tsbtrtutt Xh^ana, ••TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN." VOL xxni, m m Flesh-ertoii, Ont., Tliursday. July 23 iG03 W. H. THURSTON. BDITOB FBOFKIGTOB l^aickes â- , For the Million ! We luve an immciiiie supply of Watches oil h.iiid iucludiiig till the bust makes such as â€" The best watch made ♦oday. DUBER.MAMPDEN NEW YORK STANDARD ELaiN, WALFHAn The above are nil the b<;«t American niHkes. In chen[jer watihes we Lave SwisH watchea in hijf variety. You can't make a mistake in comint^ here to select youi* watch. W. A. Armstrong. Eugenia *. Our farmer are now busy with the hay harvest, which is an average crop. Mr. Smith of Mount Forest is now hiiving hi* lumber hauled out to be ship- pod. A lar^'e number u( teams are eui- ployed. On July 20'h,atFiiirfeld"Vilk,Eugenia, to Mr. :iuj Mrs. Thomas McKee, a son, 8ti 1 born. Eujjenia Presbyterians were delighted to vvelcoiuo their piutor, Mr. Thorn, i)ack from bis trip to Vancouver. He seems to ha improvrd in heabh. Miss Gordon of Sliolburne is vi.sitin;i her broiher, Mr. George Gurdou, at present. Mrs. Gordon of Toronto was on a vitit to her daughter, Mrs. Chos. Turner, re- cently. Mi.sses Gtor'jina Smith and Blanche Walker of Toronto are visiting tUoir purenis at present. Master Stewart Ilislopof the Valley has roturnedj home tiom a very pleasant visit with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. MoKenzie of Cedar View farm, Ceylon. Mr J . H. Duckett has been very poorly for some lime pasf. Mies Carrie Taylor of Toronto is the gUHst of Miiis Maud Duckett. Mr. T.E Fenwick has gone to live at Heathcoto for a few months. He will be uiissod by the young peopla. Mr. and Mrs. Burns of Belleville, were visitors of Mr.s. F.T.Carr's the past week. Mr. Robt. Wallace of Toronto pafi a short visit to his parents at Eugenia, loceiitly. Mr. George Gorley met with a seiious HCjideiit recently. While a-ssisting ai drilling a well on his farm, his arm cau£;t in the drill, which tore a dangerous wound. The Dr. was sent for and lie put seventeen stitches in his arm. Great Nynipatliy is felt for Mr. Gorley, as he is a main whom all respect and love. Mits Eltie Thompson is vi.iiliiig her fi lends at Violet Hilt and other places in Mulmer. , Misa Tillie Hoy has returned from the city on a visit to her parents. PriccviHe The farmers in this viiinity seem to be trying to make hay while the sun sliines. Oil Fiidtiy the lOtli, the gardtm piirt> and football touruaiueut took place and kickina was the Older of Ihe day. The tough-skinned foitii.Ul took tl.o kicks witii gool i<r;ice, the hinder t!ie kick the iiioie active it became ; but one of the kickers received an uiit'neniily kick in the back thai. renJerid him inactive Teaini from iMarUJalc, Ct-ylon, Drouiore and Swiiitoii Park slruvigleil for the vic- tory, a $10 prize in vioM-. Dro.naeimd Mavkdale pl.iyed fuil time but iliJ not .score. Th»y tried twice to decide the tie but failed. S>vintoii Park played Ci'yhni, resulting in a score of 4 !o i in favor of the I'ark. Mr. T. J- .Jordan I'fDurli.ini «e.s referee .ind .saeinid to give satisfaction. We understand i lie prizi was divided in some way among the toatiis. SVhon the kicking subsided the people found their way to the basement of the chuich and spent a social hi ur in trying to unload the welll.iden tallies. Upstairs Mr. D. McDonald acted as uhairniau and addressed the audience by relatiU'.' some incideiiU-: in his Vancouver tiip. The program con-'-isted chiefly ol music. The Drouiorc choir wa-s present Bod rendered some fine pieces. The s.>los l>y Mi»»e8 Ann.