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Flesherton Advance, 15 Jan 1903, p. 5

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p THE FLESHEBTON ADVANCE jAiruABT 15 IBOar : : *?*i;fe - ^ r • li • # IKetbodist « eburcb» Tksberton c»A.3TOH-Ke«-..a. Iviaori Wllaoii aervice«S\andeiy 1 1 a.m.iSc 1 p. m Miiraing â€" " The Victor anJ Bia Crown " Eveningâ€"" A Temple \ usioii " Vicinity Cliips Chnructeristics of the Past Week CJiirefully Culled for the Cnrious hand. J. H- Fresh hine always Ouckett, £ugeuia. Money to loan ac lo«rest rates. VanDusen, Flesbt-Tton. A. S. A Urge hall to rent. Fi>r particulara apply at Clayton's. ChuppitiK doue every day at planing tactory, Kiesherton, Wanted â€" Teu cord yreeu furnace wood. Boyd, Uickliug iV^ Co. Mias Butlevige of Siauton is I he guest of her cousin, Airs. A. Thompson. Wanted â€" Good driving horse or colt coming two years. B. P. Legate. Wanted .it Ouce â€" Two good Uush men,, good wages paid. ^Apply to Andrew L. kVulicer, iVlaikdale. Mr, Ben Wilaoii, who has been working at lUe i><iult for ihe past six months, re- lumed home last week to speud clie winter. Wanted â€" Any q.u*atity of cedar and baUaiu bolts di'Iivered at Philips old mill, con. 12, Art. K. P. Legate «& Co. Thoroughbred Durham bull calf for sale, 13 mos. old â€" Apply to Wm. Patton, Ceylon. Highest cash price paid for furs, hides, sheepskins and tallow. Don't sell with- out giving me a call. Mark Wilson, Flesh- erton. Mr. and Mrs. Archy Cairus of Melita, Man., surprised their many friends here by dropping in last week for a fe'T week's visiu. Erskiuu's majority over Davis <u the Euphrasia electmu for reeve was 58. The old councillors were re-elected by accla niation. The police trustees on Monday evening s;ave iMr. John tlales tha job of wieldin;{ the snow piough at 25c. pet hour. John's tirst job on Tuesday morning was a touiih one. Local news is certainly a sciktce com- mcidity this week owing to the snow blockade. Our correspondents uce ful y en;{iiged digging snow. Mr. Telfer, who has had charge here of Douglas & Co.'s drugstore severed his coDiieclion last week and Mr T, Daw, a graduate of Toronto pharmaceutical col- lege has taken his place. Douglas •& Co. have voe of the most omplete small seed fanning mills that Wd have »aen. It appeal s to do Its work thoroujibly on clover, grass and other biuall seeds. It is i>f American uiauufac- ton. The eighth aunua) meeting of tlieOwen Sound district of the Epworth League will be held in the Methodist church, Dund.ilk, on Tuesday, Feb. 10, begini'ing at 9.30 a. m. fiirtiea having gates opening on side- iValk Will kindly remove them, as the Police trustKis will not be responsible for any knocked otf by the aiii-w plough. Clayton's is the spot for bargains in ladies'aiid gems' shoes and boots. Misses' and boy*' shoes in great variety. Rub- bers .iiid overshoes as cheap as the cheap- est. Gloves,miitsand trunks vi'ry cheap. MoNBYTO Loanâ€" .\t 4i to -tj par oen- Sxpenses low. Also a number of im- proved and uninipioved farms for sale cheap. .Apply to Geo. Rutherfortl, Shel- biiruv', or DundaU oBice Satunlay after- OllOll. L. O. L. No. 1132 (MoKee'slo<lge) will hold its annual soiree in the Orange hall, 4th line, on the evening of Tuesday, Jan 80. A splendid tea and {.rograni will greot alt those who are so fortunaio HS to be present. Don't miss it. Usual terms will admit you. A meeting of directors of the Huron- OnUirio electric railway was held in Watkerti'U recently when considerable busines.