January 8 1903 THE FLESHERTOK ADVANCE ^na'wxt^fi €m\fi lUfCULLOUOH & YOUNO <U lliiikers, Mmkdala Jo « iC'ioi'^l baiikinif busiiioss. Moiioy loaned a roasoaaOle rate Uull on ua. AS VANDUSI'.N.J I' Cleili 5tli l)iv Comt, Co Grey «8uor of Mairlaga LioBUsos, Conveyftiicor Notary Public Auctloiieoi. Moiioy to loan 44 pur coot. Chars... 7j^\«;i»*- ^^OS I' Rj si-uouLr; roatmastji, Ploshorton vOiuinlHsionor in H. C. J., Auotioiioor voymio.r.', Appraiser ami Money Koal I'Nt^to Con Ijeufler luanraiico ABe'iit. Uihm1« riori,-u«u=. .-,•â- -.. -Ill Willi oortfully drawn ni. au'l valuations made on sliortosi. notice money to loan at lowest rates oj liiteroBt. loi eMont iittoudol to with vroniptneBB haraoH low. Aunnt for Oooaii Domimou tAamHliip Company- A call solicitctl. ."S'acicticjJ An U \V moots ci. the last Monday in oacn mouth, in th.^ir lo.iRo rooin. ChrUtoo's block. Flosliorton. at Hp.iii M.W., Kobert Best : Recorder, '.JaR. KeMimd ; ''U'*"- Clor, Win. Hoi, amy. Visitloi: brethren Invited, PluNCM .MlTHTi: l.,OD(iE, No. :':-',./â- . , A ?,I. incntB ill tlio Musoiiic hall. Strain « block. 1'losln.rton the full uiocn. Munahaw. S'!t.<-otiiry ovorv Friday ou or bcfora H W Hioklica W M. Cliaa. COUUf l.-l,KKHRRTON, I, O. F Clinstnu's lllock tho laBt Kridaj ovoiiins ea,;h month, velconio. C nieetn in ovoiiin Visiting Forostera^beartily Eugenia Planing Mills Get your Sash, Doors Flooring, Sheeting, New- ell l*o.sts, JialhKster.s, Cor- ner lM()ek.s,Iian<l ifailing, tile be.st of Spruce Lath, No 1 and No, 2 Shingles, Veranda and Fitting,Sid- ings, etc. Turning of all kinds done to order. New run of .stones for chop- Sati,sfnction in all our lines guaranteed. Walker Sloan PROPRIETOR c. \V, IkOlaniy ; R Buskin ; Piii.V-oc.Dr K. Murray^ '(i'ay duos to Dr.' Murray on or before last day of each month. 1 P WciUca) _ „ „ » Out, Pliyticii . Offlue and rosldonco-Petor at., Flesborton 1/ ' M C P & S Out, Pliyticion, aurfioon, etc "r>l<: !â- ". '!'â- nibl'>y.-l'hyBician. Snrgoou JU etc. l''lesh*rloii. Ont Omco anil llunidenco. ColliiiRWOod strcot. one block oust Prcshvlorian church. Mav ho found there day ond night. """â- "'â- •• < Oroy. Coroner for County of SCOTT, AND SOFTLY Mninbors Colloi,'« Physic Ontario Gra.luatu in Mi^dicnjo ic BurcBOnn f)f ToT-oiito University. Fellowship P'l'l"'""r ,â- ' °'^Vb ,*aLo at) oHcal School and Hospital, thuago^ diseases of oyo, oar, noao and throat epeciaUj treated. 11. S 0!''T1,Y, Fevers hain . JOri-N X. SCOTT, axwell. OoUese, t P I TTEWBLL V Veterinary SorReon Graduate of Ontario Votorinary resido'ico â€" sacoiid door eolith west on Mary street. This slroot runs south Preshyleriau Ohnrch. U v.aoriiraiy .-^'UK^ioiiand Dentist. Max- K(,ll, Riaduiico of Ontario Voterinary '^%\\''i~'>' C'lllha-teil with Tor.jiito UniviTBity. Visits Kii-'cn la VVednusdayfrouill am. to 3 p. m., an Foversliaiu Thursday from 2 to 5 p.m. rnal <:<11 â- J. W. FKO.ST, I.. L. II. »«rri9tor. Solicitor I'onvoyaucer. cto -N'oxt to pontoilice, Hproulo'o block ).".-:i irtoii, ovory Tluiiftlo and, 0!>ui t iiaj» n'u -Owen Hound ollico, Fmst' block Pduleti Btroot oast. ^ T UC.V8, vaiionT * mcakdlh L liarriaters Holicitora Conveyancers, etc O llco'tâ€" Dweu Sound, Out and MiirUdaln Out. W H VViii'Jiir, .MlVbuli: 1 li Lucas N 11 -(â- â- liii;herton ollico, Mitciiell's Honk every Saturday. TU-';KKU * PATTr,KSf>N llarristors, Soll'ltors, cto Molaon's llnnk, Ov.cn Sonnd i..vii:;v (I TuuiiHU Giio w patti;i'-,son M' rACJCAV*. SAMPSON ,narrl8tcrB, Rolicitors, OI-'KIOl'.S : -Dwell Sr und, Jlfrcliai.t's llii'ik Uloik, N. -if I'att.ir^on House, Uuiidulk all! Sticet, every Saturdny. Money to loi-n at 44 percent. A. (1. M.Al!K\Y,M.A., H.B â- <AMl>.HON,T,.r.D Ahvavs in iittendanoe nt Flcherton ami Dnndalli DlviMinn Court.'