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Flesherton Advance, 14 May 1903, p. 5

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TflE FLESnERTON ADVANCE May 14 1903 > « TIesberton t»A.STOR-Rcv..a. tviaon'Wllaoii «crvlce« Sunday 1 1 a.m.iSc 7p. m Woman's Miss^on^ry Dayâ€" Mida Washing- tou returned mis:uunary trym Ja^au will Hpuak at both serviceo. ^Baptist Clxux*clx KL Ea H E HTO NT PASTOR:â€" GEO. F. HDRLBDRT. Service at II a.ui each Lord's Day B. y.P.U. meeting each Wednesday, 7.30 p. m. Piis'or will preach. â€" Topic â€" '"Is God JustifiBil in forgiving aiiia." Vicinity Chips Cliaracterlstics of the Past Week Carefully Culled for the furious rr. ' Fresh lirae.alnays ou hand. J. H. Duckett, Eiigeuia. Lsdie^j' visiting cards in stock at this office. ^^oney to loan at lowest rates. A. S. VanDusen, Fieshi-rton. Ml. and Mrs. Mark Wilson i3pent Sun- tlay with friends in Durham. '•Vasliingion, late uf Japan, was the suest of Mrs J. A.Boyd over Sunday and Monday. IVfr. Alfred Staples of Durham, spent Sunday with his brother, Herbert, in to«n. Miss Stella Loucks, who has been in Toronto fnr some tinje, has returned liome. Kev. W. A. Sinclair and »f ife of Thorn- ton are ^utists of the latter's parents here. A quantity of potatoes for saleâ€" Solo- luan Turner, Eugenia. The Bell Telephone Co. are erecting a line connecting Proton Station, Dundalk uttd Corbetton, with Dundulk .as central. Full asaortmeiit of Ladies' Oxford and Button Shoes in all the latest styles at piayton's and sellinj; at prices to suit. Mr. Cairn.s' carriage horse, Tomlinson, %vUl stand this season at his own stable, Ceylon. Mr. C. W Rutledge. of the Markdale Stahdaiil, paid The Advance a fraternal ea'l on Friday last. Sorry we were out. Rev.- J. S. T. Wils..n and Mr. T. Clay- ton are iu Owon Sound to-day (Thursday) attending the district meeting of the Methodist church. Money TO Lo.^s â€" .At 4i lo i\ per cent. Expenses low. Also a number of im- proved and unimproved farms for sale ebeap. .Apply to Geo. Rutherford, Shel- burne, or Dundalu office Saturday after Loon. For sale at Orchard Hill stock farmâ€" 13 purebred Yorkshire pigs, will be ready to wean first June, also some young bulls fit for service. Arthur Johnston, Yan- deleur P. O. Six ewes and lambs for sale. Cash or credit. Also one promising, perfectly quiet 4-year-old entire horse. -Apply to A. Thistlewaite, Flesherton. V In men's footwear, Clayton's have a good assortment in Dongola, Box calf, al- so the heavier grades in boots and shoes. Men's plough boots from $1.00 per pair and upwards. All members of L. O. L. 883, are urgently requested to meet at their lodge X'oom on Thursday, May 21, at 8 o'clock " P. M , sharp. The Flesherton junior f. otball team purpose having a match with the Price- ville juniors ou Friday, May 22. at the agricultural grounds. Admission 5 and 10 cents. The Ladies .Aid Society of Maxwell Presbyterian church intend giving a lawn social on the 25th of May at the home of Mrs. Thos. Guy. «».Clayton's is the place for bargains in Ladies' and gents' boots and shoes, also misses' and boys' in great variety. Cheap as the cheapest. A large nssortmint of ohilt'rcn's shiiea, offer.i'g cheap. Trunks and Telescopes all .i^oing cheap. A. ueattie's buckwheat is goin^ fast, Bumo left yet. Some say they grew a.s much as seventy-tive bushels per acre of ihisfauiouN dtrain last year. They s;ky it makes their hens lay whether they w tut to or not. C. E Tryon, painter and paper hanger, is open for contracts for a!l classes of work in his line. All work done iu a neat and w >rknianhke manner, and satisfaction guarmte<:d. Samples of wall paper from all the best houses in Canada from which to make sel«ction. Ordtrs received at Priceville. 1 n»o. Miss Myrtle Thurston, who has been visitin-.; her grandma in Toronto for the past cnuple of raoiiths, returned home ou Saturday. The Clarksburvr Refl.