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Flesherton Advance, 8 Jan 1903, p. 2

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HE WAS llASHFUL. Policcuianâ€" "Look Jiore, young man, what arc you doing ? Vouvo btfn liniiRiiiK round and looking at that shop for tin- lust half hour, and It looks very siiKpiciuus." Smart Younj,' Man (who has with- in the Inst few duys experienced tho joys of fiitherliood)â€" "That's easily explained. Sly wife asked mo to go out niid gel a feeding-bottle, and I'nj just waiting till there's no one in tho shop before I go in to get the thing." Truth doe.s ind depend on teini>cra- ment. AFTER TYPHOID. Me. DIXON RECOVERS FROM FEVER BUT TO SUFFER RHEUMATISM. A Remarkable Case Reported from Rainy Hivor â€" How a Man Who Was Crippled With Pain Was Completely Restored to Health. Barwick, Ont., Jan. 5â€" (Special)â€" Mr. William John Di.xon, of this place, bus had a reiiiarkablo ex- perience. Lust summer be was taken down with Typhoid I'ever, and was very ill. After ho got over it and started to wiirk again liheunuitisni set in. , Mr. lii.xou thus de.scrilies it :â€" : "I hiid pains in my back, and in my riglit liip, so bud that I had to use a stick t3 walk witli, and had no coml'oit in sleeping. "I could no more than and undress myself for nearly two montlis. and fur three or four weeks I was so HtiH and sore that 1 could not lace my right shoe, or put my ris^hl leg on my left knee. â- A brolhor of mine advised me to try llodd's Kidney Pills, n;ul aflei taking three boxes I began to walk around and do my work, and lace up my shoes. "Now I am iis well as ever, and have not a pain or aclie left. "1 u.sed in all si.\ ho-xes of Dodd'c Kidney I'ills, and I can heartily re conimeiMl them as a cure for Rheu- mat ism." Tho above .statement by Mr. Dixon â-  can be vouched for by many of hir: frii.'ndK niid neifjlibors, who are al' enlhusi.'istie in their prnise of Dodd'K Kidney I'ills tor their <i-nnderful cun of Air. Dixon's rasiv ' hodd's Kidney I'ills have an un broken recoi'd of over a dozen year;. as a successful remedy for Uheuma tism. They have been used in the most Revere and lon^ stnmlinp; cases and failure has yet (o be recorded. In no matter what form this dis ease .Tppear.s II is alwa.vs a .synipton of (leraMfscd kidneys, liodd's Kidnc" I'ills cure the kidne.vs. Well kidney: extract tho Uric Acid from the blood. Without Ijric Aciil there can ba no Itlu'umatism. Every Wo^nan Should Know. That Prof. W. Hodgson BIliB, Official Analyst to the Dominion 0':<^- ernment, has recently made a number ot analyses of soaps, and reports that " Sunlight Soap contains that high " percentage of oils or fats necessary " to a good laundry soap." What every woman does not know Ir that in common soaps she fre- quently pays for adulterations at the price ot oils and fats. Try Sun- light Soap â€" Octagon Barâ€" next wash day, and you will see that Prof. Bills Is right. He should know. 206 WHAT A MAN DOES. A man nuxy bo cool as un icicle under extraordinary circumstances of danger or excitement; he may pre- serve an oven mind when a ghost comes into his room at micliilgiit; ho may assume conunand and act nobly and well when the ship is sinking; but let Uiat man, let any man. ui>- sot his inkstand, and he springs to his feot, makes a desperate grnsp for the inkstund, and knocks it half- way across tho table, claws after papers, and swoops them through the sable puddle to save them, tears his white silk