i July 23 1003 THE FLE SHEET ON ADVACNE •mm ^'^i^HiHiiii I F, T. HILL& CO I WWWWWW^ Seasonable and Up-to-Date Goods at Two-Thirds and Less Regular Prices MillineryHall-Price At the close of what has been the luost remnrkabi; Rucceuful Millinery Season we have ever enjoyed we shall offur the balance of our Triimiiec Millinery at exactly half price. We have in all about 50 triinnitd huts, must of which have been placed on sale within the past two weeks and all good value at their re>;ular stUin!' price. In connection with thi.s Hntiouncenrient we deHire to thank the ladies of Markdale and vicinity for their very generous patronage extended us during the jrnst seison. You've piven us a loyal and gratify- iii<,' palronaeo which we very much appreciate and which (<hall bo to up au incentive to go on and do even belter for you in seasons yet to come. This Millinery will all go on sale this Wudnesdny evening at exacliy HALF PRICE LadicA' Sailors (Less than Half Their Value) After sellino handre'h of these very servicenWe ready- to wear hats wo still have a suHiciently largo and vari- ed a.s8ortnient to suit the most exacting. The balance will be sold in this way. Sailors worth 50 to 7oc. 'or only 2.5c. '• 75 to 1 50 for only 60c. First comers as a matter of course will got best choice Ribbons ac. and 5c. 250Jyard.s fancy silk ribbons, 4 inches wide, clearing at per yard only 5 178 yards silk riblx)ii8, assorted colors, 1 to 2 inches wide, clearing at per yard 2 12.') yards silk Veiling (asfortod colors) full width, this is the winding up of our vellins; sea.^oii and n general clearins{ up of stocks, 15,20 and 25 cent veiling clear- ing at 10 $10 00 Hen's Suits Clearing at $6.50 25 Men's Suifs, embracing all sizej from 36 to 44. This clothing offering presents a monoy-savinjf oppnrtun iiy to economical buyers which is very seldom met with. Tn tliislot is to bo foui'd some of the very host sellers we have had on our counters this season, but as tliero are only one or (wo of a line, though, a gocxl asuortmcnt taking the I. it in its eiitirefy, you'll hare n(i tioublyiri getting fitted and suited with Iho heit clothing value you've ever handled. English Sorges and Worsteds, line Tweeds, sinala and double-breasted, thorouahly well tailored, perfect lilting and absolutely satisfactory in every detail. On sale now worth up to $10.00 for only ' 6.50 Boots, Shoes and Slippers at 50c. 125 pairs of Boots, Shoes and Slippers, for Women- Misses and Children This is a final clearing up of on"" shoe stock in these linos and tives you a pretty f.-iir choice in almost .-dl sizes. After selling tboiisands o' pairs of shoes and slippers, making a little money on tach, 've do not mind losing on this small lot. It's our way of keeping our stock cleati and applies to all departments of thii big store. While these 125 pairs last which are worth all the way up to §2.00, your choice for only 5q Ladies* Cloth Sicirts Another big shipment of Ladi&s' fine cloth Ready-to wear Skirts, in Homespuns, Snowflakcs, Ladies' Cloths, Lustres, Serges, etc. The lighter n-jiubts in tlie.'-o are lined throughout, velvet bound, and per- fectly finished, not a skirt in the lot (and thero'8 150 of them, all sizes and lengths) but is worth 15 to 40 per cent, tnore money than we've marked them. Ex- cellent skirts, the nicest you have seen at 1.60 to 4.25 HARDWARE ! HARDWARE ! HARDWARE 1 A complete stock in every line-one of the host in the county. We're doina a splendid hardware business and w ly shouldn t we ? Prices no where are lesi than oursâ€" the selection we give you is the best you'll tind-conr- tjous treatment given y.,u at all times as a matter of courso-and our personal and absolute guarantee goes with everything we sell. MARKDALE Mftwn? A Letter From the Wheat Fields BY r. T. CAKR Aw.iy to the West I On that most beautiful day, the fourth of Juno, after