â- y^Er twj t uf '.ws v^-- -r^^- "' : THE MARKETS i ^, Prices of Grain. Cattle, in Trade Centres. etc MAiiKrrrs ov tiik wonun. foroiilo, Juno ;tO. â€" W4ifalâ€" Mar- ket iH liiiii, witJi fuir deiiiairtl. No. 2 wliiti' and Nol 1! r<><l (luottil ul 7'JJ lo T.lc I'usl, aiul 71 Jc niiildk- frt-ighls. No. U sih-kik «' ""i- n'id- tlle; No, a gooHi' at (id (o (iTc oil Miiiluml. Manitoba wliial liniior; No, 1 hard (luolid at 8()c (lodciicli, niu! .No. 1 Noitluiii, 8,".c (lodiTirh; No, 1 liard. y2c ),'i iiidiiijj in transit, IaJ;c <uk1 rail, and .No, 1 .N'oit luTii, yic. vOats â€" 'I'lie iiiarl^et is firm on liiii^ Uc>d olVvi in(;s. No. '2 while (juotod at 32 to :t:;ji: iiiiddl.- fr.'ight, and No, I wliilc at .'L'tjc ca.sl, llailty â€" 'Pnulf is <|iii(i. No, :! B.Ttrn ijiiotfd at lie iiiidille fiiiglit, J.ri« No. ;) at -124 to 4:k'. U>e â€" '1 lio market is slea<ly at 52c cast for Ko. 2. I'oiis â€" .'I'loilf dull, with No. 2 Wliili' quoted at 0-1 to tJ.'K; lijyh freight. Uiickwliesil â€" .N'olhiiig doing;, with prices iionunal ut It'.) to ItK; outside. Corn â€" MarKct is linn: No, :5 .\ju- cricaii jcllow quott'd at ."iOc on track, Toronto, aiul No, ;i laixed at oSc Toronto. ("aiiadiaii fce<i com, filjc west, and at 5Gc, 'i'oron- to Fhuir â€" Ninety j)or cent, [liitents <liiot(d to-<iay at S2,7.'i niicUile freights, in liiiycrs' sacks, for ex- I>oi-t, .Straight rollers of special brands for doniesdc trade quoted at %:\.2:, lo $;j.40 in bbls. Mnniloba flour slead.v. No. 1 patents, .^4.1(1 lo $4,20, and strong bakers', $:!.8.'i to S.'i.'JO in bnjfs, Toriinto. Mlllfeed â€" Urnn is linn at $18, and shorts .$19 here. At o.itsiile points bran is <|Uoir<i nt Jlll.'itl to fl7, ajid shorts at §18, Miinitoba brail in sacks, $2f), ajid shorts at $22 here, HOG rnODlTCTS. Hre^scd hogs are steady. Curfd meats are inicliaiiged, with a good demand. We cpiole: Hucon, cleaj-, 111 to Idle, in Ion and cusc lots, pork, irirss, $21; do,, short cut, S22.,')0, Smoked meats â€" Ilanis. 13 to l.'iic. rolls, 11 4c; Klvmilders, lOJc; banks. 14 to ir)ic; lireakfasl hacoii, laj to 14c. Lard â€" The market is sleady. We tpiote: TicMces. Idc; tiitw. lOJc; pails, ll>ic, conijioiirid, 8 to 9c, cliide<l l,2;i(l cattle, 1,2H0 sheep, 1,- .MH hogs, and 86 iulves. l'«|iort cattle, oxfra choice $4.90 J.-JIO ilo choice do iiiodiiini • lo cows Inferior cows Itut«hers' jiickud lots «lo choice do fair to good ... tlood COWH roiigih do Hulls, i\xport heavy .. do iiiediiini do light I'Vcders, short keeji,. do nie<liiiTii do light iStockers, clioico do C0111II101I Milch cows, each ...'• I'jxport ewes, per cwt do bucks, per cwt t'uli.s, each Spring lamliH. each .. Calves, jier lb do each Hogs, selects, per cv/t do fat, jier cwt.,.. do light, ])er cut., SowB 4.70 4,90 4. HO 4.(>0 ;(.»() 4.0O 2,75 3.25 4.(10 4.75 4.40 4.50 4.10 4.30 3.25 3.75 2.. 50 3.00 :i.75 4.25 3.00 3.. 50 2.75 3.()() 4.40 4.60 4,00 4.40 3,00 4,00 3.50 4,00 2,75 3,00 lO.OO 40,00 3.75 3.90 2.75 3.00 2.50 3,50 2,50 4.25 0,04 i 0,05 v. 00 10,00 5.75 0.00 :.,50 0,00 5,50 0.00 4.00 4.25 -+ â€" THK HAIRY MAli.KKTS, lUilter â€" The market was riuiel to-day, with no clunige in prices, \Vc ipiote as follows; Choice, l-lb, rolta, 10 to 17c; .selected dairy, tubs, 15 to 10c; .'-â- icojiilary grades (iitori piickod), 12 lo 13jc; creanii-rj- prints. 19 to 2t^lc; solids, IH to 181c. Kggs â€" ^Tho market continues with Mn.'ill supplies. We quote: licl(><i s-tock, 15c; or<linary, 14c onds and checks, lie. t'lieese â€" M,arket is cpjiel, jobbing lots nl 11 lo I lie firm, Se- ; sec- Wltll I BOAT-DRAG THE HEARSE And the Aged Parents Were the Only Mourners. A St. John, N. 11., desjuilch says: A di.slressing story conies from Arm- strong's Corner, a remote settlement in (iueen's County. A few miles above the corner live an aged cou- ple, and alxmt a month ago, their son. who hud been awa.y working, came home. He became ill with fev- er and -died. It is believed he