'JaUUaAV Ih 1»03 THE FLESHKRTOl* ADVANCE mWIKk 'W'* §mm$fi (Sanb jyrcuiiijOuaH a young ^ lUiikurii, Markdale Oo â- Reaaral baiikiug bunlnusa. Money loaoed « reMODkbl« rate Uall ou ua. A B VANUUSKN, .1 1' Clerk 5th Uiv Court, Co Grey â- guar ol M»rrl»t(o Mcousos, Conveyauoer Notary Public Auctloiisar. Money to lo«u 4i,.oroeut. Charge. -o;'«-'«i,to« P RJ aPBOULB Poitumstiir, Fleshorton >,omiaiinion"r iu H. C. J., Auctloneor Con veyauour, Appraiaor and Money Lnuder Bail Katato ami lUBuranco Asont. DoeUs mortJauoii, leases aul wllla carefully drawn UP anl valuationH tnatio on BhortoHt untioe. moanv to loan at lowest rates o( interoat. Col •otioii* attended to with prouiptnesB haruoa low. Asont for Ocean Domimou Uaiusbip Compauy. A call solioitod. ^ad?tif^ A O U M meets ou the last Monday _ in oaon month, in their lodge <â- ""'"• CbriHtoes block. Flesherton. at 8 p.m. W.W., Kobert Heat ; Uecorder, ' Jas. Felfituad ; J inan- oler, Win. Bel.ainy. VieitinR brcthreDjnv^ted, DHIN'CK AUTHTU l,ODUK, No. S33, A l A LI, meets in the Ma«onicball. Strain s block, t'lesULrtou. every Friday on or betor« the full moco. F H W Hiokling W M. CUas. Muuahftw, Soi-rotary. MOUKT FLHSHRHTON, I. O. F. meets in U Christoo's Block the last Krida> ovouinB each laomli. Visitintj Foresters hoartilj' relwine. C.U.. C. W. ftolUmy ; B. o., V.. BuKkiu : Fln.Kec.Dr K. Murray. , (Pay dues to Dr. Murray on or before last da} of each imnth.) pfdicjit jK OAKTER^ ^ ^^^^ Physician, Surgeon, itc Oflleo and residence-Peter St., Fleshorton D ]> j2. K. X. 131 t>t>y,â€" Physician, Burgeon ' etc. Flosherton, Out OIBeo andBesldeneo, Collinuwood street, one bloc^ last Presbyterian church May bo found there day and night. Coroner for Coouty of Urey. HOOTT AND BOPTLY "'^"^ Members College Ptiysio. &Btirgeona OYitario Graduate in Medicine of Toronto University, Fellowship Diploma, PoalOradu- aLe Ileal Hchonl and Hospital Chicago, diseases of eye, oar, noso and throat Bpecially ""h" SOFTLY, JOHN A. SCOTT, Fevers bam. axweii. JP t XTEWULL Veterinary Burgeon Qraduate of Ontario Veterinary CollegB, residence â€" sacond door south west on Mary street. This street runs Presbyterian Church. Eugenia Planing Mills Get your Sash, Doors t'l^oring, Sheeting, New- ell Posts, Ballusters, Cor- ner Blocks, Hand ICailing, the best of Spruce Lath, No 1 and No. 2 Shingles, Veranda and Fitting, Sid- ings, etc. Turning of all kinds (lone to order. New run of stones for chop- ping. Satisfiiction in all our lines guaranteed. Walkei^ Sloan PROPRIETOR south U Veteiinaiy .Siirgjon and Dentist, Max- well, graduate of Ontario Veterinary ColleRo, oliilia'ted with Toronto University. Visits bugou la Wednesday from 11 a. in. to 3 p. in., %u Feyersham Thursday from 2 to S p. m. ,J. W. FP.OST, Ii L. H. Barrister, Solicitor Conveyancer, etc rtffl-eâ€" Next to postolBce, Spioule'a block K-ih-Jitou, every ThurBiia and court daj« N Bâ€" Owon Hound oUlce, Frost' blo«k foulett street east. LUCAS. WKIGHT & McARDLE Harristura Solicitors Conveyanceâ„¢, etc OlBcoaâ€" Owun Sound, Ont and Markdalo Ont. W H Wbiout, McAhulk 1 U Lucas N Bâ€" Fleshorton oUlco, MitoheU'a Bank every Saturday. TUCKEK & PATTERKON BaniatuiB, Kolioitors, etc Molsou'a Haiili, Owou Sonnd HAllItY G TUOKEH GEO W PATTER.SON MACKAV&SAMPSON .Barristers, solicitors OFFKIUS :-Owon Hound, Merchant's JBank Blook, N. of l'att,)r8ou House. Enndalk aiii Htroot, every Shtnrday. Money to loan at 4i per cent. A. G. MAOKAV, M A , H.R. HAMPHON, I,.t,.D Alwavs ill attondmicti nt Flcsberton and Dnndalk l)ivi«lon CnuitH. 30futi.