building. A hymn was hastily given out and service closed. There are several per- forations ill the window "lass as though made by bullets. The 'Bus Business To Me FulJ.ic of Flenltertun. By the c-durans of hist week's Advance I notice that my frir-rd, Mr. W P. Ci'iissley,has sold oLt his bus businf'ss to Mr. Thos. Kerr, who takes possession ihis week. Now just a word or two in reference to Mr. Kerr, my hew oppns- iiion. Duriu2 my three or four years a.o- ([uainlance with him I have found hicu a gentleman, and I Irmt that the good teehngs which now exist between him and myself may continue. Now in the natural order of business, within the next few daj'3 ynu will be called on and asked .for your p.itroiiage. Now before pledging yourselves, there are a few matters I wi.-:h to draw your aiifemion to. In tho first place, when Mr.Crossley dropsout I shall cons'der myself the old bus man and will assume thttt title. In the second place, I clsira the credit of having the bus fare re- duced fr.iin forty cents, return trip, to twenty-live cents. This I consider quite a sa-vmg to the people. In the third piacf, I take the credit of having secured to the pecplrt of Flesherton a free delivery of all express matter for ovet three years and which I consider quite a large savina to all interested, especially to the business men, who receive a hirge number of par- cels by express. Thanking you nne ai.d all for yuur suppor in the past, and ask- ing for* continuance of the same, (*itb a little increase), »ssurin>i you of my b-st s^'riico" at all times, and thanking you, Mr. Editor, for space in your valuable paper. 1 remain Y'our respectfuUv W. W.Trimble. Two July Weddings FAWCETTâ€" JOY "\ One of the prettiest weddings seen in flesherton for a h)ng time was that which was crnsuminated in the Metho- dist church on Wednesday of last week, when Mr. Jackson Fawce't, principal of Flesherton public school, was united in marriHge to Miss Annie, youngest daugh- ter of Mrs. M. X. Joy of this place. The dunch was beautifully decorated with daisies, ferns and flowers, and the cere- mony took place before » large number of friends of the contracting parlies and invited auesrs. Precisely atl o'clock the groom, supported by his brother, Mr. Geoigo Fawcett of Fores!;, Ont., toi'k his positfon before the aluir, and imuiedi- ately aflerwaid ihe charming little bride came up the aisle leaning on the arm of her brother, Mr. W. T. Joy of Toronto Junction, followed by the e<iually charm- ing bridesmaid, Miss Minnie Joy, both young ladies carrying very hand.some bouquets of carnations and asparagus pluiiiosa, the bride's consisting of white flowers aijd the bridesmaid's of pink. The party entered to the strains of the Wedding March, inspiringly played on the fine pipe organ by Mrs. W. W Trimble, The bride was gowned in white organdy trimmed with Valen- ciennes and tucked. The veil was of tulle and was handsoiaely draped. The bridesmaid's gown was of cream cash- mere trimmed with soft silk and tucked. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Ivison Wilson, tho bride's pastor, assisted by Rev. L. W. Thorn, Presbyterian min- ister. .After the nereniony the bridal party adjourned to the bride's mother's residence where the happy couple re- ceived the congratulations of relatives and invited guests, after which a dainty wtJd- ding dinner was jiartaken of. The groom's present to the bride was a bo^iutiful gold »Mitch with monogram and crescent de- sign set with diamonds, and chain to match, als i a crescent diamond-set brooch ; to the bridesmaid he gave a pretty gold ring set with pearls. Among the numerous other presents we might mtnli<m n handsome mantel