NeMM March 5 1903 THE FLE SHEET ON ADVANCE g^»^«e»:«e»:^$^ I f, t. hill & CO | A careful perusal of this list wiJI be greatly to Your Advantage. YARD WIDE BLEACHED COTTON AT zJCts. Over 1,000 yftlds, goiid weifihl, yard wide, bloacliod ooltim (slii;htly soiled) in (juaiititii-s that are uaually sold at 5 to 7c. a yard. We have in leiii^tlis of from 2 to 'iOy.irdt diiill ond.s ) No limit as ijuantity, per yard for your clioico 2i i~» 85 LADIES WHITE UNDERSKIRTS FOR 48c. ^ 5 dozen Ladies' Fine White Cotton UiidundtiiLf, tlounco, tine etnlnoidery irimniinj;. These goods were secured by U3 away below their value and are biding sold accordingly. Yi«ur choice of 85 cent goods for only 48 ENGLISH GINGEAMS AND PJOUUALES <i^c. 15 pieces, faat cidois, English Ginghams and PcrCales in light and oiirk giduniis, viry neat iMtterns and thoroughly dfuendable wiarurs. Regular price 10 cis. to 12^ cts. Your choice only 6J 12jc. PRINT FUR 10c. Truly the most niagniticeni collection of bright, no* and Canadian Prints we've over hud the good fortune to secure. Not 11 bad patiern cjr undesirable coloring ill tiie lot and warranteed by iha nrinufac;- urers and ourselves to bo absolutely fast. Sold every- where at 12Ac. Our price only 10 NEW HOMESPUNS '.ilhc. (Mill End») 40 pieces, extra tine quality, pure all-W(jol Houie»puiiR, in lungihs running from 6 vj 15 yards. Tliese are to bo had in alnnmt every sliade, including black, and no more satiBfactory woaring coods are in tlio market to day. Cut to any desired leiigih fur per yard only 371 LADIES' NEW CLOTH SKIRTS 27 Ladies' Beautiful all woid Cloth Skirts in dark ttray, navy, green, brown and black. Thi's; are hand- son^oly taih)i-(!d .skirls, sitin and silk strapping*", cord- ed pluatings and small groups of button Iriiiiniings, A splendid collection in assorted lengths at these prices, 2.95, 3 25, 3.50, 3.75, 3.90, 4.26and 4 35 MEN'S COLORED SHIRTS FOR SPRING 10 dozen Men's Colored Shirts have just been placed in stock and include everything that's now for precent wear, newest Colors, newest styles and all absolutely perfect lilting. Two prices aud very special, 75c and 1.00 MEN'S NEW HATS FOR SPRING,1903 It will be well worth your whi'o to inapect. our uia!;- iiihceiit showing of new Spiinji Hat.i. Styles, cotor- int's and qualities aie t!\e very best that money can buy, and laking advantage of all cash discounts, as we always dn, place.s ua in a position to offer these at prices that will be a revelation to' most buyers. VV'hoiher you want to pay 50c. or $2 50 for your next hut, or any j)rice between, you are vt-rv certain here of getting exactly what you want at the lowest pcwsible price We cordially invite you to look them over whenever convenient to do »o. Spring Wall Paper Ovor 2,000 rolls of bright now Wall Paper.^ are now III stock. We've never at any time previouly had any- thing to at all npproarh our present showing of now papers either in elegance and richness of designs or unapproachable values .Just think â€" You can t!ot a rich glimmer wail paper with ceiling and border to match f'lr about tlm actual price of ordinary wrappin'.; paper. We predict an unparalleled season for the sale of all kinds of wall papers and advise ioteiidini: pur chasers tj make an early selection. Better grades of paper with ceiliii'i and border to niatuh at per double roll 8, 10, 12i, 13i, 11, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 25 up to 50c. These papers are fully 20 per cent, better value than have ever heretofore been sliown in Mark- dale. ^:ke:^ce:e:e:e:e:^ We Expect Shipments of New F.T. HILL Import Goods this week i & CO ^cece^cecec^cece:^*^^ Tlio personatorB in the recent Eof (not simply by way of