7 Ceylon T«a Is the finest Tea the v«/orld producesi and is sold only in lead pacicets. Blacl(, Mixed an J Green. tpan te* iriaken try "Sa!ad»" Gnta U% i t-f STEAMBOAT AUTHOEITY. i&ow the Orders Are Given en a Delaware Boat. Authority ou board of a stcam- 6oat is an interesting study. It runs on a sliding acalc, but, unlike the gamut, it slides only one way. This is bad for the lower "C" on the rtcaniboat, but ho has to .stared it. A good illustration of how the thing works was given not longf ago in a boat on the Delaware. The captain of a steamboat was trying to make a landing at the dock, but the operation was attend- ed with some difficulty. A line /roni the bow had been run out and made fast to a post, but the vies- sel's stem was swinging oft into the â- stream. The skipper, with a scowl on his brow, stood on. the bridge, abaft the wheelhouse, and stared at the first mate, who was hustling around on the hurricane-roof auiid- stfiips. Down below on the quarter- deck the secon<d mate was helping the third mate and a deck-hand to take the turns out of the stern line, which was snarled up on deck in- stead of being fast on the dook. "Mr. Olscn," said the captain, in a gentlemanly tone of voice, to the first mate, "why in thunder don't you get that line out, you long, lean, lank, knock-kneed, tar-stainetl wreck of returning reason? Don't you see we're swinging off? " "Aye. aye, sir," Mr. Olsen replied, respectfully, touching his cap to the skipper. Then Mr. Olsen leaned far over the rail, and, raising his voice, he called the second mate's attention to a matter of very great importance. "Mr. Peterson!" he yelled, "what's eating j-ou, you tow-headed, block- eyed blubber? Do you want to choke the stream? Get a move on you. and be quick about it!" "Aye, aye, sir," was Mr. Peter- son's response to the delicate atten- tion received from his superior. He then gave the third mate some in- stiTictions. "Swanson," be gently but firmly renvarkcd, "I'll cruck your blooming skull if you don't move yourself, you gaunt-eyed, bow-legged, stock- fish feeder. Bear a hand there. Lively now, "and get that line out." I "Ayo. aye. sir," said Swanson, in a humble voice. Then Swanson gave the deck-hand, who gets £3 a month, a clout on the side of the head that knocked him spinning. Then he shouted: "Why in the name of the other place don't you pay out that stern line, you low-lived, white-livered, mule- pared, hog-backed, slab-sided, bench- legged, feeble-minded chiukcn robber? What are we paying you for?" And he finished the unfortluiato man with a kick in the ribs. The deek-haiTd ran the line out and made the boat fa.s-t. Th.en he went down in the hold, where he anointed his person and clubbed himself with •. handspike. A little Sunlight Soap will clean cut glass and dlier articles until they shine and sparkle. Sunlight Soap will wash other things than dothes , *B t-f A WONDEnFUL ARJIY. Tlie Moorish Sultan's array is a wonderful affair. It lights by mak- ing a noif« rather tlian Ijy killing tlie enemy. The army con.sists of 25,000 men. Some are armorl with discarded British Marti ni-IIenrys; others with home-made imitations of the Martini-Henry, which jam and j refu.se to fire: while others have the ! old flint-lock mxiz^ile-loader, which i.s of doubtful habits. t-t "O woman in your hour of ea.