i ' ,A^ Tilfi FLESHERTON ADVANCE July 16 1W3 â- * » . 14-; , ', â- • K L Ka IX E KTO V - . PASTOR:â€" G£0. P. HDRLBDRT. Service at 11 a.m cnch Lord's Day Next Sunday â€" BaptiRiiial Service. Vicinity Chips €iiara«t«ri8Ucs of the Past ffcek €ar«ruily Culled for the Curious Fresh lime always ou hand. J. H. Ditckott, Eugeuia. There are five casoii of smallpox at WHlkorton. Money to loan at lowe&fc rates. A. S. VanDuBen, Fleslierton. Miss Rita Crane of Owen Sounil is the guest uf her cousin, Miss Ruby Trimble. Good strong boy wanted to learn plan- ing mill business. Apply to T. W. Wilson. U;iIIty horse wanted, the balkier the better, this office for further particu- lars. M.t'.ter A. Oauoher of New York city is a ijiiest at Mr. T. Pftllistcr'N. , Mrs. T. Pallifiter »nd Miss Eva Small have gone to Jollietto, Wis., tii visit friend.s. Mrs. LcGard of Toronto is visiiing frietid;i here. Mrs. Eij'in and Miss Mamie E}>nn of Hamilton are the guests of Mrs. Run- stadtlcr. Mr. and Mrs. D. Wriaht of Peneting- ui-hi'iiesre putting in the holidays with frieiiddin this vicinity. Miss Dunlop and Mi.ss Fulton of Wood- stock are guests of Mrs Dr. Carter for the summer. Mr. W. E. James of the Bank of Com- merce, Woodstock, spent Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. Carter, Mr. Fred LoGard of Toronto spent some (lays of the past week with friends in tills lu-inhborhood. It is now said that the Dominion â- Parliament will not prorogue before September. Miss El.sio Inkster, tenchor at Rat Portage, returned last week to spend her holidiiys with relatives in O.iprey. Mr. A. McGirr, postmaster at Fever- sham, visited fora feir days last wetk with liis tl.iughter, Rhs Ge.T. Mitchell. , Swamps in the vicinity of Tutienham sro DOW being se:ir;;hefl fora po^io and a white min in coiintclioi; with the Glury -â- ^hal'.n murdor. A couple "f weddings arc taking place in town us we go to press. Mure will bo given :ibout thtsu ititercsiing events in next issue. Rev. Ivihon Wilson left on Wednosday eveiiinc to a'teiid the Epworr.h League convention ut Detroi' as a delegate from the Flosherton League. Mr. J. F. Burn», instructor of printing in theBellevilleDeaf (ind Dumb Iiiaiilute, and Mrs. Burns, were auoslB at the Meth odist parsonage during the past week. New potatoes are selling in Owen Sound at 30c a peck. The first offering wa.s oil June 30 and the tubers wero arnwii near WiUiainfford. So says the Advertiser. MosEVTO LoAU â€" At 4k lo 4J per cent. Bxpi'nses low. Also a number of im- proved and uninipioved farms for sale c.ieap. ."Vpply to Geo. Rutherford, Shel- ourne, or Dundals office Saturday after- noon. Mr. Lou Fisher of the suburbs eroctod a flame barn on Friday afternoon la.'-t wlicn moat of the available village mater- ial was present and assisted â€" mostly at "h.dlcring" A union Sunday school excursion will lie run from Sbelburiie to Owen Sound on Tuesday, July 21. The special Iniin will leave Shclburne a': 7.30 a. m., Duiidalk 8 05, Proton 8:15, Flcsherton 8.25,Mark- dale 8.37. Returning leaves Owen Sound at 7 p.m. Fare from Fleahertou, SSoeuts. children 45 oentSi Not many business men advertise in the newspapers for any other ro'ifon than that it pays. They keep it up because it pays. The most successful nierohunts in any town or city are those who advertise in the papers. There maybe exceptifins bat they are not one in a hundred. When virtually all successful men follow a Cfitaiii policy, it is reasonable to assume tliat it is r sensible and profitable policy. The foUowinK resolution was omitted from Artfinesia council minutes as pub- lished last week : Moved by Messrs. Muir ahd Btst, That the report of commis- sioner No. 4 be received and that he bo pMid §15.05 conimiasion ou S188 expend- ed knd $9.75 overseeing grndini.'