Tini: IM.ESHEUTON ADVANCE April 301903 i'-.\:^r:)t« -Kiv.S. tviaon Wilson r^^i-vl^<2"4 S '-in day 1 ci.ni i!te Tp. ci-i TliiJ |).isiiu- will pruttoh ^Morninj! n.id JEx'miing. Quirtffly siM vico ut 10 30 a. ui. K I. KS H E KTO NT PASroR:~GEO.F,SDRLBURT. Service at II am car h Lor«i'.sOay B.y.P.U. ineutiii(> wich Wediiesdiiy, 7.30 p. m. Next Sunday â€" Cominuiiion Service Vicinity Chips <'i»nr:n"terislics of the Past W«ck rar«!"u!ly Culled for the t'isriUUS n m, â- Jufice L-tuut i)f Biirrio died. Inst week, haiul. J. H. Fi'ikIi liiiic! ;vl .vayo Duckuti, Eiigoum. .Mouey 1,0 loiiii ut lowest latus. A. 8, VanDiisoii, Fieslnatmi. Thu innit li.siiiii;! acii^oii opniis to- A line as'i'irLiiicnt of Liulioa' Viiiii-prouf Cuiilo ut Slirppiird's. Tliis week we art' eiijoyiiii; oiu' lirst â- wariii wt'i'.rlier. Mr. Hi-rh StHp'.<s visat-.l fiiunds in Diirliaiii '>•! .Siind;u . M af'H-d iVI. ll\ .di.sia have niisud §1400 fm' a iK-w |)i|ie O'ymi. A top Imgiry for sale on easy tenn.s. May be seen at Huard's »Iio].>. Apply to Dr. Clu-;.'itiif. J»me.s Whitu of tlij FUshertoii livery di'ove 20D luilea last week with the one hoiSJ. Willie, ihe year and seven iiMiillis' old child of Mr iiud Mrs H. Alixander, B'lesheifc 111, died eu Monday oveoiiiii. Mrs. J. W. Ann.stioiii; I'etuniod laa! week fiO!i\ .-i;. e.>it.eiided visit wiMi friends ill Teri.uto. Justice H dit'i isoii o!' tile Supreme O'liirt has rttired from tlie lieiu-h 0.1 acuoiiiit of deafne.ss. Mr. W. J. Wadaworlh of Toronto Junolio.i was a caller on IMoiiday. He had attended the funeral of Mis. Hanley. Lostâ€" On .-Vpril 6, between Flesherion und Dundalk, a yiat skin robe. Leave at Advance office. Ali. Murray, Markdale_ RememHer wh.'n buying your tfardeii seeds you get 10 imekajjes for 25 cents f;oni us â€" all new .su'fds. T.'J. Sbepp.ird. Dr. Heishey has been appointed quar- antine oflicor at Owen Sound. The ap- pointinenl cuiries wiih it a salary of ?1200 per aniuun. Every man wantnie a suit should see Sheppard's before buyiii«. A laryo stock to pick from . A bylaw to loan S7000 to the Durham Cream Separator Company was carried •linost uiiaiiiinously on Monday. Only five votes were recorded against it. 1 Cuatioillor Best owns a ewe that cave birth last week to a lamb which weighed .sixteen pounds two hours afiur it was born. The Clarkslnirg lacrosse club is advur- tigint; their la.st y>_aiti sticks for sale. This looks as if they did not intend to 3 iek to tlie game. MoNBYTo Lo.\N -At4A lo 4^ per cent. Kxpenses low. Also a nunilicr of ini- {u'oved and iininipiovi-d farnia for sale Otieap. .Apply to Goo. Kntherford, Shel b irne, or DundalK ollice Saturdiiy ufter- Q >on. •Wni. H. Smith of th.; Me.ifoid Uoad, died on Sunday eveniiisj after a short illness of coD^esI ion. DeCMUsid was 38 years of age. He was a son of Mi. R Smith uf this p'laco. Mr. Smith leaves a wife and tw 1 small uhildren beliiii 1. Ho «aj insured in the >V<irknii;n soidety. Interment took place Tuesday at the ftiuaford Unad cemetery. The Mi-sion Band of the Mulhodist church will uive an entertainment on Monday, May 10th, at which .Misi VV.,sh- ington, who i.s lioiiiu from Japan on fur- loU;4h, is expected in .-^iicik on child life i . th.il intoresti- go luntry. Ti u Band is also [ireparing an int. resting inngrain of rect:atioii.H, readings and music. No ad mission is charged but a Cidlocti.'O will be taken up in aid "f the Band funds. All are nclcome. It is a pretty ditlioult contract lo keep -track of all the new poiitiJ nguhitiona of ru cut dntt'. List week we iiifoniiod our correspondents that it was nocesaary to .•I'aec n 3-ctint stninp on nil comi»unio.<- i!o:>K. This week we have |<ient pleasure 4ii<it«iing thij^t • new roguUiljn placeatfaiQ pKtK.eiiu newspapiT ct<rixj.->piiudvnce at the old ti.'uio of i.n.i cent. All corres- poiideueu fur the pro.