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Flesherton Advance, 14 May 1903, p. 4

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May 14 1003 ^ THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE <^ I F. T. HILL & CO I ^»»»:e:8:^S raw, tmmm Foi? IMen's axid Soys' W^eaix* bo. Iv Our stock of Fine Ready-ti>-we«r ClDtliinu for Mtn ami Boys is now an conipleti' as any stock could possilily b We've given particular uttoiition to colorings iind patterns and have oniiitod nothing fir wliich you could jioSRil'l liave a likinj;. Prices, too, lire the most reasonable tlml high-ebiss, ii;jto-date goods have ever been sold at, wliifo cut, til and finish is Aiisoi.UTKLV coiiKEUT. Below we give a few prices of medium and liieh-class goods, and we want you, in justice to yourself, to see them before you in»ke your next purchase. READY-TO-WEAR SUITS BOYS' 2-PIECE AND3.PIECE SUITS. Hundreds of these â€" ranging in price from $1.50 to 85.00. Boys' 2-piL'co suits, 22 lo 30 ; Boys' 3 piece suits, 20 35, short pant.s. \Vu have an exceptionally tine showing in all grades and sizi-s. Look them over. MEN'S FINE ORDERED SUITS. Our ordered clothing dejiarlnienl has always been cne nf the loaders of this busine."is and never so larsre or ko thoroughly satiBfactory as iioiv. We have at present in siock nearly 200 of the newest de.signs in exclusive suit lengths (no two alike) at pricu.s we think the lowest you've ever had ([uuteilyoii. And please rememberâ€" all trim- min^.i we use are first olas.s â€" perfect fit and FiNigll guaranteed. Grey Check Tweed Suit to order 8!).75. Dark Twued Suit, line nil-wool 811. 50. Tweed Worsted Suit, all wool, S13 00. Tweed Suits, lijjht and dark colors, very fine 812 50. Black Venetian Worsted Suit, to order $14. CO. Black Chiy Worsted Suit to order, 815.00. Fancy Worsted Suits to order at', 14.50, 14 75, 15.00, 10.00, 16.50, 10.75, 17.00 and 17.50. Black Chiy Worsted oi Black Venetian Suits â€" our best and one of the best we can get, !f20.00. Nothing is lacking in our clothing dept. Value the best in the county. 5 per cent, discount !o cash buyers. HARDWARE Everything in this department is now booming â€" and we've everything that's u.sually kept in a first class hard- ware stock, including many lines nut to bo had elsewhere ia Markdale. People are finding out all the time the alvanta.!es of buyuin ihi'ir hardware in contiection with their purchases of groceries and dry goods. By so Join g they are a.s.surud of the vuiy': prices at all times for wo will not permit any body anywhere to under- sell us. , PAINTS, PAINTS, PAINTS. Ramsay's Paints are selling like hot cakert. Without a superior in ([ualiiy that have the advantage of being about 15 iicr cent, lower iu price than some other paints that are in the market. Some paint manufacturers advertise very largely »nd very extensively, thereby adding to the cost of their gonds without adding to their tiuality Rain- Buy'a paints are guaranteed to us by the makers to have no superior.^ at any price, and as such are guaranteed by us to you. We've been selling this paint for twelve months (have sold hundreds of dollars worth) atid without a complaint 80 far iis we know from any of the purchasers. Ynu'll find our guarantee of more importance and security than the weak croak iiigs of another dealer, who never had cannot get Ramsay's p.iint, but who wauts to Sell you another brand â€" a paint that we refused to handle MILLINtiRY vVithout an exception this has been the most successful season that we have ever enjoyed. Our stock is kept ri}{ht up-to date all ihe time and customers appreciate the superior assortment we're in a position to give them. No trouble to sell, no trouble to please, so long as prices and styles are right. For your own satisfaciion and profit make it a point to see our TRIMMED HATS and MILLINERY NOVELTIES before making your purchase elsewhere. ^.C83:^^»:e:^^:8»:^ F. T. HILL&CO w^cBcec^cece:^ To the student of ethnology the | this rcRard. He (3oo8 not cave for . , I • 1 „«„t «f iQiv> inct fr> laudation, but on the other hand, like Archojo icicivl report of laUi, just to, • â-  fa V M • , , ;eveiv other Sflf-rcapecting man, he Laud, ia more than usually interest- l^gg^ljia ^^y ^tj-^^.j ,„jjjj^ to belittle and ing. The report is lavishly ilhiBlrated \ g„egr at his efforts in tlio way and contains entertaining sketches by j of assisting his country by pointing several gentleman who have made a out wherein he believes tiio policy of . , , , , , T„,i;„v, lâ- ;a^r^.