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Flesherton Advance, 2 Jul 1903, p. 3

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:! ^ #- 4 I ( X 'f ' ' / â-  ?, M i HE COULD PT LACE HIS SHOE ^5'ILL DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS DROVE AWAY HIS KHEUMATISM Story of W. J. Dixon, Has Set the Rainy River Settlemei-.t Talking. IJarwick P. O., J\ine 29. â€" Am- k'tters litre tho WiJiiain .Jofin Dix- llh«uiutitisiu i.s cau.s- talk. 'ITio story of tno cure, as told by Mr. iJison him- self, is aa lollows: ••Du-ring the sunmier of 1901, I had an attack of Tyi>li.oid Fovor, and afliT I got over it Uheuniati.siu sot in. r had pains in ni^' back and in my right hip so bad tliat I had to a stick to walk aad had no comfort in sleeping-. "I could .scarcely dnsss myself for nearly two months, and for three or ong t*10 curu of on of ing much neas father to rei|{n in tho District. . "With 1,000 and infinite thanks to the benevolent, muguniinou.s. and inimitable blessi;d party, "I am "Your alToctionato. beloved, genu- ine and sincere friend. " Sahib." IJE TRUTHFUL TO F.L£PH».\NTS. After tJM! elephant has be«n for .qoiin; time in a circus or nionagerie. he picks uj) ugly tricks and nasty way.s, and does things that are not always honi-st or hoiuirable. He be- comwks a moan, low brute. He very quickly learns, according to the h'u- nuai standard. tho dUIeronce be- tween right aa-d wrong. If placi-'i under people of low nu>rality, he nnokis his niotioiis on tlieirs. and can act a lie as well as the nsoHt of thoni. An elephant oiiight to ho cauKhC young, and odiu-ated as a gcnl Ionian in regard to truth and honor. He .'ihoTjld never be deceived, never be unjustly puni.si1i«-d; tr-eatcd tour weeks I could not lace my right i with after a fair amount •hoe or put m,_v right leg on my j of kiiMtoess; ami pains should be iefl kneo. taken to develop his love of appro- "My brother advi.seti me to try bation, and to keep hijii sensitive, Doilds Kidney Pills, and after tak- which he naturally is, to blaiiuv ;Vn ing three bo.xes, I began to walk, do elephant leams the moaning of my work and lace up my .yhoes. And the best of it is, I ha\e had no Ithtwiiuatism since." Dodd's Kidney Pills take tho uric acid oiit of the bloixl and the liheu- -aatisim goes with it. ORIENTAL BLARNEY. .Indian Grandee's Letter to Sir Michael Hicks-Beach. They have blarney stones elsewhere than in the charming vicinago of Cork. The oriental is given to ob- Bequious and fulsome Uattery, gener- ally to secure some favor. la read- ing oriental literature one must bo on his guard against taking literally the extravagant titles and ascrip- tions of praise so current in the East. They either grow out of a mean, groveling servility or out ol the meaner motive oi cajoling flat- tery. The following is a good e.x- Eunple, quoted from an Knglish pa- per. It is in the form of a letter ad- dressed to Sir Michael Uicks-Boach. U.P., during a recent visit to India, by an Indian grandee: "From .'. . Sahib Sword wife's »on of the late H. II Maha Rajah "To Sir Mitchell | Beach, TVLP.. London I "May it [)leaso your Lordshi]) â€" With homage, tribute, and salute. 