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Flesherton Advance, 16 Jul 1903, p. 2

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July 16 1903 THE KLEtiHJfillTO N , AD\ AV^E tX '# I money^Saving OppoHuntties. i J For Economical Buyers. ^f Alino«t iilwnys we have many lines of g<io<tR at mucli lower prices than anybody else. Betng conatAntly on the lookout for Good OoodN under-prioed and from time to timo going where there is a possibility of securing such, it's not muoh wonder we're in a position to ofTur our customers values not duplicated elsewhere. Only 'he other day we ran across a wholesaler in need of Ready Money â€" we took all his BelowValue Offerings â€" paid Spot Cash for the lot â€" hero are a few of them: lined throughout. We have these in variuos sizes and can guarantee genuinely satisfactory wear. Regular $2.33 suits each, now only 1.50 $.125 WHITE QUILTS 78c. 15c. VERONA CORD MUSLINS TJo. 500 yards uiu8lin.i,light and dark croDiiJs, hiimII cord runnin)( thiougli go-xls and small i>olka dot effects. This same line of goods has sold all season at 15c. The colors are absoluli ly fast ami the weaiine (jualities thoroughly dependable. On sale now at exactly half prise 7^ 1.25 MERCERISED SATEEN UNDERSKIRTS C8c 38 only Ladies Black Mercerized Satecir Underskirts, beautifully trimmed and peifectly tiniKlied. These (!oods are tlioruiiglily SiUisf.ictory in every respect â€" will near for years and retain their rich silky appear- ance until the last. These 38 will be sold at about half price. Worth up to 1.25, your choice each C8 12k. LADIES' BLACK H(>.SErOR9c. 50 dozen, COO pairs. Ladies' fast dye Black CoKon Hose, sizes 8J, 9, 9J. These are to be had in plain and x'ilibed, perfectly shaped and will fine thoroiieh wear. COO pairs will not last long, but while they're liero you can have them at per pair 9 10c. CRASH T0^VELL1^G fijc. 150 yards heavy Crash Toweling, full 18 inch, heavy weight â€" a splendid cloth at a very low price. Ten cent crash at per yard C| 15e. CELLULOID COLLARS 3 for 25c. 23 dozen Celluloid and Iroiine Collars, assorted styles and all sizes. These goods we fortucaloly secured at a fraction of their actual value â€" they are lines that are sold everywhere at 15c. each â€" splendid to wear K-aad are easily kept clean. Special while they last, 3 for 25 2.25 BOYS BLUE SERGE SUITS 1.50 32 Boy's English Blue Serge Suits, fine all-wool materials, very nicely braid-trimmed and thoroughly 30 White Quilts, full sizn, good weight and splendid wearers. The price at which we are enabled to offer you thtiso iii away less than that usually charged by wholesalers â€"the sarinij being greatly to your advan- tage if you buy quick, each 78 1.25 LINEN TABLE COVERS C5o. 18 nice pattern, pure linen Table covers, good full sizes, frinsjed all round â€" cloths that will give unbound- ed satisfaction for years. This limited number is now on sale and will remain at this price until all are sold. 1.25 linen table cloths each 75 JAPANESE MATTING (bargain prices). Nearly 500 yards of beautiful Japanese Matting has just been placed in stock and includes the best values we have yet seen. Theee are splendid floor cover- inas for bed rooms being easily kepi clean and with ordinary cure will last for years. Being fully 20 per cent, below the prices usually charged for goods of equal quality. We invito you to examine them if you're likely to re()uirc anything for bedroom floor covering. At these prices 12i, 15, 18 and 20 1 25 WHITE PIQUE SKIRTS 78c. 17 Ladie.s" White Pique Skirts, nicely trimmed and perfect fitting. To give purchasers an opportunity of securing a really good summer skirt at a very low price we reduce these 81.25 to 78 25c. and 35c. GENTS TIES. 2 for 25c. 15 doz.trent's ties, bows, knots,4-in-hand,etc. Forquick sellint!, our stock beina much lirger than we desire at this season of the year, we shall sell this quantity of new silk and satin ties at 2 for 25 Men's Clothing: fifinllomcn who require anything in Ready-to-wear or ordered clnthing should not lose si^ht of tlie fact that wo are in position to sell you -f to data uoods at muL'h lower prices than most morclinnts can af- ford tn. In ihoftrBt place our turn- over is so immensely large that stocks are never permitted to