•^T our prescHt ruleis couW bc improved, gnecial study of early Indian liistoiy,, ^^^. â-  . ii . . â-  i ''I •' ' „, . The Star IS not like y ta gain much habits and customs. The most fascinating of these is a description of applause in this section by the publi cation of such a jumble of sneering rot ardson is not aware that we are saying anything about the matter. Prince Arthur the location of the Hurou villages, and falsehood as it lired at the luem- whero Bi ebaaif.Lalomant and Gamier j ber for East G i_ey . For the benefit of , . , ,, , ., I ,â- ]„ „r the 3tar we will say that Mr. llich- laet their death at the hands ol|_, , .i.„. „ :._ Iroquois invaders. The death scene of the latter has been located by Kev A. E. Jones as being on the dividing lino between Biracoe and Grey, live or six miles north of yinghauipton. Rev. A. F. Hunter, M. A., has an article on Huron village sites in Oro townfhip, and David Boyle, superintendent of the Canadian Institute, writes on "Some specimens." Altogether the report is one of the most valuable aoiiuisitions to Canadian ethnology that has yet been produced. The Toronto Star published recent- ly a skotcb written by its Ottawa cor- icflpoiident dealing with Mr. Uiohavd- son, M. P. for South Grey, in which the coirespondont endeavors to wax exceedingly funny at Mr. Itiohardson's expense. The Mt. Forest ("onfedcrate reptibliiihea the article and calls it "lacy.' In llio article our member IS charged with plagiarism and hia oloijuence ia called "canned" eloquence, whatever that may mean. He is also charged with haviu}] his speech pre- pared beforehand and delivering it from typewritten pages â€" "hauJy for the local nowspiper." This latter statement is what wo desire to draw attention to. We have Mr. Richard- son's authority for the statement that it is absolutely false. Ho has nover yot delivered a speech from type- written pages, and on the occasion in question only know the night before The stock of this animal, advertised elsewhere in this paper, are not only great pri/o winners, but the very highest selling horses in the market. They have been selling at prices from ^200 and up- wiirds. W. ,T. Doiinley recently sold a pair by him rising four and five years old to a gentleman in Montreal for 8^00 They were bred by W. T. White of St. Vincent township. He is warranted a sura foal getter, and y')U can use him with confidence. Prince Arthur has proven hinisalf to bo one of the greatest siros of high eluss liarness and Carriage horses in Canada, liiiyers are contiimally en(|uiiing after thcin and the demand far exceeds the supply. Do not fail to see this famous s'ock getter before enuiiging your mares. The future of 8ucci's.^ful brnoiliiig all de|icnd8 upon the breeder's soU^ction Tho present market calls for stylo and action, and if we do n. it breed what thcTnnrket re(|Uire», we may as well (|uit breeding at once. TIk! increase of wealth in the cities has produced a demand for large,, active horses and the qualities of the Clevehmd Bay over and above all other breeds ia eminently adapted to transmit to his oll'spriiig. I'rince Arthur is a pure bred Yorkshire Coach horse, and registered in the Vork shire Coach Horse Society of (ireat Britain and Ireland No. 1852. (.'olor, bay ; bUek hgK, mane and tail aio iierfeclly free from while, st.iiids 1(>,^ hanils high, weighs 1400 lbs., \»\i> beat of action and ontirely free from bloinisli. Prince Arthur was breil by Henry W/itaon, Breiniiton, York, Englainl. Sire, I'riiico Victor, No. 370 ; g s.. Prince of Wale.s, 371 ;g g.s.. Emperor, 144 ; g g.g.s. Her<Hl, 2IH; K.g.g.g a.. Emperor, 143 ; g g, , Mentor 208. Dam, Couiitisi of Wilton. No. 2<l, C.B.S.B; g.dam by Kidiin Dius, No. 1,502; g.g. tlani by Wonder.'ul Lad, Notice to Creditors tJn the Ounpogate (Sourt of the Qounti/ of Sney III tho iiiattor of the Estate ol .John Urowii- ridgo. lata of thoi Towiisliip of ospvoj-, iu tllu tbu County ol Qroy ami Proviuce of outorio. yoomau, deceaaod. NoTioa ishonby givon, imisuant to B.S.O' cap. VSi, tliat an creditors aud otlier parsops liaviUK uliilma nKsiiist tliu tstatu of ttio above niiinud JolHi IlrowuridRe, who diod on or about tliu tonlli day of April, luo-j, are required to 8«iic»by post, prepaid, or deliver to liobeit Iloion.ot ttie villaKo of ,\laxwell, in the county of Orov, u.urcliant. or to lioburt J. Sproulo, of tlio village of tho county of (;ruv agent, tlio Kxecutorsof the said deceased, their full iiaiuoH, ttddres^efl uud descriptions, a stato- uiont of their claims, and the particulars aud proof thoroof, and tho nature of the Beeuritv (it any) hold by thoiu, ou or before tho first day of June. I'Jftt. Km\ notice is horebv further given that after tho fllBt day of Juno, 190:1, tho said Exocutoia will proceed to distribute tho estate of the said deceased among tlio oieditora entitled thereto, having regard only to tho claims of which tlioy shall have notice, and that the said Kiecuto-'s \vill not be liable for the estate, or any part thiiieof, to any porson or persons of wliose claim or elainis they shall uot have bad uctice ntthotinio of distribution. Dated this 2nd day of May, l'JO;t. UOHHUT IIKKOK, Ma.lwcll. Ont. U. J. SPKOULE, Floaberton, Ont. Kxeeutura The Markets? tUirchilly €orrc4- ed Each Week t>at» as -o 28 l'*'"s 00 o 00 Wheat 65 to 65 l'"riey 45 to 4.5 Hiitter 10 to 17 Ki.'gs fresh H -.o H l'"!k 7 50 to 7 50 Chickens per pair.,.. 