1, like one of the indulgent, venerable, , ^genuine, and beloved sons di l.on- •"''don, consecrate the fullowlng to your parental Lordship: j "That on the l!7th morning 1 saw froui the balcony of my , . . . I'al- ' ace your sagacious, intellectual, and j lustrious Lordship, accompanied by \ the vi'nerahle Lady ui.y tender , mother and the honourable my | kind .sister, driving in the double horse carriage of my generous, liber- al, and gracious llighiiess father. "In the Theocracy of the World your polite. courti'ous. and percep- tive Li)rdshi(i, by the endowuioiit of the Clod the Almighty should be ever (blissful and therefoi"e live in tho â- goUlen cage of tho world renowned wonds faster than any other animal. Fli^pUajits can be shamed by words of blanu) or repj-oach. Circus ele- phants are wise e>nough to under- stand what tools hxuiuin beings are, and lose reverence for their ke<'j)ers. Hk^nce their trickLness and ingrati- tuKlo. Care .should be taken not to let young elephants go with old stagers of Uioir sp^xies who have been iior\erted bj' a sod e.xporienice of human nature. They seem to pla.y nasty tricks, amd impress on them that nothing good should be oxpected of their masters. Shirt waists and dainty linen are made delightfully clean and fresh with Sun-. li£[ht Soap. <a Georgian Bay's Favorite Sum:iier Hot Is THE BELViDERE pakby sound THE SANS SOUCi MOON RIVER P.U, Write for rates, JAMES K. PAISLEY, Grand UnioD Hotel. OT 1 AWA, CAN TW«iXTY-SIX SIONvS A SECOND. In the course of a lecture at the oonforence of musicians in IXiblin some interes-ting particulars and some astonishing statistics were given i\;latively to the auiwunt of work accomplished by tiie brain aJiid nerves in piano-playing. A pianist, in view of the present state of pi- ano-forte-playing, has to cultivate the eye to see about 1,500 siyiis in one minute, tho fingers to make about 2,000 nioveM'.eirts, and Uk' brain to receive and uiuierstanil sep- arately the 1,000 signs while it is- sues 2.000 oixlers. In playing Web- er's "Muto I'erpotu*:)," a i)ianist has to n-ud 4..'V11 notes in a little under foar minutes. Tlds is about nine- teen j>er .>-ccon.d; but the eye con oti'y receive about tiHi consi'cutive imi>resKions |ier socojul, sai that it is evidotit that in very rapi*l nnisic a player does not .see every note singly, but in groujis â€" probably a bar or moi-e at one glam-e. In Cho^)- in's "Ktu*le in K minor" â€" in the .<ii"Coad si»t â€" the .sil)eed iif reading is still greater, since it is iieco.ssary to read :!,9.">0 signs in two mdnutes and a half, which is o(4uivaIent to about twent.v-six notes j>or .seco»ul. GLADSTONES STATUE. A statue to Gladsrtone has recently been placed in We.stminstor .\bbey on the spot marked for it years ago by Dean Stanley. It occupie.s tJiu last vacant place for a standing figure in the north transept. The London Times describes the statue. It was made by Mr. Brock of the Royal Academy, anil is a marble lljfiire on a niaPblo iwdestal, which at present contains no inscription. On one side- is the statue of Sir Robert Peel, on the other, that of Lord ISeacon&- liold. Tho aisle is called th*- "Statesmen's Aisle," and is near the pulpit. Gladstone stands in the rolx'S of a doctor of civil law of Ox- ford, with his face turned slightly to the 1-ft. The likeness is good. Thore is no cerem;ony of unveiliaig monuments wliicih, like this, are ercftod by the authoritj' of Parlia- ment. No disjilay is neo.