handkerchief from his pocket and mops up the ijtk with it, and after he has smeared the table, his hands, an<l his tron.scrs with ink, us far as it could be made to go, discovers that early in the eng'ago- nient be knocked the inkstand clear off tho table, and 'it 'has been drain- ing its life 'ink away all that time in Uie center of the only ligUt figure in the pattern in the carpet. Then ho wonders why a man always makes a fool of himself when ho upsets a bottle of ink. Ho doesn't know why. Nobody knows why. But ev- ery time it is so. If you don't be- lieve it, try it. Mrs. Naggs (ufder visiting lUr.s. Scx(iore) â€" "Mr. Nexdorc's salary 8 more than S.'i.OOO a year."' Mr foggâ€" "Jitdeed!" "Yes, and I'd just Ike to know wliy I .shouldn't be .ible X3 say Uie .sunie of you." ".Simply >ocauso .you're more truthful tlum four i.^;ighbors, my dear." IIl^-U DLKS.SING. Tliere is always a possibility that the iwrson whom we regard as a proper object for sympathy may look upon hinuself in another light. Tliis interesting and in.9truotive aur- prise ofti'ii await,s tho well-meaning bearer of condolence. Wlien Mr."*. llnKtings learned that her old friend, Mrs. Warren, had be- come "stun deef," she went, with a long face, to see her. "It must be an awful cross, La- viny," h*he wrote, on the slato which Mrs. Warren presented to her as soon us .she was seated. '"Tiun't, either!" snapped tlio alllicled one, who, tliough doaf, was by no means d\mib. "Folks that have got anything to say can write it on that slate. And Henry War- ren, that's had to put a curb on his ,ten,f;ue for ui'Wards o' thirty years Ion account of tho high temper ho took from his mother's folks. Is now 'able to say anything ho liltes and no ! feelings hurt. I count m.y deafness â-  a real blessing. How's your rheum- atism'?" NlWs Li?.iiieii{ Cures Colds, etc^ "Tlie French are a'^'fi'l'.V stupid." "Wh.v, t always beard tlie.y were so clever." "Well, they aron't. I was the best French scholar In our class; and yet when I went to Paris they couldn't underst4ind a word I eaid." SOMETHINO TO IIESIEMBEU. When travcirng you should bear in mind the road and tho trains thai will tak-.; you to your destination in tho fa.S'test time, and in the most comfortable manner. The Cranil Trunk s<.rvico excels in both par- ticulars and passengers from To- ronto to Montreal, Ituflalo, New York, Detroit and Chicago, will lind the day linins ecpiipped with wido vcstibuled coaches, handsome Cafe I'arlor and Dining Cars serving meals "a la carte." Tho night trains carry Pullnian sleeping cars to all above points. You can leava Toronto for Montreal and east at a. m. and 10 p. m. for Buffalo and New York at 9 a. m., 4 50 and (i.l.'j p. ni. and to Detroit and Chicago at T.85 a. m., 4.,')0 p. m. and 11.20 p. m. Tickets, reservations, etc., at City oflice, nortliwest corner Kins Mid 'Vonge streets. ".She siiys that ho is a man aftx;r b<T own he.nt." "Tlicn I he will get it." HIS OPPORTUNITY. tfru. Hcnpock â€" "To-niorrow will be the lifleeuth nnnivers-ary of our marriage." Ifenpeck â€" "You needn't taunt mo with it." Mistress (repi-ovingly) â€" "Bridget, brofikfast is very late this morning. I noticed last night that you had compiuiy in tho kitchen, and it was nearly twel\x> o'clock when .vou went to bed." Bridget â€" "It wa.S', ma'am. I knew you was awake, for I heard ye movin' about; an' I aaid to meself yo'd need sleep this mom- in', an' I wouldn't disturb ye wid an early breakfast, ma'am." A PROMINENT FARMER. Many farmers, especially those who have attended the Agricultural C.