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Flesherton Advance, 26 Mar 1903, p. 4

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t . March 26 1903 THE FLESHERtON ADVANCE â- â- ?» {<i^o^o^o^!m<s:^r^ \ f, T. HILL & CO I ^cece:^^^^ Our New Spri ng ^^T&SS (^OOoLq AreHere g We're iiiHtlv proud of the inaijiiifioeiit colloctiMti of Now brii8s Fabrics we've uiithorud touodier for this Sprii.g'a a5 sellihi/ \ inii»I evBi-y «chv«, and oloring is reprosoPted in <iur proaent showing. And prices ton »r« the W most reoaonuble bucIi splcDdid and up-to-dule goodn have ever been offered at. Those pricoj will show the trend of values. IJhcU silk Grenadines, in the loveliest p.itterr.s wo hMocv.-r seen-you'll be delighted when you «ee fhcni. Special at prices, 95,1.00, 1.10 Ho Homespun SuiliMg«. We've now in s.ock of tlieBo very hiKhcIass and desirable i/oods tlie ni..Hl perfect collection you'll prcbably see this «ea«on. >..t a »h.ule nor a price is missiug. To Ket them ru:ht we had to K<. tu the mill where they were niade-that accouuts for lhe,se vslues which we are very ccnaii. *' 1 n"t^« even upproacl.od in Marlidalo. Per yard ,S7i,G0, 75, iW.yS, 1.00, 1.10 and '••^" Sali.i Cloths. 42 inches, in black, yray, fawn, brown, irreen, blue, et-. This is a beautiful, fine, all-wool cloth, rich finishâ€"a cloth that «ill give absolute satis- faction, special at "" Aninzon SuitinjjM, 49 to 54 inches wide.every possible shsdeyou could desire incliidinf,' black. This is an excellent medium-priced doth, of suflicieiit wei(rht tailored suits and skiits can be made without liiiiiiK. These prices are special 45, 48 ''O Serees, 40 inches.iu black, iiavy,brii!lit blue, cardinal, carnet, brown, etc. This is without doubt the finest serue we've ever seen at this very popular price, pej yard only -'^ Ladies' black Venetian Suitinc, RO ins., rich glossy satin finish â€" one of ihe Very finest suiting cloths in the market. Special value at 1 50 Ladies Cluth 56 in.^., in black, dk. navy anddk. pray. This is a beautiful, heavy suitinj^ cloth, finest of wool, bri<<lit finish and of dyes the most permanent known. Special at 1.50 Other lines of Ladies' Cloth, all colon, including black â€" all price3,runnlMg as low as 60 ISasket Cloth Suitint;, black, 56 ins. wide, elegant silk finish, worsted thread, and a dye that will retain its permanmcy for years. Special at 1.25 Snowflakes,66 inch. We've over 35 different patterns of this remarkably popular line of suiting. Beautiful combinations of coloring and richness of finish â€" it's euro to be a marked favorite. Special at only 1.10 Other lines of the New Snowflakes in excellent ilolhs at per yard 85 Black Venetian Suiting, 4G ius., finest wool, silk fi'iish and absolutely eatibfactory in every respect. Very specii-l at 1.10 NEW BLOUSE iMATERIALS. Any lady desiring a new "ISlouso Lengtb" would do lioiself a great kindness by inspecting our superb collection of those. Ncv'cr before saw such beautiful combinntions of silk and wocd, is the universal exclamation of those to whom we have shewn them. We have tliujo in stripes, figures and Horal designs, light and dark jjrounds, small and largo patterns. The best of these are sold in blouse len«ths, only one of a kind at per length $1 25 to 2.00 NEW WHn}E AND COLOIIED MUSLINS. Thousands of yards of this 8ea.son'8 newest and daintest colorinas and patterns. To attempt to describe them would be an imvKissibility . To get an inteligent i Jeji of their remarkable value and beauty you'll have to see ihem for yourself Every price is fully 20 per C'nt.better value than you've been accustomed to getting. These prices we claim will not have an equal this seivson, 10c , 12^, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20, 22i. 25, 30. 