$tvi! DR. B C. MURRAY, \*. D. fl. rlentfti HurgoDii honor KnuUiuto of Toronto Uiilvurnity and Uoval ('o!lu«o of Otintal K.m«ooiih of Otitario. OfTlrrtâ€" Opposite ArmHtroiJt;'H .lewollory Htoro. Will visit FuviThhani tho last WtuliusRday O' H'tch month, and UundalU 1 ami a Tliuraday D oacli luoutli. TarnASi'ortti Boar for iService. Alvin ( No. 728 ) The undersigned has a thoroughbred Tiimworth. Boar bred by .John Bell, of Amber, Ont., for service on lot 170 con. 2 E.T. AS. R. Terms $1,00. ' Sep.Iyr. Richard Allen, Flesherto.i, Cbc Flesberton ♦ ♦ l>arne$$ • , Gmpcrium ? ? ? IS THE PLACE TO BUY YOUR HARNESS All kinds and prices Whijis and lashi-s fruiiks and Valiccs, comba and brushi's, Sweafpiids and collar pads, Axle Grease, Hoof Ointment and Oall Cure, Bitts and Snaps, Buggy Dusters and all styloA and prices. Rubber Rui;s. Woollen Rugs Harness Polish and Metal Polish and Everything in our line. .nnJiniaoJVi ruiiri nniiuwuwu:tn'Wiru;<x Photos *^ ^^\ ^^1 ^ -TAKEN -AT THE Flesberton Photograph Gallery ikru done in firsi-olans siyiu and at 'i I'lWnat ratei Special attention | livpii t" c^opyinB. Babies' photos. |c a dpecialty. Pictures framed. jj MR BULHER [| ufr£r£ri!n3QOiIrilnMf£KnInIr uuCruilrCnlirfi SFLESHERTON TONSORIAL PARLO R J 1 1 Don't vor WANT YOVK uair cut? if no, you can g-t it don« i|i tn« littrst Mtyle and in the quickoat order. Also Shave, Slmiiipoo.Singo Eio dono iu the inrmt up-tn-d^ta •ay. BEF'OKB TUKaOAY Ik A WILSON PLbSHERTON 1 m. nioore = flesberton R. I MAXWELL Alihi) Sugar has advanced we still con- tiiiuo to sell the best Granulated Sugar al 22 pounds for $i,oo Other Sugars nt low prices, Wtf have added to our lino of Boo and Shoes ROBINSON AND LINDSAY RUBBER UO.'a KANT KKAOK RUBBER AND OVERSHOES, which y<jii can't surpass in any town in Ontario for quality and price, for we nell a"; such » low mavgiii thai it is a wonder lo the trade. Ulomen's "and men's underwear, Pants» Jackets and OveralSs from 60 cents to $1.50. Those are a fiw things that you can gut at Some Lecsons from the Ontario Winter Fair Continued from last week. One feature of the show which attracted a good deal of attention was a bunch of 24 range cattle from the Northwest, eX' hibited by thi Territorial Dept. of Agri- culture. These cattle were grade Short- hiirns, Horefords and Galloways, and will bo stabled and'fed at the Agricultural Col- lege, and at Major Hood's farm at Guelph, Ontarii, with a view to ascertain wheiher a successful business can he done by O.i- tario farmers in " Biiisliing " Western cattle. Only 15% of the American ranye cattle are shipped direct to the market, Tlie rest are shipped east and fed grain until they are in condition for slauyliter, and that is one reason why American ranijo cattle bring better prices than ours. In shipping our ranue cattle to England they are so unaccustomed to continement that they usually reach the Old Country before they begin to eat. As they have to be slaughiered within ten days of their arrival the loss in weight and price is very heavy. It i» believed by Western men that if raiiKO cattle were shipped Ea.st and sold at some central poiiit,KUch as Toron- to, they could be laid down at $35 to 840 per bead, le.ivinij a good margin for the Ontario farmer. In speukini; of the outbreak of the foot and mouth diaea.'^e in the United States and of the necessity of protecting Canad- ian berd.s from contagious diseases Hon. fiidney Fislier drew attention to the ad- vantages of havini! a dies.sed beef trade in live cittle. Among other things he said ; â€" "The Americans have a dead uiea trade. They have all the facilities of im- mense abattoirs and they can turn the stream from the live caitle to the dead meat trade in a very little time. But if there were to occur a case of contagious disease to-inorrow and the markets of the Old Country should be shut against our live .slock trade »» have no orgdJiized dead meat trade, no abattoirs here to slaughter our animals, no facilities for the transportation of that meat if it Were pre- pared for the Old Country market, and that would bean almost fatal blow againttt the live stoik trade of this country. Such a thing mi^ht i>ccur in Canada at any monie:it; It matters not how careful the auihofitirs may be. Such things have occurred in the old land. I believe the day has come in Canada when the ordin ary dead meat trade must bo organized, must he established, so that if such an in- cident should, occur in this country wo should not be put to the ciiormou;) loss that we would to-day. Wo liave an ex- ample of what can be done in the bacon tiade of Caimds. The same thing can be dime ill the dead beef trade. It will re- quire the same business capacity, the saioo otganizatioii, the samu capital that was riquired for tlie organization of the packing houses, and for the establishment of the bacon trade, the orqanization of an abattoir .system in Canada and a transpor tatioii system to carry the meat forward. I want to call the altenlioti of the stock- men and capitHlists of this province lo the problem. 