-ssury to call attention to the Hdiuu- which the nation pa.ys its groat man. Last year liritain sold 30(1 ships of an average tonnage of 2,000 each to foreign countries. Among these were 20 warships. The purser of one of the Cunard steamships holds the ri'cord m' hav- ing cro.ssed the Atlantic 920 limes. A UA'nFlED CATAS'ntOPinE. It was in the ci>ol of the evening?, and the inhabitamts of the village were heginning to think of retiring?. wl«en .luddi-nly a piorcin-g .screaan rang out. and a terrilitil ivomuji nishcd into tho ruuid. "Fire! tire!" site shriokod. The village stalwarts wiire on the S]Jot lit once, an<l ilasl«><l into tlie house. liiiit there was no sign of ;uiything approachiiiy the destruc- tive element. "Wlrero's tho frocm the window. "Oh, I (li.ln't meant murdfr." "There's no one to iiiiirilir you?" "Oh, you're vorv Ceylon T«a Is the fin«at Tea the world produces* and is sold only In lead packets. Black, Mixed and Green. lapui U» driakcn try '^Saia^" Gtcca tik ...,..„. . , If Mientlflo prinolpaU count for anjtbini aw^uUest. higgnst rat you â- â€¢ver saw 'hit with fair pl»r tkeJ o"»»t b**!. ItislUli) ind comfortable to wear, and four confldenoi « roatorod tihe momwt It la »djQ«ted. Vo» san procaro ic only from th« Bolt »nd Truii M««. Co... Hernia 8puo(»lUt*, *33 SpadJtt Ave,, Toronto. Write now. 22â€"47 Oo?" they a^kt^ moan fire! I â€" I hein'! Wl'.o tHo».l particular! T cha.sml our cat the kitcjienl The .Myliiig Ileaii precipice, in Strouioe. <,no of the Faroe Islands, sheer (li()|) of 2.20O feet from has i-n .St to London eonspinies a tpiarter of a million Ions of fresh meat a year, not counting bacon and tinned meats. How's This ! We offer One Huiulrod Dollars Reward /Br any case <>( Catairli thai cannot b* cured by Hall's (Jat&rrlt (Jure F. J. CUENKY & Uo.. Toljdo, O. Wa, the undersigned, havo known b*. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly bCTnorablo in ail business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligation.-! made by meir nriu. WEST it, 'rittlAX. WtiolesalH Uruggists. Toledo, O. WALDLNii. aiNNAN & MAKVl.N, Wholesale Druggists, loloOo, O. Hall'!! Uatarrh (Jure is taken Inter- nally, actinf; directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the syetem. Tesliinonial.-i sent tree. Fnce T.'ic. pof bottle. Sold by all druggists Uall's Family V\Ha are the beav lOngland at pre.sent possosws 10.- 9,S2 ve.ssel8. of which U,200 aro steauiers. The acreage muier wheat this year in Kngland Is only 1,800,000. against 2,30<.>,i)00 ten years ago. Minard's Linimect Beliem Neoralgla Dorking fowls aro distinguished from most other breeds by having five instead of four toes. "If your baby does not on fresh milk, boil it." tor, you are too severe, spank it?" thrive up- Oh, doc- Why not PLAN NOW FOR SUM.MER TOURS No matter where .vou are going. U in the L'nit«d States, write to Fred. P. t"ox. care Lackawanna Railroad, Buffalo, N . Y., for rates and routes, Very cheap excursions during th< siiiiuiier to .\tlautic City. Uostoq and New York, Ejccursion ratel now in effect to all resorts. Flai now. Miflafd's Linifnenl Cures Daodfolf. .\CKOSS THK ATLANTIC. There has been som.' talk iti Kng- land lately of ondoavoring to short- en the voyage the Atlantic by dovoloping the harbor of Galwaj-, on the west coast of Ireland, and con- und garnished mother city of Lon- | „pcting it bv swift steauwrs with don. born as bright gems and â-  st. John's iii Newfouiidlajid. Tile brooches of the world to administer ! ^Ustanco from Galway to St. Jolui's justice alike to the whole | is .l.,Sl(j miles; that from Li\erpool and be po[)ular. and so . . . stiinu-:to Now York is 3,116 miles, and lated mo to put forth before your 'from Southnmptoji 3.09.j iiiilos. It is upright. righteous, and impartial ' assumed that Irajisit between New- Lordship my just claims to the