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Flesherton Advance, 19 Feb 1903, p. 7

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I :> SHOULD WOMEN WORK? A (Jermaji professor has been In- vestigating the causes of insanity among women, and has come to tjhc couiclusion that if women arc tviniit- t«Sd into competition witli men, the Inuvitaljle result will be a tremen- dou.s increase of insanity among the TTomcn. He finds tluvt the percent^ age of wonion t»«j<Jvers who become lnt,ane is almost doiible ttiat of the un-n teachers. "Yes," said Mr. Jones, when a certain girl's name had been men- tioned, "I know her to speak to, but not by sight." "You mean that you know her by sight, but not to speak to." "Do I ?" asked Mr. Jones. Itnxiously. "Of course you do. You have seen her so often that you know who she is, buX have never been in- trr.duced to her. Isn't that It 7" "N'o, that isn't it. I never saw her at all to know her, but I speak to ner nearly every day." "How can that be ?" "She is the telephone Sirl at the Exchange." To Recognize Purity. Adulteraticn baa grown to such • line Brt, tUat it Is almost Impoasl- ble for a woman now-a-dayg to de- tect the falsa from the true; but a chemical analysis will always detect ad:iIteratlon. Prof. W. Ilodesea £Uli3, Ofncial Analyst to the Domin- ion Government, after a number cf analyses, reports that " Sanlijht Soap la a pure and well-made soap." Try Sunlight 3o&pâ€" Octagon Barâ€" next wash day. and you will see that Prof. Ellis is right. No c:ie ahould know better than hi. 21A t-£ "That tall man scorns to be the busiest person in the establishmont. What docs he do ?" "It is his duty lo see. whether the others are work- ing or not." $ieO Reward, $100 There is more Catarrh in this section Bf the country then all other diseases put to^ethor. mid unt.l the last fe^ tears was supposed to be incurable. For I. great many years doctors pronour.ter'. It a local disease and pre.'-crilicrt !cc_l remedies, and by coiittantly feilaij to euro wi;.h local treatment, prono'jncpf: It incurable. Science has proven catanii Lo be a constitutional disfiro and there- fore requires constitutional treatment Bail's I'litanh Cure, manjfactur«d by F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, Ohio, i:^ the only ccnstitutiona! cure on the mar- liet. It is taken iiilerotlly in doses 'rom 10 drops to a teuspoonful. It acts directly on the blood arri raucous sur- laces of the system. 'I'liey olTcr one hun- dred dollars for any case it fids to ture. Send for circulars and testimoni- als. Address, F. J. CHENEY 4 CO.. Toledo, O. Hold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. 1-33 CameUo Bancio, an Italian pianist. Who played the piano for 40 conse- cutive hours, played in that time nearly 300 different pieces, and struck nearly 3.000,000 notes. Hay Ba.le-Ties Epesial Standard and i<!sh C&r&on BALING WIRE v.l.'S>trxiz;^:cr.c:iar,(i Cu: to Lonfthi. WS OPSRATE OUR OWM WIRI m:LL Wrilo na for Prices- LAIDLAW BALE-TIE CO. Hamilton, Canada. Th ; iarjeat 'XCiuBi** Eale-Tle Fictory is UjowoM MUSEUM TnEAStmpa. The ethnographic collections In the BritisSi Mu.seuin received aa important adxlition bj' the pre.sent which the Prince of Wales has made to that institution of the valuable series of objects of native work- niituisihip accuuuilated by him during his cr» in the Opjiir. Several of the gperfmor.s are of great rarity, and will maice good deficiencies in tlie uiu.seum collection by adding material which the aiitlioritios have lOTig endeavored to obtain. Worcester, England, has 703 wo- men who make needles, and 1,01-i female nailmukers. 