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Flesherton Advance, 23 Jul 1903, p. 3

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! ' nsiFEEIAI. JAPAW: The Emperor Is Greatly Beloved By the People. AUhougrh Japan has in the last jfhirty youiTS becoina a nuoUifu civil- ized nation, it still retains many of Us ancient superslilioiis. The pouip of nioinarchy has not become obso- lete with the changes in tho practi- cal jjfovemiiicnt. But- the Eiii(pcror If Japan is not a mere ptiipptt; he lias rial power. "Japan, our New /Vlly," hy Mr. Alfred Stead, gives an accoiint of the etin>cror's posi- lion. In 1900 there was a majority of four-fifths against a sciheinc of extra taxation, which was then before the tlousc of Peers. The empiror sent word that he wanted the bill passed, and the opposition voted for it un- ainin*ousIy. Fh'ery one reveres the emperor, wtich is good in a nionarchj' wisely governed, and, what is not so good, he is still surrounded with supersti- tions aad ceremonies not quite in keeping with the Western oharacter of the new Japan. Last year Mar- quis Ito, the greatest of living Jap- anese, pronounced a funeral oration in the tcnxple over his nxurdercd pol- itical colleague, Mr. Htoshi. The next day several of the news- jpapers, in a party spirit, denounced jhini for having gone iminiediately linto the presence of the emj>eror in the garments which he had worn at the funeral. In November of each year the em- peror gives a garden-party. Many of the members of the old regime, gather up the soil where his chair has rested and take it away, be- lieving it to be a cure for all ail- inonts. Other guests taJie away portions of the food provided by the emperor, as things too sacred to eat, and preserve them in the holiest place in the house. The emperor rarely goes out. When he does, he is attended in his car- riage by one of two old gentlemen, who alone enjoy this privilege. The attendant sits opposite, and does not vcaiture to life his eyes to look at the emperor. He has a large palace, and is known as "the man wlw drives with the emperor." *• Pure soap I" You've heard the words. In Sunlight Soap you have ths fact. R.KOUCES â-²:k far the •etezui Bar. tâ€" £ WHAT NEXT? A young doctor had amongst his first patients an uncommonly dirty infant, brought to his consulting- room in the arms of a mother whose face showed the same lack of ac- quaintanceship witiv soap. Looking down upoil the child for a moment, he solemnly said. "It seems to bo suffering from 'hydropathic hydro- jjhobia.' " "Oh, doctor, is it so bad as that?" cried the mother. "Thafs an awful sickness for such a mite. Whatev'er shall I do for tlie child?" "Wash its face, madam," replied the doctor; "the disease will go off with the dirt." "Wash its face! Wash its face, in- dec-d!" exclaimed the woman, losing her tamper. "What next. Id like to know?" "Wash your own, madam," was the curt rejoinder. THE THEATIKG HABIT. It Costs Its Victims Many a Dol- lar and Many a Pang. Is it not a fact that men really spend in treating amounts that they would hesitate to give away, no mat- ter how deserving the charity? It is a trait of human character that ^omes through this all absorbing dis- position to "hold your end up" when with a friend. Hundreds of men take thousands of drinks that they do not want, and other hun- dreds pay for thousands that are not desired. Two men meet, and one says: "Mighty glad to see you. Lets have something." Neither generally needs or even wants a drinlc. But the man who olTers it wants to show that hs is generous. He takes this method of proving that he is glad to meet his friend. The friend, after ho has taken the drink that he did not want, to prove that he. too, is a good fellow, insists upon a socopd round. I The German custom of entering a saloon, taking a drink and paying for it and for no others, if adopted in this country would prove a bless- ing. The custom of treating is de- cidedly a curse. WTiat we do for friendshii)'s sake costs us many a dollar and many a pang. "Look here." said the magistrate to the old offender . "this is the third time this year I have sent you to the Assizes. "You're