securing proper eicnduiu vote are ccitaluly having a sultry time. Several couvictiona of $100 to $100 and costs, with a year's imprisoiiiuent. Lave been registered against tliese criminals and there are more to follow. This will liave the effect of putting tlio law before the public in a etroug hght, and possibly make the crime, which is bocoming too frccincnl, more rare in future. Had the contest been one of polilicrt it is pretty certain that the guilty ones would have escaped punishuu'iit or never have been apprplioiidod. It look a non-political contest to point out and emphasize the heinousness of tlie crime. What are politics in this country coitiiiig to, any way? Previous to the veci'Ut election in North Grey the government papers of Owen Bound bluntly informed the electors that if they did not return a supporter of the goverument they could o.Kpoct no favors. Alter the election those papers again said that North Grey wonld get notliiiig from the goverinuent â€" of conrjo as u ])unislmieiit for tiieir in- suhorilinatioii in returning an Oppo- giiiuuist. This is puttii.g things bru- tally plain. But then we have heard before that postoffioes and railwayH have been built and publie works in- stiiuloil for 111) uiln'r reason tliaii t:> calcii votes, not becuuse they were iKwled, And jet the people grin and bear it (it is mostly grin) with the iiope. probably, tliut the lime will come fir them to lake a grab out of the public grab-bag. The whole ays- Icm is hud -it ainells, and ought to bo buried deep in the political boiu- yar.L For Temperance Workers ToTltr, K4H<>,- of The Adt.incc li>gi.sLition but in winning men to true principles of tempeianco which can be- come a secure basis for effective le'iisU- tioii. There is not mily a stro.ig liquor party, but there is a fatal shiggishness among nominal teiiiporancu people and other iiitereslH are counted of greater importance by many. Men who will cast the ballot for prohibition will oppose a candidate who is on the wrong side of the poiitical fence to suit their prejudice, though ho is an aflirined supporter of pro- hibiiion. Snme have thoimht it possible tljjtt llio lionso may divide uiion lluKi'.ies- tion iukI return to tho country fur nii election on purely teinpoiauco lines. I would not) like to predict such a wild ven- ture on th'i p.irt of tlm government. It (could only result in disasli-r to the party now in power. The old p.uty prejudices Would prevent many toiiipeianco people fniiii supporting the party ploil^od to pro- hitiilion, on tho one hand, and tlm liquor interest on tlin -jtlior would doublK-ss sway many hiiherto suppoiteis of the government, giving a probable victory to the present opposition. Tho ro.''iiltH uf I he late elections justify suidi a conclusion. There are ni.iny plac s in Iho province in which it A'oiild bo dilBcult to Irsseu iii- t-inpcranco by any law that might be pa.-sed and where the oloclors would go dei'd ai;aiiiit any party that seeks to de- prive tiheiu of tho traflio. Tliis doei not lesson tho re-ip(jns.hility of tuiii|,vriiice people nor the iinpiu-tani.o of their de- votion to faithful work. Lot ns do much .solid foundation work, a Ivanciii'j noalously ihutiiie piinoiple.H of ti'inpiTance and where o))(iortunity alfords, by force of moral Inliuuiice, let us seek to lesion the muiibor of licensuH and ace to it that wo uro represented hi Iho legislaluiwby such men as will uso eveiv legitimito 111 lai.s to seoiiro for us tho desired legislation. This (piOHiion is one of i|ij most vexing I I IIm fair mi:idi d politican, on account of ihu comp'uatioii of fcu'Coa which Hiirround it and tho niulti|dieiiy of in- to.esls which aro oenterid in it. It is undoubtedly tho most important ipi(.