I York and St. JoIlu's, m-arly righteous, my just claims to the! Ithrone of m.v Highness father for I your intellectual, prudent, and i>hil- antliropic Lordship's pre.senco. I trust that your compassionate, grn- j cious. and merciful Lordship will: very earnestly and kindly and heart- ily entitle me on the throne of my gracious, liberal, and gracious High- York and St. Joli.n's. m-arly all by land, could be porforuied so rapidly that the time from London to New Y'orJi would be cut down a whole day below the [irosent fastest rec- ords. Ttal.v's income from foreign visitors is reckoned at £40,000,000 a year. St. Martin. Que.. May 1(3, ISUo. C. C. RICHARDS & CO. Gentlemen. â€" Last November m,> child stuck a nail in his knee caus- ing inflammation so severe that I was advised to take him to Mont- real and have the limb amputated to save his life. .\ neighbor advised us to trv MIN- ARD'S LINIMFNT, which we did. and within three days my child was all rieht, and I feel so grateful that I sennyyou this testimonial, that my experience may bo of benefit to others. LOLIS GAGNIKR. r-w Herat holds the record of being tho most oi'teti besieged ol tho world's cities. It has bei'ii taken and re- taken over ."0 times. ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENl Reniovos all hard, soft or callou-od lumpi ind blemishes from hiitjei*. blood spaTin jurbs. spliute. ring lone, swocnoy, stifles sprains, sore and swollen throat, crugln, cc Save $30 by use of one botte. iVarrun'e* ibe wond«rful bluuiisb Cure eve- known. In every million of England's pop- ulation 1.390 aro blind or deaf mutes: in Ireland the number of poo- l)le so alTected is l,'J4ij per million. The Governors oi and .Madras receive year. Bengal, Hoinbay. each S.'JD.iHJO u Mioafd's Linimsot for sale e^sfjwhere Britain's national i-i'venne In.'^t year was 130 uiillion.s, but shi- spent; 1>>.'5 inillii'ns. :nnisTiA.N' e.vuf.avou. dhnvkh For the I nlpnialionnl Convcntio:i at Denvci-. July i)th to IJih. ijie allicial route solrctcil by tho ii-aiis- • oitiilion Manasum for Ontario ami ^lueliec IS via tho Chicago ami .Vorth-Weslerii and L'nioji Pacliic Ilailwuys. Special ti-nin of tourist -leaping cars through to Denver rickets on sale .luly Olh. 7t!i atid â- ^ih. Hi'tiirn liiiiit August 31st. l'J03. Very low luto.s from all sta- tioi;3 in Ganada Wiito toi- of!i(.'ial ("hristinn Ivnde.ivnr folder, rali'sand lulI information to H. If. liennett. :J Kast King street, Toronto. PATENTS SMITH A QAMERON bolic.tori jt I'atonU Cftuadit L fe U.iildg, To.octo Wriu iAiiw Adrioa FRENCH GLEANING. for made op QoodJ, Suit* in '-'lo h, VeiT*?t, SilS or Vun aod ail Tkluaijla hou^e tlaagioc*. i<uUliug 10 aqaal it if done by die â- U'HM AMKRIOAN STSINQ 00., Uontroat 12 1,l>00 Ue can citizetis 1 Indians \ ote as Aneri- Uisiiiuth and t.«cki'!-steel ha\e hoth the curious property of expanding when the.v cool instead of contract- ing, like other uietals. rr3EEXl Great Prairie Investment Co., LiniTED. 4'npltnl, !itl3.>,00i>. Divldcil Into 30,000 sh.irrs uf !$.'>.0O carb. TORONTO OFFICE : Tl Victoria Street J. •!. BOREBANK, Secretary OFFICeHS AND DIRECTORS I'resident. â€" U. L. Joynt, Ksq., M.P.P., Toronto. â- V'ici>-Presidonts.â€" It. W. McKer- cher. Barrister. Winniiieg; li. A. I'yne. Ksq., ai.U., MP. P., To- ronto. Uirectors.