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Flesherton Advance, 8 Jan 1903, p. 1

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I •• TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€"" PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN. V30 im, fi; ' 5 Flesliertoii, Ont., Thvirscieiy, January 8 iG03 W. H THURSTON HDITOB <fc ) PUOPiaETOB \ P â-  \V(. ciMnniiiPCO this >Ji'w Yviir with briiiliter luipe.s and bftter pn^iiucts than iisuil. Oil'' 8ti>t'k is larjer. Our prict's an- r'ulit. You Utihw nur priiicii)les. We don't miveilitin (itlei tiling and ilii the o'lier but tire willin, til siiinil liy w hat «â- !• ^Hy aiid wlion wc- s:.iy wo liiivu an'iit iissiirtnitsnt i Of all kinds of tiinepi''ces, jewellery ; and Sikorwiiru I'i tirst (lualiij , we niuan every woul of it. These are specially suit- able for ing Presents. Miinberley W. A. ARMSTRONQ FLESHERTON Warehuiii. Miss Annie Snyder, Tiirnnto's moat taltijltd elucutionist, oiitertairied a very appi'ociutivp audience in Warehani Metli- 1 dist church last Monday evening. Al- though the evening wus atormy the house was filled. Kev. T. Scoit, Maxwell, oc- cupied ihe chair in a very businesslike way. The [jrcgraui throughout was both fascinating and elovatiu.'. As an enter- tainer Miss Suyder has few eijuals. VVitli matkftl ability she w.iik.s on the emotions of her audience, oaUiiit; forth tears of sympathy or provoking tx> iriesiHtablo laugbter. Music, both vocal and instru- nioutal, iidded to theattiactiveness of the ovenint;. We hope Miss Snydi-r will vis- it us aiiain in the near future. Mr.Melvin Harris has returned to Coll- inmviiod. Misa D. Mundle of Toronto is visitini; bei pareiitiil home at present, Scho'il conimencfd to-day (Munday). Mr. Huff and .Miss Jolinston are llie teafhers. Miss Annie Knott of Buffalo paid a fiy- inu visit to friends in this vicinitj'. iliss Mary Knott has gone to visit, friends in Prnsylviiiiia. Mias Clara Hin-d has s^one to teach schi'ol du rlie eleventh lino of St.Vinceut-. .Misses .'iniiie i>nd Eula Scott have gone t J attoiid tligh School at Orangeville. Mi ses E. bind and Jessie Gilhurt and Mr. Clias Stuart have returned to Mea- ftr-l li. att'jiid High School. Mr. Be-i Siiiiti' is vei-y ill at present. Mr. aud Mis. A. McLean and fainily have moved to Markdale. iMister Endale Walter, while riding a horse to Kiniberley for mail, fell oflf and hurt hi3 iirm very badly. It may be bi'uliCM, the doct(pr could not tell. Mrs. Armstrong of MarUdale visited friends in town on Sunday. Mr. John Cook and Mr. and Mrs. A. U;abtree of CoUinnHuod visited friends here last week. Vaiidoleur â-  Mrs. B, Carruthers commenced her duties as teacher here on Monday morn- , i"K- i . Miss June Warliii?; and Miss Youii'^ of Toronto Sjient a few days of week at 1 Mr. John Warling's. Mr. and Mis. John Hutch'mon of Grandon visited with Mr. Win. Hutchin- ^ son, the former's uncle, last week. Mrs. Rei.l of Lindsay is visiting .it her , sister's, Mrs. Joseiih Buchanan. , . ... I Miss Sarah Alien of Klienburp; is visit- i ing at her aunt's, Mrs. John Holley. : Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Graham spent New , Year's with the hitter's parents, Mr. and Mr.H. Blair. ] Master Roy Devi' s returned to his home ill Emery on Saturday list nfler ' speudiui; a year and six months at his graudpaient", Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hutch- inson. I Port Law Bornâ€" On Friday, December 20, 1902, ' to VJr. and Mrs. VVm. Taylor, a son. i On Tuesday last while cutting wood, • Mr. McLennan, jr , liad the misfortune to have a slick stiike hin iu tlie eye, in- ^ indicting a painful wound. Luckily the siglit eocapj.l injury, but the 04ca;)e was ^ narrow. ! Mrn. F. H. Thoinp.son iind son, Harold | have been visiting wiih friends in King ! Mr. \V. T. McK.00 is in Oiven Sound, ' wo asium^ to tak.; part in thejNorth Grey . election ai niggle. ' Mies MoGee of Kinibeiloy was the j guest of fiiends here lately. j Mr and Mis. S. Pedlar gave a social i yarty Ml Friday evening ill honor of thfeir son, Mr. Clinton Pedlai and wife ; of Toi onto. I Mr. Albert Shoirdown visited frieud" , at Bolton last week. Air. Sandy McLean of Duiitrooii paid Ihis mother a New Year's viait. He luuks well. Mr. Hutchinson has returned from ; Brechin and resaiue'l his duties at our Mat of leaniiiig. i Mr. and Mrs. J. L Woiid of Stone's! Settloaieut spent the Xiuai. smukiii with Iriends in this part. > .Stwuc Scttlciaeut The holiday seiison has passed, visit.