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Flesherton Advance, 21 May 1903, p. 8

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-. -•.''^â- . â-  -r. -1.- May 21 1903 THE FLESMttllt6J( AbVAl^CE â- fe Don't Vou Olant jl Tlv netfor Vour lilor$e? Wt' lia vc just received in Htock a fiiit' sL'lwtioii of them, also axxdl Va,lices (Jive us a call atid .sec the woniU'i't'ul display we have lor you to pick from. Rtl'MRlNQ DONE PROMPlLY ^iAT M. M: O O R iiS ri.r.sHKiiTON I D MAXWELL o You Know, .If not It's 'lime Did, You Business Cards MCULLOUOH 41 YOUNO '*^ liaukurt.Murkdale Do ft (;oaoral baiikiiiM busii)u»H . Money loane<i a ruabouublti ratu Call ou uh. t AB VANUUBKN, J P Cloik fHti Div Court, Co Oroy HHUor of Miiri'iagu Licouuus, Couvoyaiicor Notary Public Auctloiieur. Aloiiey to loan ih pur cuut. CharL'titt nioderatu. FLiESllliUTOM r O m Rj spuouLi'; Poi>Muast(^r, Kloshorton v.oinuiis'iiouor in II. C. J., Auctioneer Con voyanciir, AppriiiHur and Money Loiider ItAal ICat-Ito and Iniiuranco Ai,'«nit. fJottdft I'jortunHofl, leasyg uii-i wilU oan.'fully drawn up ami vaUiiitionii made on cliortoHl notice, lucnoy to lo.m at lowest ratus of interest. C.'ol o)tioi]< uttundud to with prompt ncsn cliar;.'os low. Ayont for Ouoan Dominion Bt<^aujslup Company. A call tiolicitod. Societies AO U V' mcota on tlio last Monday m oacn moitib, in tliuir loii^Ia room. Cliriatoc's block. FiocUerton. at 8 p.m. M.W., Koburt Host -. Uocordor, JaH. KolHtuad ; Kinau- cior, Wni. Del. amy. VisitiuK brctUrcD iLvited. PKINCH AllTHTH I.ODOE, No. XU. A. A M, •.ueotfl in tile Masonic hall. Strain's bloult, KlcslKrton, every Krid.iv on or before the full is'ocn. !•' ir W UrcUliniJ W M. Chas. Mnn8lia\?, Socrotftry. COUUr FLKSnKRTON, I, O. p. nieetfl ('hrititoe's iiloi-k i'ou can li'.iy Dry Onoila clieapor in Mivx- WL'll llijiii nloiii.' tlio H. H. Lino. To ba eoiivinceJ of tlio fnct iliop in to Sinicliiin's okl btaiid, where you will aoo. I'rinl.s, TiiSlu Linon'a,Fliiiinelottes, Wr.'iiijifiette, SlicctinL', Ticking, Sliiitiiii^, Rlu.sliii, L'loo. (Jui'taiiis.nrtiy .-Mid lile^cWrd cotton, (.A'criills unci Gottoiiade. nil sizes of Corsets, from SO cents up. Ill ncl.iit'on to our grocery wo liooij KLOl'I!, FI.SII iinl UllY HACON, SEKD.OORN, MANG()LD.S,U,VPE, TUHNU'.S, MILLET, iwul M gnr- dcu seeds. ^VIlut yim wiitjn and don't see, ask for,aiid »vc will liy and suiipiy yon. F. nieetfl In k the laBt Frirta> evi^nin;; oacli month. VisitlnR Korosterii licartily rolonie. C. 11.. U. W, llellainy ; U. 0., W. Hnskiii ; Fhi. ]'3. Murray. (Pay dues to l>r. Murray on or before last day of oacli moutb.) Medical DU C.1RTER M C P & S Ont. Physician, RurROon, etc OfUca and rosidonceâ€" Potor at., Flfrslierton K. 'I". nibl>.r,â€" Pliysiciad, Surgeon etc. Klc.^Iiortoi!, Out Olllco and Uesiflonce, ColUo^^wood street, one block e-ist I'rt^sbytorian clinrub. Mav be found tboro day and night. Coroner for County of Uroy. Plymouth Binder Twine For Sale Here R. KINNEiJLR ^t«. ivvv;iriruyi ruw vrinjwuiruiu;trifWtAte i FUESHERTON TONSORIAL % n PARLORS BCOTT. AND SOFTIiY Members CoUo^^o Physic. A Burf^eonn Ontario Graduate »u .Mfjdieine of Toroyito IfiHTCTBity, FwItowsMp Di))lonia .Post (iriidu- ftto Sebofd and HoBpital, Cliicauo. dlHcasetiof oyo, oar, nose and throat spcciall treated. H. SOKri.,Y, JOHN A. SCOTT. Pevoraliatu . axwell T P 0TT13WELL ' Veterinary Surgeon Graduato of Ontario Veterinary Collogo, residence â€" second door south west on Mary stroot. Tbia stroet nin» south Presbyterian Church. Don't YOU WANT YOU K iiaiu cut? if so, you c;in gi-t it. done in tns l; stylo and in tlio (|uicki;.st ordur. Als.i.Slmve, Sliauipoo,.Singo Etc. donu ill the most up-to-dato H ny . a 131<INQ YOUl< I^AUNDl^-i' ^ nicFor?!