. l^cutictvij D i<. C C. MURRAY, I., 11, H. dental BurRcon li.iior t'riiiluato of rt>roMlo I'lilvorsity aii'i lleval Collni.'.' of Dental S,ir«cc>iis of Ontario. Olllco-Opposite Arnis'ronu's .(ewcllory Store. Will vinlt Maxwell the last Wminosday of each iiiontl., and Uuiidalk 1 and a Thursday 11 each nioiith. puig TaiTiworth IBoar for tScrvicc. Alvin ( No. 728 ) Tlie umlerHigiied Im.s « thorout.'hbre(l T.im Worth. 15ii;u- bred by .Toliil Bell, of AniluT, Ont., for service on lot 170 0011. 2 E. T. &. S. R. Toim.s SI. 00. Sop.IjT. Uichiird Allen,' Klesheito.i, Some Lessons From the Winter Fair Ontario CS>c Flesberton ♦ ♦ Rarness . ♦ €mi$oriuni ? ? ? IS ThE PLACE TO BUY YOUR HARNESS All kinds and priooii Whips and liislie.s friiiikH and Vnlice.'f, combs and brushes, Sweatpads and cidlar pads, Axlo Grease, Hoof Ointment anci Gull Cure, IJitts and Snaps, But'fjy Dusters and all stylos and prices. Rubber Ruu.s. Woollen Rugs Harnea.s Polish and Metal Polish and Everything- in our line. MAXWELL AMio Sii;,Mr has lulvauccd we still Cdii- tiiuio to scdl the l.e.st (.'raiuibited Sugar al 22 pounds for $i,oo Other 8u;;urs nt low prices. \Vrf hivj addid to our lina and .Shoes of l!.j r'r.nnjtitrmnrinrvnnnrtnnjv-jinn.anx fli -idm^ <A\r Photos â€"TAKEN ' . â€"AT THE I Flesberton I Photograph |i Gallery Jjj ary done in firal-dnsa «!yie nnd al l.nvest ralei S.|ici:in.l niteiition uiVKii til uopyinsj. Ilabiua' pbotUH. a <i|iuot4)ty. Picturus finnmd. , MR BULHER vnlnJuCn/iImuuui/iInl/liilr uuiruijxiirii MK^^^nnI^ruy}lynIywly^nQnnJV\lyyM^ ROBINSOX A.ND LINDSAY RUBUER UO.'.s KANTKUACK UUIJBEn AND OVKl{SH()E.S, wiiicli yon can'l s:irp.iss in any town in Ontario fur ipmlity nii;l price, for we .siOl a*: snob i lu.v ni:iii,'io Ihal it is a wonder lo the liade. Mttderweas*, Pants, from 60 ccssts to $3.50. Tho.so are H few lhin^;^• that you can fet i. i^liPiii I SOI Thoroii};libred Durham Bull for Service C^rd lillinto, 2906S. Artemesia's Annual Statement s FLOSHERTON TONSOKIAL PARLOR Don't tou wakt voub haiii cut 1 If <*i>, yiu cnn k**! it dnnn in tn* latent Hfcyle Hnd in the i|Uicku»t nrdor. AIm Shave, Sliam|ii>'>,Sin^e Eio ilono ill tlio iiiiiHt up-to-diitn • «y. IlKINO YOUK L.At3Nni?Y V BEPOKR rUBAHAV ih XWILSON : FLKMBRTON I The iinderslKned has a fine aijod Unrliam ItiiU fur service on lol Ml, T. A S. H. TmiTisâ€" »1 fiM'iirado cows, »;| for thoronoh- hreils Pi.dli;rceon applieati >n ,IV01l LKVKU Fleshrrton P.O, WI NTER TE RH At- Till Q^:mm. Owen Sound, Ont UKOINB JANUARY a, 1 003 Our courses in both BuHinoMd nnd Sliorthitiid di'pHrlnienia nru up to dale, Ini r.>tl({li And oiiinplolu. Tho di-tnanil for yoiinK men «'< ofHce jtuHiMlanliiia much (;ro«tvr tli^ti tlinaupply, CircuUra find full iitformntion fr«e. AdJreK.s C, AFLBMINQ. PRIN Tlie recent Ontaiio Provincial Fair at Gueljih deiiioustralt-d once more that an educational bIiow, ,vith(iut any of thi< fio- ealled "attractions," can bo made an un- ipialilied .luceess. The attendance was iiiucb X''«'>'ef lliHM ever before and al though the vast building had been con- siderably enlarged during the suiiiiner the accoiimiodiitH>:i was again found to be iiiadef|uate. Hundreds of farmers' wives and ilaughteiH v.ero pieatnt hiuI to.ik as keen an iiitorost in the exhil)its,i'Hpecially the poultry, as did their busbands and brothers. The practical lectures were again the most attractive part of the show, and as before the wisdom of this featuro was demoiistratod beyond all doubt. Tho lecture room was all t:<) small to ac- coniniodate the crowds who wished lo hear tho addre.sses and it will evidi-ntly bo found necessary to again enlarge llu seatin.' c.ipiicity of this room, if the high est po.ssibiliiie.s of the shovi' iks an educa- tional medium are to lia achieved. Indeed the good city of Ouelph was so crovvded with vi.sitors that it would seem as if the limit had already been reached and that it v/uuld bi' wise to ptart additional shows in other parts of the province, t.