'Zo to ,M) Ducks per pair 40 to 60 Tuokeys per IW. . . Ifi tc \o (Jeoseporlb 10 'o 10 "ay 6 00 to C 00 l'ottttoe» bag 75 to 80 A FEW MONTHS AT TBE , , ,, , ,, , ••oiMiri.i.i i.,.u, 014 ; B.g.g. (lam by that he would bo called on to speak in 1 Master (k-ofHo, 203; g. dam ly tlio Budget debate. After blocking i l*a''>'aby, 070. I'ariies wishing to breed out Ins speech ho placed tlm various | ''''''"^'" *'"'!'â„¢ .['"'' ^"j" .'I''*'''*' "'""u'' ' . ' ] not miss seeing this valuable sire, as he lieadinga ou a slip of paper and held hai been pronounced by uoud judges to this iu his hand while speaking. That was all. Aud again, so far aa we kuoir Mr. liichardson never yet asked > r.„/N_ nf tl. /I iiln...! «««.««.... " 11 Anyone (jIvlnR Information that ulll leal^o • favor of tlio "local newspaper in the tho conviction of .ny person way of anything of hia. In :r«n"o"iU^Hn^-=;'l-i!,:±!,''r.,;TK« (act ho is too modeat if anything, in """• "" ''• «'^'» "»" •*"" ThrL dk aulk. be a tuperiiir carrmgp stallion. $10. CO Reward Owen Sound, Ont. Will eiiahlo any pers.)n to aciiuiro Short- hand and Typewriting ainl hpcomo a stenographer or hookeepor and kindred subjects and become a tlior- ou'jhiy competent hookeoper. Spring term now on, Students may enter at any time. 'Tu// particu/fifs sent to any etfM/'esa free. ;â- .,.... e. H. Fkmitidt Priaclpal. Owtn Sound Tenders Wanted. Tiuiders rocilved »>y tho undersigned uri to 27tli of May for tho erection of al>ont .^tf rrods of wire fonne around school grounii of school sec.- tion No. S. osproy. The lowest t«ndrr not noo- SHarily acoopteif. rartieiilars eau b« had from B.COI.yU"TTK , Boo. and Treas of . • ... Ti\iB(eeBoa'«d,FeT«rsliaai I BOYD, HICKLINQ | 1^ cSc CO., % FLESH ERTON - ONTARIO I /V\ ?y^ LUNERY *\\ t\ e Aave /'ust p/aced in stock a Sig range of -^eui ^trau> ^/tctpes und Cfieaefij^to'tvear â- ^lovelties the neufest t/iings out! Ladies' Lace Collars. This week we offer a sample lot of Ladies' Lace Collar.s.iiiclinl- ing some lovely designs in Arab,cream and white 20% off rogula:- piice.s. $8»$cial Prices from 50c. to $1.S0« A Special ira Black Dress Goods. 200 yards black' figured Dress Goodsâ€" 42 inches wide â€" neat small designs in silk and wool effects, perfect goods in every respect. llegiilar prices from 35c. to GOc. Special sale price 29c« Black Remnants. With the above we oiler a lot of remnants in plain black Dress (loods at clearing prices. These include serviceable ends of cashmeres, lustres, poplins, .satin cloths, repps, and so on, suitable for Skirls, Girl's Dresses or waists. An Extra in Women's and Misses Fine Shoes. 40 pair Women's and Misses Boots â€" sizes from ] 1 to 3^- â€" some button, some laced, medium and wide lastsâ€" some dongola, .some polished calf â€" all suitable fur present wear, liegular $1.25 to $2.25 lines. • Si^ccial^dC. Our 1903 stock of infants antl children's footwear has been specially selecteil and contains the prettiest and nattiest lines ever shown here â€" the prices are right too ! Stylish Felt Hats, Gentleman I When you buy a stylish Felt Hat, whether in a Derby or Fedora style, you'll come here for it if want the newest and best for the least money. We handle the celebrated "Christy" make,which is in its-elf a sufficient guarantee of (piality. Our new stock inchules all the new shades and shapes. Prices from 5oc. to $350 HARDWARE DEPARTHENT ^Prepared Sra/nts for all iPurpoaes / Snsitle woi-fc Outsicio Work y^toort, Walls. Caitinys, Spoofs Spore h OS, !Sarns tl/ayons, Smplementa and ^u^ytos. It Stan d s every test you can give it. In the p.nil, under tho brush and on the house, 5. W. P. proves its superi- ority as a paint for painting build- ings, inside and outside. If you want the best and most economical paint on your house use The Sherwin-Williams PAINT. yv* « Set a Cotor Card ftet our quotations on SBuiMing Zf(ar<iivat^ and rJir e tTencing â€" they're interettiny <>i

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