. Carried. By thb omission of a period in the same re|)Oit it was mado to appear that the aaricultural society was granted 81500, wh rchs it should have been $16.0J The women folk of the 4th lino, this town-hip, are of a raiher superior order, jud.:i:>gliy an event which happened out thtro last week. A well known farmer raised a kitchen and wood shed combined. Just why it was done we do not know, but the fsct rfiua'.QM that only women wore i-ivitud and they turnfd out i.ot>ly and under the directions of the farmer himself the building wM) put togethnr quite deftly. This .ictiun «•• quit* an tnooratioo, and »U hoTH.r u> Me bir oa«a, My «e. We MfR.S.QHudin is viHiting her daughter, Mrs. R. J. Brown, Owen Sound. Minn Annie Richiird8r>n,leaoher of elo. cution in Ml. Allison coUegH, N. B., ar- rived home last week to spend the vaca- tion at her parental homo hero. Mrs. Hooper of Kansas in the guest of her sistiT and brother, Mrs. Mosier and A. Muublmw. Mrs. Hooper was at one time a resident of Fleshi^rton, but it is twenty years since her roiuoval to the we«t, imd she sees much inipmvemeQt that hns taken place during that time. A oouplo of young lady visitors to town made a very moe pudding one day last week which they called u "trirte,"and set it in a tub of water outside to cool. They did not take into consideration the "trifling" nature of Flesherton's canine population, however, and when dinner time oaiiie the pudding dish was found empty â€" minus its "triHe"â€" and the family dog was seen to be licking his chops in in glee. vVo have since learned that the dog has !x severe attack of dyspnpsia. J. .T. Kaitline of Osprey and a gang of men were hero last week removing tho exhibition buildings to tho new strip re- cently purchased west of the old ground. This will aive an unobstructed view of the r.icecourae. Whrn a new grand stand and some cattle sheds are erected wo will hare one of the best .show gioiinds in tho county But Home was not built in a day, and neither can all theso imprfivemonte he consummated in ono year. It is satis- factory to Imo.v that the improvement along this li.ie is steady and sure. Tho Junior League and Mission Band members of tho Methodist church, under the chaperonago ot several ladiss and genllcinen of the ooneregation, drove imt to Sullivan's grove, town line Glenel;; and Artemcsia, on Friday afternoon last, where a very pleasant few hours were spent in games. OverilowiiiK hampers were taken along and the little people fens'ed on the i;ood things to their hearts' (an.l stomach.s') content. An early return homo was made, everybody voting that they had enjoyed an ideal afternoon. Mr. John Hudson, treasurer of the Osprey Farmers' Milling Co., while re- turning from Colliu'-iwood Saturday even- iog had a rather exciting experience. Mr. Hnd.son had about ^700 on h's person which bo had drawn from the bank that day. While coming throuah Cameron's swamp, near Rob Roy, he was hailed and ordered to stop. Instead of stopping, however, he whipped the horse into a run. The highwaymen fired se\eral shots after Mr. Hudson, but he succeeded in getting away unharmed and arrived home sufo with his pile intact. Our Port Law subscribers certainly have just cause for a moat vigorous kick at the postal accomodation afforded them. Two weeks ayo the Port Law parcel of Ad- vances failed utterly to reach i's destiiia- ticni an<l last wcik's parcel inily arrived tliuru Monday of this week, abhough it it was niailud a^ usual in time for the 5 o'chick tram on Wednesday, five days be- fore, and only had to travel a distance of six miles. A letter from postmaster Mc- Cannel at Proton Statiim says tho Proton Station and Port Law parcels of hist week wore put off the train there on Friday last at 5.14 p. m. Just where thoso parcels had been fro'n WedncKdny afternoon until Fi iday afternoon we would like to know. There is no earthly reason why these parcels mailed hero every Wednes- day afternoon should not be put off at Proton Station the same eveninu, and we propose to see if it cannot bo done. This is the only point where we ever have had difficulty in getting the Advance de- liven d promptly, and we join with onr snb^oribera at Port Law in demanding a better service. So far as wo can judije tho fault lies with the railway clerks and and postal authorities at Toronto. The 12that Markdale It was estimated that 5000 people visit- ed Markdalo on Monday to celebrate King William's aniiivorsary. Tho town was packed with a mass of humanity which made moving around very ditliciilt. There were said to be over thirty