1 am quite sure the diffi- culties which have hindered it up to the present time have largely disaappeared Olio cf the.se was a liick of market fur the offal. There will scum be a market here that all the different (laris of the animal can bu utilized. This being the case I feel ihotiniei.s now rii>e for the establish- ment of a deiid meat tiade with the Old Country and that it must be brought about in the inteiestB of the live stock of iliis otmutry. Unless we take steps we are short sighted and are closing our eyes to a danyer with which wo aro face to face. IIoM. Jno.Diyden oinphaaized what tha Domiirion Mmister of .Agriculture had said and added, "I hope that a yfar hiiiee T shall be able to make the an- nouncement concerning the establish- tnent of an industry that will relieve us fii'm the danger with which wo are now confionted. Influences are even mow at wo k which may lirin-.; this about, and it should bo broiig'.it about." F W.HonsoN, Live Stock Comiui^siiuior. Thoroughbred Durham Bull for Service Cord minto» 2^06$. Tim nnit<ir»i|ineil lias a flno dtwl Unihatn Hull (or I'orvlonon Int 141, T. /c B. 11. Tiirnni -*1 for priiHo cowh, »:i for tliorou(jl>- brorts I'aiU|{ruunii a|>|iliuatlnn J.ACOIt Li;Vi;U Kleshorton P.O. Speedy Cure tor Cramps and Colic The most rcliiihlo cure for cramps, colic, dysi'iitoi}', and Biiiiniuir coiivplaint is ten drops of Poison's Nerviline in a littlo aweotoned water. Nerviline removes the pain and distress at once, insures prompt reli'-t and a spoody cure in every oaie. No.viliiio IS an oicollont remedy for all pain, internal or external, and sli .uld be i-i uvoiy houaohold. All druggists sell and recommend Nerviline. Price 25c Free Distribution of Seed WINTER TERH JKT THIS Owen Sound, Ont nEoiNfa JANUAi?v a, i»o;» Our courses in both BusinosB and Shorthand dHfiarlmenta are up to-date, ho rough and complete. Thn demand for young men as ofKce MHlHlanlR is much greater than the supply. Circulara and full information free. AddroHS C, AFLBMINQ, PRIN, TREES! TREESI TREES! That's our butineas. We want men to sell TREES of all varieties, fruit and orna- mental. We are looking: for a few hustlers. Are you one? If so, get our terms, CHASE BROTHERS eOMPANY NurMirmaa, COLBORMI, - ONT. D. McXAVISH lifimimiiGfiiiii /--^e Fur Fust Class Buggies, Cart.s, Pleasure and Lumber V. asjons, /^V«P Irj-') cutlers, Slekhft. We kiiL'p a stock on hand to choose from. ^0^7 ~Y ALSO HORSE SHOEING ANO GENERAL BLACKSA1ITHINQ " ' and L;uarantee first cla.ss work. We keep on hand Ploughs aad Plough repairs, and also Msssey- tlariis and Nnxon repiiirs for hinders, Mowers, â- ♦ll kinds uf >«s ma liineiy, also Binder Twine on hand. ((it) » mben in town give us a oalf « ~~ . . FOR FIRST CLA5S CARRIAGES AND PLOUGHS . . ; ' X. â€" GO TOâ€" Heard's Works, Flesherton -^ We have Cutters, Sleighs,Buggies, Waggons and Carts :5 Fleury, Dyment Butterfield and Wilkinson ploughs Shares and repairs of the best quality. Spring tooth aud Iron harrows. Also first class handmade harness. ^• l>or$e Shoeing and General Bladtsmitl^ing* 2^ Beauty and Utility Though worn as a necessity, a beautiful eye -glass artistically fitted is a facial ornament. We will fit you with a frame best adapted to your features. . A. Armstrong, To Tltf ICdiior of The /Irfwiice. Dbar Sir, â€" By ini«tructiim of the Hon. Minister of Aariciilturo another di»trihu- tion will lie made this Hp.vson of annip'os of the nio.st productive sorts of grain to Oanaditm f.triners f.T tlio improvenionl of «o.d. The stock for ilist. ihuiion iaofthe very I'ost and has