-: 'rT.TKSDA.v j& ^ aTwILSON : FLBSMERfoN | ^ '-si«=^l5=^^i?.<!&^e%=^ ^f niif:'Sl«==i?R=^i^ Tarr|\;vortli tJoar for Service. Alvln ( No. 728 ) Tlio (inderKigned llax A tlioronelibred Tamwoitli. Hoar hreel liy .Tolin IJi-II, of AinliiT, Ont., for service on lot 170 .ivn. 'J K. T. iV S. 11. Terms SI 00. ISp.lyr. Uicliard Alien, Flegliertoa Thoroughbred Durham Bull for Service Cord mintOt 2<$06$. T'lM unde:'Rlf;ne'1 liR** a fine aRod Uurliain Hull for (â- â€¢â€¢r>ii;u on b>t HI. T. and S. U. Tfini.'â€" SI lor (Miu'c <'(iwa. â- '?:1 for th' roiit,'li- 1 rent-. Pediiirt'i* (in flpplient on .U'OH l.K.VKK â- |,.«l,„.in., <\n. WILSON 'iradnato of the Veterinary Scionco Association. Uosideneo, Durham itreot, op- posite Uoyd, Hicklii.B's liardwaro. Legal , ,-. .T. W. FHOST, L li. H. HarVistor. Solicitor Conveytiocer. .cto offlooâ€" Next to postoffieo, Kpronle's block Fljiherton, every Thursils aud court ilay« N 11â€" Owen Sound olllco, Frost" block Ponlett stroot east. LUCAS, WRIGHT & McAUDLE llarristors Solicitors Conveyancers, etc Ollicosâ€" OwKU Sound, Ont and M>rlc<luleOnt. W H WiiKiirr, Mi,Aui)i,p: 1 11 i.ccas N li -Flesborton olllco, MltcboH'a Kauk eyory Saturday. rUCKKU & PATTFRKON llarristors, Solioitora, etc Mo1boi>"« Hank, Owon Sound HAllRY G TUCKHIt GRO W PATTKItSON «,1ACKAV& SAMPSON .Ibii-ristors. solicitors, \\ OFI''l(;i:S :â€" Owou S<Mini1, Mevehnnfs Ita'ik Hlook, N. If I'att.Mson House. Lniidalk all) Street, every S(.tniday. Money to loi.n at 4J per cpiit. A.(!. MACKAY.M A , II. K SAMPSON, L.I, .11 .\IWH\-fl in ftttondanco at Fleshertoii and Dundalk Division OourtH. Dentistry DR. G C. MURRAY, b.n. S. der.tai surRcnn hniior 1,'ruiluate of Toronto Unlvctrsity ami floval ("nllefjo of Dental Sjrc<"onfl of Ontario. OMlci â€" Opposito Aruistrorij^'a Jewollery Store. Will vivit Maxwell tlin hist Wi..liics,liiy if (u*rh nniiiti.. and nuiuliilk 1 and M 'I'linrrtday The Pea Weevil TIiIh section Iimd in tde pv<il been im- mune frtnii the po-i weevil, liut in Uic natural order of I liiniis it cannot long re main BO. TIio Adv.lnce lias (liis spring Rcuii seed purclmsed which wrk infested with the poKt, hut cannot say ivhelher the nwd had hpen treated i.r nut. Ifi connection wiili tliia it is timely lo refer lo a bulletin on " Pens and IV.i Weevil," which has been issued hy the D -jjartinent of Agriculture from M'c joint nnthorsfiip of I'rnf. Win. I>oc- lieaii, Professor of liiology, and Mr. C. A. Zavilz, at the Agiiciil I iiial Collcoo. The .subject is trenied in a simple manner, combiiiini,' science and ]i!)[)u!ar intercet. The Ions lust year tliroii^li decrersed acrcaso and decreased yield IS estimated at ^2,000,000. The dcpatlnient is organizing; a light anainsl iJii.i pest, which can be vampiislied by in- tclliyent, concerted action. The report iiicUulea the following rocommciidatioi.s ; The resulls re[)orled in tliis bullolin of cstpenments conducted at tliC {)nt.Trio /Agricultural Colleiie in ;;ro'.ving pci-i and in coiiibaiiii;; the pea Weevil, .is well as the iiifori-nalion obliiiiied from .some of the most extensive growers, merchants, inilleis and L'.