-* was done towardn putting the scheme in working shape once more. It decided to siet an enten.sion of the charter. Mr. H. H. Miller of Hanover was apjMiintcd treasurer and OhHs.F.May was given power of attorney. The presi- dent and secietary were 'jppointod a de puta'ion to go to Oltitwa in Connection with the npplica' ion for an extension of chaiter. Sunday and Monday were stormy and on Monday the n^-ids wore drifted â€" a little' None of the outside mad r.'Ulea won- covered. Trains g'lt through very little behind lime, however. Monday was council moeiini; dav and Mr. Gibson was 1 hu iiBly nirmher who did not succeed ingeitingto town. Messrs. McKeozie ana Bear, the two now men, appear to jprnoeiheir positions cory nicely. Mr. McKenzie his e.xhibiied a very fair amount of grit for a boKinner, he having trampeii on snowshoes all the way from his home, six ai'd a half n ilos, cutting across lota re»{anlle»s of feiices or ro«d«. and actually earned his money on this aooMsiiin before arriving at the coonctl h«»*4. A lar^ hall to rent. For particulars apply at Clayton's. Miss Maud RicharUaun returned to Tonniro after a fortniahl's visit with rel- atives here and iu Vlurkdale. For sale cheapâ€" 3 yo-'d secondhand heating stoves, and one double heater,all ill good condttion, at R. J. Sproule, Fle.sherton. Mrs. Mark WiW.n uave a conundrum tea and social evening to about a dozen lady and gemlemen friends on Ti-.ursday evening hiat. For Hnest quality flour, also bran, shoits, chop feed, outs, liailej and buck- wheat, go lo Sproule, Crts-sley & Co , Plesherton. A rare treat is anticipated in the Bap- tist church for Sunday. .Jan, 2l>th. Dr, Brown, formerly a missionary in India, and at present Secretary of Foreign Mis- sions, is expected to address the meeting. arrivals of groceries, confection- ery, oranges, leo'ons, stationery, all kinds of nuts,and are selling at lowest price.s at Sproule, Croiisley & Co , Flosherton, noted for best nr^ides family flour and tinest stock of groceries and confec'ion- ery. Mr. and Mrs. John Breen have taken possession of the Leitch property in ihe suburbs recently acquired by purchase. M r. Wes. Breen, who reo-ntly entered the state of matrimony, returned last week from his wedding tour and is now at home with hia estimable wife,at home to callers at the old Farm for Sale or Rent â€" Lot 4, con. 13, Ooprey, conwiniiig about ?eventy-five acres cleared, good fr.uue barn 44 ft. by 72 ft. with stone wall underneath; good house; ;;ood spiingand well on the prem- ises; about two acres of yo'd bearing orchard and small fruits. -^pply 'o Robe t Clemis, Redwitg, P. O. Heskitched l>efore the audience amid roars of laughter, faces and figures that were e-isily recognized. â€" The ^^liia.Kini;- He carried the audience from grave to i;ay and from teiirs to hilarious laugh- ter tliroUsjhout Sw* hours of crayonisms. recitals and mnsic. â€" Free Press, Lon- don. The accuracy and mpidify with which he wields the crayon are wonderful. â€" Toronto Saturday n'ght. Mr. Spafford will ap;>ear in the town ball tonight, Thursday, January 15, under the auspices of the LO F. Markdale, it seems, ha-s earned the de.idly enmity of Oweri Sound f^ir pre- summn to take the poor house from that town. A true story has come to our ears wliich illustrates this thoroughly and which would intimate that Markdale had better keep its hand on its pistol pocket. .\ young woman in Flesherton who manu- factures a certain lineof goods took orders rtceully in the lake-side tijwn. A couple of weeks ago, when delivering the order she was met with a refusal to take the goods. Of course the young woman want- ed to know on what urounds the goods were refused, and the reply was. "Well, your town does all it can to injure this place and I won't deal withyou. ' In what way has our town ever tried to injure yi'urs ?" queiio).! the young woman. "Oh, you took the poor house from us," said the Owen Sounder. "Vou are very much mistaken, " was the quiet reply ; "our town never oven wanted the poor house." ".Ain't you from Markdale ?" asked ihe lakeside porker. "No, I do business in in Fleshertoii.' The goods were then t.ikou and paid for insunter. How those Owen Sounders do grieve over their loss 1 .