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Flesherton Advance, 5 Feb 1903, p. 4

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-r,*?'-"' Fkbruary 6, 1903 THE FLESHEBTON ADVANCE •â- wf â- sas^H ^ \ [Cft»:^^»»:e:e:e> | F, T. HILL & CO | ^o^oxk^i^^s:)^ Miiii IhU list of January liargaias and many others tM now on aalu and will reui»iti at thuso prices until all are sold. Conio as early and as often as you oan â€" there are valuee in every department that will not be approached elsewhere. All Trimmed Millinery at Half Price 37 Larlios Triinmad Hats, beautiful Koods, many of which were trimmed specially for mid-winter selling. Oome aH soun aa you can and make your selection at exactly HALF FORM£R FAICE. Your Choice of Walking Halt for 19c 75 felt shapes and Walking Hats, splendid aHsortiuent of styles and colors, worth up to $1.28 each. >^e want to out everyone of these durini; the next two weeks, and have made the price the lowest you or we ever known for good» of equal merit; each only 16c, BOYD, \ & FLESH ERTON February WOOL TAMS AKD CHILDS BONNETS 27 Wool Tarns and Fancy Bonnets, nicely trimmed, up-to-date goods, your choice while thoy last, at ex- actly half price 1 75 QUILTED UNDERSKIRTS FOR 1.38 14 only rich satin finish quilted Underskirts, splendid wcHrins and beautifully finished goods, your choice while they last for only 1.38 W OOL BOAS 10c. 16 only Child's White Wool Boas, sli-jhtly soiled. Tbeso are the "left overs" of our fall selling and are worth 25c each, your choice only 10 1.25 UNDERSKIRTS FOR 98c. 19 only Black Sateun Underskirts, nicely finished and perfectly lined throughout, your choice 98 SILK RIBBONS 4c. and 7^0. YARD 390 yards fancy silk Ribbons from 1 to 4^ inches wide. These as a matter of course will sell quicKly, many of them rcBchinif less than one-third their regular va'ue - -two prices on the lot, at 4c. and 7^0. yard. 50o. WOOL VESTS FOR 25c. 38 Ladies pure all-wool Vests, perfectly shaped and finished. These are bargains at each 25 $6.00 Ladies Cloth fackeU /or $\ .98 22 Lndies' Cloth Jackets, (assorted sizes) good assortment (if colors, some silk lined, thoroughly well finished and every one a bargain. This bargain lot of Jackets has only to bo seen to be appreciated. Worth $5.00 to $9 00 each, your choice for only 1-98 Hundredi of Remnants on Sale at a Fraction of their actual Value Remnants Flannelette. Remnants Cottonade. Remnants Shirting. Remnants Flannel. RenranutsLace Remnants Embroidery Remnants Laces. Remnants Braid. Remnaiits Tweeds. Remnants Worsted Remnants Sorgo. Remnants Panting. Remnants Dress Goods. Remnants Lniings. RniTinaiits Trimmings. Remnants Sateens. We're making a clearance of all lines of Winter Goods. Reduced prices in Furs, Men's Olothins, etc., etc. OUR HARDWARE DEPARTMENT is becominsf better known and more pupular every Jay. Not a single article in the entire department is marked too high. Fact. People invtiriably wonder at the littleness of the prices, but in doing a big business we naturally can aQ'ord to ask a very small profit. Consult us when in need of Hnrdware. The H Wedi cB:8:^^:e:e:e:e:e:^ F. T.HILL & CO ^:e:e:e:8:8:B:e:e:e:e:B:^ County Council The January session of the County Council commenced its sittings at the Couit house, 0*en Sound on Tuesday afternoon, but in the absence of several of I he members, the meeting was ad- journed until the evening. Oil roaniiiiiig at 7.30 the clerk annoiinc- tfd thai nil the members Imd filed tlioir decUu-tttion of office and that he was reiuly to receive nominations for the position of Warden Messis. Allen and Shtnk nmninated Mr. I'linglo: viliile Messrs. McKinr.on and Mc Arthur nominated Mr McColnian.ftlessrs. Umnessttiid Shute nominated Mr. Preston anil Mr. McColoman