\[)ortexs of peas in Ontario, lead us lo make the following recoinmen dtttions : 1- That the acre.v^c of both field and L'Jirden peas (f the veiy be.^t varielies be greatly increased in thei-u sections of tlie province where there are no pes; weevils. 2. That the growing of both lield and caidcn peas (to he ripened) in the weevil infested districia of Ontaiio be discnntin- nod for the next two years, and such crops as riirly yeUof; .soy beans, urass peas, cmner (imprfiperly called spell), nii'Scd grains, etc., be snb.stituteil. ;!. That if any jiersons continue to grow and ripen peas in the infested di.s- tiicts, they inalce the bett posfible use of the fumigation method. 4. That seedsmen, fanners and others send no infested peas into those districts of Ontaiio where the pea weevil does not eJiist. 5. TImt famcrs, cardcncrs, seedsmen, millers, exporters, importers, and all others who l>iive anything to do with the growing or handling of peas in Onlari:'. co-operate heartily ill the elfort to eradi- cate the pea weevil from Ontario ivithin the next two years. The Niagara mititn-y camp v\\\ com- mence on Juno '.*tli instead of Juno lOih as at announced. There will be no cani[) at London, .Vll the west- ern Ontario rcginient,s drilling at Niagara and the eastern Ontaiio ones at Kingston. The idea of calling out skeleton reeinients and training them wai .idopled la.^t year, and, as ."stated last week, the same plan will bo loUowed this, except thai each regiment will bo represented by 225 ofKocrs and men iiis'cad of 180. Con- siderable chaiigo will bo umdo in the rations. In addition to the allowance allowed in past years, each man will be given daily two ounces of bacon, two ounces of butter, three ounces of jam, one ounce of evaporated vegetables, two ounces of (lour and one ciiiico of sp'it peas in lieu of the old allowance of barley. The erection of I he house of refugi nt M<rkdH!c in being i/roceeded with imd •.be walls nre About three feijt hiiib* A bout twenty persons are cuii''oyetJ ott the wipfk. Wr. Chas. Gordon, inspector of the buihling operations, went d"wii ye.sterday to prepare the first pro'.'rcijt cstiinrte. Thn vralW of the laCodry portion jf the building are of Liick ci'iiieiited oil the oiir.sido. The excava- tions forihe site proved that the (.'''ound waH very haul and difucult to dig.â€" O.S. Advertiser. The nodcrBi.'.'ncd I'uvir;; l,c< o 11 Morod to health by slniplo menus, after sofTcrijiiifor sov- eral yiiirs nilh ccveri, liinij alTrction, and thiit droad illKiasccon.sumption, is Biixior.a lo inaVo known to liis felljwsullerors (bo nicaiiH of cm e. To those ivbo di/^ireit. he wiJI chccrftiny Bcnrl (frruof nlmrt'e) a copy of the prescription used, wliiidi Ilifv ivill f'nul a i-iiro r-nre lor con.sump- tion. asthma catarrh, bronchttis and all throat en I Inny maUdics. ile hopes nil pi.trei-crs will try hisrenledy, as it i.i iiiviilimble. Tiioi-edesir- in;; the propcription. which vlll costltiienj noth' iii« and may piove a biessinU!. will phusn ad- dress l!nv. UDSVAltn A. WlLSoN, Ilrooilyu, NffW York. Eug^enia Planing Mills 'â- :-â-  ---'^â- 'â- " Get your, Doors Fl'.>t)riDg, .Sheeting, IS'ev. -â-  ell Fostsv Ball asters, C'or- ner IJlocksJiand Kailingy the best of SpiTico Lath, No 1 and No. 2 Shingles, Veranda and Â¥itring,8id- ing-s, etc. Tuniiiig of all kinds done to order. Xow run of stones for chop' ping. Sati.