lodges in the proce-ssion. Dundalk, Flosherton and other places alona; tho railway were depleted of their populations an.l btte buisness was done. Tho speakers for the day were Rev. 0. Perry of Toronto, Rev, Buchanan of Meaford, Mr. C. Gordon of Owen Sound and Rev. Appiegarth, English church cltTayinan. It was the greatest crowd that Mai kdale has ever s^cn, and everything went off orderly and pleasant. Tho day was ideal in every respect â€" cool and Comfortable. The huge crowd ap- peared thoroughly to enjoy its outing. Ladies' Institute Meeting. The Women'slnstitute meeting held in the 'Town hall on Tuesday of last week may he set down as a success, consider- ing that it was the first of the kind held hero. A t the afternoon meeting about 25 of mcnibers were piesont. Mr8.MoTavi8h Bruce spoke very entertainingly on Man- agement of the Homo, and Miss Muriay, a petite little lady, u;"^e "n interesting demonstration on cooking. The President, Mrs. R. Best, ocoupietl tho chair. Tea WRS aervfd lo visitors on tho lawn at Mr. A. Stewart's resilience. At tho evening moolin;{ Reovo MoTavish O'toupied tho chair and graciously welcomed Iho ladies. Mm. MuTavi.^h gave two short addtosses on homo allnirs which wore highly »p- proclst>-fl. The matter she gavewmmond solid Scotch sense and was well worth heving. Yaodpleur string band and •eToraf Fle^hert'D mniiieians aupplied music aod Mis* Murray gave • dcuion- tttmion In oouktiut, »llowiiiatlMM4>ene* • !«•«• ot bet dainty aottp. Bo^M aiitbt D«« B«aiben wjBCjl «dded to th« MalMy. Miss Chrislene UichardBon has been vimiing the Caaadian Capitol for the [Mst two weeks. Miss Amy Meredith of Durham called on old friends here on Monday. Kerrâ€" Hastio â€" At the rectory, Mark- dale, on Wodnesflay, July 15, by Rev, Newtdl, Mr. Thus. Kerr to Miss Nellie Hastio, botli of Flo»hrrton, Extended notice next week. The entmnco examtnalinn results as piintod elsewhere show a wholesale pluck- ing of candidates. We believe that tho arithmetic paper was largely to blame for this. Neither Markdale, Flosherton or Dundalk have reason to "blow" over the result, although Markdale bus the better showing of tho three. On August 3rd the ratepayers of Dun- dalk will vote on three separate bylaws for local improvement sohemeg. Bylaw 170 is to raise 86,000 for expenditure on streets and sidewalks. Bylaw 171 is to raise $0,000 for the purchase of a site and erection of a town hall. Bylaw 172 is to raise $8,000 for the construction of a system of waterworks. Arrests are still being made hero and there all over in connection -vith tho Col- liiigwood murder. A nettro, calling him- self tt liuinan phonograph, struck town last Friday and registered at tho Gl)he as "VV. C. Seott, Jninaioa, West Indies." He said he was the colored man who, in company with a Jew, was arrested in Belleville some time ago. He said the police asked him if he had only ono sock on, and then held a gun over "him for a couple of hours until thoyfound he hadn't been near CoUingwood. To the average citizen it appears that arrests are being mado haphazard in order to impress the public that the police aro still busy on the case, have clues, etc.â€" Slaynet Sun. to 0onsu mpfivesT" Tlie undei-sioned having been roetored to liealtli by simple moane, aftor Buffering for sev- eral years with severe hniR affection, and that rUeart disoaao consumption, is auxioiis to make kcown to his fellow sutfcrerB the moans of cure. To those who desiro it, hn will ohoerfully soud (free of chaise) a copy of the proscription used, which they will And a sure ouie for consump- tion, asthma, catarrh, bronchitis and all throat and lung maiadics. Ho hopes all snfforers will try his remedy, as it iainvaluablo. Thofiodosir- ing tho proforiptiou, which will eostithom noth ing and may prove a blusBing, will ploaso ad dress. Bev. BDWABD A. WILSON, Brooklyu, Now York Bylaw No. 424 [! NOTICE iB hereby given that a Bylaw was passed by tho Towoahlp Council of Osprey on theiWth day of May, 1903, providing for the iBsuoof debentures to the amount of SllflO for the purpose of public school aoctaon No. 11, and that «u<;h bylaw was reeistorod in tho registry ofllco of iiouth Urcy on the I7Ui day of Juno, itw*. A4ty motion to quash or sot aside the same or any parttheroof must bo made viitbiu three nionttis from tho date of Uegistration and can- not bo uiado thefeaftor. Dated this 14th day of July, lOOii, THOS SCOTT, Clerk- i iuiuwuwuiujuiui>iiuw ui t<iuwu:trij;u>i ;i^ Photos ^ -TAKEN -AT THE Flesberton Photograph Gallery are done^in first-class stylo and at j3 lowest rates. Special attention g given to copyina. Babies' photos. (3 a specialty. Pictures framed. I MRS BULHER iiii3iIri!ii!nSi5Qiln!ii!n];i<n!n!