-'Si;' esfor I'S. peroz. This will -Ve ctmsidera' lo of a relief to the ijuldihhingfiaterntly Thf Kj) \..r*!i Li^au'iie of the Methodist Church have eUcted the followuig officers for next year :â€" Hon. Pre.i. Rov., J. 8. L \Vils..n ; Prr»., Mr. .John Dunt ; 1st V. P., Miss K. Bellamy ; 2nd V. P.. Mrs. W. H. Thurston ; 3rd V. P., Mr. J. E. Fawcett ; 4th Y. P., Miss M. Joy ; 5tli V. P., Mrs. W. A. Armstrong; Cor. Sec, Miss May Hales ; Treua., Mr. Tlios. Jiuhuer. Al the nnnu:kl business meeting held last week, reiiorts wore handed in from tliedifterent departiiiei't.i ; iiunier leally the Leajjuo is not so larae as it was a year ago, owing to several rumovals. The trc'asurer reported the tiimnees in good condition, there being 820 on hand. The missionary depart nioni is also flourish- iog, nine monthly meeting.'? have been held, and over trtcnty-five dollars raised, the largest amount in the history of the league. This, no doubt, is owing to the f.ict that the leagues of the Owen Sound district have taken upon tlieniselves the support of the Rev. K. R. Steinhauer of li'isher River, native missionary to the Indians. Tlie.Iuiiior League of the Methodist c'.iinch gave an "At Hmno " on Monday evcnin,; which was much enjoyed by all prisent. The school room of tliochuich ivas bi'autifully di-eorated with hunting .â- Old liowi.i;'. Chairs Wi're arranged around tables wlieie groups of friends could chat oradnnro each other. S.vctt faced auU, drK.^sed in tln-ir besr, and liaiidsoine, manly boys Hittioe about waitins.' on their guests, made .b picture lit fur an ariisl. Instead of the cdd-tinie stewed tea or muddy coU'ee, • he Juniors served lemon ale wi:U tlie lunch. The candies, nude by one of the supeiintendcnts, and tlie ice cream, found a leady Side. A program was roiidi-rud eonslstiiii: of choruses, trios, duets, solos, and reeiiations, wholly bj- the juniors. This is riic ynviii;;e.St s ciely ill thn church and nuiiibers about fifty meinliur.s. They liold.a weekly religious at-rvicc. Thi.s is their lirst " At Uome." We hope ihcy will make it an annual affair. It is pri«id..d over by the pastor, Rev. Ivi.s(ni W'ils.n, with Mrs. W. A. Armstrong and Mi.ss Ellijl Trimble as aupeiintendents. While the funeral on Satuidiy was proceeding along the back line an excit- ing incident occurred which might easily have proved fatal to more than one per- son. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Orr were driving a liorsu and bugijy, ami when half way down the steep and crookud hill at Mc- Keuzie's the breeching strap broke and the horse r,n with the buggy at hi.s heels. At the bottom is a ateep cuibankmciit and bridge with a railing. There was prob- ably a quarter of a mile of rigs ahead of the luuaway and .several on the bridge at foot of hill. Mr. Oir says ho realized that the only thing he couhl do was to. nuide.his horse. Whan the animal lirst started a shout warned those ahead and all turned to the left to let it pass. As it swung on to the brid^a all who saw it thought the occupants would be thrown over the railing but they were not, and iho animal dashed over the bridfiu and passed a dozi-n rigs in its mad tliuht As' i'> came up the small hill on the north side Mr. Win. Burnett of the village juaiped from his rig and threw liimself upon the horse's head and managed to stop it. It could not have gone much fur her and avi.ided a collision Mr. Burnett's bravely in gra!jl)ing the run- away wa.s certainly commeudidile and doubtless prevented a most serious ca- tastrophe ; and had Air. Oir not kept cool and skilfully guidrd the animal, sometimes escaping other rigs by a hair's breadth, llio ivmll would have been v^ry serious. The excitement wa.s intense while the run lasted. â-ºMWM-^ â€" . The Color Fund township in the pi-rsou of Richai<d Ben- tham .sr. Ninety-two joars