3-S-lS M!n?ril'8 Lioimgnt fof saie evsfiwliere Landladyâ€" ".Shall I liskt the gas?" Boardei*â€" "Oh, it isn't necessary ; the siipi>er is li.ght enough." MIoafii's LiDiniant Cores hUi£ Heâ€" "Am I good enough for you. darling ?" Sheâ€" "No, George ; but I you are too good for any other girl." HAD HI.S MONEY'S WORTH. On one occasion, when a boarder had devoured almost everything cat- able on the table within his reach, and wlien the landlady ha<l supplied Itiin until her strength and patience were well nigii exhausted, she sud- denly broke out with : "I shall certainly have to raise the price of your board !" "Don't think of doing such a thing," he replied, "it is nearly kill- ing me now to cat all I pay for, and should rouse rai.^e my board and com pel me to eat more, it will be the death of me." IN SOLD OUM.^TES. l-i& A Persian ambassador has lately been appointed to the Court of Athens, the first for 2,393 years. A young man by tiie name cf Wil- liam Kotz, couchman, cauic to xn\ Ptore, complairiing that his feet hurt |iim very badly. He had in vain tried to get relief by consulting i)hy- ficiuns. IScing exposed a .E;ro:\t deal to the cold by his occupation, his Teet got worse daily, until one da\ ho fainted in the street. A few I'ays after he again came to &.â- > itoio and showed ino his feet. 1 have seen a groat many sores in my life, but nothing to ocjunl this, and ivas afraid the poor fallow would lose his limbs. He asked me for St. Jacobs Oil ; we rulibi-d his feet wtll «ith t.he Oil. and he took the ro- SMinder with him. After nine days :ho .same man again came into my itore, I'erfectly well, and requested sue to write to you of tliis nsost ivcnderful cure ; he also stated that :wo other persoi s had been cured of Hheumatism b.v the same bottle irhich helped him. â€" Jolm L.enzcn. FIIIST GIRL IN 140 YEARS. Or.o of the largest families in St. Louis, Missouri â€" that of -Arthtir W. Becker â€" is joyously colebratitig the birtfe of a baby girl. This is the first time in 140 years that a girl has been born in the family. Ilie grandfather, J. Becjcer, had five boys, and his father, Jacob Becker. fcHir male lieirs. The father of Ja- cob Becker had no sisters and no datn^hters. aaid none of his sons had any duitighters. "Pa, will you answer mo a ques- tion ?" "Certainly, my boy." "Well, is the world round ".'" "Yes. of course !" "T'uen, if the world is rouud, how can it come to an end"?" Pa ga^'"^ it up. in wu^^hiiii; v.^. ,.,,..s :;r»d l!annels i.ever s i^ry .Soap (a. powder) will bi found vciy s:-.Llrf:.v.-lo:v. Tokio alone has now 47,S06 col- lego students. Most of them are ta!iing up either law or engineering as a special course. APPLYING Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder you fee! tli9 improvsment. At once the new vitality that comes from proper briithing is felt The cure is beffun. This is not a cheap remedy, bu" an inexpensive cure. Rerriedies arc but remedies. If a CURE is wha.; you desire, it is v/aiting for you. You just drop the tube into tht Powder, blow it into the nostrils, and begin to get well at ONCE. "W. Eknest