Vv. â- ^os , HICKLING <fe CO., RTON - ONTARIO. ary Specials.. The lines we mention this week are of extra value and you'll find them worthy of your special interest â€" they're money savers ! We display them on our centre tables and invite your in- spection. Men's Suits. 15 Men's Tweed Suits.all heavy winter weights, well made, well trimmed and nicely / finished, neat patterns in ' dark grey, brown and olive colorings. Sizes 36 to 42. These are a lot of good selling Suits of which ^ve have a u = incomplete assortment. uble Breasted Suits for $5.50 uble Breasted Suits for. .5.00 gle Breasted Suits for 4.00 gle Breasted Suits for 3.25 gle Breasted Suits for 4.50 Suits, sizes 24 to )g blue serge, gray ilifiix, and some neat dark colored tweeds. ;e ranged from $1.85 Selling at $1.69. irance ies' Jackets. fer a special clearing 15 Ladies' Jackets â€" THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE titBimtiiat\iHt\\titmmm^\i mwi a variety of different styles in the id a fair range of sizes- colors, navy myrtle, rigionally from $5.00 to $7.50 y CleaFing Price $1.80 ipperettes For Quick Sellingl •apperettes and Fancy Flannelettes stripes, checks, plaids and fancy light, medium and dark grounds, commend themselves to the careful )er as just the thing for children's for house waists or for quilting The regular 1 5c. quality for |0c» %r lie. quaUty for j^^ :: all work on parts, tht) per cent (â- £ u mission t-> it approp- ihat no ciivisiou, I, luii] that ropoi t lo vi paid. â€" townsl.ip 1 to defend 3'Brieu for nship aad ^itiried. mbtgo it sort of (irt onl'.T, fivf tinicm ctnittn at mchuB the It and thus jr. N..t hat tfi*'ei iT. You routry it, pain goes so qukkly, S..!d by dea'.rs every^vhere.in large 25o. iottli. Tlc$bertonFurtiitur« Ularerooms. We are carrying the uewcst styles ofsensonahlegoodsinalllinJot •furniture, conaislinK of : Purlorand bedroom suits, ioungeP. u elK,arjl., extension ,.„d centre tab e«, cha.rs, window slmdi's and curia;., po^., picture., ea.el,. etc.. Which we olfor at LOWEST PRIcis Picture Framing and Gener^rR^ painiig. Liulertahiu^ iu ^n its brancho.. Satiafaction ga.rtntocrt _ W, H. Bunt, - . Prop. m^tbodist = £i)urcb> Tl4sb«rt«« «»^*\.aTOe-Kov..a. Cvleon'WUsoii S«rvlcesSuLnday 1 1 n.m.Sct p.m Service at Oeylou 10.30 Moriiiu^â€" Mr. M. K. Richardson will pVL'ttcll. Eveninsâ€" fl'v. F. W. Varley of Price- villc will preach. FLISSHEHTOISr PASTOR:â€" GSO. P. HORLBDRT. iiervicc at 11 a.itieach Lord's Uay B. Y.P.U. meeting each Wednesday, 7.30 p. m. The pastor will preach. Topic, "A Treasure, Lost and Found." Vicinity Chips €h!iriicteristi«s of the Past Week Carefully Culled for the Carious Fresh lime always on hand. J. H' Duckett, Eugeni.i. Money to loan at lowest rates. A. S. VanDusen, Fleah>-rton. A largo hall to rent. For particulars apply at Clayton's. Choppiiij^ done every day at planing feictory, KleBherton, Regular quarterly service was held in the Methodist chur:h on Sunday last. Rov. L. W. Thora and bride returned to their home on Wednesday of last woi-k. Miss Ohapelle and Misa Loucks uf Mea- ford were the quests of Miss Stella Loucks last week. Pure Hungarian Patent Flour made at Neepawa, Man., for sale at Thompson's Bakery. Circular and X-out eaws gummed while you wait, at the foundry, Ceylon. R. P. Legate. B<jrnâ€" In Artemesia, on Friday, 23rd Januaryâ€" to Mr. ai-d Mrs. Jas. Oliver, a son. Still born. We aro in a position to do grain chopp- ing, planing and matching on short not- ice. Tlmrapson