grow old or shop worn, "i lien we have Buch a tremendous outjut that wo are uimblcd to buy in ([uantitics aufHciently laree to secure th« best and biggest cash discountsâ€" dis- counts totally unknown to riimller dealers. It is no secret wo often sell (joods at a rea»(jnnble proBt and yet at a lower price than some merchants piy for ihi-irs. Not much wonder then is it that ouriitoro is the mo-st popular retail emporium in the county and that business as you know is increasing with every passing week. niilinery Durine the next two weeks we shall put on the greatest linisli to the greatest millinery season ever en- joyed by us. The unparallelled success of this department is al- most a surprise to ourselves and yet judiciiius buyinjr, riyht styles, filouw prtcoi and prt>aij)t and cuuit- cous attention to custoniors'require- niunts should and will win success and recos!nii.ion anywhere. We intend to keep our stock in the veiy best- of cimditioii until the seas )n'« ', and as new goods are being constantly added, bought under price from wholesale dealers whj prefer ready money to the un- certainty of carrying over goods to another season, you may expect in- teresting prices on ALL LINES OF MILLINEIlY You are invited to make this store your headquarters for the day i^mm. MARKDALE I BOYD, HICKLINQ HARDWARE 10 TONS OF BIN1>ER TWINE We've just placed iii stock the above (quantity of Binder Twine, J>eing careful to secure the kind that will give the greatest amount of aati->faction. We c&n give you the twine you waot at a right price. COW E-iSE This preparation is (me r.f the best on the market and the, purchase of a small quantity is oiic 6f the best investments a stock-owner can make. By sprayins it on cows, re- lieving them from the pest of flies and olher in.iects, the flow of milk is so increased that ihe small cost of Cow Ease is lost sight of. Ii's an excellent preparation for work- ing horses also. Try a cjin of it. We guarantee it to the extent that you can have your money back if not thoroughly satisfied Preserving kettles and all kinds of (,'raiiiteware in abuiiditncu and at right prices. i Visitors to Markdale on July 13th From outside points are invited to visit the v.irious depirlments of this big store. We will have many lines pric- ed so low thai the saving to you on a nominal purchase will go a long way toward p-iying your day's expenses. Plan to come in the forenoon if you canâ€" mure comfort, less liutry, and the best of the day's values are in evi' dcnco then. Dre.s.s }>'oods, Silks, Ribbons, Laces, Hosiery, Parasols, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Vest.s, Staples, Woollens, Blankets, Curtains. Carpets, Houseiurni.shings, Men's and Boys' Clothing, Ties, Collars, Braces, Underware, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Slippers, China, Crockerv, Glassware, Groceries, Hardwear, etc. mm} That Football Game To ih( Editor of The Advx-nce Dkar Sir, â€" Will you kindly allow ns Hpaco in your valuable paper for ine to t.-orrecta few items which I siw in your paper week before last, regarding the foot liall tournnniont and garden )>ariy at I'rnton Station. , Tho first item that I wish ti correct is tlist Kle.slierton claims that when Fleshertou and Kwinton Park 'ined up to play off, that I'ricevillo and Proton Station boys had ai(reed to drop out uf tho competition and that the cup Was logo to the winners of this nvitoh. Well, I must B-iy that we did not iiiidur- htaiid th:it the cup was between us ''ao tutinis, and to prove it, Pricuvillu and Troton were to play off at Prioeville the \\'odiiesday after the garden party was Ht I'r >ton Station; and regarding the playing. In fiist half time Flesiierlon»Goi- «<d a goal by a penalty kick, and after half (jmeSiviniou Park scorud .a goal, which Flnihflitun tried tn dispute, but Swintnn Park's uinpiro rUinted a gtjMtl, and while lijleshorton's umpire was at the Mine cud, be claimed it was not • g<iat, but ' tlif leferee ntated th«t FlHsh'.srtou'^ uinpiro was at the wr. ry end of tho fleld.a id thai ^ Park'* iimplra was ia hia proper place, •nd the rrfor«e ikllowied Swinton Park the vo>l, aud tho b«|t was taken t? the c-ntru ^t^||Nanda topouiuteacd tojplar, i^nd if it had not been n goal, Flushtrton would have had a