-* Jaiuvs ai.d Eiuuia Mc- LuAii were heartily encored. Mioses Jenn Kenwick and S. Isaac, i»ud Messrs. W. RainageandW. Isaac, sang aoiu' fine qiiattettes. The chief orators of the kv eniiig were Messrs. M. Riley of town. Editor R»m»K« of Uuthain, »iid Rev. Mr. WaiaoD. The liUter gikvu an excellent â- ddrcM, which auiked the ev«HiU of the (lajr, (Ue t<>|»ic UlDj; "Strength and iHjauty." Mr. D, UcCormack was gate keeper and raked in $79. A number of persons from this vicinity took iu the excursion to Owen Sound and Baluiy Beach on Tuesday. Hilinbcrley they were able to take a trip to Manitou- lin lost week. \ Miss Annie Thompson leaves for Toionto next week, where she expects to remain indefinitely. Mr Abraui McMaster from Bruce Mines vicinity, spent the part two weeks with bis brother heie on Sunday. Mrs. John McConnel of Sturgeon Falls, and family are visiting friends in thia vicinity. Mis. J D. Watson of Markdale is visit- f I lends here at piesent. Mr. Dau Henderson is moving out lo Markdale to live. Mr. Ge irgo Proctor is putting up Mr. Reid's stone shop, also bricking Mr. W. S. Bishop's house. Master and Miss Calhoun of Owen Sound are visiting friends here at present. Mrs Geo. Lawrence is very poorly. Miss Dull Abercrombie is visitiiig Mr. Ed B.iker at Maikdale. Miss Ulive Scott passed away on Sat- urday last, and was hurried iu New Eng- land cemetery. The friends have the sympathy of the neighborhood. Master Geo. Carruthers of Toronto is holidaying with Mr- T. B. Carruthers, merchant. Ceylon. :%axweu Miss Sarah Ferg'ison and Mr. W. Mc- Whiniiy were married last Wednesday. Mr. Win. Buell of the 14th line, who has been an invalid for the IdSC live years, died on Sunday mornini;. A large congregation gathered on Sun- day afternoon at the Presbyterian church, when Rev. Mr. Fleuuniiig conducted a memorial service f.jr the late Mrs. Frank Arnott. The garden party at the parsonage will be held on Thursday evening, July 30th. Short addresses, music by chior, and tbe Arnott family, Music by prof. MoLure of Toronto will constitute the progiam. The fall wheat harvest will begin here about the fiist of the no.v.t week. Owing to the frequaut showers, very liflo haying has been done here yet. -Mr. Albert Brownridge is hauling cement to floor his siablc. Mrs. Spoffoid has had a beautiful and costly granite monument errect*d in the Melhiulist cemetery here to the memory of her late husbant, the late Hugh Spof- ford. Dr Jfurray intends taking a week's holiday and will net visit J/axwell on Wodneb*.lay July 29th Mr. James Hemphill and two sons, i Will and Kilburue, of Toronto, came up on Saturday and called ou their many : friends, returning Monday. I Mrs. Trueman of Orangeville is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. Wright, west back ' line, who is ill. Mr. W.Beatiy, Miss Wilson and Miss Lott of Creemore, visited at Mr. W. McMulIen's last week. Mrs. Balfour and little son, Bond,of New York, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cullinson. Mrs. Geo. Cushnie and son of & fount Forest visited at Mr. H. Tucker's last week. Mrs. Tucker accompanied her back as far as Holsteiu. Mrs. Marshall and dauiihter. Hazel, left on Saturday for Berkeley, where they will remain for a few weeks. Miss ofatfgiu McAulay of Toronto is visiting at the parental home. Miss Ina McMuUen is spending the vacation with friends at Orangeville. Mr. and Mrs. J. Fatten spent Sunday with Kimbei'ley friends. Mrs. J. B. Kgan, who has been ill, is improving. Mr. H. Ridley took a tiip to Toronto last week in charge of some cattle