35 and 40 38 new pitterns of AppViquoa and Gimpes have just been placed in fllock--blacks, whites and creams. Ladies' who have seen them say they never saw such a superb and perfect collection. All prices from 4c. to 1.45 per yard. Sbo^^^K^cece:^. F. T. HILL & CO 'o^s:^<^^o^o^o^G^ THE GAMEY LNVESTIGATION ly needed, there ought to be no serious diflBcuIty encountered iu securing a For two weeks now tbe Ontario substantial subsidy. Logislatuie has been wrangling over the question of appointing a tribunal | â€" to try the Gamey charges ayainst John Broderick, of Elmvalo has pur. ,, , ci I..X., M- Pr> Kc iH fin. ;cha.sed tns Mansiim house, Shelburue, Minister btratton. JVlr. y^oss is ae , , ,,, t n . ^ i u ., •„,„ , 1,., from the Wm. Jelly estate and has now leriunodto give the case into the! • . . f t v. vvm .u B r • q • I purehascd the interest of John vVittor, the hands of a commission of judges, in- ^^_^^^^^ i,>„aiord. Mr. Broderick will Blrad of fnlfilling his pledge that ^^ „y.,\,^ ^^^^^^^..^ â- ,^,^â- ,,.,,^.^1^,^^,^^^ enlars-ing v>,oild bo t.i'^'l bofr,ro a parliamentary t|,^ ,|„,pi ,^,„| ,j,.t.cti„i, bHck stables, etc. toiumission or committee of the House. ; He will expend about ^7,000 altogether. The Conservatives arc equally is ^e- 'â- cnuined that they will make liim ful- fil his pledge if it is at all possible to Mr. Witter relirea fioni the management o.i May 1st. Without a moments warning, Ilichard do SO. The country is asking soiucjj of Nottawa, was called to pertinent questions these days. Thcioiumity on Wednesday evening of last Week. He went to the barn to fix up the horses for the nighl.and the family found him tli-'.re slioitly afti;r quite dead. The deceased was miner of the brick yard wiiieh he had operated since the death of his father some years ago. Ho was 40 jye.'\is of agi'.imd leivm a wife and family, elucidation of the second Problem. |,j^,,,^ f„„^,.,, ,„„^ j,,,,^,, j^.,^,,^ ^,^^ f^,,^^;,^ Mr. Gamey and hid advisers do noli residence, Nottaw;i, at 2 o' on Satut- bclieve that a full investigation Ciu be ,biy, to the .Methodist church hud before a commission of judges. 1'iicy do not believe that all of the (vlJciice, and vital evidence, will bo ucceplcd before the jiidgoH. Secondary evidence is not acccp'.ed as evidence lirsi is, what are the actual facts as to the reason Mr.lloss changed his mind? Another is, why will the Consorv- alivcs not accept a eoinmi9.sion of judges? Perhaps the first question can be satisfactorily answered by an The Toronto Star ( makes the following referoneo to the popular member for Centre Grey, in connection with the deiiate on the G.inioy charges : Mr. I. B. , . Lucas, the only inemb r who was returned II, any court of law, and of course this ,,y „,.,,,,„„,,;„„ j„ m,^^ ,,,,j UuM^^A in would place Mr. Ganiey iu a positioii whcic his unsupported evidence would be vvcigiiod in the balancR against that ofsnclimon as tho yulli/uiis and Minister Ktrallon. This is nut what the country wants. It wants a full and open investigation of all the fdcts, to that it may be able to arrive at u vcidict. As tio vordict can bo given by the judges or any comriission, it !.