^â- i June 18 1903 THE F LE S H E R T N A D V A H C li ^WWWWVWV I F, T. HILL & CO W^WVWVWV^ V BIG VALUES IN THE BUSY STORE VmcU deiiiiiliiiont of this biij »t<)ro i» Rui))HhSiii(; its best previous rccorJs â€" liigner stocks, better valueH,lftri!er sales and more an J better Kill igfifil ciist>in«rs. If not iilre«ily one of our rcKulHi custoiiierH, come in nnd inspect the jiiles i!f goods tlmt greet you ut every turn ; coni|)are our prices witli those UBually charged for i/oodn of siiniliar (lualily, compare our methods of doing business with those adopted in mcst Htoroa and you will have a fair concep- tion of why our liusineas liaa been doubled in the past few years Nothing slighted, nothing negleuted. No want 80 large that it cannot be satisfactorily filled, no sale so small but receives our best attention. Your interests and ours are identical and both are looked after with equal care and promptitude. ^/jress c/oof/s Almr)sl every weave and coloring of Dress Goods is represented in our stock, quality if anything superior to the prices. Take tbis one line for example : 20 jjieces heavy cloth suiiiiiKS, blacks, browns, fawnu, navys, greens, greys, etc., full 48 inches wide, rich, silky tinishâ€" an ideal cloth for ladies tailored suits or separate skirts. Special per yard 46 S). ress ^usli usLins Small Wc ares yMouse fjrtirnisA inffs This has been a remarkably successful soiison with us in the selling of Muslins and yet an excellent selection awaits late comers. Several lines of under-priced fancy muslins were added to our stock only recently among wliich are : 250 yards Fancy Dres.s Musliiis, all f ist-colors, nice, combination effects of white and cardinal, whito mauve and black, white and green, etc., full width gooda'at about half price, per yard ^^ Everything in sraallwarcs is thoroughly complete, including Bolts, Ties, Collars, Gloves, Uosiery, Hose Supporters, Toilet Pins, Blouse setts, Corsets, Handker- nhiefs, Pearl and Brass Buttons, Combs, Hairpins, Laces, Embroideries, etc. We have without doubt the very tir.esi as.sortineiit of Valenciennes, Lace and Pearl buttons to be had. Prices unusually moderate. Staple. Carpels, in TapcHtrie.i, Brussels, Wools, Unions, Jutes, Hemps, Inlaid Linol- ^ CUIUS, Canadian Oilcloth, Liicd Curtains, Art Muslins, Art Sateens, Cretonnes, Curtain, Lace, Window Shades, Curtain Poles, etc. Tlieso goods have all been bou'dit at spi'cially clusn prices, selected with the greatest care nnd are 10 to 25 ijer'cenl. better value than goods of equnl quality are ordinarily sold at. We've had a magnificent trade this season in all lines of Housufurnishings â€" a state- ment that scores of well-satisfied customers will testify to. Thousand of yards of splendid quaility Prints, Ginghams, Shirtings, Cottonades, Moleskins, Flannels, Flannelettes, Tickings, Cottons, Table Linens, Wrapper- ette. Flannelette, Embroidery, Towels, Towelings, Hollands, etc. Everything in this department is bou;zht right and marked close. Judge the department by this lino: Over 2000 yards heavy Flannelette, light an.l dark colors,nearly yard wide, specially good weight. The regular price of this lino is 9c, and iu some places lOc. our price per yard 7 Opelereel Clot/ling (BlotA ing Gent' ^11 itn ts/t tnt> « Our greatest consern in this department has been in getting the work done in comparison with which the selling is comparatively easy. We've found it very dilTicult to execute all our orders as promptly as we could wish and thank those who so good-naturedly wailed longer than they probably should have. The rush now through has somewhat lessened and orders can now be turned out more promptly. Select your next suit from one of these : 25 new pattern Tweed SuitinL'S, very fine all wool good.s, best colorings, first class trimmings through- out, best workmanship and tit guaranteed. Your choice of 25 beautiful pattern cloths, made to your measure. Special 11 50 Over 