- irs have returned to their homes, schools are re-op.'ned; teachers, luecliaiiics, Uiborers, editors and idlers to their usuil avoca- tions ; elector.'-;, who have gained their point ill placing their favorites at the Council Board, are elated, who have failed in their obj.'ct are dkapp'iint- ed, and the earth onntinues to resolve on its axis as in days of yore. Our annual school meeting took place on Wednesday, the Jlisl, ult. Mr, R. Whittaker was elected trustee, vice Win. Fletcher retired, l\Ir. A. J. Kennedy le- t-aiiis the oflico of suc.-treas., and i\Ir. G. Biiyce was awarded the contract for suj}- plyiiig fuel for the coming year. Mrs R. Stone lelurned lioinu on Wed- nesday list having spent several day.s with her daughter, Mr.s. Fee, near Uol- l.iiid Centre. Miss Rossiua R'd>in.soii,vvlio for several days has bee.n on the sick list, is now able to be around again. Mr. F. Gee takes this, his earli'ist opp- ortunity.of expressing his thanks to those gentleii.en who kindly sent biin a meer- schaum pipe and a quantity of tobiicco as ii Xnius yii't. Being a lover of the weed, the old soldier now enjoys a good a regi menial smoke. Mr. leceiiily purclia.sed a while elephau% but owiiiy to the absonoe of tusks and proboscis, and an insutHcieiHy of leiithei' in his lugs to mako a black- smith's apron, the price of ihn Iciatnan did not r.;a'.h the ten thousand dollar mark bit he can yank out the logs all tlit; ame. There is a dog in the neighborhood that i.-t so mannerly, it is said, that in muddy w ather it will never enter the houses until it has projierly cleaned its foet on the door mat. There are pleniy of men who would never think of cleaning th'jir boots on the door scraper when coining in trom the barnyara or cow siable, in any kind of weather. Mr George Koliiiiin of Grand Rapid-", Mich., a former Arteuiesa boy, Rsuh.scii- ber to the Advance and blood relaiiou to some of the Stone Settlement people, is tendered the congratulations of said rela- tions on his beiuK the reoijjient of so valuable a present from his wife on the 19th, ult., of which the said re- laiions had no previous intimation or con- teiuplatiun of a new relation, hence the exolaitmtion,"Oli niyis young dau.;hter!" Now that our new Sabbath seho-ilhuusa i-t about finished we understand thatsoine parti' 8 are aintating a proposal to hand it over to the Methodist conference, much to the uhugriii of others e(|ually interested. To settle the difficulty perhaps it would be well if the trustees would pui s.lieavy n>ort)(n|{e on it previous to the tiiiknsfer. We understand that people of 'itlier de- noininationa contributed to the buildiii'.; under the inipivHsioi, that it would be, used as a union Sabbath school and u-eet- ing house if necessary; however, a meet- 1 ing is to be call'.'d to discus.s the subject and decide the matter by a m-iijority of votes of the interested ooiitribuiors. j Pricerillc The Sunday sch'iol eutertiiiumeiit in : I he Presbyterian church on the 2-tih was a decided success. Pastor Mathesim ' made an atjle chttirmaii and had charge of a fine program. Rev. Mr. Variey's address, and I lie solos by Miss Annie James and Miss Eiiiina McLean were well received.