lieoii sncurel l)y tie Director of the Expeiimonlal Kann.s from Iho excellent crops recently had in tl e (!.inadinn North-went. The distribution I Ilia spring' will cjnsist of Ramples of oat", aprii g who^t, harley, Indian corn nnd liolatoes. The (|uanliti&s ot oata, wheat and Imi-ley to he sent this year will be aiiftlciunt to sok one twentieth nf au acrpt The SAnipleN of Indian corn knd potators will w< iiih 31li9 ail heretofore. Every farmer may apply, but only one sample otn be aont to each applicant, hence if an iniliridiuil recnivea a aampis of i>at« he citnnot alao receive one of wheat, barley or potatoca, and application! for inoru j£U;ELER and OPTJCIA ' than one sa'iiple for one household cannot be onterlnined. Those samples will bo sent free of charge through tiio mail. Applications should bo addressed to the' Director of E!C|)oriineiiial Farms, Ottawa, and iii.iy I'o sent in any timo before the Isl of Mai oh, after wi.ich the list* will be chised, so that all ihu samples asked for may be .sent out in good lima for sowing. Parties writing should mention the sort or variety thi-y would prefer, and si'.ould the aviii,alilu stock of the kind asked for be exhaustod, some other good sort will be sent in itn place. SVm. SaunI)IB», Director Kiperiuiontftl Farms. Ottawa, Docember '22, 1002. I A vi ry sad accident uccunod at Ua- vemiH last b'riday. The little son of Mr. ; and M\A. Jas. Moore, aged two years and \ 5 uioiillin, cliiubed into bed to wut-ch his â- f.ither hitch the horso, in readines.i to go^ for Mrs. Moore, who was in Oollinmvood. 1 In some manner or other the Utile fellow fill '.1. tlio tloor. Wocn two otUor boys ill ti.e Ik uae heard Iho fall and hastened to the spot, they fo Ji.d the unfortunate littlo felUin uiiConsciouH, blood iasuii<g from a wound uii the forehead. Thoy ciklKd his father but nil he could do availed not, and death caiuv in a few minutes. The child never spoke from the tune li>- was picked up. The reuiaini were inleivd ni Osprey cemetery. Wo eitend our sincere Hym^mthy to ih» ber- e4ved pireiiti in the tuaa of their little one. â€" KeBectur. \ â€" FOR â€" Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Flooring We have just placed in poeition a new planer and niuCcher and aro prepared to furnish building material in all the above lines. Get our quotations when you want anything. Hickling Bros. 8tli Con., Ariemesia. â€" Ma&wdl P. tX July, "02 Our Clubbiny jCiii Papers marked with a * give balance of this year free. TiiK .VDV.vxcE and â€" *Wuokly IMul and Empire witli pie- Ufium > ? 1 7i> *\Ve.kly Gloho 1 80 Family Herald and Weekly Star aud premiuiu . , 180 Daily News ^ "m Toronto Daily St«r 2 ,30 Toronto World 3 00 Guardian 1 IK) Sun 1.80 CONSUMPTION Prevented and Cured. Four marvelous free remedies for alt sufferers reading this paper. New cure for Tuberculosls.Consuaip. tion. Weak Lungs, Catarrli, And a rundown system. FREE D Do you cough ? Do your lungs pain you ? Is your throat sore and iiiUaaaed? l>o you spit up phlegm? I'Joe.t your head ache ? Is your appetite \>aA ? Are your hings delicate? Are you lo.sing flesh ? Are you pale and thin? Do you lack .stamina? These symptoms are proof that yoa have in your oody the seeds of the most dap.g^erous malady that h.-is ever devas- tated the earth â€" consuinpiion. Ycni are inWtrd to test wliat this system will do ibr you. if you arc sick, by wWxingf for a FREE TRIAL TREATMENT and the Four Free Pr^ivirattons will befornanlcUyou al (^nce. with complete ilircctions for t><to.. The Slocum System tn ancwitivecure forCon^ump* tiotx. that most innitiioua disease, aiul for all Lunv Troublet and Diaonlcra. comnlicated by l.oas of Flesh. Coueha, Catarrh* Aitluna, BroachitU mad Heart Trouble*. Simply write to the T. A. Slocum Chemical Ci^tnpany, Limited. 179 King Street \\'c«l, Toron»o, jn'vinif post iUfk-o and expm* aJdn'^v and t!ie fraa 03v'dicine<the Slocvim Cure^ will lie promptly sen*, FemonR in Canada aceing SKxnim'a free otrer M Anterkatf papers will pIraM aend for Mmjifel to Toroato. Naation this ipmpm^ ^L ^