Wilson. Mr. A. McGill, fuundryman, of Chaos- •â-¼01 th, died on Saturday lai>fc, the funeral taking place on Monday. Mr. Richard Hoy h.i8 been doing quite a business in the horse line.having bonght six last Monday for shipment to the Weat. Writs for by-elections in North Grey, Terrebonne, and Two Mountains have been issued. Polling takes plrce February 24 and nominations a week earber. Mr. Mathew Kenedy, foundryaian,wa3 nominated by the Reformers of North Grey for the vacancy occasioned by the death of the labo Dr. Horsey. Dr. Murray leaves on Friday to attend the fOntario Dental Society convention, to be held in Toronto, next week . Mr. Samuel Atchinson from North Dnkiita, has been vialtin); Mr. Richard Hoy, near Fle8horlon,durinK the last two wceUs. The Grey County Old Boys Associalion of Toronto will hold their annual At Flooie in the Temple building on Wed- nesday, Feb. 11. We have to thank the ccniniittoo for a couipliinentary ticket If a busini'ss inau can tell the character of a town by looking ai the advoitisinn part of the local papers, it n<'t'o:ily be- horos the merchants to advertise everlast- ingly, but alao to pay some nltcnticn to the changing of thoir annouocouients as well. Firm to Rent. â€" Lot 4, conoession 6 Artemesia, Ci^nt-ains 100 acre'*, cleared- good frame barn and ntono htnblea; brick hiniF'* wiih every convrnicnce; eood orch- ard t 'kI well; farra is wfiU watered with oevor failing springs. Apply to M.s. Stone, Cr-ylon, Ont. F»rni for Sale oi Rentâ€" L;.t -1, con. 13, Otprey, containing ab 'Ut feventy-live acres cleared, good frame barn 44 ft. by 72 ft. with stone wall uiider:;e:>th; good house; good sp. ing ai^d wcl! on the prem- ises; about two aores of ^o^ d healing orclijird and ^niall fruits. -Apjily to Rub^it Clcmis, Rodwii.g, P. O. Mr. Deauli' had a cistly break in his dynamo on Friday evcniig last and as a con»cquoi>co we were again plunged into flarknt-Bt unt 1 Tu' sdiiy cveniiii!. Aboit 8 o'clocit Friday evi niug one of the anna- turoa on the Jyiamo burned out. Mr, Deagle .says iliia is a very rsre occurrtnoe iu fact he never saw it happen befMro. It cannot be too rare for the hnsincwi niea and othprs uniug the li«ht. The nccidenti it is said, wonid oi-^t between f^rty and fifty dullais, \ Overshoes, rubbers, heavy s<jck» and all kinds of winter goods going at gr?atly reduced prices at Clayton's. Call and get a bargain. All thi'so who have not yet renewed their subscriptions or paid arrearages will confer a favor by handing in the amounts during the present month. Wood lot for Baleâ€" 100 acres, none cleared, hardwood and cedar â€" lot 26,con. 4, Artemesia. Cheap for cash. Apply at this oftico. Highest cash price paid for furs, hides, shoepskins and t.illow. Don't sell with- out giving me a call. Mark Wilson, Flesh- orton. Credit auction sale of farm stock, im- plements, etc., on lot 14, con. 5, Osprey, on Tuesday, I7th inst. Wm. Horton prop., R. J. Sproule auctioneer. Sale at 1 p.m. See posters. Creamery and butter factoty at Flesh- erton, all complete, for sale cheap and on easy terms. Apply to R. J. Sproule, real estate agent and conveyancer, Fleaherton. MoNBYTO Loan â€" At 4i to 4} per cent Expenses low. Also a number of im- proved and unimproved farms for sale cheap. -Apply to Geo. Rutherford, Shel- burne, or Dundalk office Saturday after- noon. A concert in aid of the building fund of the new Sunday school building on Stone's line will be held n the new school- room on Monday evening, 16th