-;l- legcH, are familiar with the name, John Fixter. Mr. I'ixter is foreman of tho Do- minion Experimental Farm at Ot- tawa. Ho has been enjoying a diversion from his regular duties of late, in- specting tho 4,000 harrows made by Massey-Harris Co., Limited, for the British Government for use in South Africa. • • Jlr. Fixter saya that lie has per- sonally marked each Harrow with the Government stomp. The whole shipment of 4,600 was made within one month of the date the order was received, which re- decls much credit on Masse.v-IIarris Company and Canadians generally. The Harrows â-  were made in the Brant ford Factory of Massey-Harris Company. Home idea of tho capa- city of this plant may be gathered when it is known that this big order was fdled while the regular work of supplying implements of various kinds for the world's best farmers was still in progress. .Speaking ot tho world's best far- mers, it is astonishin.g that this ompany should have gathered to- -Tcthcr such an enviable list of Matrons in almost all quarters of the globe. Tho fame of the Massey-Harris im- plements extends among the farm- ing commuaity of the entire world. Tho onl.v conclusion wo can dr&vr is that the business has been built up on honest methodsâ€"the company has given its patron.'i, the farmers, i;ood va.'ue for 'their money, and dealt honestly and fairly with them at all times. IjOvc's labor for the lost is novor lost. Tliero Is more tJatarrh In this .seuciOD of Iho country than all other diseases put together, and until tho last tew years was siiiiposeil to bo incurable. I'or a groat many yearn doctor.s pronounced It a local disease and prescribed local reniedie.H, and by constantly failing to euro with local treatment, pronouncod it incurable. Hcionce bus proven catarrh to be a conslilutiuiml disease and thore- (oro rc(pures consiitutional treatment, llair."! Catarrh Cure, manufactured by I'. J. Cheney & to. Toledo. Ohio, is the only conslitutioiiul curi on the mar- ket. It is t.iknn iuternallv in doses from 10 dro|ii to u tcaspoonful. It acts diieclly on tl;o blood and mucous sur- faces of the systfni. 'i'hcy oiler one hun- dred dollars for any case it fails '.o jure. .Scad tor circulars and testimoni- als. Address. !•'. .1. C'HIO.NHY i.t CO.. Toledo, O. .Sold by Urnfjfjists. 75c. Hall's Family Pills arc tho best. .Self-confidence reveals self-ignor- ance. There are |iliiity of people who have become depre.s.sed and dis- souraged because that dry. hacking :ough bangs to them coiitiiuially. J'he.V have taken niiicli medicine, mostly of the advertised (pin()k sort, notliing like |ir. August Koenig's Hamburg Breast Tea, the discov(.ry of n, then noted Cermaii physician CO years ago. We do not say that this will cure a case where tho lungs are badly disea.sed. for it will not, and up to this dale, there is iinlhing that will cure ii|i;ier conditions; but on tho other band, if the lungs are not hai<l hit, the patient should take Dr. August Koenig's Hainluirg Breast Tea, a nip full every night on going to bed, have it hot, drink slovly, then every other night, rub the throat and top portion of the lungs with .St. .lacobs Oil. cover With oil silk, let it remain an hour, then reinovo. Kat .good, plain, nour- ishing food, live ill the open air as much as possilile. B.y all nieiiiis fileop ns near out of dtjors as pos- sible, (hat is, windows wide open, except in the very severe w»ilbor. Take a cold sponge bath every morning ; then iimiu-diutely rub the body vigorously with a coarse lowol. Take Dr. August Koenig's ITnmbiirg Drops ever.v oilier du.v according (o directions One ran buy tho three remedies for $1.2.5 of an.v reliable druggist. Begin tho (reatment at once, and seo how much better vou Will lie almost within a week's lime. Tho fire policy on a lady's house â€" n big one â€" was brought to her by the ngcnl . "There it is, inndnm." ho .suld, "tl c |)icinium is one hinlrod dollars." "'>li. how imfoi luiialol " "I'm sorry." ttaul the country crlid the proi orly owner. "My bank shopkeeper, " are two articles account is a liillo low. Tell tho we don't keep; but the oysters, 1 company to let it stand, and deduct think, you will find nl the post-ofllcc, It from what they ow.; me when tbu and the onions you can (?et across house is burnt down " the way, at the barber's " Pa£(e J!»Setal Ornamental Fence Ilaniisoinf.ilurabloiinil Iow-prii!cd. ."|>ecc«il>- cuit«til» for front anddlviilon frnecs In town lot«, ccmi-tcrlf n, orcbnrdfi,ato. RctalU for 20 CENTS PER RUNNING FOOT. Ju«t about the chmimt fence you c»n put up. Write for fall partlcnlan. Uae I'ago rarm roneo »nd I^)ultry Nottlnf. Tbo Put Wira Fean« Co-, tiinitad, WalkarriUa, Oaiarta^ â- ootTMl, P Q . an4 Ht. JAhs. H £. 7 lard's ii^iHi c«_Cfl[OP,i in cows Happiness is tho fruit of hearts health . ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT romoves all hard, soft or calloussd fmmp.i and Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Cnrbs, Splints, King Bone.Sweeuy, Stifles, t'prains, .Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. Save tSO by use of one bottle. War- ranted the most wonderful Blemish Ciira BTer known. Sold by all druggUts. The test ot any recreation is, does it recreate? Lever's V-Z (Wise Head) Disinfect- ant .Soap Powder is better than other soap powders, as it also octs as a disinfectant. A falso friend is worse than a fair foe. C. C. mCHAROH & CO. Hear .Sirs,- Your MlNAUn'.S LINI- ,MI;NT is our remedy for sore throat, colds und all ordinary uilinent.s. It never fails to ri^ieve and cur» promptly. CIIAULKS WUOOTBN. Port Mu^^rave. l-'op O • r -l\|y Triiri. Am OLn .ISD Wri,..Tkiio KimbOT. - .Mr> WinslowR .-oothinfiilj'rilii has licen uiw. J for OT«r alit) »Mrj Uy niUll'ini of molhera tor th.-ir chililreii wlii> ertliMit, with iierfnot nuccesn. It loothei iha chll.l, '^ofteiiA the ((>I">P. nllnys all fain, cur^ wind-i-oiio. and iHth« l)i.]it remedy Ularrhwa Is iilea ant to the iHstc. >'ol(l by drti^fcUta In every part of tho word, Xwenty-ItyeL-enu aliuUle. lis laluo is incalculable â- le lure anil ask tor tin. WImIoo 8 Hoothlni Sinir and take no other kind. •/uM^trn / CeAJ.&r7i / j^/y^iey^ny ^€4^ ^VfLiC /iMM^ iiH£S c^^~Au/7i£u q/tJf t^, " GOOD NEWS FOa GANADiAN 8. The Great Catarrh Spsciailst Explains .Seventeen years ago a young, but highly honored Murgeou in the British Koyal Navy astomslted his friends by euddenly leaviug tho service and enter- ing on privuto practice. 