•* only fair that the people should hi given uu opportunity to fornni'ato their own opiniona on tho mutter This, the Conservatives bclivo, is what Mr. Uoss desi: Ls to avoid. This. they say, is why he cliangod his mind. 11 a calm jiidictl argiiimint. Ho confined hima.lf to the real '{uestional i.ssue, and for ih« moat part discussed it fairly. In- deed, Mr. Lucas' limitations as a popular politician, or l.aUr, are at once evident, ill that ho is ton fair, too calm aiiiV judical- The debate so far would in licato that no' many of lii.s fellows on the Opposition side ar^i similarly ha.,ipe<ed NiuvB;)aper subsoribui'S often wonder why tho publi»hor keepi on sending tho paiier wlioii tho sii'jscripti iii has ex|)iiod. An cuclisnvio thua e.\|ilain(, the inalfi'r : When a subHciiption i* |nid to a certain time, and tlie time expiree and tlio paper slo;*, it looks as if tbe oiii ordoubied tho iiit'.'gi ily of H subscriber, and in nine oases 80 it 13 surely a quasi acknowledge- 1 out of ten the subsciibor will give tho BJcnt of guilt iiiiJ an evidoneo of u 'odiMr a calling down for insinuating that dciire to shield thode who are diicc 'y i I is cr.;dit rta* ii:>t g "«!. Uathor than charged with guilt. Mr lloss'e giini^c'st ai.y rell.xtion against a neighbor's dctcruiinatioii to foicn hia second ''"'^â- "y "> pay »R'"'>11 'l«''t, it baa boon lhou;;ht has a sinisua- significauco to '='"'l">"«0' f«'r newspapeis to continue Word was received recently by Mr. D. Hislop, of South Easthope, of the death in Roxburgshire, of his last surviving brother, James, who passed away at the age of seventy-six years. There were five brothers anct two sisters in the Hislop family and all are now dead except Mr. Hislop of South Easthope and his youni;- ost sister, who resides at Hawick, Scot- land. Only three meml eis of the family have come to this country. One brother, Adam, died in Artouicsia eleven years ago and another. Thoni.i';, died in Montreal general hospital in 1847, only two weeks after his arrival from the old country. Mr. Hislop, of South Eaithope, is now in his seventyfimrth year and is one of the most respected residents of the district. D. McVannol has been appointed poM- uia.iter at Shelburue, replacing Mr Berwick, who has been pustmaster for the past 32 yeaia « The Markets. tarerullv Correr cd tach Week Oats iJ9 -o 29 I'las 70 o 70 Wheat C5 to C5 Uarley 45 to 45 Butter 16 o Iti ELigs fresh 10 -.o 10 l'"'>< 7 00 to 7 00 Chickens per pair.... 25 to 50 Ducks per pair 40 to 60 Tuckoys jier lb 11 tc 12 Geeso per lb 8 "o 8 Hay 5 00 to 5 00 Potatoes bag 57 to 75 I TksbeHcn Furniture % lUarerooms. Wo are carrying the newest styles of seasonable goods in all lines of Furniture, eoiisisling of : Parlor and bedroom suits, lounges, sideboar^ls, oxtensi^n and centre table.", chairs, window sliaJes and curtain poles, picture*, eaaols, etc.. Which wo otter at BOYD, HICKLING j cSc CO., \ FLESH ERTON - ONTARIO. ; LOWEST PRICES Picture FramiiiB and General Ro r iiairing. t'ndei takin-.- in all its p braiichei. Satisfaelicm guaranteeil ^ VV. M. Bunt, - - Prop. 5 ivf-.y ihct'ghful mull. tending the paper after the timo ba.