200 new style, leady-to wear Suits now in stuck in sizes 30 to 44. Boy's clothing, too has received particular attention. Altogether (mr clothing de- partment is a large part of (mr businessâ€" largo in sales.large in stock, large in values. On Monday last we pl.tced in this department over 260 pairs Men's Fine Tweed and Worsted Trousers, all sizes, made from our own goods, (mill ends) that we secured at a fraction of their actual value. All patterns, all sizes, all prices, 20 per cent below their value. Wo have them at 1.50 and up Soon/s and Sfioea A nice stock including almost every' hina you'll need in Straw and Fe't Hats, Fine Underwear, Ties, Collars, Shirts, Suspenders, Bejts, Hoso, Gl')veM,Hand- kcrchiefs, etc. Every week or so we add something new, the latest addition boiiiiT : 20 do7.">r> fi-""*'- r..lr»ri..1 .c;llir^^ iiuoii bosom, separate cutis, palttrn the newest and colors perfectly fast. Roi;ul-r one ilotlm gooas. Special at 7 rns 3 Somnthina extra special in our Shoe Department. This week we place on sale 35 pairs Ladies Slippers and Oxford Shoes (odd sizes arid odd linesj goods worth 1.25 clearing at 78 28 pairs Misses and Women's Oxfor<ls and slippers, odd lines and almost all sises. These goods in the regular way are cheap at 1.00. Special to clear half price 50 ^lillineny ^lanrlivaPe New goods added to this department from day to day has kept up the interest and business to an unusual extent, everything bearing the stamp of artistic per- feciiim. We've had a remarkjibiy .successful season thus far and exjject that interest will be maintained until the end. .Some specially pretty hats aro being placed on the show tables every day and judging by the way they are picked up (jrices and styles must bo to customers' entire liking: We're just as anxious and particular to thoroughly please tho late purchaser as we were the earlier customer during our millinery opening week, Come in at any timo if only to look around. Hundreds of articles in this 'Jopartment at money-saving |)rices. Farnior's sup- plies in Harvest tools. Scythes, Snaths, Rakes. Forks. Machine Oil, etc.. are recei fine particular attention. Qualitiis the besf â€" prices,, the lowest you'll find. Careful attention given all kinds Repairing, Eave-troughing and Furnace work, Our paint trade this aoason has been over twice as larce as a year ago, Rainsay'aPaints aro becoming more popular as thoy are becoming better known. Tboy are guaranteed by the manufacturers and by us to have no superiors at any price. That's quite an item to you â€" a 15 per cent, saving â€" it you use ready-mixed, paints. f^roceries Grockcpy S/asatvare These departments arc now in excellent condition in anticipation of a big fruit Boison. Redpath and St. Lawrence Suijars than which there's none belter. Fruit Jars, the best in tho market, at closest prices. Peels, Extracts and Spices, the purest and 'ooat to be had. Ready every morning at 8 o'clock, Our best services at your'command always mm. MARKDALE fmm Killing nustard Willi Bluestone. Tho Minis' or of Agricnlturo has again authorized tho Ontario Agricultural Col- lege to gire demonstrations in mustard Ri»rBying. The demonstrations given in many parts of Uio province in 1901 and 1902 were uuiformally successful in the destruc- tion of growing wild mustard plants in L'rowing cereal crojts; and it is believed that the blue-stono treatment of mustard will be weleomoJ by hundreds of farmers throughout Ontario. I, Howthe Bluo-stono Is applied :â€" I'Uoe •« ordioary spray pump.such as is usod-for iprajrlng of fruit trees, on a cart or light w»gon,dritr« along slowly through t! e field applying the solulifm to the raus- lard ^laatain the form (»f a in* apray. >Vhe« a* ••Id k badly Infsated. Ik U ad visabU t* uptf tke crop la atrtpa tai order :|iat n* WMtaM p)«pta Moap^ iIm tpray. 