'i'hat tiurgeoa was tho now famous Catarrh Speciiilist, Ur. Sproule, IJ.A. His keen brain had early seen in thu then new diseasi} Ca- tarrh a menace to the life and happiness of the civilized world. Wtiilo other phy- sicians were neglecting it ua unimportant. Dr. .Sproulo studied its nature and th* means of cure, lie labored in otllce, hos- pital and laboratory. Ko mastered th* sulijact. As llr. .Sproule hart foreseen, Catarrh spread witli frightful rapidity. Twenty years ago Catarrh was almost unknown. Now no ago. sex or condition is exempt from it. No climate or locality la • cure for it. Catarrh is to be mora dreaded tiian yellow fever or smallpox. It is. in tho large majority of tho forerunner of Consumption. Vital stat- istics show that deaths from Consump- tion in tills country have increased mor« than aoO |>(.T cent, in the last five years. Nearly all of these cases have been track- ed back to Catarrh as their starting point. Dr. aproulo makes the treatment of Catarrh a specialty. He cures Catarrh, Dr. Sproule, tho first to make Catarrh a Specialty, ha.s perfected the only scientific, constitutional and PERMANENT cure, t^ocal washes, sprays, halms, snuffs, etr., only relievo for a time. They often do harm liy driving the Catarrh germs deeper into tho sysic.:i. CONSUMPTION. IllllGI-lT'S DISlDASi;;, PAlNrUL STOAIACH LlSOKDKKti are liable to result. t-'atarrh is a disease of the mucous membraiio and is curable only through thu kluod, and by medicines prepared tor each case. Medicine that will cure one will often harm another. Dr. Sproule'a method drives every gorm out of the body. It clears the head, stops tho huwkins and spitting, sweetens the breath, strengthens the eyes, restores tho hearing. It purities and enriches the blood, it invigorates and tones up the entire svstem. It gives new liie. energy and ambition. Ihe hardships of life seem easier to bear. Work becomes a pleasure. 'J ho man teols as if made over. Dr. Sproule's name is revered as that of a benefactor in thousands of Cana- dian homes, if you have any symptoms of Catarrh, the doctor earnestly in- vites you to write to him and tell him all about it. It will cost you nothing. C.iriilKU OK TMF. HKjIU .4\I» rilUOAT. D3!iK.l'>KS Of nXON< III.4 L TTRKX. The most prevalent form of Catarrh When catarrh o( the head and throat results from nesiecled colds. 's left unchecked it extends down the L>k. bPkOULB, b.r\., English Specialist in Catarrh and Chronic Diseases, 1. Do you spit up slimeV ii. Are your eyes watery? 3. Does your nose feel full? 4. Docs your nose discharge? 5. Do you sneeze a good deal? 8. Do crusts form In tho nose? 7. Do you have pain across the eyes? 8. Does .vour breath smell offensive') 0. Is your hearing beginning to fail? 10. Are you losing your sense of smell? 11. Do you liawk up phlegm in the morning? 1^. Are there buzzing noises in your ears? 13. Do you have pains across the front of .vour forehead? It. l)o you feel dropping in back part of throat? If you have some of tlie above sym- ptoms your disease is catarrh of the head and throat. wind-pipe into the bronchial tubes, and in time attacks the lungs and devel- oi!S into catarrhal consumption. 1. Do you take cold easily? 2. Is your breathing too quick? a. Do you raise frotliy material? 4. Is your voice hoarse and husky? 5. Have you a dry. hacking cough? 6. Do you feel worn out on rising? 7. Do you feel all stuffed up inside? H. Are you gradually^ losiug strength? 9. Have you a disgust for fatty food? 11. Ha\o you a scratchy feeling in tliroAt? 10. Have you a sense of weight on CllCSL? I'J. Do you cough worse night and morning? 18. Do .vou get short of breath when walking? If .vou have some of those s.vniptoms you 1 a", e cat in h of tho .