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Flesherton Advance, 15 Jan 1903, p. 4

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** « r/ ^^ January 15 1903 THE FLESH ERT ON ADVANCE ««99- g^»:^^»:e:^^:8:8> | f. T. HILL & CO | ^»:8:b:8:8:^^»:^ December miirliR the close of the best month's busiiiosB and the biKlzeit year's business yet enjoyed by us. That we posses* in a very largo inoasuro the confidence of the public at large is amply eridencud by our e^er-in- creMing busincRsâ€" a confidence that we value more hi(;hly than anything else and which we shall always endeavor lo merit We thank yf)U for your goneroua pntronage during 1902 and solicit a continuance during 1903 which we trust m»y prove to one and all a Happy and Prosjjerous Year. FRENCH FLANNELS AND DeLAINES 26c. About 76 yards fine all pnrcwool, French Flannels and DcLaines, These are strictly new goods that until i.nw ha»o sold at 49, 45 and SOc. per yard. The price we put on them now is the lowest we have ever heard of â€" clearing at per yard only 25 FRENCH FLANNEL BLOUSES 78c. 18 French Flannel Blouses (assorted sizes) beautiful y made and nicoly colored, fine all-wool noods. Bio use worth ui» to 81 65, cli'ariug now for only 78 LADIES UNDERWEAR 50c. 10 dozen Indies vests and drawers, fine ribbed wool goods, eilk triinineJ and first class in every resiMiCt â€" the 76c. quality ut each 50 BOYS' AND YOUTH'S MOCCASINS 78c. 34-pairs Hoys' and Youtii's Mocasins, the regu'ar 1.2-"> quality on siile now at per pair 78 BLANKETS 82.66 A PAIil. 20 piiirs nil- Hciol lil,iiikct.s, extra nice quality â€" goods that are thoroui^hly dependable, full, large size and very che;ip. Per puir only 2.60 J1.25 TABLE LiNEN FOR 78c Nearly 200 yards extra fine satin-finish Table Linen, wide width and sold everywhere at $1.25 per yard.i SVe bought this ourselves, away under price, hence the reason for such exceptional value Until ' all is sold this 1.25 table linen with us will be 78 ALL-WOOL HOSE 9c. 10 dozen pairs Misses' all-wool Hosn, sizes 7, 7J. 8. These goods in the u«ual way would sell at 15c. pair, but having boucjhttheni cheap w» sell them according- ly. Per pair 9c. 3 pair for 25 BOOTS, PER PAIR, $1.00 Over 150 pairs of Shoes for men, women, boy's (i:;i girls, go on our bargain table this week â€" odds and ends though mostly all sizes. Some of these are worth up to 2.50 and every pair is a barjjain. Your choice while they last per pair oidy 1.00 Nice assortment of Men's Larrigans included in above lot. 75o. HOMESPUN FOR 48c •â- -â-  " ' 160 yards navy blue and gray hoiuespunfi, full 54 in- ches wide. These very durable i/oods are too well known to require any recommend Regular 75c. homespuns on sale now at per yard only 48 Special prices on flillinery for next two weeks= We want to clear it all out. v Family Syrup in pails at 50c., 81 00 and $1.20. This is nice flavored amber syrup â€" The best that money can buy. Business is always rubhine in -jur Hardware Depiirtmont. Almost everything you can think of is to be had here. See us before you buy. We're .still selling Pennolino Coal Oil, the best oil in the market. If you've been trying unsuccessfully to burn inferior grades of oil just try a gallon of Pennoline and do not forget to change the wick in your lamp burner Punnoline is guaranteed to be the best cil in the market, and is not sold everywhere in town. F. T. HILL & CO Farmers' Institute. Centre Grey Farmers' Institute met in the town Hall on Thursday afternoon, as announced, with Mr. Wm Inkater. Vice President, in the tliair. The ppc-iki r of the afternoon was Mr. II Glendiiiuin^', who gave an elalmrate address on "Feeds and Feeding," illustrated by chart.s. Wo cannot attempt to report hif address. One of the pouus elaborated upon won the fact that mixed feeds produce the bust resultn. Miss Maddock of (Siiulpli spoke on Imc- toria, explaining the nature of these and distrnguishiuK between those that were useful and those that were injurious. Sunlight and fresh lime, she said, were good bacteria de.