«©. Uncertain, coy and hard to plea.'ie." ihat'ls'^'' '^ °™ "'''^° ^^'^^ '''" certainly please you if you get it, aial SLEEPING IN TIERS. A slum inspector told the Glas- gow Mn.micipnl Coaumission on the itousing of the Poor that on some jccasions he had foinwl families sleeping in tiers, the parents on the aoor, then a mattress, and a layer of children on the top. ^ HALF THE WORLD IS SICK Because of Weak Hearts V/hen you are sick your heart is Taint. If it were pumping good blood through your system, you could not l»e sick in any part. Ninety-nine out of a hundred Save weak hearts â€" they are some- limes sick. • Dr. Agnew's Heart Cure will relieve Heart Disease in thirty minutes. Will with certainty effect a lasting cure. George C«it«s, Dominion Cnitottis Office, Cornwall, Ont , saya :â€" " I was troubled with severe Heart com. rlaint for a long time. I was under the doctor's care, but not receiving benefit. 1 asked him about ' Dr Agnew's Cure row THE Heart,' and I used it with good letults." Dp. Ajnew's Ointment is rid ding the world of piles and skin rashes, eruptions of all sorts Its healing powers at* marveloDS. Price, 35c. H .t» WHAT PHYSICIANS SAY. "Death months" are March and April for adults and July and Aug- ust for childrere under five years of age, according to the statistician of the United States census. .\ fi-oshly cut slice of pineapple laid on a piece of beefsteak will in a comparativelj- short time cause soft- ening, swelling, and partial digestion of the meat for a considerable depth from the sajxface. The Government of the Punjab has undertaken to immunize 700,000 in- habitants against the plague. The laboratory of Bombay has been ask- ed to provide daily 50,000 doses of anti-plague serum to the physicians of the I'unjab. 1'Hiherculosis was not known among cattle in Denmark until the iinportation of Scliieswig-Hol.steins began. It then spread so rapidly that a government commission which tested 144,000 head with tuberculin found one in three affected. The deaths from pnoumonia per 10,000 of population in 1860 wore 4.40; in 1870, 10.24; in 1880. 12 - .">8; in 1890, 18.84; in 1900. 19.78â€" an aggregate increate of 349.6 per cent, of pneumonia, as compared with an aggregate decrease of 39.5 per cent, of con.iuniption. The so-called "defective classes of .society" â€" the idiotic, feeble mind- ed, improvident, habitually immoral, inebriate, criminal, insane, and oth- er impaired persons â€" are as a lule victims of arre.stod or otherwise im- perfect developjiient of brain, attri- butable largely to malnutrition both before and after birth. "CNESrPLOYED." A_ clergyman in the East of Lon- don seeing that one of his parish- ioners was out of woA. benevolently invented a job for him, and asked him to clean and make tidy the Na- tional schools. The man replied very civilly, tlianking tlie clergyman for the olTer, but declining the job on the ground that he "had to go out marohing with tl-.o unemployed." England has 42 missionary cieties; the United States 49. Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications a.s- tlicy cannot rcacli tliu iliseaSL'd portion 01 Iho ear. There is only one, way to cun.- <leafnes3. an<l that i!i by constitutional remodics. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con- dition of the mucous lining of the Eus- tachian Tube. When t:ii.>! tube is inflam- ed you have a rumbling sound or iia- perfect hearing, ami when it is entirely closed. Deafness is the result, and un- less the indanimation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed ior- cvcr. Nino cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous ser- vices. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. P.J.CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. O Sokl by Druggists. 