clock from the choir, of which tho bride is a mem- ber, and a table and rof-ker from pupils of the public school. The invited guests present wore : Ubv. and Mrs, Iviaou Wils.n, Rev. and Mrs. L. W. Thorn, Mr. and Mra. T i. Sheppard, Mr. and Mr«. VV. H. Thurston, Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart, Mr. and Mr«. John B"vd, Mr.tnd Mrs. W. Trimble, Mr. and Mr«. J P. Ottewell, Mies Florence Richard- son, Mr* Joteph Blackburn, Dr. and Urt K. C Murray, Mr. John Bunt, all of Flwherton ; Mr. W. T. Joy, Toronto Janotion ; Mr. Ct«o. Fawoott, Foreak; Mr. Q»o. Ooopw, Him AHU ^»w»U, Mr. «nd Mm. Thof. Cooper. Chpfj ; Mf. »nd Mr*. Robt, Bw^, T*fnS»m. Mt, MdMie. ir«vcaM)eft l>yth«ip.M. to»<a lof toro^i^ and Wntm Oatino fcbxim to spend the honeymoon, accompanied by the best wishes of hosts of friends. The bride's travelling suit was iiiade of navy blue snowflake with white silk stitching, the coat being beautifully »e^ off with a white silk collar. She also wore a pretty white silk and hat to match the suit. The departure of the newly wed- ded couple was signalized by falling showers of rice and old boots were also in ' evidence- The bride is a general favorite with all who know her and The .Advance voices the seutiment of all when it wishes for her and her estimable husband a long and happy wedded life. ^^^3:1t3^^ KEURâ€" HASTIK Mr. Thos Kt-rr, who is taking Mr. Crossley's place on the .station bus line, W!is united in marriage on Wednesday last to Miss Nellie Hastie, eldest daughter of Mr. Wm. Ha.stie of this place. The wedding party drove to Markdale where the ceremony was performed &t tho rec- tory by Rev J. R. Newell. The brides- maid was Miss Ida Thompson, and the groom was assisted by Mr. Fred Teeter. The bride's dress was of white organdy with hat to match,and her travelling dress of blue. The bridesmaid was similarly attired. Aftor the ceremony the party relurncd home, where a wedding dinner was awaiting them. They left by the 5 o'clock trtiin for Buffalo, Detroit and Chicago. The bride is highly esteenie<l here, and Mr. Kerr although not so well known, having lived in Markdale for ."ometime, is considered an exenipl.ary young man. The young couple will take up their residence on Collingwood street. The Advance tenders hearty congratula- tions. The farmers have not as yet taken much stock in the remedy of blue-slone solution which has been suggested by the Agvicultuial Department as a means of getting rid of the troublesome wild mus- tard weed as inextinguishable, jiossibiy because many such vaunted remedies have previously f.iilcd. The department is, however, thoroughly convinced of the efficacy of the blnestone, and two demon- strators are out in the province now show- ing the people how to use it. In addition the department is planting plots of the weed at eight different fair grounds. There will be two plirts at each fair, one to be sprayed with bluestone and one let go. When fair time conies around the farmers will be able to judge for them- selves as to whether the treatment has done any good or not. The fairs selected are : Walkerl-.n, Owen Sound, Brantford, Simcoe, Whitby, Perth, Renfrew and Richmond. Tenders Wanted. The andsrsigned will recnive tenders for the building of stotie butuimits for bridge over the dauttseu rivtsr, opijosice lot 173,2 cou.S.W T.& S. Koad. Teudi'reiuust be in bv July 27, 1903. and the lowest or any tenders not necessarily ac- cepted* Pl&ii of said buCmeata co be seen at the Hoeve's oflice, Flesherton. D. M.cXavisu, Flesherton, July '31. TJJJ* Keeve i Photos ^ I â€"TAKEN .J , I I â€"AT THE ;, I Flesherton Photograph Gallery are done in first-class style and at S lowest rates. Suecial attention S Ig given to copying. Babies' photos, c â- p a specialty. Pictures framed. 