- A dozen little girls in a doll drill artel Mieir parts well, and re- ceived hearfy ^iss \.m Dell of Toronto p'oase.l the aiulienee well. She is considervd a good enterlainer. Miss .McLeod pnsidsd at the organ. With ri'giird to retreshiiienta, we will just re- peat the r jmark made by a certain Irish- j man that evening, viz., "There was foine ' ateing in the bnsemiiit." The Xmas tree was loaded down with presents for every- body, young and old, except ihe Review scribe, who has his finger in his mouth because of Santa Caus' neglect. Miss Cassie Nich'd won ihe General Assem- bly's diploma for perfect recitation of Ciitechisni from beginiiiiig to end. I An important event took place at the residence of John Siehol, Esip, on Xiuas day, when his daughter Mary and a .Mr. Leg'iet of Buffalowere united in marriage. Rev. Mr. Matheson arranged the legal part of the business, and the young couple returueii to iheir home in Bulfalo next day, carrying witli them the best wishes ; of a lurgo circle of friends of ihe young bride. Uavid MoNich'.l, E.^cj , ex-M P.P., was in town over Sunday. \ We understand that the Baptist con- gresiatioii have secured the Rev. Mr., Hurlburt as their p.istor here. i Mrs. Thompson of ilie Sonih Line has armUiied f'>r a month's visi' with friends in tlurnii county. Mrs. iMcNiilty has renltd her f.irai and gone lo the Pacilic province to live. -Mr. Fred Kennedy of the North line, after a few days' illness, -pa-ssed a>vay on the 4th. A large iiumlier of people at- lended the f un 'lal oi; Wednesday. Kev. Mr Maiiieson oitieiated at the house and grave. Deceased was 50 yccirs of nge. His sister, I rot hers and other relatives have ihe .sympiitliy of the surrounding neighborhood. Miss LiKiiie Caiiiiibtdl of Toronto has lieen visitiiisi at the parental huiiie,Nonh line, during the holidays. | iMi-s iVlaiy iMclnnes (i" Cheboygan, Mich., is visiting friends here and at LUiii'Ssau. Mr. D. .McDonald, who has been leach- ing at No. U, Egninonf, has resigntd h's po.sition, and on the closiii:: day of .school leoeivcd a line address and was presented with a Teaelier's Bible iind a vokuiie of Luiiis' poems. Tiio Sons of Scoiland concert on the 2iid was (|uire a success. The (opu'ar eniirlaiinr-> brought from the city alw.iys ensure a full hon^e, but some of ourhuine talciit is inuoh iidinired al.o Two l.ttle diugl.ters <'f .Mrs. .\ngus McLeod get urciit praise fi>r their (jaeiie songs. .Vlr. .John McDonaM is consid,Meu a good singer also. But this town reijuiics a larger hall Filiy per cent, more tiekets could be Sold if iliere was sulhcieni seat- ing ciipaeiiy in ihe liall. We n.itiee Mr. M.ii boson's letter in 1-ist Week 'si.ssue, and feel sorry : hat .my chiiicli m â- mhur would as a, I a f..ithfiilund h.ving pastor in sueh a manner. VVo were not trying lo air our \iews on the subject but merely voieiog a pal. lie grievance for we have slood in groups of pjjrsoiisâ€" groups coinpoted of at least four congregations iliat woiTship in this towi. -and while t.oiiie weie dephaiiig tlie fact Ihnragood inei.s- uie WHS lo8t,<iihers replied, 'What cimld y'Uexpict wbenihlers or other church otiicuils voted and worked a)'ainst ihe Idirr Then a young member would .say, "Well, there is oil Mr. So and so.he has leeii an offici.d in the church for yeais, and if be sees no haini in drinking and voting against (irolobi ion, I'll d.i the same.'' Nov, 1 would like to ask any ami prohil ition chiistian (?) the f.'llowing (piesl.oii : If the SK'ue Jesus of Nazareth who (J.ISI all uncleiin pel. sons oui of Ihe temple St' lod at the poll on the 4th D< c. last, would you dare walk up t« that table and east your ballot in fauor of the saloon and lii)uur trsflic ? I wi»h to state distinctly that Mr Mathogon neither die- tated or cou il know that I was writing one word of former paragraph or this either. rOBISHlBE IMl'FinEllICE HcFARLAND, STAFFORD & CO. . y % ., HARKDALE, ONT. " '^ Qrey Country's Biggest and Cheapest Store. Interesting Values « « For 3diiuary« « « At this store January is a month of money-saving for buyers of Dry Goods, and we are anxious to make a general cleaning up in the ditferent departments, making it advisable for us t'j Cut Dee'ply int'i prices. The following list is but a few of the ID my bargains that await you for this inonch: â€" $7.00 Lidies' Mantles for |!1.98 6 Ladies' Maiitles in green and black, with velvet and braid trininiiiig, chise- Htting styles, former price 5.00, IJ.OO and 7.00, to clear the lot we have marked them at 1.98 §10. .W Mantles for .?3.98 8 Ladies' sh'irt ManI li.'s, close-fitliii'', in black and fawn beavers, some wuh fancy braid trimming, others silk lined, regular price S1.50, 10.00. 