becoming a considerable expense to the coun- try." "Yes, your worship. Don't you think it might be advisable to buy me a season ticket?" "I trust, Miss Tappit," said the kindly employer to his stenographer, "that .you have something in re- serve for a rainy day?" "Yes, sir," answered the earnest young woman; "I am going to marry a man named Mackintosh." She â€" "George, dear, you rememljer that lovely sideboard that I told .you I should like to buy because it was so cheap? Well, I've discovered a plan to make room for it." He â€" "How, my dear?" She â€" "By taking a larger house." ISxasperated Furcnaser â€" "Didn't you gi/anantec that this parrot would repeat every word he heard?" Bird Dealer â€" "Certainly I did." "But he don't repeat a single word." "Ho repeats every word he hears, but ho never hears any. He is as deaf as a post." Mr. Nag â€" "Well, I don't dig up the past, Matilda, because it's disagree- able." Mrs. Nag â€" "No; and .you'd better not look into the future ei- ther, or you'll find that a great deal more disagreeable." Little Bov â€" "1 wonder what dollies arc fed on." Little Girl â€" "I know. When m.v Iphigenia Matilda fell downstairs and broke her head I looked inside her, and she was just full of health food." "Has the baby had the measles yet. Mr. I'opiJS?" "Sh-sh! Donjt speak so loud. Whenever he hears anything mentioned that ho hasn't got he cries for it." Mioard's Lioini^nt Cores Oaodryff. 1.^,000 to 120,(100 sailors are shown by a return just issued to have valid claims against the Ad- miralty for prize-nioni'V, which they have so far neglected to take ad- vantage of. A returned miner from the Klon- dike states that at a depth of 225 ft. he found the ground frozen hard. JOSEPH GHA AND THE Masai Warriors. REMARKABLE INCIDENT. On the occasion of Mr. Joi-cpli Chuml>erlain'fi recent visit ti> Mombftsa, East Africa, a torchlight war (laiiee by The pictnrrsque Mnsai warriors was givtii in his honour. In this connection a striking inci- dent, as sho^ing^ the world-wide use of Ilolloway's famous r?tnedie8, is iUnstratrd hy the accmniian; ing photui^ruph. taken on the spot by a corrcEpoii- dent ot The Sphere. Indeed, HOLLOWAY PILLS AND OINTMENT are used wherever the white man has set his foot. The M««ii warrior cwTiin^ his grease pot ilung from the lobe of hit right ear. The pot in this (we wu a lloLLOWW's OlnrMlNT jw, anit the lobe or the car had been stretched to (f«t round the pot. THE PILLS arc 1 woTlil-'rfiilly prompt and effeetiial, but srutle aod beuiyn, reoicily for all disorders uf ihe Liter sn 1 Bowels. They cleanse and thor 'iijMj rejuUte the systeio. Females should iu\er be without (hem. THE OINTMENT is the greatest healinjr sgent known for Old Sore* and all skiu afTeetious. Kiieumatism and Sciatica jleld to its Influence quite magieallf, as also most throat and cDett troubles. Manufactured only at 78, New Oxford Street (late 535, Oxford Street), London. mt0 AN ADHEHIVF! BOliROWER. Bob â€" "Is fi safe to lend books to Dave?" Tomâ€" "Oh, yes; if you are prepared to give them to him." A HOPEFUL PROSPECT. Eaphemia â€" "Professor, I suppose you would be afraid to marry a logical woman." Professor â€" "Oh. no; if she was real- ly logical I could convince her once in a while." ANSVVEREP. Gertie â€" "What are the sweetest things you've seen in hats this sea- son?" Bob â€" "The girls" faces." "Halloa, Pippy! I just met Bogan. He says liis wife's gone away visit- ing, and he feels like a fisli out of water." Pippy â€" "I should think he wouldiâ€" out of hot water." Kate â€" "Just look, these boots are ever so much too big." Mary â€" "Yes, you must have given him the num- ber of the house instead of the num- ber of your shoe." Ueafne.