\stioii j whicli confi'ont.s our law makeis at the i pre^iiit time, and to a greater extent does 1 thu happiness of the peo|.lo and tho pios- Dkaii Siu:â€" Probably lhBgro,itusl uyj) P'''''y"'>'l suourity of tho nation depend thill could befall the c.iimo of ie.iip,.ranco '"*'"""""' ""'""'° '"*'"''''' "''* '^'""' *"' ViMild bo lor us workers to get the idea i "'"^'''' ""^ "''"•'' *l>>''«''oii of loial or thit tho victory is to bo an easy „„o j "'*'••""''' P'^l't'cs. Tonipeiancr people, be Homo of us saem lo think that all we have **''''â- ~^' *'• Huhlbkbt. to do now is Ut ask thu Li'f{islHr.ure to pH.Hs Ih.' dcidrfd act. LeuiaUtion ii|.oii moral (|U"8i ions that ia nut blocked up by a Ktriii g and active moral forco c»ii only mecl with r<iilura ill its roRults. It would | be a great iniaiake for ns to undeirato the' ^" '*" ^â- â- '''»'"'' "f The Atlv^ince «tr«ng(hof tho enemy. Tlier/s atill a' Dbar SlB,-I see that y..u have re- Strong forco in the country in favor of cuvd loners from reader. ..f y.ur paper the I (pior tranio and tho work of le.i.- ' who live in I h- far north, west and aoilh- peiH.ce people is notat an .mlao loigas weat, ind a.-i I am « rei/ular Hubsctibir ^hia ID true There in work for all tim ^ and an intere.twl rwdcr, it iioouired to A Voice From Qotham me that a few lines from this quarter would not be out of place. Every Monday night when I get home from the office The Advance is always waiting for me, and I always look forward with pleasure to the closing time on Mon. day, because when 1 take up the paper and sit down to road I seem to travel all the way back to Canada and am once more among my friemls. I have been in New York foi a little over a year and like tho city very much. Previou.i to my coining here a groat many of my friend" told uio what a terrible place New York was. I confess that this made mo .somewhat nervous, but now that I am here I am oouipetent to judge for myself. Of course, no matter where a person goes he or she is sure to find wickedness if a search is made for it, and a great many iimko this siarch and are very successful, and therefore, when the p-.?ople wIkj have iiiiwr been here seo the evil ellects of New York lif." ou this they a e wont to form a very poor opinion of the iiii'ral attno-phere of this great inelropolis. But, on tho whole, I think it would bo .vafo to say that, taking every- thing into coiisiiieratioii, New York is not lu'low tho moral standard of the aver- age largo, or evtn Canadian, ciiy. 1 lind that the American people are very sojiablo, wherever or whenever you meet them, be it in iheir homes or on tho street, ai d it aeonis to bo their specid delight lo make a stranger eiuiioly at homo. When it comes to busines.s they aro all shove and hustle, and their manner and liiodo of doinj' lhiiig< is such tiiat tliey accon.plish a deid in a sliort pvii.d of time. Since coming to Noiv Y'^oik 1 have had a groat deal to do with the German ! people and lind them to be a good hearleU peiiple (ill the way through, and when a purs 111 g.ies into iheir homes, every- thing is dune to make the visit pleasant. And the ( cook, she is a ]>t'rHoii that every <nio should know, Iji (ho short tiiiio I have been here I have loavncl to siveiir by lior the naoij as the lri«huiaii does liy St Patrick. The ono uix't question that everyone has been di^cusdng up to tho present, in this ciiy, and in fact all the cities in the North Kistern States, is ihii coal situation. When the strike >v,"rs on, it's effe::.s were not fiilt nearly so much as they were a month or so after things wi-ro settVd. The HiilVerings of thii poorer ilanaosin Now Yoik wi'o aomolhiMg lerriliu-. They couhl not