-itroyers. Mr. Olendinnmg then showed n weed chart and pointed out the fallacy of sow- ing seed because it was cheap. Clean seed is the only safe seed to soiv, no mat- ter what it exists. At the afternoon session the attendance was not luri>e, hut at the eve'iing meeting the hall was filled with an inter.Hted audience. Thuthair was occupied by M. K. Uichardson, M. P., and iho speakers were the same as at the afteinonn moot- ing. "Bcautifjing ilie home" was handled vuryi!nti'rlainiu'.;ly by Mr.<ilendinnin(;,tlie following being niost of liis [juints; Farm- ers, he Miiid, tlion^jhl they had mt hmo to beautify their home suirouudinKS. Thia ha thought a mistake, because a faiin so beautified would bri«n from $500 to $1000 more at a sale. lie advocutud the plantinij of trees alon^ the roadside. For this ho prefi'rreil maple. Lawns addi d much to the b aniy of n home- itottd. Lawns weie looked upon by many as a luxury. This he also llioU){ht a mis- take. The mail in the country had moie land and was belter hIiIu to have a l.iwn. Never plant tree< in a row on larife lawiis. No ntdf form of plaining' would do in Those which required slight protection were hydrangea paniculata. Austrian honeysuckle and 8yrin>>as were also hardy. From the beautiflcation of the homo the Bi)eaker passed to household; conveniences aud strongly advocated the! iii.iiallatioii of windmill waterworks froai ' a pure source and the installation of a hot i Wiiter system for h"use hia'ing He ; raided his water 60 feet and piped it half | a nnlo. A small 8-foot windmill supplied | both house and barn. Miss Maddock [ spoke on plant life and explained the proper method of taking and rooting cult- inf;s. Cut square across just below eye | and root in pure sand pressed down. She also explained her method of «ombatting insocta. For ^reen fly, tobacco water; woraiB in soil, lime water; for red spider, | water. Duiint: the course of the evening Mr. and Mrs. T. Shoppard and the three Misses Joy navo several pie( OS of vocal music in their own in inimitable way and the meeting closed with the Nutioiial A.t- tlutii. \ Tlesbertoti Furniture » marerooms. We are carrying the newest styles of seasonable goods, iu all lines of Furniture, consisiinn of : Parlor and bedroom: puits, lounges, sideboards, extension and centre tables, chairs, window shades and curtain polos, pictui-oA, easels, etc.. Which we Offer at LOWEST P^RICES Picture Framing and Oeneral Re- pairing. Undertaking in all its brancho-s. Satisfaction guaranteed. W, rt. Bunt, - - Prop. Last fall James Bell exhibited some apples in class "any other vaiiety, winter" at the fair held hero and secured first prize. They wore noticed by J. I.Graham as an unknown variety ta him, whoasUod lor tlon-aniples that he might send thom to the Connnitteo on Neiv Fiuit for the Province. Their receipt wa.'-acUnowlodi;- ed and they wero placed to test their keeping qualiiiiM, and now their Haior has been pruUMnoced i;ood. The Pnf. ! lias writien for sciooa to lest growth, v. jjor ' anil lial.iis of the ire •. Out of L'4 vaiiuties sent lo the ciiniminittiu this year only one was coiisiiloied woilhy of trial. Thi» is thu S'l'Diid si.'edliUgsent by Mr.Graham that has been eoisilerod Worthy of test- ing. â€" Standard. **^''fel!