\nd what aa awful thing it is to aet a big fellow "down " on a. liitl.^ feUow, espec- ially if the big felluw is a bully. We have received a chatty and inter- esting letter from our young friend, Mr. Geo. Richaro.sou, wh > wont to .\nacond.i, .Vlont. , a ytiar ago. Large uumbers ol our leaders will remember George, who for a loiiu' time presided over M.Richard- son and Cos hiirdwaro department. We take the liberty of quoting from his lofer as follows : "I don't know where The .\dvance is appreciated more than it is at .\nac.)uda by a couple of subscribers. I look every Monday inorning for It, and ir. vory Seldom fails to got heie as regular ascl">ck Work. I have been here for the lust fourteen months and can't say that I legrot it, for the longer one lives in Montana the more they like it, though it hasn't the beauty of nature ivs we havo it at luiuie. We see very little of green trees and grass. Of course I am speaking of -â- Vnac.iuda aline, for in other parts of ihe stale out of the way of smelters they I have visited a number of places of interest. I went through the Standard building last week, one of the largest printing esfablishmeats in .MiMi- tana, if not the best. Having a few goo"! tnonds iu this building, they were very kind III showing me through each depait- ment. Mr. Neltleton, one of the lioad machinists, explained to me all about the type setting machine which was very interesting to see, the hot lead coming out in full set type. You have likely Soon these before but they were'^uite new to me. There are eight of these machine*, cos'ing over three thousand dollars each, and they look like a lot of type writers riion a Mr. Lambi-e show«l us through t!:e press ri>oin, also explaining th» way ^Mper goes through the machines. From thire we went into the developing room and was shi'wn ihiough by a Mr.Lennox. and verything explained I dont think that you will hnd ptople every»he'e as kind as these pe^>plH wete to me,and lam sure that 1 appreci.ite it very much. I w.asout for Xmits dinner and suopor, on an invitation from Mr and Mrs.N.ttlo'on and daughter. They were very kind to me and it was as munh like home as any : p'aoe I have ever be«ii I must say that I times are a little dull but .Mr.. Strain ia doing a large share of the buaiutaa in the town." On Wednesday, January 7th, the home of Mr. Jas. Brownlee, lot 23, con. 14.0s- prey, was the scene of a pleasant event. Two different parties of young people assembled and drove to Mr. Brownlee's home for the purpose of expressing their I sorrow at the departure of him.'ielf and his I family from that vicinity and of showing the esteem in which thay were held. While a number prepared an excellent supper the remainder enjoyed themselves in asocial way. After the guests, number- ing a)-uut seventy live, had satistied the desires of the inner man the principal event of the evening occurred when Mr. and Mrs. Brownlee and family were pre- sented with an address and some beauti- presents, vii., two easy chairs for Mr. and Mrs. Brownlee, a toilet set for Miss Priscilla, and a fancy bank and other toys for Master Wilbert. After the presenta- tion the remainder of the evenitg was spent in songs,instrumental music,games, etc. The guest-s adjourned for their re pective homes pleased with the evening's entertainment. Mr.Brownlee and family move to CoUingwood and the best wishes of the cooiiuunity go with them and we join in wishing that they may long enjoy the comforts of their presents. ^&&&&&^ ^Sit^^^^^^^^'- I Stocktaking Sale Township Council The newly elected council of the town- ship of .