7oc. Hall's Family fills ar« the best. 1-45 Fresh Frozen Sea Herrings locasksofabout G50 Herrings; Si. 60 per 100 bv the cask, or Si. 70 per 100 in smaller quantities. Labrador Herrings 'in half barrels, $3.00 THE DAWSON COMMISSION CO.. LIMITED. TORONTO. WITERE LABOll WAS S\\T?:ET. Not many young ladies in Canada can boast of having cut the entire crop on their father's- farm. The two young daughters of Mr. George Wells can do so, however. Mr. Wells' farm is situated one mile south of Wellwood Station on the famous Carberry Plains. He cult tivatcs 320 acres. Owing to .scaix-ity of help. Hiss Eriio and Miss Emma Wells vohm- lecicd to drive their father's Masscy- Harris binders through the harvest. As a result o^ tlieir elToj-ts, Mr. Wells was the first farmer on Uie Plains to linish cutting. H'ow in-uch of the spirit of Can- ada and Canadians there is in thi;?! This is the spirit whiclli is stsadlly bringing ou»- fair nation to the fore. One of Mr. Wells' 5Iassey-H'arris binders is six and the other four years old, and Mr. Wells asserts only seventy-live cents' worth of re- pairs have been jjut on tliem up to date, and that the l)indor first botight is good for live years yet, to say noUiing of the youjiger one. A MAN OF HIS WORD. "Now, look here, Thompson," re- mai'kqd youg IJrown, "it isisi.x weeks since you bori'owed that fifty- cent piece from me. ' ' "Seven," correctetl Thompson gi-avely, "Well, then, seven weeks," .snorted Brown, "and you promised to give it bac.lc to me in a week. I'romiso.i faithfully, you did, to return iiic it in teven days, instead of weeks." "I know it." answered Thompson, sadly, drawing a memorarwl'um book from his jiocket. "The date of that fifty-cent piece was 1886. I made the note, and then I sipent the money. Since then I've been trying to recover it." "But," howled Brown, "any other would do as well." "No." responded Thoirpson, sJiak- ing his head; "I always keep my woi-d. When you gave me the money, I said, 'I will return this to you,' and I meant it. Brown. old chap, just us soon as I come acro.ss that IS.'^e fifty-cent piece. I'll see that you get it. for 1 am not the one to go hack on m.v promise." THE JIDOE'S BLACK CAP. The black cap ha-s no specific rela- tion to tlK- hanging of a criminal. i Its sinister rej'utalion. and the fact â- that a judge when pronouncing a j capital sentence always wears it, has combined to attach it to a ' meaning and symbolism which it does not possess. It is really noth- ing more than a part of the full dtress of a judge. 1903 WILL BE rNLUCKY. French astrologists are telling us that this is going to be a very un- lucky year, becau.se in no fewer than three casos the l.'ith of a month falls on a Friday, and last year, when this calamity onl.v happened once, we had the eruption of Mont Pelce as a perfectly obvious con- sequence. Miss Elderby â€" "Po .vc«i really think that women propose? " Old- bach â€" "If they don't there are a great many marriajcs i cannot ac- count for."- Willie â€" "Ma, can people leave parts of themselves in different places?" Ma â€" "No; don't be ridi- culous." Willie â€" "Well. Mr. Jiggs .said he was going to the Tj-rol for his lungs." I Cured a Horse of the mange with MIXAHDS LINIMENT. CHRISTOPHER SAUNDERS. Dalhousie. t-J Don't Experiment with other aiid Inferior brands, U3S DDY'S I Cured a pitch fork, MJSNT. St. Peters, Horse badly torn b.y a with inNARDS LINI- EDWARD LINXIFF. C. B. I Cured a Horse of a bad swelling with MTNARDS LIXTJlTE-NT. THOS. W. l'AT^fE. Bathiuret, N. B. Sâ€" 59 "But I am so unworth.v, darling!" he murmui-ed. as he held the dear girl's hand in his. "Oh, George!" she sighed, "if you and papa agreed on every otlier point as you do on that, how happy \vc co-uld be!" I .There are at ijresent 23'.) railway I companies in the United Kingdom with lines actually in existence; but i iiM^ny of these are leased to or work- jod by other lines. This reduces the 'number of those owning rolling .stock to 107. Of these 80 are in ; England and W'ales, 1(3 in Ireland. 