bidding adieu to the loved ones at home, we unirain at hi/,h noon at our favorite spot, Fli'sherton. As "all aboard " rang out, a hiss of steam, a ring of bell, a grind of wheel, and the elegant coach coni- ineiici'd to rush thronifh sp.ico -ind we rea- lized we were otl'for the great wheat gar- den of the spacious Canadian West once ni'iie. So alter a patting wave of hand- kerchief wc settle down in our cosy seat lor contemplationâ€" and whiit fond mem- ories throng ths mind ! Home land, cherished ones, shall wo ever sue you jj;ain ? The gliding landscape slips byâ€" - liill and dale, rock, mo )r and fen, bejein- iiied with fair Ontario's merry hoiiios,and *;ro wo are aware " Owen Sou.id " s'anle.s x)ur ear and charms ou.' eye. Soon our train stops. The stately AthaUusca rides gracefi lly on the bosom of the deep, the leviathan of the great inland sea (Lake .Superior) as if iiivitin.> one on this warm .lune day to tempt the fntos by a taste of life on the ocean wave. The coi(uetiy i.s BO entrancing we tumble to the charm, ai\d a'. 5.40 wo Imso from the ino'>ring iind almost inipercep'ibly glide away Nor h westward, while points, and liays, and lioidlaiids and pruinonlories appear ill s^iccoasiv-e array and then fade aw ly in the rear diUance. Hut the exhilaiatini; S'nsation! lilcss us ! this is pleasant. Now the tun sinks into the bowl of wat'TS and darkness comes on npaco, whil-t in the luxuriously fitted pnrlor of till! ve.HSil the ladies (God bloiH them) vio with each other to entttrtaiu the company fo recently thrown together from the four i|U 11 tors of the comp.iss. Tbe evonin;^ is whili'd away with sweetest music and song and lieguiling story. Ere loni/ tonipting lefreshmenls an I tl on all hands seek the ipiiet of neatly sppiiinled stateronnm, while one often bears the <]nery, " Have you t,'"t the key of your bunk?" The oeasi'loHS onward puncli, jiunch of the engine, t!ie whirl, whiil of the screw, and moniiiiu light of the fifth finds us 140 miles on the seaway; and 300 more miles abend. Noon, and our merry crowd are fleligiiled with t1io lovely sail up the St. tMsrie liver, tVitb beautiful landscape on ahead, and we aro "out on the ocean sail- ing, 10 a home beyond the tide," (may it l»e so in a higher sense) with Port Arthur the next port of call. Supper over, deck promenade, '.i pipes, turn in for repose. Sunday morning, bright, calm and clear. A glance at the ships log reports lU miles per hour travelled. At 10,30 o'clock the prominent Thunder Cape ia snilited and passed. A tin with sealed top,contaiiiiiig papois, mail and leports for the lone travellers on the rockland, 11 tossed over board and hastily picked up by a man in waiting iit a skifl'on the briney surf. How aweiiisping is the scone ! It is a sublime moment in anyone's life when they can stand on the deck of a vessel and, luokiiiK over an exiianso of waters, they can gaze on the liiuh'ands, where mnuntaina are on mountains hurled, till it seems earth, and rocks, and lioavon bend. Truly a sub- lime prospect, richly repayiiic the travel- ler to view. Here we beciune actiuaintcd with the very genial, much reported Dr. Wilkie, of India, a fellow passenger <m nis way to ilio General Assembly of the Presbyterian Ministry, at Vancouver. The Dr in a very friendly way introduces himself and one feels right at home with liim, while he enters into animated con- versation on the live topics of the day and hour. A very seliolnrly irnn, and yet we find tha' even such a scholar and educator and missionary as Dr.Wilkio corta'uly is, can bo biasi'rl in his views and arguments on sonio vital points of piditicat and soci.tl life. This he discovered t<i us whilst speak- ing of the approjvcliing ineetinu of the Supreme Oiand Orange Lwlge of British North America at Winnipeg. The Dr. remarked thi.t that was, in his opinion, nil iiifitiiution that was no hmger nei'ded and had outgrown its usefulness. The Grey Division The probable division of Grey County by *ho redistribution with the population of the municipalities according to the last census will be as follows : â€" North Greyâ€" Owen Sound. 