/Q Eleventh Annual I. 0. F. EXCURSlOi â€"TOâ€" Toronto I Niagara Falls Court Noithorn Light No. 127, Independent cidor of Foresters, ot Owen Hound, will run tlioir nth Annual Excursion to Toronto and Niagara Kails por Canadian Pacific Hallway, Str, Chioora, t!hippowa and Corona, and Niag- ara Falls t'nik and liiver Hailway, by special train leaving Owon bouud on Friday Morning, July 24 I'MS, at 7 o'clock To Toronto To Niagara Falls Fare From Good to return Oood to return July 25 JnlyP.7 Owon Souud *2 50 e2 50 UocUford a 40 a 40 Chatsworlh 2 :W 2:15 Hollaua Centra ... 2 10 8 20 liorkoley 2 05 â- 2 20 Mill kdale 3 (15 8 10 MiiBliortoa 2 OS 8 05 Proton B 05 a 05 IJuTulalk 2 "-5 8 03 Corbettou 8 00 8 00 Molancthon 1 ai I 83 Shelburno 1 M 1 80 Children halt faro Niagara FallR tickete aro good to return by any regular train or by special train leaving Torontoat 9 o'clock Monday evening, Jnly37th. Toronto tickets are good to return by any leg- ular train on Saturday, Sith July only. Stoaniorfl leave Toronto at 7 a.m.. a.m., 11 a,m. '2 p-iu. and 4,43 p.m., making olose ocnneo- tion with thaulnctric cat« a( vbe Niagara Falls Faikaud River RB ThiniiepalaraxcnrsionlB wIthoDt doubt Ihfl eboai»««C and bonttTuting of tho n«anon.oovflring a firftator variety of Aoeoflry an<1 more poinbsoi lutwsM ttuM aar o«lMr aMonlon Ivaviog Owen Bonnd. SinmtTTKm-d- WoMoa, 1. T, tfrtp; Win. Wtl»oo, U. MoKtuvby, i. Molvon. Mr il^ ikt Of iXi ili \«i «!» i^i Hit Of yir (!> \» ilb («i \ii \k/ ii/ «!/ i^ il/ T.J. SHEPPARD ^M,usUns, Prints, Shirt Waists " " Our buyers visited the market last week and cleared out many odd lines. Never have we shown the assortment of Muslins that we do this season fl $t)ecial line of Dress muslins at $, lOt 14c. Oee our prints / They are the celebrated Walter Crumb's make. SAirt Waists We were fortunate in securing several odd lots, not many of a kind, but an extra good value. They consist of Black Sateen, Colored Muslin, Prints and white goods. C^learinff Sale of •^J^ittin.eru Mrs. Sheppard is making a clearing sale in all lines of Millinery, as she is determined not to carry any of her stock over to another year. You can depend on getting a bargain in any line. Call and see them. * ^en's We ih \\ii ear We keep everything a man wears and can supply a man with anything he wants. Our stock of Ready-to-wear Suits are complete. A fine assortment of Ties,Braces,Overa]ls;Pants, Sox, Boots, Underwear. Agent for Buttetick Patterns. Higl:\est Price Paid for all Kirds of Produce. ^V % FiL.E:s:H:sRrroN ili lili Or m m ilir u» Oi If \li Oi Oi ii/ Oi \l/ Uf \ii ill il^ \l/ \i^ \^ Hif U# \ki \l/ mi Vl/ iXf iif ii^ ili Hi il^ \kf 0/ ili ! ^f£'X^l9X'5IS^^lS^IS^t»^(£^lS'SltXXC!^^ .'K- * Headquarters for * ; (.' V^ ' Paints, Oils.... - • : / To those who have painting to do remember we are head quarters for Pure White Lead and Paint Oil We have also added this season the best Lubricating Oil to be got ia the market. What we keep you will find the best. W. E. Richardson, Flesherton %SS'X/X^iS^%'XX/X/S^X/X^XXX>XX'SIS^^ Farmers ! Prepare for a dry summer and sow the famous Essex; Sowing Rape. Anticipating your Needs W. J. Douglass & Co. have a good stock of this famoun.s Eglish Rape â€" pure and fresh (not old stock), but guaranteed new stock, bought for spot cash and. we are giving our customers the benefit,. We have al»o a good stock of uhbics Compton's Early Corn North Dakota White fTint and Giant Prolifio Sweet Ensilage, all bought for spot cash. We solicit your patronage for pure Drugs, patent medicines, garden and field seeds, oil.caJceand house plants in bloom, ALIv NEW STOCK: W. J. DOUGLASS .. ., A,CQ.. .