* ox- pirtd. Tho city wceklioi and dailie* do I I â- "â€" • I not Kcneially follow this rule as their sulwcribors are (it a distance, and bcsidea Parliuo itury aBsislaheo wUI be a8k;''""y '"â- <-• >i"t acpnduted «iili them and (!o cJ fir the n -.v Port IJurwoll and i """"""" ""':'" """'"''"' "^""^'"JJ <^' = ,, I, 'I 1 . thoiilil di-cin it an hoii'ir to know that hia Georgian Hay lailwa},, and a sHong .j 1. â-  , , , ,. â-  . • ... , ,, ^ creilit IS not dfulidd when tho publiuhoiS delegation probably go to Ottawa ^,^,,^;,,^,^ ^„^^„., „,^ ^^^^^^, g,^^^^jj ,,^^ I J pi 088 119 claims. As this line will ,„,„,.,! ^r w sh to have the pa,>er di.s. B )t paialU;] any oUieraud will open np contiimo 1 ho Hh..u d luonm tho publisher 1 ail way couu<Cik>U/i Kliioli are so bud ii|id,i(\iiii^ to tb»te, if any nuiuutit is vytmg Our C/uAA/tiff jCitt HR AnvAvoa a'l 1 â€" t •Weekly Mail and Kmpire with pre- mium {I 1-75 ♦Weekly Glolie 1 80 Family Herald ikud Wookly Star and premium 180 Daily N0W8. . . , 3 10 Toronto Daily 8t«r 8 30 Toronto World . . 3 S6 O uardi»n 1 90 Sun ^^ 1.80 * * . Jf^eto " J^ross Q-oods Wo'vo never had Dress Goods that gave such un- quahfied satisfaction as does our present stock. We seem to have anticipated every possible demand, and those who come here to buy get exactly what they want or should have to keep up with the latest fashion fancies. These are some of the Dress materials that help to make our stock popular â€" Harris Homespuns ; strictly all w^ool, beautiful finisli, excellent wearing goo(ls,54 inches wide, colors black, light and dark grey, fawn, _2:roen, brown, navy, etc., etc $!,0© a3ld 75C» Fancy Hopsack Homespuns : strictly all wool, fashionable weave, just right for suitings or skirts, 56 inches wide, colors, black, oxford, navy and royal blue $1»2S Fancy Snow Flake Tweeds : Suiting novelties in two tones, dark and medium colorings, also black and white effects,52 inches wide $1-00 ^ISC Pebble Cheviots: bright beautiful finish, in black and bright navy, very stylish goods, 52 inches wide â- â€¢â€¢$1,00 Flake Suitings Box Clothes Henriettas Lustres Doiles New Blousings Poplins Serges New Silks Saiin Cloths Cashmeres New Satins You'll find in stock all the necessary linings, dress Accessories and Trimmings ret^uired by the up-to date dressmaker. Carpets and Oilcloths Curtains and Muslins. Timely suggestions for the house wife who is just thinking of her spring housecleauiug.j Tapestry carpets From 25 to 85c. yard Wool and Union Carpets From 25 to 90c. yard Hemp Carpets From 12^ to 25c. yard Oilcloths, new patterns, all widths, 25, 30 and 35c. "I square yard j New Linoleums, floral and square patterns 50 cents square yartl. Tapestry Squares 3 x 3, 3 x 4, 3|- x 4 New season's designs 6.75 to $11.00 Japanese Mattings, new colors and patrerns 25 & 30c. Lace Curtans.... . . ....From 25c. to $5.0Gtepair Frilled Curtain Muslin From 25c. to 35c. yard Fancy Curtain Muslin From 20 to 30c. yard Coin Spot Muslin, new designs From 15c. yard Yon'll find we carry by far the largest and best stock of Hoiuse Furni.shings in this district and whether you buy the highest, or lowest price article the value cannot be surpassed â€" come and see our spiitfig selections â€" you'll be pleased ! Jit HiLRIJl^V^AIiE DKJP'T New Spring Wall Paper Our Spring stock is now complete. It comprises some of the most select patterns from the best Ca- nadian makers. We neverstarted a spring trade with such a clean, fresh stock as we do this season. We are giving better values than ever and you'll find an immense variety â€" larger than ever. Prices Kjinge from to 3^c. 50c. the double roll. We'll be pleased to show you our Wall paper samples. Come In. Dairy Neckssites to Suit Evervuody's Neel>s. Do Laval Cream Separators in stock Separator Oils Milk Pails Milk Pans Creamer cans Strainer Pails Crcjun crocks Carrel Churns Dairy Thermometers. -'<â- â- : •n.

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