Lewis, of West Flamboro Qnebec, stalei : â€" " 1 have been troubled wit- Catarrh for KTeral years. It impairad the hear- tag of my right car. I used Dr. Agaaw': CatarrSial Pow4»r and in a week fouad r. marlfcd improveniesjt. I look three bottles aac". could hear as well as ever." Dr. Agrnow's Heart Curo Feeds the nerre* and the blood. Is is LIFE In medicinal form. It tra sforms the weak aiio lickly into the well and 1- lihy. U teats all lb- liul Ofsaai. Il'i the cure fur ycc t-£ I was cured of lame back, after suffering 15 yeai s, bv UINAUD'S LINIMENT. I Two Rivers. N.S. KOBERT ROSS I I was cured of Piphthcria. after doctors failed, by MINARD'S LINI- MKNT. Antigonish. JOHN' A. FOUEY. I was cured of contraction of mus- clia by J.LI.\'A.I;D'S LINIMENT. MRS. RACHEL SAUNDERS. PtUhoutie. 8â€" .")9 MUSIG Teachers WANTED S56 Main Street. WlNNiPEO, MAN. To send for our Con*" plete I5h«ct Mu5ta Catatocues 2nd SpecUT Rate^ We are et;iiipi>^ U> supply every Music Tcftcher in Canada, WHALEY, eOYCE S Ce., LSmitcd 158 Vonge Street. TORONTO, ONT. 1-20 lMGIHE feOliiMGS. No comft is likely to injure the •art'i!, even if it does strike it ; for j'rofcisor llabenet has lately cal- julated that the substance of which ;omets are made is several million '.irnes liKhlcr than air. For Over Sixty Years Mw.*!. Wi.-isiow's ScOTHiNi: SvRrp ha* boin Mi«c-.t bj uiitlons o( ui.ithrM for tha r chtMrcn «-bi:9 letMhiiis tt8.>iillic3 thechllU, fct'.ru* the Riin?. nl ^jnipain, ourc colio. rfgi:'ates thoKioniich Rti-i buw-e^s, .titl ia th^ l>««t remedy fvr Ulrtrfhtecv. I'-^Dty-fit* c*itu a bott!** SoM l.ytlTupjifU throusfcoMt tlu* war:*!, b^j ^ure ar.J **k f'^r " Mfl<. WissLow soyorurxo syHi-p." 1-19 The rarest shell in cxistonco is that calkxl the '"cotio of the Holy Mary."' A specimen in the British Museum iis MiUied at $1,000. Mioard's Linimerit Reileves Heuralgia No fewer than 2,151 soldiers wore invalided during the recent war on account of defective teeth. Mlncrij's Lidiiisnt Cures Burns, e(c. •â- Y\'ell, my niitn," sivid the tourist lo the sexton who was diKginjc a Rr.^vo, ""do peoples often die hero ?" "Nay, sir." answered the soxtcn. "they i\re like tho rest o( us, they on'v dio oiia\" Milk is now rodiicod to a powder by a. now Swedish invention. Five quarts of skini-milk yield lib. of lowder. I3INDKU TALIv. In our last isaue we spoke of some iraportant features of binder con- struction. This .subject is of sutfl- cicnt moment to justify our pursuing it further in the iuterest.s of our faniiinfj readers. Wo spoke of the iidvantapo of tho floating elevator as used on the Massey-Karris Hinder. We repeat that it is Tery neccssai"y to success- ful harvesting in heavy crops. Another i.nportcnt point is the coa^lruction of the Main ,Frame of tho Binder. A railway bridge re- ijuit'os a solid foundation, and a binder rotiuirc* a frame. "Fhis is unuth'.r place where t!'.o Massoy- Harris liiixier uiutoubtedly e."^colls all its coii);';'titors. The frame on vhe Massey-Uarris is sp!ondi<ily â€" it will stand iiU the strait; that It is ealU'tl upon to bear. We believe this is the secret of tho success of this machine. It you are buying a bind- I er this year we udvise you to care- I fully look into this feature. You will be well repaid for so doinij. i .â- \nd wp do not sjicak without know- ! lodyo of tho siibk-ct. ] i{ou-.ciuber what we hav* said about the Massi.