nominated Mr. Mc- Arthur. The latter thanked his nominator in a few felicitous remarks and withdrew, iifter whic-h the movers and sicouders of the other candidates spoke brieHy in behalf of their respective nominees. Messrs. Allen and Shenk were not very eiilhusirtstic, the former stating that if Mr. Priuglo was not elected this time ho should certainly hRvo the honor another year. Both Mr. McKiimon and Mr. Mc- Arrhur made a g<iod impression in favor of Mr. McColtmau. pointing out that he had been 35 years in municipal life and that his lr>"g experience, good training and ability eminently fitted him for the prsition, to which he was justly entitled on the scoie of long seivioe if for no o;ht'r reaton. Mr. Preston found able advocates f.r his candidature in his niovrr and sea ouder, Messrs. Unriio».s and Shu'e, who pointed out that aa chairman of Finance he had proved eflicient, doin;? work that i many of the members were not qualified • to Uo, and that he would bring iqual h.iiior and credit to himself and the comi'V «8 its chief executive. A vote was then taken, with the follow- ing result : t, â-  i For Prinnleâ€" Allen, Gordon,, Shenkâ€" 4. For McOi.lemanâ€" Brown, McArlhur, MoOoieman, McKinmrn, McLean, Pator- »oii--6. For Prestonâ€" Bell. Doyl, Harness, Pr.iston, Shute, Thoinpnonâ€" 6. Mr. Prinnle boinij the lowest his name w.isdr..pped and a vote taken between, aieisra. McColomin and Preston, as fol- lows : vicO.dinanâ€" Allen, Brown, MoArthar, Mefiean, McKinnon, Palerson, Shenk, MctJ'iluinanâ€" 8. Preston -BBll,Doyle, Gordon, Harness, Preston. Pringle. sihut«, Thompson -8. In (i.dRr U) bresk the ti.;. if pos-sihla, aii'iher vote was taken, but ii also resulfc- 0<I m eight vote* f'T each candidate, anil in > lew . f the improbability of reAohina « dtiisi. 11 on the fir»i d«y, it was Jeciiled to\.djouri> uiui! A'.UiiHsday, when, the cl.rk ex pained, if another two b.illoU w-i e tiiken the tie whs i.ot broken it would then di vulve upon the junior inomher of the district, having the hij>li- H^.oouxty MsesKinenl t<> vote twice. This it was found after careful scrutiny ,,'^'"- McKinnon rep6rt«rt verbally respecting would fall on the shoulders of Mr. Pater- ..'.''-''*?â„¢''-''i°.'-^'"'t'"!'?''»so Rrioo of the Marsh son, the junior representative of No. 7 district. The council therefore adjourned until 10 o'clock on Wednesd.-iy. Sharp at the hour appointed for meet- ing; on Wednesday murnint' the members were in their places and No. 4 was taken and recorded in the following order: McColemun â€" Allen, McArthur, Mo- Coleinaii, McKinnon, McLean, Paterson, Shenkâ€" 7. Prestonâ€" Bell, Brown, Doyle, Gordon, Harness, Preston, Pringle.Shute.Thomp- .Bon â€" 9. f&im at Markdale as site for tho House of Bo f- uge, after which council adjourned until 10 o'clock Thursday moruiUR.- o. 8. Sua. Artemesia Council Artemesia council met in the town hall, Flosherton, on Monday, Feb. 2, 1903. There wore present D. McTavish,ree ve, and A. Muir, J. Gibson, R. Best and T. R. McKenzie, councilha-s, Mr. Gibson subscribed and made the required declar- of otBce and Btion of othce and (|ualifieatioiis, he not having been present at first meeting. Minutes of last meeting read and cou- Mr. Preston wos then declared elected i '''^"'*"^' warden for 1003 and duly escorted to his seat by Messrs. Harnrss and Shute, both of whom spoke briefly and were followed by a few remarks from the warden, who warmly thanked his friends for tho h^nor they Imd ennferrod upon him. Ho had not aspired to tho position, but felt keenly the iiiqiortanco of the duties devolvmg upon hmi and would endoaxor to dis- charge them HS credilaUy as possible. There were some imporiant matters re quiring attention at this meeting, chief of which was the House