for Mr. McGLl- Mr. Uhas. Hoilgins of Horning Jlfills is a guest at jlfr. T. Chislett's. itfiss S. Coibett of Oorbetton spent last week with her sister, Mia. W. L. Wrights. ilir. and ilfrs. Orr of Montreal spent a couple of days last week at Mv. J as. M'i- MaUou's. Mr. Geo. CoUinson has quite a num- ber of mon employed bricking hia new resideuce. ncFARLAND, STAFFORD & CO. HARKDALE, ONT. ^lK'^Sf^lf^ll^^ap^V^^^il^'1t^'mr''ll^'^IP'}^^HF^^'tlf^fltl''7K-ilf^V?'7^^<l>'ili'''ilit-'1lt' RUSH SALE In Every Department Head for this store's RUSH SALE commencini; Thursday morning when every department will have exceptional values awaiting you. There aretwo important factors that help to make this ••RU5H SALE" possible forthisweek : 1. We're using our ready money to good advantage, picking up worthy lines of merchandise at prices much below their regular market value. 2. We're weeding out onr own stocks â€" of many lines being left overs and broken lots â€" that have not hardly had time to be placed in the shelves. t' 8 the enthusiasm of quick, brisk sales we're after and to your money-saving benefit if you come when we say. Address and Presentation Towiiliiic A and E. Haying is now the order of the day. Mr. and Mrs. Arthnr Sewell, Mr. and Mrs. Freeman and two children have returned from visiting friends at St. Marys and other points. Mr. C^ooper and «ang are hustling Mr. Wyvillrs barn along, by the time this is in piint they will hav-e it ready for hay. Mis3 Fannie Richardson, Ellesmere, is visiting relatives and renewing old acquaintances. Mr. and Mrs. E. Brodie visited Mea- ford Road friends lately. Port Law Diedâ€" Sheardownâ€" At the hospital, Owen Sound, on Friday July 17th. Albert Edward iSbtardown, son of Mr. andJIis. Samuel Slienrdown, aged 26 yeais and 8 iiKiiith.s. While visiting friends at Bolton li'.S't Chrisun.iH, dece.-ised contracted pneu- uioiiia from tht- effects o: which he never lecdvered. On Tuesday of liist week his father atconpanlid liiiii to 0-.veii Sound hospitiil, wlierj an operalioii was ji-'r- formed, but all the niedi3.il Irealincnt and Htleiition ol I jvin'j friend.s proved uiia.ail- ing, and tl.e young man who had been rii'gued and strong bowed submissively to i ho unequal hand of death. Uo Und al- ways lived at his parental home liut was l okiii'z foreward wiih bright ho| es and pr'K|iecs,-o the near future, when he ex pccted to sl-.ut life in a home of his own Tiirouyhout the tediouc. months of illness be was patient and bowed snbiniy--<ivly to a hiuh-ir will. The funeral service wis condiic'cd by llev Mr. Wellwood, who preaohod from the verandah of the. family home, the service, as nriaiigcit hy the deceased being followed, lie having in hi.s quiet nioineiils chose the text, hymns etc. He was a young man whimi ail e.Hteenied, l.onext and npri!,lit, and will be much miaed, ispecially by a wide circle of young friends. Mr. and Mrs. Sheardown desiie to lliauk neiith- bois and friends fur their many acts of kindness and symiiathy shown them in theii time of alHiclion. Anionc the fiieiids who attended the funeral fiom a distance weie Mr Charles Bolton, Mr Angus Bolt4>n. and Mr Win Breedon of Bolton and Mr and Mrs Paul of Lady Bank. Mrs McLrsn is seriously ill with a com- pKsutioii of disease*. Mr and Mrs Jiuned Gordon have â- » far recovered from tk«ij; rMoeat acuiduit that Miss Fhissie E Stone has been teaching in school section No. 7, Artemesia, fnr the past year. A few davs before the school ch'Sed for the holidays Ihe pupils of the school presented her with the fol- lowing address : Dear