re- cci\ed medical atteiKlance, but at all events tiie nature of his disease was such that no neighbors could be in- duced to come near the house or in aJiy wa.v u.snociate with the young man's parents. Mis death occurred last week, and it becoming known, some of the neighbors dXig a grave in the local cemetery, and managed to notify the parents that this was as far as the.v could go without jios- itive risk to their own safety. The <lead boy's father then set about lo construct a colTin. He succeoded in making lui exceedingly crude receptacle, but as rough as it was it serM'd its purjiose. There was another ilifYicuUy to be over- come, and this was the conveyance of the body to the cemetery. He harneKss<'d a horse to the fann wagon, but to lift the cofTin into it was be.yond the strength of the iso- lated and decrejiit couple. The horse was iiiiihitchetl and then at- tached to a small boat-drag which, being flat and low lying, could re- ceive the coflin without necessitating anything beyond a slight lift. Then the nam started along the rough rountry road, thc> man guiding the horse and the woman steadying the cod'm as best she could: an<l ujion arrival at the graveyard the body was interred, so it is alleged, with- out even the usual formalities of n (.'hrist inn burial. lU'SINKSS AT l\K)Nllil'',AL. â- Montreal, June .'Ul. â€" The local markets are fairly active and stiudy. Wheal is stiady, and Hour Jirhis are lirni, though as vet iin- ihaiiged. Butter and cheese are iin- cliaiigod, though cheese is a little ea.sier. 'I'be Liverpool (|iiotation for chei'se is 53s (id for while, luni 55s (Id for eolore<l. (!if^in â€" No, 1 Munitobn har<i wheat, 81e; No, 1 Nor-tliirn. 79Jc, alloal V'ort Wil- liam, peas, (13<- high freights, 72c here, i.\e, 52c east, 58 Jc aJloat here; biickuheal, 41! lo M\^i. oals. No. 2, .â- J8jc in store liere. and lla,xseed, $1.1.") on track bore; feid barlev, 48c: No .'! barley, Me: cirii, 58 to M'c fur No, .'t ,\ellow American, I'lour â€" Mnniloba patients. Slid to 8-1.20: si.c.nids, S;i,8(i l,, $4; strong bakers', .'S3 40; Ontario straight rol- lers, $3 15 to S3 (ill; in bags, $1 - OT.l lo $1.75, imlents, $3 70 to SI. I'MTI'.Ii STATKS MAUKKTS. IliilTalo, .June 30, â€" I'lour â€" h'irni W'heat â€" S[uitig steady: Nn, 1 northern, c i f., 87Jc; winter. No, 2 white 8;tc: No, 2 riMl 80ic, Coi-nâ€" Strniig, No, 2 .\-ello\v, .Mijc; No, 2 coin, 54Jc, (Ints-â€" St iniig; No, 3 while, lljc.; No 2 iiiixi d, '12c Mar- ley â€" Western ori"eii<l at 52 In .5.8c. Uye ~ Nil 1, 57c, Canal freights â€"Steady. St Louis. June .'lO, â€" Wheat Jul,s. â- 'â- <2Jc; Seiileinbir, 7i'i;c; I 'e- , cpnihei, 77 Jr. Milwa'ike,.. .luiie .'iO, â€" Wheat â€" ! jc higJiei : ,\o, 1 Noil hem, 87 toi B7fc; No, 2 NorilMwii, 8(1 ii> SC.jc, i July. ni'W. 79]c, moiiinal. old. .H(iji-,1 H,\(> â€" Jc liiglar; No, I, 54c. Haile\ â€" Strong; No. 2. ."iH to (iOc ; sam|de, 48 to 5:ic, Corn â€" Inly, 51 Jc, Miniiiaiiolis, June 30. -- Wheat â€" Cnsh, 85 Jc. .Inly. .>-il;c, Hejo ember, 75} to 75iic. N'o, 1 bard, 8(>;r: No, 1 N'nrthern. 85{r; No 2 Norlbern, KIJi-, .So ;! Northern, 80 to 83c. TROLLEY CARS MEET Motornian Hurt and Passenger Badly Injured. A llamilton despatch says: A hiad-oii collision between a west- hound pasLsenger car and an easlboiinil freight occurred on i he II. (i, and H, I'.lect.ic Jbiilway shortly after 3 i ido, k on Tluirsdnv iiOe;iioon, Hobt, Urii'ilno.el iiku- orman on the freight car, was falnllv injured, and died shortly afterwards. Henry I'atience, conductor on the freight, was seriousl.v injured ahoiil the body, hut will recoMM'. I'eler (libson. mulmiimn, and Harry llraii- ton. conductor on the passenger car. were both seriousl.v injuri'd. but they will recover. Sevi-ral of the passen- geis siiflered from a bad shaking up and shock, but oiil.y one sustained injuries which necessitated his being liidugbl to I he City Hospital. He was .1 A. Houcelle, 371 Victoria Avi'iiiie iiiiiili. One of his ankli'S was sprained, ISotli cars were wreck- ed, TERRIBLE RAILWAY WRECK Train on Spanish Railway Fell Into River, A Madrid despatch sa.vs: I'oiirleen bodies and 50 injund persons lia\e been taken from the wreck id' a Ilil- iiiio train which o\erlurned at Na- jerilln Hi\ev on Saturday night. Ac- cording 1(1 int'ormat ion, 30 jiersons Were killed and 00 oiluM's si'iiiaisly injured. Many of the latter will die, or I b(> threi' hundred [lasseiigers on the train it is slated thai onlv si.