inst. Opening service will be held the Sunday previous at 7 p. m., when the Rev. Mr. Varley will preach. Admission to concert 26 and 10 cents. A good program is being arranged for. Come and help to swell the building fund. Mr. Arthur Johnston of Orchard hill farm has sold one of his pure bred Dur- ham bulls to Mr. Sid. Ottfewell of Clover Bar, N. W. T., to supply his ranch 12 miles from Edmonton. The animal will be shipped shortly. Mr. Johnston is ac- quiring a continental reputation and his sales are increeising rapidly. The herd is a good one and recently received a flatter- ing write up in the Farmers' Advocate. About three months ago Rev. Ivison WdsoD announced to the members of the Junior League that he would give a prize to the one who woiild fot three months hand him the best synopsis of his Sunday morning sermons. Several members undertook to compete and the award was made on Mnnday, when Miss Ella I3arn- houso and Miss Myrtle Thurston, whom the rev. gentleman considered equal, each received from him a very handsome and valuable Bible %s a reward for their per- .sevcrance. The prizes will be much ap" predated by the?e younir ladies. The Owen Sound Times devoted con- siderable space last week in attempting to discredit the statement made by us that there were other markets in the county as good as Owen Sound. Now chat the poorhouse question has been decided Qnally iu favor of Markdalo we suppose it is fruitless to pursue the market question further, but out of mere curiosity we have compared the staple articles as sold on the Owen Sound and Fleshorton markets. We take wheat, barley, oats, peas, hogs and butter, and find that the advantage is slightly with our own market â€" about 1-10 per cent. The markets, how. ever, are practically identical, so that our contention is upheld. Our market is as good as any to be found in the county, and any kind of produce can find ready sale here. <Jn Dec. 17th, 1902 there was celebrated aquiotbui pretty wedding at thereaidence of Mr*. Vansliko, St. Paul, Minnesota, the contrnctiiig parties lieing Mr. Vernon Knacke of St. Paul and Miss Ada Phillips,youngest daughter of Mrs, .losiah Oaniey "f Oaprey. The officiating olpray- man was Rev. Dr. Gibbler of the First Methodist churoh, St. Paul. The bride w.-^s gowned in a handsome taihir-made suit of grey au-\ carried a beautiful bouquet of white carnations and roses, while the bridesiit-iid. Miss Emma Vanslike, carried a bouquet of pink and white carnations. The g-oom w.is sup- ported by Mr. B. Vansliko. After the ceremony the gue»ts repaired to the din- ing room whore a sumptuous supper was sprcad.after which ihc evening was spent with irusio and games. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Knacke will reside in St. Paul, where Mr. Knanke is doing bu'nne.ss fur Griags, Cooper & Co., whob sale grocer*. Airs. Knacke, when a girI,l:Tod in Fhsh- erton and friends wish hor and Mr. Knacke .t happy and pro^peroas voyage through life. A young man named McLean shot a black fox near Huntingdon, Quebeo,niHi sold the pelt for 190. This ia the second of Ih'ise lara animab to fall before hi* weapon this winter. Burglars eut«red Boyd, Hicklinu & Go's store Tueiday night by brciaking in a window in the front door. The goods taken oannot be estimated but no doubt the burglars made quite a little haul from the stock. A Heavy Argument £^m the S. Adveriiaer "Speaking of the purchase of the La Patrie, Mr.Tarte says : 'The incident is not closed.' A community that has suffered long dearly wishes that it wasâ€" and Mr. Tartu's yawp with it." Honor Rolls Honor roll of No. 6, Artemesia for January. Sr. V. â€" Frank Harrow. Jr. V. â€" Ethel Harrow, Sadie Fletcher, Katy Fletcher, Mabel McArthur. Sr. IV.