-ctor has eliangefl hands, Mr. Angus .McDonald of Colling wood township being the purchaser. Mr. McDonald will nut take over the business for a few months, however. -A friend sends The Advance a copy o' The Frar.k Sentinel of date JTay 2, 1903, fully desciibin;; the terrible land slide ffliich took place at that place on -April 29. The paper is in mourning aal lists 68 dena. Host Munshaw <>F the Flesherton h<'tel has been making extensive improvements to his hostlery this Rpnng in the way of painting, papering, etc.. and is this week engaged in tearing down the old verandah to bo replaced by a new sedioual veran- dah, and a cement pavement will replace the old board affair. At the regular monthly meeting of Prince .Arthur lodge, A. F. and A. M., the foll'iwing officers were "lected f..r t!ie ensuing year : W. M., F. H. W.Hickling; S. W , W. A. Armstrcmg; J. W., John Wright; Chap, Rev. Ivisoii Wilson; Treis., A. S. VanDusen ; Sec, Cl-as. -MuQshaw. Auditorsâ€" Jos. BiackbuLp, D. iVJcTaviah. The Epworih League nf she >f church will celebrate the anni^•lâ- r!^ary of their organization on Sunday and Mou. day next. On Sunday tho pas'or will preach to the juniors iu the moiuing and the seniots at night. On Momiay evenii!g a cnuundrum Birthday Parry wdl be held in the school room, when a novel and vciy inlerestiiiM cnrertain- ment will be given aud refreshments con- sisting of cake, ice crcaui and lenisuiadc will bo served. Admission 14 ceuts The mission Band enterttiument in the Methodist church Mond.ay eveiiiuii was fairly well attended. The little folk provided a very nice progiani. Miss Washington spoke for a sh.-rt ticno to the children on Japjin and made her remaiks very interesting in telling huw Japunese children live, their games, etc. A col- lecti n was taken up in aid of Band funds amounting to f4.50. The Band report shuwed a slight decrease in membership 1 from lust year, but allo|jother every tiling wa.<i very satisfajtory. Sunday last was Woivan's Missionary Society day in the 5Iethi"list church. In the morning Rev. .). S. I WiUon preach- ed a '-V. M. S. senni-n fiom the text, "Ile'p those women which lab»r with me in the Go.^pel." In the evening Miss Wa.shin^ton, who has spent five years in Japan, spoke on her wotk there and gave some iueident« of oonversi.'iis and the re- sults of them to the church. We may think of the people of J.apan as being polite, very kind and hospitable, but their morality is at a very low ebb. Divorce is common, no doubt caused by the custom of e.'irly marriages. There is one thing tha'; shows the influence of the mission aries upou the lives of young people in the boarding schools : it is seldom that one graduates without a saving knowl- edge of the Saviour, and many remain and work for the church. A dolegtion will leave here for Ottawa on Tuesdiy next to further tho interests of the railway .schen.e from Port Burwell to Collingwood. Mr. -A. S. VanDusen and Reeve McTavish will be the delei;ates from Flesherton. Proton, Euphrasia, Collingwood and other municipalities along the ^jroposed rout will also be re- presciitrtl. In this connection wo would note that .Mr. Charlton has beeu coquet- ing with the town of Owen Sound with the desire of finding out what induce- ment that place was prepared to offer for the line to run to that point. It is a source of satisfaction, however, to note that the municipal fathers of Owen Sound turned down .Mr. Charlton's ([uury with- out action thereon. He will therefore not have Owon Sound as a set-off to force better terms from the munici[>jilitie8 along the route already selected. Three weeks ago The .-Vdvance agreid to receive .â- <mall donations towards 'he purclfjWHO of a set of colors f<ir tho 3lst regiment. We were a.sked to do this by the officers in order to set the ba 1 r<.