7 ; in Scotland, 2 in the Isle of Man, land 2 in bl:e Isle of Wight. SOMETHING NEW. Probably tlie best invention in ll.e agricultural implement world for iy03 is the new oiling device on the S.'assey-Harrls Mower Pitman. A roomy oil chamber i« placed in each end of the pitman, and the na- tural action of the pitman throws ' the oil up through the oil hole and I gives thorough and constant lubri- cation without wa.ste. The best feature of the device is Fifty-three years ago France be- gan givin-g medals to women for bravei->' in war time. Since then 33 decorations have been bestowed on brave women. The first to be go decorated was Jeannie Rossini, on June 7, 1859. Minsril's Linimeot Luuiliprniaii's Fnend Dominion Line Steamships Montreivi to LiTerpooL Eoaton to Lirt-r- pool. Portiani to Liierpool- ViaQuetns- town. Larsfl and Pa«t Steamihipa. Sujienor nct^ommodation for all clasaes of pa sengera. Sttioons and Staterooias am atnldbhips. Bpec^ul aiUiiiUon has bernLnven u> the Second Saloon and Third-Class accoinmoiiauon. For rates of iias^age and all i>articulars, appl^' to any aeent of the Company, or -,'Z EicLards, M ills & Co, D. TorraBCe & Co.. 77:itatoL:t. Bo^tciu Mont-r-al and Portlaad. " i-a Have You Seen it ? Wiiat? LM'i Priceless Recip.a â- SlXOSecrtU (or tbo Homp. ?Atia and ercry depaiinieet of buman (cUe.*or. 361 that the oit chambers aic roomv aisd , . . nnt. fiMinn- «.;il lnr-+ frt.. «.„«,. u „ ' paK**- 3fina25c*nt». Money rem need it l o k tB r.ot I one n.lmg will last for many hours i;*rU it, a uoortude line i.r cmtu »a«,-wuj.-im j of cutting. i BriHi, PiUUatau'. lofuiitg Wi; understand Massey-Harris Com "" "^ INVENTION-. A We have rcceii-<;d from Messrs. Ma- rion & Marlon, Paterst Attorne.ys, of Montreal, an admirable comjiendiuni of condensed information on the subject of Patents and everyday sta- tistical data. This little book, en- titled "INVENTION," is just the proper size for the vest pocket. 2J X 14 inches, is bound in hanuGome celluloid covers, and contains not only quadrille-ruled blank pages for Inenioranda. but also 28 pages of interesting printed matter Lnclu.ding quite a surprising amount of novel and useful Information not hereto- fore published. Among the items of Information contained, in this com- pact little volume are graphi-.-ally illustrated tables showing the Growth of the United States and Canada Patent Offices, Cfograyjiical Distribution of United States and Canailian Patentees. Distribution of Canadian Patentees among the dif- ferent cou'jitries, the Inventiveness of Canadian Provinces, the Compara- tive Ttaventivoness of the United States and Canada, the World's Greatest Inventors, and legal mark- ings for patented articles. In addi- tion to tJie very full and useiui des- cription of the mode of ijatent and trade mark procedure and the ex- tensi've equipment of Messrs. Marion & Marion for their work. A full schedule of co.«ts is also given, and a highly interesting list of some ot the fields of Invention in which they \-.a.