â€" .lohn Small, h'.sq.. Collector of Giisloiiis, Torotito; Chas. Young, il.lM'., Winnipeg; K. Morgan, Ksq.. Junior Count.v Judge. Toronto: K. W. Hill, Ksq., Winnipeg: T. \V. Andrews, K.sq., Winnipog: A. i:. llowo.v, Ksq .' Winnipeg; J. J. llorebank, l-?sq , Toronto; 11. M. Kast, K.sq . Uarristor. Toronto: K. Campbell. Winnipeg. THt GREAT PRAIRIE INVSSTMENT COMPANY, LIMITED. have i>uifc,''^asoil a huge block of latid wiaiiu tho corporation lim- its of Winnipeg and embracing 4,500 building lots situate in the best residential .section, where the impulse in values will bo most keenly realized. This lantl is beautifully wooded and is con- ceded by all Winnipeg investors to be the best residential part of the city. A str<<«t car lino is now being completed, which pass- es within a few rods of the north eini of this property; and another lino is projected lo run on the east side of it. A VALUABLE ittVESTMEMT It is not unreasonable to expect a realization upon this property within twelve mofiths of from 200 to ."lOO per Cent. 4||t has doubled in value since an Optioti was ob- tained about eight months ago, before being llnally purchased by tho Company. Whatever the pro- fits aro, olllcers of the Company and shareholders aro on the same footing, and the Company's books are always open to tho in- spection of sharoholders. All cheques pu.vable on account of stock should be made payable lo tlie order of The Trust and Guaratitee Co.. No. M King St.. West. Toronto. W>ite for prospectus. STATEMENT OF ASSETS Coiniuiny has purchased building lots, 2v> x 130 Total frontage 112,5tX> The â- i.r>oo ft^it. feet. The Company''' eitimatoon pre- sent vidiieu cf the land iefrom 12. I* to tlO.OO per foof (accord- inn to loratlcn). This wou'd yield at evi Q .•vn average o' f3 Oo Do'v foot 3 W7..J00 ro Ctat of laiiil. advcrtiirtna. ox- P' ti-O'tof iii»- ogimtnifor the!; 11^000 iM 'j'rofit baliinro to Company $J27..M)O.0fl The Gloat Prairie Investmenb Company, Limited, advertisement appears in this issue. The invest- ment is an unusually attractive one. The com[nin,v have purchased four hundred and lifty acres in Winnipeg at a low figure and are laying it out in lots. Tho advance in value since the purchase has boon sutlici- ont to make the investment safe and at the rate Winnipeg is growing large profits should certainly accrue. It should be wtuth while for anyone I having some surplus funds for invest- ment to obtain the pros[>ectus of the conipan.v and look into tho mat- tor.â€" Pom. Med. Monthly, Uritish lailways employ .')31.1ll people. Ul*. tOl engines, and <1."),'.)-IS |>as.sengi'r carriages, besides (571,000 waggons for minerals, etc. DKN\KU A,\U COLOILVno. On Juni' .•5i>th to Jul\- loth ip.*.-k-.- sive. Llie Wal'ash will soil round trip tickets to non\er, Colora/do Springs or Pueblo, Colo , at the lowest ever made from Caniula, all tickets gooil to return until .\ugiist .'list, U)ii;j. O-n July to lOih incluisive. spi- eial low rate e.xc-ursions to San Krancisco. I.os Aiigives or San Diego, Cal.. good to romni until .Vugust 31st. Tickets good lo stiqi ovi'r for thirty days wi.-st of first Colorado jjoint. This will he the- grujulost opportunity ever given pas.seagers to visit Colorado and CalilVrnia. Diverse routes going and returning. .Ml tickets should i-ond via Petrnit and over the i;ieat WViba.sih routo- For full particulars midress any Agent, or .J. .\ Uieliartt- son. District rassoiigiu- -Vgont. corner Ifliiig and Yong.