8770 ; Sarawak, i;J2() ; Keppel, 4100 ; Derby, 2140 : Sydenham, .1400 ; St.Vincent,;il08; Meafortl,101fi ; making a total of 24,874. South Greyâ€" Sullivan, ;?G!I7 ; Bentick, 3551 ; Hanover, 1721 ; Nornianby,4e30 ; Egreniont, 3607 ; Durham. 1422 ; Glenelg, 2724 ; making a total 21,382. East Greyâ€" Markdale, 802 ; Artemesia, 3923 ; Thornbury, 780; Holland, 3504 ; Osproy, 3085 ; Euphrasi»,.3441; Dundalk, 702 ; (Jollingwood. 3!)fl2 ; Proton, 3108 ; making a total of 23,303. Knifed the Constables why, Dr." Because he had seen some two or three Orangemen drunk on the day of colebration. And so, Dr.Wilkio, you ex- eoininunicato the wh<do Orange As><ocia- tioii, because of soino few weak individual members indnlgiiiL' their diseased ap- petites to excess! Well, Dr., wo have seen individual members go from tho com- iiiuninn service at the church. aiid that on Sunday, to tho hotel, and be drunk be- fore going totheirhome.and yet wo do not undertake to excimimunieato the church because of that. lUit, Dr., I am in a pos- iticm to advise you that we as the Orange Constables Campbell of Hanover and Cousins of Walkertoii appeared bof«re •ludgo Barret yesterd.iy on the chariie of compounding a felony preferred asja inst them by Conslab'e Rriggs of Walkciton. The facts of tho case briefly are as follows: Soiui! few mnntha ago Clirist. Hcrlel, a .stock bidder in the B ill Furniture Co ,l.ist a knife which ho valued at 75.;. It appours I hat an employee in the fnctory, Charles LesHo by naim-, ffiund tho kiiifo under a iiiachino. Henindo no boms about it in tho light of it being in his possession, loaning it to the boys in tho factory and so forth. Hertel, naturally, anxious to secure possossicm of his properly, left the matter in Constable Campbell's hands. Cousins, a Walkerton constjible, boinij in Hanover at the time, was engaged by Campbell to as.iist him on the case. To- "And jTother tht-y interviewiod Leaso in one of wa'i'fs, laden with coinmorci) of all kiiidM, lioiiiiil 1111110)-' and thither, whose crews wave a cheer as we salute and pass full fpeed a'le d. It is a charming day. eitlicr sideaiid the nuiiicroua craft on I lie i Associations are inakint; ovory itToit to eliminate the objectionable practices and errors th.»l may bavo crept in amonasl our membership, and visit with just |iunishmeiit evil practicea, and if you will balmy, cooling breezes tempering a hot 1 take the trouble to notice, the Supreme Mill. The verdure on 'tho banks londa n Lodgu nt this session will take up this lef o big coloriiitf to the evei--cliaiigiui/ :very t|Uestion of the lii]ui>retil and handle scene, run^i'ul and pleasing to the eye, lit witliout gloves. I believe, and pro- while the field glass brings niuh and re- nounoc uivin it moat emphatically, the Dr. vca'y iiiaiiy pleasant surprises shoreward, was gl,id lb Umrn of such being the esse And now we heave ill »'\\t\\t of the fur- â€" but, 6h shanio Orangemen, that anyone lam 'd Sa ill. F'ac-famod, And justly s>, a nuimlicrdf our noble order should sn toi' it is one of Iho most Interesting spots dutnean himself and smirch the sanctity n thi< line of travel. We notice at onoe I of the Association in such a way and be a cause of reproach and Contempt in tho iiiinds of the educators of our youth throuuhout the world. This was our ro- Hoction. the town botels,nnd it ia alleged that they frightened him into putting up J5 to hush the matter np. His honor Judge Barret suspended the constabes until the fall assizes. â€" Hanover Post. Co Consumptives. Tlie uiulnrBiRiiort liRviiiK Ijch-ii roRtorod to hoaltli by stiuiilu niiianu, »(toi- siifTnrin^t for b«v- aial