Teai.'Her, â€" We, the pupils of school section No. 7, Arteniesia, wish to express to you our soirow at your removal from our midst. Duiiiig the term you have been our tuacher you have endeared yourself to us as a teacher by your care- ful attention to our welfare and pleasure. \\ e assure you that, as you journey far away, our heartfelt good wishes no with y;u. Wo wish for you a pleasant and happy sojourn iu the prairie province and hope that yuu will at some future lime visit us again As a token of our love aud friendsliip we ask you to accept theae presents, hoping they will always serve as a plea.sant leniiuder of Artoiuosia and especially the pupils of S S. No. 7. Signed on behalf of the schotd, Jennie Mlub M.^ky Patton Miss Sono made a veiy suitable reply, thanking the pupils for the presents and staling that their kindness would never I be foi-gottea. Mi.ss Stone bade good bye ' to all present. She leaves to join her 1 moilier and other members of the family ; in Llieir new lioine iit Manor, N.W.T. I The keen interest taken by many in the i Women's Institutes in this vicinily would make tbe following of interest. The , women's institute is a branch of the fanner's insiitute which in luin is a very ', iinpoit'int biiiiith of the De[iartinent of I .â- X^iviouliure. Some time ago a gigintic I e.xpoditiou was undertaken liy sixteen young ladies whoare now engnged in hold- ing 300 niceliigs at various points. This j i.-i tlie lirst in:itanee in which .suoh a work has leeu unJeiliiken oil a large scale but is proving aiiiaiked success. In the wo- I man's iiistitnle of Ontaiio there are ."),OI10 ' paid np incuiber-s and, during last wintor, 20,000 people attended the inuetiugs. Mr Geo. WiJem-iii of Proton told the editor on Tuesday that when he was coin- ing to town that day In' saw from the ri ad, ' four full-grown hears leisu.ely eating oats in a field on Sam IMcCullough's farm, 12th conce.s.'don. Now ye sporis, here's an oppoituiiity for big game, will you embrace it.y Mr. Wideinaii says he intends getting after them and will have a crack at them if ho gulswithhi range. â€" Duudalk Herald. A peculiar case wa« tried iu Durham recently. A Mr. Browu uf Glenelg own- ed moiiio cat lie which trespassed on the farm »f Mr. A. McDonald, winr UMler. ti.<ok lo impound theiti. A fimrteen-year- oid son of Mr. Browii'a trieil to pntvent bim doing so, snd it is claimed tttat b« uacd a revolvvi to •iiforce a lhrc*t. The boy was bued 910 >od ou«U. $7.50 MEN'S SUITS FOR «5.00 14 only Men's Suits in double-breasted sack shape in navy blue serge, dark and medium fancy tweeds, all new patterns and best of trimmings. Their mates have been sold at $6 50 7.00 and 7.50. Thurs- day morning they go on sale at. . . .?5.00 S4.25 boys"' suits FOR 81.90 12 only Boys' Two-piece suits consisting of neat domestic tweeds aud navy blue serge cloths. This is too good an offering to miss, if you have any boys from the ago of 5 to 8. More than half of them are S4.25 in the regular way. See them on Thursday mornimj at >1.90 93.0O TROUSERS FOR 81-98 Just a few pairs left of that black silk finished English Vane'-Jau Wcrsted trousers made with best quality trim- mings. It has been admitted by those who have seen them that they are eood value at 83.G0. We have sold a large (luantiiy of this lot leaving only 11 pairs I to sell. They go on sale Thursday morning at. . , 81.98 817.50 SUITS TO ORDER FOR $12.90 10 Suit lengths of the famous "Seven Towers " Serge, guaranteed pure Bally- uiena Irish Worsted, a Medium weight cloth in navy and black, it is of the