> moot the wants of those who cannot conveniently reach Guelph.and to realize the congested state of affairs in tin Royal City. The Maritime Winter Fair at Amherst. N. S , and the big spring show and .sale at Cal- gary, Aha., are doing good work aloiiy educational lines, and other simihar shows will be started in Ottawa in February next It requires no pioplietic gift to foretell llie establishnniil of groat educat- ional shows for trie benelit of each and every province in the Uominion within the iie.\t (WO or three years. The con- vention al Guelpli was a luagniticiit us- seinblage of the leaders iu agricultural thought, gathered from all seeti<uis from the Vtlantic to ihe Pacihc, and from the United Stares and (ireat Britain as well. If, as Andrew Ellutt of Gait, remarked, Canada were suddenly depiived of 'he services of all her agricultural leaders who were piesent atihe show, a blow would be struck ,it our piospcrity, from which it would not recover in ten years. "In this Dominion," said the Hon. S. Kisber, in one of his addresses. "Agric- ultural interests are paramount ; they supply the greater bulk of our exports. It is the payment for these exports with w Inch «c pay our bdls all over the world. It is agiicultuial production, which sup- jilies the great bulk of the things which our uuicantllo agencies handle, and by which our people have to luake their liv- ing Al long as this is ilio cane it is well that our people should be mnerous and wise til their e\pendiiute in the intiTests of tliis groat country. I am disposed to uigi' our tanuers to produce more and more, because our experience in the last year or two has been that the ouiy limit to I ur sales has been our own capaciiy for production, and the more rapidly and ihe more larnestly we can inereaso that capaeily,llu- greater will be ihe prosperity not only of agriculiiu'e hut of our wlioK^ Doininiiiii Some good advice from a disinterested srundpuini was L;iveii liy Mr. Arch. M ic- Neila^u ol Gbogow lu a talk on Canadian live stock products exportevl to Great Bt iiani and how to improve that trade. He said that Great Itntain nui I consume the sinplns products of o.lior cnuntries. Caimdiaii cattle and beef were good, but not as good as tlie beat beef from the I'liiled ytate.-i. The diin.iiid in Great Bntain was altogithtr for "baby" beef. At, the ISniithlieM show llioy bad no class- es lor old aiiiuiuls. Many were putting steers on the iiiarltet at "2 months old. lialiy lacf was l.ickiiia in Ihivor perhaps but the public wanted it and it was more proliiabl.; to prodiK:o. In cluose Canada easily led, grent credit beiiij^ due 1 1 Prof. Roberl.soii for his eft'orts to secuiu better ireii'portitiion faeilitiis. Caniulian butter had nut as yood a repiitnlion ; the D..iii.di and New Zeal.uol 1 uner siirpasied it; tho Irish was about equal to ii,an i the Siber- ian wiis rapidly approaching it. A weak point in Caiiailiaii imtter wua that many samples of it contanod loo much â- '.nnsi- uie. Tins inanner of pickini; was also de- feetnc, espeii.idy as legards tlie paivh ment paper was found inferior.tlabby ami •soft when the packages were Ojitoed. The kuepiog powoiH if Ihe butter inight also bo improved. Aj> to hols. K Iheic was a universal feel- ing in favor of Canadian horse---, draft, \ an or oxpleBs hiiises and tarna-e lioise.