irM SUri'OSED LAKOKST nUSI'5. In u. forest in'iir tho (Jononil (irant lation*! Purk lli Vuiit'nniB. lias rc- onlly boon found whiit is beliovwi o be the world's lurK«'st tree. At (lie foot'-iibovc the Krojuul Ha cir- minJorcnco .'is 1.08 feel. ..UfigB«ir.â€" "Sir, I aju. starving." JroesuH â€" "Here, tultc' tliis penny, md lull mo liow you beoiime so niis- !rul>ly poor." llejiniir â€" "Ah, sir, ! wiiA litce you. 1 was too fond of fivinK awiiy liu-^e sums of money to .he poor." ".Madame, are you a woman suf- .'ranist ?" "No, sir j I haven't time to bi'." "Haven't time ? Well, if «ow had tlu' privilege of voting, iriiom would you support '.'" lanie miin 1 have supported ui~t ton years â€" my husband. Common soaps destroy the clothes and render the hands liable to eczema. SONUGHT R.SOUCES Aik for Uie Octasea Bo' *" "The for the JndiKWtion, coTipcesti-tt liver, im- luro blood, constipation, these are That afllict thousands of poople who j my sight was giving way. I had TOOTHACHE AND SIGHT. Dentist Says Bad Teeth Are tho Cause of Bad Eyesight. .Some years ago, writes a. corres- pondont, 1 was n martyr to tooth- ache, and curiously enough I Liegan to feel tliat at the same time that lo not know what is tho matter rilh them. They drag along a inifv- rablc existence; they apply to the ocal doctors occusionally, ami onielimcs obtain a little tompoi'nry lelief, but the old, tiri-d, worn-out, ill-gone, dislrest^irtl feeling always onics back again worse than ever, ntil in time they Ix^ciHne tired of iving, won<ier why they were ever >orr., and why (hey arc alive o endure constant sulTcring. To luch sufferers lliore is a haven of prugo in Ilr. August Koenig's ITnm- airg l)roi>s. wiiHcli was discovered nore than (U) years ago, and which 9 a wonderful medicine. One trial fill ctmvincc the most skeptical JiHt any or all of the.'* dillicullics nay be removed, and a perfect cure iffected. by taking I'r. August Koe- lig's llamTjurp Drops. t!et a bot- Jo at once, tjeforo it is too late. NKVKH DI:M0X.STRATK1). said the youth who two can live as cheaii- "Of course fas in love, y as one." "Perhapn," 'but I never re|)lied his wise father, knew them to do it." know MI.VARr)'.S cure IMphthcria JOHN I). French Village. I rill LINiaiKNT DOUTILLIER. I know MlNAIin'.S LINIMENT 111! cure Croup. .1. F. CUNNINGHAM. Cai>e Island. I know MINAUD'S LINIMF.NT ho Irest remedy on c:u-th. JOSFIUI A. SNOW. ..Norway, Mo. a good deal of reading to do, so X did not connect tho two things in my own mind. On going to a dent- ist, liowever, I hal)pened to tell him about my failing sight, a'ld he at once informed me that, in his opin- ion, bad teeth were the cause of bad eyesight, and that this was a fact very little known. i took the dentist's liint and my experience lias been that since my tooth have been put thoroughly in order my sight has become stronger and better than it has ever been be- fore. On making inipiiries into this subject, I lind tliat many cases are on record of failing eyesight being cavi.sed by defective teeth exciting disturbances of the ocular nei-Tres. .Such a case Was reported some time ago of a girl, aged fifteen years, who suffered from failing vis- ion, and became, according to her own account, blind in a week; her F)upiis were dilated and insensible. .She had two decayed tettli taken out. and "her vision returned to her when walking away from the hos- pital." A week previous to this miraculous cure the blind girl had been examin- ed by a weU-known oculist, who af- ter some peiSTiasion marie her read with either eye, and designated tho case as "hysteiical amblyopia." The recorder of the case considers it a case of "rellcx blindness" associated with the presence of the decayed teeth. presumably because carious teeth were noted. Tho Lancet cites another case of a woman, aged forty-iiw yours. who complained of impaired vision in the right eye and a puinfiil upper bicus- pid. 'Hie oflencling tooth was re- moved and tho sight was iiomediato- ly restored. "Whenever my wife tUows a dis- lo.sition to nag me," he said, in ex- | ilaining hi.s system, "l .simpdy I-ut iji my coat and go to an hotel for ihe night." "Your bills must le. something enonuows," returned ,ho iiitimuto friend of the fajuily. A STIlONa INDUOFAIKNT. Pater â€" "Has my daughter ever of- fered you any encouragemjent T' Suitor â€" "Oh, yes, sir ! .She said if I married her she'd get you to pay the rent." HIS SUGGESTION. Sheâ€" "I wish Blank could hear of that." lieâ€" "Then you'd better tell it to Boniebody in strict confidence." "How are you getting along with your new servant-girl ?" usked the caller. "Our new servant-girl ?" re- plied the hostess, with some indig- nation in her voice. "Why, she has been with us for four days I" Troud Pop (to old bachelor friend) â€" "I tell you, Dawson, there's no baby like my baby." Dawson â€" "I'm glad you've w(^e up to that fact. I knew mighty well there nev- er was a baby like the one you de- scribed." -4 . â€" , SAVED FEOM THE mW. WHAT T. C. MARSH SAYS DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS DID FOE HIM. Story of a Nova Scotia Man Who Had Ahnost Given Up Hope ot Ever Being- Vvell Again. Central Economy, N.S., Jan. 12. â€" (Special). â€" "I feel as if Dodd's Kid- ney Pills had saved me from tho grave," is the way T. C. Marsh, of this place, talks of those wonderful exterminators of the pains and aches arising from Diseased Kidneys. And Mr. Marsh. should know whereof he speaks. Ho was under the doctor's care for Kidney Complaint for some time, and, despite their etTorts, con- tinued to grow worse. He was al- most in despair when a friend ad- vised him to use Dodd's Kidney Pills. In such a severe case the progress towards recovery was turally slow, but he persevered, now he feels justilied in using strong words quoted above. Marsh thus describes his : "I was under the doctor's care, but didnt seem to get any better, only worse. I was advised by a friend to use Dodd's Kidney Pills. After I had used them for a time I began to feci a diderence. and I never stopped till I had used 22 boxes. I suppose I still have to use something as long as I live, but I feel as if Dodd's Kidney Pills had saved me from the grave. "I have recommended Dodd's Kid- i-.ey Pills to everyone because of what they have done for me." na- and the Mr. Every hour comes with some little fagot of fiod's will fastened upon its back. â€" Fabcr. .SOUTH VIA ^^ASHlNriTON. I'hiludelphiu, Atlantic City, Haltl- liorc, Washington, Old Point Com- ;ort, and the .South via Lehigh Val- cy Railroad and its connections, h'our fast express trains daily for R'ashington, Asheville, .Southern Pine::. Churterton, Savaniih, Jack" lonville, .St. Augustine, Palm Heath, fampa. Minmi, Nassau, Cuba and all Florida and winter resorts south. Excursion tickets, now on sale. For full particulars, illustrated llleratero, maps, etc,, call on or address Hobt. K. lewis, Canadian Pns.'icniier Agent.. 133 Yongb street, Toronto, Ont. C â€" "'ITiought you were going to ' marry Miss K." G. â€" "Going to iw.s/k her to-night. My cliawnces are nbout even." C. â€" "How .so, deah boy?" (.. â€" "She niiLst say cither 'yes' or 'no.' " THE WABASH RAiLRO.^D la tho gi'cat winter tourist route to the south and west, ,ncluriiug the famoua Hot .SiirinRs, Ar^., Old Mexico, the I'lgypt of America, Texas ind California, tho lands of sun- ihine and llowers. Your particular Kttontion is called to the fact that passi^nsers guii g via Detr.dt and ovej- the Wabash, reiuh their des- tination hours in advance of other lines. The new and elegant trains on tho Wabash aro the linesi in this lountry, everything la tlrst class in •very respect. All round liip wintrr tourist tickets are now on salu at lowest rates. Time tables, maps, end all inforn-.a- lion aboat this wonderful railroad cheerfully furni.shed by any ticket tgent, or J. A. Uichardson. lUslrirt Passenger agent, northeast corner King &> Vongo streets, Torotito, and Bt. Thomas, Ont, As every thread of gold is valuable so is every minute of time. From a false point of view even truth itself will always seem false. AN ADMIRASLI FOOD FOR MAINTAIHIKC ROBUST HEALTH COA IN COLO CLIMATES. There Is more Catarrh In this section of the country than nil other put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incuraLile. Kor a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing lo cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional dtsea.'re an<l Ihcrc- lorc re(iuires constitutional treatment. Hall's t'atarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo. Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on tho mar- ket. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to n teaspoonful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous sur- faces of tho system.. They oUer one hun- dred dollars for any case it fails '.a sure. Bend for circulars and testimoni- als. Address, F. J.CHENKY & CO.. Toledo, O. Sold by iiruggista, 75c. Hall's "Fo.uiily Tills are tho best. Ennui is one of our greatest ene- mies; remunerative, labor our moat lasting friend. â€" Moser. »«!»â- Mrs. Everdiange â€" "How f<'ng were you in your place'.'" A))- plicaiit â€" "Oi was there just wan month, ina'nm." "What was the trouble?" "The troulilo wius, ma'am, that Oi was took ill an' Oi couldn't get away amiy sooner." SOMETIIINO 'i'O TVEWEMBEU. When travcimg yciu should bear in mind the road and tho trains that will taku you to your destination in the fttsitest time, and in the most comfortable manner. The tJrand Trunk .service excels in both par- ticulars and pns.scngcrs from I'o- ronto to Montreal, BuMulo, New York, Detroit and Chicago, will find tho day tiains eciuipped with wide vcslibuled coaches, handsome Cafe Parlor and Dining Cars serving; meals "a la carte." '1 ho night trains carry I'uUnian sleeping cars lo all above points. You can leave Toronto for Montreal and east at 9 n. m. and 10 p. m. for UulTalo and Now York at i' a. m., 4. .50 ami 0.1.') p. m. and to IVtroit and I'hicago at T.85 a. m., 4. ,50 p. m. nnd 11.20 p, Ba. Tickets, reservations, etc., at olty ofllce, northwest corner King •ind Yonge streets. ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT renioves »ll hard, soft or calloused Lunip-i nnd Blenii'<lies from horses. Blood Spavin, Curb.H, Splints, Ring Bone, .Sweeny, Stifles. ppr»in». Sore and Swollen Throat, Couglis. etc. SsvB f50 by use of one bottle. ^V«râ- ranted the most wonderful lUeniish Cure ever kuowu. Sold by all drujigists, Thanks, dear Mra. Gruuiiy, for your advic* about 40o. CEYLOKTTEA. I have tried it cious. My husband now says look forward to. and that must say it is mc-.t deli- breakfast is something to Alfre<l (rapturously) â€" "Now. dar- ling, please nsune the happy day?" Minnie ('blushing) â€" "Three weeks from next Thui-sday, Alfred." Norah (through the key-hole) â€" "If you please, miss, that's my reg'lar day out. You'll have to git married in the early part of the week." For Or »l-TtT Te«r«. At Oto AND Well Tai»D Rihibt. â€" Mri ''iiulowi-oothinrSjriipliM bean u.ieil for oier lili; e»r»bjml.,i'>n« ,it mulhers for thfiir children whi » â€" th nf. with pfrfeot lunce n. H louthai Che ehil.l itleiin the furn^. ailnyiall pain, curfl wind colic. And > the bait remedr l»r Disrrhiea Is plea tnt to the Mio. Colli by d'iig(i u in eTery p»rt of the wor J. Tweaty-tlTecenta a botrte. Ita raluo la i. caleulabl*. :o aure and ask for Mrs. Wioaiow's SooUlmc 8yniD. ind take no other kind. A â€" "Did your watch stop you dropipod it on the floor?" "0£ coiurse it did. Did you it wouid go through?" when B â€" think When washing greasy disiiies or pots and pans, lever's Pry Soap (a powder) will remove the grease with tlie gretxtest easo. He that hath no real tsteein for any of the virtues, can b'vst iissumo the appearance of them all. â€" Colton. Minafd's Liniiiieot Cures Colrfs, etc. Tho man that makes a charactef makes foes. â€" Young. niflQfii's Li!iii!i8iii cures eoreiii in mi OBSALE-OVKR400FARM8IN VrE3r- ern Ontario, '"Fbe Garaen of Can.dA." d for oar li«t. The We^tera Real EstatJ Kxchaofie, Limited. LondoD, Ont SMITH & OAMCRONi col. 0. tori of Pattinti ' CanauM L fe Bui.dci To <,nlo. I Write tjt free advioe PATENTS Ladies' and Njen's Furs KTerrthlngin Furs at lowent prices. 3rad for CacalOK. RAW FURSâ€" Wo pay hit{)ie't priceH. Send for price list. 0. H. BASTE'30 & CO., 77 KInx 2t. ICit, Tororta^ .Victoria Protectore 1 he ooly Ksg' oio Napkin .Supportt r made. No ch;Lll-;C( LO soiled liat^D, no trouble. A plc&sure lo . ear it, Eudor^ Bed by -hoiKaudso' al'e,. nn'l ph sician* AGENTS WANf' KO. Sample and t^ rm â- , «I t4{ $7.00 DO'- dez.-n. ( » a.os ol other Hgrnt r rto da fre v a W. CANFIKI DUO. Bo« :U4, Copt 1^ London, Ont. A human being is not. in any pro- per sense, a hiunan being till he is educated. â€" H. Mann. A TOWN OP ALIASES. Thero is a town in Russia known by the several unpronouncarjle names of Iscliigii, Schtscliigri and Tschigri. tHaixl enough to remember how to apell any one of them). A jury returned a verdict there not many months since after a axnny months .')ince> after a mcst thorough and o.xhaustive trial and investigation. Implicated in the alTair were some of the most prominent business houses in the world, and a vast numter of other persons were more or interested in the verdict to Siiy nothing of the anxiety of the principals. The jury was comprised of three members of tJie Provincial Council, three estate owners, a delegate of the Russian tJovcinment and three district agricultural insjiectors. After spending a day and a half on the case, the jury found the Mas- s«y-Harris Binder worthy of the highest award in competition with other machines, and bestowed on it tho Minister of Agriculture:s Gold Medal. They based their decision on the facts that the Massey-Hariis Binder po.'^sessed "Higher and better road wheel than cither of the other linns, a most satisfactory reel without chain-gearing; a floating upper ele- vator; main road wheel sulistnntially hung and supiiortcKl." They added that tho machine gave the impression of .solid, substantial construction. The veixlict has since received uni- versal endorsation. Dominion Line Steamshlpi Montreal to IjT«r»ooL Boetoii to LiTor- pool. Portland to U»oipo»L ViaQuetna- targe and Kaat Steamahipa. Superior eccoinn.odatin* . lor aU clMMa of pasangera. SaIooub and gtiior..«m« ar? anii.1«hipa. Special attaiiUon ha< b«.:B «l«co to iM sS:ond8aloon and thlrd-Cl»«8 acoommudation. itt rateaofpaa^agoand all particulara, appiy to any a«aiil ofihoOoni»Miy.or D. Torranon tCo.. Montreal aui Tortlantf To send for otir Com* plete 'Jhee; MasU Catalogues and Special Rates. We are eauipped to supply every Muaie 'Teache.- in Canada. WKALEY, ROYGE 8 CO,. Limited 158 Yonge Street. TORONTO, ONT. Rickaida, MlUa t Co, IJHUWSb Boitaa. MUSIC Teachers WANTED 356 Main Street, WINNIPEG. MAN. Gents' Suits Gleaned or Dyed ; also Ladies' Wear of all kinds, and llouHe Hansia«> of every deburiytiou. aOLD .MEUALIST DYfiRS. â- BITISH AMERICAN DYHINQ CO'T, Monueal, Toronto, Ottawa k Quebao, "Kthel," said Mrs. Subbulis .'-tern- ly, "itfter that young man had said 'gooKl-nifitt' to you at the door jveniuff 1 heard .several sounds like kiSKCs!" "Ves?" tvplicd the girl, ilcmtircly. "Oh! 1 know! What you heard was tho noise ho made pulling jtleorpo. bi<) foot out of tho mud ua he walked j "They <linna ^ae nacthing, sir A Scotch merfthitnt was a candi- date for municipal honors. One day ho oncointered his nic-sago Ind. and aakotl him if he. hail been telling the customers as he went round that his employer was a candidate for the Town Council. "Yes, sir," replied "And what do they s*\y'}" rh«y lown the path. 'jist hiugh.' iroTB CLOSE â- â- â- •â- AT BOTTOM Pa^o Acme Poultx^ Netting A biril cannot fir through as (mall a hole an It Mui crawl thronch, to Pane Poultry Natting It nada wltfc small neahai at bottotu and larca at to>. No. 13 RatiM . V " t Pa â- wiro too and botlont ^lea- tn«y'r« beaL -BO tig. Get Paga (enc«a and Tb« tf Wlr* Faaes Oa. Uadtsd. ITalknTlU*, Ont MontrMJ, P.Q., tad Bt. Jobn, N.& 8 No man was ever so completely skilled in the conduct of life, as not to receive new information from age and experience. â€" Terence. Minard's Linlmsot [mi Mtmu rAWNBIlOKINU INCI"DKNT. Some pathetic facts stand out in the report of the work of the French Monte lie Piete. It is sad to read that the average numlier of wedding rings pawned annually is (50,000, but the siuhkst story is that of the oldest pledge left In the charge of the oflice. It dates from 186'.), and consists of a suit of clothes of a man who was kille<l in the war of 1!S70, For twenty-three years his widow paid the interest, but could never save the five francs which was all that hiid been advanced on the s<!curity. At the end of that time the clothes were returned to her â€" not from reasons of ixity or senti- ment, liut hecaiiKO the moths had got Into them and they were valueless. AN INCH OF HAILWAY. ... Kvery inch o( railway lino in Fn.ic- land may be said to have cost 83. every mile SH)5,000, and it is inter- esting to remojiihcr that Knglissli railways arc three times as costly as those of America. Minaid's llniinent Cuies Oiphtheda, Tho fidlowing nolire appeared in tho newspapers after tho disffolulion of partnership in a certain firm; "From this day forth there's no stioh firm as IMnks and Winks. Those that owe tho firm may call on me as soon as they art*, rotttly. and those that tho firm owes had better cull on Witvks n» quick as ll>ev civn .â€" Signed, J. Uink»." HkiW© YOU been It? VÂ¥9iat7 "If I were so unlucJ<y," said an ollicer, "as to have a stupid son, I would certainly, by all means, make him a i>arson." A clergyman, who was in the company, calmly i-eplied: "You think dilTerently, sir, from your father!" Ler'B lricele»»Kecip,« 30f SerretJ fcr »fce Horoj, F tmand cvey rlcpactment of hiraan .adea-or. 361 ,.n,,.«. Sella 25 Cf nil Mouey refu iv od .1 o k i« i 0» worth it. A EOod«ide lino t.,r canva •aii,-Wa.l»m BriBI», Pu '.liiillcr, Torouto. ^ POULTRY... Turkeys, Geese, Dj3'43, iiici ens. If you. want best prices ship yout poultry to us. We want large ciuanti* ty to meet aeiuaud we ha\o for it, p/%^>Q Wa aan get you S,ls t^l^IW Prices for Thoin. Thi Dawson C'lmmlssion Cs^ â- â- â- '«"•* TORONTO, Cjuicnmeata and CmrespoaJoa.e solicitod. ENGINE PACK CYLINDER, ENGINE, DYNAMO, MACHINE AND WILLIAM C. WILSON & CO. Tonoasrio. JUST LIKE BUYING RHEUMATISM. We put the bills in your pocket and taka away the malady. Isn't that just lika buying' it ? There's the bunch of money you'll pay out to get rid of the rheumatism if yoa buy prescriptions with it. It's a cure you want, not prescriptions, SOUTH AMERICAN RHEUMATIC CURE pidl the rheumatism out by Ihe roots. No more doctoring, no more medicine, money saved ; health saved, lil'e saved. CURES IN I TO 3 DAYS. Mrs. E. Etsser. a trained nurse, of H.difax, H»ing al92 fornwallisSt., writes : "I have been â- sufferer for six ycais from rheumatism. Many doctors treated me, but relief «,>s only tempor- ary. I tried South American Kheumatic Cure, and after four days' use of the remedy, was eu- lirely free from the disease," 8CUTH AMERICAN KIDNEY CURE rich in healing powers, relieves tiUddcr and k!*. ney iroublei in six hours, and in ihc worst cases «lll specdiljf restore perfect healtik 2 SVIust Have a innings Do not postpone the opening of a savings account sitiiply because of the smallness of your first deposit. All things must have their beginning. The big things of to-day- were the little things of yes- terday. Remember, we receive de- posits as small as a dollar. Vou can deposit by mail. Canada permancni *•*» WESTERN CANADA Mortgage Corporation Toronto ^*r'*^ ' â-¼-->--> A 4-U3