jFkab£rt0tt Aiiiana. "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" "PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN." OL XXll, N( 11?2 Flesticrtoii, Ont., Xliursday, IS^Iarcti 12 1G03 W. H THURSTON, ?,%T^?, PHOrhlETOB r- I pRallway Wreck I CAnEl.K8NF.S8 H T3E CaUSB OF A I y^iinl iiiHiiy rriilw.iy wrt-cks fli-l t:i.e- |le.s«nu-siii liajina w."i:ilie-4 fr ni airo I li-.hl ! pri-sous w (ift-ri the ciiu-.? of ; loii)^ tiisio a 'A iiio: cy. ; t'oME HtliE to jrc". H j;oo(i rel;;il le â- t;iiii'(iii-ee. We h.ivu tLcrj in u.»'t'. \ n.d silver li:icii. Men's Ciold Watolies PUtu i-r fjvn'.y c;i- c,'iH'4e ov Buiail s^zc, i j;>iaiiiiiti.M;(l 20 yuai" cue, 7 j wv' I Eijihi mov tuic'M readies' G<j1'-1 \S<'cttctics ViA.u 111? fai.cy oriHrf, ass'TteJ siztH. ; c!: |;ciidablo movements We Tiel CDuSdeiit •we can supply any rtasi^nable cleniand for a good t.iiiie -i j piece and L'ood !â- okina, dependable; ca:io at a reasonable price. j W A. ARMSTRONa FLESHEKTON ."Jl ax well Las'. Wcdnosdav a nuuiber of relations and friends spent a pkttsaut evening at the huuic of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wrighr, the iwcasioii beini^ the marriage of their dauuh.or, Mi.ss Annie Mt-lissa Wriglit to Mr. Ch.is. Long o{ tlie village. The bride was attended by her HU!it, Jli.ss Alice Field, while the groom was supported by 7= Wns. Lnv!irs. e i»!.tli line, Osprey. The occasion nf tiie gathai ii;g was a farewell party iind pricjntiLtion givet; to Mr. and Mrs. Al'i-ir UnuUiv of that neisthbor- boo'J, in \ i ar of their departure to I'owaaSrn, u iiere thiy intf'nd to reside. When rU Wir'i uSHuinbled the address vf.i.s re.id ;ii;d or, sentaiina nmde.folluwing which, they Wtie treated to a sumj-tuiius ro^wst. .\fter apendin;; the remainder of tiie eveuiuj iu jjaiiies mid music the party b-oUe up, ai.d, with a hearty farewell to Mr. and ill H. li.tn!«ry, dispersed to their h'liies. 4UDRESS 'I'o aTtd Mr and M.ra Albert Hartley. Wo, your fiiiiichj an i neighbors, take thi» ocuaiioQ of inei-tirs together to ex- press Kur i;ooJ-will a'j.l wishes towards you. Your jjeisoiial mid social qualities, your iutere iurse with your neighbors and fr ends, your long term of intimacy with us have endeared you to us more than we cm expiesi in words. We therefnre ask you to accept this parlor clock a3 a slight , evidence of the ^ood will and hinh regard ! iu which you aio deservedly and uiiivers- I ally held in the nciuhborhofjil and take ' with you the assuriiuce that when time shall be no more, you and yours will not be forgotten in this neighb<jrhood. When y.iu hear this clock ticking off tlie moments of time, may it recall to your memory the many pleaseht uioinent-i spent ; with your frii-uds in Osprey. May yeur I lives be one vista of sunshiue is the wish of your friends. Signed on behalf of his brother, Mr. George Lou-. Rev. Mr. i y,,^; friends, neighbors and acquaintances iuOspiey. Opheli.v Lawler, Mrs. j. Lawleb, Wm.L.vwleb. Dated at Osprey, .March Or,h, 1903. ttlmberley Scitt tied the nuptial knot. The bride and htir inaid were prettily attired. The former wore a tigur.'d poplin dress, trim- med with velvet ai.d white applique. -Aftor the ceuuuiMny the party sat; dxwii to a sumptuous tea. The bride was well remembered in th.» presents which she â- Wc are sorry to report Mr. Hughie received. Mr. an.1 Mrs. Lon^ will reside flarumond as i'.l with apendiciiis. on tlij Lia:- homestead. | Mr. Wm. Ha-nninnd has been laid up The Maxwell ami, Fevursham public with a lame back, library c.'iiiiuittfle met li.3t Friday in Dr. Rev. T. il. White has brought the Sorely s itti.e ttt