â€" Ted Whit taker, WiUio Fletch- er, Hunter Harrow, Tom Butler. Jr. IV. â€" John Cairns, Vina Hazzard. Class III.â€" Spurgeon Whittaker, Janet Fletchsr, Robbie Spicer.John McArthur, Veromo Butler. Class ILâ€" Bert Whittaker, Tom Mc Arthur, Maiigie Boyco, Pearl Cairnn,. Aggie Harrow, Willie McArthur, Ruby Stone Pt. II.â€" Emma Whittaker and Edna Fletcher, (equal) Tommy Spicer, Frost Purdy, Stella Butler, Minnie McArthur. PuJ.â€" -lohnD. Hazard, Willie Spicer, Harry Hazard, Rita Boyce, Geneva But- ler, J. L. Wood, Teacher. Weary Brain Workers All fngged out, ideas flow slowly as molasses, snap and energy gone ! The buoyancy that made work a piea8ure,that gone also. A doctor would say you are run down, enervated, neither eating or digesting enough. It's Ferrozone you need to brace up that fitful appetite and improve .tssimilatioii and digestion so that lota of pure strong blood will be formed to nourish the broken down system. Ferrozone will drive away the tired feeling, restore your spirits and energy, revive your ambition andstrensth for work. No tonic or rebuilder like Ferrozone â€" try it. Price 50o. per box, or six boxes tor $2.50 ; at druggists or Poison & Co., Kingston, Ont. Sold by W. E. Richardson. The Markets. Carefully Corree ed Each Week Oats 28 -o 28 Peas 70 o 70 Wheat 65 to 65 Barley 45 to 45 Butter 17 o 17 Engs fresh 20 :o 20 Pork 7 00 to 7 00 Chickens per pair.... 26 to 50 Ducks per pair 40 to 60 Tuokeys per lb 11 tc 12 Geese per lb 8 'o 8 Hay 5 00 to 5 00 Potatoes bag 57 oo 75 ^ /IffTUitl^iMlff IMMlUM UiUiUilliUiUMUiUil At^ 3 FLESHERTON TONSORIAL | PARLORS ^ Don't you want xouii HAin cut ? % if so, you can get it done in tn« « latest stylo and in thu quickest || - order. Also Shave, Shanipoo.Singo 1 Etc. done in the most up-to-date g *ay^ I BKINO YOUii LAUMDI?Y % BEFOEIE XUESD.4.Y || A.WILSON : FLESHERTON | Xarn'tvortlrj Boar for Service. Alvln { No. 728 ) The undersigned has a thoroughbred Tamwortb. Boar bred by John Bell, of Amber. Ont., for service on b't 170 con. 2 B. T. & S- R. Terms SI. 00. Sep.lyr. Uiohard Allen, Floslierto.), Beauty and Utility Though worn as a necessity, a beautiful eye -glass artistically fitted is a facial ornament. We will fit you with a frame best adapted to your features. W. A. Armstrong, 4EWELCR AND OPTiC»# <6^ it/ Of ill iii i^ \b \6 \li ili vli Stockt( We have decided to 1 Commei; Thii We take stock in Fel as much as possible b have decided to give on all cash purchase cent* on all purchat cepted. Our stock, \ well assorted in all lii good staple gt Our Winter goods inn month our New Sprii we must have room, We might mention so Men's and Boys' Guei Ovei Braces, Ties. Dress Patterns, Waist Patterns, Canned Goods, Rubbers all kinds, Remember we are giving whei It will T. J.Sh Tksbert To the Farm< Feeden I would call BBat$l)?ord Z^libz And Calf Meal. commended by the < States, and is now bei: our Station, on his fa head of feeding cattle it can get any quantit recommendation I ha> feeder of stock. W.E.Richard: $e CLEAN A We have now on hand a c Alsike Clover, Man and Timothy Seed, cleaned for our retii and comparison wit from any seed deak ♦• Drugs a We have our stock thoroi of stantlard strerigt a qualified druggist W-J. DO & Co., 'vmmm mmmm .A^