8^ l^ov tba BIm» atona Solution la qn^ui* Iâ€" Fat bin* (V) poui>ds of blae-atone (CV>pp«T lfo||>hate} la a oowiA aaok or )loa is suffloient for an aer*. Saee«««fu] •at, •Si? hag, and Ru.sp°nd it in a vo.s.sol containing three (.1) gallons of very hot or boiling water. Tho blue-stone will visually dis- solve in 15 or 20 minutes. Strain tho scdiition into the barrel of ihe spray. pump and till u|i with cold nntcr to make 40 to 45 gallons. This is Known as the 2 per cjnt. solution. (1 pound of blucstone m 5 gallons of water.) .'5. When lo spray the RTustsrd Plants: â€" Sjiray the mustard on a calm, bright day, just as the plants are coming into bloom. At lliia time most of tho young plants have made their a()[>caranco, and all will be killed. Should a heavy rain come immediately after spraying, it will be necessary to spray again. 4. Tho Cost of Solution: â€" Commorical bluc-stune or blue vitriol costs at the drug â- tore abnu^ qine or ten cents per pound. A barrel of Uu) solution will therefore coat eighty or ql^ety cents. ft. Bow mik-'h.ia required lo apiay â- â- •cr* thoroughly h A barrel of this tolu< results are obtained when tho spraying is done thoroughly. <J. Are the crops in which mustard is growing Imrl by Spray? Experience shows that the young wheat,, barley, oats or young clover plants are not injuretl be- yond a slight browning for a few d.iys by tho blue-stone spray. 7. Where further information may bo obtained ; â€" Should you desire further in- formation regarding the treatment of mustard and blue-stone solution writs to the Biological Deparrtnent of the Ontario Agricultural College. Bioloji.o^l Department, Ontario Agriculture College. Quelph, June, 1903. i BOYD, HICKUNG I The Queens hotel stable In Hanover was struck by lightning recently, but the Are was t- itinguished before very much damage waa done. Haaofer haa • good ire protielioa syaten. I Mr. Potts njit Melntjrre had I !• 'm; hrnkrm one 4»$ lai>t week by getting it ] ought 1^ a pallji b«<i( & oo FLESH ERTON - ONTARIO Millinery Dept A Special in Flowers I Last week we pnrcha.setl a sample lot of FIower.s and Foliage at a big discount which we pass on to our customers by offering them their choice of a lot of 50c. and 75c. lines for 25c Boy's Blouse Suits at 89c. A line of Boy's Three Piece Blouse Suits â€" washable, fast colors in fancy navy duck in spots and stripes â€" well \ made and nicely trimmed with white pique. Special Offering in SHIRTWAISTS A lot of 23 Shirt Waists â€" perfect, unsoiled goods â€" new cuff and sleeve â€" some buttoned front â€" some back, fast colors, popular shaeles. neat patterns, sizes 32â€"38. llegular 75,85, $1.00, ^1.25, $1.50 lines. Special 62 Cents An Extra in white Pique skirts. Twelve Skirtsâ€"made fine quality fine white l)iqueâ€" light, medium and heavy cordâ€" new cutâ€" well matie, perfect unsoiled goods, sizes 38â€"44. llegular 1.00, 1.25 and 1.75 lines. Gjitra ${$ecial 50c New Duck5i^irts Black and navy duck with spots and neat striped patterns, good wearers and washers, all fast colors, new and stylish designsâ€" all sizes. $l«00, $l2Sf $U$0 and $1 75 Stylish Dress Muslins Without the slightest exaggeration we can say we are offering the be.st choice of Dress Muslins ever shown here. They are of excellent and beautiful design throughout, and the low priced lines are excit- ing general admiratjon bv their exceptional value. Prices from $c. to 40c* yard Fancy Dress Muslins White and colored dimities Black and White Organdies Lawns & Batistes Swiss Spot Muslins Black Dress Muslins Fancv Linens. Special Value in Dinner Setts. For $6.50 An English Dinner Settâ€" 87 pieces,handsomepattein new shapes, highly glazed and beautifully finish- ed, llegular SS.oO value for $6.50. Sec tbem fn the Uflndow ! SCREEN WIRE SCREEN DOORS SCREEN WINDOWS POULTRY NEITING When you buy a Wire Fence BUY THE BESTâ€" WE SELL IT i*""^^ t**< I i i H 1) I i i II â- â- â- •M 'I â- ^ tf-mJtk -**« C «iii» In and esainliM It-^ «p«ak« tot IUbH V % 'U â- >^ .â- I; : '-'\. â- .atitiiii.