fevershaiu. Rev. Scott special meetings to a close, and Dr. Scott attended from' Maxwell. ' We oinitte4 fo mention last we6k the It was decided to purchase t-venty-tive death of I'hos. Walton of Westminster, dollars worth of b loks on soijatilio farm- B. C, son ..f Mr. and Mrs.Hugh Walton, !:•;; and u her allied interests. ' .of this placo. Deceai-ed was a favorite A tati'y tu^ was lalHeJ of to bo tried at . with all who kuew hiiu. Ui.s family have Fcveishara. Time and teeth will tell how the sympathy of all. this will turn ou^ i Mr. A:be:t Ellis is moving on to his The public library will hold its nsxt farm at Can's elbow, lueelin;; on the iirsJt Tuesday evening in The Methodist pulpit was filled last May at Maxwell. Sunday morning by Rev. B.R Steiuhaur, Mr. Waymau Scutt lost a valuable Iu4ian missionary at Fisher River, Man horse hist neek,ufti-r crossiiig the Beaver Tlie roads are in a bad conditii^u now, hills in Mr. Hu^h tVnwick's field. The o<vin;; to the thaw. horse simply lay down and dieil. Through The people have to draw their ice from the kindness of A!r. Fenwick Mr. Scutt : WidchoUae this year, as there was only was enabled to get home with his cutter a few inches on the ptmd here and hurneso. Hoises are high abuut The Forefters' concert was a failure, as M.ixwi il, even 15 liiioders. ; the actors did not come. The Womaiis' Missimiaiy society met Mr. John Rauimond of Toro .to ar- al the parsouagu Li-t Wednesday. This riveJ home on Tuesiky to attend at the young socioiy is gro.riuj quite populir as bedside of his brother. its Workings are being undei-stOod and ..«»• severed new inembeis are beini; a<lded. j Spring Assizes Suii.ir making weather h:»8 come and ^ »ijow is fast disappc'irii):*. â- > i»> I â- â€" Fevorsliaus ACSRESS ^u SJiS. J. i)nc!dujha-M and/amUj Dear M.43am, â€" We aive you thisliitle enrpriae l^i-niiiht for the purpo.'je of show in:: in this primitire way our esteem for you and your family and for our pleasure in spending another evening iu your co:iipany before you lenve i-ur little tillage. We believe in i(oiiig ti'y.)uriiew home you are leaving none iiuong all your acq.i.:i:.tanccs but frieiidsâ€" friends slander, was likewise {K.st|Hined iu v.'ho.»e iiiemoiy you wil[ live through life. We are coiib<l«nt you will toon t-u)oy i^'jlimtf rrst>ect in your new home beeau.He a kind naruie unconsciously com- mands k ndncs.> ill nturn an<l aa cvrtiin- lyrrc.ivosit We have brought you a set rtaiiwi^es for slander, and in which Mr. o' dishes as a suliservance of our esteem, (jrrigh'on replied expluininn what hesiid Wb niUAt confess our scltishness in want- and sUtiug that the charges mnde were ing a place in your memory and therefore ^^^^^ ;„ substance aod fa-. The jud«o wo would ask you to accept them as an aid ,ug-e»ted a settlement, and the | arlies to that purpixte. withdiew, and both sLined an explanatory loVR Fkveksh.^m FKIKNIM. d,u;ument in which matters were,!«) far as On Fiid-«y evei.iiig of last week, a could be learned, evenly lawed off and Dumber of (woplu aKs-iutded at Mr. costs evenly divided. Tucker i& Cameron The Spring .^ssiaes for the County of Grey opened Tuesdjiy last at 2 p. m , Mr Justice McMahoo presidiog. .A 1 »ni! iist of ease.^ appejiicil upon the docket, several d.-^es having l>eeii left over from last court. In all, tl-.ere wer- nine jury cas s and six non jury cases ii addition to i-he ciiitiiiial work. O'Brien v. Euphrasia A Artemssa, an action fir damages agiiiist thj town- ship.*, »a^ iK>.-.tp''nid. W J. ^a•^on f r plitf. ; Luc;is, Wri}{ht - & McAr-lle f'r defm. McMillan v. McMillan, an ac ion for Mac K»y & Samp.