-y-irarris. I GYllNQER, ENGINE, MACHINE WilLlAM G. WILSON & GO. 'rox^oI^J'ro. l-2-.'?7 '^Q7'Ck'«a.'<>c»i3. -ties 3Pu).K-c93a.E»ai« \vj qua- lily of dry. niiX'-d wo d i^iiicabla fi-i b.'ici barntQ!;, f r ' ariy debv r,- Stita ra« -. ur'c -, f.o.". ycui- -^ a ion. Addi-es-. S M' S".>N hlW K CO.. t Toiouto St., "l"oroa:-; 'loe- phc!i« Sl.iin TUi. " 7â€" a-9 ^. JL.A/ 77, , 4 i-i: 1-45" Fresh Froieii Sea Herrings In casks of about 650 Herrin-s; Si. 60 per 100 bv tha cask, or S1.70 per 100 in srT:alicr quantities. Ubrador Herrings in half barrels, $3.00 THE DAWSQN G3MM13Si8H CO., LIMITED. T0R3HTQ. INSURANCE COMPANY. i6TH ANNUAL REPORT. Fcr tl'.a Ysar Ending 3l3t Ssosrsbsp, 13§2i tNCOSVi&. _ „ , ^ Net I'rcmiums on Xow Policies „ 5'J17. 180.56 Kct ltcr.cwal l-'rcini-ams _ &a7,'io3.1<i ,..- Tetal Met Fremiums Ci.0U.t1S 71 Intcr-cst _ _ _.„ __ ISo. 074.1* TataJ l.iocmg Si,248,3S3.33 EXPENDITURE. iyc".j. --' Uaturcd Endowments aad Investment I'olicies and An- . ' . ~ nuities $ 6S.653.50 Uesitli Llaims Dividends to folicy-holUers and Surrender Values 51'.a37 93 Total Pavmtnts to ^oiicy-hoidorc S318.B58.$a K-xpenses ar.U Utijco l-"urniture „ 281.4114 ii Tajccs i*.i(57 8* Dividends to Stocit-iioldors v:4.0«O.OU Exeass ef tr.ctnie over txpinaitures . 699,033 ift Teta: 81,2«0,U9.U ASSETS. iyo"j. Uiiaicipal DebeMturcs, Bcnits ai.d .sioi Ls „-...... 5J.*H5.8"ja.8» Loans on Dctic.-.tures. Bonds and blocks „ _ a37.BOO OtI iiortgagcs on i-teal Kstate „ „ y71.i'7S).41 Kenl Kslj.10 _ 4S.2:;s.80 Loans on I'olicies and Life Kevers'.ons - 330.l-l°.Jii.U8 OSieo l-'u.-n;turc. less 20 p. c. written off _ 6.005 7'T Agents' Current .Accounts ..._ 5,6-to.3I Interest Lluc and Accrued â€" 5U.850 7U Net rremiuin (lu'standinff and Deferred-. ' 2iti.l4ii 4y Lash on Hand and in ISar.lis 73. '.'"^6 'J* Total Assets $4,408,329.19 LIABILITIES. IVd'J Capital Stock ..53,733.syj 00 45.ol3.U3 607. lis 5S Policy Uescrvcs (Government Standaid) Ail tither Surplus on Pclicy-lioldsrs' Account (including raid Up, 5300,Ut)0j ~ ''â- ' : •' $4,486. 829.19 NOTE :â€" Fcr Sectirity cf Fclicy-holders tho Company holds (a) Surplus as above is 607.11S.38 (b) Hesorve as al eve j 3,7o3.8S."2.00 (c) â- UrL-.aUed Capital Stock 1.2CO,i30e.OO Total Security to Fclicy-holders, $5,561,010.56 100^ ..SC..,")i"2.S36 00 .. (J, C8".!. 336.00 .Applications received for insurance durltis licw Assurances isi-ued durir:^ ItiOU iBeiiig an ir.crfiisc over aiiv previcu.^ year o( nioi-e tban 51.000.OUO 00). Insurance in forte tieccmbcr 31st. lOCJ 30.15"J.)<,'<."< 00 I'lie death lots lor llic year was cxcccilinfjiy low. l<cing only S5.S0 per SI. 000 111" insurance. wli;l-.> in tho Teinjieruncu Section it was only *:! litj per 51.000 of msurimce. the average rate of interest en tUe mean amount ot all invested assets (ledger value) was 5. OS per cent. The following Directors were elected for the eusuing year : â€" nf)N. Gi'".0. W. ItOSS. Toronto. Hl;:UT.-COL. H. M. PKLXAIT. To- roi'io. I.LOVn IIARUIS. Ksq.. Brantford. J. !â- â- '. JU.NKIN. Ksq., Toronto. K. K. WOOD. l-:s.i.. I'oroalo. !â- ;. J. Ll-:.\.NOX. l:sq.. Toronto. A. J. WU tCKS. Ksq. 14. C. Hrnnttord. VKOF. ,)AMl.-;s -MILLS, Ui:elp!i. K. h. r.\l"Ti-:i{KO.N. Ksq.. lorontp IIO.V. J. A. Ol'LUt-;"!". iloiitreul. It. II. il-l.l-;NN.VN, k;sq., Coruwiii;. At a subsequent meetisg of the v/ere re-elected : â€" President, Hon . cleat, Lieut. -Col. H. M. FeUatt; EarriE, Esq. WILLIAH STltACHAN. t;sq.. 41oa- t.