years with b«V(ii-o lung atTuctioii, anil tlint ilroarl ilisoasiicon.sumptlan, Is anxious to make kr.own to li Is follow Hutfui-nrs the moans of euro. To tlioBP wlio ilustro it, lie will olieerfully sonri (Irooof clisrBo) a copy of tlie prosoription nmul, wlilcli Ihoy wiltflml a miro rure for conjump- tlon.ssthma. catarrh, bronchlllsand all throat and Irng maladies. Ho hopes nil BofTorBrs will ti-y blsrotoody, as It is iuvaluiililo. Thoaodosir- iiiK thu profcrii>tioii, which will ooatithem noth infj anil in&y iirovo a hlosaine, will iilcaso ail ilioBH, Hoy. ijibWAltn A. WILSON, Brooklyn, N»w York Coine to tho prami jes of tbs nnderaignecl last Novi-mbor. one steer B yrp, 0I1I this apriiir. owner can hsve same by proviag property anil imying oxjtenpeH. P.IIBOWN l<'ev«rsham Jul^ 141003 1 BOYD, HICKLINO Iho g'gintio enl >ri(ei(ti>nt of tha towns on ("the'- side, Canndiau and Artierican, and flirt railroad und laketraftio dltpUys,sincu our trip over (his route tw^fity ytara ago. Then our IsMt wont up through the Aineti.^11 0,-inal ; n >w we go' up through .t\ir own Canadian canal â€" a most mwnifi- i-ent waterway, All our own. We glide in I'l'tween maa*ivo Walls of M<>)id mniHinry some 5 eet in lenglh. Tha gates of . the loo'< cF)»e bel.fnd u», the taat«ni are I *ie hive ever had from Mr let: ill in largui volume, we rise the height I pen, and we are snrp 9 t readem <• "••ip.^nia.t.^ and all ; the ,{at« open L ^,^i„e H.-Tv. Aorimcm,] [Mr. Carr'a rery entertaining nlnerva- tioiif will lie continued next week, deal- ing with the haUnonof the, journey. In our estimation the above ia llie liest thing Carr'a faci'e ill 1 Bylaw No. 434 NOTTrK Is h»rrbv glvnn that a Byltw was la'Stxl by the Township Conucil of Osprejr 00 thii.10th dnv of Mav, loni, prnviiling for the inHito nfi1vb«ntni-e<i to the anion nt ol |t|4'iO for I the pnipose oTpulilic srhool suctlou No. II, ami that siirh bvtaw was re^i^toreil la tho reffl«try omce of boiith Urey ou the ITth day of June, inM. Any motion to qnash nr set aside the *a -le or Bnyparttherticifiini.it be luaite Ihithln thr^e nioiikns fr-nn tint tlato or RntlatraMon ^lid oau* not bo m»<le thereafter. j; Datwl thi-iUtb dayof July. I 9 . ' THOe 8UATT, CWrk & CO FLESH ERTON - ONTARIO »/7 Special in Swiss Embroideries 25 patterns Swiss Embroidery and insertion, including some of our most popular lines, that retailed Irom 7c. to 12|c. per yard are displayed on our centre tablesâ€" your choice of any of them at 5c. Per Yard SPECIALS FORJULY SHOPPERS Special Sale of rien's Suits 39 Men's Sack Suits, tweeds and serges, neat, attrac- tive patterns, small checks and stripes, dark, medium and light CGlorings,Avell cut,nicely made, well trimmed. Sizes 34 to 42. All sold in the reg- ular way at $5.00, $5.50 and $6,00. Vour Cboicc for $3-95 A Linen Towel For 5c 50 dozen linen damask towels, assorted patterns, red border, deep fringed ends â€" size 29 x IS"? Special 5c. Yard Ladies' Black Cotton Hose For 5c. 12 dozen Ladies' Cotton Hoseâ€" stainless black, seamless feet, full size, summer weight Special 5c. Pr. Ladies' Undervests for 5c, Ladies' Ribbed Cotton Hygeian Undervest. un- bleaehed, full sizes, short sleeves, just right for hot weather. Special 5e* Gac1$ f A Good Harvest Shoe for $Loo 80 pairs Men'.s Buff Balmorals, whole foxed.neat shapely last, toe caps, solid leather insoles, stan- dard screw fasteners. Sizes 6 to 10 HeOULAR $1,25 VALUE ForOne Dollar 1 J HARDWARE DEPARTHENT Farmers who are Wise , â€" â- * â€" 4 Will not be persuaded into purchasing the wn- roliable Binder Twine which some dealers wish to sell for the sake of the additional profit deriv- ed therefrom. Crudely made from low grade fibresâ€" such twine contains but a fraction of the quality, strength nnfl uniform evenness of the carefully constructed Plymouth Brands. NO OTHER TWINR IS **Just^as Good" as Plymouth. ^ \ . ', *r^ :t: