Jakuabv 22 1903 THE FLESH EK TON AD VANCE r §mnm (Em\$ M"OOLliOUOH A YOCJNQ W' llaiikeri.MarkrIale Do ft Reaeral baukiiiR btininxn** Money Icwned a reaaooablt) rate Cakl ou us. A 8 VANDUSEN. J 1' Clerk 5tli biv Court. Co Or»T «auer of Marriago IjIceDsea, CoDvoyaiicer Notary Public Auotloiiuor. Motioy to loau lluerceut. Cliarge* moderate. • *' FLiEBHEBTOM P O RJ 8PB0UI-R I'oJtioaBtiir, Klesherton , ommiasiouor in H.C. J., Auctioneer Con- voyanoor. AppralBor apil Money Lender Itaal BiitatH nurt Insiiriiuoo Agunt. Deode niorta«KO», leases an'l wills carefully drawn nil an') valuationB made ou sliortost notice, monuy to loan at lowest rates of intoroat Col aotloua attended to with promptneBB harsos low. AKont for Ocean Dominion taauiBliip Company. A call solioited. Jacietifisi AO U V meets oi. tlio last Monday in eaou month, in their lodge room. "ChriatooB blo-sk. Floeliorton. at B p.iu. -M.W., fiobort Host ; Kecorder.Mas. Folstead ; Unan- oier, Win. Bol.oray. ViBitinR brethren Invited. nuiNOB AUTHTK LODUE, No. :)33, A. I AM, meets in the Masonic hall. Strain • block. FloBh^rtou. otery Friday on or before the full mocQ. I' 11 W Hickhiig W M. Chas. Munshaw, Soc/etary. COUKT KLK8HBRT0N. I. O. P. meets in Christoo'B Block tho last Fridaj evening each month. Viiltlns ForeBters heartily tclcomo. C.R.. 0. W, Bellamy; K. c, W. noBkin ; Flu. Kec.,Dr E. Murroy. (Pay dues to Dr. Murray on or before last day 'Of each month.) _^ P^dicnt 0* ^^M C P * S Ont. PbysioUn, Soraeon, etc Ofllce and rosidencoâ€" Peter at., Fleshertou T^R K. T. Blbny,â€" Fbysician, Surgeon U ' etc. Fleshorton, Ont Office andResidenoo.CollinKwood street, one block oast PreBbytorian church. May be found there day and night. Coroner for County of <3rey. •snOTT AND SOFTLY **^°^ Members College Physic. * Burgeooo Ontario Graduate in Medicine of Toronto University, Fellowship P'&'P'"* 'P"'' 'J"'l°' ata odicil 8cbo<.laud HOBpital, Chicago, diseases of eyo, ear, nose and tliroat specially *""h"80FTI,Y, JOHN A. BCOTT, FeverBbam. axweii. JP I I'TEWKLti Veterinary Surgeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, residence - aacond door south west on Mary street. This street runs south Presbyterian Cliorob. GVV. M A D < tC ., I u Veteriuaiy tlurg;ion ond Dentist, Max- â- «»ell, graduate of Ontario Veterinary ColUBe. <?flllla'ted with Tor-mto University. Visits tuguu la WBdiiesdayfromll a. m. to 3 p. m., an Feyershaui Tihui««Uy from 2toS p.m. J. W. PROaT, I. li. M. Barrister, Solicitor Couvoyauoer, etc Offlooâ€" Ne.tt to poBtolUce, Kproulo'B block r:-:horton, every TburBds and, court day" N 'l)-Owon Sound oBloe, Frost" block Poulett street east. LUCAS, WBIGHT & McAKDLE Barristurs Solicitors Conveyancers, etc OfBcosâ€" Owun Sound, Ont and Markdalo Ont. W H Whioht, MoAliDLE I B Ldcab N Bâ€" FloBhorton oHlco, MitcheU'i Bank •vary Saturday. TUCKEU & PATTKKRON BaniatorB, Holicltors, ete Molaon'B Hank, Owen Bonnd toAKUY O TUUKEH OEO W PATTEBSON * 1| ACKAV&5AMPS0N .BftrrlsterB, BolicltoiB, iVl OI^'FICKH :â€" Owen Scnnd, Morohmt's IJaik lHock, N. ->f Piitturson House. Lnndalk ain Street, every Sktiirdoy. Money to loan at 4J per cent. A. O. MaCKaV.M A., H.E. SAMPSON, L.L.D Always in ottondance at Flfshoiton and Dundalk Ulvisioii Courts. aDcttti$ti'n DR. B C. MURRAY, Ii,D, 8, dentalsurgeon honor graduate of Toronto Unlvartity and Royal CollBgo of Dental Hnriieons of Ontario. Oni'in â€" Opposite ArinBtronn'B Jewellery Store. Will visit Fuverbham the last Wndnesday of each month, and Uuiidalk 1 and !l Thursday n each month. gjQBJgS'WiV *)« Photos â€"TAKEN â€"AT THE Flesherton Photograph Gallery nru done in firsl-clMS style and at l.tweal rates. Special attentiim Kivpii to copying. Bahiea' photos, a specialty. Pictures framed. MR BULHER iCnlniri!! }!r£rliiiVM}!iilrit FLESHERTON TONSORIAL PARLOR Doh't YOU WAWT YOUR HAIR OUT 7 if m>, you oaii K«t it iIomp in tns lutMt i)tyl«< Hnil in tliu quicko«t order. A1b.> Slmve, SIvniiiJO'sBlnije Eio dune in the uinst ap-todaii) any. eTkINO YOUK I-At7Nni?Y BEFOI?K TUESDAY A.WILSON : FLESHERTON Jf Eugenia Planing Mills Get your Sash, Doors Flooring, Sheeting, New- ell Posts, Ballusters, Cor- ner Block8,Han(l Itailing, the best of Spruce Lath, No 1 and No. 2 Shingles, Veranda and Fitting,Sid- ings, etc. Turning of all kinds done to order. New run of stones for chop- ping. Satisfaction in all our lines guaranteed. S Walker Sloan PROPRIETOR Thirty-five Yeiir's Aj:© and Now. Cbc Fksberfoti . , Emporium ? ? ? IS THE PLACE TO BUY YOUR HARNESS All kinds and yricea Whips and lashes f ruiiks and Valiccs, ccirnbs and brushes, Sweatpads and collar puds. Axle Grease, Hoof Ointment and Gall Cure, Bitti and Snai», Buggy Dusters and all stylos and pricBH. Rubber Hues. Woollen Ruga Harness Polish and Metal Polish and Everything In our line. m* moore = TKsberton iiNN[iii I mi MAXWELL Watch For fly Adv. Next week. W 'NTER TERH AT THK .AO/frff£JfA Owen Sound, Ont BEOINa JANUAIJY 3. 1003 Our courses in both Business and Shorthand deparlmenis are up-to-date, hor.iugh and complute. The d<'nmnd for younj; men as ofKoe •naiHlan'H is much greater thnn the supply. Circulars and full information free. Addreaa C, A.FLBMtNQ. PRIN, HimiNi; BROS' FOR Lumber, Lath, Shini^les, Flooring Wo have just placed in poaitioii a new jdHiier and ntatoher and are prepared to furniah building material in all the alx^ye line.1. Get our quotnt'inna when you want iiiythins. I fiickling Bros. 8ih O'-n., Artcnienaâ€" iVfaxwell P. O. July, '02 For The Adm%vce Ueauining my , subject I notice the Hchoolliouaea of tbo townahip, tho different Hurveya of the t<>wmhip,t4'gurher with the early sparsneM of the popnhition, caased schoolhoua^e to have been very irre^ularjy built, .but the gradual durel- o)M.'uent of the' tpvriiHfeip, slicnvud the necessity for Te-niir»nijc»neiit of seclionti. These cljangea huivo .bcvn in upmatHon more or legs, yt'ariby yettr to the present day*), and (hoy haoo iJot always been hc- (JiimplisKt^ without Accrinmny strife and cost. The ^irijjip^r^cfipjjlhvu^a.wii.'j a lisj fill buiUiirig.. ,]Jt was I'lpcupied by lec- turcirs and. preasl)S''a, and sitbod as priiii eval scuts' of learuing. Tlie'y (jradually oiiiiiiged, bojturer.froui' Jog to frsni.?, an<l from frame to bxidk, substaiitinlly built. Old Siiin Kirigf<tci'p used to say that "citm- parisons are odious"^ f do not know fhat KUch would apply ,lo:teacher8 ; it is true ibat our old teap]iero hiUi nut »i many branches to teacjh, and thefr modes Were not so jnUcli of a mushroum clwracter, but what they did do, w.is fairly well done and »naiiy' tx-imploa t•xi^t today of thisir fruit. Moticf ilie men of business, of tbo tir'st clivss in all the de parlnienta oFcunimi^ricalanduorernniental life, men i>f ability and sterlin/ character abound It is noticeable that ditx-us- sioiis are had upon the present excessive ciaiiiming systetn of subjects of no im- jportance for a practical life. At all eTCDte few townships are better eijuipped with Bood schoolboi'.ses, or supplietl with better teachers according to present re- gime, than Artenicsia. The dwellings of the inhabitants are no le!<H marked in contrast. In thuse days log houses were the rule ; at lonij dis- tances you peradventure would come acmss a frame house, but it WHS ihe ex ception. The loj- houses many of them were »ery cpsy, and even the sliaiities, with their f roughed trees for shingles, with open chimnleg and hu:<e lo.g, pro- tected nK«ny early settlers from tho wmter's blast As those structures have yielded to cliniatio influences they have been supplanted by frame and -brick dwellings, b<ilh conimodii-us and graceful in uppearunco. One might expect improvements in agricultural implements and CMUifortable vehicles for pleasitre. Tl.i:ty-five years ngii you would travel » long dis'aneo i>i find a family denjocrat, a cov.-red buggy, or .\ epicy cutter.'., Tben were the days for ox ti'ams A,,ppiin of lioi.seswa.s the exception; improyjsed sUds, with a very limited Huuply„<)f.,'>!'''g"ns. I haie beard at the Chicago .piinfpnriial, thero Wiis shown a , very pjimitivo , vehi.de ; the whe.el8 were mude .of linjs cut acros'i ; it attracted no 8mi\l{ noiico. Thirty-five years a^o the writer saw-a .similiar siruct- ure, owned by father Marshall, jxirent of â- lohnson Cullen, )yjx)ut its laut use wa.s ti lake lii.s son's tj;imk to the lailroad drawii by ivyoke oj[ oxen; necessity proved to be the mother (.1^ in\ention and it is pr. sinned it was ^ so in this esse. Then mowers and reajwrs were unknown, every store had a stock of cradles iind scythes, and these wore sold to harvest the hay and (^raiii. What sphere foi reflection is greater than the contrast in pleasurable vehicles and fanning implements. Then harvesting was prolonged for w.int of hands. Now machinery shortens the time of haivest and dispenses with labor so necesaary in times past ^Iii speak ina of Fle.sherton in particular. Heri' exists a contrast. It was alway^< Ciinsidered to be the firot and chief villayp of I be township, but the first post- office was at Iiiistogtf I think. Notwitli- stsuiling I he fact that Eutfenia and Price- villo were laid out by (Joverniiient sur- veyor's, for large towns or even c tics. Then Flesherton was comprised of 8 dwell- ings all told. VV. K. Fle.sher was the postniaHter. He owned the saw mill and soon afterwards a grist mill. Tho village hi.s irowii 1 1 its present size, with almost every residence at present occupied. It has been and is handicH{>ped by nu'side villages, Geyh>n and Eugenia; hut not- withatandinK it retains a considerable proporlioii of the trade of the township, many a sensible iiihab tant prefcrriuit to nupport his own village, for as the village increases in her population, so is there an increased market for farmer's pro- ducts. It may be safely challenuetl that an average, say of three years' trade, Flesherton shows as good, if not better, results tc the advaiitaua of the farmer, ihan any other village surrounding her. The township hall Iwing situated here, as well as the county agricultural buildings, with a nice stream of water, the Boyiie, runnini; through, very natuntlly (tivesher a prestige fur picturesquuness and large assemblies. The Boynt, I understand, is to be utilized to its fullost power for many purposes, and will no doubt be a factor to make it necessary for more lalnir. The village is now a police \illago and conne(|Ufliily has tho privilege of spending within thoir bounds the amount of tax on her property, she at ihMaame time having to (my proport ionately her share of the townhhip expenses, as by mutual arraiiga nient made. At present it is pleaaim; to note that no antagoniani exists between her and the township. An old maxim says, "It ia better to be out of the world tlitin out of the fashion." 8u that in fu- ture the street walker at iiiuht, the rowdy, tho thief, as well as church goer in i)uiei niion, are to lie enveloped in elao tic I'g'it. Thin dan {ir will be re- niovid from broken sidevalks, so often neglected, and niahlly promenades will multiply uader these improved ciroum- stances, but (he rxpe<tations are too nunipio IS to recoid, W.8.C. To be continued. THRILLING EXPERIENCE or M«tomMui W«M«n, in 4it« •mplojr of TORONTO STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. OfD NOT WANT TO OIVK UP WOIIK BUT WA« rOROKO TO DO •O-TBLLS HOW rON CIOMTKCN MONTHS HB HOVKRKD NCTWBBN IMfW, AND DKATH« TREATBD BY THB BBST PHYBIOIANA IN TORONTO AND HIB OA8B PRONOUNCBD BO BBRIOUB THAT HR WAB AOVIBBD, ABA LAST RBBORT, TO \}^W, THB DR. BLOOUM TNBATMBNT-IB NOW IN GOOD HRALTH AND BLBBBBB THB DAY HB HBARD OT THIB RUUtVBU.OUB RBMBDY. Mr. Alfred WaUen, 7 CornwaTI St, Toronto, who has been in the employ of the Street Railway Com- pany for a number of years a« motorman, informs us that he had an attack of la cippe, followed b^ typhoid fever* and after many weeks of tuffen'ne it resulted in a complication of tqroat and lung^ (roubics. During this illness be waa under the care of one of the best physicians in this city, who pronounced it a ^try sencHis case and advised him to stop work, which he was fiiTally compelled fo du. Mr. Walden hcara about the Dr. Slocnm Remedies aad commenced their use and after using them but for a few weeks be noticed a ^reat improvement. After using* this valuable freaCmenC for some littltf lime, the cotr^rh stopped, pain in left luntf ceased, appetite iraprovcd ana night sweats were checked; and in about three months he was able to go back to work, feeling as well as ever. When inter^ewed, Mr, Walden seemed to be in th« best of spirits and expressed himself in the mosC grateful terms* as he considers htnisclf completely cured and in the einoyment of good health. What the Dr. Slocum KemetSes have toss for Mr. Walden has also been accomplisbed in thowsancis of other hopeless cases, which testimonials we have on file. A New Discovery that Cures Consumption. The Dr. Slooum System PresenU a Posiiive Cure for Humanity's Creatett Foe. Pour Marvellous Prse Romadlas fbr All awffiBrers reading: this paper. NewOur* ftor Tuberculosis, Consumption, Weak Luns*. Catarrh, and a rundown syetent. Do yoo cough ? Do your lungs pain you? Is your throat sore and inflamed? Do you spit up pbleg^m? Does your head ache ? Is your appetite bad? Are your lungs delicate? Are you losing flesh ? Are you pale and thin? Do you lack stamina? These s}rmptonis arc proof that yos have in your body the seeds of (he most dangerous malady that has ever devastated the earth â€" consumption. You are invited to test what this system will do for you, if you are sick, by writing for a FREE TRIAL TREATMENT mnd the Four Free Preparations _wil! be forwarded you at once* with complete directions for vse. The Slocum System is a positive cure for Consumption, that most insidious disease, and for all_ Lune Troubles and Disorders* complaratcd by Loss of rlesh* Ccugbs« Catarrh* Asthmai Bronchitis ana. Heart Troubles. Simply write to the T. A. Slocum Chemical Company, Limited. 179 King Street West, ToroatCS giving- post omoe and express address, and the free medicine (the Slocum Cure) will be promptly sent. Persons in Canada seeing Slocum's fr«e offex ia American papers will please s«»d £or ismBfaa to Toronto. Mention this papcs* t VtT^ V^5* V.^5* v.^^c V^Tc V3?e D. McXAVIiSM iti[ mmm cifiniief Biiiii Fur Fust CIhss Uug<jio-<, Carts. Plenauie «nil Liiin' er W ajjouj, cutlers, Sloi'jhs. UV k(>.>]i n stuck on haiul t': clinoai- from. ALSO MORSE SHOEINQ AND GENERAL BLACKSMITHINO Hiicl i!Uiriirileo fii.st class wo^k. We koep im Imnd I'loiij^lis au'I Pliiugh repairs, and l^l^o Massi-y- Hariis and Ni.xou lâ- ^•^)Hirs for liimlerji, Mmvers, All kimls of 1U4' hiiioiy, aUo BinJ»r Twini' nn liand. « mi)eti in town give US a call « ^ . . FOR FIRST CLASS CARRIAGES AND PLOUGHS -t;o TO- % Heard^s Works, Flesherton ^ We have Cutters, Sleighs,Bxiggies, Waggons and Carts ^ FJeury, Dyment Butterfield and Wilkinson ploughs Share's and repairs of the best quality. Spring tooth aud Iron harrows. Also first class handmade harness. _. f^orsc Sboeina and General Blacksmitbing. ^ $$$$$$ JHERE»8 MONEY IN IT. If )wi lit sot kilere It write to n W« Ny |o«d wages t* Ktire .CHJSE BROTHERS COMPir Nurserymen. Celbome, Oat btahlltlMd ISST. V V V w W w iD 2: To.rr^^a/•orl^l Boar for Service. Alvin ( No. 738 ) Th« unilersignod him k thoroushbred ' Tamwirtli. B<i»r bred by Johrj Bell, of .Aiiibfr, Ont., fnr service on I't 170 con. 2 E. T. A S. R. Turma tl.OO. Sep.lyr. Itichard .\llen, Fletherio.i, Thorougltbrcd Durham Bull for Service Cord minto* 2906S. i'ha undersiRned htt » fine •eed Uiirhaiu Hall (or urvicH oii lot 141, T. A 8. K. Torip*â€" •! ror «r«de eowf. *H for thorooah- bred. Vt-digreo on applientl.-u. JACOB UIVEB P|««)i»rton r.O. *. i