-^. I'ne trouble was I Imt Ihey conkl not got enough. Caiiailian lioisea were well moutlied. Well broken, docile, full id' spir- it and hiii'.;uhii ly hanilsiiiiie. Prime draft hoises weighioi; 1700 lli», and upwaius would eiiiriiiai.il as high as ^400 to JoUO in GlasLO*-. l/arnano horses lor which there mail uiiUniited deiuHiid, range in pi ice fioin 1S;>U0 to %'i'h bir ti.si class an- imals, ^^40 to ifllti for for Hocond.-i, and 5f 1 50 1 o S2lir> for Cols "Van' l.orses used hugely by il.o railway c-anpaiiieK I rougbt ft'ii'jri lo $276 toilliHt cla>s, and §200 to %t1h for secomls. To ba Continued. Catarrhozone. Anins'ant relief and perfect cuie for c biH, loiwhs, cai'irrh, deikfness, nsthum, bronehitiR,luiig iroubloHnd consumptiou. Iniialo Calairbozoiie five minutes any time and it klU a cough or cold in ibu head liilinle Cala-rboznuH fiv minutes four times daily »oil it ponnanently cures cbionic oa arrh, deafneiw,iii.hmA and hay fever. Inhale CHtarrhuzuiie ten minut«>« every hour and it curea pneurooniit, contump- lion, lunu tr«ut>l«i and provmitR all uuniit. gioua dinvnaen. Complete outlit $L0O; trial Kite 25c. Drugiiials or N. 0. Polaon & Co., Kings'oD, (.Int. To the Editor of The Advance Dkak Sib, â€" Ujon its ix-minidion i-. wo'il.l l,u i.itpossibic to critieiz-j it tUor-. onghly, not knowing the particular Work for which tho uioiiuy Way expended, .^ii item here and tliere draws one's. -it: untion, and cmo discussed al tlio nomiiMtiiin, vl^, the items paid to the ree.e, will boar ex- nniination. Th i sum of 824 odd were p.iid to lilm for certain repairs. Query, Reeve tioUnd'a time, but revived agaio 8ub>^enuently. Poilwpsit i.i not gener ally known that the county council grairs 8250auMiall/ (or each riding for .-jgricul' luial Bocieties Tills is distribuled pro rata to county and loe'al siicieties. Arte- ineia's society receivin.! if. > share aid which tlio ratepayers pa,' in their counry rate as an indirect t.iX. IJu.sides this tlis; I govemmunt grant ij divided in a siiniUr 'manner. 1 caiiDot see therefore any I valid reason for this special gmnt-. How were these pa;, iuer.t;4Contr.iot», within tho ] mmiy oi the ratepayers are inter.j.itoJ i:> meaning of the law? There w.rei i.. ; this toiviiehip society/ Wlnit benelit do&s pre orders from the coaocil for this work 'itaiford? Who profits by it? I venture â€" ill f.»ct t;!ie c.iuncil Nncw notldng about i to say that the pioportion who are inter- it until the bills were ii.tii>duced. Tlio.so ested are not more thin live p-^r ce-it. of using the grader j;i:t it don.', as necessity the ritep-iycrs. Is it any wi/n.ler then required, e.v[iecliiig the couinul to pay. [that so ni.iny marvel v/hy this grant is so One cm scarcely coH-irrtie aueh chargeo as 'r-adily fji Veil? All tucn g-ants s-'uuid contiaut*. Anoilitr item, however, di'lers ! cease ami if thj socoty c-Minot dcuian,! somewhat, viz., wood for Jl.mduis, S7.oO. influenco to-smtaiii itso'f int. the inevitable It is presu â- d this w^is or-lered by coun- Itake place. cil, and p.;i < rmed acconling to ns-lu- ! tion, or in o.iijr words it was undoubt. j edly « co-itra,t. But it is sail by .s 'mt; j that H.iy su'.h trais.iciions, co'itr.-icts or I 110', fi-dshwi .-sird eomplete.l ami pal' for, â- t. S. Mr. R'.-iiird Pardo V, w'ln Irisii.-en ilf i.f catarrh of ihe liver the- past tw^ o.- .roe ii!o:i!h.s, piss-d p.ace!ully aw.iy on prior r.o notivir.a; ion, c-.-ase :o attent tho | Mond..y in.rmng .« i ! o iigo of 70 stiinding of r.cevc or coiincillo;-. Ih may^ yet a grave inconsistency would exi.