10 50. These are suit- able for any season of the fear and our price now is only 3.i)8 3^3.50 Child's Reefer for Sl.Tfj 14 Children's Reefers in colors blue, gar- net and fawn. Some are frieze, olliers beaveis, Irinimed with braid and pearl buttons, Former price from 2 00 to 3.50 you c;in lit any child from (i to 10 years, only 1.75 §1.50 Ladies' Felt Hats 25c. Ladies' Felt Ha'-s including this season's sail'irs, walking hats, turbans. To clear tile lot we have placed them on a table in the millinery show room and mark one price 25 S12.50 Ladies' Fur Capes foi 7.90 4 oii'y Ladies' Fur Capes, two- of them are American Seal B'ur, with high storm collar and lii^ed iliroughiait with best • luulity (.satin quilted ) The others are Bear Skin Fur with Black Opposmn Col- hirâ€" lined wilh fcincy farinois .satinâ€" all on .sale at one price, reg. 12.00 for 7.00 UOc. Table Liu>-n f..r -1:7c. Half bleached Table Linen, full 00 iiiehes wide, pure linen, beautifully tinislied, double damask and worth in regular wiiy 60c. yard, on sale at ., 47 $7.50 Men's Overcoats 85 50 10 Men's Dress Overcoats in Oxford Grey Cheviot cloth, with velvet coilsr and farm- ers saiin lining, well made and this seas- on's slyle, on sale at 5.50 .S4.50 Dress Lengths for 52.50 We put on .sale Thursday morning 23 Dress and skirt Lengths, of handsome wool and mohair Mantelessa and Crepons, largCi medium and small designs, hand- some silk-tinished goods and worth in reg- ular way 4.00, and 4.50 each length, your choice for 2 50 50c. Eiderdown Cloth for 32c. Eiderdown Cloth in pliiin, pink, blue and cream and some fancy stripes. This cloth is very suitable lor Ladies' Dressing .Saeipies or Infan.s' Cloaks, on .sale this week at per y i SQ 40c. Ladies Wmsted Horse for 25c Anotlurl)t of Liidies' Heavy Ribbed Worstett Hose (made of pure worsted yiirii) and sold in many places at 40c . sizes 8A, 9 and %, our price 2'i Spocinla in Hor-sebhuikets. Horse Blankets, size 72x72 inches, full shiiped ami half lined with jute, fancy striped lionip coveiiiig, special at each 0.5 H'lr.^e hhmkets, size 72x72 inches, shaped neck and lined thronglumi with Union ihiniiel extra value at eae!i 1 25 'Sti.OO Fur Muff's for §1.98 Only eight Ladies' Fur Muffs left, but this is ei'jht more than wc want to see ne.vt Monday morning. The iiigui.'r vdues were $4AW, ."1 00 and 6.00 each. ' You can take yinr choice en Thui.sday morning of (!rey Lamb. Black Opposum, .-\.stiaclian or Greenliind .Seal, for 1.98 Goods and price described accurately. We tell you plainly wliat t'l expect, and when you come yon find thiiig< exactly as we Siiy. There are "many other lines re- due.-d, but space will notallow ijvoryihiiig to Ije meiitioiied. When â- 'â- ' ' salesprople will be pleaed 10 show y,m the bai'i'ains. in town our }VIcF'a,x»lsiB:i<i, St£9,ffoi-*ci &, Co. ear^-* With good resolutions i.s the pi'oper caper, and while you are about it resolve that you cannot pos.siljly do better with your money in any store in thi.s county, than you can right here. Our stock is made up of all kinds of, hardware, harnes.s goods, stoves and neai'ly everything Required by the Farmer and ^ -^ Housekeeper. ^ A e s s Q d s The uiidnrdgnad hu » flna thnroushbrei Yorkibire boar tor utTio* on loi 3t, artn coa oaulou, Ait«4(«*Ia, Twins tl. W B.OTSON' We profess to .sell at the lowest living profit and invite a test. Just uow we are drawing trade ft-om an immense di.stauce and to continue such ^air pealing As will insure for us a still greater patronage than that enjoyed during the year. Get your ready- [ made clothing, boots, shoes, groceries, gents' furnishing ^ardxoarQ and ^inxoare Where your money go farthest.and that will be from F*6* Karstedft TiusUrten.^

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