%T-*'V- ,kN,^*4^;^^^ bo years 11 ^ riTOtl'* d'^nil'.r.K A ute'.i-ri anj rtMcript'.oii tn*j luteKly ivsf'.m'.n o'lr oiniilnn froo wIiwOkt ri .-IV nlitn ts pn-br.l>'ir I'jitiMitahto. r.>nif.i.flri\ ;i'm-;i!UctIyft<jil!r.o.itli.l. II'l^l:ol^ot^^a \'h\-\:\A %<.nr, lioii. '.il'l.'fl. (iiS'Tic-v fur i'i'rui;i»: p.ireii' .. l'*ilule!l Uik-lu vliujui^n MulM A Co. r:;<:lvc f.niTHJi ftjttcii, viHmut clmrffo, Iu lli-j Unmistakable Signs of Catarrh If you have n ringing in the eara,ilri>pp- iiiK ill the throat, bad breath, headache, morning weakness, had taste in the mouthâ€" thou it's Catarrh. Use landscape uardehing. ClunipH of buNlies C.iiarrhozone inlnler four times daily and h<ru and there wore the correct thing, fnadicutu this awful from your The hou-o should bo ereored on land »â- >«'«'"• . * 'atari hozone kills the nerms, 1 I .1 I I .. r r heals the inlhiineil nieuihraiies, clears nose I'lKliur than roadway and not too far from .i,,,.,, „, ,i „:,. . i .i." a s, . ,, , , ' , . throat and air pas.asn shy one application. It. l-or Uwiis was nothing so beau- C'atHrrhozoi.e quickly I'finiedics the head tiful as KTasH The prettiest lawn on thu noises and deafness, prevents droppin;{, continent hsd n .thing on it but (irass. In and is w.irranted to absolutely euro all L . t â-  t L I forms of I'Hlarrh, broneiiiliH. asthma «iid the mailer of Using p.iint, not eiiouuh was , „„ , , ,',, â- " """i asunna, huh , , ,-, , . ,, li'Ug troubles. I WM iiK.n.liM' treatment done on the farm. Fimn hoiues Hhould costs $1.01) ; trial .size '.'fio Drm,'gi»ti or N. 0. Polstm * Co., Kinustoii, 0?it. A ImnrtsoniolT lil.»»iln*l,M wcoJitT. l.ii-j-*^t ctr- ..â- â€¢ilt.Lluli :.{ Aiif tfrlntillil.1 JoiirMnl. 'r.-ltt ;<. ?.i n v.vir; ( uiG.iths, >1. l^ciJ l-y.»!l pv^-ii'-flltT*. li.-aiu-li t)clii;u, OS IT St. '.\'ii»l'-i.:l...i t'. BOYD, HICKLINQ & oo., FLESH ERTON - ONTARIO. WHITE GOODS - SALE - We have prepared an elegant display of New White Wear for January showing which cannot fail to interest lovers of pretty and dainty lingerie. Everything is ofiered at popular prices and every individual line has been selected with the view of combining the best possible appearance with dur- ability and careful finish -Thus assuring the best of satisfaction to the wearer. Under Skirts Under Skirts, fine cotton, deep hem, six vow tucking 50o. Under Skirts, fine cjtton, deep hem, five rows tiickiug and dust fnll 75c. Under Skirts, fine caiabric, deep frill, trimmed wide lace and iuseitioti witlt dust frill 81.00 Under Skirts, fine canibric.extr.i deep tucked frill, tiim- med etubroidpiy with dnsi frill 81.30' Under Skirts, extra fine cambric, deep frill trimmed six rows tuckiii;,' and wide embi oidery with dust frill $2.00 Under Skirts, extra fine cambric, deep frill trimmed 1 8 rows tuckinj;, two rows iusertiou and fine wide embroiders 82.26 Night Gowns Night Gowns, fine cotton,. frilled collar and cuffs â- ' 50c. Night Gowns, fine cotton, fancy yoke,frilled collar ami cnffs 75c. Night Gowns, fine cambric, ennbroideiy trimmed collar and cuffs, yoke with iuseilion 81.00 Night Gowus. fine cambric, embroidery trimmed collar and cuffs, yoke and insertion and tucking 81<.o0 Chemises Chemi808,.fine cotton, frilled neck aud sleevea 25c. Chcmiaes, fine cotton, trimmed and fine embroidery front, neck and sleevea 50c, Chemises, fine cambric, embroidery trimmed front witli ^ tucking and fine insertion 750. Chemises, fine cambric, trimmed einbrDidery yokG,ueck and