-bronchial tiiljcs. Maru tho above symptoms ohu send them to llr. yi)ruu!e. tie will diagnose your case and tell you just what to do to pet curcl. Po not neglect \oui-3elf. Above all do not give yourself wronj: treatment. The results may bo faial. DE. SPROULE, B.A. lin University, Ireland. Doane St., Boston. English Catarrh Specialist (Graduate Dub- Formerly Surgeon. British Eoyal Navy), 9 ENGINE PACKINGS. CYLINDER, ENGINE, DYNAMO, AH» MACHINE Gents' Suits Gleaned or Dyed ; also Ladies' Wear of oil kinds, and llouRO lUnginus of every description. GOLD MKl>Af,!3r DYLRS. BRITISH AMBBICAN DYfllINQ CO'Y, Mantreal, Toronto, Ottawa ft Quebeo. WILLIAM G. WILSON & CO. aroROisTTO. A mud-slinger seeker. must bo a mud- Minarfl's Liniinent Cuies Ciptilti^ria, To fight any form of truth i.s to foster sonic error. "Wlint profcfwion iloca your friend follow?" "That of the liBht-hngcrcii gentry." "You ilon't moan ill" "Yo.s; hi-'s a di'tcctive." Minafd's Linimsot Cufes Distemper. Hho â€" "I hoar Fiif>.sanfonther is talkiiiff of marrying a!?ain." Ho â€" "Didn't ever know she was ovw married." ".She wnan't; I said she was talking of it again." ^rx~XTOOOOOOCi ) !i!!l!l!l<!|!!!!!H iiiiiiiliiiillillii AN AOMiMBii reoo EPPS'S FOR MAINTAININO ROtUIT HEALTH COCOA To !»cnii for our Com- plete 'Jhtct Musto CatalOKUCH and Special Rates* We are equliipcd to supply every Alusic Teacher iu Canada. WHALEY, ROYCB S CO.. Limited .156 Main Street, I.' 8 Yonge Street, WINNIPEO, MAN. TORONTO, ONT MUSIC Teachers WANTED Turkoys, Geese, Dusks, Oiio'< ens. If you want best prices ship youi poultry to us. Wo want large quanti- ty to meet iicmaiid we ha\e for it. f ^k<%0 VVo can get you aia: CLVtflVSlO Prices for Them Tha oawson Commission Co., Limited TORONTO. OjiuignmeBCs and OQ:re!ipondcn e ,.ol;cUcd. [03MKXI "^nroxftsc. We wunt th* s«! rlcea a| ft »umber of r»mll!ca t» 4 i koitt uf for u» «t hc««, whole or ppuro timo. We rurni»;h *',5 m\cJiiua and supply thu yam frse rq4 rnj for th* work tas^ni iik !>-& ftn«c> n» h ii<1iaa'^«, $7 to t^O It wc«k iviAd« aornrd^t^c to Unit Oevotad lo .})• wo V. Write %\ (M.b« for i>artto>->)ft a. Nftoie rci rence\ The l>»iuiuioa iinittini; Co., Dept. B, TOKO.NTO, ONT. WANTED IM C«L» OUMATEI Lftliei an I GQDtlcmcn. Enjoy ^nur eveumfs at hu...e ty niKh infr#}t )$10 par wm. ^dd a^i withiW'Cet.t slftini', Rox V4>,' I^ndou, Ont. Have You Seen It? What? l<'<imnud r»ery ij*paiim«i)t of faiitiau (ndeii*or, 5t..| l«tgi «. HeiKi 2.S c«nta Money refa nt^ed ii t o k U i ot vitrthtt K cood«tde line i.r caiiTft imi, -Wdditn Biifgc, P.ivlinntf, Torcutcv Dominion Line Steamthliii HoiiirsftI to UvcryooL Boston to lirar- - pool. Forilftad lo U*orpo*l. ViaQuetDf- IO»D. lArce ftad Va«t9tpftnufei^ 8ap«Tior ncc»inv>od»ttoa for fcllclkMea of pft<f«n|«n. BAtctoaa end Ht*»ern«au AK ftraldohlpa Hp«ol^ attiatlitn h«« V««*n ilivn to iho BM-ond B\ioon »Dd Tlilrd-ClaH aceomaiodfttlon. For rat4«r>f pftVAff'* and *l! partlcotftra* ftpp^ to kuy tgeol of tho (lonipftBy.or lUo^.ftrd^ Mllta * Oo, D. Tormoem ft Oa. n dtoU fli. Bottom. Maatreal ead FertlM^ A NEW YEAR RESOiyTION. 1903 The befjiniiing of a New Vf ar is a favorite and very approp1?tale*.tiine for making K9Qd resolutions. QJie o! the best resolves yoa Can irtSKie is to re- gularly and systKinatically s.ivc a por- tion of your income. Put it al once beyond the temptation of spending it by depo«itin^ it with The t anada Perniiinfiit and Western Canada Mortjjago Corpoi.Ttion, Toroilo .St., Toronto. You can Jo this by mail. I Write us for particula'-'i. In this way { vou will best realiae our wish lor vou 1 of a A Happy Now Year «-03

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