-jfiicfion in all our }ine.s guaranteed. S Walker Sloan PROPRIETOR ms^s^s^ssm fc3 PECULIAR TO MEN AND WOMEN It Is sai to conttmplate llie unfortunate condition of so many men of our day and generation. At 30 they feel .SO; at 40 they feci 60, and at SO when they should lie in the very prime of life, they are almost ready for the Rrave. The fire of youth lias none out, the fountain of vitality is exhausted, rremature old age! No matter what produced it, whether evil habits in youth, later excesses, or business worries, the one thing for yon to do is to pet back the vim, the vigor and vivacity of manhood. Don't lose yourgnp on life. There are yet many happy, golden years for yon if yoti only get help. We can and will not only help you, but | cure yon to stay cured. Curing diseases and weaknesses of the nervous and srxual sys'em has been our exclusive business for the past 30 years, during whicli time we have cured enough fallen men to make an army. Ol'R NEV/ METHOD TREATMENT will restore to you what you | '"iV ijurifies Bud enriches the BLOOtl, strengtheni the NRRVES, I vitalizes tllfc sexual organs, checks all unnatural drains and losses and fits a man for the active duties of life. Cures Guaranteed or No Pajf, w. frrat and cars Blooi I»ol»on, V«rUoc»I«, »trUt«r«, Glaat. I Urio.rv l)?««o«rOo"o«l W.iikoi.*. Kldn.y and Bladd.r di.ea.e.. CoSHlJI/TATlrtl* FUEfJ. If unable lo call, write for a Uucatlon Blauk 'or Uomo Treatment. DrsKENNEDY&KERGAN §48 Shelly Si., DETROIT, MIGH. SB Taara l« Datrall. aiO.OOO Cared. Bank Saearltr. K<^KK^KK^i.K Ki.t^ For Fust ("ass Buggies, Carts, Plea.snre and Lumb ciiticr.s, .Sleighs. We keep a stuck on iiand ti; cboo;-o from. ALSO HORSE SHOEING AND GENERAL C1,ACKS.%1JTI1 nr^V troHraiUee first worfc. We keep iMi hand Ploughs and Plough repairs, and hIco Massev Hariis and Noxon repiiirs for limler,*, iNU^weis, til l.inds of iipi.liiiiei y, also Dinder Twine on hand. ^ lUben in town giue us a z^W ^ '«^'«&/«b^^'« ^/^^/^t^tk^ >»^^&^ 1 ?le$bfi:i*ton Furniture ^ The World's Fair Premium Carriage Stallion Prince - Arthur NO lOo'i, Y. C H. 8. Imported .luly 18112. Winner at the World's Fair, Chicago, New York and Oitawn, and winner on tivo occasioi.s of tiist priz> and sWL'epiiiL; stakes at shows, and mnny other valuab'e piiz. s, a ree<ird unet),u«lled by nnvcairiag- or coach st,-»llio,i in Canada. I'lince Ai tliur is ii t only 11 very success- ful p izo winmr hnitself,biit his stojk has wi>n a large p('reoiilaf.e of all the prizes ollVred for carriage ehi«tes at ihu Toron'o Indusliid and idlier birye shows during he last few years. Thoy b ivo also won a most every iirizo oti'ored in the carriage elasi in (boy county, and wh rover ex- hihited, UOI'TH I'OR l!»Or.. M iiiday, M ly 4tli, ho will leave the Rl iikdalo lloii.'.e, MniJ<dale, and proceed lo Kleslierton for noon ; Monday night, .Mix well. T induy noon, Siiighamplon ; Tuesday iiiglil, Ountriion. WeilnuH.iay noon, t'ollingwood; rVed- nesilay night, t'ollingHood. Tliurfdiiy noon Tlunsdft/ niolil, Thornbury. l'"rKlay no n, Hoeklyn ; Friday night, lot 18, C'li 10, Euphrasia. Sniiirday notui and night, Markdalo ; where ho wdl roniain until the following Monday morning This route will bo coulinuud durine the season, health and weather |ierniilting. TEUMS To iiiRure 811.00, one dollar ^nsh down ba'ance January l.