<;s Cannot Be Cured by local applications ae) they catinot reach the dtheused portion of the ear. There is only one tray to cure deafncsa. and that is by conntitutional reinediea. Deafness li caused by an inflamed con- dition of the mucous lining of the Kus- tachian Tube. When this tube is Inflam- ed you have a rumbling sound or im- perfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed. Deafness is the result, and un- l^s the Inflammation can be taken out and this tuba restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed for- ever. Nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but a,n InQamcd condition of the mucous ser- vices. Wo will give One Hundred Dollars for any case 01 Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure Send lor circulars, free. F.J.CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O. Hold bv Druggists, 75c. iisU'v VamiLv fills are the best. Policematt â€" "Well, my little dear, if you can't tell mo your mother's name or where she lives, how are we to find her?" Little Girl (lost while out shopping) â€" "Jes' put me in a shop window, an' mamma '11 be sure to see me." â- â‚¬ by I was Cured of a severt cold .VINAUD'S LINIMENT. Cxford. N. S. R. F. HEWSON. I was Cured of a terrible sprain by illNAItU'S LINIMENT. FUED COULSON. Yarmouth, N. ,S, Y. A. A. C. I was Cured of Black Erysipelas by MlNARD'S LINIMENT. . Tnglesville. J. W. RUGOLES There are at least 1,75(i,Ck:iO Free- masons in the world, of whom 150.- 000 belong to 3,430 British Lodges. ENGLISH SPAVIH LINiMENI flpmov»9 all hsrd. soft or calloused lutnpi md blemishes fruin hit sea, b!o-id spaTin :urbs. splints, ring bone, swecn-.'y. stifle* ipralns. BOre and swollen tlirOAt. o**ns!h^, e:c Save $S0 by use ot one bott's. A'nrrenret lh« most wond«r(ul Blemish Cure <>â- '«' known. "Oh, Major Bloodgore!" said the girlish gusher, "they say that during the war you were always cool in ac- tion." "Cooll" declared the major; "why, my dear girl, I was so cool that when I shivered people insinu- ated that I was trembling." For Our Sl.\»|- Years, A'* Olo ANJ> WEti-TKIKD Kb.mrdy. â€" Mr.l Winsiow's f^ Syrup ban been urcd for orer sixty }9ars by mill ions of niolliers for their cl,tldres wlii c- lot'thin:!, with perfect uueyefcC It southea the chiM, tofteim Uie tfuiiis, alLtyuali pain, cures wind colic, aiiu istlie boflt remedy for Diarihiea Is plea-ant to the las. o. .^oia by drujfuists in every part of the wor d. rwenty-tiTecenuabofie. Us taluo is ino.iiciulablo. Be sure aad aali for .1L'3. Wiualow 8 Soothing Syrup •Dd take oo otbar Itind. 1-" 23-74 "Is it true that your bride is very hard of hearing'?" "It is. AVhy, when I propo.sed to her I had to shout so loud that all the neighbors i-an out and congratulated me." PLAN NOW FOR SUMJMER TOURS No matter where you are going, if in the United Slates, write to Fred. P. Fox, care Lackawanna Railroad, BulValo, N. Y., for rates and routes. Very cheap excursions during the suunuer to Atliuitic City, Boston and New York. E.xcursion rates now in efTect to all resorts. Plan now. i 13-33 THE WAY OF THE WORLD. An inlirm old gentleman was found by a i-ogue moaning sadly lor some- thing lost. "What is the matter, sir'?" said the fellow. H "(.)h. sir, a villain has just stolen my new white hat from my head, and run away with it." t "Why don't you run after him?" asked the rogue. "Bless your heart, I can't run at all; 1 can hardly walk." "You can't, eh'? " said the rogue. "And he stole your hat?" "Yes. ho did. sir." "And you can't run?" "Not T." "Nor catch him?" "No." "Then here goes for your watch!" And accordingly, snatching his gold watch from his pocket, the fellow went off like a shot from a rifle. %z\h LiiiiRient Cures Burns, etc RIBBONTEA COMPETITION: 3 Owing to the great nunther of advartlsemento received in the Bluo Ribbon Tea CompotitioTis, the labor of sol«crtlng tise priic wtnoera haa (taken several weolw. The following aire the suci^ossful comiJctitors : let J. H. Morrow Ellen St., Wn- nirjag. 2nd Ed. Doran. Wesuninster Block, Winnipeg. 3rd J. B. MStxhell, 518 St. Paul St.. MojHreal. Que. 4th Fxi. Huwke, Moose Jaw. 5ah J. Dow. Burr Block, New West- minster. 6th Ralph N. Reade, 252 D'Aigiillon St., Quobci!, Que. 7th W. C. Fonnan, Ligei-soU. Ont. 8th R. N. Meredith. Rogina. 9tli F. D. Smith, 250 King St., \ilnnipeg. loth Sara ChaiHuaJi. Niagara-on-Uie- LeJte. 13th S.F. Killalyy, Ne^v Vicstaaamjtr, 14-th Mr.s. Fojves-t. Robson St^ Vaiicoihver. 15th C. J. TKackjer, Winmipef. ^ lath, R. W. Torraiice, OaJt, Ofat 17tji MlsB a. J. Korivel. SteUarton, Plctau Co., N. S. IStJi Robt. Keetplng, 10 Windeor St., Tojouto. 