pel the means to buv coal and tliey were driveti to do-<p-jration and a wo.iden toMCO wm not safe in d.irk or day- ligh'. Cual is still very hiijh and the cold ana]) of last week has sent it sosrin;: aunin. When a per.son wants t<i give an idea of the value of an »rli:le thry will say " It ia worth its weight in coal." This has boon a very aevure .Jan. and Fob. Old iraidents say it has b»oii the Coldest weather they have expoiienced f < r a groat many years. Honing theae few remarks will not l>e * out of place. ( (tip very truly yours. O. A. Plamt. i BOYD, HICKLING <Sc 00., FLESH ERTON - ONTARIO. A Clearance in Furs 'pO conclude a most succe.ssful Fur Season we ofiFer everything we have in .stock at Clearance Prices. You'll find quite a nice choice among them and you'll make rsittling good interest on your money bybuying now for next year. You'll see leading lines prominently dis- played for yuu to examine and judge the extent of the reductions in price. Ladies' Astrakan Jackets Sizes 34 to 42. Our Eegular $40 Jacket for $30 Our Regular ^35 Jacket for $25 Our Regular $30 Jacket for $22,50 Our Regular $25 jacket for $20 rien's Fur Coats Our $22 Wombat Coat for $15 Our Bulgarian Lamb Coat for $1(5,50 Our $22.50 Black Dog Coat for $15 Our $18,50 r>'atural Dog Coat for ^15.50 CapcritliS We have eleven left representing son e of the most popular combinations of stylish furs â€" we mention four lines â€" you can jud^e from them of the reductions offered. Electric Seal, Wolf, stole front. Regular $15 for 10.50 Electric Seal and Ohio Coon. Regular Sl5 for 9.00 Black Opposum. Regular $8.75 for 6^00 Electric Coney.largeâ€" 8 tails. Regular jr3.75 for 2.50 Fur caps.Men's and Ladies' (TauntIets,Ruffs and Boas all subject to one third of Regular Prices dur- ing our Fur Clearance. }!.?5iBFIW. Eighteen pairs of Corsets, comprising odd sizes from soujc of tho best and most reliable makes ami stylcs- thcy're mostly small sizes â€" 18,i9 and 20.bnt a few large sizes that are included. The prices ranged from 75e. to ^1^25 and every corset is clean and perfect in every respect. 60c* Tleece Cined underwear for 3$c* Five dozen Men's Shirts aad Di-.uvors â€" Ik'oce liii"d -heavy winto'" woinhlaâ€" .soiiio Wool tt.'ece â€" some cotton tleece â€" coloi.sblue and fawn and urey in plain and striped patternsâ€" nil perfect goodsâ€" no secondsâ€" un- soiled â€" not shop worn â€" sixes 31 â€" 42. THE REGULAR COe. VALUES FOll 3;ic. Twelve Men's Ovoio uis - Chestfrtield style- diderent patterns wo<d tweed - some wool lii.edâ€" some .sitin linedâ€" -ijood varieiy of sizesâ€" just suitable for every day or rough wear, althoui-h they originally sold all tho way from §5.00 to §8.00. Selling at $2,^5. The Markets. t^arelHllv «'ori'c«- f*l Each \V«rU Oats 28 -o 28 1 I'eas 70 o 70-4 Wheat 65 to ()5 U.iiloy 45 to 46 Ihitier 17 o 17 Ki!j{s froah 15 -o 15 I'ork 7 00 to 7 00 Cliiekeiis Jiur pair.... 25 lo »0 Duiks per pair 40 lo 60 Tuckeys per IS 11 te 12 (iie.>io pev lb 8 'o 8 Hay 5 00 to 00 Potatoes bait 57 '.'O 75 Tarnwortli Boar for Service. Alvhi ( No. 738 ) The undersigned has u thoroughbred Tamworth. Boar bred by John Bell, of Amber, Ont., for service on lot 170 con. 2 £. T. & S. R. Terms $1 00. Sep.lyr. Kiohard Allen, Flejherlo.j, I TIesberton Furniture t lUarerodms* Wo are oarrviiii; tho newest styles of soaaonablo goods in all lines of Furniture, coiiHismii; of : Parlor and bedroom suits, lounges, sideboards, exteii.siin iind centre tables, chairs, nindow shades and curtain poUs, picture', easels, etc., Which we offer at LOWEST PRICES ( ' Picture FramioK and Generxl Ke 1 1 (wiring. Uudertakinit in ^11 its I ) branches. Satisfaction guaraiitecn \\ W. M. Bunt, - - Prop. X. L I >