\rtemesia, for tSe year 1903, met in the town hall, Flesherton. on Monday, the 12th day of January, 1903. There were present D. McTavish, reeve ; A. Muir, R Best, and T. R. McKenzie, councillors After each of the above named had suljscribed and made the re- quired declaration of qualitications and of office they took their seats at the town- ship board. The minutes of session of December loth and special session of Dec. 29, 1902. were read and condrined. The following commutiicatioas were presented and read, viz : â€" Fn^m the Mbl- s'jn's bank, statement showing amount on deposit as sinking fund of $3284.14, on account of school debentures ; C. Bellamy and W, T. McKee, applications for the office of assessor for 1903; Joseph Black- burn and R. J. Sproule, application for the office of auditors. Accounts as fol- lows wer« presented, viz : the clerk for election expenses $74.00; W. H. Thurs- ton for baHots and poll books 314 70 ; G. Thompson for balance of commission 1902 $6.00. Bylaws No.'s <i21, to appoint an assess- or 622, to appoint auditors, and 623, aud appoint a number of the local board of health for 1903, were introduced and read a tirst time. Muirâ€" Best â€"That bylaws 621, 622, anU 623, be now road a second time. â€" Carried. Muir â€" Beist- -That council go into com- mittee on bylaws 621, 632, and 623. â€" Carried. ' Council went into committee accord- ingly, Mr. Muir io the chair. Committee arose, the Reeve in the chair. Mr. Muir presented bylaws Nos. 621, 622 and 623, as tilled up with the names of 0. W. Bellamy, assessor ; Joseph Bl .ckburn and R.J. Sproule, audito;3 ♦, and S. W . Sloan, as member of the local b.Nird of health for 3 years. Muir â€" McKenzieâ€" That bylaws 621, 6S2, and 623 pa8.sed in committee be now read a third time, signed, si'aled and en- tered in bylaw book. â€" Carried. Muirâ€" Bestâ€" the following ac- counts for election expenses be paid:Div. 1, bl. D. McLou^hery, $9; Div. 2, W. J Bellamv, S6;Div. 3, T. M. Bannon, §9; Div. 4,"D. McLeod, $9; Div. 5, Goo. Try- on. ?y; Uiv. 6, S. Gilbert, $9; Div 7,JJs. Wiliiam-s ?9; Uiv. 8. T. F. Thompson, $9, being D. R. O. fees and expen.sos of hails, etc.; W. ,1. Bellamy, Ueturning •Jtficer, dolivrring ballot boxes $5; W.U. Thnistoii. poll books and ballots §14 70. Carried. McKenzie â€" Muirâ€" That the account of Geo. Thoinpsini for balance of conimssion .11 expenditure of 1902 S6.00 and ?1 16 for wire used on bridge i;ot from Henry Cai.nsbe paid. â€" Carried. Bestâ€" McKenzieâ€" the council fur- nish Samuel Kingston and T. Maiiders with tiva cords of stove wood thoy being iu iiidi-jent circumstances. â€" Carried. Muir â€" Best â€" That the clerk order six copies of the MuiiicipU World for 1903 for the members I'f this o<ntncil and the clerk. â€" Earned. ,Muir â€" McKenzie- That the clerk have the town hall in.-<ured for S.i(X) in some some god insuiance company.â€" Carried. McKenzie â€" Bestâ€" That the grant to Samuel .\llen bo ndsed lo six didlars per month he beitu' in very needy circumstan- ces at present. â€" Canied. Be.-tâ€" Muirâ€" That this council met on the lirst M^mday in e.Hch month during 1903,escept the month of Decern lior, which will be on the IJth of said month.â€" Carri- ed. Notice to Creditors In tlie matter of Cho estate of William Rauclall Uysov, late of the towuship of .