free goal kick. Several old football players wore called in to give their opinion about the umpires, and they all claimed that Swiiiton Park was correct in the matter. Wo have road up the latest footbull rule book, which proves clearly that I'"lealierton umpire was at the wrong end, and that iSwinton Paik's umpire was at tho correct end. The two teams were allowed one hour to play, and when lime was railed the game was a lie, and the reter-je allowed the two teams twenty miiiutes to play to bri-ak tho tie. Prieevilleaod Proton had the same chance, and S«-inton Park lineil up to play the time allowed, but Fleshertou refused to pliiy, and the referee allowed Swinton , Park the game. As far as wo can under- stand the Ele.shorton men wore badly ' used up, and wo are pluiiscd to K.iy th^tt the Swinton Park hoys oimo home with out a scratch on them, Fleshorton boys Bity that they didn't get enough to eat. Well, we were satislied that the Swinton Park bijys got all they wanted, and I am sure that there was enough for Fleshertou b>yt to eat, but we suppose that they were too scared to eat their supper. One of the Swinton Park boys put up tivu dulKrs on the grounds that Sfrintoa Park WM correct iu the dispute ; that haupeu- e<l in playing the gaine, nod one of th^ Fleshertou nieu took him u|> un V, but ' wheu tb^ muney w»h put up tke flMher- ) Ion man disappeared. We are pleased to say that another man from Fleshercon got (|uile noisy about tho game, but was C()oled down in short onler by one of the Swinton Park men. Now, we are ready to meet Fleshertou boys at hilf distance, or on Prohm grounds any timo inside of six weeks, and play them for either fun, money or marbles. Thank you, Mr. Editor, for space in your valuable paper. Swinton Pakker Thos. Tinal.of Albcmarl township, had quite an experience with a boar, which he does not want repeated . He says he was walking along the roi«l with hia gun and doij, and at a sharp turn in tho road came face to face with a largo black boar and cub. Ho immediately fired at the brute but in tho excitement shot too hieh and tho ball just grazed bruin's head, knocking off oonsiderable fur. The dog then ran at the hear and was ^thored in the arms of tho bru'e. Mr. Tinal then dropped his gun and .-an to the d-'g's retl cue and managed to gut him oot of the beiur's embiace and then made for h/>ine im fast aa ho could with hie 4<ii|. After arriving thttm and getting wtm k(ifri«M, he eft«int«r«d Aat ko ••« wh^t* Mm b«»r WM, but »1M Im4 l«4 vtik Wr mS m4 & 00 FLESH ERTON - ONTARIO SPECIALS FOR JULY SHOPPERS Special Sale of Hen's 5uits 39 Men's Sack Suits, tweeds and serges, neat, attrac- tive patterns, small checks and stripes, dark, medium and light colorings,well cut,nicely made, welltrimmed. Sizes 34 to 42. All sold in the reg- ular way at $5.00, $5.50 and $6,00. Vour Choice for $3-95 niilinery Reduced Nearing the close of a most successful season we reduce prices on all linos of Trimmed and Un- trinimed Millinery. Our assortment is almost as complete as earlier,but we never carry millinery from one season to another,so we give special inducements for quick selling. Dress Muslins Reduced This week we place 20 patterns of New Dress Muslins, sold in the regular way from 10c. to 16c. the yard on our Bargain Table â€" some of the newest designs and most popular colors are re- presented. Your Choice For g Cents Dollar Shirts for 49c. 29 Men's colored cambric .shirts â€" some stiif,some soft fronts â€" cuffs attached, neat patterns, guar- anteed fast colors, perfect goods, good range of sizes. Regular Dollar Quality for 49c. 50c. White Sailors For 35o. 5 dozen Ladies' white straw sailors, new rough straw, well lined and finished, trimmed heavy silk ribbon in white and black â€" good value at 50c. July Selling Price 350 A Special in Ladies' Silk Embroidered Hose 25c 25 pairs Silk Embroidered Hose â€" some fine black cashmere â€" some fast black lisle thread- patterns worked in silk in white, gold, red,pink, and blue â€" fast colors, perfect goods, sizes 7, 7^, 8, 8J. Regular price 45c. and 65c, Our July Price »5C. Pair HARDWARE DEPARTHENT Everything you need for Haying Time Scythes Snaths Eakcs I li, \ â- â€¢â€¢â-  •* 1 1 â-  t

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