have pa.ssed over ilia silvered head since he first saw light (^«luy ill Yorkshire, England. About 54 years ago deceased came to Canada, when ho settled in the township of Darl- ington whore he residi-d for 16 years. Flirty ve.irs ago bo came to Artemesia and purolittsed a farm just on tile out' skirts of Fleaherton, where he has since resided. He was twice married. His second marriage look place in Darlington, where he was united to Magdalene Gil- christ, who survives him Ho was the father of nine children, viz. : William, who lives in England; Andrew of Fleah- erton ; John (deceased) Mrs. Win. Wilcox Artemenia ; Jane who, died in infancy ; Thomaa of Holland townships Helen (Mrs. John Bu«kin, doceneed ;) Richard, on the homestead, and David (dece»sed). For a great many years Mr Bentlmiii was somewhat crippled with rheunialisin but otherwise never knew what sickness was. For fifty years ho a cousistont member of the Methodist ehuich and a man whose integrity and honor were never questioned. For some time Mr, and Mrs. Bentham have resided with Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox, and it was fi'om the hitter's beautiful homo that the funeral took place on Saturday afternoon to Floshurtou cemetery, where Grandpa Bjntham, as he was affectionately known, was laid to rest after an unusually long sojourn upon this earlb. The funeral cortege was one of the largest seen here for many years, indicating the deep re- spect in which the deceased gentleman was held. His old age was made pleasant with the tender care for his welfare by Ilia aged partner and children. Ho passed peacifully away like a tired child enter- ing into sleep, but with a vivid assunuiee that hia awakening would be the taking possession of the better home which awaited liiui. (if jg T, J. Sheppard ill \lit \IH Or '^â- ^^ is showing this week. New Wrappers,Skirts,Dress Goods, Corsets, Muslins. New prints, laces, Embroidevies, Lace Curtains. New oilcloths and all kinds of draperies for the |^0U$6Clcanil1g* We keep everything a man wears and we are well stocked in all the lines Ready- to-wear clothing or suitings to make up,ties collars, braces, boots ami shoes, hats, straw or felt, new styles. \i^ JJ Our Millinery Department Co Consumptives. Tllt3 UIKiolsit^llUli llUVili^ I Jul a lâ- u^tulâ- e^l to lioalth by siinpk! uioaus, aitw siuieriiiH for aev- cral yoKi's with stivuro lun^ atlVu:ioii, and that ditiud disoaso consumption, is aiixiouH to niakc: ki.own to bin fellow bulluiors tho uioaiis of ouro. To thoso wIjo tiesire it, ho will uhocrlnliy soiitl (•â- looof oliai>;e) a copy of tho luuHuiiptiou ustul, \^iii(;h ihi;y will 1\ih1 a siiro â- uru for consump- tion. Qsthma. catarrli, bronchitis and all Ihroat and hint; maladies. Hu liupt^s all i^iilYurers will try hisidinwtiy, ay it iaiiivahiablo. ThosutlbHir- iiit; lliu prof-criptiuu, which will cost|tliom noth- ing and may provo a blossiiit^, will pluaao aii- (hey... Uov. KDWAKP A. WILSON, Brooklyn, New YorJi. (4/ Hi a. \*/ V^ lit/ ii/ Is fiir ahead of anything we have ever been able to show you before, and Mrs.Sheppard is prepared to meet all her old customers, ixs well as any new ones that may come. Our Millinery opening was a great success. We have just received a nice lot of waist silks for waists, just enough in each for a waist, nice goods and at close prices. Boots and Shoes Our stock is complete in Men's, Women' s and C'hihlren's. If you want a pair of slioes you can get them from us. Tksl^erton Furniture ^ W'u are carrying the newest styles of .seasonable goods in all lines of Furniture, consisting of : Parlor and bedroom suits, lounges, sideboards, extension and centre tallica, cliairs, window shadis and curtain poles, picture-', easels, etc., Which wo offer at LOWEST PRICES Picture Framing and General Be pairing. l.'nderlaking in all its branches. Satisfaction guaranteeil W. rl. Bunt, - - prop. }{( Garden Seeds*. 