19th A. G. E. Lowman. 275 Poji taige Ave.. Winnipeg. 20th .1. C. Tuditope, InsersolL 21st Jos. Lay, Reabum, Man. 2arad Mrs. W. Nidkel. Waterloo, Oilti 2and D. M. Fleet, IngeraoU. 24^11 A. 11. Smith, Box 543 WtooJ stock, Ont. IHh Mary Fornuan, IngersoU. 2;yth Ceo. H. Larwill, 628 Broad 12Ui Jennie Beaton, Loree, Ont. • way, Winni^peg, Man. t-d "A Boec kh Broom for a Clean Swee p." The necessity of reliability â€" saves labor â€" saves carpetsâ€" saves time â€" saves moneyi BOECKH'S Bamboo=HandIed Brooms. Shrewd buyers need no urging â€" they insist upon being sup- plied with these Brooms that stand alone. At all dealers. UNITED FACTORIES LiniTED Head Office, Toronto â- J tâ€" f OUR BRANDS. King Edward " Headlight ' '&30a " Eagie " â- Oils * ^039 "Viotoria" • ' Little CoEnat" HULL, Don't Experiment with other and Inferior brands, USE EDDY'S PATIENT AS JOB. "Tell me, Tomxny," said Miss Alicia, the rector's daughter, who was teaching her Sunday school class, "which is your favorite Scrip- tural character?" ".Job, Miss, be- cause he's like father." "Indeed," replied the young lad.y, beaming on the boy. "Well, tell me why your father is like Job. my boy." "Be- cause father's so patient. Miss, for I've often and often heard him say to mother. "Stop your nagging; if I hadn't the blessed patience of Job you'd have a black eye every day of your life.' " Minard's Liniment for sale everywhers Mrs. Thinkhard! â€" ""Of late years the spread of intelligence among all cla.sses has been simply wonderful." Old Bachelor â€" "Yes. I notice there has been a gi-eat falling off in the number of marriages." If sciontiflc principals eouDt '0'„«;?J''^''>| the patent inflftUid air p»a tru.a .hould be wcMM. Iti.Oids the part, in suoh po. iai ihat with fair play they mnst he»l. I^l« ll«h< . ro«ored the mom«t it i« ^{^'^*^ ^m wn pi ocuro It only fm.Ti the B«" •»i„ii?i^ Mfit no.., Hernl» 8peci»ll«t«. iSS Bp«dlB/, Toronto. Write now. 22-4'! Oominian Line Steamships Monlreal to LlTcrpooL BokIod to IJTer- pool. Portlana to L.i»flrpool. Via Qu»e«»- town. , , LuTO and FMt3te»m»brp». Suporiw 4ccoiiuaod»tio'» (Or ftlTclHaMi ofjpa.*Minger«. SalooQn an^ 9t»t«room« are ftinid&hipfl. apeoiat ntteotirjn has bwn ex^^u to Lhe SeoODd Saloon and Third-Claas acconimooaiioD. For rakw of passae*; ud all particulars, apply to aay aiE,fla& •Cthe Ooiupnnj', or ~- - â- laliar'- MiUa k Oa. D. TorranM k, Co.. tTMtoUBU Bobtoo. MoDtNal aaa Portland. 1>â€" (50 ORANGES LEMONS WE Minard's Liniment ReiieYes Neuralp He offered to act as her escort, but she declined the offer. "You arc as full of airs as a hand organ," he spitefully declared. "Possibly." she retorted, "-but. all the same, I don't go with a crank." HAVE THE BEST ! We have Mexicans, California Navels, ; Valencias, and Sevilles. Carload every week. All the above at ourket prices. We can also handle youri I Butter, EfiTSS, Poultry, j Maple Syrupand other produce to advan- i tage for you, IHE CAW33N COMMOSION CO., U.-nited., Cor. West Market Bt.^TOKON'TC^^ l-l"> greasy dishes, pots or pant with Lever's Dry SoajJ a powder. IK will rcnjovo the grease with tho greatest ease. "I sa.v, Parker, why docs that den- tist go round telling strangei'S funny stories?" "Why. he has an eye for business. When they laugh he no- tices their teeth, and it they need seeing to he pusse.s over a caid " INFANTS' DELIGHT Toilet Soap Best for t Best for Big Folks I Little Folks JOHN TAYLOR & CO. Perfumers and Soap Makers TORONTO. FRENCH CLEANING. Tor nnde ii|i Ooodi. .Initi in Clo h. V«l>rt. mik 'â-  m fun ftQd Ihil Tftluable bout* Uaniingn, itothiafl to vquat it il done by th* •UTISM AMEIICAll DTUHO tO., Montr«al | 1â€"14 I Foods Meet every requisite of the impromptu cT hi't. wcnthtT meal. Poltai nam, BctI tml Toarne, Oi TcHttic (Wliolc), Veal LhI, DevIM Ran, Briaktt Bctf. Shod Saake4 BmI, Ett. All oaMiral llavor foodsâ€" palata'ole and who'c some. Voiirgrocf r should bave them. Pr.««--Th« booklet "How to MnlnQood Thinsi, >«> t«.,'' 8<»"1 tt'*lQ ttaniiHi for UbhjS big .AtlM Ioriho World. I UMty . McNem &. t>»hy. Chicago. HI. \ h t-^T~ ISSCG NO. aoâ€" OJ

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