>lline;. The 31st is tha only regiment which does not pus-sess a set of colors. As this is the hcadcpiarters for No. li Co. we thought surely tho citizens would give tho niiivethcir sanction and hand in a few quarters at lejist for the h mor o' tho place, but so far niit one single com \\a)< been received from Flesherton people. One dollar ba.s been credited to ^l^ W. J.. BUkestnn of Dundalk and Duudalk public svhivl. and that is thr "Illy money that has b.»en rocei%*ed lo wards this laud.<tble eff.-rt to place oni regiment on a foot iig with other regi- ments. We hope that .si'ine inoce will i e made during the coming week in proof that the friends of No. 6 Co. ar." not utterly indiffcrect in the matter. If such a move is not made we pni{H)!)e refuntliiic tho money already in hand and waahinv our hands of the whole affair. A* we nnid b«fore,the color* will oost about t2H>,but smsll donations all over the county would 8'«>ii tiiake that up. Let; us see, now, durinz the coming week, how many people will rise t.i the occasion and show that they still have an interest in old No. <5 Company and the Slat regiment aa a whole. Another Uhost Story. The Collingwood gravel road is be- coming a very unsafe ri«id for the traveller at night. Not long Mr Elijah .Simmons had a very exciting experience. Aaain We hear an exciting story of a young man from Rockvale.who came out to town one evening last week tn see one of our fair sex and on his return journey was met by a ghost, just west of tJio eventful Miller's swamp, kiio*n as Pedlar's swamp. The gliost was in the likeiiess of a man in white, who stood behind a tree and bad a head in the form of a l:all of fire. The young gentleman, we believe, was so badly mesnitrized or horrilied that he had not the courage to proceed, but finally the sufipoaed gho.-t disanpeared fora moment, when he gained snlhcient couriigo to make a dash, when ho put nn the whip for all he was worth, till he reached ho'ine.where he was met by his friends, with his hair straight up and was so scared that he wiis speechless. A pail of water dashed over him brought his speech back enough, however, fur him to tell of his .""ad catastrophe. The young gentleman claims that he does n^t feel so " Rosy " as before. However, we are pleased to learn that he acquirtd the sutficient courage to get away from the ghostly s:ght-, or perh>ips it would have proved a disastrous affair. â€" Com. That Railroad Mr. EDlTon. â€" Sevcr.-il villagers are anxious to know ; 1 â€" Has there been a prospectus i,=.sued reg,-.rding it ? 2 â€" If so by whose authority .' 3â€" Has there been a public meeting held to discuss its mer- its or demerits ? 4 â€" If so when, and by whom called ? And how many wore present ? 5 â€" Was any petition presented to the Arlemesia council asking that body to appoint a delegate to Ottawa ? If so, how many signed it and what was the purport of the petition ] Gâ€" If dele- gates are appointed who is to pay them ? 7 â€" I.^ the .scheme of such a character that it avoids publicity ? E>"QU1RER. Co Consumptives. The undersipneil having beeu rostoreil to health by simple uieau^, aftor sufferiut,' f^i' sev- eral yeai-3 with sevore hinu affectioi], antl that dioftti disease consumption, is auxious to niako ktown to his fullowsuilerora tho means of cure. To those wlio desiro it, he will cheerfullv soii^ (free of cbaree) a copy of the prescriptiou nsetl, which they wiliftuii a sure tiiro for consump- tion, asthma, catarrh, bronchitis ami nil throat and liius malaUies. He lioces all snilerers will iry hisreuicdy. a> it i.) invaluable. Those desir- ing the pret=cription, which will cost|them notli- ijij; aud luav prove a blessin;^, will please aU- 'Ires.^ KeY. EU\V.