<on f r plilTs. ; Luco!>, Wright «S: McAnlle for deft. Boyd V. Creigliton,."* «eUkn<.wn slander acti"n in which Mr, G. M. Boyd, ex-M. P. P , sued .Mr. A. J. Cieiithtoii for fot' pltf. ;Kilbourii it K-li)oum ar.d Nesbit, K. C, for deft. Littlejuhn v. McNichul, an action for . seduction, was tried out. J uiy found for; the defendant and action was dismissed i with. int costs. Lucas, Wright & Me- | Ardle for plff.; Tucker & Cameron for, deft. ' Rex. v.Mitol»ell,a ca.se in which Bernie Mitchell was charged with coramittintj rape upon Miss Riniile, daughter of a former hotelkeeper of Ayton, The ease , lasted all day Wednefthiy, and, after a charge by the trial judge favorable to the : prisoner, the jury brought in a verdict of ; guilty, with a recommendatioii for mercy. : Sentence will he imposed Vjefore the court ri.ies. W'ardrobe of Harniiton and John Armstrong for crown; W. J. Hatton fcr defence. Verdict â€" seven years. i Speers v. G. T. R. â€" This is one of the ; most important ca.ses on the docket, in j which the well known cattle man, Mr. J. D. Spe rs, sues the Grand Trunk Rail- way C.impany for carnages resulting fo him from a pitch in of trains near Berlin , in September List. Owing to Mr. Speers extreme ill health as a result,and the fact that the case could not; be tried out, by , arangenients the jury notice was struck, out, and Mr. Speers' evidence is being taken before the trial jud/e as we go to ' press. It IS uuderstxjd that the case will be finished in the near future iu Toronto. McKay and SanqMon for plff.; J(jhn Bell, K. C . and Nesbit, K C. for defendants Huston V. Young & Leslie, an action by W. P. Huston for i.'amages on account of accident met with at defendants' mill, was finished -la-st ni^ht and judgement reserved. HcFARLAND, STAFFORD Si CO. HARKD.ALE, ONT. Qrey Coun'^y's Biggest and Cheapest Store. The Toronto Stock is . • Here . . $5,000 worth of New Goods from the liquidated stock of McFarland, Gray & 5outhgate, Toronto, bouglit at 63c on the dollar. It does'nttake very much blundering to make :ax awful mess of ihihgs around a priuting office, and human nature you know is prone to make mistakes. The following e.xauip!e of an .Arkansas printor's troitolea is liable to be duplicated in any ofBceany time. He was in a hurrj* recently in making up the forms and got a marriage notice and a grocer's advertiseraontmi.xed up so thit it read as follows : " John Broun and Iila Gray were united iu holy bonds of sour kraut by the i,uart or barrel. Mr. Brown is a well kniwu-young ci d fish at 10c per pound, while the bride Miss Gniy, has some nice pig's feet that will be sold cheaper than at any other store in town.' Tiie editor has taken iefii;;e in the p3ot house. Mr. Alex. H. Clark of Cdlipiiwood, who w.'is arrested soma three weeks a«o on a chargv- of poisoning his two-year-old child, and who vv.is discharged, was re- ar-ested on Tliuisilaj' on ?. charge of "neglect, tndaugeiing human life." On Friday he appeared before the polii'e ma;;:strate,i'lectsd to betritd summarily, p.caded yuiity, and w.as i-ele-tsed on sus- pi uded sentence, ni charge under this pariicular seetion of tlio Act having ever i been 1 lid lu the Piovince before. In-' sjx'cior Rogei» looked after the ciise for the Piovineial autli iri'ics. In his test- imony at the urexious trial Clarke snore that ho had set a piece of cliee»e with strjch'iioe up-u it on a low shelf in the cu'jboaid fir the purpo.se of killing rats I and inice.tliat the clii'd had ;icces.