of Refuse question, and he hoped all the business would bo conducted in the best interests of the county. It was then mnvod liy Messrs. Harness, and Pringlo that. Messrs Allen, McKinnon, Gordon, Shute and the mover bo a speciid committee to strike standing coinmitteea for 1903 The motion carried and the Council adjourned until 2 p. in. The Cuuncil resumed at 2.30 when the coniiiiittee appointed to strike standing committees for 1902 reported as follows : and tho report was adopted and ordered to bo engrossed in the luinntes, the first name in each committee being tho chaii- inan theri of : Fiuauoeâ€" All the mombnia of the council with >:r. Piiuf^le a<) chairman. Hondsand bridgesâ€" !-ibute, f rin|.lo,McKiunoa, Bhouli, Dull, MoColouisn, Urowu, Doylo. County propertyâ€" Oonion, Thompson, Piinfilo, Allen, McL7olcmaii, McLoun, lloll. Patarboii- Kducationâ€" McArtliur, Hhuto, iMcColomnn, T •; 1 1 , n, Brown, Alien, Pringle, Gordon. Printingâ€" t'at^rson, ShenU, lliiinuss, Thomp- son, MoTjoan, MoArthnr, McColuiaii, Ooylo. Coniuiunioations and Mcnio.-ials ~ MoCola- uiaii, Ooyle, jBUute, Allen, Haruuss, McLean H9U:io of KefaMoâ€"Oot-don,Hn.rn«sH, McKinnon, AUiii', Bhuto MoColenmn, MoArlbur. Wai'doii'B onmmittce-Proaton, McKinnon, 'iordon, Princle. Judicial audit â€" Oordon, MoArthnr and sno to be appooitud by by-law. It is uuduratood that tho cloud on th* Marhh property, ro;ontly pnrchaRed conditionally by the County Omiuoif for Housfl of poHoe, hati bnoo rtiuiovcd thc-ri}foi*<: fltaudKoon>pletod. Thb -'flx-up" it is Uufuiia ud that ten doni i' jui-- said, was effiioted right in tho face of tho com inittco'a rcpovt aad a vbai-p debate is likely to en^iiu when tho ciiiutttiou conma up, but it now looks ax if Markdale will be ths Huusa-Ot liufuge town. On motion of Meusrs. McKinnon and McLean a ooinuiittoe was appoiiifod cuuaiHtlng of Messrs. Alien Gordon, Hunie^ti and tho inovor to aacertain thn cost of aucurini; a reporter to report the pi-i>ceodii;(j^ of council in all o( thn town papert and furnish reports to the country papora. 'I he followiufi cooiniunicationa wore read:-â€" V'rotn the secretary of the Oood Roads .\sa3cia' tion asking that a nelugstti be '^ent to conren- tion; Application from tintario Hille .Aaaociatioo for a grant of $10; from decralsrv of the TrUBtMe association ttakinK ciiuucil to Rciid delogaten to tlicir reinvention; from Koht. Harkno^a asking that bi*t son be apfiointod o->ntit\ stndenttoOn- Isiio Akricultnral t^ollnjto, Ouolpb; t'-oni county clrrk of Victoria asking for oo-opor»ti,-in la ask* Ing for an endments to acts re grants to high, weyr-; from S. A. Kle,iiinK.n. H. PortuiieanJ W. .U. >lilli> t»be appointed I'liunty andilora: from county Waterloo ro adniiuistiatior. of juatico criminal account; from Hugh McK&v asking for frmi anct-unoer lioens^; atatemeiitfl fioni Owen Honocl Collesiata Jot extra malntainanoo. ^ . â-  .â-  . â-  „ „ ^,,^ W woM. andMtiafori lliah nhool for tiXM.ii..; Division 1, $.300 ; division No. 2, 1300 also Bocnnts froin (\ K. halo<w, Chri-ti. Bros., division 3, $;150; division 4, 1300 M.ltlaod. Blioii * Co., B. B. Il»r.i5.ta, B. P. !.„„„„» ,,; j^ .,',,„.;_ „, .'..j^T^ Communiottlions wore read as follows: . C. VVright, report as to expenditure of 810 allowed for burial of James Douglas ; the County Treasurer, list of lands liable to be sold lor arrears of taxes in 1903 ; Win.Davis,complaining of Bell Telephone pides on highway near 130 side road; Jas. McMullen et al petition asking for asaist- unco for Mrs. Douglas, an indigent ; Dr. Bibby, bill for attendance and medicine to Samuel Allen; the auditors' report on expenditure of 1903. Gibsonâ€" Muirâ€" That the Reeve and Mr. Best be a committee to enquire into the Bufticiency of the Treasurer's