1 MRS BULHER titnjruutninuutnjuuininiuuuuilititniiijxr Eleventh Annual I. 0. F, EXCURSION -TOâ€" Toronto I Niagara Falls Court Northern Light No. 137, Inilopondant ci-der of Foiesters. of Owen Sound, will run theii 11th .Annual Kxcni-sion to Toronto aud Niagara Falls iwr Canadiun Taciflo Kailway, Str. Chicora, Chippewa and Corona, and Niau- ara Falls f avU «uii Uiver Kailway, by svecial traia leaviut; Owen bouud ou Friday Morning, July 24- 1!)0:), at 7 o'clock To Toronto To Niasara Falls FareFrcm Gowltoretuiu Gootl to return JuU-25 July 27 Owflo Sound *2 .W »i 50 Rfickford U« 8 « Chfttsworth i-3U 8 35 Hollan i Centre ... 2 10 8 90 Berkeley 8 05 8 20 Mavklale 8 0S 2 10 Flesherton 3.08 8 05 Proton .- 8 05 2 03 Dunrtiilk 2 05 8 05 Corbetton 2 00 8 00 MeUucthOQ H es 1 M Bbelburno 1 80 l SO ChiMroa half tare Niagara Fulls ticket? ae good to return by anv regular train or by special train leaving Toronto at 9 o'clock Monday evtuing. July 8Jth. Toronto tiaket" srogood to return by any teg- ular train on Saturday, «5th .Tnly only. Htearaem leave Toronto et T a.m., a.m.. II am 2 p-ni ami 4.4'iiim.. making close oonuec- tlon with thn elootrio cais of the .Si-gara Falls Park aud Kiver K R This popnlar exoorsicn la with<>Dt doubt the •heapMt and beat outing of the season. <^1Tor<Dg %ffTMtev variety of teeaerT aud more pointa ox hitereat Utaa au] etliw exatlxatontdaTlng Onto IT. J. SHEPPARD Of \& \& ilH Hi Jus t Arrived This week fifty piece of shakers Flannel, 30 pieces wrapperettes, a good supply of shirting und cottonade. Owing to a disagreement be- tween some of the large mills, a fight arose between them on the pi ice of shakers and wrapperettes. The result was some big cuts in prices for about two weeks. That fight is over now and prices have again advanced, but we were lucky enough to buy when prices were low, and we are prepared to give you some of the best values in those lines ever shown. Now is the time to buy. Oil Cloths "We got in this week a full line of floor oil cloths,also table oil cloths in all widths and in good patterns. Boots and Shoes --';:•*.'. We have reecived another ship- ment of J. D. King & Co.'s cele- brated boots â€" a good stock of Men's and Ladies' Goodyear welts to pick from. ^ Ready^to^Wear Clothing... Our stock is full of good suits for Men and Boy's. We carry a large assortment and can give you value in anv line. \ii niillitlCfy To be cleared now, regardless of cost, ilji so any lady wanting a hat can get one at her own ^ price. iit ^ _ FX^S SfiCJBRnrON^ Mi \b ilir iit ikt 4/ mt- iit «li \b i^t iit \k \lh \it \«; \» \»/ \l/ U^ Hi ib iit at \ii Hi ^ iit ^ iit Headquarters for Paints, Oils.... To those who have painting to do remember we are head quarters for Pure White Lead and Paint Oil , We have also added this season the best . > , Lubricating Oil to be got in the market. â-  ' What we keep you will find the best. W. E. Richardson, Flesherton Farmers ! Prepare for a dry Rummer aud so\v the famous Essex . Sowing Rape. . Anticipating your Needs : W. J. Douglass & Co, have a gm^d stock of this famouus Eglish Rapeâ€" pure and fresh (not old stock) .. but guaranteed new stock, bought for spot cash and i we are giviug^ our customers tlie benefit. We have,al->o » good stock of choice . , Com pton's Early Corn , North Dakota White flint fl,ndGia»t Prolifto Sweet - Ensilagej all bought for spot cash. We solicit your pjitronage for puret Drugs, patent medicines, garden and field seeds, oil c^^.and house ; plants in bl.Qom. ALL, NEW aXOCK W. J. QOUGLAaS -' -*• ^ ' â€"-"

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