\ escaped unhiirl. The train, which was cfiinpo.sed of two engine:.^ and 10 i coaches. was iiossing the briilge, when the couplings between the en- gines broke. The second engine left the truck and felff followed by the r-ntire train, into the bed of the liv- (•r I'oittinnlely the Water was low. ROADS IN TEMISKAMING The Government to Build Thirty- Three Miles. A Toronto desjiutch snys; The Provincial Department of I'uhlic Works has advertised for tenders foi' the cli-aring, grubbing, and grading of thirty-three miles of colonization roads in the Teniiskaming district, tenders to bo in by the 2nd of July. The iMoposed road will run from the end of the town line West to Toms- town to the foot of navigation on Long Lake, and thence north, oiien- ing up some five or six townsliips direct l.v, besides giving communica- tion with some forty miles of navig- able Waters lying north-west of Long Lake. It is expected that a steam- boat will he put on Long Lake and that a stage line for the carrying of freight and passengers will be estab- lished on the si.xleen mile bnak in navigation between Tonistown and Long Lake, About lifty or sixty miles of roads will be built in the Teniiskaming district this year. A CITY OF PYRAMIDS. It Has Been Discovered in a Mexican Forest. A Mexico City despatch says: The recent di.scovery of an ancient city of p.vramids in a dense forest in a re- mote part of the State of Pueblo has been found lo he of the greatest archaeological impcutance. The Fed- eral (iovernment has commissioned the sub-director of the National Museum, Senor F. Hodriguez, to vis- it the ruins. Nicholas Leon, an archaeologist and enthnologist, ac- companied the sub-director to the ruins. Pr. Leon refiorts that the ruins are such as never before known to the world of science, and the most primitive ever discovered in Mexico, in fact so ancient as to require a great deal of study to learn in what epoch llie.v Were built, as well as by what peo[ile. DOUBLE-TRACKING G.T.R. Montreal to Chicago to be Cov- ered Before Spring. A Montreal desiuitch says: It is the intention of the (J rand Trunk to have the whole of their system from Montreal to Chicago double- tracked before next sjiring. A con- tract was gi\en on Wednesday for the construction of 22 miles east of Sarnin tunnel, to Messrs. Rose and McfJrae. The work will be con- tinued east through IVatford. Htrath- roy, London, Ingersull. and Wood- stock. Of the .s.vstem between I'ort Huron and Chicago 107 miles has been duplicated, and this leaves onl.v 118 miles, which will be linished, it is expected, before the vc'<">r closes. 4 â€" CANAL TO COST $50,000,000 Will Extend From the Firth of Forth to the Clyde. A London desiiatcli sa.vs; It is re- ported that the Ibitish Government apiiroves n scheme which is luomot- ed by London financiers for the con- struction of a great canal, which can be used by the largest vessels, from the Firth of Forth to Ihe Clyde. The cost will he il 0,000,1100. The can- al will be of strategic importance in connection with the great naval base on the Firth of l''ortb. which is now being const lucted for Ihe lliit- isb North .Sea lleet, as it will enable this Heel to reach the Atlantic b,v travelling a distance of about only 10 miles. rars ol o( FIERCE RIOT AT ARKLOW Police Were Compelled to Charge Nationalists. A Lonihm despatch says: Huring the iinveiliiiR at Arklow, Ireland, on .Sunda.v, of a monument to the rebels who fell in the battle of Arklow in 1798, at which ceremony 30,000 Na- ticuialists were present, the latter collided with a, band of street preach- es, one of whom narrowly escaped di'Uth at Ihe hands of the mob. The house in which he took refuge was wrecked. Several hundred policemen wen> obliHi'd to charge the National- ists, and stones were thrown, batons freel.v used, and man.v persons were injured before the mob was master- ed- DEMAND FOR CHICKENS. Good Prices Paid for Them in Great Britain. The present time is most favor- able for the irroduclion, fattening ui«l marketing of farm cbidiens. There has been such a substairlial iiKTease in the consumjition of chickens and eggs within the last few years that it is not possible to rear a greater nAimber of suitable market chickens thuji c.ui be sold with jirofit. Last year there were not sufTicienl chickens sold in Can- ada to sujijily the home markets. As a result of the shortage of chick- ens the trade with Oreat Britain was lessejied. This is unfortunate on account of the great demand or Caiuudian chicken.s in (ireat Britain and the good prices that are jjaid. The Chief of the .i'oultry Divi- sion, Mr. F. C. Hare, states that luniierous letters have been received from pro<luce merchants, poulterers an<l coniinission iiierchants who de- sire to learn in -vhet localities chickens can be bought in great numbers and at reonionnble prices, I'rom several Cana'diun cities, and es|>©cially from Montreal, pr<><luce lirms have asked to be informed where market chicken-s sui'able for (ireat Britain could be ohtaine*! in the greatest numbers, Uritish pcniJterers and coni'iussion mer- chants have repeatc<lly asked for the same information. The letter of a Well established [iroduce bouse in London, IOnglan<l, was received last week. This firm wished to "start (Lii undertaking for the pur- pose of imj)orting Canatlian poul- try to Great Britain. " They desir- ed information as to the probable success of such a project and the possibility of obtaining jioultry, (es- pecially fowls), IN LARGE QUANTITIES, and the best districts for the col- lection, etc., of them. Last fall a firm in Cape Colon,v wished a poul- try trade developed" with that Col- ony. One .shipiruent of Canadian chickens was made to Cape Colony which arrived in a satisfactory con- dition ajid pleased the trade. A New York firm wrote that they de- sired to imiport Canadian chickens and were recomnionded Ijy the De- partment to a firm in the Maritime Frovinces, from whom they pur- chased chickens and were iiinpresscd favorably by them. The above aitd similar roquest.s are difhoult of solution even by one in touch with the Cana<lian produce firms and packing houses that arc buying and marketing chickens. The majority of our established firms are equipped with a complete plant for marketing in Canada or Great Britain several times more chick- ens than they can bu.v. Neverthe- less merchants in Great Britain, Cape Colony, the l'nife<l States smA even in Australia are looking to a supply of Canadian chickens to sat- isfv their growing trade. The problem of supplying this wonderfully increased ilemaiid for chickens can be soUimI h,v the fann- ers alone. Instead of the farmer rearing lifty or a hundre<l chickens that receive little attention or feed, he should rear from 200 to 1,000 chickens annually. 'Hiese should be of a utility ty[ie. such as can be found in the popular oreed.s, ri,v- mouth Hocks aiud W'yamdottes. The chickens should be hatched ajid reare.il by incubators and brooders. • and when rend.