-eai. ROIil-JKT AltCHKH. Ksci.. Montreal, litis. J. 1). KOLLA.NU. MontieaL HON. V. W. l..-VKL'l':. ytiffOec. 1>. 1). .M.-\.\.^. l!;sq.. "ipronto. H!-:U"r.-COL. J as. mason. Toronto. I!0;il-:iir JUMK.I.">J. Ksq.. Toronto. S. t;. UI-".-\Tl'Y, Ksq.. Toronto, n. V. 1'1-;AHS0.N. Ksq.. Ualiiax. A 1-. UAItMlILL Ksq. St. John. N.D, Wii. M.VCKlINZll-;, Ksq.. Toronto. Directors, the loUo-wing: oiP.cers Geo. Vf. Eoss: First "Vice-Presi- Second Vice-Frc3ident, Lloyd The ImrtK-r who rents the barber's j shop at the Waldorf .'Vstorin Hotel j ia Next? York pays ?5,Dt'0 a year for j so doing. Tâ€" Jâ€" <R »-«r-v «,J> ^^V".t.1 Page Metai Gates S'Mjle 3r ilc'ikleâ€" ligh', utionp. dnrablo, •coa- omR-c!. â- W:llaot»»ircr cot rii-ketf. riltc* ; with »«lt-ae!l.ij l»eckM. wiloh open eitUw ^. wa.if. A cM!(l i-Mj o;>cn cr ilcso ia a stroa^ t- wind- no m:*-.i.>3 to r«sl<l, l)3»t f.«rm Ba!« jr: iiiad«. •l'i'or.-!<to>'ooco»abdroaltry Ncttlcg. ";iiT5.->?:.«sT.ireF-,T':3Co..Ij!ntt«(J,W»il[«r»ia* •"Oat. il>':.;i-cil,v.c>.. ar..l3t. Jcia.H.B. » Gonimencement Yoa recotjni'o tbe importanco cf sfwiatt. and von "Intend to"' be^iu But yon are waiting till yon can opan an account with a " res;iect.ib:e " aniownt. .Meantime the smaller sinii.« you nii;;ht be savlngare slippiuK away and yourllnancLnl position Is probably no b«tter ih-iri it was y«ars .-iijo. Dou't waste time as well as money. Be);i:i now. We receive sums o; $1 ;»ud up- ward* and allow interest. We have some handsome accounts which wetre begun tu thiswiiy. Canada pcrmancm *W3 '„VEST£fi^3 GAHADA Mortgage Corporation Tor.-rto Cti-cet. Toroi-ito 1 Low death rate, low expense ratio, and hi^h intereet-earni^g power, '' all deaion.strate the sound batis on which the company is doing business. A full report will bo sent to all pollc.v-holdcrs. licoklots regurdinit the insurance phuis of tho company and copies of the an!iual r;'port cm be had by application to tload Dliice, Toro:ito, or to auy agent of tho Company. THIS COr-IPANY IS THE OIILY ONK IIT AMEUICA WKICS OFFEHS SPECIAL ADVANTAGES 1""0 XOTAL AESTAI::EE3. FRENCH GLEAMINO. PATFWTS Of Fur* aa j â- >! Ta''U.ibIo home Han;i:nj^ i;oiJ::!»| a»^S^w^^M^^BM^^i^ Wot ina\l« op 3 'od», SuUs id Clo )\. VpItpS. SilX or Tur* as j â- >! Ta'>u.ibIo home Han;i:nj^ i;c!J;:tt| to MtlMl ii it dOU3 b}.- tt)« BUrieH A^f SSiCAH DYCINC CO., Msntna] I. -±i± HavsYouSosnit? What? L'-es I-Ttalc** Kcv^P •» 3".' 0?«fr«i5 fcr tfce Uom^, â-  ijuct ^ *i«ijJ 'i c«.nr^ Mi-ncjf refu ndcil if ; o li 1» to. 1 2-14 SMITH A OAM£Rai| 5olu" tor? of rrv,3iit* Can.iJa L tv Bui .1 ff. To â- oci\>. WriU) I r £: ca kdvu^a iâ€" l-ou AOENTS aominisn Lmig Steamships • T.Art* »nJ r%«tat*air!»2:'p«. 3\".K'icr ao^>3n o«h'k':i WHY WORK OH OCMUISSION? TT-» ir*n* to ^tsrt ynu iji t-u»'ae»* tcr «o irsirlf Ymi ran m»i« T-i 'ii-,y iJ..;'ar3 je- *r^-i^. A.T«nt:rtlv new iir.>(>o : i .oq. Wr.t« for p,irlicuh: s Topon;:' i\ tv.e CEN CUK nt tie Tax B.&iucM of Oau&i'.'k. j-S CRIGHTON Sc CO., SO Chiiroh S^, - Toronto 8â€" OS otti. L :-.!. -Kj. ?r . ,. ;i'Bt«t<!llu Boston. Mvu.r-alfht rortlaoii 1 3 RUBBER GOODS Latest Noveltie.^ all styK-s. Correspondence iuvitCv*. l"'n- doso l.'c stump I'nr firt'ilar. tin UMiVERSAL SPECIALTY CQ.»^ . 1>. O. Hv,.\ lili M'ii!li«.i. !\, «&.

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