-t, l',)(14. All uiaies iMUsI be rt turned weekly to the imrae, or lln'y will to charged full in.'Uintu^o in foal or n t. I'arlies dlsp'sing of their ninre, beforp colh'Ciiiig lime wdl bo rosponsiblu for iMiinmoc', All accidents to niare^ at risk of o«uer< Persons trying ninres Mil 1 ni t retiiinini/ tlieui must pay full in- surance. No groom's fee. Don't ask the II. an ill char.'o to take any other terms aa (huiu will Imi arictly adhered lo. J,\\. Manahy, Markdale. lUarerooms. ^ We are carrying the nevrcst styles of se.'isonable goods in all lines of Furnitiu'e, consist lug oi : Parlor and bcdro<im suits, lounges, sideb(«irJs, extension and centre t:ibL's, chairs, vviiidow shades and curiain poles, picture-", easels, etc., Which wo oiler at LOWEST PRICES Picture Framing ar.d Geircral Re- [Kiiring. dideita!<in..' in All its liranches. Siitisfactiun guarHiitccd. W. ri. Bunt, - - Prop. ilg|[!i FOK Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Flooring'. \A'o have just placed in posiiion a new [daiier and matcher and are prepared to fuMiish buibiiog material i-u all the alxivm lines. Get our quotations when you â- want anything. i Hickling B r o s. iirteniesia â€" Maxwell P. O. 8th Coll. July, '(12 ^ . . FOR FIRST CLASS CARRIAGES AND PLOUQMS . . BS ' â-  â€"GO TO^ ' '• Heard's Works, Flesherton _ We have Cutters, SIcighs,BiiggicP,Waggons and Carts 5 h'leury, Dynit-nt Buttertiehl and Wilkinson ploughs ^ 5 Shares ami repairs of the best quality. Spring tooth ^ 5 and L'on harrows. Also first class Imndninde harness. ^ ^ Rorse Shoeing aM Qer.eral Blachsmitbina* SE CONSUMPTION Prevented and Cured. Four marvelous free remedies for all sufferers reading; this paper. New cureforTubercuIo.sls,Consunip. Hon, Weak Lungs, Catarrh, and a rundown systeau FREE. Do yon cough ? Do your lungs pain you ? Is your throat sore aud inllamed? Do you spit up pblegni? Does your head ache? Is your appetite bad? Are your lungs delicate? Are you losiiijj flesh? Are you pale and thin? Do you lack stamina ? These symptoms are proof that you have in your body the seeds of the most dangerous malady that has ever devas- tated tiie earth â€" consumption. You are invitctl to test what thij system wilt Jo fer you, if you ate sitk, hy writiof; for n FREE TRIAL TREATMENT ami the Four Free Prciwratioaiwitl IwRH^vaxUedyou at tMicc. \vithct»inplfic t!iroctu*ni for us*. The SUxiiin System i« a np^itirectiro for Connifiipa lion, that moit iitniJioua ottcase, anJ for all Li Photos -TAKEN -AT THE Broochitia and Troubles and Disorders, complicated by t.ou Flesh, Cotii|h», Ilcnrt Trouble*. Simply wriu to th« T. A. Sloatm Chemical Companv. Limited. i7g Ktnjj Strict West, Toronto, Ifivlnte po«t 0^c« and ^xpnt^m »Jiir<>iM». and ib* fna •ni'dicma (tha SIowm Cur») wilt S0 proMoUy F«rM.>aii ia Caa^la â- â-  â- l iay SkmMi'a »â- â€¢ mG%t l« <or lat Flesherton Pliotograph [^ Gallery I are done in first-ola»9 style and at f^ lowest ratei. Sipeeial attentimi in given to copyine. lUbies' photos. a jjpecialty. Pictures framed. fb MRS BULHER tli tKii3ui!nJutJiriniui:ii!h!!ii£h:nJutruX B |)IKH.\>I 3all F() 11 Service" Kor service ou lot lOit, 3 H. W. T. * S. t!., Arteiuenia, tbe thorouuhbrod lUirhaui ItiiH " Hot'cl llov," No. aavm. In-el by Couu Kuai>t» l>uvbAiu. ^L:(liRree oil aiipllcabtou Terms *1 h' Bvskin, I'rop 1 HORCl QHBRCD EHORTMCKN Bull for* Ser-vioe The nmlerfii,'tie't 1ia<i a lltio two-yoar-ol \ tliorcu-'librofl Uiirtiftiii txill for 'itervice on lob l.Vi, t^Aek liiieoaBt. Artemi4la. luirchane 1 from T. Mrr«i, thu noted itock raisur. Torsos (1. Pe'ilsre* on appltcatioii. MUUT. McORUTUEn Ttop, 'â- I:i VvJ '^"i

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