\Xil) A. WULSOX, Brookivu. New York. Horse Routes Quardian Monday. Will leave his own stable, con. 19, lot 8, Proton, and proceed west on the S. D.K. to Patrick SulUvan's, lot 43, cou. '^ S. D. R„ for noon : thence to James Main's, for niybt. Tuesday. Wi!l proceodto Archie Bctors, lot 39, cou. 3, E. G. R.. for noon : thence to Wui. Anderson's, lot IS. cou. 6, Ghmolt!, for uicht. Wednesday. Will proceed to 'Teorge Caiup- hcU's. lot 2."). cou. 4. \. D. K., for uoou ; thence by Irish Lako to James Hill's, Artcuiesia, for uiyht. Tburstlaw Will proceed to Flesherton for Qoou. theuce to Georyo Johuatoti's, gravel road, f-^r uight. Friday. Will proceed to bis own home for uoou, by way of O. I). U ; theuce to Jubu Mac- j donald'a. 18th con.. Kst'oniout for uiglH, Saturday. Will proceed to Wui. McMurdo's, for uoou ; theuce to his own stable, where he will remain uutil the foUowiuy Monday moru- ing. JAS. P.ATON. Proprietor. WM. MCODlK.Mananei. THOROUGHBRED SHORTHORN Bvxll fox? Sex^'vice For service ou lot i:t5. T. A S. R., Arlemesia the thorouRbbred Durham bull ••GENERAL QORDON" Koan calved .\pril Stli, 1900, bred by Arthur Johnston. Vandeteur. Ont. Got by of tlrer, 247S4.Dain,Lustro 2atb.-iT; !Siv Walter. 1.1557â€" Lustre 'Jiithâ€" UiUiiS, by Venturer, (imp. i tii-i.j, Lailv Violet Ln}*fcro titup.) â€" i?lSl, bv Koval Hopo ij-j;*'). Lu.^tre I'Jtli. bv Moutrosa (M-ITO) - u-tforii Liistro, by I'.tli Duke <if oxfor.l, ii')T76)â€" Lustre otb,l>v I'ri.ico Vrtllur (UlT'iilâ€" Lustre 3rd, bv .Nlat^uuul lionuui il."t'i771 â€" Lustro 1st, by I^Ioonivbury («97"2)~r.U3fcro, by -nd Uuko of Norttiuuiborland io*vi0)â€" UIno i.elt. bv Kiiclielor (IClitll- by Sultan y\VK>), by North Star i-iriSl. Tormaâ€" $1 for gra.lue. ?;T for thorougtibieJs. I Aug. WM. DAV15, Proprlet*r He who has lost his sight best knows its value. Hundreds suiter loss of sight Timely attention might hav« 4„ % .s prevented it. E.xamination free. Satisfaction guaranteed. W. A. Armstrong, ICWCLCR AND OPTIClAli Of \it Ui ih T, J. Sheppard is showing this week. o New \Vrappers,Skirts,Dress Goods,Corsets, Muslins. New prints, laces, Embroidefies, Lace Curtains. New oilcloths and all kinds of draperies for the f>OUSCCleatling. We keep everything a man wears and we are well stocked iu all the lines Ready- to-wear clothing or suitings to make up, ties collars, braces, boots and shoes, hat.>, straw or felt, new stvles. \ln Or \^ \^ a, Our Millinery Department Is ftir ahead of anything we have ever been able to show you before, and Mrs.Sheppard r "is prepared to meet all her old customers, as well as any new ones that may come. Oiu' Millinery opening was a great success. We have just received a nice lot of waist silks for waists, just enough in each for a waist, nice goods and at close prices. Boots and Shoes Our stock is complete in Men's, Women' s and Children's. If you want a pair of shoes vou can get them from us. Garden Seeds ! 10 packages for 2S cents. FLESHERTON 'â- 5?^ ".^ ^^ :i -.^ ^ :i :^ lii; i -Ssi^iSi i :i Ja i; 2L SL i; fll' flt t- ^ fe' iit ii/ ilif Oif \fy \b Oi ili oy Or \it (^ \k \b iti \l/ Hi ikt iit ib Or U/ Kit \k To the Farmers and Cattle Feeders I would call your attention to the Blatcbford Celebrated eattfe Tood And Calf Meal. This food is very highly re- conimeniled by the Great Stock Breeders in the States, and is tiow being tested by Mr. R. McGill at our Station, on his farm, where lie has some fortv head of feeding cattle iu stall. Those wishing to trv it can get any quantity for a trial, and from the recommendation I have no doubt it will repav anv feeder of stock. .. W.ERichardson, : Flesherton. Farmers ! FLESHERTON. 1 Prepare for a dry summer and sow the famous Essex Sowing Rape. Andticipating your Needs W. J, Douglass & Co. have a good stock of famous English Rape â€" pure anil fresh (not old stock) but guarant(.\Hl new stock, bought for spot cash i.ud we are giving our customers the benefit. We have aUo a good stock of uhuica Compton's Early Corn North Dakota White Hint and Giant rrolif.c S^eet . ,. . Ensilage, all bought for spot cash. We solicit your jxitrouage for pure Drugs, patent medicines, gaitlen and field seeds, oil cakeuiul house plants in bk>om. .^ AI.L NEW STOCK W. J. DOUGLASS . . &C0. . .

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