- streets, T'oronto. London has the largest proportion of insane of any Kngli.ih cit.v, tlie number bi>ing 3(U per liXi.iUKV \,i(- tinghain is a close second, with 3 1 J per U>0,('OO. Dominion Line Steamships Moiitrea'. to LlTcrpool. Iio»toii to I.jtit- [ pool. Portlantl lo Lirerpool. VlaQuetBis- I town. I Lftrge ftod Ka*t Styftmshipa. Superior icconimodfttlon For ^1 clEi^ten of pa^eeiinum. ^jiootii itnil .Slaleroomi ftra ftinidshlpe. 9pec'al ucantion haa Noro ei^CD to 'ha Seconil Swioun and rhird-Ct»»s aoroainioilfcUon. For •f the CompaDy. or ' * BlaUrd*, MiU« A C«. D. Torr&nco &Co-. TfOtotAfiu Bofetoa. Muatrtsul aud Portland. 9-60 RUBBER GOODS Latest Novelties, all styles. Correspondence invited. Kn- close 2c stamp for circular THE UNIVERSAl. SPECIALTY CO., P. O. Boa Ilia. Kontrsol. »^ LEMONS ORANGES WE HAVE THE BE. ST â- It ou.- Wehave Mexican.i California Navels, V'alencias, and Seville^. Carload every neelt. W\ Oie .ibov market prices, VV> ran also h.iiidle Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Maple Syru p aiui other produce loadxaii- lajio for you. fHE CAWSON C0MMI38IO-N C9., Ll;!iit3d., Cor. West Market St.. TOKCNTO. atâ€"'- â€" • â-  „.. . ^ irila Mincrd's LioiiTierif Cufes Buros, etc. .Mthoiigh the Ceylon poarl-lishing si'ason lasts but three lo four weeks, 112 million oysters are brought to the surface in that time. Kor sntr Hear*. Ah Olv> a.nd Wkli. Tniao KsxtDV - Mr» Wiiulow's Ettot.tiiU||S«rup hM i)een n*'il (or ofer »ix(y fe»rs by laillions of iuolll«'-a for thsir cliildron whiio (eetfaiug, with purfoct m]l\)«mi. It aoolQei tha chtM, •oftoiifl the guru*, allays kit i>aiii, cure4 wiinl >;ulic. mid l«chd b«st r«ni»,ly for L)iiin!l,»,v ts p!«a,«itt to tb» laaie. SoM t>y drujgiitt in flvcrv part of the wor d. rwtiiiy-flTac«iiU .\ bottla. Ill rama !• iiiciiioulatiia Be rtur« ftitd uk for Mri. Wlu«.ow 9 Soolhiof Synip ftn4 t«kt ooutb«rkiud. 1--9 23-74 There are .seven dilTeront branches^ of tho Wesley an Church in Kngland; but the Wesle.von Wethoilisls exctvd ^ I in nuutbcrs tho other four coinhiiu-d. BINDKK I'.VLK. S-omo of the importiuit features of the Ma«Bey-IIurris Hinder are: FGLDINfi niVIDlOHS. â€" No bolts or mils to uiisciew. You nvjrely ro- lcaf»c a spring on the outside Ui- virfcr and uiihock the insids one to 'old tlicm. A youngslur can do it easily and pro|)erly. The Dividers lU'e very rigid in their working pos- itions, and reniaiti at whatever tnglo they arc ioldevi over tlie cou- tBVor canvas. FLOATING EI.KV.VTOUS. -They literally float. The grain eaiinot stick or choko in the Atassoy-llairis •levator, no iiuittcr how much it is uujichctl. SJWPLK KNOTPEU. â€" Capable of ad.iuetniet.t to take up wear. H'KEL. â€" Suitetl for handling crops under all conditions of wea- ther or land. It will pick i.jj tang- led or laid grain anil lay it neatly pn tlw table. It also handles long ov short grain with splc*idid sm.c- .â- eps. HQLLEU HKAHINCS throughout to li<;ht<«rv Iho draft an;d niii.l.e fiio work easy for the horses. The beoslH know when they are hitched fo a iTasaoy-Harri."*â€" it nins so eaii- 1^. c^^ . ^:,-';2?«>.r-T5 On^ th e JLa tan Libby luncfieons Woseil tile piiidiict in kev opciii:!'.; t .-.ns. Tiini n kf V and vou lind the 'ncil rsactly a^it left 11;*. \Vr jtio them up in llii.s way. Potfeil Ham. Sccf and Tenguo Ox lonjtue iWhoiO. Vcsl Loitf Deviled Ham. Brisket B«cf ,»,^ S'l.:cd Sir.oiictJ Beef. ':;â- ; .\'\ n.iiural thi.or l..nd» â€" enialohlr .i:.d «liole--oiiie. Y^urgtrj^rshoiiMhavt'lhcnl. Frk*- lbel>oobl»t' tiaa lo Mqlto l'no,t Thina* toltiii." s«ii.l 111 oic hli»nij>ii fcr I.lbbj'thiij Atic» of tho World. Libby. McNe:?! 6, Libbv i-2-27 i / ORIGINAL

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