\-c obtained patents. The book is prei>ared especially for the use of the technical and indxis- trial clients of Messrs. Marion & Marion, and does this enten'rising firm much credit. It can be hatl fiy>m them by the roa.dcrs of this pa- per on request, for 10 cents, (stamps or silver). paiiy are maiing a great hit with this new feature, and that it Is til- ling a long-felt want. - • The favorite foreign authors in Russia are Feiiimore Cooper, Jules Verre. and Slayne Reid. 2-14 zx'ts^d -4)0 :^-Ka.i^«9l&E&a(>9 Anj qu.'valit.j' of dry. mix-'d wo d suitable for brick barning, f. r •arly deliv ry 8t«ie raa'x pn'oe, f.o.''. your i- a ion. Address. S XI' SON BUIfiJ CO.. 1 Toiouto St., Toronis. Xec- pbone M.iin TUi. ^ 7â€"19 Lifebuoy .Soap â€" disinfectant â€" is strongl,y rccouimendeu by the medi- cal profession as a saieguai-d against iniectioLs diseases. .â- V single block of Greek marble, weigtung 38 ton.s. has been sent from the Pentelican quarries to Ber- lin. A .statue af Wagner is to be cut from it. RUBBER Latest No-.oltics, all styles. Correspondence invited. En- close 2c sla:!ip tor circular. THE UNIVERSAL SPECIALTY CO., p. O. Box 1112, Montreal. 6-57 Dr. August Koenig's Hainbtira Drops have become an indispensable home frieiiKl for suffering women. "I don't believe our new nelglibors amount to much." "Don't you?" •'No. Why, nobocy ever gossips about them." CLEANING ^ LADIES'... ^ WALKINQ OR O'JTINQ SUITS Can 'oB aope perfectly by our Trench Procs.. T.-y tb BRITISH A!.;ERI0AN OYglNO 00 . uo^ncBSAi., ToaoMTo. onwwA 4 quebeo 1-44 Miearii'sLiiiiineniisiisEiliif Ptifsicians Of the 600 grasses and weeds growing on the western prairies of .Vmerica. gheu|i will eat 570, while horses will eat but 82, and cattle only 06, "Do .vou think, young man. that you could my daughter all she asks for?" questioned papa, griml,v. "I â€" aw â€" think so, sir," niuruvured the lover, ba-sphflMly. "She says ahe wants only me." h\ for Minard's and iake no oilie' M.AUCONIS mVAL. Profefsstor Uraun, of Strnssburg, has j'ust announced that he has i made a great disco^-ery with regard i to wireless telegrnpJiy, having found ; means to prod»ice electric energy in ' unlimited volume which con be pro- j ject«id into s|>ac-e in the form of eloc- ; trie waves to any distance. Thi.s ' new method, he a.ssert.<<, secures in- crea.sed accurac.v of traiisnxis.9ion, and thi- possibility of mo.«snges be- inj{ intercepted will b« mxich red\iced. KeepMioaril's Liniment in tlie Hcjse, In a Montana hotel there Is a notice which reads: "Hoarders ta^c- en by the day, week, or month. Those who do not i)ay promptly will be tai.cn by the neck." For O < r Slity Vfarn. Av Old and WtL!. Tbhu Kiimkdt. â€"Mrs Winslow'l soothingSyrup biu been useU for orer sixly yean by mil) lotii uf nioUiers for Uielr cLiidrrn while leeching, with perfect tuucey. It soothe* the child, aofteiis Uiu guui:<. ulJiy;* all vain, cure* wind eoiic, and i»tho beun-enieay fur Di»rrhie» Is pleK<ant to the loaie. ^old Uy d:\liiini in every part ot the wor d. i Twenty-hTeo.iits .ibot'io. It* »ftlue (a ii<c*.ciilabio. Be sure and ask for hln. Wlosloic a Sootb.nf Syrup ftnd t&fce noolbir Itind. f-l* SHE HELPED. "Did she help i^ou to propo.sc?" "Well. rather! Sho asked how many bo.xes of catuly would pay for an engagement ring." AN MMIRAILI fMO EPPS'S rcn KAINTAININC ROBUST HUtLTH COCOA inatru.-nents. Drums, Uniformn, etc. EVERY T0W^9 CAH HAVE A C.i^ND LowuKt prices ever ipiotad Fine calalosuo. 500 ilnsitnitionp, iiiiiiled frep. Write tinforanj-- ihinp in Hailr or MiiHinil l:i«tranicj<>. WUALEIf IIOVI'E & CO., limited. Toronto. Oat., and Winnipeg, M%o 1-20 P[STIIEIITS 10 6 m tttm « u ii»TB». GOVERN ME NT M U N' I C 1 r A L qORPORATION BONDS YIELDING FROM 31% WE ESPECIALLY INVITECORRES- PONDENCE BOND LIST MAILED ON AP- PLICATION . Dominion Segubities ! Corporation, Mm ted« I 26 KING Sr. !•:., TORONTO, f â- mm iw 12-03