\rtbiUL>Hia iu tho Couuty of Grev, Farmor, clect?ased. Notice Uhorebv «iven piirsiiaut to "Tho Ke* vl-iei Stalutoa of Ontario," l«?7. L'hap. lii. that all crttilitors anJ othurs haviut; cUiuis afiatti^t tho o.'ttAfco of !>aitl Wittiam Raudall>u, who di*j<l oi» or about the 3r.l day of November. IWa. &r« ru«|uirod on ur before the 3iHh ilay of Kcb., A. l>. UJCW to send bv post, prepaid, or Jeliver to H. K. bvf»o . Kloshertou P. 0., in tho »aifl towtiHbip of Arteme^ia, in the aforosaid county of itre\. one of tho exocutor« of the decoane*!, thoir christian and >:uruau)t^a<Ulrc!t>ie€i and de- >iCiiptlous aud full part cutara of tt1«ir claia]a,a jitateniont of thvir accounts and the uaturv of the «H*curitit»« il( *:)> ^ b'-ld bv thom. \nd turtber take uotiee that aftor the last lUonti'MU'd date the Kxecutors will proce«<l to diHlribute th»» ns-^.^ts of the decoi.^ml amonff tho parties ontitletl tbarvte haviuR rti^ard ouly to tbo cUiuisof wbii^h they flhail hare notices and tbo \*ctitoi4wiM Dot be liable for the axAotH or part thereof to auv pertou or pernous of whose olAtnnt notice ihall uot have be«Q re- ceived at tniie of such dlstributloD. Uateii Jau. 0. lA)a^ H. H. Dt»on. \ rikBO W. SfcsoLsoif. >lieeokor«. T«oa. CXatTon. j», s Oil 0^ Oil 0/ it \i lit ^ ill \li 0^ Oif \6 Oi o: -A Oi a> Oi iHt ii; Of iit % We have decided to hold a great Stocktaking Sale^ Jsltx, Stli and lasting Thirty Days We take stock in February and want to clear out as much as possible before that date. To do this we have decided to give a Discount of |5 pel' CCtlt* on all cash purchases and a Discount of I0 pcr cent* on all purchases paid by produce, sugar ex- cepted. Our stock, -which amounts to $12,000, is well assortetl in all lines and this is a chance to get good staple goods at very low prices. Our "Winter goods must be cleared as after anocher month our New Spring Goods will sturt to arrive and we must have room, so we want vou to help us make ft.. We might mention some lines we are well stocked in Men's and Boys' Guernsies, " Overoats, Braces, Ties. Dress Patterns, Waist Patterns, Canned Groods, Rubbers all kinds, Tweeds, Flannelettes, Linings, Teas all kinds Groceries, Men's and Boys' Suits, "^ Top Shirts Overalls, Wrapperettes, Corsets, Boots & Shoes Crockery. Remember the Big Discount we are gi^Hng when you want any of the above. It will Pay you, J.SHEPPARD. TIcsbcrton t Eugenia T. )&^:^^:&^5=$^^:^.^ Oi iit Oi- \i it 0^ iH iH Oi> # Hi Oi Oi iit iHf il^ ilr Off % # iSi Hi m-' m m Of Oi t To O u r Friends a n d the Public at Large Tho a little late we beg to return our sincepe thanks for liberal patronage during the Xmas. season and wish all a very prosperous Xew Year, hoping to merit a continuance of vour esteemed favors. I am W.E.Richardson, : Flesherton. W. J. DOUQLASS& CO. 'S 0^0712 ng ^nnouncQTnent To The People of Flesherton and Vicinity: â€" We beg to announce that we have purchased the Drug, Stiitiouery and Seed Busuiess of Dr. Christoe. and have nuule a very careful and thorough exauiiiiation of the stock on hand and have rt^jected ard destroyed everything in the line of Drugs and Medicines which wo found to not be of piimo quality and standard strength and trust liy fair dealing and careful attention to business to merit a fair share of public pat- ronairc. We have on liand a large stock of C'vtistmas Coys and novelties which we will sell at siicrifice priceâ€" call and see. Wishinx alt iho ci'inpliaionts o( the stcasoii. Respectfully, lAT. *J. DOUOX^ASS & CO^ CoUingwood DRl'aaiST. SECDMEN, ETC. FlesHeptioxK. N. B.â€" We are open to buy any quant'tT o( Clover, Alaike or Timukhy Se«d, a»d iiiUi4 jxiy th« highest market price, spot ctwh â€" 8- . • 9«mpiea. , -vr-SCET;-'

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