bond. â€" Carried. Muirâ€" Gibsonâ€" That the council be a committee to finally audit the Auditors' report â€" Carried. Bestâ€" MoKenzieâ€" That J. C. Wright be paid $10, as per report of reeve, being $6.40 for burial expenses of the late Jas. Douglas of Proton Station and ?i4.60, ex- pended for the benefit of his widow, and that Proton council be asked to reimburse one hall the amount â€" Carried. McKeiizie- Best â€"That W, H. Bunt be paid 9i&.00 for expenses in connection with the burial of the late Samuel Allen, indigentâ€" Carried. Muirâ€" Bestâ€" That the premium for in- surance on town hull, ?8.75, be paid.â€" Carried. MoK=nzieâ€" Muirâ€" That John McNeviu be refunded one dollar on account of over- charge in statute labor for 190'2,hB having paidsai)>o in hi-t faxes. â€" Carried. Muirâ€" Bestâ€" That the Reefe have charge of the building and repairing bridges coatinq; over §20 and also any assistance from any councillor should he consider the same necessary â€" Carried. Best â€" .Mckenzieâ€" Th»? in regard to the petition of James McMullen and seven other ratepayers Mrs. James Douglass of Proton Station, who is in indigent cir- oumstancos, be granted three dollars per month for the next thrse months. â€" Carried. Gibsonâ€" Muirâ€" That in regard to the complaint of Wm. Davis, the agent of the Bell Telepeone Company be notified to remove a br.iea and guy wire fixed to a pole near 130 sideroad on Toronto line, the .same being an obstruction to travel on said road. â€" Carried. Muir â€" MuKenzinâ€" That the auditors' report on the. accounts of V,Hi2 ss present- ed and audited by committee of this council bo passed, and that Reeve issue orders in favor of the auditors for f 10.00 each for their service8,and that 100 copies bn printed.â€" Carried. Muirâ€" Gtbiim- That 91260 is hereby appointed for expenditure upon the hi«h- ways of this township in 1903, and that the councillors beconnnis-iiiiuera toeipend tho 8«me; the sum to be divided as follows I Balohart and ottaen^ Said Umuant to be ezolusiv* of bridges OMtinx $7.50 Double Breast 7.00 Double Breast 5.00 Single Breaste 4.75 Single Breaste 6.50 Single Breaste iBoi/s' Suits. 19 Boys' 2 piece Suits, si; 28, including blue se ftnd fawn halifax, and i patterns in dark colore Regular price ranged f to $3.60. Selling t A Clearan In Ladies' Ja This week we ofter a specii price on 15 Ladies' you'll find a variety number and a fair ri black and myrtle. Regidar prices origionally February Clea Some Wrappers Foi 20 patterns of Wrapperett comprising stripes, designs, in light, mt These will commen housekeeper as jus wear, also for hous purposes. The reg Tho regular lie. qv over $20 each, but to include all work on town lines except opening new parts, the commissionera to be paid eight per cent of the same for thiir servioes; commission t'» bo deducted fiora the amount approp- riated to each divisions, and that no further grants be made to any division, except by resolution of Council, a«id that the commissioners make their repoit to Council before commissicm is paid. â€" Carried. McKeuzieâ€" Muirâ€" That the townstip solicitors are hereby instructed to defend the action insiitutoil by Win. O'Brien for $1000 damages aiiainst tho township and the township of Euphr.isia.â€" Cairied. Council adjourned. Oot Lame Back or Lumbago No need of that now. That sort of pain can be knocked out in short ord-.-r, for Poison's NerviUne which is five times strouitcr than any other, penctratts at once through the tissues, reaches the source of suffering, drives it out and thus gives relief almost instantly. Not magic, but strensth •liat vivei Poison's Nerviline thin power. You will think itinagic however if you try it.

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