sleeves, front all tucking Jl.OO Drawers Drawers, fine cotton, deep hem, four row tucking Drawers, tine cotton, deep hem and fnll Drawers, fine cotton, deep frill trimmed embrcideiy and four rows tuckiug Drawers, fine cambric, extra deep frill, fine embroidery trimmed and five rows tuckinc Drawers, tine cambric, extra deep frill trimmed tine embroidery, and insertion with six rows tucking 25c. 40c. 50c. 76o. 8100 The Markets. t'arcriillv <'<»rre«- eel Eaoli Ucrk Oats 1!8 70 28 Peas 70 C5 45 to to 1)5 Barley 45 lUitier 17 17 KjRS fresh 20 'tl 20 Pork 7 (M) to 7 liO Chickens per pair. . . . 2.-1 to oO Durks per pair 40 lo m Tuckeyg per lb 11 t. 12 Oeoso per lb 8 "O 8 Hay 6 00 67 to '.,0 00 Potatoes bau To notice of Cransfer I NoticB it lu.riiliy Kvfn that tlm »miiMl , liig of tlie ICIertoi «l l)i«triot AkjrUuiltiirul â- ( iiiety of Kiuit (>i'«v will bu liul.t In tlio Towu hall. V- .1 . , . ', , ' FloKhortoi), on niji i.« n>a.ii> to ih.i h,...i,M. LonM f..r ti... , WEDNhSDAY, JANUARY 31, 1903 tie pai'iied li^ht colors to make liiie jon- trimt<. Never Hot the roail xate drectly in front of th. house, hut iiLike a wiiii!- \nj p.ilh. .\» to Hiiitab.u trees for Iawiim, Kiii.ill ni/.eil> were l-e t, and the fo'- I,, vinj{ ware ifi.otl: Oak liMee'l luountiiin Hhli, uut leaf uuepiiiy; birch and ever- Uni IK. Wi.iire laraer lieot were wH'.tiil llaSHWood, ii'oiiwood and hirnl. were (iiio. Everjreeii lie Ijes wore the inotit I eanti (ul. C».d <r wiiH (iroli'ibly 'hu itRt ever- vrt(nhed'.jU tree wo h^ve. lii hardy ami all and nvory obi- etiom to ..alii traii«ior, " I 1 L â-  ahoiilil at i.iioti l>B aent to Jamo«l!ainpb(ili,i'«j ' ihrul N ho r< Ooniniellil^ <l the apnOit*, er-. I..lonn«« liiH|i«nlor (Vi.trr (l.'.<v,ttlaik>b..ri.' r o ' .ll„ ..,•.;-..... V..„ ll,.,....i; W:.,.li. I n»ted thIaUlh .lay.ot J«.>,„, v._*.0. l-jm, ' Annual rieeting. Centre Hldlnu o Hrey at Ihi' v.': v i-arlieHt up' .M i.i.o eolm k r |.on;.iiitiattertliUnotir«^lmll appBHr In the I ForraonlvinH an.l ra«-.ii.K the iliieetor»' and Klaalurten A.lvanee D"W«i.a|. 1 for tiv.i ci.ns.o- 1 andiKirH' ropoilH fi.v past \«a: , tilootingomoeis Corset Covers 2 for Corset Covoi-s, fine cotton, assorted sizes Corset Covers, fine cotton, embroidery fnll Corset Covers, tine cotton, embroidery ueck aud sleeves (Jorsct Covers, fine cambiic.tiimmed embroidery.tuoked front Corset Covera, fine cambric, trimmed embroidery and wide insertion Caract Coveia, fine cambric, trimmed fine washing laco and insertion 26o. 20c. 25c. 86c. 50o. 506, loc ally |>r..iHiiig Van lloutvii, Wii{ili«, ^ec of HhneiM'. All p»rtle» l..ter««tod ara iiitmby land became a Tiiniiiberlandbe p'eparAd to tahu 1 oallud onto Ri'Vdrn tlm. .i«,dvii« In th<. iiialtar, part In the luectlnn. (tKO. MITCHKl.L. I'rcBldent B. UtITHVAN, l-» Vlo« I'realdBul AI.KX. MflH, 'ted VIee Vra*. H. J. ai'llOl'l.E. Saorntary * White Goods Special^ Our Special Cotton, 3(J inches wide, free from dressing, even and dose, finisheii soft for tlie needle. Special Fine Cainhric Embroidery and Insertion All new patterns. From 3 to Torchon Linen Lace -stands washing wellâ€" Lcice or Insertion. From 10 to White Victoria Lawn-31) inches wide- fine and oven in texture. Regular I'i.k. value for I,inen Damask Sideboard Scarfs. Special at Linen towels, fringed endsâ€" deep red border all lines -.size 27 x \'2. Per piiir He. 30c. 20 10c. 25c. 10c. ' i ' ^ ! . » i <* » T I I I » :â- â€¢â-  â- >• . i. . l« U. UKUWN, Trauafarke. , Dated al Flaaherton, J«iv>)|^' ^ iwa '*^»^^ '»»-» ^'yyi(i^Kyy:«f)tCK:»j»4l i i fc j

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