-.t, for tliii Biinple reiinon Ihnt these uien appoint the auditor< The Reeve appoiins one hiiiisielf and H«f?it Vote in appointing tho othois, so t!.a! viruially they pi.ss their own aecoui ts, bui beside that the council as a body liua'ly audits the whole, what ever thai may mean. There is no doubt that the intention of the law is toprovent the possibility of couiicillois drawing any money for tlieir own bei-.etit from the treasury. Wh •, then, is to guard against the perpe'r.ition of snob acts? My an- swer is, the treasiir-.r, who is, 1 think> fully authorized to refn-'e jmyuients of this kind, end if he fail then the auditors can refu-ie to p-».ss the treasurer's accounts. 1 think, however, in the items mentioned there was no iulention to do wrong, but it would be wise 1 1 avoid all such in the future. Another item iippe;irs, a 325 grant to tho Artiiiiesia Agi'ieultnral society. Why was tbi.i eniot ? It was nbolisliod in He wiw antoii-j tlie t3:si .s-tileisof Piotim towiiahip and endured ihti hardships of pioneer life, hu' of late y--ai-s has enjoyed die fruit of his toil, "ieii-g in comp..Meney in his c 'mf,,itable farm home on the 15th concession, Thedoased wasvery high- ly e-iteeino.d wh revfu'he wis kn-wn. He w.-.s a native of Ireland and a slauncb conservative in polirics. Tbe fuiHoal t<x)k place t-i-day (Wednesday) to Salem Meth- odist cemetery. â€" tlerald. A Chtistina', Eve fracas which resulted fatally took pliico at Queens.boro»,' in the northern portioi. (.f Hastings county, at the clo.ie of a Suiidaj' schoid ente:t;iin- ment. Two young men named Phillip.s ana Ca.s!\ey, had sonic words, when the former, it is said, struck the latter a blow behind ihe ear, knocking him down :vh\ rendeiing him unconacions. Caskey never recovered cnnsciousiie8.s, but died on Cliiistnias mornin-;. His as-Siidai.t is reported to have left the country. The young, mull beloni; to well known faaiilies- 13. McTAVISII [ WMM For First Class Bnggie-", Cans, Pleasure and LumI er cutters, SU-igbs. \Vtkfiep a stock on hand to choo-jo from, ALSO MORSE SKOEINQ ANOQENERAL BLACKSMITHsNQ and L'uiranleo tir.st ehiss woik. We kfi'p on band Plongiis and (""lough repairs, and ll.irris and Noxon reipiirs for bin-lers. Mowers, in I hineiy, ab-o Binder Twine on 1 and. abo Masscy- •ill kinds of 4 Wiy^n m town §w<t- us a call «i rw is- 'St., ror< rf.!^T ci-as.s carriages and plougus â€" CO TO â€" Heard's Works, Flesherton We have Cutters, Slciglui,Butrgics,Wa;4tl(>B-s and Cait.'^ Kleiiiy, Dyment Huttertiold and Wilkiit.-^on plouijlis Sharo-i and repairs of the best quality. Spring tooth I HS and Iron hnrn)w.s. Also first chuss han(hna<le harness, m. ^ ar WEAK . LUNQS LEAD TO onsumption THOUSANDS OP PERSONS ARE HASTENING TOWARDS THEIR GRAVES AS A RESULT OP THIS DREAD DISEASE A cum is now within the reach of every sufTercr : PUL- MO !f u<*d as directed will check the projtress of thi.s fatal disease and restore Ihe afflict- ed to j-K-rfect heallh. l>o not goto Florida, M-\di-ira, California, Mexico or the Rocky Mountains. Remain at home with friends and home comforts around you »nd use Pul-Mo, which is the achievement of the century in medical science. Pul-mo is an absolute cure for Conaumption, Throat and LunfT Trimbles, Coughs, Colds and all Other consuta(>tiva symptoms. Pul-Mo st.inds alone â€" tho use of any other medicine as an assistant is not nee !ssary. Eat good, plain, nourishing food, got plenty of fresh air and out-door exercise, and use Pul-Mo as directed, that is allâ€" Nature will do the rest. Pul-Mo is inexpensive, being sold by dniggists at $t.oo per larjre bottle, or you may procure a sample bottle for 15 centSk If your dniggist has not got Pul-Mo in stock, a sample boUla will be delivered to any address FREE OP ALL OHARQK^ AMraas aU MSsrs •• Tk« Pi*-IIU C*., Taroato, Oat, i ' ,i-^- m.