\ for market the 'cockerels should be placed in fatten- ing crates arwl fatted. The equiji- ment required to do this work is i not nn exiu-nsive one; $200 to $500 I is the I COST OF INCl'BATOUS. I bnioders. houses and fattening [crates for ("wiishing 1.000 chicken.s. It is as necessary for realizing tJie ' L'>">trtdler the expiHises of New Yorl< greatest profits from tlie poultry ' 'OJ. including .salarii-s and c<«itin- business as threshing and mowing i Scncies, amounted to more than lunchiner.v is for general fanning. S-L8,li(X>,otl(i for the first qMaJ-ter ol NEWS ITEMS. Telegfraphic Briefs From AIJ Over the Globe. CANADA. S. JI. Garrard, Giielph, has celo hrated his 94th birthday and is still active. The creditors of C. W. .\TidersiOT & Son of OaJiville will r«-eive abou 2j or .'i cents on the dollar. l''or the first time in four yi the t^'anada Sugar Kolining Co., .Montreal, has received a cargo raw cane sugar from Demarara, llrantford coal dealer;? are experi- encing considerable diHicult.y in se- curing adeipiate supplies of coal ant fear another shortage ne.\t winter. Accor<ling to a staleriit-nt at th* C. V. H. freight olhces at Mont rial Ihe congested condition of freight ol dilTerent jjoints is due to the short age of cars. Fre<l J. Baile.v, storehouseman at the I'>iquinialt naval yard, was sliol and killed by Alfnsl J. Frith, an- other employe, who had been disr charged for drinking. AK'X. Mci'ee, riesiident of th« Aloiitjeal Board of Trade, says thi results which will accnie from th< abolition of tolls om the St. Law- rence will be very nmti-rial. The governors of the Uoyal Can- adian Humane Association at Ilam- iltoTi ha\e awarded a medal to J a cob Wagner for conspicuous coiirag In sa-ving Ouerthon Lambe frot drowning in the \Vt.»llaiul Canal oi August 2, l'J02. General Superintendent McGulgat is quoted by a .Stratford paper ai saying that the building of the pro posod G. T. P. will mean the ex penditure of probably $1,500,000 ii that cit.v in tha> improvements am enlargement of the car shops. A London magi.strate dismis.sed ! case apsiinst .stivet railwBV ini-n win were being prosecuted for workiiv on Sujida.v. Kc waivv^d the s-tric letter of the law in view of the nt cosBity of tho work and the fac that the conijia.ny could not ceas their cars in davtijue. GUFAT BRITAIN. The Khedive of Egypt is in Lon don. Lontlon court will honor rresideiv Loubet with a banquet, state ball and receptions. Owing to the iivcreasod cast of raf material most of the cotton rniills ii Lancaf^hire, Rng., have closed dowi for some da.vs. The Earl of Onslow, president ol the Board of Agriculture, will follow Mr. Hanburys policy and will not relax the embargo against Caiiadiar cattle. UNITED STATI-:S. .-Viulrew Carnegie has gi\en $1<.)0,' 000 to Hamilton College. Tho building trades war has becB renewed in New York, work lieinl s-topped on all Imildings e.xcep] schools. The Independent Labor Leuge of America, the "non-union " union, has issued a prosjieclus delining its aim and objects. One convict was shot and killed and another was fatally wounded by guards at the Colorado j>enitentiary while the prisoners were trying to escape. J utlge Cardvvell. of Jacks«.»n. Ky., who linetl two men brought befon hiiu on the cliargi- of firing an hotel, has receivisl notice of a threat ol assa-ssination. .-Ucording to the rojiort of tht The work connected with finishing I.OOO chickens with the projier ap- pliances is no more than is ni>ces- saiy for rearing 200 chickens by the natural means. Poxilfry farming is n business that requires 'o be de- veloped in the same nmaner as the btitter. cheese and fruit branches. .\ substHiilial profit can be made from the poultry b\isiness. when it is car- ried on as nn adjunct to farming, and with the same careful attention and financing. The Dominion Pepnrtment of .â- \g- the p.v.sojit year. I'laoter J. \\. I'ace, ol MVvntgoni- ery, .Ma., has been fouiul guilty ol holding negroes in voluiitar.