-< to this r"<>in on the day •â- n v.hich it dicil, audi th.»t the child was "very fond of cheese." | In this way the finding of cheese andi •trych'diie in the child's stomach at the post morretn was iicc->untcd fir. The! depi.rtaient think-i (beie is too much of this leaving of p'i^on around cartle-sly, â- and tbey purpose to put a .stop to it. i Twemy-two p>^ pie were killed ai^J ' forty-five injured as the result of an cx- plos on at Olean N. Y. The Corporati-'ii "f .\o ton has a iiiui.i- ci[Ml olticer to whom !-â- < paid a sal.try of $500 per year, for the perf- mnnce of the foHoiving duties: â€" As»e^<.â- •or, Cvdlector. Sin.t'iry lu-^pector, Caretiker of toon hall, C:iretaker of Rch'.cl, Can taker of ceiiietery, C<dlect"r ot electric liuht rat^-s, repairing and 'uiilding sidewalks, cutting weeds, C'nst'ibie. [lou ltd- keeper, truant othcer and such other duties ss may be r<quired in counection with the muni- cip«Uty. We have got the first choice from the wholesale stock and will hav on sale SATURDAY MORNING The Biggest Bargains ever tjtfered in Markdale consisting of Clothing, Overalls, Boys' Knicker.s, Men's ard Boys" iiuder- weiir, Rubber Coats, Flannelette Sbirt.s, Cotton Shirts, Gents- Ties, Suspenders, cottonades. Denims, Shirtings. Mole.skins, Tweeds, Suitings, Trou.serings. etc. We are too busy marking off and puttini; new goods in stock to quote prices, but you can judge the whole stock by these few: Boys' Blue Serge Kuickers,sizes 22 to 32, for 25c £i- Men's Cottouade Overall's, regidar 75c for 39c. Men's Worsted,serge and tweed suits, reg. 8.50 for 5.90 ' Men's Wool Tweed Suits, reg. 8.00 goods fur 4.90 Men's Worsted Pants, regular 2. .30 for 1.68 Men's Mole Cottonade Pants, reg. 100 for 99 cts. Men's Bluti Denim Overalls, reg. 90c. for 69c. Men's Waterproof Pea Jackets, reg. 2. .50 for 1.39. All lines must be cleared out at once to make room for new spring goods which are arriving eveiy day. Big bargains ! Come early and get first choice : 8 o'clock Saturday morning will not be too early. . , > RlcFarlaEici, Stafford & Co. I W. HOCKLEY VV. HOCKLEY ^ F*roton Station ^ ^ Thirty Days' ^ I Oargain SaleSo . . . i Ready-to-wear Clothkg Groceries A Specialty 10 Tweed Suits, regu'ar $8.50 and 5 Ihs. Choice .Japan Tea 1 CO ?9.00 for SO 00 5 lbs. Choice Black Tea 1 OO 5 Tweed Suits, regular $6.00 for. . . 4 50 Go»d salmon p:'r can Sa .Men's Fur Caps, Bell coney, only 6 .-j [hs. k^I. Raising 25c '•^f' f"'' ^ â- *" 6 11 8. fresh Figs 25c 6 only Liulies' Capcrines, regular _ 3 Itm. C'.ron.itioii hi.Kcuits 25c price §4 for 2 75 o cans Cr-sent Caking ponder 25c Great reduction in L.-ulies' Cloth F'ak?d rea.<i, u ;r packet 9c Coats. A la^ ge assortment of 3 jj.,, t,^„ ^^^incta 25c Men •> Pea Jackets and Heavy ,, j r. 1 .. 1 o 011, . «« Ulsters .V- rock bottom p. icee ""• "^ GrHiiuktwl Sugar 24 lbs 1 00 Men's Heavy all-wo..! guernseys at K"-""" ^"i""'. 31 lb« 1 CO p.cs»i> 89cts Trinidad Sugar. 2Slh» 1 QQ 100 pairs LidieV all wo.. 1 hone, vary ^ pluys Prince of Wai.s Toba-ico . . 25« heavy at p.>r pair .25ct 3 plugs Brier T.l-woco 26c 5 Come and inspect Our stock of Cai-pcts. 5E ^ You will find the prices right and tbe gocxls first class. ^ ^J AH wmd Shectinii 72 in. wide, on .sale at 43 vents prr yT>nl. ^ 12 Men's Cardi^iu's, regular $1 50 for SI 19 each. Laigs New Stock of ^ ir^terlin^ Boots and Shoes. Bull tov 5«ervioe Th« uti^prsiffTi**.! tn« a Ar«t cImk.. thoroush- bre<l Short Uoro ocU. 3 vr«. oil for .s-. vieo oa tW K. T. <k ^. U. .Alt. mt-u.. l'eii,<lr«« on ij- (ilication. Teima •! lor graHe*. CI for (botoughbrsdi. Jacob TBo-n>>g4 rmmi Bin foi sebiue Tb« niidarKisnad kM a ll» tborosirkk'ad Yorkshire bou for mtvm* m M M, Utb •)â- > •••aioB, An««Mia. V«nM tl. W.B.BIVOIt