iio- wear-out quality, one fact you cannot get a suit made to order tif any other kind of worsted equal to this at $17.50. We put in Ihe I'cst of trimmings and guarntce fit and workmanship every lime or no sale. Do not miss this opportunity of having a 817 50 suit made to your oi-der for 12.90. Even if you do not want it just now place your order for it thus giving the tailor inoio time to make it. Just slop and think, a 817.50 suit for 812.90 59c TIES FOR 12Ac 15 doz. Gents Silk and Satin Ties in graduates, strings, bows, knotts, medium liyht and dark shades. This lot we se- cured from a wholesale firm that are going out of the tie business, sn you can ima- gine how cheap they are, for many of them are worth 50c. Thursday morning they go on sale at 2 for 25c $4.00 WATERPROOF COAT FOR $1. 93" Fortunately and unexpectedly we secured 40 mure of those Men's Raglanetio Raiu Coats, same as we have been selling for the vast three weeks (over 100 have been sold.) Thursday we put out this lot of -10 coats (color gray same as last) at .... 81. 98 81.25 LADIES' WAISTS FOR 75c. Ladies fine white Lawn Waists with (> rows of inseriiim down front, also 6 rows of tucks, the b-ack has nice fine tucking and insertion making a very handsome waist worth §1.25. Thursday mornino they go on sale at 75o 7ocTOP SQIRTS FOR 49o 95 Men's fancy stitched double front cotton shir^ in black ground with fancy stitch- ing, sold iu most stores at 75c. "This week 4yc. 12ic GREY FLANNELETTES FOR 8^0 About UOO yds. Gray Domet Flannelette- full 3(5 inches wide, extra heavy weiohr. and of a. soft aud lofiy hnish. We lioughc it cheap and you can share m it. On salo Thursday at only Sh 25c CHILD'S SOCKS FOR 10c 98 pair ohilds pure wool Cashmere H-^lf- hose, seeml«.ss feel, in' black, tan, red, and pink, bought at a big sacrifice and are worth 20c and ::0c. Thuisday inoin- iiig price per pair 1 Oo Many other lines that are reduced in price will await you this week, but a.s space will not alhuv mention of the same we are obliged to omit them. Vs Monday, 13th July is the day .set apart for the Orangemen's demonstration iu Markdale our store will be open for your coiivenieiico in the way of leaving ycur wraps, etc. Come in whether yi>u wish lo buy goods or not. IVIcl^arlan^, « Staff oi?cl « «& Co. I W. HOCKLEY W, HOCKLEY $ S Proton Station hS Thirty Days' g argain Sales. , , | Ready-to-wear Clothidg Groceri-s A Specially 10 Tweed Suits, reguUir $8.50 and 5 lbs. Choice Japan T-a 1 CO g;(,00 for SO 00 5 Uis. Choice Black Tea 1 00 5 Tweed Suits, regular 80.00 for. . . 4 50 Go«d salmon per can 8..-. Meu's Fur Caps, Bell coney, only (5 ,3 lbs. stl.llaisme 2r>e left for 1 •JO ll,s. fresh Fig.i 2r>c 6 on'y Ladies' Caperines, regular _ 3 lbs. Coronation biscuits 253- price8-*for - <•' 2 cans Cr-^sent Baking powder , 2;" Great reduction in Ladies' Cloth K'akjd Peas, par packet Coats. A large assortment of 5 Bottles E.ttiacts SHo^ Men's Pea J'vcket.s and Heavy ^.^^^^^ Grsnulated Sugar 24 lbs 1 00 U Rters at rock bottom prices o, ,. , „ , . „ 1. . ,. Brown Sustar, 31 lh» 1 CO Men's Heavy all-wool guernseys at -r â- • i 1 c .oq u . «,^ pei-Huit. 8»ct8 Trinidad Stigar, -28 Ihs 100 100 iwirs La<)ies' all-wool hose, very 3 plugs Prince of Wal. s Toba-:oo. . . 25 heavy at per pair 25o 3 plugs Brier Tobacco 25c Come and. inspect Our stock of Carpets. ^ You will find the prices T\^]xt and the goods first class, g ,^^ All-wool Sheeting 72 in. wide, on sale at 48 rents p<T yanl. C^ >% 12 Men's Cardigans, r^ular $1.60 for $1.19 each. Larg« New Sto«k of X Sterlingr Boots and Stioea.