\7n<i'niuir holding negi'^ies in involtiintur,v sw viKide and seVjtenced lo live \eais ii priiNon. Owing to the large niuiiber o[ sub- urban trolley cars vvhicib have been hekl up b.v higbwoiinen ricentl,v, at I'ort land. On-gon. the coinjiaiiy has ariiAd all its coiidiictois anil miotor- men with revolvers. Within less than a monili in the CA'rrLK MA UK FT. I'oronlo, June .30, â€" General I radi rondiliiins at the W'eslei'n Cattle Market t<i-doy were about sleadyl with those of flii' last market day,| The run of cm tie was fairly good, | and with the except ion of export' laltle the deniiiiid kejit about! f-tead.v, I'Xjxirters are tpioU'd; slighll.v easier, in synipiitb.v with; Chicago markets, BiiicJurii' ran; about steady, and prii i :; of other: 1;m- stock nn> iincliajigeil The total; iiiii aiiwuiited to 80 cars, and in-' IRA D. SANKEY BLIND All Hope of Saving His Sight Has Been Given Up, A Newark, N, .L, despatch says: All hope that the eyeseighl of Ira D. .Sankey. evangelist, will ever he ii'slored has been adbandoned by his friends. I Allen .Sankev, the son, said on Wednesday at his homo in Brooklyn that his fat her is per- manently blind and is reconciled to his fate. ST. CATHARINES FIRE Empire Carpet Company's Build- ing Destroyed. A .St, ('athariiiis despatch sa.vs: l-'iie was discovered in the dye-house of the Finpire Carpet Company here about midnight on Monda.v, and at two o'clock in thi- morning the huge factory was burned to the ground. The building was a large three-stmey brick, and, together with its con- tents, will be a total loss. A large amount of stock stored in an ad- joining stono building will probabl.v be saved In a damagi-d state. The loss will be about $;I5,OIIO, with in- surance of $2.'l,000. riculture is endeavoring to increase I. St ate of Massachusetts fhtie liavo the poultry trade.^of Canada; to en- j been at least four deaths from;.i;lan- coiirage the growing of Ihe greatest ] del? in human beings. an<l inaiiylvat- niunher of big,^ass thickens, nnd^tle have died with the disease to assist in the marketing of them. | Wm. Mactiucen. the Fnglish anar-^ A revised edition of the bulletin ! dii-t . who was one of the leaders in •Tfofitable Foultry Farming" has Hk. ,iots last June at FateiMui just been isHued. and viU be mailed n. j . ,,„„ disa|.peaied. and it is be- without charge on application to ,i,,v..j |„, ;„ „„ ,,;., ,vav back tv. the Connnissioner of Agricult.tire and Kngland Dalr.\ing, Ottawa. The Infonuation' -â- fâ€" SKULL CRUSHED IN Child K'lled by Gate Falling on Him Near Brockville. A Brockville despatch says: 8tan- loy, the four-year-old soil of Trn Be- <loro, of Hoperton, a suinll jilacti near Brockville, was Instantly killed by a heavy gate falling ujion him while he was playing nnniind the barnyard. One of thn heft^•y cross- bars crushed iu his akulL t contains is of great value in the poultrv work, and it should be in the hands of every interested poul- trymon in Canada. Pejit. of Agriculture, Ottawa. '?- I'resideiit Roosevelt has divided tc Iriuisinit to the Russian Governmenl the [letition presented to him by thi exeeutivo council of the B' Nai B Kith regarding the treatment ol Jews in Hussia. Between CIdca.go and IVlilwauket thoro are sjiots whore d;an'.(uuls ar< jsiiiil to he hidden. de^)site<l then li,\ glaciers. Alja llobi^son Crook profeseor of goology at .Northwest ern Uliiversity. states he has dis- covered several. Habbi A, Ii, Levy of Chicago, be- Publin despntch says: The ri-lea.so : lii'Ves thai farming will be the sal- of 1'. A. McHugh, M. P., from Sligojvation of the Jews, and states tha'. Jail. June 2t>. appeals to have heen|thev will Hock to the country to bo- due to the initiative of King Bd- ; coiae fanners in the future, hundreds worn, the Lord Lieutenant of lit- I of them being successful farmers if THE KING INTERVENED Kesponsible for the Selease of P. A. McHugh, MP. land, the Earl of Dudle.v. having first frultloBsly interceded with .Tudg« Boss The King's private secii^ tnry, Lord Knollys, later wrote to the Judge e.xpressing His Majesty's wiahes on the aubject. the State of Illinois now CENFBAL. Bulgaria has ordered -tS.OOO mod ern rifleab J i i fe-. .^^'