10 packages for 25 cents. iii i^ \ii Of \b \i» 0) 1^ \^ \kt ilii Hi iii ik Of \h \lh \k \IU 0/ Hit ik â- i^ ;^ --a JS :a iS UB :* -.^ â- -« (Sftf^f^ &â- • S; ^ S- *-â- ^ Si-' S^ ^" $- ^ '^' Ls«t wotk we tttmouuceil that The Ad- vance would receive donations for the fund to puichase colors f.ir the 31st regi- ment. During the pint week only two suliHcriplions have bieii receiied, Mr. W. J. LSlakestun it Dundalk has the honor of being lirst to forward Ills mite Tlie followini! is acknowledged : \V. J. Uiakcston. Diindalk 5() Pubhc school, Dundalk 50 Total $1 00 Now that the ball is started in toll, keep it going, small suiim only are c:ipccted but lots of iheiii. Richard Centham Dead Ix tho fultioM of years then pasAed awny on Thursday last, al the residence of bi-i sun ill law, Mr. Win. Wilcox, west hAi;k line, an old rwident of Artemeaia TMOROUQMBRED SHOKTHORN Bull for S<er-!tric© Ttiii iiiidersignnfl liiiB ft lino twu-yoar-old ttio'tiiir.iltJ.t'-'l Uurll.iin liiiU for scrvico on lot l.'ii;. liiKJi liii.i cast. .-Vi toHiesia. iiurolnii-iid from T, .M- icvji, tho uoti-tl stocl; raiser. t'cruis $1. l*e lifjrtw on application. K' Hi r. McGllU rn PAi Vrop , THOKOUGHlSUIil) SliOUTHOKN :Sull for Sor'H'ioe b'or fioivic.) on lot I.e., T. & S. 11.. Ai tcw.'sia fill) thoror.Kliia'od I>ilitipni tiilll •• GENERAL GORDON" lloan oiilvod April 6tli, IIWO, l.ri'il by .\rthnr .Tolniston, Vandoloiir, Out. Out '>,v Kni lit ot Ori.T, '2t7Hi,Dttiu,l.r.8tioSatli:i7.'17li,hytsir SVnjtBr. l.:.V,7â€" LuKtra 'JOtll--lfiO'iS, by Vonfaicr, (laip.) 1,11., Lartv Violo'. linslro limp.)â€" Ubl, bv Itoyul Hopii (KIO-I. Ijnstr« lOlll b.v Moiitiosa (SJ.RT.-Jl â€" o.\l.. Ill Lustre, by I.ltb Uiiltu of o-cforii (i)" .'til- Lust, o .Itli.bv I'rl.ico vnhnv (IWJSi- I.ustru.li.1, bv .\iH(ji.niii llonun. 0:1277) -Lustio J'.i, by liloonihliarv (iWTUl-I.astru. by >!ii.| tnilio ot >oithamburlainl (iWOI-liloo Hull, by Iniolinlor (irw»l-l)V Sultan (U».">1, by North Star l(.'*l. i'cnu»-91 for grades, S.H for thorocuhbroJs. 1 vju;. WM. DAVIS. Proprletsr To the Farmers and Cattle Feeders I would call your atteotion to the Blatcbford Celebrated ^^attleTodd x\m) Cma' Mk.m-. This food is very highly re- commended by the Great Stock Breeders in the States, and is now being tested 1)y Mr. R. McGill at ourStalitm, on his farm, where he ha.s .some forty bead of feeding cattle in stall. Tho.se wi.shing to try it can get anv (luautity for a trial, and from the recommendation 1 have no doubt it will repay any feeder of stock. THOHOL'CIIBHEU Ul'RBAM Hull FOR iServiee Kiir s.irvico ou b.t lfi6, .1 S. W. T. * 8. T'. ArtuiiloKia, the Uioioutibbied Durham Hon " llotiil Hoy," No. 31A0S. bre.l by Conn Knap|i Darhdin. rodigreooa aiiplication. ToruiB 91 WEaLBT UonuN, Prap. ii mm siicE For Ser*ic« on lot 27, Ron. A, Artouksiii Terum 7.1 oeuU b7 tbewMoa. AWOJBVJSOIi VR, rnop. W.ERichardson, : Flesherton. Jmportant to ^arTrisrs and " " Qardnors. W, J. Douglass & Co., Druggist and Seedsmen, Flesherton Will for the (olllowing ten dayS sell at the ioUowiiig prices Ke-cleanetl Alsike clover seed from ^SA)i) per bushel lie-cleaned Mammoth clover from 7.50 per bushel lie cleaned Common red clover from 7..')() per bu.shel He-cleaned Timothv clover from 2.2.") per bushel Curnip seed for 15 cents per lb. Garden and Flower seeds at 2 cents a package and aH other- field and ijarden .seed.s. Drugs, Mediciues, Stationery, Book.s and wall paper at low: « « prices. Ccrms €a$b. • Also notice that the Stcele,Hriggs & Co., .will give a cass PRIZE of pM and $2.00 for the beat siunples of Royal Giant Sngar Beet exhibited at the Flesherton fell .show, 1903, growftj from seed purchased from us ami our certifiicate of the '&fik wiU he accepted as to the (^eauineBa of the roata^